Local journalist Abhishek Shukla, 33, had been seeing his parents off at the main station in the Indian capital New Delhi when he spotted the children cuddling each other for warmth as they slept on a platform. Concerned about their well-being but not having time to speak to them, he took a photo and posted it on Twitter with the message: "Can someone help these helpless kids at New Delhi Railway Station near platform 16 entrance."
The tweet quickly went viral and was soon picked up by local police chief Madhur Verma who mobilised his men to go and get them.
He said: "When officers arrived they found the children had gone. Worried they may have been kidnapped they began searching the station and stopping passengers. Eventually, after an hour, they were found them hiding on another platform. They were cold, hungry and scared but we soon found out what had happened."
According to the children, Rahnuma, 7, Raja, 5, and Sanya, 4, their divorced dad who lives in another state had taken them out for the day but then left them at the station saying their mum would come and get them.
Verma said: "When we arrived at the mother’s house she was asleep and said she had been working and had not been contacted by her ex husband. As far as she was aware the children were staying with him. "We are now looking to question the man."
The mother said she had not been contacted by her ex-husband
Later he tweeted: "Today morning (sic) safely handed over to mother Ms Tabassum. They are happy!" And he was immediately swamped with good will messages from ecstatic locals.
Credit: New Delhi Sun/Mirror
Oh no! Lindaobserve
ReplyDeleteThere's still doubts abt their mother.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt ended in praise. I'm happy d kids reunited with their mom.
DeleteWow! Quick RESPOND frm d authority saved d day.
DeleteOne positive use of social media.
DeleteAwww! Quite heart rendering, I'm happy help finally came their way.
ReplyDelete~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA
DeleteE ya, poor kids bt thank God dey finally made it 2 der mum
DeleteI'm happy,they are safe wit their mum
DeleteHuman being enh, some are human error
Someone near them should take them in.
ReplyDeleteAnd take care of them.
Christie it's like u dnt read
DeleteTry to read before commenting. We are not playing fastest fingers here
DeleteDid you read the story ? Thank goodness they've been returned to their mom.
DeleteKai. But this Christie is dumb though. Eeeeewwww !
DeleteLike I swear down, d girl mumu.
DeleteRead it again
DeleteWow, u truly can't read lol, I used to think pple were just making fun of u
DeleteU didnt have time to read d whole story???
DeleteAtleast the pix should hav spoken to u..
Did you even read the post? Or are you just commenting for the sake of commenting. They are with their mother now..
DeleteLearn to read u dunbass
DeleteHahahhaahhahahahahahahahaa! All these comments so so funny.
ReplyDeletenot nice
ReplyDeletealso visit 9jahub.com
Height of parental irresponsibility
ReplyDeleteHeight of parental irresponsibility
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGod bless d man who tweeted aa pic of d kids
Thank God for the good samaritan.
ReplyDeleteSo heartbreaking poor cute kids
ReplyDeletehow can we help?
ReplyDeleteThey're not asking for your help
DeleteHave you finished helping all the ones in Nigeria or wherever you are?
DeleteHappy ending. God is good
ReplyDelete#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Gud dat d reunited w their mom
ReplyDeleteIt is well
ReplyDeleteWhat divorce causes ehn
ReplyDeleteThe social media is not all bad, it can be used for good too!
ReplyDeleteThank God they are safe
ReplyDeleteThe Father should be sentence to death for abandon God creation!#wicked PAPA#-Pst.Chekeleke
ReplyDeleteVery Nice of him.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness they are safe now.
Their father needs to be located fast and flogged seriously. Linda take note!
ReplyDeleteTheir father needs to be located fast and flogged seriously. Linda take note!
ReplyDeleteTheir father needs to be located fast and flogged seriously. Linda take note!
ReplyDeleteVery heartless father..Thank God dey found their mum.
ReplyDeletemy Father did that to us when we were little, he took 5 of us to school and left us there telling us our mum will come pick us, and they were divorced, we didnt know what that meant, i was very young, but i remember. we sat outside the school all 5 of us, school fees not paid, no money to eat, nothing like affordable cell phone to call as at that time, luckily an aunt found us and we went to her house..........long story short, we all Mad on point today, no illegal BS....., Heads up, intenational businesses, multinational oil firms.... God and Then my MAMA, nothing else matters..
ReplyDeleteVery irresponsible of the dad. How could he leave them like that without making such their mum came to pick them? If I were their mum, I won't even allow him near them, only provide financially. That's if he even has that sef.
ReplyDeleteTnk God poor Kids!!!
ReplyDeleteThank God help came their way on time nd God bless the man who tweeted their pic....
ReplyDeleteThis is really sad
ReplyDeletewhen some people post some comments, it clearly shows they did not read the stuff and also shows how daft you are. if you didn't read, y not jst shut d fuck up! must you comment?
ReplyDeletethank God for social media and well meaning people. God bless the guy that tweeted their pic and asked for help.
ReplyDeleteTank God their save now
ReplyDeleteThank goodness they are safe
ReplyDeleteThis picture and this story reminds me of the Indian movies: Amar, Akbar and Anthony... These children are destined for great things and then their father will come looking for them. So help them O God.
ReplyDeletecool they got help
ReplyDeleteAm happy they have been rescued