So wait, is this where the symbol on the new N100 came from? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 28 November 2014

So wait, is this where the symbol on the new N100 came from?

The pic on the right is supposedly the colonial flag of Nigeria. That symbol looks very similar to the controversial one on the new N100 note. You think...?


  1. Replies
    1. since there was controversy over it, the presidency should have told us what d sign represents.

    2. Are u guys soooo blind??? Cant u see the symbol on the 100Naira note is a diamond on a square or a square on a square and the other one on the flag is a triangle with the other triangle upside down?? Linda u dey fall my hand o

    3. Linda u dey fall my hand oh! This symbol doesn't look anything close to the colonial flag instead it looks more of an Arewa symbol

  2. Similar ke? One is made up of two triangles...the other is made up of two squares.

    1. I tire too o my dear. Una no dey see clearly? How are both signs similar na? Linda go find better news jare

    2. Thank you!!! I've been thinking did these people fail geometry in primary school??!

    3. U r definitely not educated! Please tell me where U saw the one that's made up of squares? Open ya eyes

    4. @Anonymous 8:44AM... You are the one who isn't educated. It doesn't have to be upright before it is called a square or you can refer to it as a rhombus. Please be sure of what you are saying before insulting others. SMH.


    5. It's you that is very uneducated and blind, please look again and see that one has eight points because it's a combination of two squares and the other six points because it's a combination of two triangles...olodo

    6. U be cow. U no dey see the square wen dem put enter each other. BUGGER!!!

  3. You pple should let this matter be abeg. Stop scrutinising it.

  4. The colonial flag's got six edges and the symbol on the naira's got I doubt..*my thot*

  5. imperialism thats one of nigeria problem....divide this country now let of be free from the hands that fought for nigeria in the biafra war, divide this country and we will be free from boko haram insurgence, divide this fail state...........nigeria liberate urself from britain by dividing this country ....we ar neva one*****MAN FRM THE EAST*****

  6. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Like i care......

  7. yea, I discovered that earlier wen u uploaded d old pics of Nigeria@ Linda.. I couldn't post or write a comment then.. Now those frustrated and mis informed MURIC fools will be gentle.. star of David my ass.. #awon antichrist#

  8. They are two completely distinctively different shapes.. the jewish symbol is two triangles and the naira symbol is two squares.

  9. No they are not the same

  10. ahh! lindaikeji, don't tel me ur rili this dull oh like "agbaya" dull lol. ehn!, the symbol on the note is simply rectangular the one on the flag is triangular cnt u see that??
    its a no for me biko the symbol didn't cum frm the flag..shuuuuu

  11. It's not dear linda, the one on the 100-N- is 2 squares overlapping each other while the one on the flag is 2 triangles

  12. nw i knw there's no news this evening..she jst looked around nd came up with this one lol..hw re those two things similar ni?

  13. Linda why are you still on about this thing. The symbols are different. .

  14. Nah. not similar...

  15. Auntie linda you're You go talk, Na you go conclude and Na you go still ask us question....You think? What are we thinking exactly self.....#odiegwu really# *****QUEENMAYA*****

  16. Linda Ikeji its seems your one of those who never listen to other people opinion, The star you call star of David is Ancient Igbo symbol of Authority.

    ITs Nri-Eri symbol of authority, every igbo leader must be equipped with he offor and this.

    Once more.

    I just want to express this to your readers, what is today known as Star of David is an ancient igbo symbol authority.

    This sign is been in use from time, the currency printed by igbo's in 1959 had this same symbol, please search for Nigeria coin 1959 star of david by igbos.

    What is today known as Star of David is igbo symbol of authority, you can't rule the igbo nation without this symbol.

    When the Missionary first arrived they found this among Nri Ebo what is today spelled igbo Ibo nation.

    If you observe very well any original igbo elder hand fan or chief material you will find this.

    Another is when the Portuguese arrived they saw this among the Igbos and they filled a report which states that hebrew people live beyond the rivers.

    The British also used thisas Estern niger flag because they saw it among the Nri and Aro Kingdom as sign in Easter protectorate flag.

    Contact Ekwenche in Chicago United state or Nri Kingdom to find out more about this sign.

    or ask professor Herbert Ekwe on twitter. This sign is indigenous to Ebo Nation, do a proper research from Tmbokuti to Southern Sudan and Dahomey, i know this will come as shock to most people. what is today known as nigeria is ancient southern Sudan.

  17. The two symbols are not thesame!

  18. The symbol on the N100 is two squares not two triangles. I guess you're just trying to generate traffic.

  19. Nothing similar... They are two different thing... And the symbol on the note has been explained already.... Dunno why you brought it up again..

  20. Lol Linda sef dey follow do new naira note investigation...Issokay, good job ma

  21. Exactly

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

  22. They look alike but they are different signs look closely you will see the difference #onelovefromSnow#

  23. Linda leave the symbol alone and spend the money. what is your problem

  24. Linda no b same symbol Na check out!!!!

  25. Linda no Na d symbol no b same check out!!!!

  26. that was d 1st tin dat came 2 my mind wen I saw dis symbol earlier 2day....

  27. Linda u Don high on kush bah?
    They look nothing alike....OKORO

  28. What is all dis noise about? The people that made the note should explain

  29. The Central Bank should save us all the controversy and explain the meaning of the symbol. If it is irrelevant to our collective national history then it shouldn't be on the 100 Naira bill. One would have thought important public institutions will avoid unnecessary controversies.

  30. Wow! Nigerians are so poor at logic. LINDA, how do these signs match. The one on our currency are two SQUARES superimposed on each other while the one on the flag are TRIANGLES.

    This is why grduades fail aptitude tests and blame their MOTHER in the village for their unemployment.


  31. But is not the same na... The one on the 100 naira is 8 points while that of the biafra flag is 6 points

  32. Nuella Njubigbo never born?

  33. What?! they have different number of sides. the other one is a star of david like it is on Isreal's flag

  34. As Above So Below

  35. No madam Linda.... d one on d flag is 2 squares, on d new naira is 2 triangles

  36. Ms Ikeji. What's up with u? U wanna steer up another controversy? U want some more traffic to ur blog. Is this not obviously different? 1 is a super-imposed triangle, the other, squares. Pls let sleeping dogs lie. Stop flogging a dead horse. Thank you

  37. Nope its nt d same,d 1 in d new 100 naira note has 8sides.its 2 squares joined d 1 u c on d colonial flag has 6sides.dey aren't d same.

  38. The first one is a square superimposed on another square, while the second is a triangle superimposed on another triangle. So, how are they the same? Nigerians have a pathetic habit of not taking a moment to read or study. It's a shame.

  39. And ignorant ppl were jez ranting.

  40. Chai Linda u need extra hands asap or extra eyes, hw does both symbol look alike...I dey help u shame...

  41. Illuminati is involve.

  42. They are still not the same thing, the symbol on the note has 2 squares overlaid (8 points); the other has 2 equilateral triangles (6 points) much like the aforementioned jewish symbol (star of david).

  43. They are still not the same thing, the symbol on the note has 2 squares overlaid (8 points); the other has 2 equilateral triangles (6 points) much like the aforementioned jewish symbol (star of david).

  44. Colonia flag keh. Diz ar deamonic sign's. prophecy mst be fulfild as written in de book of revlation

  45. No, it doesn't look like it. The one on the new note is bigger and has eight points, while the one on the colonial flag is smaller and has 6 points.

  46. Linda pls don't start what does not make sense...

  47. The symbol on the colonial flag is actually the jewish symbol,so it shouldn't even be a problem is that's the same as the new note. these Muslim clerics need to educate themselves. Mallams

  48. linda biko,allow dis matter rest na,shuuuu!

  49. Stop exhibiting ur stupidity Linda...Didn't u learn about squares and angles in primary school? The one on the money is square and the one on the colonial flag is a triangle.

  50. It has 6 points while naira note has 8 points

  51. I'm getting scared ooo. Hmmmmmmmm God help us

  52. Linda, pls look very carefully, the two symbols are not same...there is a huge difference between triangle and square.

  53. Dat means illumminati has been existing before 1960

  54. How can they be similar. The symbol on the naira has 8 points while the star of David is 6Pointed. Please....not even a close remembrance.

  55. Like seriously

  56. Are your eyes okay?

    One consists of 2 triangles, the other has 2 sqares. How are they similar?

  57. linda.... aw r dos two symbols similar?... one is a diamond shape in a somwat square shape.... nd d one on d flag r is two triangles..... plz if no sabi do research, no cum cause more prblms 4 us.... dis ur postulation is 4 beer parlour argument.....

  58. na wa for u oo Lynda. U no de see well, close to the british flag is the star of david made up of 2 equilateral triangles. What we v on our #100 nate is a security symbol made up of 2 squares.

  59. linda u posted another article carrying dt same symbol on d flag, claiming its nt d same as d one on d note. if u ar confused dont pull us along

  60. Why do people like stirring up controversies? That of the naira note has eight points while that of the colonial flag has just six. So cant be the same thing or related. Enough already!

  61. So it's true; we have a star of David on the 100 Naira note! The CBN need be reminded that Nigeria is a secular state and religious and occult symbols have no business being on our money! And who wants to be reminded of a colonial flag?

  62. It doesn't look the same.... The one on the naira note haz a prism and a square shape.... While the other iz two trianglez....! #miz jinju#

  63. You're embarrassing yourself linda

  64. NO ... I DON'T THINK! It's so very different. Can't you see?

  65. Linda whats your problem? When did square pegs star looking like round pegs? Abi you wear baba Sala goggles for eyes?

  66. You guyz should pay attention to detailz.. The ugandan nanny did not eat the baby'z food.. Watch the video again! She fed the baby from an orange plate n she ate from a cream coloured plate... Mind you the video should be longer than it iz.. It wz jez cut short.. Else u would hv seen her change platez or move.. N initially it wz cartoon on tv then later it wz a movie.. FYI... I dnt support wt she did... #miz jinju#

  67. and what are u trying to say?

  68. Maybe the are coming back?

  69. The symbol in d naira is a combination of 2 square while the other is a combination of 2 triangle. Mk una rest n leave the new 100naira ish alone....

  70. Yeah i think so....

  71. Bia Linda, you put plaster for eye? Where is the similarity?? Panadol & Panadol extra na d same???

  72. But Linda, what does this matter? The money has no value-Star or not

  73. If the CBN is trying to use the colonial flag, why does it need to be altered?

    The Arabic writings on the naira does not have anything to do with Islam as christians are claiming. It's simply the value of the money in Hausa, which was adopted by our then colonial leaders who were christians, so that Hausa people could identify the notes at the time when Naira was new.

    Importing meaningless Jewish signs now will bring nothing but greater intolerance amongst ourselves. Exactly what this administration hopes to achieve, so that no one will pay attention to the gross indiscipline going on.

    This government isn't stupid, they know exactly what they're doing, which is PURE EVIL!!

    1. Very very brilliant answer

    2. Two stupid muslims talking jargons

  74. They are not the same, Naira note is two SQUARES crossing and the other TRIANGLE.

  75. Linda don"t start. They are totally diff symbols!

  76. You this Linda geh, eye dey pain you? How dem take resemble?

  77. It's not similar there are two squares in the first and two triangles in the last...Hmm let God prevail in Nigeria P lady says so.....Aunty linda please post my comment i take God beg you

  78. the square is on the actual money while the triangle is the colonial bulls that she published.

  79. Even it matches so what,did anybody explain the Arabic writing on the naira notes?

  80. obviously someone failed woefully in maths class.

  81. Are u guys soooo blind??? Cant u see the symbol on the 100Naira note is a diamond on a square and the one on the flag is a triangle with the other triangle upside down?? Linda u dey fall my hand o


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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