President Buhari says names of looters will be published soon | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 12 December 2015

President Buhari says names of looters will be published soon

President Buhari yesterday said that his adminstration will soon publish names of those who have returned portions of their loot. 
President Buhari, according to Vanguard said that the Central Bank of Nigeria will soon publicly release the names of those who looted the country's treasury and have returned parts of their loot.

He said the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) hasn't published the list yet because they don't want to jeopardize investigations and further recoveries.

At the 15th session of the Anyiam-Osigwe Foundation lecture at the International Conference Centre, in Abuja yesterday, the president said:
“We have taken steps towards recovering a reasonable amount of the money that was looted or misappropriated from public coffers. Investigations are ongoing on public officers who served, or are still serving, and those whose conduct are questionable will be compelled to accept the path of honour and surrender their loot,” he said. “As I stated recently, a good number of people who abused their positions are voluntarily returning the illicit funds.
"I have heard it said that we should disclose the names of the people, and the amount returned. Yes, in due course, the Central Bank of Nigeria will make information available to the public on the surrendered funds, but I must remark that it is yet early days, and any disclosure now may jeopardize the possibility of bigger recoveries. “But we owe Nigerians adequate information, and it shall come in due course.


  1. Replies
    1. Robbery Alert
      Traffic robbers are on the increase and they operate in this format: usually 2-3 boys; the first boy would come knocking at your door (driver's side) to draw attention. Once you turn to give the knock attention, the second boy would enter through the passenger's side and steal your belongings. It is recommended you arm yourself with taser, pepper spray etc for self defence. Call Police free toll (112 or 767) to report such cases. Thank you.

    2. God forbid me hold pepper spray no o!!! I will hold my shot gun

    3. And dis is all what change is all abt???
      People re dying everyday in some northern parts of de country and dis people are busy chasing de wind
      Ok ooooo
      2019 is fast approaching


    4. Well said, gun is the best. Just make sure u shot them at the legs...

  2. Hahaha...I just can't wait,we need to know those criminals ...Massu gudu su gudu.

  3. Gbam!

    Dis is welcome development and we r waiting to see d names of dis pervert corrupt Nigerians!

    Biko they should b persecuted to serve as deterrent to others.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  4. This peep though. all out to undo anyone part of d previous admin. What are we using d names to do if not for u to shame them. Many old childish people in ds admin.

    1. E be like say you be one of the thieves. If your son steals you will cover him up abi. It shows the kind of trouble parent you will be. Anyways, my prayer for all of you is that as you run Nigeria so shall your lives be, Amen

    2. Do u need reading glasses? Can't you read that they are doing their investigation and recovering money jeje but the people esp the PDPigs want to see proof of d names because they think its not true. Shey if pmb says no the same you will turn around and say he is a dictator. Nothing you can do to please some people

  5. Dey dia de publish names..Mr Tourism

  6. Is it really necessary???

  7. Not only publishing their names,they should be made to face the wrath of the law,to deter others.

  8. He knows best. God lead him through. Linda take note!

  9. He knows best. God lead him through. Linda take note!

  10. While publishing names put the names of apc members that looted cos most of them were part of the last government, you are being one sided in your fight for corruption

    1. God bless u for that wise saying. May ur wisdom not deminish. The thieves that decamped to APC are more than d original apc founders. Will thier names make d list too or they have received presidential pardon for being an apc member?

  11. Sai Baba!!!! Obrigado!!

  12. Okay we await to hear/see their names

  13. We r tired of soon, let them do it already so we see not I will I will. Abi they r doing damage control?

  14. Am not a fan of buhari but I like dis initiative...

    Public disgrace & imprisonment 2 all Nigerian thieves....

  15. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

  16. Yeah please publish there names Abeg make we see there faces thieves

  17. We are waiting anxiously like one waits for Xmas or jamb results

  18. Can't wait anymore ooo
    ~D great anonymous!

  19. Well done baba God bless

  20. Bloody tourist and liar
    Who never keeps to his promises.
    I await the death of Boko Haram in 19days
    Scam President and Party

  21. I don't know if to return mine voluntarily too.

  22. Hope to see new names, not the ones we already know.

  23. Ok ooo. We are patiently waiting and those money should be appropriately used for infrastructure development to create employment for the teaming youths

  24. Yeah... Good plans. Well done Presidooooo... We are behind U. We believed and we are still believing U.


  25. Publishing those names in 2years time will surly be for political gains/campaign.

  26. in fact all dick n harry in Nigeria politics really looters. all of them.

    no more comments.....

  27. Stupid man...wetin we wan use dat one do?...we are telling u dat d fuel we do v in our country is scares,all d filling stations...lines up and dwn...u r lukin for innocent people to probe...ewu..u will on dat seat soon...aboki


  28. I know most Nigerians will never appreciate what thss man is doing, look at how most of us are talking to our president, this is not Okey ooo, Check how other countries respect there president, apart from been the president self what about the age dear Nigerians let's start to appreciate our leaders most especially someone who is trying to save us from all the mess we av been into since 1960, let's appreciate him abeg God bless una

    1. U guys have forgotten soo soon how u insulted GEJ. U do me I do u God no go vex. Is Buhari really ur president? If yes huh. Myself n my household our president is President Barack Obama.

  29. You already gave us this news yesterday.

    Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

  30. Plsssssss.... save dis story of looters. retrace ur steps n let's feel ur impact... can't believe Nigeria is in a worst state, after all d noise from APC.



  32. PMB stop talk on both side of your mouth. i dont like it. learn to be single directional

  33. OMG! This man means business . How embarrassing ,

  34. We dont want to see the official car loot, we want to see the rail scam loot , abacha loot, oil loot, education etc

  35. Good news....lemme guess
    Pastor Ayor...etc
    These pple ar cursed they should b stone to death

  36. I'm an Igbo and having been raised in the North I'm convinced that soon Nigerians would undrstnd the genuiness of Baba Buhari. I say this cause I know he belongs to the group of principled northerners and not the foolish northerners.


  38. We believe in you and trust you; as it was done in the olden days so we believe it is stil be could be done again through you, but as the money is being recovered tell us how you are spending it God bless you as we are waiting for the lists and the amount returned to the federal government.

  39. We believe in you and trust you; as it was done in the olden days so we believe it is stil be could be done again through you, but as the money is being recovered tell us how you are spending it God bless you as we are waiting for the lists and the amount returned to the federal government.

  40. Ok,waiting

    Linda if u like post otherwise put it inside ur damn purse,

  41. Buhari is d biggest hypocrite ever u have d likes of Chris ngige n amaechi in his cabinet he hasn't released their corrupt acts and now hez bringing out looters n for all I know he wants to bring out PDP members he shud stop his revenge plots abegg itz getting old I haven't seen d job Dat was part of his manifesto and boko haram still exist so what's he Dere blabbing his mouth for

  42. Na wah oh Mr said you won't publish names out now cos it will jeopardise the process but you also said you will publish names later. Have you not already jeopardised the process as people will no longer return cos they know they will be published in due course


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