Peter Okoye defends Kaffy over sexy photos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 25 September 2015

Peter Okoye defends Kaffy over sexy photos

Peter Okoye took to his instagram page to defend his friend and business partner Kaffy after some of her followers trash talked her for releasing sexy photos online. Like being married is being in prison.


  1. Peter no dey ever mind im business ...

    1. Of course he will have an opinion too.

      Shebi he's also married, and is always showing chest n all dt serenren.

      Will he allow lola to do same?

      Birds of a feather.

  2. Onye kporo ya?

    #IT will ONLY get BETTER
    #it MUST end IN praise

  3. Lol.. Of course he will say like being married is a prison!! How convenient!by d way i see nothing wrong in the pictures, she's a fitness instructor,and showing off some parts of the body comes with the job..

  4. Linda Ikeji honey, you are invited to sit on my face. Then I will give the kind of lick that will lead to massive sweet release. Your whole body will shake! Trust me.#wink#

  5. Kaffy E no fit u abeg close up

  6. I tire for some people ooo..marriage is not prison..with marraige sef you are meatnt to explore more

    Glowyshoe blog

  7. Peter calling fans hypocrites and mofos. Senseless dude

  8. Peter defender of the womenverse

  9. Civilization doesn't require or embrace nudity, we re Africans yet we act like white. Let's do wat won't affect our children's future, fashion has so many faces and so is nudity is not fashion. Perfect body but stupid outfit

  10. Young and fresh she, Linda and I are/would be

  11. Why must it be you peter, why always Peter.
    Go and have several seats.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  12. Dem get time,their pot of vewiiii hot beans.

  13. OMG. ...dis Peter is a childish fool ohhh

  14. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    I see nothing wrong with this pic though.

  15. Hehehehe! He is so funny, I couldn't stop laughing at his tweet. Linda take note!

  16. Hehehehe! He is so funny, I couldn't stop laughing at his tweet. Linda take note!

  17. Hehehehe! He is so funny, I couldn't stop laughing at his tweet. Linda take note!

  18. so village meeting and cwo meeting is now a an issue. olodo defender.
    kaffy jare, carry on with ur hard work.

  19. This boy I mean man z too old to always seek for public attention...wah hz sayin is right tho but warriz your business?? are u her huaband?

  20. You know what? They can all go naked and post the pictures online. Its non of my business.
    We are going back to Eden; gradually. Let's enjoy seeing everyone who enters there before the rest of us do.

    Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

  21. This retarded asswipe gets worse everyday.. I wonder how his wife copes with this childish and imbecilic behavior of his. Damn peter okoye you are a disgrace. Pls dnt make ur kids grow up with an idiot for a father..

  22. @peter okoye, no need for harsh words, kaffy clearly made her point. and peter before u use harsh words, learn how to spell correctly

  23. Hmmmmm...

    Definitely b married is not b in prison but it has d boundaries dat can never b crossed mostly in d public domain.

  24. Peter Okoye upon all your exposure you think posing semi nude (in thongs) shows one is enlightened? SMH. You really don't have to pose fully nude or semi nude whether you are married or single. Frankly speaking, artistically, there is nothing appealing in these photos. She does not have the body for it. Stick to the dancing MacGyver, you rule in that kingdom.

  25. Peter Okoye upon all your exposure you think posing semi nude (in thongs) shows one is enlightened? SMH. You really don't have to pose fully nude or semi nude whether you are married or single. Frankly speaking, artistically, there is nothing appealing in these photos. She does not have the body for it. Stick to the dancing Kaffy, you rule in that kingdom.

  26. K o Peter Okoye Elejo werey. You talk too much you stupid man. What happened to posting 'Keep doing your thing' and letting it end there. Idiotic baby-man.
    Keep consoling yourself Linda. We know how this shit works. They told her nothing but the truth. The guy was not even insultive. Be supporting bullshit o.

  27. Who is making these foolish artist brand ambassadors

  28. And they'll start talking lol.

    1. Lol... and he know for sure that they must talk and now they have started talking. Smh for some pple tho...

  29. Linda, spare us your opinion. We refuse to agree with you.
    What is bad is bad.
    Many people who had pictures like this are now regretting it now.
    How do you advice your kids when your own butt is hanging out. Isn't that why Kris Jenner can't stop Lil Kylie?
    You can be this sexy for your husband inside the house. True you have a banging body. True you look good. But you and your man can play stripper in the bedroom or 50 shades of grey. Just don't assault the public with it.
    The people have a right o criticise her. No one called her a prostitute or anything. They only criticised what they felt was wrong. If they had praised her, will she complain?
    Nigerian celebs love praise and support alone.

  30. Why are we still waiting to see their wives dress expose like dis? Everytime he keeps supporting yet his own dresses moderate.

  31. Carry on Kaffy, we've got your back.


  32. Carry on Kaffy, we've got your back.


  33. Am not surprise since it's coming from someone who just showed the world his manhood yet his married. Marriage is an institution, it has its own policies that people should abide to periood.

  34. peter is just a mumu, he does mumu things and he says stupid things, his brother is way beta. as for kaffy, it was wrong to put her ass out like dat, taking sexy pics isnt wrong, buh ders a limit, she calls herself a role model, buh dis dosent add up. if she and her hubby dont mind, she can as well pose 100% nude, then we wil accept her for the bitch shes trying to be.

  35. Peter o. The hubby never even talk sef. You don talk.
    Nawah o.

  36. Nigerians always having opinion about everything!!! The world s changing yall deal with it!!! Fresh.yung and sexxxxy kaffy

  37. Hey everyone please vote for my friend...It only takes 1min to vote for her to win this contest....God bless u
    Palm Selfie Contest

  38. See who is talking... Peter you have always been in support of Nothing morally Right. This Picture is making many to slumber and God will Judge her for leading people astray all in the name of promoting fitness on te last day.

  39. As long as her hubby is not complaining so y should pple complain.

  40. Linda i use to think you are matured lady as should considering your age, so you are saying "being married is not being in prison so she can wear anything and post online right? She can wear this things @ home, but revealing her body to everybody online is nt Biblical and i knw she is a christian, the Bible doesnt permit that, God will surely ask her on last day.

  41. Don't mind the idiots who think being married is a Prison sentence!!! As long as her husband isn't complaining, who r the damn followers to complain???

  42. Don't mind the idiots who think being married is a Prison sentence!!! As long as her husband isn't complaining, who r the damn followers to complain???

  43. No Linda, be married is to show good example.

    1. Good example like getting fat in ur hubby's house abi? Mumu oshi. All I know is dat she wouldn't av done it without her hubby's consent. I know u wont say d same for queen Bey

  44. These okoye twins re complete olodo for commentary! Them sabi gbagun for Africa! Commenting like igbo traders wey no go school. Abeg make una brush up. Btw kaffy looks good.

  45. These okoye twins re complete olodo for commentary! Them sabi gbagun for Africa! Commenting like igbo traders wey no go school. Abeg make una brush up. Btw kaffy looks good.

  46. Africans and their stupid culture. Married or not married women should have their freedom to express themselves. Mtcheeeere


  48. I trust @Petersquare 2 alwz stand up for married couples. Some people took it too far anyway!!!

  49. Exactly! On point, keep it young and fresh,lovely pics kaffy

  50. Good for her,after all she is older than his husband so she is free to post anyting online

  51. I dnt know what you guys are saying. Linda it will be interesting to know how your face will look like if your mum releases such pix online. I dnt support this for whatsoever reason. Wear a bikini or whatever if you must, but there are more decent ones to cover sensitive parts of your anatomy especially as a mother. Anyways.. her life, her business...#werrinconsignme#

  52. Peter Okoye you are messed up in the brain for using the CWO as your reference. Idiot

  53. A goat of okoye u r. Those beer Palour men still keep u real. Baboon

  54. What is bad, can never be good.Nudity of any form is bad.You can get your sexy without showing the world intimate parts of your body.Truth be told, i'm greatly disappointed in her.She used to be a role model.The only thing remaining for females to do now is go without panties, open their legs wide and show us their VJs.That's d only thing remaining and i know some demons are working on it as i write.

  55. Like seriously I Av problem wit people....4 crying out loud must u comment anything they do is there problem leave Dem alone....


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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