Family suffers harassment for 5-year-old daughter's name | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 27 June 2015

Family suffers harassment for 5-year-old daughter's name

When Ciara and Jacob Martinez named their daughter Isis five years ago they had no idea that the lofty moniker, after the Egyptian goddess of fertility, would put them through such hell. The Arizona couple thought the name was fitting since they’d had trouble conceiving and consider their little girl a “miracle,”
Isis is special in another way too: she was diagnosed in 2012 with the rare neurodevelopmental disorder Rett Syndrome, for which her family began fundraising to pay for a trip for her to see a specialist in California.
But last August stickers with their tagline, #TeamIsis, started getting the wrong kind of attention as strangers mistook their group for the terrorist organization, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, aka, ISIS.
“I honestly didn’t think anything of it when I printed them,” said the stay-at-home mom of two, 23, including another daughter Imelia, 2, with her husband, Jacob, 27. “I had started to hear of ISIS the terror group a couple of months earlier but to me that’s just an acronym, my daughter’s name is something completely different. But after [a fundraising event we held for our daughter], people started trying to drive me off the road, flipping me off, being aggressive… It was horrible.”
Haters have tweeted Ciara telling her that her ill daughter now, non-verbal due to her syndrome, is “a disgrace to America with that name.” Others continue to urge her to change Isis’ name amid all the torment but Ciara tells Yahoo Parenting that she’s standing strong.
“Isis has beaten so many odds,” says the mom of her first-born, who endures 35 hours of various therapies for her condition every week. “She has proven that she can do all things with great practice so if she can fight and live this life, I can do a better job and help fight the world for her.” 
Well-wishers always ask how she does it, Ciara says. “People ask if it’s been hard, but I just say, ‘If you were in my position, wouldn’t you fight for what you have to fight for? I’m letting the world know that this is what her name is. This is her disease and we’re not backing down. I want to spread awareness.” 


  1. Replies
    1. They should just change d name now that she's still young. That girl is going to be bullied so badly when she grows up. Some parents r always d cause of their children's misfortune. Tsheww

  2. Fight for it,I gat ur back.God will scatter dem by fire.

    1. @falodun, u gat r bk indeed. He had better change d lil girl name now

  3. Trust me with the amount of evil perpatuated by ISIS daily, I wouldn't even hesitate to change my daughter's name from ISIS.
    It will save her a whole lot of embarrassment.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Bonario pls help me with Linda's Email address pls. I need to send something to her ASAP.

  4. Stubborn woman,why not change the name

  5. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    She should better change that name if she wants peoples favour... The mother must be stubborn though....

  6. Better change it before they kill the girl

    ***adult content***

    U want to spread awareness?

    I'll be watching from Nigeria....

  8. Better change it before they kill the girl

  9. Quite unfortunate, it's just the situation around ISIS now and every sane individual will definitely have a second thought over it.
    Love her spirit all the same.

  10. A lady in my home also named her daughter Isis some 12-13 years ago... I wonder what the child and her parents will be going through now?

  11. But really how will people help you with that name tag?

  12. Some1 pls send me lindas email abeg I need to send her something important. Thanks ya'll

    1. Biko kwa I need linda's email address ooo somebody help me.

  13. If not for d stupid terror group, dat is a very fine name. It's well. Dave

  14. Oh dear!!! Name gone wrong. I like her zeal. She shd keep fighting.

  15. Oh dear! Change her name to miraclke, since dats. D. Meaning of d childs name

  16. Hmmm, d luv of a mother, den mayb her 2nd name be used den

  17. #TeamIsis...Isis is a beautiful name. The family have to endure or cave in to avoid harassment.

  18. I'm with u sister!

  19. Please they should just change the name already.

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  20. Hehehehe.... dat moment tho'' she could as well change d child's name for d lil girls' sake

  21. They should change her name.

  22. Lolzz. Olorun maa je ki a lo so omo wa loruko iya.. #Naminggonebad

  23. Pls change that child's name biko!. whether it's an Egyptian goddess or whatever, it's still wrong and affecting the Lil gurl. What's all this stubbornness about?.mtcheeeew

  24. Better to change her name than backlashed..

  25. Ehya... Poor innocent pple... Change d name biko.. Lol, imagine ur name to be boko haram.. Creepy

  26. Some people sef. She should just change her daughter name. Switch to the girl's middle name. I don't think I will like to associate my child's name, with the worst terrorist group in the history of mankind.

  27. Why back down my dear? You stood strong even when people where pulling you down, you have said it all ignore the name and fight what you believe is worth fighting for. Isis written in #teamIsis with a blue ribbon on it from just ISIS.

  28. Heart breaking.Seems me and the poor girl have a lot in common

  29. When an innocent name goes bad . Lool

  30. my dear everyone knows hw much u luv & care 4 ur baby bt de name Isis is a horrible &terrifying name in de world 2day.think about ur child's future,wil she be able 2 endure de bullies dat wil come her way al bcos of her name, do act wisely & change dat name plsssss.

  31. Let her change d name joor....seeing what these terrorists are doing..she still want d child to bear it.... Oyibo people can be so daft..

  32. People just like fighting pointless battles! Wisdom says to pick your battles wisely!!!

  33. When I say Americans are some the dumbest most myopic people on earth...I get arguments. Poor family. Smh!

  34. Ouch!....they shud change her name to avoid harassment or even mockery not just for them
    but for the lil girl also.

  35. Oh mine! So touching! Like she said the dreaded "ISIS" is an "ACROMYM" for ISLAMIC STATES OF IRAQ AND SYRIA, while her daughter's is the name of the "Egyptian goddess of fertility", whom she believes gave her the child. And she's had her name before the dreaded "ISIS" came into existence. There's also the "Israel Secret Intelligence Service" known as ISIS. They should let the poor girl be! I wish she recovers from the disorder.

  36. Oh mine! So touching! Like she said the dreaded "ISIS" is an "ACROMYM" for ISLAMIC STATES OF IRAQ AND SYRIA, while her daughter's is the name of the "Egyptian goddess of fertility", whom she believes gave her the child. And she's had her name before the dreaded "ISIS" came into existence. There's also the "Israel Secret Intelligence Service" known as ISIS. They should let the poor girl be! I wish she recovers from the disorder.

  37. Oh mine! So touching! Like she said the dreaded "ISIS" is an "ACROMYM" for ISLAMIC STATES OF IRAQ AND SYRIA, while her daughter's is the name of the "Egyptian goddess of fertility", whom she believes gave her the child. And she's had her name before the dreaded "ISIS" came into existence. There's also the "Israel Secret Intelligence Service" known as ISIS. They should let the poor girl be! I wish she recovers from the disorder.

  38. Change her name she's still a kid else she'd dislike them when she grows.
    ~D great anonymous!

  39. She should adopt her second name if she has any, parents should be very careful of what they name their children.

  40. Akpokwa nu'ya gini??? Linda take note!

  41. Madam better change the name before they kill your daughter

  42. Oooooooooh my....!
    Bruhahahahah....*laughed in korean* Isis indeed.

  43. All I can see is two lovely daughters plus good parents.

    Theresa urateh#password ish#

  44. She herself is a child dat is y she doesnt knw d gravity of d situation

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  46. Eeyah....why not adopt her second name

  47. When u named her "isis" d name of a goddess why won't sickness attack her? U are d cause of her misfortunes!

  48. This is what happens when you pick a name out of a hat. You wouldn't blame anyone,especially with what ISIS is putting the world through.

  49. Destiny can only b delayed Bt can never be change. ISIS or not ISIS 'wat will b will be'.

  50. for goodness sake why will reasonable parents like this name thier child ISIS?????
    they should better change that stupid name immediatly,before america (USA) will descend on them.

  51. Change it before its too late

  52. Pls change your daughter's name


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