Why girls play hard to get, how to turn it around & get them to fall for you' by Charles Nneji | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Why girls play hard to get, how to turn it around & get them to fall for you' by Charles Nneji

Article written by author Charles Nneji. Read below.. 
Hey bro… You are special, you know it. You are a blessing to women, and you know it. So how dare a girl reject you? How dare her say she doesn’t feel anything for you? Now, stay with me. The biggest problem most Nigerian guys face in their love life is when they walk up to a girl, tell the girl how they feel about her and the girl outrightly turns them down. It is painful.
As in, the girl looks you in the face and tells you that she can’t date you. Or that she doesn’t feel anything for you. Sometimes the polite ones would lie to you that they have a boyfriend, just to put you off.

The wicked ones will give you hope then allow you to spend on her and her friends before calling you up one day to tell you she can’t continue with you.
In Fact; there is one sentence a girl uses when she wants to play hard to get and that sentence is this: “I will think about it”.

When a girl gives you that line, her hard to get mode is on – big time. You tell her how much you like her and how you would want to date her and, bam, she tells you she will think about it. Then the next thing she does is to start avoiding you.
If you’ve experienced this in the past or you are going through it right now with that girl you like, I’m about to show you, right away, what causes a girl to play hard to get and how you can turn everything around, charm her and make sure she finds you irritable.

Let me quickly introduce myself so you will know exactly why you should take what I’m about to show you seriously:

My name is Charles Nneji; Author of “The Bang Rule…ultimate guild of seduction for men”, Africa’s number one ebook on dating for men. The Bang Rule has sold in over four African countries, including Nigeria, and has helped thousands of men find love. My newest ebook, Advanced Bang Rule recently got released too and has been read by hundreds of guys already.

I’m also the owner of www.straffcode.com  (The number one relationship Advise website for men here in Nigeria)

Also, SOME of my articles have been featured here on this blog. Here they are. 

1.      “If You Talk To Girls In These Three Ways They Will Fall Crazily In Love With You: http://lindaikeji.blogspot.com/2015/06/if-you-talk-to-girls-in-these-3-ways.html#more).

2.       “One Trick You Can Use To Get A Girl To Take You More Seriously Than Other Guys: http://lindaikeji.blogspot.com/2015/08/one-trick-you-can-use-to-get-girl-to.html

Now, with that out of the way, let’s dive into what we have to talk about today.
Are you ready?
Alright, Let’s begin…


   See, I want you to really really understand what I’m about to show you. So I will show you an illustration. Just to make it clear to you.

Stay with me, this is important.

Now, imagine you are interested in buying a land from a man. Take a moment to imagine that.

So you walk up to the man and say: “Hey, I like that land you’re selling. You are selling it for 2 million naira. I have 3 million naira for the land but I will try and get you to sell it to me for 1.5 million naira”

What do you think would happen? Think about it.

It’s very simple, you will never get that land at 1.5 million naira. In Fact; the man would probably increase the price.


Because he already knows what you are thinking. You’ve shown him all your cards before you even priced the land.

Now. Case two; Let us assume it happens the other way round, you walk up to the same man and you don’t tell him how much you have; you just start negotiating the price to beat it down to 1.5 million naira.

Think about that for a moment.

Now consider the two cases and you will agree with me that the chances of getting that land at the price you want is higher in case two.


If you are smart then you already get it. But I will explain.

Stay with me.

When you meet a girl, she doesn’t know zip about you. She doesn’t know you, she doesn’t feel anything for you…nada, Nothing.

Somehow, some really “jonsing” guys feel that the best way to get a girl to like them is to just tell the girl how they feel about her and then ask her to date him. Hoping that, somehow somehow, the girl will feel the same way for him and, by chance, agree to date him…

…Just because he told her how he feels about her.

Just think about it, does it make sense?

Now think back to every single girl you ever poured your heart to. Don’t you notice that they always start ignoring you and messing with you the very moment you told them you loved them. While the ones you don’t like, on the other hand, always keep coming around you…almost begging you to love them.

Think about it.

Do you think it’s just coincidence? It’s the way girls are wired, once you tell her how you feel about her before she gets attracted to you, bam, you switch off her attraction switch and she starts messing around with you.

It’s plain simple psychology…

Telling a girl that you like her before you get her attracted to you is like showing the games and cards you have to an opponent when playing Whot (bridge). It is dangerous to the outcome of your game.


Because girls are trained to play hard to get, they are trained to never give in to a guy easily. If they give in easily to you they will feel cheap. So when she knows you are interested in her, she will shut down and lock up her feelings for you – it is a natural reaction. Then the shakara will start. Then she tells you she will “think about it”, so you can put more effort.

When this shakara starts, the natural reaction is for the guy to loose it and start chasing the girl. To try to get the girl to like him by all means…

And that is where the mistake starts;

From that point you start trying hard to impress the girl – too hard. I mean, that is the same thing you see in the movies, right? Movies seem to paint that girls fall for guys who worship them and go crazy about them and chase them like their lives depends on it.

So you go crazy about her, you show her how bad you love her by Buying her things, calling her up regularly, always telling her you love her (even though she never says she likes you, talk more of loving you), you keep asking her weather she loves you, you keep asking her why she doesn’t love you, you almost beg her to return the feeling you have for her.

Think back. Has this ever worked for you. Ever.

Of course not. That alone should tell you that you are doing something wrong


All these things will kill every single chance you have with that girl. Just think back to everybody who has ever tried hard to impress you, as in, really hard to impress you – chances are that, although you liked the attention, you never took that person as an equal.

A girl you do all those things to will never take you as an equal. You have to approach a girl like she is your equal and not a goddess to be worshipped.

A girl will never feel attracted to a guy she has absolute control over. A girl wants a man. Someone who is in charge of the relationship. A girl doesn’t want a worshipper – she wants a real man and not a guy who allows her take charge of the relationship

I will also tell you another secret; telling a girl that you like her before she feels anything for you RARELY works. It is the main reason most girls have been turning you down. You are showing her what you think before she gets to think the same thing.

Alright, I know what you are thinking.

You are wondering how you can get a girl to like you when you don’t make your intention known to her, right?

Here Is The Right Way To Woo A Girl

The right way to woo a girl, funny enough, always stare right at us when we watch American movies. Here is how it works - A guy and a girl meet, they get to know themselves – they kiss, then before the “I love you” talk starts.

Understand the process.

The correct step is; meet a girl, make her fall for you first before you show her that you are interested in her. A girl will find it harder to reject a guy she already likes than a guy she doesn’t like already. if you show her you are interested first before try to make her fall for you it will always backfire – big time.

So how can you get a girl to fall for you, how can you get her to feel some form of interest in you?; it is super easy (trust me) – you can achieve this by reading every single word in my new book; “Advanced Bang Rule”

          To get this ebook today, here is what you need to do: - contact my sales manager,     Nonso, on watsapp using this number - 08158068422. Or call him on 07031839129.
 You can also send “I need the ABR” to charlesnnejiofficial@gmail.com and details on how to get it will be sent to you within 24 hours.


Now, see - How about if you were given a step by step instruction manual on how to get very pretty girls to fall in love with you in thirty days (or less if you are a fast learner).
You would want such a manual, right?

Just imagine it. Let’s assume that in that manual every single thing was explained. Starting from what you need to do to easily walk up to a girl, talk to her, get her number and have sex with her or make her your girlfriend the next week. Effortlessly.

You would want such a manual, right?

Guess what? That is exactly what you will get from The Advanced Bang Rule. First, I dissected how to walk up to a girl without fear. How to make her like you on the spot.

Then slowly, in the pages of the book, I explained what to do when you call her for the first time. Then I revealed what you need to do after that first call that will make her pick massive interest in you.

Then followed by how to double her interest in you within 7 days or less – it works like a charm, trust me. And you know this is not hype, you might have used some of my tricks in the past and they are working for you.

I will also show you how to turn that interest she has for you into an obsession.

Then how to get that first kiss from her.

Then how to make her to commit to you.

Step by step instructions with examples. That is what you get in

The Advanced Bang Rule. No Book on relationship has ever, and I mean, Ever been written this way. Go and check.

The only thing is this; you must have to practice the tricks I exposed in this book, if not the book will be a total waste to you. You have to have a willingness to really practice what I revealed in the eBook.

If You can’t do that, then don’t bother buying the Advanced Bang Rule because you will be wasting your money (i will have to tell you the truth).
But if you are an action taker, and you want a simple effective trick that works – Advanced Bang Rule is for you.

And not just that; just for buying Advanced Bang Rule – I will give you 3 other eBooks for free.

Here are their titles:

- “Complete List of what to say to a woman you are approaching for the first time” By Charles Nneji

- “How to kiss a woman like she has never been kissed before”. By Charles Nneji

- “Every F**k up a woman can ever give you and how to handle them like a real pro”. By Charles Nneji

You will get these three ebooks – free. Together with Advanced Bang Rule. The first hundred people to contact my sales manager will be given a special discount offer plus these bonus ebooks; so to beat the rush and make the first hundred to get the discount, do this now:

     Contact my sales manager, Nonso, on watsapp using this number - 08158068422. Or call him on 07031839129.
 You can also send “I need the ABR” to charlesnnejiofficial@gmail.com and details on how to get it will be sent to you within 24 hours.

To Make This Clearer, I will Show You what you will discover in the ebook when you get it.

Inside the eBook, I revealed…

  • The main reason why girls play hard to get. Hint: Knowing these reasons will put you at an advantage over other guys who don’t know about it…. Pages 14-15

  • The 7 main things that is stopping a girl from taking an interest in you and how to eliminate them. These 7 things are the things you do that is making girls say No to you when you ask them to be your girlfriend… Pages 14

  • The 4 powerful things that you need to know which will completely change your mindset, make you more attractive and land you a pretty girlfriend in the next 30 days or less… Pages 27-30

  • The number one reason why you run out of what to say when wooing a girl and what you need to do that will make you easily and smoothly have an interesting conversation with women… Pages 31 – 35

  • The 3 secret reason why girls play hard to get and how to make sure you overcome them…. Pages 35-39

And of course, this only just the beginning. I will Also show you...

  • One thing you need to do first before finally letting a girl know that you like her. If you don’t get to do this ONE THING then girls will always turn you down when you woo them… Pages 41

  • Six mindblowing steps you need to follow in order to enter any girl’s head, make her drop her defences and have sex with you in the next 30 days or less… Pages 42.

  • Two qualities that would instantly turn you into a ladies’ magnet if you add them to your personality. Even a shy guy can EFFORTLESSLY use this to make a girl chase him…. Page 44

  • The little tricks most guys don’t know that you can use to make a girl want to date you – even if she already has a boyfriend…. Pages 44 – 46

  • How to turn a girl’s interest in you into full blown love. Hint: If you’ve been using my other tips in the past to make a girl pick interest in you, then you will double her interest and drive her crazy about you just by throwing in this one too… Pages 79 – 85

  • The first thing you need to do if you want a girl who is just your friend to kiss you or become your lover… Pages 56 -57

  • Two sure fire way, with examples, that you can use to trick a girl’s mind into seeing you as someone 100 percent better than the rest of the guys in her life… Pages 53-56 and Pages 61 – 66.

  • Four signs to look out for if you want to know, for sure, that a girl likes you…Page 58

  • The correct way to let a girl know that you like her if you want to tie her down to yourself for life. Guaranteed. Hint: most guys will never know about this till they die.

  • Four things that can spice up your relationship right now and make a girl happy she is dating you. This four things could get a girl really addicted to a you and the relationship… Pages 74

And there is more. You will also discover...

  • How to make a girl who likes tall guy to like you if you are average height or short… Pages 82 – 84

  • One little secrets and tricks that you can use right now to make a girl always think of you… Pages 84 – 85

  • One thing you should NEVER do if you really want a girl to have sex with you. Do it and you will kill every single chances of her ever having sex with you in her whole life. Hint: I can bet my every single penny that you are making these same mistakes right now… Page 87

  • The right way to make a girl want to have sex with you. This is one secret that you can use to turn a girl on and make her horny whenever she is with you…. Pages 88

  • How to walk up to a girl, talk to her, make her laugh and get her number in 10 minutes or less… Pages 92 – 101

  • How to talk to a girl that will make her see you as a more attractive guy…. Pages 102 – 114

  • Loads and loads of real life examples that wasn't added in The Bang Rule, that you can use to get a girl to like you.

  • Some little things you can do that will make a girl allow you into her heart; even if she went through heart break the day before… Pages 115

  • Plus lots lots more….

In Fact - to show you how real and how effective what I teach really is, plus the kind of results you will get from it - let me show you messages from the guys who have practiced just a little of what I teach.

What you are about to see are just four out of over a thousand messages like this...

Now back to my new eBook; Advanced Bang Rule,

You Will Also Get Three Additional Free Bonus eBooks If You Buy The Advanced Bang Rule

  • Bonus One: “Complete List of What To Say To A Woman You Are Approaching For The First Time”…. By Charles Nneji
  • In this particular book I exposed:

    • 3 things you need to do when you approach a girl if you want her to like you and give you her number – guaranteed.

    • How to approach a girl in a party and the exact thing to say to make her like you & give you her number

    • How to Approach A girl In a restaurant, bus, church and the exact thing to say to make her like you and give you her number.

    • How to Approach A Girl you meet in a street or a girl who is walking in the mall and the exact thing to say to make her like you and then collect her number.

    You Will Also Get Another Bonus Free eBook.

    • BONUS TWO: “Every Fuck Ups A Woman Can Give You And How To Handle Them Like A Real Pro”… By Charles Nneji

In this particular eBook I revealed

  • What to do if a girl doesn’t show up of a date that will make her respect you more

  • What to do if a girl doesn’t return your calls or reply fast to your chats and messages.

  • What to do if a girl refuses to kiss you that will make her irresistibly kiss you when next try.

  • What to do if other guys are wooing a girl you like that will make her respect and like you more than those other guys.

  • How to ask a girl to be your girlfriend that would make her say yes without even thinking about it.

  • What to do if a girl starts losing interest in you that will bring her back.

There IS Also Another Free Bonus Ebook I’ll Give To You - The Third one

  • Bonus Three: “How To Kiss A Woman Like She Has Never Been Kissed Before…secrets that will make her addicted to your lips”… By Charles Nneji

In this particular one, I will show you.

  • Some helpful proven scientific secrets you never knew about sex and how it makes a woman fall in love.

  • One little simple test you need to carry out on a girl that will show you the right time to kiss her so she will kiss you back without resisting

  • Things you should avoid doing by all means when kissing a girl for the first time.

  • The right way to kiss a girl that will get her horny and wet

  • Plus lots more

Plus there is still more...

You see; I'm very sure you will enjoy what you will discover in The Advanced Bang plus the 3 eBooks going with it.

In Fact, I'm so sure that i'm willing to make you a crazy  100% money back guarantee.

That is, if after buying the Advanced Bang Rule and reading it and you feel it had been a waste of money, call 07031839129 and ask for your money back, And it would be sent back to you within 48 hours - no questions asked.

Alright, let's wrap this up...

Just so we are clear…let me give you the summary of everything you will get together with Advanced Bang Rule eBook.

Here they are:

  • - Advanced Bang Rule….powerful step by step secrets to meeting a girl, eliminating her hard to get attitude and getting her extremely crazy about you… By Charles Nneji

  • “Complete List of What To Say To A Woman You Are Approaching For The First Time”… By Charles Nneji

  • “Every Fuck Ups A Woman Can Give You And How To Handle Them Like A Real Pro”… By Charles Nneji

  • “How To Kiss A Woman Like She Has Never Been Kissed Before…secrets that will make her addicted to your lips”… By Charles Nneji

  • Plus a money back guarantee if you think the eBook won't be helpful after reading it

How To Get Advanced Bang Rule Today

Firstly, the first 100 persons would be getting a special discount plus three bonus ebooks written by me absolutely free. Right now, over a thousand guys just like you are reading this so you need to hurry if you must make the first 100.
Again, here is what you have to do. Contact my Sales Manager, Nonso, and ask him for the buying details via this number
On  Watsapp: 08158068422
Call: 07031839129 (If we haven’t reached our selling limits, he will send you the price and buying details of the eBook)
Send: “How Do I Get the Bang Rule?” to Charlesnnejiofficial@gmail.com and within 24 hours the price of the eBook and the buying details will be sent to you.
PS: If you still want to check out if my eBook will really help you; Visit my website www.straffcode.com and read all the articles there then make your decisions. If after getting the eBook and you think it’s a waste of money call 07031839129 and ask for your money back

Have an awesome day


  1. This post is a full book ni!

  2. Oghene biko... em too plenty jorr!

  3. Jesus Christ! This man you are wicked. So you want me to spend the whole day reading what's not important? And after the whole long sermon you still advertised your book. This man God will judge you.

  4. Loool the person who reads this to the end will never miss his way to heaven

    1. Rotfl Bonita u won't make haven for making me laugh this hard o....lmfao

    2. Rotfl Bonita u won't make haven for making me laugh this hard o....lmfao

  5. Quite lengthy but educating. Nice one.


  6. Quite lengthy but educating. Nice one.


  7. Dis one na full library he put out for here. Linda take note!

  8. Dis one na full library he put out for here. Linda take note!

  9. Dis one na full library he put out for here. Linda take note!

  10. Nah! not my thing, I'm good at what I do.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  11. Αи∂ makes her find u irritable???
    I don't understand that line Mr Nneji, αи∂ meanwhile all these isn't anything... A girl that loves u or feels somethn for u...even at first sight will always come for u....
    That's just d truth...
    All this is just mmeju okwu

    #it Will only GET better
    #IT must END in PrAise

  12. I no need ur book Mr man. Fuck u

  13. Very boring. Seeing as I have a pretty exciting dating/ sex life I guess I know everything there is to know. Lol Magicblackxxl@gmail.com

  14. This your process is long, I thought I told you the other time? There's a very short cut- Just make money! Women love money! They're ready to mortgage even their marriage for it!

    1. You nailed it, that is the first and last rule, make money the 'in betweens' are less tasking as long as you are not an imbecile

    2. D way ur mother mortgage ha marriage ryt??ewe

  15. Are u married?

  16. i read am I won die pweeeeu!!!!#inteeeeeerested oooo

  17. Story 4 d gods.....can't believe I read dis to d end....

  18. Wow!!! So much shit on HOW to woo a GIRL, Kilode? Are we not humans like men? So whats the big deal about how to woo a GIRL

  19. I won't insult Charles nneji but I will b as polite as posible I am happily married with 4kids an addicted to my wife and kids I run a successful pharamaceuticals company and at 32 I would dare say way back in unn and post unn and nysc and life after nysc I was a player with due respect to my wife and daughter and ladies on this blog I av dated quite a number of ladies and BELIVE me GUYS pls disregard this guy nneji and his theories abot picking a girl dating a girl and most rspecially kissing a girl.truth b told there is no rule to this.what this clown has succeeded in doing is try to box, cage anc configure the mind sert of young men.what will work for u won't work for me there are no rule in picking up a girl and dating her d only rule is one follow ur heart and not ur dick or some guide book dat one clown lifted from the internet

  20. Mr Charles Nneji,why not go meet Robert Green,the author of the book "The 48 laws of power",so you both can up with 60 Laws of power?.nonsense!!!.Stop trying to mess up guys head with all these your tricks on how to get a girl or what have you? there are reversals to all this bla bla blas you write about..

  21. Ogini bu ifahhh?.

  22. REAL PLAYAZ DON'T READ BOOKS MAN..., it comes naturally..., experience has always and will always be the best teacher... Where's D time to read all these ones, Lol

  23. Bros, I know all these approaches better than you.So,keep it for dulling guys

  24. Long talk just to advertise your books... over to the guys now.

  25. If you read dis books... You will be confused...
    So many tins to read.... Even if i wanted to knw how to woo a girl and others.... I will go to wiki- how..... Free of change....
    The key is Just be a man.... Have confidence.... Thats all...

  26. Ladies plsss stop playing hard 2 gt plss so dt guys won't hv 2 read tru all ds plenti manual haba can't gt lost while reading tru it haaaaa.lol

  27. We are talking about how to make money u are here talking about how to make a woman Fall for a Guy.?....#whocares#

    1. We won't be needing the book when there's plenty money

  28. hmmm. very interesting. a brother is trying to help dem boys out.
    you are correct though. i hate it when guys just walk up to you and start saying, "from the moment i saw you my heart raced faster than usain bolt and blah blah". number one it shows me how dumb the guy is. i dont know you, you dont know me, we haven't had any conversation and you want us to start something. how na?
    at least strike a conversation, talk maturedly and intelligently, if u ask for my number i will gladly give you, we become friends and i get to know u better and u get to me too. then you will know if u can even date me not. period. nice books though @Charlse Nneji.

  29. Any guy that actually has to buy a book to learn how to approach a babe has already failed

  30. Emperor Columbus26 August 2015 at 14:45

    should i be thanking this man or linda ikeji for posting this? i don't know now but all i can say is thank you to both of you. chaii, i don hear am for babes hand since. now i have this secret, i am off to try it on those babes wey don take me do yeye before. but on a second thought, with all this brilliant ideas u have given us, will any of this work at the end of the day without money,nice crib, flashy ride and good looks involved??????? especially in this our lekki axis wey all the babes like money pass their family!!

    1. My dear.U have faimed woefully.if u don't have it, u don't have it.no book can teach u that.failure.com.

  31. It is well o. So I go come dey study book on how to date girl like say na exam I dey study for? Meanwhile upon all d studying na still only one woman I go try am on abi how many girls I wan date for my lifetime wen I go come go buy book on how to impress woman begin dey study am like say na bible I dey study. Agba por ne yo ze la di. Back to d olden days Jor when all u need for a woman to like u is jut 3 farmlands a house made of block with black and white TV and a VCR player

  32. All these just to get a girl? LoL. A dude's just gotta be 1 outta 2, RICH or hot with brains, got that? You got any lady.
    I was going to read this until I read the part where he said he was gonna show me what causes a girl to play hard to get and how I can turn everything around, charm her and make sure she finds me irritable. She's gonna find me irritable? Then shove your piece down your throat. I've got my sh*t going for me already.

  33. I don't really have issues in this dept thoe it will help allot of guys out there thoe....... Llong write up sigh!!!!!!!!..... girls calm down haba must a man have to read books?!!!!!!! like seriously!!!!!!

  34. I don't really have issues in this dept thoe it will help allot of guys out there thoe....... Llong write up sigh!!!!!!!!..... girls calm down haba must a man have to read books?!!!!!!! like seriously!!!!!!........EDDY

  35. Long stories, money talks dis days.

  36. Boooooooorrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnng.

  37. To the author of the book..
    I don't really think you have any idea about ladies, from your intro it shows you that either you are a stalker or always wished you had a particular babe.
    This book doesn't show a real scenario of approaching a lady of any age.


  38. To the author of the book..
    I don't really think you have any idea about ladies, from your intro it shows you that either you are a stalker or always wished you had a particular babe.
    This book doesn't show a real scenario of approaching a lady of any age.


  39. To the author of the book..
    I don't really think you have any idea about ladies, from your intro it shows you that either you are a stalker or always wished you had a particular babe.
    This book doesn't show a real scenario of approaching a lady of any age.


  40. Not jobless enough to read this long shitty advertorial

  41. Chic wey like u and u like am what else KwanU ? Ehhhh dee Charles Nneji? Ajum gi !

  42. Firstly, this man is not a girl or woman so I doubt he knows how a girls/woman think in general. Also women have different thought processes and are certainly not the same. I know for sure that some women love attention and would absolutely fall for a man who gives them attention and show them love and other women fall for the "bad boy" type of guys (mostly immature girls) and others are attracted to men for various other reasons, so Mr Charlse there is no particular or general "technic" in winning a woman's heart. I believe if a man is true to himself he would attract and be attract to the right woman for him.

  43. Once again,Basic sh!t...You can't learn it...Alpha male mentality :)

  44. this na a whole curriculum on guh chasing hehn................My one kobo: Guyz work hard, be successful in what you do.....guhz have an uncanny way of perceiving out success.

  45. While the writer might be looking to make a quick buck, the true person to blame here is linda. I think it is safe to say that linda has lost focus.

  46. Oh Bloodyhell...! Dis is a nice book full of womanful information nd toastful techniques! I'm sure all d men r gonna get dis book bcos itz helpful

  47. Lol,this is stupid. How about no 1. Be good looking No 2.- Be rich. If a guy is not fine in my eyes he stays in the friendzone forever,even if he imports the author's brain!

    1. If money and good looks are all u need in a guy, then be ready to always date guys who will cheat on u over and over again. Believe me

  48. guys go get the book and educate ur sef more

  49. How about asking Dabota lawson ,shade Okoya n Lara Oshiomole if they played hard to get when their bae-daddy met them.Omo leave this story for oyibo people.Naija gal lingua franca is money,the plentier,the merrier n the deeper the love.

  50. And for the meantime, before being rich be hopelessly celibate. Most of the "Get Rich and then the Girl" advice are unrealistic.

    Social skills not confidence is what wins hearts even men's. The book pushes young men to be more emphatic and try to see things through the eye of another person.








  52. This is bull! Why don't u just name ur book "how to be a player" wen u are saying guys must practise what they read from ur book! #okbye!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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