Read Femi Fani-Kayode's piece on President Buhari's new book | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 7 October 2016

Read Femi Fani-Kayode's piece on President Buhari's new book

In this piece, FFK alleges that the book's author, professor John Parden is a praise singer who wrote a similar hagiography for Ahmadu Bello in 1986. He also makes some weighty allegations on the source of president Buhari's campaign funds. Read below...
Professor John Paden, President Muhammadu Buhari’s official biographer, is a man that is very comfortable with distorting the truth and telling lies. He is also a man that has been doing so for virtually all his adult life.
Anyone that doubts that should read his biography on the late Sir Ahmadu Bello, which was written in 1986 and titled “Ahmadu Bello, Saurdana of Sokoto: Values and Leadership In Nigeria”, and which is essentially a self-serving and comprehensive compilation of Bello’s numerous virtues with little or no mention of his many vices.

I read that book twenty years ago and I placed it in the “light entertainment” shelf in my library because it lacked gravitas or any real intellectual stamina.
It was, at best, a beautiful public relations job for Bello and, at worse, a compilation of disjointed verbiage fit only for the dustbin.

Paden’s book on Buhari falls into the same category. It is nothing but an illusion: an extraordinary and fantastic fairy-tale built on a shady foundation of pseudo-intellectual clap-trap and garbage.
To him, President Buhari is infallible. He is, at best, an angel of light and, at worst, a perfect mortal with no warts.

Paden’s latest contribution is the greatest exercise in dishonesty and historical revisionism that has ever been undertaken by any foreign or Nigerian historian since independence.
The only one that comes close to it in this respect is the book that he wrote on the Sardauna and a number of other books that he authored over the years which were primarily about core northern Nigeria. Writing rubbish seems to be Paden’s stock in trade.

In his latest book, amongst many other glaring and shameless mendacities, he indulged in two particular lies that are an eloquent testimony to his perfidy.
The first was that three names were sent to President Muhammadu Buhari for the position of Vice President, namely Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Yemi Osibanjo and Babatunde Raji Fashola in 2014 for the 2015 presidential election.

This is false and it is simply an attempt to demean and belittle Tinubu and the role that he played in the whole exercise.
The truth is that it was Tinubu and Tinubu alone that forwarded the only name that was given serious consideration for the Vice Presidential slot by President Buhari. That name was Professor Yemi Osibanjo.

Senator Olorunimbe Mamora was also considered by Buhari but he did not have the backing of Tinubu and neither did Tinubu forward his name.

The idea that Tinubu’s name was forwarded to be Vice President alongside that of his two protegees in the persons of Osinbajo and Fashola is nothing but fantasy and it was a beautiful and tasteful dish and tale that was spiced cooked up and prepared in the kitchens of Aso Rock.

Again Tinubu never pressured Buhari to make him his Vice President as Paden has asserted because he had decided to drop that ambition long before then simply because the idea of a Muslim/Muslim ticket, which was originally on the cards, had eventually been jettisoned and rejected by the party due to public presssure and the division and outrage it attracted.

If the Muslim/Muslim ticket had not been rejected Tinubu would have been the Vice Presidential candidate of the APC and no-one else, including his erstwhile protegee Babatunde Fashola, would have had a hope in hell of getting it.

This is especially so given the fact that Buhari had originally promised him that position at the time that their parties merged and the APC was established but he later reneged. That is the bitter truth.
Paden was either misinformed by those who commissioned him to write the book or he was being propelled by an ulterior and malevolent motive for writing the rubbish that he did on the Vice Presidential issue.

Whichever way he was completly wrong and for the sake of history and posterity we must set the record straight.

The second lie that he told, which was infinately more dangerous and repugnant than the first, was that President Buhari has documents which are signed by President Jonathan which prove that the latter sought for what he described as “extra-budgetary funds”.

This is a pernicious lie. It has no basis in rationality, reason or truth. There is absolutely no evidence to substantiate it and I challenge Paten or President Buhari himself to make those letters and signed applications for “extra budgetry funds” public.

The whole thing is simply an attempt to further tarnish and demonise Jonathan and all those that served under him before the world and I believe that that is a crying shame.

I can understand such lies coming from a Presidency or a Federal Government that is scared of its own shadows and that feeds off its own propaganda but I cannot accept them coming from a supposedly reputable historian, albeit a foreigner, who has become the official writer and cheerleader of all things caliphate over the last 30 years.

Amongst many other things he also suggested that other senior figures in the political and military configuration in our country committed serious crimes and indulged in damning acts of corruption without being specific or even providing details of those acts.

Instead of doing so he suggested that the individuals concerned, which included President Olusegun Obasanjo, would have been prosecuted, brought to justice and called to account for their allegedly dastardly acts whilst in government if not for the fact that this could have had implications for the stability of the nation and national security.

Obasanjo, who is always quick off the mark and who was actually present at the launching of the book in Abuja as was Tinubu, responded in a measured manner by saying that there were “some insinuations” in it which he disagreed with.

Frankly that was a cop out. Obasanjo was being far too polite and this was probably due to the fact that he had not read the whole book as ay that time and he did not want to dampen the enthusiasm of the biographer, upset the President or ruin the occasion.

The adage is that you do not go to someone’s dinner party and spoil it by confronting his lies, challenging his allegations and speaking the bitter truth.

Yet I believe that though Obasanjo touched on the matter he did not go far enough. I believe that it is incumbent upon all those that were maligned and alleged to have indulged in acts of corruption by Paden to set the record straight and state their case.

It would be very dangerous for all those that have been misrepresented in this so-called book, including President Goodluck Jonathan, President Olusegun Obasanjo and Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to keep quiet and not clarify the issues about what was written or insinuated about them because many years from now that book will be used as a major source and reference point for our history.

I urge all those affected to write their own books quickly otherwise they will become victims of historical revisionism.
If I had been invited by President Muhamnadu Buhari or Professor Paden to the book launch I would have mounted the podium and said as much. Sadly I was not.
Permit me to end this contribution by making a suggestion to Paden. Since he wrote about Jonathan’s campaign funds and alleged all manner of corruption concerning their source and application, in his next book on President Buhari I would suggest that he sheds more light on how his subjects own 2015 presidential campaign funds were sourced.

For a start he should tell us who provided the 10 million USD that was paid as consultancy fees to the company of Mr. David Axelrod, President Barack Obama’s erstwhile campaign manager.
He should also tell us the source of funds and how Buhari and his team managed the 19 billion naira that was given to him in cash by the then sitting Governor of the leading and largest state in the south west and the 24.6 billion naira that was given to him in cash and in one day (which was recorded on video before being handed over) by another leading south western politician.

In addition to that he should tell us precisely how much the then Governors of Rivers and Kano states and the present Governors of Ogun and Kwara states amongst many others contributed to Buhari’s campaign and where they got the money from.

Since everyone is claiming to be holy and righteous in this matter let us all get there and publicly exchange notes. After all the Nigerian public, and indeed the entire world, has a right to know.
If Paden fails to ask those questions and declines to provide the answers then he, his accursed books and his questionable and dubious “white-washing” mission of President Muhammadu Buhari shall undoubtedly remain damned forever.
Whether he does so or not other governments that will come to power in the future in this country will not only get the necessary answers but they will also do the appropriate thing and bring them to justice. It is only a matter of time.


  1. Replies
    1. He would be consumed by hate someday. Linda take note!

    2. FUCK you Juliet or whatever,u and your brainwashed master should get naira back before u can comment comfortably

    3. I no get staamina to read biko

      ...merited happiness

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Ffk I admire your courage and guts. You have my tacit support.

    6. FFK should go and look for something better to do with his life. All he said is baseless without concrete evidence. PDP just wail and lie without evidence. Leave the poor whiteman alone. Mr Haden is not a corrupt person like you PDP hoodlums. Next pls

    7. FFK and Fayose should leave Tinubu and Obasanjo alone and stop trying to use lies to divide APC. No matter what you say, Tinubu and Obasanjo will never leave the APC party. They are matured people and they handle issues maturedly in APC. Go get a life FFK or better still, try harder. Fool

    8. FFK and Fayose should leave Tinubu and Obasanjo alone and stop trying to use lies to divide APC. No matter what you say, Tinubu and Obasanjo will never leave the APC party. They are matured people and they handle issues maturedly in APC. Go get a life FFK or better still, try harder. Fool

    9. All of a sudden, FFK and Fayose are trying to align with Tinubu. They think Tinubu is as foolish as they are. They have tried so hard to discredit APC but it didnt work. Now, they are trying another strategy of trying to cause division among APC members. Who do they think they are fooling? Nigerians are too wise for this trick. Useless fools. Try harder!

    10. All of a sudden, FFK and Fayose are trying to align with Tinubu. They think Tinubu is as foolish as they are. They have tried so hard to discredit APC but it didnt work. Now, they are trying another strategy of trying to cause division among APC members. Who do they think they are fooling? Nigerians are too wise for this trick. Useless fools. Try harder!

    11. Haliburton scandal8 October 2016 at 13:55

      God bless you sir, for the currage, even Buhari independence speech in is full of lies, government built on lies and decit

    12. Haliburton scandal8 October 2016 at 13:56

      God bless you sir, for the currage, even Buhari independence speech in is full of lies, government built on lies and decit

    13. @Anonymous 1:00PM and your mother's pussy is what? Decayed too?

    14. Juliet Iwuno,pls.kindly ignore this badly raised 'anonymous' child whose stock in trade is to insult people on their inalienable right to contribute to this fora.What kind of a fella would refer to someone's "mother's rotten pussy?" jeez! Linda Ikeji. Did this comment also come up after approval? Chai! This is sad.

    15. Juliet Iwuno,pls.kindly ignore this badly raised 'anonymous' child whose stock in trade is to insult people on their inalienable right to contribute to this fora.What kind of a fella would refer to someone's "mother's rotten pussy?" jeez! Linda Ikeji. Did this comment also come up after approval? Chai! This is sad.Meanwhile, I am sure FFK has stomach ulcer from so much hate.I am so sure he'll take his own life someday.Lolz

    16. So u ve issues wit someone insulting another persons mother's pussy, n yet ur comfortable predicting dat FFK will his own life one day!? My guy ur priorities are upside down...

    17. You should be minding your yoruba business.At least I haven't abused this FFK like he does to others nor like that anon who would use such undignifying language on someone's mother.Face your front & eat your Amala.

  2. That book is as useless as his scam government.
    Thank u sir keep saying the truth.
    What is in that useless book if not lies,scam and propaganda huh?
    Terrorist buhari should answer FFk question.
    Buhari is the must corrupted man in the history of Nigeria who cooked of corruption story against Jonathan just to get the heart of fools.

    #sad indeed

  3. Hmmmmmmmmm ok na

    Post my comment

  4. Fani Kayode Get a life we are tired of your shitty comment maam. U speak Shit all the time Fool

    1. Good man, I can bet my wealth, you didn't read the post at all, it was probably to long for you and you resorted to commenting any rubbish as if you must comment. Now who is the fool?

    2. Thank you. FFK should really go and get a life and leave APC members alone. Go and face your dead PDP party. You cannot deceive Nigerians by trying to cause division among APC members. Nigerians are wiser than you think.

    3. Loolz....Goodman is fooler Dan a fool...
      Aturu like him.....thunda go soon fire one day.

  5. Billions in cash etc etc. Femi Fani Kayode would lie and look GOD in the eyes. We that know him very well either by blood ties or over the course of two decades will attest to this. A mad dog without a leash.

    1. U can carry that amount in USD read with your head not yiur ass

    2. Dont mind the bastard liar called FFK. They have tried so hard to discredit Buhari but it didnt work, now they want to try and cause division among APC members. Your plans have failed in Jesus Name!

  6. So if it's "a compilation of disjointed verbiage fit only for the dustbin".... why the hell is it on your bookshelf??

    1. He chose where he wants it and in his own house in d "light entertainment section" and not your father's house..the then book was a joke as much as the new book...and the lies hv been charged to d general publics knowledge..history must be protected,otherwise we put the coming generations in jeopardy

    2. Abeg help me ask am. Dont mind the idiot

    3. I doubt if you had ever bought a newspaper talk more of a book in your entire life ........huh???

  7. True talk. The look on OBJ's face pretty much sums it all up....OBJ knows d truth tho.

  8. Very well FFK, you hit the nail. Buhari is the most corrupt President after Babangida. He is very vindictive, mean spirited, tribalist, religious fanatic and lacks the ability to lead.

  9. Oga Femi is ingratiating himself with Asiwaju. Good job. I however wish he wld further substantiate these billion naira claims.

    Governor Wike too should help us explain how d #12 billion waka from rivers exchequer.



  11. FFK with your cow big anus like mouth nothing good will come out from like the way caw poured out waste through it as us....

  12. In all this I can only see the power of ball pen

    I have to start taking more advantage of it

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  14. That's my problem with histories.... Imagine all the stuffs we read about past people..... With all the exaggerations and lies.... 100 years from now... Peeps that will read the so called biography will undoubtedly rate Mr president very high... And consider those castigated in the story as villains and enemies of the country..... Guys just imagine... All the stories and all the histories we know.... What if they were lies or buttered up...

    1. @Ejike....Same with books like the bible.....

    2. And the koran too

  15. ffk be hunting for trouble
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  16. I pity those of you that are castigating FFK for this piece. Are you dumb, did Buhari use green leaves from the forest to fund the APC presidential campaign we witnessed last year which was even more flamboyant than that of PDP that was in power then. We need to know where the money came from because Buhari told us he could not even afford the money for nomination form.

  17. If u re a politician in naija nd u've held or holding a position in govt... forget!!! U re absolutely corrupt.


  19. This guy must spit at anything,,, it seems he's bitter about something & hatred has consumed him! Mr. FFK just likes inciting mayhem.

  20. Like seriously... You nailed it FFK! #bittertruth

  21. A Government based on everything lies and deceit will higher somebody of like manner to sing praise of them. The Professor should also write a part 2 of the Book to remind us of how the First Lady (Aisha Buhari) went to the UN General Assembly, in New York, USA with public Funds uninvited, How in that Trip, she flew her Private Make-up Artist from Nigeria to the USA. How after the whole razzamatazz in USA, she went for part 2 in London where she had a Lavish party with the same set of 20 Women she traveled to New York with. The professor should also talk about the unprecedented slide in Naira. A world record slide only second to the slide of the German Mark after the World War. The Professor should be ashamed of himself

  22. A Government based on everything lies and deceit will higher somebody of like manner to sing praise of them. The Professor should also write a part 2 of the Book to remind us of how the First Lady (Aisha Buhari) went to the UN General Assembly, in New York, USA with public Funds uninvited, How in that Trip, she flew her Private Make-up Artist from Nigeria to the USA. How after the whole razzamatazz in USA, she went for part 2 in London where she had a Lavish party with the same set of 20 Women she traveled to New York with. The professor should also talk about the unprecedented slide in Naira. A world record slide only second to the slide of the German Mark after the World War. The Professor should be ashamed of himself

  23. I still wonder why this man called Buhari thinks he is fooling Nigerians. He is claiming to be the only clean man in Nigeria.History and posterity would expose all his lies.

  24. Ever since dem expose FFK say E be thief 840 million naira, FFK no stop to dey yab Buhari and anything else northern.

  25. FFK stop hate speech because you need the government to give you a job, you did it with GEJ government and succeeded but I thing they have known your style.

  26. FFK stop hate speech because you need the government to give you a job, you did it with GEJ government and succeeded but I thing they have known your style.

  27. FFK stop hate speech because you need the government to give you a job, you did it with GEJ government and succeeded but I thing they have known your style.

  28. FFK stop hate speech because you need the government to give you a job, you did it with GEJ government and succeeded but I thing they have known your style.

  29. Though I am not averse to the idea of a foreigner writing our (African) local history, I am given to the belief that most of the reports handed in are half truth euro- centric account lacking objectivity. Any piece of historical submission that does not balance it's account is an incomplete academic ration. For the sake of the records, it should have been a balanced historical package if the APC's sources of funding were themselves detailed. One of the problems of history writing in Africa and of African historiography has always been western stereotype. Our historians like K. O Dike, Adiele Afigbo and other Ibadan school scholars tried in responding to this prejudice and Achebe would call it 'writing back'.

    Lynda, pls post this I know it is belated, it may be useful somehow!

  30. Seriously I know that at the mentioning of the name FFK,a lot of these so called leaders take to their heels. You can only lead people as far as you've gone yourself. FFK reads deeply and this is evident in the way and manner he addresses issues but they always make him look like an executive lunatic in the papers sometimes. God bless your brains sir. And may God reward your passion for telling the truth. God bless Linda Ikeji and crew also.

  31. ffk alleged that the money filmed and recorded before it was handed over to buhari and his co-travellers,that means 'the giver or d donor'recorded it for a day like this. the question here is,who leaked it to ffk?who is d insider that want to expose buhari?and why did they record it?

  32. Each time Juliet talks she usually spew nonsense out from that her mouth. Linda please take note FFK always on point.Demonic. regime.

  33. And you tell me Nigeria will be well. I pity the future generation who will be relying on all these historian lies to make up their perception about this country. God help us and change our historians for good.

  34. Jalingo Aliyu, you are really the cow here .since you cannot understand what the write up is all about and cannot construct a simple sentence mtcheww.

  35. Wonderful piece, these are facts!!! Damn liars and failed govt

  36. How una take know whether na the truth abi lie.... No b wetin dem tel u u deh c abi shey u folo dem deh fr aso rock????

  37. FFK on point again! Thank you Sir!!

    To all the APC e-rats who go straight to leave comments at the mention of FFK or anyone else who sees through this clueless government and their lies led by the "Holiest" man in Nigeria,please READ and STOP the disservice to your brains.

  38. I think its better to leave the character and face the issues and questions raised...we all saw the strong media presence APC had during the 2015 presidential campaign, they must have spent a fortune to do that. The question is who, where and how did they get the money, who funded he campaign? but now they are all forming saints when someone is attesting that they are all thieves...Hmmm! nemesis will catch up with them all one day.

  39. Kudos to you FFK for setting the records straight.
    This government is beginning to lose the respect of the many Nigerians who voted for it by its continually falling short of the basic standards of truth and transparency in all its dealings. No matter how long it gets away with this methods. It will not last for long.

  40. Okay, let's take the message and forget the messenger. Just like Obj said in his book "my watch", " Give Femi money, he will sing for you. We are wiser than before, though some Nigerian still think with their foots anyway.

  41. Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin8 October 2016 at 15:17

    Well said sir.


  43. Confirm Talk FFK. Pictures don't lie. "Its a matter of Time. APC govt will also be exposed by same party members". Their days are numberrd


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