Donald Trump vows to deport 3 million illegal immigrants and build a wall on the Mexican border | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday, 13 November 2016

Donald Trump vows to deport 3 million illegal immigrants and build a wall on the Mexican border

In an interview on CBS's 60 Minutes program, President-elect Donald Trump said he will deport as many as three million undocumented immigrants and build a wall on the Mexican border after he takes office.
"What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million - we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate," Trump said in an excerpt released by CBS's 60 Minutes program.

 But we’re getting them out of our country, they’re here illegally. After the border is secure and after everything gets normalised, we’re going to make a determination on the people that they’re talking about who are terrific people, they’re terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that. But before we make that determination, it’s very important, we are going to secure our border."
The billionaire real estate baron made security at the US-Mexico border a central plank of his insurgent presidential campaign, which resulted in last Tuesday's shock election victory against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Trump added that the barrier to be erected on the US border with Mexico may not consist entirely of brick and mortar, but that fencing could be used in some areas
."There could be some fencing," Trump says in his first primetime interview since being elected president last week. 
But for certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I'm very good at this, it's called construction," he tells CBS.


  1. Replies
    1. Trump hasn't conducted ANY interview since he won, this was done before he was elected to be the POTUS. He can always change his mind but I hope he doesn't.

    2. Anyone in Abk who needs a girl to warm his me! Facebook id- Mo Tun Rayo (Atunlayo Stubborn). Instagram handle- Atunlayo. Snapchat-Atunlayo

    3. He did this interview after he won.

    4. Is Mexico in America or outside America? I thought Mexico is part of America? Why does he want to build a wall border between Mexico and America?

    5. U are a dunce he gad 60 minutes interview today

    6. Hmmmmmmmmm,since it's drug Lords,and gang members,no wahala

      Lib addict#just passing#

    7. I'm just here thinking about my life, after working diligently for four years and salary not paid consistently my reward is a sack letter without been paid for months. How will I pay up my rent next month, feed, keep assisting my mum with her tip for medicine. I'm very worried. I seek assistance please can someone help me. I can start a small scale business but I need help to raise capital. Pls good people assist me Thank you

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Lol ee don set. Heart hardend trump

  4. It's time Africans took the bull by the horn,stop running away from their shadows, come home,and make Africa the envy of the world! #HappyHomeComing

  5. Hehehe he's beginning to change his tone which is good.Well for me I think the people who are scared are those that fall into the category of "illegal" interesting 😂If only Nigeria can do the same to people who illegally enter the country,small respect go dey for 9ja.

    ~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

    ~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

    1. I'm just here thinking about my life, after working diligently for four years and salary not paid consistently my reward is a sack letter without been paid for months. How will I pay up my rent next month, feed, keep assisting my mum with her tip for medicine. I'm very worried. I seek assistance please can someone help me. I can start a small scale business but I need help to raise capital. Pls good people assist me Thank you

  6. hahahah dumb trump in action
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  7. We'll have to wait and see, Drump.

  8. Yes sir!CARRY GO FREEBORN PAPA DONALD TRUMP DEPORT THE UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT SIR NOTING DO U. that's is why we voted for him so that he would deported them an give Muslims sleepless night noting more. MAKE AMERICA GAIN IS HERE TO STAY. please he didn't say he will deported all immigrant oo he say undocumented ones oobecause medias knows how to lie against Donald trump. MUSLIMS MAKE UNA GO HANG UNA SELFS OO he that don't want Donald tRump should leave America before thunder strike him or her.

    #sad indeed

    1. Like seriously... Abeg check your English when typing.

    2. All these useless rants since is because of December giveaway. Chai, December is almost here, don't worry, you have qualified already. Just have some sense.

    3. Damn! Your english is terrible. Motherfucker oshi

  9. Go ahead and build your wall Mr. President.

  10. But for certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I'm very good at this, it's called construction.

    Lmao! I died reading this last line!

  11. I knew he will surely do this....3million? Wtf!

    These illegal migrants should start packing their bags they are coming home!

  12. Welcom development. Atleast I shall see some family members again hehehheh

    1. So you believe some of yur family members are still illegal in d US after 10yrs of bin there and yu also feel they are criminals,? Smh yur comment amaze me... He said he ll deport the 'criminals'... I still wonder if actually you didn't read d news

  13. It's all a nightmare to me. Perhaps it was just a mock election. Trump where is thy sting? Lol

  14. go Donald , deport them and import me

  15. I so much love this man, he is a hero. If you had diligently followed him through his campaign, you will agree with me that he certainly deserve to be the President. Look at the last paragraph of the interview, he as a professional, has given the sketch of what he needs to do in order to make his country great again. He has also assured his country that he would only do the right thing at the right place. President Donald John Trump, we thank God on your behalf, we are always behind you, we have asked God to let you win and He answered us. He will assist you to formulate good policies, that will be favorable to both America and the world at large. No matter what the opposition might be, you will always come out victorious, so that you will be able to restore America back to God and by then, we will all call her with you "GOD'S OWN COUNTRY"

    1. A hero who has cheated his country by not paying taxes for twenty years. Your hero brags about groping women. He's also racist and calls women pigs,fat, and all sorts of names. This has shown us who you are.

  16. Man of actions if I may guess.

  17. Trump should go ahead do it abeg. It's obvious this man does not know shut about governance abeg.

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  18. Osazuwa left his wife & kids in naija to turn a drag queen in a gay club your Babylon system...Pls deport back so we can rehabilitate him..

  19. I don't know why people are complaining, don't Nigerian government deport Niger, Cameroon and Chad citizens to their country. Didn't Fashola deport igbos back to the east. So if he wants to deport Illegal immigrants, then that cool. All of us talk about our porous border, even Nigeria needs to build a wall between us and cotonu and Chad . So its in order for him to build the wall

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  21. Winter is coming..

  22. that's a business man. All those who voted him expecting him to do this and that OYO. Trump will not do anything that is counter productive. He is a business man. He said those things to become POTUS it's called strategy in business.

  23. With Trump election the world has just become a more dangerous and much more heartless place.And its ridiculous that he got less votes but "he won"

  24. I have a feeling he won't last. Hope am wrong

  25. I have a feeling he won't last. Hope am wrong

  26. I have a feeling he won't last. Hope am wrong


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