Man posts photo of his wife’s ‘period outfit’, other women condemn his action | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 30 January 2016

Man posts photo of his wife’s ‘period outfit’, other women condemn his action

A Reddit user, who posts under the username chrisflynn85, took a snap of his wife in what he calls her ‘Don’t touch me, I’m on my period!’ clothes, and posted it online, the sisters of social media weren’t best pleased.
The photo, taken while his wife wasn’t looking, shows her wearing a dressing gown, baggy pyjama bottoms and fluffy socks.

Likely meant as a harmless joke, what the man hadn’t reckoned on was just how supportive the internet can be when it comes to sticking up for the sisterhood. In just one day the image clocked up more than 2 million views and almost 2,000 comments, most of which were standing up for his wife’s right to rock whatever she wanted during that time.
Some of the comments...
"When it’s that time of the month, us ladies do NOT care what we look like".
Afternoonofthefaun leapt to the wife’s defence, saying sarcastically:
‘What, pajamas? Do people normally walk around the house in lingerie or something?’
JessthePest also sympathised, writing:
'Mine’s a pink onesie with a hood. When I was pregnant I looked like a f****** telletubby. And I would totally share that pic with y'all here and now, if I could find it.
But despite the onslaught of comments, the man continued to stoke the fire posting 'If she sees this, pms is going to move to defcon 5’. And later joked that he had Googled divorce lawyers.
Do you think the picture is harmless or insensitive?


  1. Replies
    1. Why did he even post it online in the first place!!

    2. Linda pls stop posting some kind of things like this on your blog. Sieve the kind of stuff you post and remain classy and professional.

    3. So how does this affect the price of fish in the market? Next pls

    4. Linda i can see that you lack gist/news for us. Hire me to give you hot gist if you dont have what to post

  2. The kind of shit some people post online is beyound imagination smh....that man is so sick!

  3. D man meant no harm joor

    LIB ADDICT#just passing#

  4. insensitive.. but maybe wife has a sense of humour

  5. Aunty Linda self some times go post wetin no consern us how Period cloth take concern prize of garri for Market.

  6. the pic is just harmless joor
    . this one asking if ppl walk around the house in lingarie. na agbada person for wear ni ?

    Don~ jazzycrush

  7. Dis photo is harmless na, why are they making news out of it?

  8. Everything must come to d media dese days. Where's privacy den?

    ...merited happiness

  9. I think the man is frigging jobless

  10. The picture is totally harmless, he is just trying 2 Crack a joke, sisters pls take a chill pill

  11. Is he mental everything on social media these days tho

  12. The picture is totally harmless, he is just trying 2 Crack a joke, sisters pls take a chill pill

  13. Well it looks harmless sef. So what with all the noise

  14. He shouldn't have done that.

  15. He shouldn't have done that.

  16. They should stop taking it person jor. Period or no period, i care how i look. My period doesnt give me mood swings or all the likes. I am usually more agile. Its a mindset thing and i dont believe in it or promote it. If it painful,i keep moving or i do something about it.
    But i dont like getting d attention with comnents like "oh shes on her period".

  17. I don't understand why women are overly sensitive about periods. They don't even want guys to comment about it at all. Moaning about how they suffer every month

  18. That's arrant nonsense nah

    !brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

  19. it's pointless...@lilisconcept

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  21. to me it is harmless, people should learn to stay on their lane.

  22. I think it is a harmless picture. I bet she is laffin at all dos women ryt nw


  23. It's harmless mbok..make dem go sleep.#as e dey hot#

  24. when is that time of the month, I usually looks so sexy and Tempting, my own way of telling my self that nothing do me, and yes, we usually look more pretty than ever by that time. U Code?? **Winks**

  25. Ppl can like to drink panadol for anoda man headache hen.hmmmm

  26. it's totally harmless.


  27. No was just a joke

  28. very harmless pic o, he no show d bloodyed pad naw...tbowne

  29. People can be so emotional, there's nothing wrong in the pic.

    . ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  30. I don't see anything wrong wiv dis,nd I'm sure his wife has seen dis,so if u got no p wiv it y shud pole!

  31. CHOMSY is a female
    CHOMSY is a Lib freak since 1900
    CHOMSY comments on anything that interests her on Lib.
    CHOMSY also made this comment via my phone.
    Meanwhile, Lin Lin u rock more than a Rocket

  32. Totally harmless.

    AJ MAIN BOY...

  33. This picture is harmless

  34. don't see anything wrong wt it

  35. Replies
    1. U heard people using the word barbaric u decided to follow suit. Olodo

  36. Enter your comment...ndi ocha sef

  37. What's insensitive about the pics? Abeg it's harmless

  38. Okayy

    I wouldn't like the idea if I was his wife

    #Hajia Mufliat

  39. Def not! Can we all stop trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill in every situation?!?

  40. It's a joke and the wife will see it as one too so it's harmless and funny.

  41. It hurts the man cos she has a genuine reason 4him to keep off her for sex but as men generally, he hates this inside*

  42. Issit their business?
    -D great anonymous as Vivian Reginalds now


  44. Totally,extremely harmless. Dude has a life with his wife, we don't know what kind.

  45. Anyone who gets offended by that picture is just plain dumb or probably massively stupid_it was a light joke & that isn't so hard to decipher,make una chill jor.........

  46. He didn't show her face and was obviously joking around

  47. He was just aving a good time.



Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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