When I met her over 10 years ago I was struck by her pure beauty. Looooong hair, smoothest skin ever, perfect nails and her gentle persona made her all the more beautiful. Fast forward to Now, growth has come. The hair is tinged with red, grey, brown strands, skin is still as smooth, and she is the most Hilarious person. There is a glint in her eye as she talks. She has followed her passion and is the CEO of Deva Petals. Hair growth serums, Body Oils, Turaren Wuta. She loves to create. Blessed With a rich Kanuri Heritage, knowledge of potions that promote wellness and wellbeing is what has made Deva Petals the success story that it is. Humble beginnings. She started by mixing pastes and potions for close family and friends who wanted her Smooth skin and Long hair secret. She started bottling them up and today the rest is history. Her love for Fashion also saw led to the establishment of Fashion Cafe Abuja. Where you find Accessories and clothes stocked. Legendary and effective herbal supplements has made Deva petals the number one Oasis of Wellness products in Abuja.
From Banke Meshida
Photo Credits
Creative Director : Yomi Black
Photography : BigH Studios
Makeup: Banke Meshida Lawal
Model : Rahama Babangida
Classy! Lindaobserve
ReplyDeleteWit all those tatoo's on her body definitely she is not adorable. I pray for her soul bcos those wit tatoo's on their body r cursed so says d bible.
DeleteBeautiful woman.....
DeleteRoyalhouseboy stop commentin shit
Delete@Royal priest hood...those are not tattoos... Its hausa body gel....actually feet n palms.....
DeleteHey royal house boy wawa ne
DeleteThis royal priesthood guy... I used to think u were smart...dumb ass, dose aren't exactly tattoos. They are just part of the Northern culture.n BTW who are you to play God deciding who is cursed or not. We have all sinned, judge urself
DeleteRoyal-foolish-hood, those are Henna designs. And they wear off after a few weeks! It's a hausa culture. You must always display your stupidity!
DeleteHauss beauty
ReplyDeleteHausa beauty
ReplyDeleteNice cover, she looks so cute. Me likey.
ReplyDelete~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA
ReplyDelete@christie benjamin, I like you very much, like ur spirit. Unlike that wiliameno girl, she soo rass and has a bad mouth. Keep it up dear. Dee.( Straight from the heart.)
DeleteChristie is a yahooboy oo take note
ReplyDeleteThis babe is fucking damn fine! Lawd!
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with all d tattoos?
ReplyDeleteAnd that looks like a tattoo to you??huh?
DeleteShe is flawless
ReplyDeletePretty woman.
ReplyDeleteShe is indeed beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
She is just bearing a Muslim name but obviously not a Muslim.
ReplyDeleteIgnorance is bliss ..we have millions of such girls in the north. Sorry to disappoint you but most views of northern girls are way off...
DeleteSo d/c they have million of girls like this in d north, that's makes dressing half naked right in Islam abi? Sorry, even if they are more than a million it does not make it right.
ReplyDeleteShe is beautiful love her lips kiaa, nyc pixs.
ReplyDeleteVeri cute
ReplyDeleteThis is what will call makeup @Christie Benjamin
Just beautiful
ReplyDeleteYou have used the word stunning correctly here. Yes, she is.
ReplyDeleteShe's a married muslim Woman, why should she model dis kind of pix??? Not good at all..her body is her temple,meant to be seen by only herself & Hubby...May GOD hlp us all..
ReplyDeleteAll diz fine hausa girls. I no dey see them 4 my area oo.
ReplyDeletetalk about affluence!IgboBorn!
ReplyDeleteStunning lady!
That second picture is so beautiful. And looks more like her late mother in law. I wish Aisha Babangida would come out of her shell
ReplyDeleteLovely pictures,nice make up and photography plus beautiful woman.
ReplyDeleteBabe is pretty
ReplyDeleteBeautiful is soooooo deep
ReplyDeleteRahama, you are a grown ass woman, what the hell is wrong with you? You have destroyed the level of values and morals we hold in islam. You are not impressing anybody because there is nothing you have that we haven't seen on internet, please focus on your children and stop this midlife crisis before as far as proving something to us goes, you haven't done jack shit. Thank you
ReplyDeleteNonsense comment. Did she tell u dat she doesn't hav d consent of her husband? So in ur mind u tink she did dis photoshoot witout tellin her hubby? Abeg shush ur mouth. Her hubby lik her dat way. Oya hug a wet transformer.
DeleteSee hypocrites evrywhr,dats why ur religion is barbaric,brccaus she took photoshoots now she don bcom infidel,awon were gbogbo,you read about BOKO HARAM wickedness all d time uv not com out to condemn it,but u cn point an accusin finger on a housewife dat his enjoyin her life,u shameless lot with a backward bloodsucking religion will rot in hell alongside ur cock sucking paedophile mohamed.go fuk ur virgins in hell.
DeleteI had no intention of commenting on these indecent pictures, that you all define as a 21st century woman, yes modernization has come in and we are thankful for it, but last time I checked our holy books haven't been changed, we have the same set of rules our forefathers had to follow and I can never understand how or why an almost 40 year old mother of four would degrade herself to such a level of filth, but to each his own! I honestly couldn't care less about a family that is popular for their witchcraft, lack of religious upbringing, nude pictures and an alleged sex tape. However, what I do care about Mr. Anonymous is you not only falsely accusing my religion which is of great pride to me, unlike some people (Yes, you Rahama), you go ahead to make horrible remarks about my Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) too?, that I can't sit and watch, let's not be ignorant 21st century modernized, westernized, or whatever you term yourselves as, people. Yes a sister or brother in Islam felt the need to tell Rahama what she felt, the approach might be a bit harsh, and you felt you had to speak out too to defend her, and that's all fine and good, after all we all have the right to have opinions, but to say such backward uneducated things?, this just makes my heart break for the world we are raising our kids in, we owe it to ourselves to go beyond what the media shows us and educate ourselves, I won't try to insult your religion because my religion teaches me to respect all religions whether I agree with their views and teachings or not. May the Lord lead us to the path of those whom he has favored.
DeleteWell said @ anon 8:35. Anon 12:14 u are vary stupid 4 everything u said.
DeleteBeautiful and beautifully designed...
ReplyDeletewow.....i xo love this, she is beautiful
C'mon, you are a grown woman, act like one. I'm so fucking pissed. Where is your husband while you are doing all this? Oh my God. Calm down woman. Your time has passed
ReplyDeleteY r u pained? Are u d one wearing her marriage shoes and feeling the pinches?im sure she got approval from her husband before allowing her pictures to be used, welcome to the 21st century where women celebrate their beauty and power,please go to stellas blog n borrow one of her stools and sit there,im sure Moha didn't pound u enuff hence u r tormenting his wife...rahama please loose some weight,u have no excuse,see fati abacha after battalion still maintaining her figure
DeleteJust wen I thot this 'anonymous' had sense, she Gowan comment on her weigh! If ure gas support some1, do it fully n stop barking on post, miss know it all! After 4 kids, her figure z fantastic to say d least! So sit down! She my favorite person to follow on Instagram, all of her personality z obvious on it, a truly beautiful, warm woman who puts her kids n family 1st. Her sense of humor z tops as well n she's generous enuf to share herself with pple!
DeleteWhich weight again? Foolish talk. She's beautiful and her size is just perfect.
ReplyDeleteSee fine nose
She's a beautiful woman
ReplyDeleteWonders. Lmaoooo this woman is something else. No wonder you have marital issues
ReplyDeleteShe's really gorgeous. As i read her story, I'm so inspired to follow my dreams.
ReplyDeleteIs that towel am seeing? Bathroom pic? See you see sharia law. Till they cut your hand
ReplyDeletePretty woman. Black is beautiful. Linda take note!
ReplyDeletePretty woman. Black is beautiful. Linda take note!
ReplyDeletePretty woman. Black is beautiful. Linda take note!
ReplyDeletePretty woman. Black is beautiful. Linda take note!
ReplyDeletePretty woman. Black is beautiful. Linda take note!
ReplyDeletePretty woman. Black is beautiful. Linda take note!
ReplyDeletePretty woman. Black is beautiful. Linda take note!
ReplyDeleteShe's so beautiful. Love her flawless skin.
she is a beauty. so sharia can now snap with towel?
ReplyDeleteshe is a beauty. so sharia can now snap with towel?
ReplyDeleteBeautiful and stunning!
ReplyDeletebeautiful and flawless.
ReplyDeleteWow!! Pretty indeed!
ReplyDeleteBmpro, my dream wedding MUA.
ReplyDeleteanon April 21, 2015 at 10:10 AM abeg leave her with her mid life crisis. she likes the attention she's getting. what has she achieved? she succeeded in chasing Mo's 2nd wife away. isn't that an achievement. hehe
ReplyDeleteBeyond this so called physical beauty, I wonder what character Mohammed saw in you... This is a disgrace to the noble culture and values that characterized your upbringing. Obviously you wanted to spite someone but ended up destroying yourself. May Allah forgive you. Amin.
ReplyDeleteHausa ladies can fine sha
ReplyDeleteThis is a drisgrace , the whole family has problem . ammas nudes leaking , presido dating dbanj and now this one shamelessly posing like this .
ReplyDeleteNigerians are soooo dum.those are not tattoos.it is lei lei it can be rubbed off.stop taking panadol for another mans headache.
ReplyDeleteIf this truly is your body, I wonder what character gentle Mohammed saw in you. As a mother of four what are you trying to prove? Or are you trying to spite someone? May Allah forgive you. Amin.
ReplyDeleteIf this truly is your body, I wonder what character gentle Mohammed saw in you. As a mother of four what are you trying to prove? Or are you trying to spite someone? May Allah forgive you. Amin.
ReplyDeleteIt doesnt matter if she got her husbands approval or not its still wrong
ReplyDeleteFirst, that's not a tattoo.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, she's beautiful and she's not naked o!
It's just her shoulders showing.
I wonder when we will stop being ignorant.
Beautiful woman
ReplyDeleteBeautiful woman
ReplyDelete@ROYAL PRIESTHOOD you are very dumb. do they look like tattoos to you. do they look permanent to you? oshisko
ReplyDelete@udeze obumneme can you not read? olodo, she's not hausa
ReplyDeleteMen, this babe smile na one million!
ReplyDeleteDazzling, actually had 2 save her pix
ReplyDeleteI cant believe how these people's pictures are all over the news and social media, especially Linda's blog. Either people have amnesia or you all were born in the 90's to know what atrocities this family has caused Nigeria. They should not be celebrated. In civilized countries, Babangida and his older children should be in jail
ReplyDeleteRahama this wrong on every level,as a wife, a muslim and a mother,
ReplyDeleteThis is very distasteful, how can u a married muslim woman allow a man take ur picture wearing towel,lola and toke covered the same mag and none was as distasteful as this
ReplyDeleteRahama u have forgotten ur sister's naked pictures that broke the net abi,i feel sorry for ur parents becos no muslim woman from a good home will do this
ReplyDeleteHaba, am so disappointed in this picture wen we r not kardasian must of the pple saying, nice,beautiful won't allow their married wives, daughter or sisters do this, even Banke or linda won't pose on the Internet in towel
ReplyDeleteRemember this world is nothing but a mirage, Remember who u r, someone's wife and most especially MOTHER to girls,this is something that will never be forgotten ur kids will grow up and see these and never forgive u,
ReplyDeleteRahama and u wonder why ur husband married anda women and does not care u have left the house,search ur self
ReplyDeleteMohammed made a big mistake marry this useless girl and soo happy he has married another woman that respect marriage institution and know wht it is to be a good wife
ReplyDeleteAbegi this has nothing to do wit religion or culture, is she the finest girl from the north, there were many before her, many now, and many after her, no responsible married woman and mother will take picture in towel and put on the net
ReplyDeleteDon't mind the stupid idiot, it's new money that is worrying her,that why oyinbo no dey marry new moni,becos dey r razz,tasteless and un refined
ReplyDeleteRahama Indimi! You are a muslim woman and mother of 5 beautiful kids! This is highly irresponsible. Is this the kind of example you want to set for your children. You know where you come from and you definitely know it's not right and highly unacceptable. Maybe Mohammed needs to take his kids to his new wife or sister so they will be raised responsibly. May God guide you! Ameen.
ReplyDeleteIt is clear that we must draw the attention of our Muslim sisters to the importance of wearing Islamic dress. This is not imposed upon us by the mere opinion of a scholar or a sheik. It is a Divine Command, and is necessarily in the best interest of the society of every age and place. In this we stand opposed to the opinion of some "modernists", who maintain that those living in a western society are justified in adapting to its norms and morals.
ReplyDeleteWe believe that our religion is that which has been transmitted to us through the Prophet Mohammed (saws), his companions and our pious predecessors. A careful study of relevant Qur'anic ayat (verses) and Hadith (Prophetic traditions), along with the works of our pious predecessors, will reveal a strict emphasis on the need for women to observe modesty in their dress when they appear in public, by covering all of their bodies and any ornaments or other means of beautification they might wear.
Allah the Exalted says in Surat an-Noor, ayah 31:
And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not show of their adornment except only that which is apparent, and draw their veils over their (necks and) bosoms and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male servants who lack vigor, or small children who have no knowledge of women's private parts. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn you all to Allah in repentance, O believers, that you may be successful.
And He says in Surat al-Ahzab, ayah 59:
Oh Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their outer garments close around them. That will be better, that they may be known and so not be bothered. And Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful.
Thank you for this reminder. for all those saying she is beautiful. yes she is. but if your religion and culture allows this ours doesn't! Have respect for what others believe in. even if rahama says she's no more a Muslim, our northern culture does not allow this!
Deletewai waanan en iskan yause za su yi koyi da muslunci da abun da manzon Allah ya sauko mana da shi, wato shine rike darajar mace da kare mutuncin gidan aure
ReplyDeletehaba first it was that her useless sister taking pornaographic pictures (amma indimi) then that other useless faggot sister (adama indimi) fucking that dog looking dbanj and then this rahama with her midlife crisis. as a mother from a muslim family u should not be taking these kind of provocative pictures.
what has the world turned into? is money everything? where have our morals and principles gone to.. please emulate other decent hausa firls like Zara Buhari, her father is the most powerful man in Africa but she acts very decently.
your parents should be embarrassed to hav
e produced such useless set of children
ReplyDeleteFoolish, jealous hypocrites. You can never be Rahama, go and hang yourselves. You hide under the cover of anonymity to spew your bile in the name of religion. Cast the first stone if you have no sin! Your jealousy and judgemental attitude will take you straight to hell. Continue in your ignorance and if you choose to 'wrap' yourself up like a gift, by all means do so but leave Rahama out of this. You will remain fools and objects to be used and dumped by your men that chase anything with a vagina. I really pity Muslims and their religion of bondage.