Photos: BBOG members host special sit-out in honor of fallen heroes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday, 13 November 2016

Photos: BBOG members host special sit-out in honor of fallen heroes

Members of the Bring Back Our Girls Group BBOG, yesterday held a special sit-out in honor of all the military officers that have been killed in any of the Boko Haram attacks. The special sit-out was attended by widows and children of some of the soldiers. Continue to see more photos.



  1. Oby Ezekwesili looks funny in that outfit.
    Nice initiative

  2. Nonsense! Honour of fallen heroes my ass! By transgenda obasanjo u again huh?Who killed them huh? Who form whaT killed them huh? TERRORIST BUHARI,SHETTIMA AND NORTHEN LEADERS SHOULD ANSWER THESE! U people should also honour the innocent people that hausa soldiers killed too.OBY TRANSGENDA OBASANJO WHY ARE U SO STUBBORN HUH? WHY HAVE U REFUSE TO OPEN UR BLIND EYES ABOUT THIS UR SCAM CHIBOK TRASH HUH? u all are failures.
    Freeborn wept!

    #sad indeed

  3. Nonsense! Honour of fallen heroes my ass! By transgenda obasanjo u again huh?Who killed them huh? Who form whaT killed them huh? TERRORIST BUHARI,SHETTIMA AND NORTHEN LEADERS SHOULD ANSWER THESE! U people should also honour the innocent people that hausa soldiers killed too.OBY TRANSGENDA OBASANJO WHY ARE U SO STUBBORN HUH? WHY HAVE U REFUSE TO OPEN UR BLIND EYES ABOUT THIS UR SCAM CHIBOK TRASH HUH? u all are failures.
    Freeborn wept!

    #sad indeed

  4. Click my link and follow me on LIS 🙏🙏🙏

  5. May their souls rip
    Hey guys! Pls follow me now on LIS,ENNY JH and I'm gonna follow back right away.I'm going to be sharing some exciting things on my wall.Never a dull moment Watch out for me

  6. May the soul of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace

  7. Dey r really our heroes

    ...merited happiness

  8. nice
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  9. Good one... Cont to Rip heroes, x

  10. Aww..that's so sweet of dem! May their souls continue to rest in peace.

  11. Very thoughtful of dem. Linda take note!

  12. Honor to our fallen heros and thank you for keeping the rest of us safe! May God grant you all eternal rest and grant your family the fortitude to be strong and survive to fulfill destiny. We love our fallen Heros. Continue to rest in perfect peace, the battle you gave your live for will certainly be won in Jesus Name.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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