Dear Nigerian women: Etcetera explains why men cheat | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 18 July 2015

Dear Nigerian women: Etcetera explains why men cheat

Etcetera explains why Nigerian men cheat using Toke Makinwa's situation.
When you heard the news that Toke Makinwa’s husband impregnated his girlfriend, you all took to social media to rain insults on Nigerian men. Why men cheat on women they love became a topic for all female radio presenters in the country.

Aren’t you all tired of asking the same question over and over as if it is some perplexing unfathomable mystery? 
Your question is rhetorical, but since it keeps coming up again and again, let me provide some explanations to help you understand the reasons. I will simply tell it like it is, with
no bull, tact, or political correctness. 
It’s just that oftentimes; women do not accept the explanations. But in fact, one can understand it through common sense. Sometimes a man would cheat on his wife or girlfriend because he doesn’t love her anymore; he is bored with her, or even possibly unhappy with their relationship. 
In such scenarios, even women can become unfaithful as well. Women must understand that men are fundamentally different from them and wired differently too. We all know this but feminists try to suppress or deny this universal fact. A man craves variety and seeks novelty, while women prefer familiarity. Men will naturally desire variety when it comes to romantic/sexual partners more than women will. Men easily get bored by the same thing every day or a routine and we are sometimes afraid to voice this. 
Think about this. You ate your favourite eba and egusi soup, and on the second day that you ate it, the pleasure would be noticeably less than the first day. And after a week of eating it, you’d get tired of it and start to strongly desire to eat something else. Your desire for that eba will have diminished at that point. 
I know what you are thinking now, “You can’t compare food with people” right? That’s the typical female reaction to this analogy. However, I’m sorry to say that this analogy does apply because it’s one of the best and simplest ways that it can be explained. 
I am not trying to objectify people. But by accepting such an analogy, it will start making sense to you that men are more visually stimulated than women are. And when a man relies on visual stimulation for arousal, the stimulation wears off at some point, which then requires new stimulation from new women. Got the drift? In other words, visual stimulation is a sensual thing that is fleeting in nature and requires constant variety in order to maintain the stimulation. Thus, men who seek visual stimulation will require variety from more than one partner or lover. 
Women often argue that “true love” never gets old. But the notion of “true love” is indefinable, very personable, and highly subjective. And even for the sake of this argument, if we agree that “true love” never gets old and never wears out, that still doesn’t change what we’re talking about here. 
You see, even if a man has true everlasting unending love for his woman, he can STILL desire another woman he fancies. That’s what our women have to understand, rather than cling to naïve clichés of society. A woman’s heart tends to be able to love only one man at a time, a man’s heart is different and can truly love MORE THAN ONE woman at a time. This might be hard for you to accept, and unfathomable to your values and beliefs about “love.” But it is the truth. 
A man’s heart is molded differently with multiple chambers that enable him to love and desire multiple women. It’s like a tree with different branches, rather than just one. Men usually won’t admit it, because our society doesn’t accept this, but condemns it. 
Ladies, to understand this, think about all the different colours you love. You love pink and sky blue, or red, blue, black and purple. Now, can you like more than one colour at a time? Of course you can! You like the different colours in different ways, on different things, and for the different ambiance and mood that each colour accentuates, right? Likewise, you can like more than one type of cuisine right? Can you like Chinese and Italian foods at the same time? Of course you can. Even if society said you could only like one type of cuisine, it wouldn’t make a difference, would it? After all, society may attempt to create mutually exclusivities, but reality doesn’t. 
These are painfully obvious examples, and I am not arguing that people are like colours or food, but such simple analogies do describe what’s going on inside those who love more than one person or like having many lovers. Just because a man tells more than one woman that he “loves her,” desires her, or has feelings for her, does NOT make him a “playboy” or “liar.” 
He is not necessarily “playing” in terms of acting, nor does it mean he is using people in some sort of pretend “game” where he doesn’t care about their feelings. These are just false judgements by the society especially a feminist or female dominated society like Nigeria is fast becoming. 
To some women, it doesn’t make sense and doesn’t fit their definition of love and loyalty. But it’s the truth. That’s reality and you’ve got to accept it if you want to try to understand it. Not all men unequivocally attach loyalty to true love. Society might do so, but not all human beings do. What women have to understand is that being in a loving relationship does NOT automatically erase one’s desire for other people. 
Of course, men who have multiple partners often do have to lie to the women they romance, by telling them that they are the only one when confronted with the issue. So that is one area in which men commonly lie. However, it doesn’t make them dishonest people in general. It’s just that since most women cannot accept that their partner can pursue someone else beside them, demanding total monogamy in love; men with multiple desires for multiple women are FORCED to lie in order to prevent chaos and failure in courtship. There is no easy way around it. And that is the case even if they are generally honest men. (After all, who hasn’t lied? Everyone has at one time or another, so stop pretending to be an angel!) 
Loving or desiring multiple women has nothing to do with right or wrong, or being good or bad. It is simply a lifestyle and often these men are simply expressing who they are. Thus, infidelity does not make a man “bad” in a moral sense. Often, these men who romance multiple women are tender, caring, good-hearted, loving, nurturing people. Some are even deeply spiritual or religious. 
He doesn’t love you? My dear, the line between love and lust is blurry and subject to personal opinion. There is no universal objective measuring stick for differentiating between “love” (which has so many different meanings anyway) and “lust.”
 In reality, a man can find the perfect woman, who outshines the rest in his life, and can even have a perfect relationship with her, but still look at another woman he finds attractive and desires to court her, romance her, and experience the wonders and pleasures of her femininity as well. 
Some men get a “high” or adrenaline rush from courting, romancing, or seducing new women, in a way that nothing else can, and thus are addicted to it. 
My ladies, there are no perfect solutions or answers to everything. Just accept that some things in life are just meant to be endured, not fixed or solved like an equation. 
To be continued next week.


  1. You are on ur own on this, you don't speak for all of us.

  2. This is so so true , that is why u see men with very beautiful wives and a girl and they still cheat, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you

  3. To some extent I share his sentiments, especially where he tried defining love and lust.
    Truth be told a man that loves his woman won't cheat on her. Love comes with sacrifice, even if you have been wired to love variety, but for the love you have for your woman you will try to make that sacrifice for her sake.
    Not all men cheat and by the grace of God I'm part of the few that have been programed not to cheat.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  4. Hmmmmm. These reasons he gave are not absolute. Women should pray to have men that fears God, that is the secret of chaining a man's dick.

    Busy Fingers.

  5. God punish you selfish being.

  6. Bitter, sad but..... true

  7. Etcetera, i am a fan but this one wen you write ehn…Dear Etcetera, the good news is that so many Nigerian women are also cheating on their husbands and boyfriends. Two can play the game you know. Who knows since you love variety your wife may also love variety.

  8. #truetalk# that is y Islam permit man to marry more than one wife

  9. I feel sorry for ETC's wife and she too needs to "fancy" other men. With that out of the way, there was an author that wrote a book about this issue. She was female and she almost got killed because she had similar views despite being a woman. Truth is, as much as I want to tell all women to storm this man's house and shave his head, one part of me says the opposite. Classy men don't go around "fancying" Other women when they are in a committed relationship but as he said the whole issue is dicey. There is still that 1% that will be fateful but let's look at the bigger picture. Affairs and indiscretions are dangerous and ruin lives. Also this attention seeker didn't need to use Toke Makinwa as his punch bag, he hit really low there. Now we all know that his dick is busy as a beaver, dirty, dirty.

  10. Some truth is in it but l pray the cheat won,t be too much to be noticable.

  11. Hunmmm! Waiting for comments biiko!

  12. Im a woman and I totally agree! We women are born to endure through life. Probably our punishment for our sin at Eden. Let's learn to accept this hard truth.

  13. Honestly.... This is just the painful truth. The only time a man makes a near wise decision is when he chooses his wife. Even at that, he will still crave for another, sometimes cheating even helps the man appreciate his woman more and sometimes it doesn't. Men are easily bored no matter how sweet the other woman is.

  14. Rubbish write up ......keep wasting your time in encouraging cheating ........I know a lot of men who doesn't cheat on there spouse ....stop encouraging nonsense

  15. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses. The truth remains that Etcetera just left us a bunch of excuses. There are many men who stay true to the woman they love. All u just wrote talks about weakness. The weakness to control ones body and a lack of ability to keep a promise that as made in front of God and Man. the promise to be true to the woman you love, to be faithful to her. To cheat on the person you love is a choice everyone in a relationship must make. He believes that women want men who dont notice other women, that is ridiculous and if a woman think that way, she is very naive. I believe a woman wants a man she can trust. Who respects her enough to keep the promise he made to her even if the promise was made just to her. All that I read as a man trying to give an excuse for weakness and nothing more. All this goes for women too.

  16. I think he's making lot of sence here

  17. Story for the gods. It's obvious u cheat as well. I don't agree to this crap u wrote here Mr man.

    i jst pity dis bufoon called etcetera,
    so wat becomes of d laid down principles in d Bible..

    SIN IS SIN! no mater d reason or motives!

    here is a verse for you etcetera
    " Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; "

    ur earthly wisdom is foolishness b4 GOD

  19. Not completely each their own opinions.

    Pls visit

  20. Did you read Economics Etcetera? believe you 70 percent though.

  21. Dear Etcetera, this article of yours is absolutely NOT correct and NOT applicable to all men. This is why I believe the new school men need the old school mentoring program for them to man up. I am a full grown 42 years old man and I do respect women and their feelings. I am not claiming to be an angel but I categorize men into two. First, "CAT-1" the one who desire multiple women of different sizes, shapes and colors to fulfill their desire and second, "CAT-2" the ones who desire multiple events, scenario and style and places to fulfill their desire. Sex is sex it depends on your fantasy. All you have talked about in your article is the desire of the man to eat different food, like different color e.t.c like your name implies men like that are the CAT-1. For some of us who belong to CAT-2, who happen to fall with one woman at a time and willing to stick to this one woman at a time, we love them to wear different colors of dresses, styles, short pants, different hairstyle, keep themselves hot and dynamic in many form, we go out and shop what we like to see on them and bring it home for them to try on and drive us mad in love. We don't do routine missionary style when we make love. We spice it up and tell them our fantasy and we learn their fantasy and make our number one objective to satisfy our better half and this way, we seek pleasure. Mr Etcetera, there are 365 days in a year and Kamasutra has 365 styles of lovemaking. Google it and download the movie. The issue is most Nigerian men are too lazy to read and be innovative. They have fantasy that they will not tell their wife/fiancée or girlfriend to try because they are concern about what she will think of them so, they seek it from other gals. I for one cannot enjoy sex if there is no emotional attachment. I have never and will never meet a gal today and want to have sex with her even if she sleep on my bed that same night. We are CAT-2 and believe there must be emotional attachment and making love for us is an art. We take our time before we start painting because we make it classical and magical when we do. I am not saying CAT-1 don't exist, they do they are probably 60-70% of men today. That does not mean they are bad people, but the fact is their mind had been corrupted by the current trend in the society from music and musical videos, Women, money and sex with multiple women. Fact -you can have multiple sex styles in multiple places and under multiple conditions to stimulate your brain and get your adrenaline rush with the same woman. So, when you throw a headline "Etcetera explains why men cheat", you may want to adjust it to Etcetera explains why "some" men cheat.

    Linda, watch out, we are coming soon with something different (CLEAR) that will shed more lights on relationships according to my good friend "J", she asked me a question yesterday, "T" why are guys of nowadays age 25 to 35 just don't get it when it comes to women. They need somebody older and wiser to put in them the number one thing in any relationship. - Mutual Respect. They are just super annoying, arrogant and have no clue how to stimulate the brain of a classy, intelligent and beautiful woman. They use words that are derogatory to women. I say it’s time to bring back the old school when men were men at age 25 and not boys at age 35. Watch Out on Linda Ikeji’sBlog - T&J will make it crystal CLEAR. –“B2T”

  22. I'm a lady and I know you're right.

  23. Did you read Economics Etcetera? believe you 70 percent though.

  24. All men may have d desire to cheat but not all men lack self control.....

  25. Etcetera, you go hear am from the ladies today.

  26. Mr ranting instead of you to rebuild your dead carrier your here writing rubbish encouraging cheat fool

  27. Its obvious dt u r a very stupid guy,day by day u keep provn it wit ur dumb right ups,u started well but ds days u just write shitty things,

  28. Did you study Economics? Etcetera. believe you 70 percent though

  29. If this isn't the dumbest article I've read in a long time! LMAO! I can't right now.....

  30. the wonder is not fair, some question come with varrying answers that can never lead to an acceptable end point.

  31. Chaiii this guy don finish work. But why is this not applicable to women as well. Atleast let there be equal right when it comes to cheating. Abi women don't like variety like men?a man who is highly disciplined will never cheat on his partner no matter the situation or circumstances. Cheating has to do with the mind. What u occupy ur mind with determines what u do. Try and renew ur mind and che

  32. Etcetera e Wu Malu... stop making stupid excuses for ur wandering penis. Not all men cheat biko

  33. Even women are wired dt way, just dt we hv self control. Y do u think ur wife or gf keep giving excuses each time u want to mk lv to her? Bc she tired of eating same eba too. Supposing its rite for a woman to hv a different man each time she has sex, no woman wl hate sex. All humans desires for variety but when u lv some1 u must hv to exercise some self control. Women r becoming worse this days bc they learn from d men.

  34. Just because u r serial cheat. Doesn't mean all guys are like you. Shut up and gerrrarahere

  35. This is nothing but the truth....

  36. What nonsense is dis one saying,are u d one dt created human(adam and eve) attention seeker..nd na u still sing (tru love shd last dt long asin 4eva) devil has possessed ur mind so u cn infect odas wif ur stupid belief...spk 4 urslf alone

  37. True to a certain point. #fact

  38. What you said might be true, but wait and collect your beatings from female Libers. I am off.

  39. Hmmmmmm food for thought.

  40. I totaly disagree wt u mr writer no man or woman has d right to cheat on his or her partner there is no excuse dat dustify cheating u both took an outh in d presence of God to be faithful to each other is a sin b4 God

    y ve u dcided to b a tool in hands of d devil?,since all dis yrs i've been on dis blog all u do is promote,post n rejoice over tins dat mks d devil a happy man..
    "nudity is no longer a problem for u
    LGBT news is like a supereb way of getting more libers to comment.
    killings is anoda good news for u since pple kip commenting...
    but u ve neva for once captured a story frm d church wher sound doctrine is being preached so dat libers could b awear of d imminence of d Rapture,instead all u post is about a church in S/A where dey re md to swallow snakes n pieces of cloths..

    what more do d devil require frm anybody?

    u dnt seem to b a xtian,n u dnt seem to read ur Bible,cos if u do u'll b conscious of d signs of d end n let pple see reasons to accept christ at this critical tyms dan ever before cos we re at d Eleventh Hour!

    i knw u ll c no sense in wat i've written bcos u ve to kip making money!dat's y i am writing to u first b4 d libers cos u cnt gv wat u dnt ve...

    so Linda pllllls repent from ur sins n b a child of God,ur earthly and cannally acquired wealth will nt save u on d last day of judgement

    "shall we continue in sin dat love may abound?"
    Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.


  42. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I think he make sense 2 sm extent

  43. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I think he make sense 2 sm extent

  44. See his face like a spoilt he-goat. He's ran out of inspiration already.......Dude's now sounding like a broken record. How many times is he gon' write women about why men cheat? **phew***

  45. For the first time, I agree with this dude.

  46. ETC........ So you are saying a woman should like Egusi soup and not crave for varieties too? Well, the variety will kill them. Our standards are xtians are what the bible laid down. As far as am concern, am a 10 women in one body and I switch each time hubby wants a different taste. When and if I catch him eating outside the Egusi, Ogbono, Afang, Editang, Oha, banga, bitterleaf, white soup, atama and Stew that I am, then he and his Ewedu soup will hear from me.

  47. See his face like a spoilt he-goat. He's ran out of inspiration already.......Dude's now sounding like a broken record. How many times is he gon' write women about why men cheat? **phew***

  48. Very stupid man, men cannot love more than one woman at a time, I know because I am a man. I realised the first time I ever was faithful in my relationship which eventually led to my marriage.... I was in love with her, she gave me "butterflies". I didn't desire other women, I literally knew she was all the woman I will ever need, she did it all for me, she ticked all my boxes and is stubborn. Do you know what? It made me love her more, she is a woman of substance. When a man marries the wrong woman and isn't satisfied, he will cheat majority go the time. Trust me I if a man dates or marries multiple women, he will most certainly prioritise one over the other and it is the one he loves most, in short that defies your analogy.... When a man is inlove, he will want his woman alone and be proud of it.

  49. A bunch of crap. When would all these lame excuses stop? If something goes bad u fix it not jump unto the next available skirt. If it has proved unsolvable then u bow out graciously not go behind your lovers back and stab her in the heart. All these lame excuses is the reason our society is getting worse. i totally disagree with you. Like i said its a whole lot of nonsense.

  50. In other words, cheating is morally acceptable? Unbelievable! Things we learn everyday

  51. Etcectra... Rie nsiiii.

  52. Accepted! Etc...your reasoning is very well accepted and unfortunately, so so true.
    However, since I am a very smart and intelligent Nigerian wife and mother, I must also strive to win.
    Ok, since my hubby derives pleasure in sleeping with International whores, I will keep a straight face, pretend I do not know( for d sake of the kids and Becos there is too much at stake to lose in the case of a divorce), but I win distance myself from him emotionally and of course, sexually....I am way too young to die, Becos a man is wired "differently from a woman"....The key point is here is, Children and I are happy and well provided for!
    Of course, from time to time I shall roll in the hay with a guy who catches my fancy and is ready to take me to cloud nine....So, since it's all about faking it in marriage, let the game begin and may the smarter person win.

  53. Hahahahahahaha..... Ladies jor oh

  54. doesn't make any sense etcetera u fail on this one woefully, where u make a Lil sense is were u said that cheatting partner's are so caring, yes is true, I always tell girls when he seems to be so loving, caring, protective, makes u happy, that is when he cheated the most, remember we always shoot without missing. #THAT AKWA IBOM BOY

  55. Simply Spot on.

  56. Hmmmmm I agree with part of dis tho

  57. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    Nna tell them something abeg...

  58. We need TO STOP taking this Etcetera guy seriously. He may be a good writer but he is not an expert on every topic. Most times he just comes off as NAIVE.

  59. you got it perfectly well dude, Men are different from creation but some ladies termed feminist has refused to accept the factual fact

  60. Rubbish talk, infidelity is completely wrong on all levels...people be changing Gods plan to suit their indecent lives. You are free to have your opinion but I totally disagree but if anyone agrees with you, then what is good for the goose is good for.....


  62. Well spoken lecturer Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera, cos if we leave u, u go continue till our data finish but remember every woman has 2 breasts and one vagina. It can either be tight or wide ,even the tight one will eventually be wide, so why run around for the same fantasy when you can teach you partner presentation. All I will say is most women should learn how to present themselves to their men during sex, learn different styles ,keep urself clean,smell, look good and sexy for him. A man is never satisfy with the same thing all the time missionary missionary missionary all u do is lie down and wait for him to come on top why not take charge n offer him a different thing or better still you d man make your woman the way you want if she is will to learn except otherwise. Make ur wife n ur galfriend the same person. You won't have to look outside and God's blessings will be upon you always. To be continued next week when mr Etcetera continues.

  63. What's his point in all of the nonsense he typed...he's not even married and he's talking as if he moulded 'men'.. Ode oshi that cannot speak English. I wonder who helps him type.

  64. Word , well said, reality at its peak, (I'm a woman)

  65. My brother u try, pls always summarize biko.


  66. Hahahahaha...this dude nailed it. Some men have also found a way to entrap themselves into not cheating. Humans are smart creatures, we always find a way out of every problem. I know a few men like that who don't cheat. And I have a working solution. Contact me for details. Hehehehe

  67. The summary of what he said is that men are a selfish species who cares only about how they feel

  68. B4 i forget caring men are the most cheated men on the face of the earth, after all that's what Beyonce told us to do, if you doubt me go and listen to (if I where a boy) listed to the massage she pass on to us then you'll understand what I mean thanks#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY #

  69. "My ladies, there are no perfect solutions or answers to everything. Just accept that some things in life are just meant to be endured, not fixed or solved like an equation". 

    Women are the most resilient creatures that God made. We dey try

  70. Uncle abeg u either comb your hair or have a haircut.

  71. Read to d middle n got tired,wat u'r sayin is dat is a man's world so they're allowed to cheat??How long can they keep up doin dat n wats d pleasure they derive from fu**king around??Men are dogs

  72. PLZ!!!!! Ladies DO NOT listen to the selfish opinion of this half imbecile !!! This is how they plan on brain washing us to be accepting and chopping shit from men . Okay! Let us sit back and endure while our families, dignity , pride and happiness is destroyed bcos one man needs a 'rush'. Thank you very much, be sure to advise you daughters like this .

  73. I never read this guys articles but I just had to read this particular one. This article is pure BS! It is a good example of many excuses for wayward men to keep being wayward. It does not represent any truth whatsoever and it's only an idiot that will read such and be inspired by it. What happens to the 2% of men out there who have decided to discipline themselves and be loyal to just their wives? Or does he think that women do not crave variety as well? How can he possibly say that infidelity and lying to your spouse is not 'wrong'? ..... Point blank, we are all humans and humans have the spirit of self control and if they wish to exercise it, they will not be adulterous in nature. Lack of spirituality is part of the problem.

  74. Lol...the joke is on u guys..we ladies don adopt this system tay tay...we can be wired that way a lady and im proud to say im polygamous..awon ode...eba ko..shawama ni..duh

  75. Thrash talk!!!!!😒😒😒😒

  76. If U want to be sincere, Etcetera is 100% correct. Some pple may have variant views , especially as they try to conceal obvious facts or become religiously or politically correct.

  77. All said, and written concerning dis issue of d man or woman cheating but sth is missing in dis write up which is d MAIN reason behind those dat cheat.

    D main reason behind those dat cheat is simply LACK OF FEAR OF GOD in their lives. I say dis emphatically dat if any man or woman truly has d fear of God in their lives, he or she wil never cheat on his or her partner.

    All other reasons attributed for those cheating on their partners r flimsy excuse's. Pls let check dis out dat if u truly committed to d Lord Jesus or u r faithfully devoted to ur religion, then, and there cheating wil b d last tin to ever come to ur mind.

    Pls desist frm cheating mostly d act of Adultery, and fornication bcos d living God despise those dat involve in dis act, and of all sins dis is d sin dat God really kick against bcos it b committed wit d temple of d Lord which is d body.

    D Lord Jesus said dat He prefer a drunkard to those involve in d act of fornication, and adultery. Its a grave sin against d Living God, and abomination.

    A word is enough 4d wise, and those who hav ears let them hear. Shalom!

  78. Then your girl child will get such heinous treats bcos according to their father Etcetera,its a way of life! What a dummy ideology.

  79. U are sick in the head Etcetera or whatever you call yourself.

  80. Nice piece. This guy has upped his writing flair by exploring new frontiers. I agree with him in most of his assertions on why men cheat. Good work bro...

  81. Ur write up neva makes sense I will jst ignore u.rubbish!!!

  82. Inasmuch as I understood Etcetera's piece and saw sense in it, in my own opinion, it is still all shades of wrong. If it's okay for a male to cheat, in a like manner, a female cheat is equally justified.

  83. no wonder you are not married......smh

  84. Mumu talk from a man that does not have a good love life justifying adultery... All your points are senseless. I pity ur wife,that's if you are married to one.

  85. Gbam iji okwu nwanne. U re absolitely and perfectly correct. During my service year in Oyo state, I remember a saying from the iseyin of iseyin (more like d king of iseyin) and I quote '' Men are polygamous in nature". Women should try to understand that.

  86. Dats Ur opinion Mr. Cheater. U cheat bcos u feel like cheating

  87. Men should be awarded with certificates for cheating.Guys,don't you think so?


  89. We all were, are and will be polygamous ( having multiple sex mates). Stop pretending.

  90. You are extremely foolish!!!

  91. You are seriously a confirmed sadistic idiot! And I feel sorry for any woman foolish enough to be with you

  92. women know that this is the truth but will never accept it. even God does not frown at a man loving or marrying two is the church.that does. abrahan, jacob, david et al all married more than one woman at a point of their lives and God was not angry with it. remember our God does not change his standards. hit your head against a rock if you like but that is the truth.

  93. Men would always find reasons to justify Promiscuity!

    Serving Popcorn to all those that came 2 read comments on LIB

  94. Etcetera is just making absurd excuses for cheating men. White is white and black is black. There is no way a man who sees a white handkerchief will call it black unless if he wants to tell a blatant lie.

    We (men and women) like varieties of things; it is not peculiar to one gender. Of these, yet, is not a strong reason for anyone to cheat. For a man who could not afford Ferari, stealing should not be his next line of action to have a taste of everything. Stealing brings shame and it's illegal; so also cheating.

    A man who cheats is weak and unloyal. He has broken the vows he made with God and men. An upright man will not be found wanting and will always say like Job "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl."

  95. Well said my brother, women take note!

  96. Wow nice one E. I read it all nd am glad I did men will always b men.

  97. really blunt as in blunt inspired ...#ifudontgetit4getit

  98. So basically pastor e.a Adoboye has sexual relationships with more than one person ( he might be inlove with) and all other popular pastors in Nigeria ( allegedly) . In other words monagomy is a myth. Raising a male child to think like this or consider it to be natural well, can see it your way, according to your article. You know is funny, many so called white people thought of it to be natural in enslaving blacks for hundreds of years-guess what we are not slaves anymore in foreign countries and you are not subject to be kidnapped for slavery. Oh wait, Catholics ruling majority of the world and it being natural or god’s will to be in charge of world, hey! Democracy and people have taken power away from the church in many progressive countries not backward Nigeria. Stop!! was is it not natural to have women has second class citizens in major parts of the world,-now look at us, we rule nations, own major powerful countries and you speak of this idealistic dispicable article. Like, how Hitler saw it fit to end a race ( Jews), homosexuals, because they were natural distaters ( according to my understanding), my dear, please get more exposure in life and stop making excuses for breaking marital vows, or why get married. It is simply a joke to marry and break all the vows even one ( that’s the essence of marriage) or isn’t.i know some men in Canada stay loyal to their wives ( well that’s what I see) because Mehhn if you Cheat, guy you gone go broke, she takes about 70% of your valuables ( average citizens gets the hit) and some kids here are not raised to agree with you, so they don’t act like your article. I agree with your article tho to some extent and I feel that the moment a guy sees someone that tops all others, especially if he has done all the imaginables, he will not need to risk loosing such a dime.

  99. For those who want to be religiously correct. Have U not wodered why king Solomon went for women up to the count of 1000. U may call that madness, but before flaring up with such lashing, remember he was a king and had enough resources to amass as many women as he could afford. Today it's also about how many U can afford, not that the urge is not there. Only certain factors of restraint makes most men hold back.
    Have U considered king David, though he had wives, still went after Beersheba? Or even the father of faith : Abraham who promptly went into Hagar (the maid) without hessitation or debate when Sarah recommended such?
    These few examples goes a long way to show that this masculine tendencies is not muzzled by how much of spirituality or religion a man weilds.
    Remember Abimelech who almost went into Sarah as Abraham lied Sarah was his sister? Thankfully he didn't , but was it by his own effort? No! God told Abimelech "I restrained U becuz ur heart was innocent.." . Now don't forget Abimelech was a king and has wives also, but still leaped out for Sarah as she was an attractive woman as recorded in the bible.
    Not justifying infidelity or men's polygamity, but we must tell ourselves the undiluted truth and also acknowledge the fact that what keeps a man is the grace of God upon his life, not by his might, efforts, resolutions or spiritualities. #just-my-opinion.

  100. I CAN'T believe what I just read!!! LInDA WHY POST THIS bULLsHIT? HELLoOO MR Etc THis is the 21ST CENTURY and WOMEN CHEAT TOO. GONE are the days were women don't have sexual preference and desire. YEYE talk.

  101. The best person to answer this is chimamanda adiche

  102. Nice piece.. Thanks for exposing us but they will never understand cos they are not designed to understand.. But there's a solution wch he failed to mention and that is"SELF CONTROL " which only the spirit of God can give... Some women call it God fearing man

  103. Whenever matters of subjects like this one come up, I always remember the "LAW OF DEMINISHING RETURNS". And one way to solve or tackle the problem with the law(deminishing returns) is to leave that particular piece of land that has been cultivated consistently over a given period, go to a fresh piece of land and cultivate while the former appreciates, fertility level increases and is generally restored to its former optimum production level.

  104. I quite agree with you but If that's the case, i see no reason why same sex marriage and open marriage shouldn't be approved.

  105. I CAN'T believe what I just read!!! What I long load of CRAP! MR ETC don't be living in DENIAL thinking women CAN'T or DON'T wanna av multiple partners too. Its called SELF CONTROL!!! But then THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY and WOMEN ARE SERIoUSLY CHEATING TOO. So don't be living in denial thinking its only men entitled to such. BEtter watch ur GF well, cos she might be cheating on too or will start after reading this ur write up. MUMU

  106. These two sentences summarises the whole article. Kudos. Well written.
    "After all, society may attempt to create mutually exclusivities, but reality doesn’t."
    "What women have to understand is that being in a loving relationship does NOT automatically erase one’s desire for other people."

  107. You have said it all, its painful but its d truth, ladies shuld also notice that their man's erection bcoms less hard over time wen wit dem, but gets harder erection wit a new partner, dats y some men just like to taste external stuffs. Its nature don't blame d guys

  108. A kleptomaniac claims he/she has an undying urge to take anything he/she fancies. Homosexuals claim they are born that way, they claim to have a naturally different sexual orientation from everyone. Studies have proven that some serial killers are also born that way, that deep urge to end a life could be genetic, mothers who were serial killers have a 70% chance of having children who would love the sight of blood. Bros, just because our society has accepted infidelity in men doesn't make it right. I do not disagree with your ideology that men love variety, but I frown at your attempt to make it a norm. We all should work towards being a better YOU. Do no not commit adultery. Do not hurt a good woman. Stop justifying your weakness! Cheers


  110. This is so stupid! Go on cheating and accumulate all the STD's in this world! Cheat on your wife with mammy water. That is your problem.
    Just look at the way he is justifying sin.. God please save this world oh!
    You think women can't love more than one man at the same time? They can! But Godly women know the vows and commitment they took at the altar,they know they shouldnt love no one else! Which is why they stick to their man.
    Mehn,this guy is an ass!

  111. Did u see ur whole write calling women Eba and egusi and colours we r humans wiv feelings fool cheat on a woman and she will do d same let's keep deceiving ourself mtscheew u r the fufu and ogbono and sometimes we will like to eat Chinese too....comparing humans to food n colours because u wanna justify ur smelling weak ass cheating libido of God deemed it normal he woulda said have sex before marriage and marry as many as u want!! Gerrarahere!! Nothing can justify a cheating man he's weak n selfish that's all all dese weak nigerian men callin women food sick of them

  112. Nna eh etcetera abi etc this ur analogy no work at all, even me wey be man don dey confuse cos i no see maself in the picture. I have a problem with ur write up. Ur telling women to accept and live with men cheating like all we do is cheat. Again will u tell men also to accept and live with the fact that dia women can cheat too? And wats dis foolish food analogy doesnt fly biko. A particular soup say egwusi can be cooked with ugu leaf, bitterleaf or oha leave. So ur analogy of men eating different soup no fly at all. Ask urself wen men cheat is it not with other females dat dey cheat with which most times d females are aware d guy has another. A wud u classify ur dad if he kept cheating on ur mum with different varieties of sure u wud have many half siblings. Bros find another reason abeg...#dropsmic😆

  113. Sometimes this etcetera man talks and actually makes a little sense but other times ehn, he just speaks like a dunce. This is one of such times. I don't want to say much because apparently this long story still has part 2 but for this one he has written, I have never read such a load of BS. Don't even know where to start from. These so called men that it is apparently in their blood to have more than one partner had better not mind being cheated on in return. But that's not even the point, relationships are about trust, loyalty, dependence. If a man can't handle one woman why marry her or have a serious relationship with her for God's sake. it is torture for a woman or even a man to know that when their partner is not with them, he/she is with another person and you expect them to just accept it. It makes them feel stupid na. Here I am loyal, loving you with all my heart, ignoring my attraction for other men that might frankly be better than you (if I want to compare) and you are there embracing your "inner" you, sleeping and romancing any woman that catches your fancy, are you mad? What happened to self-control? or do you think everyone goes around everyday just doing what they feel like doing, if that was the case I would have cheated on my partner since na. It's not about being made that way, if God made us that way, honestly he would have understood and not made adultery a sin, since we can't help but be "ourselves", it's about caring enough about your partner to not want to hurt and humiliate them in that way.

  114. arrant nonsense

  115. I agree with this...

    "In reality, a man can find the perfect woman, who outshines the rest in his life, and can even have a perfect relationship with her, but still look at another woman he finds attractive and desires to court her, romance her, and experience the wonders and pleasures of her femininity as well"

    "Slow and steady wins d race"

  116. All men cheat,all men cheat,thats how billionaire man turned to cab driver in lagos....hahahaha

  117. No comment! The article is too ridiculous to comment on.

  118. If it is seen as a way of life for men to cheat or be adulterous, then I wonder why the Bible states Adultery as a sin! There is no excuse for adultery. The way a man wants variety, don't you know women too could also crave that? Do you think you guys are 100% perfect that a woman won't want to look outside the relationship sometimes?

    Okay, if you feel ladies should be patient and stop being sensitive in this issue, the men too have to be the same when their girlfriends or wives display the same characteristics. You don't want her to cry fowl and end the relationship just because YOU cheated, that's fine! But when the table turns around, you too should stick to such rule, rather than going to friends and family looking for pity parties to help see reasons with you on how she has committed a big sin.

    Ps: I am not married, not even in a relationship. So this is not a situation I'm in, but my personal view on infidelity. And we should all not forget that it is a sin especially stated in the 10 commandments, so as you 'cheat' on your spouse, do remember this each Sunday you go to church, Praise the Lord, and step out of Church 'feeling blessed'. I rest my case

  119. Mr etcetera, ur GF or WIFE will definately start cheatig after raeding this ur write up.THESE MEN who thnk women don't also cheat or DESIRE to cheat when they see a HUGR EGGPLANT are only living in DENIAL. WAKE uP cos this is the 21stcentury.

  120. But I absolutely disagree with this...

    "Just because a man tells more than one woman that he “loves her,” desires her, or has feelings for her, does NOT make him a “playboy” or “liar.”

    "Slow and steady wins d race"

  121. Etcetera biko....Gerrrrrrrrraaarrrahere!!!!

  122. His tut though but as 4me i bliv is in men's blood 2 still single but i don't kia if my man cheat on me coz i don't expect him 2b eating corcotion rice everyday.if my man can show me luv provide 4 ma Nids den his free 2 move around.i don't Eva pray 4 a broken home so I'll rada kip quiet dan 2 av a broken home

  123. Perfect. Well said. I am a lady and I believe this. The sooner other ladies realize this, the better.

  124. But I absolutely disagree with this...

    "Just because a man tells more than one woman that he “loves her,” desires her, or has feelings for her, does NOT make him a “playboy” or “liar.”

    "Slow and steady wins d race"

  125. I see the issue of cheating as lack of self discipline
    The truth of the matter is,men will always see woman everywhere they go to
    But only the disciplined and God fearing man would be able to control his urge
    I just hope toke gets the happiness that she truly deserves.

  126. Mix reactions

    "Slow and steady wins d race"

  127. I don't really comment on blog, but tbh this is really who some men are eg me, love that side of ........some men are even spiritual. We love our women but just love varieties...No offence

  128. This man is mentally unstable....what kinda comparison was dat?.....Nonsense write up!....

  129. #attention seeker just shut up already, jobless man. There's a word called 'control', that's what u and other dogs need to learn. Women have more adrenaline rush during courting and even gain more but just decide to be with one man cause they have control.
    So that's it, I've given u few secs attention u ve craved for, life time mumu

  130. You're not making any sense at all

  131. #attention seeker just shut up already, jobless man. There's a word called 'control', that's what u and other dogs need to learn. Women have more adrenaline rush during courting and even gain more but just decide to be with one man cause they have control.
    So that's it, I've given u few secs attention u ve craved for, life time mumu

  132. U r not serious.......u don't know what u talking about. Don't talk like that cos u r a about real men and forget mere men please!!!

  133. I like this guy.He s always blunt,truthful n straight to issues.This write up is 100% correct. Women that go for divorce bcos they caught their loving husby cheating will never stop at divorcing serially bcos all men are d seemingly same.D earlier they get to know this d better -Jyde

  134. Stupid analogy!!! U do not justify cheating. U do not justify cheating on your wife or husband after vowing to love and honour them in the presence of God. People like u have no respect for God!

  135. Sometimes I find African men funny you keep going on and on about men this men that listen and listen good everyone wants something new and fresh just like when you buy a new cloth you feel like putting it on almost immediately because it's shacks you I do go out and see finer men everyday well built and you can even tell he's going to be fire in bed I get to think about it but the ability to suppress such urge makes me human and not a dog so dear your write up isn't an excuse to cheat because we all feel thesame

  136. BULLSHIT!!!
    HIV IS REAL!!!

  137. Cheating in a relationship shows you were never 100% into your partner. There is no excuse for cheating. When you love someone completely you will be committed to the extent that you won't even think of cheating

  138. Dear Men,we get tired of ur same old boring dicks too hun? Everyone is polygamous in Nature,it takes a God fearing person to be well disciplined.

  139. For someone that talks a lot of sense most of the times, u spewed a lot of rubbish today. So u are directly telling ur wife to prepare her mind for high blood pressure. marriage is more dan passion and getting turned on. It's about commitment. Marinate on dat b4 u write ur part two

  140. All Men cheat,all men cheat,thats how HIV/AIDS is Everywhere......Them plenty for UCH and LUTH.

  141. Gbam! Etc, you are so full of wisdom. Write a book.

  142. Waiting for the comments to roll in. If this is true then open relationship is the way to go.

    For all your quality and affordable female wears, accessories, handbags and footwear,kindly add us on bbm pin: 2bb40d42, we deliver at ur doorstep thank you.

  143. Waiting for the comments to roll in. If this is true then open relationship is the way to go.

    For all your quality and affordable female wears, accessories, handbags and footwear,kindly add us on bbm pin: 2bb40d42, we deliver at ur doorstep thank you.

  144. Bull-fucking-shit! Ladies do not believe this garbage. Yet another man who lacks discipline is all this one is.

  145. This bros again, dou what he said is just plain fact Dat wud b hard for these women to phantom

  146. As honest and true as this is, it all seems to be making an excuse for cheating men. I do agree to this the biggest sacrifice a man makes is that despite these other women and the temptation to be with them, I will stick with this one who has decided to with me. And that is what classifies men from real men.

  147. The law of diminishing return is a general truth, but you forgot to add in your illustrations that men are like dogs. You for kukuma finish us...

  148. This dude is soooo silly. So women should endure being cheated on? Hope he can tell his daughter that. Ode.

  149. Dear Nigerian Men,all men cheat,All men cheat,thats why most of you end up being broke at your Old Age! Your dick don gulp all your money u spend on women at younger age....hahahahahah Kontinu!

  150. I guess I dont know women prefer different flavours too.. im sure u dont know how a woman feels being with a new man either.. gerara here mehn shit.. im going to cheat on any man that cheats on me, be it my husband..

  151. Dear Mr Etcetera, firstly you need to give your life to Christ. When you do, you will realise that your write up is total gabbage. No justification. How will u feel if u find out that ur kids are not urs bcos ur wife was sleeping around Bcos u didn't please her in bed or Bcos she wanted variety? If u understand the real meaning of marriage, u will know that it is not based on selfishness. (No I, ALWAYS US) If your wife does not please you in bed, y not tell her? You can teach her. U shd watch adult movies together. It is nt a sin. It is so much fun that will strengthen your bond. (Instead of doing it with an outsider). Men like u who sleep arnd all in d name of variety leave their wives sexually unsatisfied at home.

  152. Hmmm, dis guy self, u get sence small sha

  153. Lol.. Funny enough i think this article shouldn't justigy the reason why men cheat should also be for women. As a woman myself i have got desire to be with multiple men not at the same time offcourse i just get bored of them easily and always like something new, Also am actually in love with more than one man, you are wrong when you say women can love just one man as we were made than way and men are made to be able to love so many. Every human being has got the desire to be with more than one person at same time. Am tired of society and people like yourself defending men about cheating, women can have multiple patners too i just don't understand why it's more of a taboo for a womean than a man. We are all the same we are all humans with same exact feelings. Everypone should be sexually active with whom they want it with nobody should be dictating who and who you should have sex with just protect yourself. xx

  154. The Retard be exhibiting some Chauvinistic ish.
    He should be prepared to receive hate mails from Women with Feministic inclinations.

  155. Diz guy head dey correct @times. I always tell my GF "men polygamous in nature" d fact I flirt wif oda gurlz doesn't mean I don't luv u. Nature jst made it so. Every player has a coach. U can b a d coach, neva minding d number in d team but u av d main say as d player's coach, som1 he respects more dan d team he plays wif, follows d directives, he ensures u(d coach) get d glory as d winer of all d games. U remain d number one, jst maintain & bb content wif dat spot.

    Note: one can av Bean on d fire & quickly eat Indomie to still hold belle!

  156. Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera....................

  157. Real fucking talk

    I've been married less than two months and I've had other sexual relationships

    Just looking for one steady side chick now that will keep her damn mouth shut

    Women think shaming men is the solution. Well pretty soon, men will stop marrying one woman or marrying at all. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

    Can I Fuck more than one bad bitch in my lifetime? PLEASE!!!!

  158. Most senseless and stupid article ever . I only read 2 lines and stop coz I knew it's only an ignorant stupid man that will write such . But I blame Linda for helping out to spread stupidity

  159. I swear this nigga is crazy.. so you are saying a man cannot love one woman and make love to her alone all hes life?? This dude is a cheat.. are u saying that David Beckam occasionally cheat on victoria? Or are you saying that prince Henry cheats on Kate?? Its Nigerian mentality. How can you say men can never be faithful? Do you even know what is means being in love with someone. Its not just being married. Its being in love.. "someone ask a man: why have you being together for 25yrs, and the man answered. Shes my bestfriend and the love of my life, why would I ever think of hurting her. Nigerians get married for the wrong reasons 90% of the time yes! But that mean a Nigerian man cannot be faithful. You are clearly a cheat. Stupid man. You say you are allowed to cheat, is your woman allowed to do that too?

  160. This guy is a foooooolllll I just hate everything about him! Idiot!!!!!

  161. Who is this guy again? I got bored reading this.

  162. Pls when will Etcetera stop being foolish??

  163. Teacher: class, Topic for today is "fools" and can someone in this class give me an example of a fool.
    Akpos: e no hard na, example of a big fool is Etcetera.
    Teacher: give him a big applause.
    class: well done class go....kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa away.

  164. I don't know what to say buh U made some valuable points bro. Most men find it extremely difficult to be faithful to their partners despite the fact that they love their partner so much, I ve seen that on several occasions. I can't say if it's right or wrong buh men should try harder to subdue their inordinate desires to sleep with every beautiful girl/lady they set their eyes on. Moreover, being faithful is highly possible n it saves one from unnecessary expenses both financially n emotionally


  165. When will Etcetera stop being foolish??

  166. #hmm this guy d always burst my brain so much reason reason ,linda abeg tell him his our dele momodu #youngmen

  167. Nice write up, I am a man and don't totally agree with all you penned. But i'd say alot of it made sense. be ready for feminist and critics on this blog. cos they are going to come for your head thou.

  168. You are a fool

  169. Now I know you are MAD! A man that has the fear of God would NEVER cheat on his wife...this article is for idiots like you!

  170. No matter how you try to spin it, I believe a man should be loyal to one woman. the craving for variety is in every man, no doubt. But it's the ability to suppress that craving that makes you a real man. Cheating with your partner because others are doing so only portrays you as weak and without balls. Good day. I did enjoy reading it though.

  171. I quite agree with this write up. Sad, still I find true facts in it.

  172. You are a FOOL for this senseless article written by your malfunctioned brain.Keep leading some gullible men astray,people like u affect our society in a very negative way.But some wise and principled men won't see a sense in what you have written.

  173. This lie has been passed on for generations and our men have believed them just the same way it was passed on to women for generations that childbirth was a license to get fat and loose yourself until one woman n several others 2day proved it wrong...Cheating just like everything in life is a choice.

  174. Well if variety is the spice of life, it should not be exclusively for men, as what is good for the goose is good for the gander. The bottom line is, if you are committed, for heavens sake remain committed to your partner. Which man will be happy to see his wife or girlfriend hooping from one eggplant to another?

    So this your analysis,comparison or hypothesis is a poor excuse for the reasons why men cheat!
    Love and not infatuation is what we should be able to differentiate in a relationship, we seem to place too much emphasis on the outside and too myopic to see what is inside!

  175. If a man can love multiple women at de sam time, wat stops him from marrying all at de same time, y propose to one and leave de rest. This is total rubbish. Etcetera or full stop

  176. God Bless the writer

  177. Crap!!! Do something wrong and find a reason to back it up is what this is about. Wrong is wrong no matter how you brand it...Please go and steal and tell us you were wired that man messing up emotions of countless women and you think he is wired that way?no wonder weird things happen due to crappy relationships with guys of extreme low moral standards....go clean up ur mindset pls it's polluted. *big hiss*


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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