Seun Kuti wants a debate with Gen. Buhari | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 30 January 2015

Seun Kuti wants a debate with Gen. Buhari

Maybe they can make this happen? :-)


  1. I sense sarcasm in this write-up.

    @Sophia Stephen

    1. This is NOT a write up, Buhari jailed his INNOCENT father "Fela" for singing, and will not allow his family members visit him.... Too bad

  2. Very soon he will deny saying this, his account was hacked

  3. Replies
    1. And who is he again?,na hin papa we know, we don't want to know. Rude boy.

    2. He ain't no rude boy, pls go tell your dad to teach you history, Buhari jailed his dad for singing.

  4. This seun is ugly. #cutebuhari

    Am an igbo girl

  5. I bet he cannot lol, person wey kill your papa

  6. lol.. seeking attention. no time for nonsense.. GMB is too busy for such.. go and cast your vote for whosoever u wish well..

  7. Even if Buhari wanted a debate btwn himself and an entertainer it won't be Seun

  8. Abeg he should go and have several seats.
    Gone are the days when Indian hemp inspired nationalism.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Bona so wat days re we now, the days where non talent, no real job, ass hole re on social. Media 24/7 kissing a woman's ass on her blog to get 100k every December? You dey crazy no be small, for you info, no one in ur life time is yet to accompany wat seun has talk less of his father.
      Sha u can talk on social media now d way u like, mak buhari be present na straight bullet dem go take comot pple like u.

  9. Seun is a trouble maker

  10. Replies
    1. Seun is more intelligent than ur sorry ass great grand father's down to ur present generation... stupid!!

  11. Yeah, give Lagbaja a debate with fayemi too...

  12. Choiiii. Wil really be interesting.

  13. Mr Buhari debate with me too na, I swear I wont ask tough question since am hoping for a sit in Aso Rock/ better still youth ambassador....

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

  14. The equation will be balanced that way

  15. Lol!!! Who knows, maybe this will happen!

  16. Geh geh.....ds kind thing go sweet


  17. Lol! This will never happen.

  18. Lol... Let them grant his wish


  19. Lolz unfortunately GMB is busy with how to make it to asorock and not some 21st century debate

  20. Na indian hemp (igbo) u won interview olodo.

    1. Why are u pained cos his name came up?, d fact that he smokes igbo doesn't mean he is olodo, am sure u are not as learned as Seun... bite me fool

  21. Seun Kuti go and rest somewhere because you're not relevant

    1. Seun is not relevant, who knows ur village ass???

  22. Wonders why he doesn't want to debate..

  23. My point exactly. Why is PDP alarmed Buhari does not want to debate this time around.

    He humbled himself and debated last time whilst Jonathan sat with Dbanj

  24. That would be one to look out for.

  25. Impossible! Impossible!! Impossible!!!

    Hope he is not high or he has forgot to tak his drugs or wht for crying out loud dat he had to mak dis ridiculous request...???

    Pls dis sound insane.

  26. Impossible! Impossible!! Impossible!!!

    Hope he is not high or he has forgot to tak his drugs or wht for crying out loud dat he had to mak dis ridiculous request...???

    Pls dis sound insane.

  27. for me!.#BuhariMustDebate. If he no fit honour BON Presidential Debate, Make He honour this one. ANY WAY NA WAY NA!!. Debate na debate. lol

  28. Impossible! Impossible!! Impossible!!!

    Hope he is not high or he has forgot to tak his drugs or wht for crying out loud dat he had to mak dis ridiculous request...???

    Pls dis sound insane.

  29. Impossible! Impossible!! Impossible!!!

    Hope he is not high or he has forgot to tak his drugs or wht for crying out loud dat he had to mak dis ridiculous request...???

    Pls dis sound insane.

  30. Impossible! Impossible!! Impossible!!!

    Hope he is not high or he has forgot to tak his drugs or wht for crying out loud dat he had to mak dis ridiculous request...???

    Pls dis sound insane.

  31. Seun the drunkered.

  32. Bahari is too busy for that right now.

    Order for your beautiful bedspread @ 79AEFD3B. Delivery available nationwide.

  33. Hmmmm I no talk anything oh.

  34. Hahaha... Seun got brains!!

  35. Who be diz ugly thing? abeg go sit down oponu oshodi.

  36. Seun should let bygones be bygones...He is still hurting cos Buhari jailed his father over 30 years ago. It is not like Fela was a saint. If you break the law, you go to jail.

    And for the record, Buhari rejected the debate with Jonathan cos it was organized by AIT, and we all know the people at AIT are anti-buhari.

    Last Longer in Bed

    1. So you would sell your father out and vote someone that imprisoned him for singing about the 2.sumtin billion dollars PTF money he stole? Very worrying...

  37. who tha heck is seun kuti?

  38. This serial loser will lose again.

    Vote GEJ come Feb 14, 2015

    Thank you.

  39. GMB doesn't know wat he will say in the debate. Doesn't want Nigerians to know he's clueless

  40. funny.........

    Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB.....

  41. Watt is wrong with dis one. U no blow for music. U now wantu start politics? If not for ur late dad. Who u be for naija. Mschewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  42. lol.....will you comprehend his response??can you here what he say.

    #Linda's give away

  43. lol.....will you comprehend his response??can you here what he say.

    #Linda's give away

  44. Linda... Abeg publish this... It will be good you do... am not partisan by the way. but its good for

    Prayers for GEJ & PDP Supporters

    Jonathan/PDP promised us electricity.

    *If you're a Nigerian living in the dark and you said you want to continue with PDP/GEJ's government, you will remain in the dark for the rest of your life.

    Jonathan/PDP promised us Security.

    *If you're a Nigerian living without an adequate security and you said you want to continue with PDP/GEJ's government, you will continue living in fear.

    Jonathan/PDP promised to create jobs for all Nigerians.

    *If you're a Nigerian, jobless or without a good job and insist you want to continue with PDP/GEJ's government, You will remain jobless for the rest of yourself.

    Jonathan/PDP promised Health care reform.

    *If you're a Nigerian with no access to quality health care and you said you want to continue with PDP/GEJ's government, you will remain living in sickness.

    Jonathan/PDP promised qualitative and competitive education.

    *If you're Nigerian and you witnessed the ASUU strike during GEJ administration that lasted almost a year and you insist on PDP/GEJ's government, good things will go on strike in your life.

    Jonathan/PDP promised to Fight corruption.

    *If you're a Nigerian and can see the level of corruption in the system but you insist on PDP/GEJ's government, your system will remain corrupt.

    Jonathan/PDP promised to fight Injustice.

    *If you're a Nigeria and you can see the level of injustice in the country but you said you want to continue with PDP/GEJ's government. Nigerian Police/Military will harrass you and no justice will be done.

    If you're a True PDP/GEJ supporter and you can't say AMEN to this, shame on you.
    By DazzlingSmile •

  45. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Why is he making fun of the debate...... Unserious fellow....

  46. baba you wan kill d man ni? he's crowd shy


  47. Dumbo wants to debate Dumbo. How is that going to work? Seun Dumbo Kuti suddenly thinks his indian hemp smoking ancestry and his extra long ears makes him special or unique.

    Seun Kuti has allowed marijuana to get to his brain. Just like General Oluwole Buhari, Seun Kuti is not very bright. He should be restrained from appearing on any debate. We don't want children corrupted with pidgin English. Seun has no WAEC certificate. Due to his misuse of ganja, he's deluded and beginning to think he can fly. For a ganja addicted moron, he has unattainable ambitions in politics. His proposed debate would be annoying, time consuming and damn too complicated.

    General Oluwole Buhari (Fulani), not very bright, not eloquent and doesn't have good command of English Language, would need military grade armament and armoured tanks and an interpreter in Boko Haram uniform that would interpret from Buhari's harsh, threatening and frightening native hummba hummba finger jabbing gibberish lingo to English Language.

    Seun (Yoruba), not very bright, not eloquent and doesn't have good command of English Language, would need an interpreter that would interpret from pidgin English to Yoruba, then, from Yoruba language back to English Language, and then, a signer would use sign language to interpret the debate to Seun Kuti's fans who are disorientated and stoned on cannabis and half deaf due to Seun's loud music.

    How's Seun Kuti going to be on tv if he can't spell tv? Seun need to stop smoking ganja. Seun, please, stick to saxophone, not hashish or politics. lol

    1. you are so wrong Kemi ka. He has waec and also went to university in the UK to study music. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. He has the best command of English and his vocabularies are excellent. It's unfortunate that people assume when you smoke weed you are please check your facts, visit his page on fb and insta then you can judge

  48. Lol...he can't make it or rather he will send his VP or Fashola 2 represent him*winks*.... Dat man ain't moving a muscle except APC wants 2 fail woefully.... Lolzz yeye people.

  49. Wait o...dbanj was nicknamed the future of African??? Nawa personally will love CNN to have debate with their wives not the husbands.....let's see which of the wives will disgrace naija publicly


  50. So how will dis make him loose or win d election? #happyfriday

  51. Everybody wants to talk in dis election...see what a country Nigeria has become...what a caricature..

  52. In Adams Oshiomole's voice, "go and die" dude.

    Blackberry gives you the best and make you
    forget the rest.
    David (dave_gino)
    »Commenting from my BLACKBERRY 9900«

  53. Shut-up sean before u start saying rubbish. My people the rain may fall, the sun may shine, but doesn't disturb the snail to get to its destination. No matter what people deceive people say, about GMB, u nd I'll overcome them! Nigerians! Wake-up! the time has come my people lives matter. PDP party and corruption insecurity darkness no electricity bad government must go. Dear Nigerian's pls forget tribalism especially we the youths, we need change in our country Nigeria, pls lets vote right nd make Nigeria a better place for u nd I,ur children/unborn children nd the next generation. We re tired of CORRUPTION, GREED, ND INSECURITY, etc. That has eaten so deep into our past nd present leaders, the unfair treatment to the masses especially,the rich getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. Its so sad. May God continue to be with us Amen. Vote for #change# vote Buhari and Osinbajo. For president next month 14th.

  54. Abeg this guy should short up sometimes.

  55. U just wan ask the man about ur papa,ur papa na music legend but don't forget he also destroyed so many young lives in his time,tho God used him to speak the truth,that doesn't mean he's a good man,u are a young man,u need to let go of ur negative past for u to be able see the future man pin 24dd95d7

  56. I really need to have a one on in debate with him too. I doubt any question of mine will be answered. As a Gen. I salute him anyway

  57. Lol. I doubt if Buhari would agree to this. He looks strict.

    1. Hes strict because he's a dick..tator

    2. That's why we love him

  58. I jes pity dis guy sha,wonder why he is jes beefing buhari na haba.....u wan go jail abi???take a chill pill jawe ogbeni seun kuti

  59. to hell wif u seun kuti dat man z ur fathers age mate


  60. Seun Kuti is a very funny person... APC should just accept this Debate, it'll sure be fun. It might change peoples perception about either of the candidate. I think that debate is a very good idea.

  61. Please let him be, he is suffering from Agoraphobia. kindly keep your debate till after 14th February 2015

  62. He shld shave off his beards first

    Sai buhari

  63. Seun debate with Jonathan too:)

  64. I guess so, trust me it will be very interesting

  65. It's a jab at GEJ i think

  66. certainly, buh I think that is a man that find it hard to express himself in words!

  67. Lol
    This guy no well o
    I remember watching him on trending
    He is so funny

  68. u have to show buhari the questions before the debate ... So dat his goons can answer them properly put them in written form then hand it over to him all he has to do is read the answers directly from the booklet while u question him .. if u dont strike that agreement with him he will decline.. u wan disgrace papa for national tv?

  69. That's a nice one Seun. That's if u understand him

  70. Young man go smoke your igbo

  71. Funny guy.....buhari is afraid of jona

  72. MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o.

    He had better wake up from that dream before he remains there.

  73. Buhari cannot even stand this self let alone stand jonathan

  74. Make I hear say buhari agreed to this conspiracy to publicy disgrace him

  75. Mansion de tawk, face me I face u de tawk too. Everybody wants to be relevant @ all cost. Seun better go sleep mbok!

  76. What does Seun know about governance? We er talking about the future of nig not kidding.

  77. Buhari doesnt have the health for all these.

  78. Hahaha GMB will never agree to this

  79. Buhari na olodo...

  80. Seun, stop being rude! I am a MASSIVE fan of your father, l have all his albums in my collection and l defend you when people attack you here. Your father wasn't perfect, nobody is. The truth was that your father violated the law by not declaring the money he was taking out of the country, he was held at the airport, he was prosecuted and jailed. Your father dispensed crude justice in his 'republic' as he deem fit.

  81. Seen will spend the whole time asking Buhari why he imprisoned his father

  82. leave the dead to bury the dead.bro

  83. Debate with a madman like femi no try am o

  84. Where would he start from? He can't jor... some one that talked for just 57.13 minutes in 35 state... how can he talk for hours without fainting? Goodluck must win jor

  85. Whatever!
    @Carlos via Nokia Lumia

  86. Buhari is an illiterate.

  87. Did boy no get respect o. Him think say because he dey call Fela, Fela na so him fit call Buhari. Show some respect now! Don't copy D'banj ooo.

  88. Enough of your noise seun, he doesn't even have a hit song to his credit, all living on there father's glory. To be realistic, why would fela not be jailed?
    He was a nuisance to the society, walk naked, some hard drugs in the public, sang to encourage rape, drug and all sort I'm moralities and we call him a role model. Do you expect GMB to have begged him or even give him appointment? The fact that we all like Fela does not mean the truth won't be told.
    We all patronise fela's shrine till today, is it a good place for reasonable people? If govt shut it flown, you pple will complain. What is bad is bad, naija can't be better if we hide from the truth. Buhari is not a coward like jona dat accommodate and encourage corruption or immoralites, Jona sleep and thine with ali modu sheriff who is proven with all clear evidence to be boko haram sponsor, yet he claims to be fighting insurgency. The ant that eats vegetable lives within the vegetable. Be wise.

  89. #GMBmustdebatewithGEJ this should be everybody's anthem now. Enough of the deceit. I know GEJ hasn't done so well but I want to be sure GMB can do better. Please let's use the Internet to our advantage. Nigeria youths wake up. #BuharidebatewithJonathan.

  90. funny how people attack people because of this politics, all the insult is just a sorry shame

  91. funny how people attack people because of this politics, all the insult is just a sorry shame

  92. buhary thatcannot defend himself wan follow lecturer debate.. he would shame himself his career and his party.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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