"Some of you young married men carry on as if you did your wife a favour getting married -Oby Ezekwesili | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 30 December 2016

"Some of you young married men carry on as if you did your wife a favour getting married -Oby Ezekwesili

Former Minister of Education and co-convener of the Bring Back Our Girls advocacy group, Mrs Oby Ezekwesili took to Twitter to drop a few messages to young married couple, especially the men. See her series of tweets after the cut...


  1. Replies
    1. Ride on minister. Tell them!

    2. I visited a couple and i witnessed what Madam Oby said with my two naked eyes. The wife was sweating and busy cooking in the kitcken. The little baby woke up and was crying for attention. The husband was watching TV and didnt want to be disturbed. Instead of him to cuddle the baby and pet him, he carried the baby with one hand like a piece of furniture and dumped the baby with his wife in the kitchen full of smoke because his wife was frying. I was irritated in my heart. I said to myself, what kind of insensitive and self-centred man is this? His wife now begged me to hold the baby for her while she quickly rounds up with the cooking. This is a lady that works with Chevron and the husband works with Glo. She assist with the payment of children's school fees, yet she cooks and takes care of their little baby. While cooking, the husband could not even hold the baby for her. Ordinary to hold pikin wey you born, them no say make you change pampers. Na wah for some men sha!

    3. If you love your wife, you will not watch her struggling to do all the work in the house without lifting a finger to assist her. When you were a bachelor, were you not cooking, cleaning etc for yourself? Why will you now leave everything for your wife to do after marraige?

    4. Tell themoooz,boys of this days to know the true meaning of marriage, if u can't love ur wife pls don't marry her oo, leave her alone let a man God destined for her locate her , I mature boys parading themselves as men #sigh1

    5. The moment husbands start seeing their wives as their mother, sister and best friend instead of seeing her as a stranger and slave, the world will be a better place

    6. What you know you cannot do to your mother or sister, dont do it to your wife

    7. What you know you cannot do to your mother or sister, dont do it to your wife

    8. Madam Oby just told you guys the bitter truth. Come down from your high horse and deal with it

  2. Ride on Mummy Oby. Guys of now-a-days I SMH for una.

  3. When both couples understand each other,then there will be no need for all these hullabaloo.Marry the one destined for you....your soulmate!.

  4. She has sed it all!

    ...merited happiness

  5. HMMMM



  6. Hmmmm,this woman!u don finished the chibok campaign? And must u comments? Who ask u for introduction!

  7. Gbam madam oby!!! U really hit the nail on the head. They're are living also as if they were forced into marriage. That's the main cause of this high rate of infidelity. Marriage these days has just become a title..

  8. Madam I am sorry to disagree with you.A A wife has role.The man has his role.Who will change the flat tire of the car,who will check the engine of the car for issues,who will climb the ceiling if there is unwwanted noise,who will change the electrical bulbs in the house,etc. the woman or wife, I do not think so.Wife should perform their primary duties eg cooking,taking care of the man and family ,making love to the man etc.

    1. Anonymous 16:23 The man should also perform his primary duty by going to work and bring money home to put food on the table for his family. The woman should not go to the office and work to bring money home to assist the man even in this harsh economy. She she should sit at home and take care of the home while only the man works since it is the man's primary responsibility to sweat and work. How about that?

    2. @Anonymous 16:23 Who made it woman's primary duties? It is African mentality. The moment we stop seeing a particular role as a man's role or tagged as a woman's role, that is when we will stop having problems in our marraiges. I am a woman and I can check the oil, water level etc in my car. I dont need a man to do it for me. I have climbed a chair before and changed the bulb in my house because i studied electrical engineering. I know a lot of female mechanics that dont need men to fix their cars for them. This is modern times and we need to help each other to move forward. We are no longer in the stone age. Get enlightened and receive some sense. This is why the white man's country is better and more developed than our country because they have gone past that era of this is a man's job or this is a woman's job. Thank you!

    3. Nna my dear ask ur self how many times the car spoils or electric bulbs need changing or dere is noise in the ceiling but we cook daily clean daily laundry take care of the children daily when dey are sick take dem to school daily homework do our own work at the office then an overgrown baby of a man sits an watches Supersport and I need to feed him fuck him wash his clothes abeg my dear try and have a little love for yourself there are no roles everyone should contribute equally shikena

    4. I pray you girls marry men that will go to market,cook for you,wash your cloth and the children cloth ,etc.

  9. See what terrorist buhari don turn this one into! OBY TRANSGENDA OBASANJO SO U TOO DON TUrn TO RELATIONSHIP or marriage counselor huh? Shame to u that will all ur noise of scam chibok girls and support of hausas they refuse to give u any thing shame shame shame. YES THAT'S HOW MANY MEN REASONS. THEY THINK THAT THEY Did their wife a favour by marrying her that is while many women are like chaff in their homes. The thing full hausa place. THE TRUTH REMAINS THAT MARRYING A WOMAN DOES NOT MEAN U FAVOUR HER BUT IT MEANS U FAVOUR UR SELF BECAUSE U DON ADD ANOTHER PERSON WEY GO HELP U MANAGE UR burden so i support oby on this one.

    #sad indeed

    1. She's a piece of shit giving stupid tweet...lots of young men spend their early years spending massively for the lady in question. ..even as far as taking care of her whole family during dating years..yes some cases are huge favour for d sake of love..personally I met a girl from a divorced home at age 16..I was barely 22 and I took up all her life responsibility till marriage..today she will say she doesn't owe me anything..not even love..nonsense

    2. Madam, if you dey read my comment, read carefully.
      Don't say things as if the fault is solely men's. Nowadays, girls date because of their needs. They get education and use their certs for marriage. Some men take women the way women take themselves. When I was still in school, I heard a lot of girls saying they were just studying and stressing themselves through school for nothing, that it was a waste of time and energy because they were gonna get married and end up in the kitchen.
      People don't even know why they get married. It is either they want to marry because their mates are married or they want to marry because they were born to marry or because they have needs or because they want to run away from their parents/present situation. So why won't the man say/feel he is doing the woman a great favour/help???????
      There are a lot of men that try to reduce their wives to just Mates in the other room and then the head of the kitchen, yes!!! But most times, that's what the women want and that's how they see themselves.
      I don't think God will just come and invade a person and change the person or be in a person's heart if the person doesn't open their hearts for God to come in. So most times, women are taken the way they take themselves.

    3. Madam, if you dey read my comment, read carefully.
      Don't say things as if the fault is solely the men's. Nowadays, girls date because of their needs. They get education and use their certs for marriage. Some men take women the way women take themselves. When I was still in school, I heard a lot of girls saying they were just studying and stressing themselves through school for nothing, that it was a waste of time and energy because they were gonna get married and end up in the kitchen.
      People don't even know why they get married. It is either they want to marry because their mates are married or they want to marry because they were born to marry or because they have needs or because they want to run away from their parents/present situation. So why won't the man say/feel he is doing the woman a great favour/help???????
      There are a lot of men that try to reduce their wives to just Mates in the other room and then the head of the kitchen, yes!!! But most times, that's what the women want and that's how they see themselves.
      I don't think God will just come and invade a person and change the person or be in a person's heart if the person doesn't open their hearts for God to come in. So most times, women are taken the way they take themselves.

    4. @Anonymous 17:35 If you spent years spending on a girl and her family while dating her, and you eventually married her, it doesnt give you the right to treat her like a slave. You helped her financially because you loved her dearly, why cant you allow that same love to continue even after the marraige? Why should the love stop after the marraige? If you truely love her, you shouldn't have the mind-set and belief that she owes you her life. People mistake love with investment

    5. @Deific Ailende u so correct a man will take u the way u present urself our girls of this days are so stupid they just want to get married to a wealthy guy,they put demselves down for a guy imagining a girl going to stay with a guy for months in his house how do u expect such person to have respect for u as if u don't have anything to do with ur life..Girls should learn how to respect demselves

    6. @Deific Ailende If some ladies see themselves as ending up in the kitchen, it means that she was brought up that way. Maybe that is how her Dad treated her mum. So she has grown up with that mentality. Dont blame them. It has a lot to do with their background and upbringing. That is why you and i can make that change because we now have an education and we are now enlightened and know better. When you heard them talking that way, you should have corrected them because you know better. The white man's country did not develop in one day. It was a gradual process. You were more enlightened than them. So you should have corrected them. It is our culture and African backward mentality that made them think like that

    7. Most people marry for the wrong reasons. Some women marry because they want to answer "MRS". Some marry because of African mentality or pressure from parents. If we all marry for love, the divorce rate in this world would decrease. Even the bible says Jesus is love. The bible also says love your wife even as christ loved the church. Love conquers all

    8. Freeborn, you are an idiot. Shame on you. E be like say your drugs don finish abi?
      Make dem carry you go see psychiatrist before the thing go worsen 2017.

  10. Makes alot of sense..not that fool that want to wash and iron undies. Imagine doing everything in the home while ur man just lies on the bed chatting or playing video game..how then do you love me when all u do is watch me get exhausted. When u can make things easier for me

  11. FREEBORN my love you're right, i have one neighbor like that because his wife is older than him he makes her work like house help he'll just be indoor and you'll see that lady running around,from work she'll still take excuse to go pick the children from school and the big fool will be in door for days watching movies, he doesn't have a job. Men please learn to help your wives at home, stop acting head of the family even she's still the one providing for the home.

    1. Mrs freeborn, shame on you. E be like say you sef no get sense like the idiot freeborn with your stupid parable. Continue forming nonsense, fake stories.

  12. FREEBORN my love you're right, i have one neighbor like that because his wife is older than him he makes her work like house help he'll just be indoor and you'll see that lady running around,from work she'll still take excuse to go pick the children from school and the big fool will be in door for days watching movies, he doesn't have a job. Men please learn to help your wives at home, stop acting head of the family even she's still the one providing for the home.

  13. ex minister off education Oby it's vice versa,ignorance is not one sided- Minister 4 Education- Sam X

  14. LOL
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  15. So how did your sons grow up as weed smokers? Mrs know it all! iTK

  16. You should have said no to every man that asked for your hand in marriage so that they won't feel that they are doing you favor marrying you.

  17. Oby if u were so thoughtful as a minister, maybe we could've felt the impact of ur tenure. Ladies never complain when a guy pays for vacation or expenses while dating or married...drama starts when it's time to bathe the baby. The day mama P returns half Ps skul fees then Il start preparing his food too. Oby face ur own home.

    1. Anonymous 02:06 so because you paid for vacation trip for her, it is now an abomination to assist in bathing your own child? What if your wife dies tomorrow and your house help is sick, wont you help to bath your child? I hate it when when men hold on to the fact that they made expenses while they dated their wives. Must she continue to thank you or pay you for the rest of her life? Did you spend on her as an investment or because you love her? We need to change our orientation, mentality and selfish mind-set

    2. Mr paid for vacation trip. So you equate paying for vacation trip to taking care of your blood, your own child? Do you know the pain and discomfort the woman went through while carrying your child for 9 months? Can that be compared to money you spent on a trip? Listen to yourself speak, dont you think you sound stupid

    3. Let her die first na or let the maid go and see if the children will not eat,go to school or take their bath.Please,ladies should prepare for marriage life and not one day wedding

  18. Gbamest... When someone is 💯cent right, argue from Sokoto to Ph,oyo for you!!! Men fear God kwa,it takes two to tango!!! #BitterTruth

  19. I pray that ladies will marry men that will go to the market,cook for them,wash their cloth es and their children clothes etc.

    1. I pray that men marry ladies that are bush, stack illiterates from the village that will kneel down and give them water to drink, sit at home as a housewife while only the man goes to work and bring money home, do not speak english etc


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