Ms Linda, try helping out with this kain ogbonge assignment for me, na only 2 differences I dey see the red something on the car no dey the 2nd pic, also, the white stuff like chair in the left corner of the first pic, no dey for the 2nd pic...dats all, oya help me with the remaining plzzzzz
1) The sweater on the opened car door 2) The shadow in front of them 3) The buttons on Peter's shirt 4) The color of the painting on the little girl's sweater ( yellow-purple) 5) Cameron's belt 6) The car lights on the trunk. ....DERA
D color of wat d lil gal is holding, the floor of d building in d first pic is diff frm dt of d oda, the first car back light,the clothe hangin in d first pic, wats on lil. Andre's waist is longer dan dat of. D second pic. And lastly, theres a shadow at d right hand side of pic now
The red colour at the back of the car, the second is the jacket on the door of the car,the third is the botton on his polo shirt,it is not on the second pics,while the fourth is the little girl jacket, it has different colour by the side, the fifth is the floor,while the sixth is the colour of the little girl trouser by my right.
1. The Cloth hanging on the door by the drivers side. 2. The drivers side door opened and the cloth no longer hanging on the door. 3. The shadow of the person snapping them. 4. The shadow not appearing anymore. 5. The floor seem like it was made of big tiles 6. The floor has no mark/line or trace of tiles. HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEEHEE.... Any prize for me Linda?
1st..on the door of the first pix there is a shirt by the handle of the door why on the second pix no shirt on it 2nd.. on peters pollo shirt there is a bottom on the neck region why on the second pix no botton on the neck region 3rd.. on the first pix there is a line on the ground btw were the car is parked while on the second pix no line indication 4th.. there is a color difference on the car btw the first and last pix, a red ribbon difference 5th..the little gurls jacket has different color on the right hand side 6th..the direction of the belt on the little gurl by the right.
1, the car back light is different. 2, the cvar door one has a cloth hanging and the other has none. 3,the floor has lines and no lines on the other pics. 4, baby by his right has a jacket with different colour of design. 5,there is a black spot by the picture and 6, the baby in the middles has a colour in the first jean.
The lil girl holding a pinkish object in one,in the other it is yellowish, there's something that looks like a shadow of a stick/rod very close to the boy on the far right, one of the opened car doors has a cloth/jacket hanging on it while the other doesn't, the pic on the right has an inscription on it while the other doesn't .Linda I leave u to finish the rest, no kiimee.
The red light at the back of the car..the two black bottoms on peters top and the Aaron stems written on the town part of the picture and the shadow on the first picture dats at the down side of the picture beneath the lil boy on brown..and also the clothes hanging on the door of the car . Nawa oii..and also the colour of the black of the biscuit the first girl child is holding and there's also this purple stuff on the jeans of the girl wearing a black polo top. I don tire
1. White cloth behind them 2. Rear light of the car 3. The floor design both vertically and horizontally 4. The name written at the edge of the photo 2. 5. The girl on he's right hand is holding a cloth with her left which colour differs from the other picture( Purple and Yellow) 6. I think the snappers shadow or someone's shadow is showing on Pix 1.
1. the rear break lights on the car 2. the button on peters polo 3. the rag on the door of the car 4. the window of the building at the extreme left end 5. the shadow to the front end below 6. the shadow behind peters left arm
1 there is a shirt hanger on the door in the first pic. 1b there is no shirt hanged on the door of the car in the second pics
2 the floor in the first pic is demarcated with grey colors while in the second pics, the floor is a plain color. 3 there is a break light with red coating in the first pics while in the second car, there is no light 4in the first pics his first baby boy has a red stain in his trousers while in the second pics there is no red stain on his jeans 5 in the first pics, there is a black reflection on the floor and in the second pics, there is no black reflection.
Lindo so we dont only av to read and comment..nwe also av to do classwork nd assignment...its alright..
Differences 1. Shade in d firstpic nd writeup in d 2nd 2. jacket hanged at d 1st pics door, non at 2nd pic 3. The 1st kid is holding sumtin purple in 1st pic nd brownin 2nd pic
1. White signature at the right side 2.Red car light. 3.Clothe on the wire behind the car 4.Shadow in front of the boy 5.The tiles on the floor 6.The colour of the design on the dress of the little girl........Thank me now.
The cloth on the car door, the red light on the car, the book(or so) the little girl is holding, the button on P's top, the shadow at the corner of the floor and the boy's belt( The one beside Okoye)
1.back lights of car 2.lines on floor 3.clothe on opened car door 4.two buttons on peter's shirt 5.shadow by extreme down right side of pix 6.signature below pix
Lindo so we dont only av to read and comment..nwe also av to do classwork nd assignment...its alright..
Differences 1. Shade in d firstpic nd writeup in d 2nd 2. jacket hanged at d 1st pics door, non at 2nd pic 3. The 1st kid is holding sumtin purple in 1st pic nd brownin 2nd pic 4. The back of d 1stpic has a red watever, its absent in 2nd pic
1.The rear light 2.The button on Peter's shirt 3.The shirt on the door 4.The colour of the pack held by the little girl. 5.The shadow on the floor. 6.The lines on the floor
1) The cloth on that door 2) Peter Okoye's button 3) The rear light the car 4) The biscuit on that girl's hand 5) The ground 6) The signature written on one...
1) The first pics of the car has a red sign at the back and the other pics don't have it...2. the floor of the first pics is different from the other pics. ( 3). The first pics has a shirt on the door and the other pics door don't have the shirt.
1-the short on the door of the car 2-the lines on the floor behind the car 3-the brake lights of the car 4-the shadow just at d edge of the picture on the right right in front of the boy putting on brown long sleeves. 5-the signature at the edge of the picture (AWON STEMS) 6-the 2 buttons on p-squares chest
(1)D shirt on d door of d car(2)d Lil girl on his left holding a pink bottle(3)d pink design on d jeans d lil girl on d right is wearing(4)d light behind d car(5)d botton on peters shirt(6)d shadow of d person dat took d pic.
What d daughter is holding has different colours, d two cars re not d same, a cloth is hanged on one of d car doors opened, d left pic has a line on d floor ad beside d pic on d right is written something like Aston stems ad d 6th is peter's shirt, there's botton on one ad none on d other.
This spot the difference is becoming boring,anyway ur jacket on the car door not in d second pix,the cars are different,the teddy ur dots on your right is holding has a different colour in the second pic....
1. D sweater hanging by d car door, 2. D color of d toy d lil gal az, 3. D shadow beside d oldest child, 4. D car rear lights, 5. D buttons on Peter's shirt & 6. D belt on d younger boy's pants. Linda take note!
The shirt hanging on the door of the car, the back lights of the car, the buttons on peter's shirt, the extra colour on the pack the little girl on peter's right is holding, the dangling belt on the girl on the left and the signature.
I can only see three 1 there is bulton on one of peter polo 2• There is a red stripe on one of the cars 3• There is a cloth opposite the car like ash colour
1)Jacket on d car door 1 not in car door 2, 2)PIC 1 wasn't signed, 3)rear light absent in pic 2, 4)Ground lines on PIC 1 not in PIC 2, 5)Peters shirt has buttons in PIC 1 6)Shadow where signature is supposed to b in PIC 1
1. The Car Brake light on left d other non 2. Sweater hanging on the left car front door the other non 3. The floor wia d car is parked on the left has borders but the other has non 4. Buttons on Peter Okoye shirt on the left the other non 5.The belt trouser of the kid standing on the lefthand side of okoye close to the the last kid on the left of okoye has red colour close to her laps but he other pic on the right doesn't have it 6. Shadow of the photographer as the base of the left picture but the other a signature
1.back lights of the car is missing in one 2.there's no cloth on the line in one pic 3.what the female kid is holding has diff colours in the two pics 4. A tin shadow is missing in the second pic ... probably the shadow of a wire towards his sons leg in the first pic 5.peters buttons on his shirt are missing in the second pic 6.and lastly the second pic is signed with a white writing, probably the editors name
.....yes I know I got it all oya Linda do something
1. rear light. 2. the shirt on the open door. 3. shadow of the photographer. 4. the drawing on the girl's jacket. 5. the buttons on Peter's shirt. 6. the lines on the floor
I can only spot 5 differences. No1.the first car have red light while d second didn't have. 2.there's signature on d second pix.3. There's a cloth on d car of d first pix while d second didn't d floor.5. There's a shadow in d first pix,
1. the cardigan in the first pic 2.The red label in the first pic 3. The buttons on Peter's shirt in the first pic 4.The shadow directly opposite the cute boy in brown shirt in the first pic 5.The lines on the floor of the first pic 6. The long wood behind the people on the second pic
1:the button on peter's sweater. 2:the clothe on d door. 3:the rear light at the back. 4:the shadow on the floor, 5:the signature. the pattern on the floor. chacha
1. The Jacket hanging on the door in teh first not in the second 2. The balck button on his shirt in the first pic is not on the 2nd 3. The red long light that cuts accross the car at the back in the first but not in the 2nd
4. The shadown on the floor infront of the little boy in the first and not in the second 5. The obeject the little girl is holding in the first pic is purple while its yellow in the second picture 6. The name (Aaron Stews...)written underneath the second pic but not in the first
This is easy street. First red lining on the car on left and none on the right,Secondly, a cloth hangs on the door on the leftand not on right.Thirdly,the little gal on the pic left has something purple but is yellow on right. Fourtly,one d left u see a shadow but words are written on right. Fifth there is lines on the ground on left but none on the right. Lastly the top Psquare us clad on the left has buttons while right doesnt.
The car light, the dress hanging on the door, the button on p square shirt, the purple color of his daughter dress, the belt of the son p square is holding and shadow on the floor
linda I spotted 8 differences oo 1. The car back light 2. The two black bottoms on Peter's shirt 3. The cloth hanging on the opened door of the car 4. The colour of the item being held by the girl on Peter's right 5. The red thing on the lap's of the girl on Peter's left 6. The stripe design on the floor 7. The shadow on the stripe design 8. The shadow of Peter on car
The jacket/cardigan on the open car door,the 3 lines on the floor,the shadow on the far right hand side on the 1st picture and the buttons on Peter's top. cheers!
The difference are on the following 1. Cloth on the door 2. Rear light of the car 3. The cross lines on the floor 4. The botton on Peters shirt 5. The colour of the stuff the lil girl is holding 6 . The pocket of the jeans of the child in the middle
1. the second pıxs have a logo and the 1st dont 2. the red back lıght ısnt ın one 3. the daughter shırt by hıs rıght are dıfferent 4. the opened door have a dırty rag hanged ın one but ıt ısnt ın other 5. there ıs a shadow ın one. 6.peter okoye shirt ıs same color but dıfferent one have a black button atop the v neck shape downwards blazer_green.
1-the 2 buttons are not on one of the pictures 2-the lines of the floor are not on one of the pictures 3-the brake lights are not on the car in one of the pictures 4-the dress isnt on on the door of the car in one of the pictures 5-there is a signature just at the edge of the picture without the lines on the right 6-there is a little shadow just by the edge of the line of the pics on the left.
1. the car boot 2. the car door in pics one has a cloth on it/not in the other 3. the little girl is pics one has a purple bottle in her hands/different colour for pics two 4. pics two has the name of the photographer on it at the extreme end/ pics one has no name on it 5. floor is tiled in pics one/pics two is not tiled 6. the shadow in pics one/no shadow in pics two at the extreme end where the photographers name is
the shirt hung on the door, the back light, the signage on the picture, the partitions on the floor, the image reflection on the floor and button on peter's shirt (
I did spot the diff; 1. Sweater by the door 2. Light bar behind the car 3. The buttons on the top 4. Lines on the ground 5. A shadow by the right/from right to left of the first pic. 6. The signature
1. The floor 2. The watermark 3. The car's backlight 4. The black button on Peter's shirt 5. The shirt on the car's opened door 6. The photographer's shadow
1. Cloth on one door, not in the other 2. Red strip of light at back of the car, not in the other. 3. Shadow at bottom right, not in the other 4. Baby on white jacket holding yellow on one and purple on the other 5. Floor with demarcations on one and plain on the other 6. Baby with re designs on trousers
1. The Shirt hanging on the door. 2. The colour of the toy the child was holding. 3. The buttons on Peter's shirt. 4. The lights on the boot of the car. 5. The Lines on the floor. 6. The shadow on the botton-right of the picture.
1. Missing breaklights 2.Jacket on the door 3. the color of the stuff the kid is hold 4. the floor 5. the burton on peter's shirt 6.shadow of the person takin the photo
Linda, u and dis ur spot d differences. Did u say 6 differences? D sweater on d door's handle, peter's shirt witout d button,d car witout d red light....linda I saw 3
D large red lyt behind d car isnt in d 2nd pic D floor in d 1st pix has lines D cloth on d car door isnt in d 2nd pix D shadow at d bottom of d 1st pix isnt in d 2nd D name @ d bottom of d 2nd pic isnt in d 1st Dts all i see...
1-the 2 buttons are not on one of the pictures 2-the lines of the floor are not on one of the pictures 3-the brake lights are not on the car in one of the pictures 4-the dress isnt on on the door of the car in one of the pictures 5-there is a signature just at the edge of the picture without the lines on the right 6-there is a little shadow just by the edge of the line of the pics on the left.
1. the second pıxs have a logo and the 1st dont 2. the red back lıght ısnt ın one 3. the daugther shırt by hıs rıght are dıfferent 4. the opened door have a dırty rag hanged ın one but ıt ısnt ın other 5. there ıs a shadow ın one. 6.peter okoye shirt ıs same color but dıfferent one have a black button atop the v neck shape downwards blazer_green.
1. Toy in girls hand has a different colour 2. button on Peter Okoye s shirt 3. Red light at the back of the car 4. Red Trimmings on the sons jeans closest to him 5. Jacket on the open car door 6. Line on the pavement with a shadow
1. There is Jacket on a door of car 1 2. Red light on car 1 not in car 2 3. Color of the toy held by the girl 4. Button on Peter Okoye's top in picture 1 not in picture 2
The difference are: 1. The back of the car 2. The cloth on the door 3. the buttons on his shirt 4. The belt of his son 5. The line on the ground 6. The shadow by the corner
1. Sweater on car door in the left picture, none on car door in the right pic 2. Light on car boot in left pic, none in car boot in right pic 3. First kid from left holding purple doll in the left pic, in the right pic it is a yellow doll. 4. Two black buttons on Peter's shirt in left pic, none on Peter's shirt in right pic 5.The second kid from the left has part of his belt dropping in front of his trousers in the left pic, not dropping in the right pic 6.The floor in the left pic is tiled/has lines on it, while that in the right pic is plain
1. The car on the right doesn't have a rear back light. 2. A jacket is hung on the open door of the first pix and non on the second pix. 3. Peters kid on his right has a yellow candy in one pix and red on the other. 4.One of the pictures has a photograph signature "Aarons image" the other doesn't have. 5.The ground has partitioned lines in one pix and non in the other pix. 6.Peter has two black buttons on his collar in one pix and no buttons at all in the other.
The two back lights are missing in the second pic, the shirt on the open door is not in the second pic, the colour of what Aliona is holding is yellow in the second pic, the two buttons on Peter's shirt are missing in the second pic and the shadow on the floor on the bottom right hand corner of the first picture is missing in the second picture.
1. The shirt on the car door 2. The little girls book or purse(Colour) 3. Shadow behind the car 4. Peter Okoye shirt botton 5. Design at the back of the car 6. the first pix does not have a name while d second one has
1. The shirt on the car door 2. The little girls book or purse(Colour) 3. Shadow behind the car 4. Peter Okoye shirt botton 5. Design at the back of the car 6. the first pix does not have a name while d second one has
1- The red rear light of d car is nt on d 2nd picture, 2- the jacket on d driver ' s door is nt in d 2nd pictr, 3- the colour of d design on the little girl ' s top by peter ' s left is diff from the 2nd picture, 4- there are 2 black dots on peter ' s sweatshirt in d first picture n none in d second picture, 5- there is a signature on d second picture n none on d first, 6- lastly theres a little shadow showing in d first pictr n none on d second picture.
1)the jacket hanging on the car door is absent in the second pic (2)the breaks light behind the car isn't in the second pic(3)the snack the little girl wearing the white jacket is holding is purple in the first pic and gold or yellow in the second pic (4)there is a pocket on the jean of the second girl wearing the black ralph polo top in the first pic whereas the pocket isn't in the second pic (5) there are buttons on peter's top in the 1st pic but non in the 2nd pic (6)the flooring on the 1st pic is partitioned but that in the 2nd pic isn't
1). the cloth hanging on the left open door missing 2). the brake-light of the car is missing 3). the two button on peter's shirt (near the top) is missing 4). the pavement line on the floor is missing 5). the toy the little girl (in white jacket) is carrying has a different colour 6). The shadow of the photographer in the right bottom corner of the picture.
1). the cloth hanging on the left open door missing 2). the brake-light of the car is missing 3). the two button on peter's shirt (near the top) is missing 4). the pavement line on the floor is missing 5). the toy the little girl (in white jacket) is carrying has a different colour 6). The shadow of the photographer in the right bottom corner of the picture.
1)There is a clothe on the back door in the left pics and its not on the door in the right pics. 2)he car has a red back light in the left pics while its not on the right. 3)There is a signature at the down part of the pics on the right and its not on the left. 4)There is a shadow at the low part of the left pics and its not on the right pics. 5) I can see something like buttons on the V neck of the top he's wearing on the left picsand its not on the right pics. 6) The door opened in the right pics has blue glass while the left does not have.
1- red stripe on d car in d first pix none on the other 2- a white shape in d first pix beside the car none in the other 3- picture 2 is sharper than 1 4- picture 2 has a signature. 5- a long dark stripe beside boy in pix 1 6- design on child's white jacket is purple in pix 1 and brown in pix 2
Yes 1. The line by the floor 2. The red light lamp by the car 3. An hanger out clothe by the door of the car 4. Button on Okoye Shirt 5. No reference was made to the photographer 6.
1.A dark shadow at the bottom end of the photo 2.A signature at the bottom end of the photo 3.A shirt hanging on the door of the car 4.Two little black spots on his top close to his chest like buttons 5.On the left pix,the little girl is holding a purple-like object on her hand 6.While on the fight pix,the object is pink in colour.
A jacket hanging on d door, car lights, inscription in white, black shadow, two black buttons on peters shirt and whatever the lik girl is holding has difft colors.
1. The red back light 2. The jacket hanging on the left door 3. The lines on the floor. 4..what the girl is holding 5. The button on peter's shirt 6. The shadow in the floor can add the watermark on the right pic ☺
partition on the floor, light at the back of the car, mic on peter's shirt or whatever that is, shadow at the bottom right of the picture, and also name on the bottom right, cloth on the door
1. piece of clothing on the open car door in first pic....none in second pic 2. cars in both pics are different 3. buttons on the shirt 4. first pic is signed..second isnt 5. floor in both pics are different 6. what the little girl is holding color is different in both pics....
D jacket on d door of d car,d black shadow close 2d boy wearing brown top, d red line across d back of d car, d buttons on peters top, d photographers signature by d side of one of d pics, d colors of d stuff d gal on white is wearing; one is yellow d oda is purple. Yippy ! I got it
1. the floor. 2.the car lights. 3. the shirt on the car door. 4. the color of the little girls toy on the left. 5. the shadow of the photographer. 6. the inscription/name on the bottom of the image.
1..the cloth on d open door 2..the red light at d back of d car 3..the lines on d floor 4..the straight shadow line beside the boi 5..there is black button on d T-shirt he wore in d 1st pic whc was not on d oda 1 6..the design beside the second pic wasn't on d 1
let start winning something oo, e no easy make person eye dey spot all these differences o..... love this blog anyway...quite amazing! linda the best ....kisses
1..the cloth on d open door 2..the red light at d back of d car 3..the lines on d floor 4..the straight shadow line beside the boi 5..there is black button on d T-shirt he wore in d 1st pic whc was not on d oda 1 6..the design beside the second pic wasn't on d 1
THE 6 DIFFERENCE - The back light on the 1st Car that is not on the 2nd - The jacket on the door of the 1st pic that is not on the 2nd - The lines on the floor in the first pic, not on the 2nd - Peters shirt in the first pic is with buttons unlike the 2nd - the belt of the girl on the right is misplaced in one of the pictures -The stuff the little girl on his left is holding is pink on the left and yellow on d right pic.
1.The colour of the baby's bag 2.The design on the trouser of the smaller boy 3.The red line at he back of the car 4.The shadow on the ground 5.The signature on the 2nd pix 6.Two buttons on Peter's shirt 7.The shirt hanging on the door of the car.
1. the vehicle's back light. 2. The buttons or black spot on Peter ' s sweat shirt. 3.the lines on the floor. 4. The photographer's shadow 5. The sweater or clothes hanged on the car door. 6. The snack the little girl is holding appears purple in the first pic
1. the cars are not the same. 2. there is hanging cloth onthe driving side of the first car. 3. the top shirt of peter are not the same. 4. Floors are not the same. 5.the girl at peter's lefthand tops are not the same dressed belt and the flower on the girl at the righthand top cloth are different. 6. the second picture bears label which the first does not.
Dear Linda, 1. the cloth on the car door.2. the long red back light of the car. 3. the lines on the floor 4. the two bottons on Peter's top.5. the shadow reflect by the lower right side of the picture and the 6. signature on the second picture.
Dear Linda, 1. the cloth on the car door.2. the long red back light of the car. 3. the lines on the floor 4. the two bottons on Peter's top.5. the shadow reflect by the lower right side of the picture and the 6. signature on the second picture.
1. The cloth hanging on the door of one not in the other. 2. The there is a shadow of the person taking the pic(I think) in one and nit in the other. 3. The floor has lines in one and not in the other. 4. The Okoye daddy has button on his shirt in one pic and not on the other. 5.The car has red light in one and not in the other. 6.... Let me search for it
1.there's this shirt on the rear left door that is open. 2.there's this red rear light or line on the boot of the car. 3.the ground has a box like shape while other does 4.peter on one has 2 bottons 5.the window where someone stands is long than another. 6.there's a shadow before the family on the ground and other doesn't have.
1. Buttons on Peter's shirt 2. Jacket draped over open car door 3. Rear lights on car 4. broader pavement in one and shorter in other...(hope i'm right about the last one! lol)
Linda I can see the black line on the floor , the buttons on p2 shirt, the cloth on the door, the red light on the car, the signature at d bottom right and the black spot at d bottom right.
1, the cloth on the door's handle 2, the backlight 3, the whatever the baby girl is holding the colors are different 4,there's a black dot like botton on peter's shirt and the other is not avin that 5,a little shadow infront of one and missing in the other and 6, one has signature which is missing on the other one.
1) The lined on d floor. 2) there is somefin on d opened door of the car at d left pix and itz not on d oda. 3) the mark close to a line on the floor. 4) somefin is written on the right pix downward. 5) there is no back light on the rit pix car. 6) there is a spot on the floor bside the car of the right side of the right pix and there is none on d left pix.
Correction: 1. Buttons on Shirt 2. Lines on pavement 3. Jacket on car door 4. Signature (in white; bottom right hand corner) 5. Shadow (bottom right hand corner) 6. Rear lights on car...
1 the first car has red rear light 2 peter has something like a botton on his shirt 3 a shirt is hanged on the left car's door 4 the child with white jacket is holding something in purple pack in the left pix, while she holding same thing in yellow in the right pix 5 the child in the middle has a long belt in the left pix short and long in the right pix 6 Aaron stevs on the buttom right Conner on the right pix, while the left has a black shadow on the bottom right conner
1. pic A hav backup light 2. pic A has clothe hanged on the open door 3. pic A has little shadow in the front of the pic 4. pic A has no dent @ the back of the car 5. pic B has on the pic the name of the editor or the shot apps 6. pic b has no concrete slabs decimation lines on the floor
1. The cloth on the car window on the driver's side. 2. The botton on Peter's shirt. 3. The floor is different with one having stripes. 4. The design on the car boot with one having red line, the other does not. 5. There is a paint on one part of the ground while the other is plan 6. The little boy on dread with black shirt, the jeans he's putting is different.
BO said.... 1. the jacket on the driver's door behind them 2. the red strap on the booth of the car 3. the colour of the toy the daughter is holding is diff. one is purple while other is brown 4. the long rope shadow from their feet 5. the signage at the bottom of the second pix 6. the younger son hand stretches longer in the left pix
1. The line in the pavement 2. The button on peter okoye's top. 3. The red rear light at the back of the jeep. 4. The cloth hanging on the back door 5. The name written at the bottom of one picture 6. The change in the colour of the toy in the little girl's hand. Viola!!!
Not interested
ReplyDeleteThe red rear lights is missing in d second pix
DeleteThe sunglasses on peter is missing in d second pix
The cloth on the driver's door is missing in d second pix
The shadow casted beside camron is missing in d second pix.
Didn't see d remaining 2.
So why comment? The lights ooo let me leave the rest for Cynthia morgan
DeleteJob vacancy at etisalat, visit for more information
ReplyDeleteSpotted it already
ReplyDeleteDey removed D rag hagging behind dem
ReplyDeleteAm not spotting joor
ReplyDeleteWhy will all this celebs be giving us assignment
A shadow of rope passes through the pix on the left and also no signature on it. The right pix has a signature on it.
ReplyDeleteI dey look am
ReplyDeleteD head lamb in D car is not der
ReplyDeleteI still dey look am
ReplyDeleteThey are many.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
Na looking i dey so
ReplyDeleteI am d difference btw d two pics
ReplyDeletelinda u dey stalk dis guys,only u will notice six differences.i can see only 1 and dats the jacket on d door
ReplyDeleteMs Linda, try helping out with this kain ogbonge assignment for me, na only 2 differences I dey see the red something on the car no dey the 2nd pic, also, the white stuff like chair in the left corner of the first pic, no dey for the 2nd pic...dats all, oya help me with the remaining plzzzzz
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahahaha linda the back of the car and the light . CHI.
ReplyDeleteThe car backlight,the lines on d ground,no cloth in d car door,no shadow in front of d guy in d 2nd pic... I don try biko...
ReplyDeleted boot of the car,one has red lining n d other doesnt have.Linda ar u sure ur not d one editing tis tinz?lol
ReplyDeletei see 3; shadow on the floor,car back-light and sweat-top on d car-door.
ReplyDeletespotted them already...hehe
ReplyDeleteA rag, red design on the back, a staff on one and none of them in the other one.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
A rag, red design on the back, a staff on one and none of them in the other one.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
ReplyDeletethe second pix has no clothe hang on the car door
ReplyDelete1 d breaklite 2 d coat on d doorside 3 d button on his roundneck 4 d purpple design on d first girl
ReplyDelete1. THE FLOOR
OK, am confuse. Wot's with the spot the difference thing.
ReplyDelete1. THE FLOOR
ReplyDeleteso linda we no get work againna to dey spot difference abi,e be like say u no get news again,so just go sleep
1) The sweater on the opened car door
ReplyDelete2) The shadow in front of them
3) The buttons on Peter's shirt
4) The color of the painting on the little girl's sweater ( yellow-purple)
5) Cameron's belt
6) The car lights on the trunk.
Its only 4 that is there.
ReplyDeleteD red,d neck side of his shirt,d shadow in front,d cloth in d front door
ReplyDeleteD color of wat d lil gal is holding, the floor of d building in d first pic is diff frm dt of d oda, the first car back light,the clothe hangin in d first pic, wats on lil. Andre's waist is longer dan dat of. D second pic. And lastly, theres a shadow at d right hand side of pic now
ReplyDeleteI can't see even one let alone six.
ReplyDeleteLili, help me out biko. Let me save my poor eyes by avoiding straining them bcos of spot d differences... Lolzzzzz
The red colour at the back of the car, the second is the jacket on the door of the car,the third is the botton on his polo shirt,it is not on the second pics,while the fourth is the little girl jacket, it has different colour by the side, the fifth is the floor,while the sixth is the colour of the little girl trouser by my right.
ReplyDelete1. The Cloth hanging on the door by the drivers side.
ReplyDelete2. The drivers side door opened and the cloth no longer hanging on the door.
3. The shadow of the person snapping them.
4. The shadow not appearing anymore.
5. The floor seem like it was made of big tiles
6. The floor has no mark/line or trace of tiles.
Any prize for me Linda?
What is the aim of this spot the difference bullshit sef
1st..on the door of the first pix there is a shirt by the handle of the door why on the second pix no shirt on it
ReplyDelete2nd.. on peters pollo shirt there is a bottom on the neck region why on the second pix no botton on the neck region
3rd.. on the first pix there is a line on the ground btw were the car is parked while on the second pix no line indication
4th.. there is a color difference on the car btw the first and last pix, a red ribbon difference
5th..the little gurls jacket has different color on the right hand side
6th..the direction of the belt on the little gurl by the right.
The six differences are:
ReplyDeleteThere's a shirt hanging on the door of the car on the left.
There are no buttons on Peter's top
The shadow of the photographer is visible in one of the pix
The item in the daughter's hand has different colours
The patterned partition on the ground is missing
Close to the opened car door, in one pix (the left), only a small portion of the building is visible
hmmm well the first picture has the backlight or red emblem light orwhatever is called while the second pics dont have it,JC
ReplyDelete1). no clothe hang on the car door(2nd pix)
ReplyDelete2). no red color on the second car
3). the plain floor on the second photo
4). No label on the first photo
5) No button on peter shirt on second pix
6) no label cover with shadow on first pix
i can see only five diff.
ReplyDelete>>>> 1... car design
ReplyDelete>>>> 2. clothe hanging on the car
>>>> 3. design on little girls jacket, the parrot's colors.
>>>> 4. Design on Cameron's pant.
>>>> 5.. The floor
>>>> 6.. the white block on the
left side of the picture
is bigger than the other.
What an assignment, what's the reason for this, please we demand to know. <<<<
1, the car back light is different. 2, the cvar door one has a cloth hanging and the other has none. 3,the floor has lines and no lines on the other pics. 4, baby by his right has a jacket with different colour of design. 5,there is a black spot by the picture and 6, the baby in the middles has a colour in the first jean.
ReplyDeletefirst... the jacket on the door of the car
ReplyDeletesecond.. the color difference on the toy on the little girl's hand
third....the brake light at the back of the car
fourth...the belt on the waist of the little boy peter is holding
fifth.... the botton on peter's top
sixth.... is the shadow on the floor to the right
yay im sure i got it all right
The lil girl holding a pinkish object in one,in the other it is yellowish, there's something that looks like a shadow of a stick/rod very close to the boy on the far right, one of the opened car doors has a cloth/jacket hanging on it while the other doesn't, the pic on the right has an inscription on it while the other doesn't .Linda I leave u to finish the rest, no kiimee.
ReplyDeleteThe red light at the back of the car..the two black bottoms on peters top and the Aaron stems written on the town part of the picture and the shadow on the first picture dats at the down side of the picture beneath the lil boy on brown..and also the clothes hanging on the door of the car . Nawa oii..and also the colour of the black of the biscuit the first girl child is holding and there's also this purple stuff on the jeans of the girl wearing a black polo top. I don tire
ReplyDeleteThe rag on the opened door, the red light
ReplyDelete1. White cloth behind them
ReplyDelete2. Rear light of the car
3. The floor design both vertically and horizontally
4. The name written at the edge of the photo 2.
5. The girl on he's right hand is holding a cloth with her left which colour differs from the other picture( Purple and Yellow)
6. I think the snappers shadow or someone's shadow is showing on Pix 1.
Contact me @
1. the rear break lights on the car
ReplyDelete2. the button on peters polo
3. the rag on the door of the car
4. the window of the building at the extreme left end
5. the shadow to the front end below
6. the shadow behind peters left arm
1 there is a shirt hanger on the door in the first pic.
ReplyDelete1b there is no shirt hanged on the door of the car in the second pics
2 the floor in the first pic is demarcated with grey colors while in the second pics, the floor is a plain color.
3 there is a break light with red coating in the first pics while in the second car, there is no light
4in the first pics his first baby boy has a red stain in his trousers while in the second pics there is no red stain on his jeans
5 in the first pics, there is a black reflection on the floor and in the second pics, there is no black reflection.
1, The right one has "Aaron stews" at the bottom
ReplyDelete2, The right one has a straight floor
3, The left car has a backlight (red) the other doesn't
4, There is a cloth on the door of the car in the left which is absent in the right
5, The left one has a shadow at the bottom corner
6, The left floor is made of square slabs
Linda money involve bcos I can't crack my brain for nothing anymore
ReplyDeleteLindo so we dont only av to read and comment..nwe also av to do classwork nd assignment...its alright..
1. Shade in d firstpic nd writeup in d 2nd
2. jacket hanged at d 1st pics door, non at 2nd pic
3. The 1st kid is holding sumtin purple in 1st pic nd brownin 2nd pic
Am tired of spoting differences......
1. White signature at the right side
ReplyDelete2.Red car light.
3.Clothe on the wire behind the car
4.Shadow in front of the boy
5.The tiles on the floor
6.The colour of the design on the dress of the little girl........Thank me now.
The cloth on the car door, the red light on the car, the book(or so) the little girl is holding, the button on P's top, the shadow at the corner of the floor and the boy's belt( The one beside Okoye)
ReplyDelete1.back lights of car
ReplyDelete2.lines on floor
3.clothe on opened car door
4.two buttons on peter's shirt
5.shadow by extreme down right side of pix
6.signature below pix
Lindo so we dont only av to read and comment..nwe also av to do classwork nd assignment...its alright..
1. Shade in d firstpic nd writeup in d 2nd
2. jacket hanged at d 1st pics door, non at 2nd pic
3. The 1st kid is holding sumtin purple in 1st pic nd brownin 2nd pic
4. The back of d 1stpic has a red watever, its absent in 2nd pic
Am tired of spoting differences......
I can only spot 5 differences
ReplyDelete1.The rear light
ReplyDelete2.The button on Peter's shirt
3.The shirt on the door
4.The colour of the pack held by the little girl.
5.The shadow on the floor.
6.The lines on the floor
1) The cloth on that door
ReplyDelete2) Peter Okoye's button
3) The rear light the car
4) The biscuit on that girl's hand
5) The ground
6) The signature written on one...
1) The first pics of the car has a red sign at the back and the other pics don't have it...2. the floor of the first pics is different from the other pics. ( 3). The first pics has a shirt on the door and the other pics door don't have the shirt.
ReplyDelete1-the short on the door of the car
ReplyDelete2-the lines on the floor behind the car
3-the brake lights of the car
4-the shadow just at d edge of the picture on the right right in front of the boy putting on brown long sleeves.
5-the signature at the edge of the picture (AWON STEMS)
6-the 2 buttons on p-squares chest
Too tired for assignment.
ReplyDelete(1)D shirt on d door of d car(2)d Lil girl on his left holding a pink bottle(3)d pink design on d jeans d lil girl on d right is wearing(4)d light behind d car(5)d botton on peters shirt(6)d shadow of d person dat took d pic.
ReplyDeleteMama Rims
What d daughter is holding has different colours, d two cars re not d same, a cloth is hanged on one of d car doors opened, d left pic has a line on d floor ad beside d pic on d right is written something like Aston stems ad d 6th is peter's shirt, there's botton on one ad none on d other.
ReplyDeleteThis spot the difference is becoming boring,anyway ur jacket on the car door not in d second pix,the cars are different,the teddy ur dots on your right is holding has a different colour in the second pic....
ReplyDelete1. D sweater hanging by d car door, 2. D color of d toy d lil gal az, 3. D shadow beside d oldest child, 4. D car rear lights, 5. D buttons on Peter's shirt & 6. D belt on d younger boy's pants. Linda take note!
ReplyDeletea.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
Pay b4 service....
The shirt hanging on the door of the car, the back lights of the car, the buttons on peter's shirt, the extra colour on the pack the little girl on peter's right is holding, the dangling belt on the girl on the left and the signature.
ReplyDeleteI can only see three 1 there is bulton on one of peter polo 2• There is a red stripe on one of the cars 3• There is a cloth opposite the car like ash colour
ReplyDelete1)Jacket on d car door 1 not in car door 2,
ReplyDelete2)PIC 1 wasn't signed,
3)rear light absent in pic 2,
4)Ground lines on PIC 1 not in PIC 2,
5)Peters shirt has buttons in PIC 1
6)Shadow where signature is supposed to b in PIC 1
1. The Car Brake light on left d other non
ReplyDelete2. Sweater hanging on the left car front door the other non
3. The floor wia d car is parked on the left has borders but the other has non
4. Buttons on Peter Okoye shirt on the left the other non
5.The belt trouser of the kid standing on the lefthand side of okoye close to the the last kid on the left of okoye has red colour close to her laps but he other pic on the right doesn't have it
6. Shadow of the photographer as the base of the left picture but the other a signature
1.back lights of the car is missing in one
ReplyDelete2.there's no cloth on the line in one pic
3.what the female kid is holding has diff colours in the two pics
4. A tin shadow is missing in the second pic ... probably the shadow of a wire towards his sons leg in the first pic
5.peters buttons on his shirt are missing in the second pic
6.and lastly the second pic is signed with a white writing, probably the editors name
.....yes I know I got it all oya Linda do something
the differences is the backlight of the vehicle.
ReplyDeletethe differences is the backlight of the vehicle.
ReplyDelete1. rear light. 2. the shirt on the open door. 3. shadow of the photographer. 4. the drawing on the girl's jacket. 5. the buttons on Peter's shirt. 6. the lines on the floor
ReplyDeleteThe car's rear light
ReplyDeleteThe cloth on the car door
The floor lines
Linda that is all i can c ooo
Linda I can see only 3
ReplyDeleteThe car door
Some stick in d child's hand
The red light @ the boot of the car
Post a Comment
I can only spot 5 differences. No1.the first car have red light while d second didn't have. 2.there's signature on d second pix.3. There's a cloth on d car of d first pix while d second didn't d floor.5. There's a shadow in d first pix,
ReplyDelete1. the cardigan in the first pic
ReplyDelete2.The red label in the first pic
3. The buttons on Peter's shirt in the first pic
4.The shadow directly opposite the cute boy in brown shirt in the first pic
5.The lines on the floor of the first pic
6. The long wood behind the people on the second pic
Assignment??.... i no like assignment!!
ReplyDelete1:the button on peter's sweater. 2:the clothe on d door. 3:the rear light at the back. 4:the shadow on the floor, 5:the signature. the pattern on the floor.
The car door and on the little girl with jacket..those are where the difference are
ReplyDelete1. The Jacket hanging on the door in teh first not in the second
ReplyDelete2. The balck button on his shirt in the first pic is not on the 2nd
3. The red long light that cuts accross the car at the back in the first but not in the 2nd
4. The shadown on the floor infront of the little boy in the first and not in the second
5. The obeject the little girl is holding in the first pic is purple while its yellow in the second picture
6. The name (Aaron Stews...)written underneath the second pic but not in the first
peters shirt button
ReplyDeletethe jeep red light
the colour of what the girl is holding
the shadow at the edge of the photo
the shirt on the door of the jeep
This is easy street. First red lining on the car on left and none on the right,Secondly, a cloth hangs on the door on the leftand not on right.Thirdly,the little gal on the pic left has something purple but is yellow on right. Fourtly,one d left u see a shadow but words are written on right. Fifth there is lines on the ground on left but none on the right. Lastly the top Psquare us clad on the left has buttons while right doesnt.
ReplyDeleteThe car light, the dress hanging on the door, the button on p square shirt, the purple color of his daughter dress, the belt of the son p square is holding and shadow on the floor
ReplyDeletelinda I spotted 8 differences oo
ReplyDelete1. The car back light
2. The two black bottoms on Peter's shirt
3. The cloth hanging on the opened door of the car
4. The colour of the item being held by the girl on Peter's right
5. The red thing on the lap's of the girl on Peter's left
6. The stripe design on the floor
7. The shadow on the stripe design
8. The shadow of Peter on car
The jacket/cardigan on the open car door,the 3 lines on the floor,the shadow on the far right hand side on the 1st picture and the buttons on Peter's top. cheers!
ReplyDelete1.Different cars
ReplyDelete2.One of the girls is holding diff. items
3. clothing on one car door and none on the other
The Shadow, the write up, the botton on Okoye' shirt, the Clothes on the car door, the tiles on the floor and the red light on the vehicle. #Amahhhh
ReplyDeleteThe difference are on the following
ReplyDelete1. Cloth on the door
2. Rear light of the car
3. The cross lines on the floor
4. The botton on Peters shirt
5. The colour of the stuff the lil girl is holding
6 . The pocket of the jeans of the child in the middle
1. the second pıxs have a logo and the 1st dont
ReplyDelete2. the red back lıght ısnt ın one
3. the daughter shırt by hıs rıght are dıfferent
4. the opened door have a dırty rag hanged ın one but ıt ısnt ın other
5. there ıs a shadow ın one.
6.peter okoye shirt ıs same color but dıfferent one have a black button atop the v neck shape downwards
1-the 2 buttons are not on one of the pictures
ReplyDelete2-the lines of the floor are not on one of the pictures
3-the brake lights are not on the car in one of the pictures
4-the dress isnt on on the door of the car in one of the pictures
5-there is a signature just at the edge of the picture without the lines on the right
6-there is a little shadow just by the edge of the line of the pics on the left.
Like we are jobless, right. SMH
ReplyDelete1. the car boot
ReplyDelete2. the car door in pics one has a cloth on it/not in the other
3. the little girl is pics one has a purple bottle in her hands/different colour for pics two
4. pics two has the name of the photographer on it at the extreme end/ pics one has no name on it
5. floor is tiled in pics one/pics two is not tiled
6. the shadow in pics one/no shadow in pics two at the extreme end where the photographers name is
the shirt hung on the door, the back light, the signage on the picture, the partitions on the floor, the image reflection on the floor and button on peter's shirt (
ReplyDeleteThe red colour at the second car is not in the first one
ReplyDeleteI did spot the diff;
ReplyDelete1. Sweater by the door
2. Light bar behind the car
3. The buttons on the top
4. Lines on the ground
5. A shadow by the right/from right to left of the first pic.
6. The signature
1. There are 2 buttons on peter's top in one of the pic
ReplyDelete2. The little girl has purple in her hand while yellow on the 2nd pic
3. there's a signature at the down corner of one pic
4There's a shirt hanging on the car door in one pic and non in the other
5. Red colour on top the car in one pic and not in the other
6. There's a black shadow on the ground of one pic and non in the other
D pix is nice
ReplyDeletePeter. Okoye? Tink I ll pass ... Lol BT ghen ghen, d cars are diff to start with.
ReplyDelete1. The floor
2. The watermark
3. The car's backlight
4. The black button on Peter's shirt
5. The shirt on the car's opened door
6. The photographer's shadow
theres a shadow in the first photo on the ground and also theres a cloth hanging on the door of the first photo
ReplyDelete1. Cloth on one door, not in the other
ReplyDelete2. Red strip of light at back of the car, not in the other.
3. Shadow at bottom right, not in the other
4. Baby on white jacket holding yellow on one and purple on the other
5. Floor with demarcations on one and plain on the other
6. Baby with re designs on trousers
1. The Shirt hanging on the door.
ReplyDelete2. The colour of the toy the child was holding.
3. The buttons on Peter's shirt.
4. The lights on the boot of the car.
5. The Lines on the floor.
6. The shadow on the botton-right of the picture.
1. Missing breaklights 2.Jacket on the door 3. the color of the stuff the kid is hold 4. the floor 5. the burton on peter's shirt 6.shadow of the person takin the photo
ReplyDeleteLinda, u and dis ur spot d differences. Did u say 6 differences? D sweater on d door's handle, peter's shirt witout d button,d car witout d red light....linda I saw 3
ReplyDeletethe clothe on the car door,the break light,the floor,the signature down left and the shadow of the photographer
ReplyDeleteD large red lyt behind d car isnt in d 2nd pic
ReplyDeleteD floor in d 1st pix has lines
D cloth on d car door isnt in d 2nd pix
D shadow at d bottom of d 1st pix isnt in d 2nd
D name @ d bottom of d 2nd pic isnt in d 1st
Dts all i see...
1-the 2 buttons are not on one of the pictures
ReplyDelete2-the lines of the floor are not on one of the pictures
3-the brake lights are not on the car in one of the pictures
4-the dress isnt on on the door of the car in one of the pictures
5-there is a signature just at the edge of the picture without the lines on the right
6-there is a little shadow just by the edge of the line of the pics on the left.
Yh I spotted d differences
ReplyDelete1. the second pıxs have a logo and the 1st dont
ReplyDelete2. the red back lıght ısnt ın one
3. the daugther shırt by hıs rıght are dıfferent
4. the opened door have a dırty rag hanged ın one but ıt ısnt ın other
5. there ıs a shadow ın one.
6.peter okoye shirt ıs same color but dıfferent one have a black button atop the v neck shape downwards
1. Toy in girls hand has a different colour
ReplyDelete2. button on Peter Okoye s shirt
3. Red light at the back of the car
4. Red Trimmings on the sons jeans closest to him
5. Jacket on the open car door
6. Line on the pavement with a shadow
What is the gift please?
Yeah.....six differences indeed! lol
ReplyDeletecloth on the car door, button on peter's shirt, colour of toy in girl's hand, shadow on the floor to the right. ... I give up on the rest
ReplyDeleteOkay!. Enough. You boring me with this spot-the-difference thingy. #yawns.#sidelookher.#straightface.
ReplyDelete1. There is Jacket on a door of car 1
ReplyDelete2. Red light on car 1 not in car 2
3. Color of the toy held by the girl
4. Button on Peter Okoye's top in picture 1 not in picture 2
The shirt on the door of the car on the first aint on the other...then theres something written on d other pics like Aaron stem aint on the other
ReplyDeleteA jacket is on the other door
ReplyDeleteThe difference are:
ReplyDelete1. The back of the car
2. The cloth on the door
3. the buttons on his shirt
4. The belt of his son
5. The line on the ground
6. The shadow by the corner
1.) Peter shirt has two buttons in one pics.
ReplyDelete2.) One pics is endorsed.
3.) There is a top on d car door in one of d pics.
4.) There is a long fancy light at the back of d car in one pics.
5.) The floor has a demarcation in one pics and smooth in the other.
6.) The car has a rear light in one of the pics.
1. Sweater on car door in the left picture, none on car door in the right pic
ReplyDelete2. Light on car boot in left pic, none in car boot in right pic
3. First kid from left holding purple doll in the left pic, in the right pic it is a yellow doll.
4. Two black buttons on Peter's shirt in left pic, none on Peter's shirt in right pic
5.The second kid from the left has part of his belt dropping in front of his trousers in the left pic, not dropping in the right pic
6.The floor in the left pic is tiled/has lines on it, while that in the right pic is plain
1.) Peter shirt has two buttons in one pics.
ReplyDelete2.) One pics is endorsed.
3.) There is a top on d car door in one of d pics.
4.) There is a long fancy light at the back of d car in one pics.
5.) The floor has a demarcation in one pics and smooth in the other.
6.) The car has a rear light in one of the pics.
Abeg, I no get time for dis assignment :D
ReplyDelete1. The car on the right doesn't have a rear back light.
ReplyDelete2. A jacket is hung on the open door of the first pix and non on the second pix.
3. Peters kid on his right has a yellow candy in one pix and red on the other. 4.One of the pictures has a photograph signature "Aarons image" the other doesn't have.
5.The ground has partitioned lines in one pix and non in the other pix.
6.Peter has two black buttons on his collar in one pix and no buttons at all in the other.
The cars n d floor
ReplyDeleteThe two back lights are missing in the second pic, the shirt on the open door is not in the second pic, the colour of what Aliona is holding is yellow in the second pic, the two buttons on Peter's shirt are missing in the second pic and the shadow on the floor on the bottom right hand corner of the first picture is missing in the second picture.
ReplyDelete1. The shirt on the car door
ReplyDelete2. The little girls book or purse(Colour)
3. Shadow behind the car
4. Peter Okoye shirt botton
5. Design at the back of the car
6. the first pix does not have a name while d second one has
1. The shirt on the car door
ReplyDelete2. The little girls book or purse(Colour)
3. Shadow behind the car
4. Peter Okoye shirt botton
5. Design at the back of the car
6. the first pix does not have a name while d second one has
1- The red rear light of d car is nt on d 2nd picture, 2- the jacket on d driver ' s door is nt in d 2nd pictr, 3- the colour of d design on the little girl ' s top by peter ' s left is diff from the 2nd picture, 4- there are 2 black dots on peter ' s sweatshirt in d first picture n none in d second picture, 5- there is a signature on d second picture n none on d first, 6- lastly theres a little shadow showing in d first pictr n none on d second picture.
ReplyDeleteThe shirt on d door, d car's rear light, the peter shirt button, the line on the floor,the signature on the photo and little shadow. got it...
ReplyDelete1)the jacket hanging on the car door is absent in the second pic (2)the breaks light behind the car isn't in the second pic(3)the snack the little girl wearing the white jacket is holding is purple in the first pic and gold or yellow in the second pic (4)there is a pocket on the jean of the second girl wearing the black ralph polo top in the first pic whereas the pocket isn't in the second pic (5) there are buttons on peter's top in the 1st pic but non in the 2nd pic (6)the flooring on the 1st pic is partitioned but that in the 2nd pic isn't
ReplyDelete1). the cloth hanging on the left open door missing
ReplyDelete2). the brake-light of the car is missing
3). the two button on peter's shirt (near the top) is missing
4). the pavement line on the floor is missing
5). the toy the little girl (in white jacket) is carrying has a different colour
6). The shadow of the photographer in the right bottom corner of the picture.
1). the cloth hanging on the left open door missing
ReplyDelete2). the brake-light of the car is missing
3). the two button on peter's shirt (near the top) is missing
4). the pavement line on the floor is missing
5). the toy the little girl (in white jacket) is carrying has a different colour
6). The shadow of the photographer in the right bottom corner of the picture.
1)There is a clothe on the back door in the left pics and its not on the door in the right pics. 2)he car has a red back light in the left pics while its not on the right. 3)There is a signature at the down part of the pics on the right and its not on the left. 4)There is a shadow at the low part of the left pics and its not on the right pics. 5) I can see something like buttons on the V neck of the top he's wearing on the left picsand its not on the right pics. 6) The door opened in the right pics has blue glass while the left does not have.
ReplyDelete1- red stripe on d car in d first pix none on the other
ReplyDelete2- a white shape in d first pix beside the car none in the other
3- picture 2 is sharper than 1
4- picture 2 has a signature.
5- a long dark stripe beside boy in pix 1
6- design on child's white jacket is purple in pix 1 and brown in pix 2
ReplyDelete1. The line by the floor
2. The red light lamp by the car
3. An hanger out clothe by the door of the car
4. Button on Okoye Shirt
5. No reference was made to the photographer
1.A dark shadow at the bottom end of the photo
ReplyDelete2.A signature at the bottom end of the photo
3.A shirt hanging on the door of the car
4.Two little black spots on his top close to his chest like buttons
5.On the left pix,the little girl is holding a purple-like object on her hand
6.While on the fight pix,the object is pink in colour.
1) The car back light
ReplyDelete2) The shirt on the right door
3) The design on the girl with bob Marley Jean
1) The car back light
ReplyDelete2) The shirt on the right door
3) The design on the girl with bob Marley Jean
1) The car back light
ReplyDelete2) The shirt on the right door
3) The design on the girl with bob Marley Jean
1) The car back light
ReplyDelete2) The shirt on the right door
3) The design on the girl with bob Marley Jean
A jacket hanging on d door, car lights, inscription in white, black shadow, two black buttons on peters shirt and whatever the lik girl is holding has difft colors.
ReplyDelete1. The red back light
ReplyDelete2. The jacket hanging on the left door
3. The lines on the floor.
4..what the girl is holding
5. The button on peter's shirt
6. The shadow in the floor
can add the watermark on the right pic
1) The car back light
ReplyDelete2) The shirt on the door
3) The design on the girl with bob Marley Jean
4) The windows of the house at the back
1) The car back light
ReplyDelete2) The shirt on the door
3) The design on the girl with bob Marley Jean
4) The windows of the house at the back
5) Tip and shadow of another cars door
the little girl in the first pix is holding a lilac purse, while in the second pix she is holding a yellow purse.
ReplyDeletepeter's shirt in d first pix has two buttons, while his shirt in the second pix does not
1.D cardigan on d car door 2.d floor 3.d shadow 4.d light @ d back of d car 5.peter's shirt 6.d girlie hand (diff color)
ReplyDeletepartition on the floor, light at the back of the car, mic on peter's shirt or whatever that is, shadow at the bottom right of the picture, and also name on the bottom right, cloth on the door
ReplyDelete1. piece of clothing on the open car door in first pic....none in second pic
ReplyDelete2. cars in both pics are different
3. buttons on the shirt
4. first pic is signed..second isnt
5. floor in both pics are different
6. what the little girl is holding color is different in both pics....
D jacket on d door of d car,d black shadow close 2d boy wearing brown top, d red line across d back of d car, d buttons on peters top, d photographers signature by d side of one of d pics, d colors of d stuff d gal on white is wearing; one is yellow d oda is purple.
ReplyDeleteYippy ! I got it
1. the floor.
ReplyDelete2.the car lights.
3. the shirt on the car door.
4. the color of the little girls toy on the left.
5. the shadow of the photographer.
6. the inscription/name on the bottom of the image.
1..the cloth on d open door
ReplyDelete2..the red light at d back of d car
3..the lines on d floor
4..the straight shadow line beside the boi
5..there is black button on d T-shirt he wore in d 1st pic whc was not on d oda 1
6..the design beside the second pic wasn't on d 1
let start winning something oo, e no easy make person eye dey spot all these differences o..... love this blog anyway...quite amazing! linda the best ....kisses
ReplyDelete1..the cloth on d open door
ReplyDelete2..the red light at d back of d car
3..the lines on d floor
4..the straight shadow line beside the boi
5..there is black button on d T-shirt he wore in d 1st pic whc was not on d oda 1
6..the design beside the second pic wasn't on d 1
the cloth by the drivers door, the color on the trunk, the line on the floor, the shadow on the floor
ReplyDeleteI can see the differences but I can't start writing epistle on how to describe them I begy.
ReplyDelete1) the tiles on the floor
ReplyDelete2) the shirt on the car door
3) The desing on the girl with bob marley jean
4) The cars back light
5) the house behind windows
6) The shadows and tip of the door of another car
Can only see 4 differences **DOPEY SAID SO**
ReplyDelete1) the tiles on the floor
ReplyDelete2) the shirt on the car door
3) The desing on the girl with bob marley jean
4) The cars back light
5) the house behind windows
6) The shadows and tip of the door of another car
7) the signature on the picture
Can only see 4 differences **DOPEY SAID SO**
ReplyDeleteThe car light
ReplyDeleteSo Dis is what we will be doing dis year abi ?spotting differences
ReplyDeleteLinda I don't get to see my comments
ReplyDeletehehe.. so many difference... check the car...the floor nd the jacket on the car door.. loool big S/O to PSD
ReplyDelete- The back light on the 1st Car that is not on the 2nd
- The jacket on the door of the 1st pic that is not on the 2nd
- The lines on the floor in the first pic, not on the 2nd
- Peters shirt in the first pic is with buttons unlike the 2nd
- the belt of the girl on the right is misplaced in one of the pictures
-The stuff the little girl on his left is holding is pink on the left and yellow on d right pic.
i saw just 3 of them ied cloth on d car door, d car lights behind and d shadow in front of peters eldest son. i dash d remaining 3 to linda
ReplyDelete1.The colour of the baby's bag
ReplyDelete2.The design on the trouser of the smaller boy
3.The red line at he back of the car
4.The shadow on the ground
5.The signature on the 2nd pix
6.Two buttons on Peter's shirt
7.The shirt hanging on the door of the car.
1. the vehicle's back light.
ReplyDelete2. The buttons or black spot on Peter ' s sweat shirt.
3.the lines on the floor.
4. The photographer's shadow
5. The sweater or clothes hanged on the car door.
6. The snack the little girl is holding appears purple in the first pic
Spotted them. Pls they should not suffer d kids all in d name of game abeg.
ReplyDelete1. the cars are not the same.
ReplyDelete2. there is hanging cloth onthe driving side of the first car.
3. the top shirt of peter are not the same.
4. Floors are not the same.
5.the girl at peter's lefthand tops are not the same dressed belt and the flower on the girl at the righthand top cloth are different.
6. the second picture bears label which the first does not.
This has now become the latest celebrity game ba? SMH
ReplyDeleteDear Linda, 1. the cloth on the car door.2. the long red back light of the car. 3. the lines on the floor 4. the two bottons on Peter's top.5. the shadow reflect by the lower right side of the picture and the 6. signature on the second picture.
ReplyDeleteDear Linda, 1. the cloth on the car door.2. the long red back light of the car. 3. the lines on the floor 4. the two bottons on Peter's top.5. the shadow reflect by the lower right side of the picture and the 6. signature on the second picture.
ReplyDeleteI see 5.
ReplyDelete1. The cloth hanging on the door of one not in the other.
2. The there is a shadow of the person taking the pic(I think) in one and nit in the other.
3. The floor has lines in one and not in the other.
4. The Okoye daddy has button on his shirt in one pic and not on the other.
5.The car has red light in one and not in the other.
6.... Let me search for it
1.there's this shirt on the rear left door that is open.
ReplyDelete2.there's this red rear light or line on the boot of the car.
3.the ground has a box like shape while other does
4.peter on one has 2 bottons
5.the window where someone stands is long than another.
6.there's a shadow before the family on the ground and other doesn't have.
lindodo..I think I tried...
seen the 6th
ReplyDelete6. There is a photographer signature in one and not in the other.
1. Buttons on Peter's shirt 2. Jacket draped over open car door 3. Rear lights on car 4. broader pavement in one and shorter in other...(hope i'm right about the last one! lol)
ReplyDeleteThe gridlines on the floor, the signature on the photo, the red light on the booth, the clothes, .....
ReplyDeleteCan't see anything, make u tell us???
ReplyDeleteLinda I can see the black line on the floor , the buttons on p2 shirt, the cloth on the door, the red light on the car, the signature at d bottom right and the black spot at d bottom right.
ReplyDelete1, the cloth on the door's handle 2, the backlight 3, the whatever the baby girl is holding the colors are different 4,there's a black dot like botton on peter's shirt and the other is not avin that 5,a little shadow infront of one and missing in the other and 6, one has signature which is missing on the other one.
ReplyDelete1) The lined on d floor. 2) there is somefin on d opened door of the car at d left pix and itz not on d oda. 3) the mark close to a line on the floor. 4) somefin is written on the right pix downward. 5) there is no back light on the rit pix car. 6) there is a spot on the floor bside the car of the right side of the right pix and there is none on d left pix.
ReplyDeletePeter ish is nt ma biznx jo
ReplyDelete~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan~
Correction: 1. Buttons on Shirt 2. Lines on pavement 3. Jacket on car door 4. Signature (in white; bottom right hand corner) 5. Shadow (bottom right hand corner) 6. Rear lights on car...
ReplyDelete1 the first car has red rear light
ReplyDelete2 peter has something like a botton on his shirt
3 a shirt is hanged on the left car's door
4 the child with white jacket is holding something in purple pack in the left pix, while she holding same thing in yellow in the right pix
5 the child in the middle has a long belt in the left pix short and long in the right pix
6 Aaron stevs on the buttom right Conner on the right pix, while the left has a black shadow on the bottom right conner
1. pic A hav backup light
ReplyDelete2. pic A has clothe hanged on the open door
3. pic A has little shadow in the front of the pic
4. pic A has no dent @ the back of the car
5. pic B has on the pic the name of the editor or the shot apps
6. pic b has no concrete slabs decimation lines on the floor
1. The cloth on the car window on the driver's side.
ReplyDelete2. The botton on Peter's shirt.
3. The floor is different with one having stripes.
4. The design on the car boot with one having red line, the other does not.
5. There is a paint on one part of the ground while the other is plan
6. The little boy on dread with black shirt, the jeans he's putting is different.
BO said....
ReplyDelete1. the jacket on the driver's door behind them
2. the red strap on the booth of the car
3. the colour of the toy the daughter is holding is diff. one is purple while other is brown
4. the long rope shadow from their feet
5. the signage at the bottom of the second pix
6. the younger son hand stretches longer in the left pix
1. The line in the pavement
ReplyDelete2. The button on peter okoye's top.
3. The red rear light at the back of the jeep.
4. The cloth hanging on the back door
5. The name written at the bottom of one picture
6. The change in the colour of the toy in the little girl's hand.