Who rocked the short dress; Oge Okoye vs Funke Akindele | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 3 December 2016

Who rocked the short dress; Oge Okoye vs Funke Akindele

Who rocked it?


  1. Funkazzy does it effortlessly for me, xo

    1. OluFunke Ayotunde Akindele Bello all the way.

    2. Funke all da waaaaaaaaaaaay.

  2. None of them. Both of them look like Nigeria economy but IF TO SAY I WAN MANAGE I GO MANAGE OGE OKOYE SHE TRY SMALL AS FOR THE OTHER BITCH freeborn wept with capitaL NOPE.

    #sad indeed

    1. You are mad, motherfucker

    2. Are all the women in your life bitches, kos u seem to see females as one?

    3. You're a fool freeborn, may you never ever know joy.
      Linda, I will continue saying; stop enabling this idiots comments. Why encourage him with all these stupidity?

    4. Freeborn, I know the economy has affected you reasoning faculty but you should show regard for women. Linda, I know you so desperate for hits to site but you shouldn't be encouraging this

  3. None of them. Both of them look like Nigeria economy but IF TO SAY I WAN MANAGE I GO MANAGE OGE OKOYE SHE TRY SMALL AS FOR THE OTHER BITCH freeborn wept with capitaL NOPE.

    #sad indeed

  4. Is funke preggers??? Lucky and blessed lady.. meanwhile I think she rocked it good.

  5. ***********************wooow..... Oge slayed in it..... Plus d hair do ******

  6. ***********************wooow..... Oge slayed in it..... Plus d hair do ******

  7. Oga rocked it better....
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  8. Funke Akindele nailed it.

  9. Funke baby. Oges shoes are a no no its supposed to be a casual dress.

  10. Joyous Babe Lindaikeji First Cousin3 December 2016 at 10:28

    they both rock it well.

  11. Dey both look beautiful. Linda take note!

  12. Wat should our basis of judgement be?...beauty..brains..physical attraction or d cloth?..get back to me if u want an answer.

    1. U know funke got all more than ur molebi put together... dee

  13. Funke all the way

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  15. Funke rocked it better without trying too hard.

    1. Thank You! You took it from my mind. Oge tries too hard in all her dress up....

  16. Funke of course,she has a better leg than oge.

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  19. It looks better on Funke. I love Funke's natural complexion.

  20. Funke wore it with "basket"she nailed it with that shoe.

  21. Oge did... She made it Sexy but Funke was playful with the sneakers... Nice1

  22. Funke the Jenifer baby, adaku besty.linda see to that case

  23. Jennifer ni o! It doesn't fit Oge who looks like a baby in it.

  24. I love the way Funke paired hers with sneakers. Simple. She didn't over accessorized it.

  25. Funke Akindele nailed the dress #slayer

  26. Funke nailed it

  27. Funke nailed it with d sneakers.

  28. oge
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  29. Funke boo.

    mum C

  30. Oge.. too love this her damn Hot legs.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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