48 year old overweight Grandma reveals how she won a beauty pageant | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 19 August 2015

48 year old overweight Grandma reveals how she won a beauty pageant

A 48-year-old grandmother, who once weighed more than 200lbs, has revealed how entering a beauty pageant motivated her to lose 70lbs and ultimately win the crown.
Janice Celeste, from Flanders, New Jersey, is an author and the mother of international model Sessilee Lopez, 26, as well as the reigning Mrs. New Jersey United States 2015.
Janice, who comes from a long line of pageant queens, weighed over 200lbs and was few years shy of 50 when she vowed to lose 60lbs, and decided to return to pageantry to motivate her to shed the extra pounds.
'Being overweight and finding myself on daily blood pressure medication wasn't enough to get off my butt to get serious about weight loss,' she explained in an essay for the Huffington Post. 'Knowing that I will compete against girls half my age while I'm on stage wearing a bathing suit somehow motivates me while giving me a deadline to be in tip-top shape.'
The mother-of-three and grandmother explained that over the years she lost herself in being a wife and mother and couldn't seem to lose weight. Janice admitted that she 'failed at Weight Watchers' three times before she finally succeeded. 
'I once thought weight loss was impossible,' she wrote. 'That those who were dramatically losing weight had some trick up their sleeve they weren't disclosing. Instead, I found it would be one of the hardest things I would ever do.'
Janice, who is now off her blood pressure medication, said it took her three years to lose 70lbs, noting: 'I didn't gain it fast. I couldn't expect it to come fast and stay off.'
Losing the weight gave her a newfound confidence, and after a lifetime of 'wearing practical flat shoes' Janice, who is just shy of 5'9", started wearing six-inch heels at the age of 48. 
In July, she represented her home state and competed at the Mrs. United States Pageant in Las Vegas.
'It was one of my most challenging pageants ever,' she noted. 
And although she didn't win, Janice said that she learned that can perform under pressure and she can 'ace any job interview after sitting in front of various pageant judges'.  

Huffington Post



  1. Whatever happened to chubby looks.

    1. Wow! I gotta loose this belly fat o abegi!

  2. So what is the morale of this story? You useless people are always trying to shove the fat girls off. Like nothing can be achieved when they are fat. Who cares if you lost your weight or not?

    1. Your health actually cares if you lose your weight or not. Don't be ignorant.

  3. Wow! Inspiring.

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  4. Wow!!! There's hope for fat people.. Me sef need am... 🏃🏻>>> gym>>> I need my figure 8 back..

  5. Bunch of lies n story.She didn't even say a thing about dieting or food change oder gyming.All same American shit lies.Madam you lost your shit fat under knifes and obesity tablets...fertig.

  6. That's nice


  7. Nice one. Fat people take note

  8. Woooooooow! Dis is real transformation. Congrats to her. Linda take note!

  9. Woooooooow! Dis is real transformation. Congrats to her. Linda take note!

  10. Woooooooow! Dis is real transformation. Congrats to her. Linda take note!

  11. #determination

  12. Wow! You can achieve it if determine to....

  13. hitting the gym. Linda i will inform you about my weight loss once i trim down to size zero.

  14. She really looks too good for her age beautiful.

  15. Good for her...


  16. Good for her...


  17. Like mother like daughter...they have good genes

  18. Oya ooooo all em fat biiiiishes be inspired

  19. If she did all those surgeries would she still be on drugs...haters. U who want fat girls to remain fat for your taste and pleasure let fat kill dem too, you hear...???


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