Photo of a young Jihadi John before he became the world's most wanted man | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 13 November 2015

Photo of a young Jihadi John before he became the world's most wanted man

The boy with bad breath who became the world's most wanted man: Incredible footage emerges of Jihadi John at school as it is revealed he was a shy and insecure student who was bullied for having halitosis. Footage of ISIS executioner Jihadi John, real name Mohammed Emwazi, shows him as a teenager mingling with his classmates at Quintin Kynaston Academy, in Queen's Park, north London. The footage shows a teenage Emwazi sat among his classmates on computers during an apparent IT lesson as one student asks him: 'Mohammed, what subject are you revising today?' (centre).

Another clip shows him bounding around the playground while latching on to a big group of his peers, while another shows him with his arm covering his mouth due to his apparent fear of his bad breath (top right). The footage has emerged just hours after the 27-year-old was reportedly killed in a missile strike in the centre of Islamic State's stronghold of Raqqa in Syria.

Video footage shows Emwazi messing around in the playground of the north London school with his peers

Another piece of footage shows him bounding around the playground while latching on to a group of his peers

Emwazi, pictured as a schoolboy, was said to have wanted to become a Premier League star, scoring goals for Manchester United by the age of 30. He moved to the UK from Kuwait, aged six, and lived in north London

 Emwazi, a university graduate from Queen's Park, London, was able to flee to Syria despite being on an MI5 watchlist and quickly became known as 'Jihadi John' for his appearance in a string of horrific killings (right)

Source: Mail Online


  1. Replies
    1. Evil things

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    2. He shld rot in hell...

    3. See waste of fine boy na. Chai!

    4. Thank God he is past tense now. Evil

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    5. He can now rest in pieces! He's better off dead anyways.


  2. I'm so allergic to people with bad breath pls. Take this news outta ma sight linda. I'm already irritated.

    1. Take your self out of her blog. Stupid!

    2. It's morons lije u tgat bullied him into becoming a terrorist. Stupid fool.

  3. Replies
    1. The Americans and English people have to start bringing up their children d proper way, they bully foreigners too much, having no respect whatsoever for other people's interests. How can a young n well behaved boy who grew up among these ppl, who should hv friends and colleagues among them, suddenly get d urge to start killing these same ppl? I know it might not be d solution, but maybe just maybe if they r treated nicer, at least, those of them who had d opportunity to grow up in d so called western world, would not have the heart to join these terrible people, just maybe!

    2. U have a point here.

    3. Anonymous 10:12pm may you live long.. dis boy is a nerd and nerds are easily vulnerable and vengeful to those who bully them. Am sure someone mocked him so bad he joined isis to prove a point. I don't applaud his wickedness buh I grieve fr his lost soul

    4. See me see trouble.. Is it by force to live in America? Or England?

  4. What a waste of life. Linda take note!

  5. What a waste of life. Linda take note!

  6. When you read stuff like this you wonder where it all went wrong.

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  7. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Once a cool kid nw a monster..... Very sad though....

  8. Another wasted sperm

    #iT will only get better
    #iT mUsT eNd iN PRaIsE

  9. @ STERN, but we all know how worse your bad breath is. When did you start becoming allergic to something you would have qualified as a Chairman on?

  10. Effects of bullying

  11. Good for him,God will be the one to judge,case plenty . TIMILEYIN BLESSING

  12. Very good they killed u by air strike, I would have wanted America to catch you alive and made u regret the day u were born. Bush animals I hope the missile struck u on ur forehead.

  13. Who created this monster. May his soul burn in hell.

  14. And anonymous @ 10:12pm......what about boko haram killing their people, are u telling me Nigerian and their neighbors did not treat them right. Animal are still animal...whether at home, bush or the room.

    1. I concur anonymous. I concur.

  15. Rest on with ur innocent face.

  16. Stop admitting Muslim into your country

  17. Racism caused this. If he felt he was being treated fairly, his heart may not have been filled with so much hate

  18. I wish someone kicked his father on his ball sack and rendered him impotent, we'll have one less bullshhit to worry about! #shiity people

  19. I don't get why media these days seem to like painting shy pple as terrorists. I don't get it. They were about to do the same thing to the russian brothers but close acquaintances debunked that claim. They were just regular kids, jovial in fact. From those photos it's clear that 'jihadi john' was a regular kid. In my opinion shy kids eventually shed their shells n become stronger individuals in society. So the media needs to get their facts right.

  20. This YUESSAY air-force are so damn wise. The knew so well the intricacies and how dangerous it would have been to have tried catching him alive so that was why the opted for an aerial bombardment targeting him. If they had tried the former method, it would only have taken him blowing his bad breath towards them like a dragon and right there they would have a weapon of mass destruction to contend with.

    I'm not a robot.


  21. This YUESSAY air-force are so damn wise. The knew so well the intricacies and how dangerous it would have been to have tried catching him alive so that was why the opted for an aerial bombardment targeting him. If they had tried the former method, it would only have taken him blowing his bad breath towards them like a dragon and right there they would have a weapon of mass destruction to contend with.

    I'm not a robot.


  22. That's a result of harbored anger. He was angry at the way he was treated. People, words are powerful. If you don't have anything good to say to someone, then shut it! To avoid unnecessary deaths.

  23. Nigeria has lost more than 90,000 officers in the fight against Boko haram, more than 200 people are killed almost everyday for the past 3 years and no one has ever posted ‪#‎PrayForNigeria‬ ‪#‎PrayForAdamawa‬ ‪#‎PrayForKastina‬ ‪#‎PrayForTheMissingGirls‬. France gets attacked in a day and everyboby goes ‪#‎PrayForParismah‬* thoughts are with all the victims and innocent people suffering from terror attacks everywhere in the world. Maybe its about time we say ‪#‎PrayForOurWorld‬ This evil must stop !!! ‪#‎Inolikewahala‬.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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