Little girl taken away by her paternal grandmother found | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Little girl taken away by her paternal grandmother found

The little girl who was taken from the UK and brought to Nigeria by her paternal grandmother (read here) without her mother's consent has been found. The little girl's mum, Temmy Moronke, who has been on a week-long online campaign to find her daughter, shared the news on Twitter today. Lily is pictured above with her maternal grandmother and 2face. See more tweets after the cut..


  1. Nawa for some of our mother in law ooo!they always feel they are ontop of the matter because they are the mother to the husband.nonsense.she must be charged for attempted kidnapping!infact kidnapping sef

    1. Its dis kind of grandma dt can sharply give tribal marks to a child.

    2. Maybe 2baba is d real father not the other woman's son.
      The lil girl looks like Annie's daughter o.
      Anyways,we await further info on this

    3. Wetin come bring 2face for this matter now? And why is he posing in d pic wit his mum, I mean d grandmum. I hope u r not thinking wat am thinking.

    4. How come she never mentioned who d father is. So am asking who is d daddy? I mean who is d woman' son that got u preg.

    5. Abi oooo. Foolish MIL!!

    6. Good news

      BORN TO SHINE!!!

    7. On the second thot... Why is the husband not talking? cld it be that the mum isn't taking care of the baby well enough... I just feel,there is more that meets the EYE

  2. Ehya...... @last Thank God.

    1. Stupid woman come make I give u very strong knock on d head.....kee gi ezigbo okpo, kepuo gi isi as u no de hear word. Onye nto!

  3. Ok this must be big to have involved tuface
    Tank God she is safe

    Mother in laws sha..... wat was she thinkin... only god knws wat would haf bcome of d lil geh bcos,

    Most of this women will advocate u visit dem for hols, n decide to train u d african way for dat period, u go to d farm, fetch water, n pound dem fufu
    God pass una

  4. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Thank God then.....

  5. Foolish grandma..let her rot in jail for what she did...wicked woman

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  6. Congrat oooO. Am so much happy for you madam.
    ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  7. The grandma fuuny sha.Thank God the girl is found and okay.

    Me sef wan take selfie with 2Baba o

  8. Wow! To God be the glory.
    I followed the story via twitter,I'm so happy for Temmy and her daughter.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  9. Wow! Thank God for you. I hope the family takes the path to reconciliation.

  10. So wats with tuface in d pix, Linda?

  11. Y is 2baba dia?hmmmm sudnt be wat am thinking Oooo...daJaX

  12. I just tire for some pple shaa. Her paternal grandma is a kidnapper, simple.

  13. Wow finally, tnk God! So happy 4U Moronke, this is really good news. #JoyofMotherhood# #LynxxGal#

  14. Thk God! Paternal grandma..why na?

  15. Werin concern 2face pics for this matter now?

    1. Tu face is a father nd he is just concerned..dumb ass.

  16. Great one _____ #blazer_green

  17. That was really a wrong thing to do by d grandma..

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  18. That's a fantastic news. You need to give her name to the uk immigration she shld not be allowed into the uk again.

    1. Ronke is in the Uk illegally. She will soon be deported. I'm her friend and she used ronke to stay in the Uk. She won't say that one o. Sorry luv, I had to say.

  19. Kid resembles Tuface. Hmm...

  20. Thank God.

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  21. Na TuBaba rescue the child finally? I dungerrit......

  22. Thank God for her

  23. Aunty Linda Ikeji...Biko Please ma I need your help...I want you to help me create a blog just like yours...even if na 200k i go dey get every month e go sweet me well name is kenneth and I'm from Jos ok,here's my number ma 07063102915...biko gbo mu...don allah!

  24. tnk God for you oh...@candidcamzz

  25. I hope 2face no be the half father lol
    welcome back baby

  26. rather than munch the tweets from twitter, it's better to embed it (like most other blogs) don't post this comment.

  27. Thank God o! I still don't think they should have released the grandmother, how can anyone pull a stunt like that?! Imagine what kind of fate they (mother and child) would have suffered if the mother did not have family or people who have her back in Nigeria. And thief's people have been trolling all over the net trying to brand the girl as a bad mother. Even if she was, it's still her child and no grandmother from any hellhole has the right to just take her like that! Stupid, destructive mentality!!

  28. Awon Stephen Oshi11 October 2014 at 23:38

    Bia, this pikin na another tuface own?? Wonders shall not end oo.

  29. Phew! Thank God.


  30. But u knew u cud send ur mum from d beginning she probably knows how to get the baby bk why were u causing all tht uproar and drama in the first place guess 4 attention besides whts up wit 2face in this whole scenario hmmmmm na una sabi sha thankGod she's found

    And Who Approves Linda

    1. If not for the uproar, it would have been difficult to get the girl back. Temmy did the right thing

    2. Public opinion helped. Stupid nigerian police could ask for proof or could say the paternal grandma was right

    3. You are a motherfucker, a very stupid person @lovlyivon

  31. Thank God 4 u ooooo.

  32. PS This grandma is proper flexing with the little girl as if it's her own daughter. Did she not have any daughters of her own? And 2face posing like he's an accessory to kidnap lol.


  33. 2 face who gave u dis top? he or she doesn't like u..see as u dey inside cloth. ............................#KingOfKings

  34. but Tuface... why that t shirt though... I thought you were the kidnapper yo.

  35. but Tuface... why that t shirt though... I thought you were the kidnapper yo.

  36. Temmy / Morenike you no go thank God say you see your pickin?
    For the sake of your daughter I think you need to zip your mouth as God has fought & won your battle . Whatever you are not doing right please go back and make it right , if there is a need for her dad to see her , kindly do the needful , Granma wey steal pickin shior to you , what a shameless woman and you will say the young ones will see you and respect you , I hear she even has a school , parent should boycott , dem no bi role models @ all @ all , them fit teach pupils to become armed robbers and militants .stayed with somebody for five months , accomondated you , fed you and allowed you to sleep , you thief pickin , you can kill ooooooo . Fada suppose to ex communicate you for church .

  37. Wat is d grandma lukin 4 dat she took d child?smh..sum pple sha

  38. How did 2face now come in? Was he part of the "rescue team"? Or is that pix old?

  39. Izu...God will reward you and your mum for this wickedness

  40. Smh she calls them *people* and talks about link.n that's the best picture she thought was most appropriate to post in such case..with a musician.u wona be a cray girl huh....look who does not think this girl is very irresponsible needs to visit a church...I hope your own mom keeps the child,letting that baby grow with u is disastrous..she would def get a child out of wed luck n still in school,be rude like u or worse....I dnt care what people think about my opinion anyways...if a woman can stay months with u abroad God Demn dey have been very supportive,or u think u harbored a refugee???

    1. Ode oshi...what are you talking about? Responsible or not, she is still the baby's mother. So if she was irresponsible,why did your lovely son procreate with her? That makes him the lowest of low lifes. Smh

    2. Wetin this mumu dey talk sef.. The girl shouldn't live wit her mum she should go and live with dat kidnapper? She is nt responsible na im make una mama go steal person pikin wetin carry una son near d woman as him no say she is nt responsible in d first place. Una mama wey thief person pikin na im dey responsible? She go tey 4 jail. You are the that should see a Pastor for deliverance it seems u hav psycho.. Mumu human being

    3. U r d biggest idiot on earth. I pray worse happens to u. How can u support someone that Wud take a baby from its mother? God punish u.

    4. I am 100% sure d kidnapper is your mum, u are a fool. Responsible or not it's her baby. Idiotic responsible woman without a baby how market?

  41. What is 2face business in this matter,now am beginning to suspect him.

  42. You are a good mum Ronke. Really don't know you buh I've heard a lot about you.I'm glad they found Liya. Izu should be arrested too.

  43. Whats 2face doing in de picture??? is he her baby's daddy?

    1. I think so since nobody don hear d papa talk since d kidnap.Maybe na d baby mama's way of putting him on blAASSSTTTT!

  44. Wow great news!! So happy for her

  45. yayy.... mumceyyy picked up my Goddaughter already. thank you sweet jesus for putting our enemies to shame! see what naija turned her to in few days. smh... mrs anetta abi whatever they call you, dont you ever try such with my besty and daughter again. such nonsense! i love you ronke fad. just always remember we are here strongly behind you

  46. thank God. God bless you dear and all who supported you...

  47. Thank God she got links like that! We all glad her kid is back, all except the grandma who took her!

  48. This woman is too slow, am sure my mother will vanished from the surface of the earth.

    1. Lmao.......Buh mother's sha!

    2. So your mother too is a kidnapper? Hmmm it is really well with ur sharp mother

  49. Y tu face com dey d picture na?

  50. omgoshhh.thank you Jesus for making it possible to return this little innocent child back her parents..2 baba u are 2 much.

    The Lumdy Blog Review|Breaking news: fagunwa hall of residence university of Lagos on fire

  51. How did u manage to pass the airport authorities, cus I no u must provide evidence that the girl is ur daughter, abi she magical power.@cusmasgoalboy

  52. So tuface na CIA or FBI now, well let him use it to compose a song and the title will be. Grandma ooo why nah something dey happen ooo

  53. The story can never be true, wait till u hear the grandmas side of th story..
    Most of these girls never want to see their mother inlaws, it's a shame she can't co-exist with her mother inlaw..
    It is impossible for a grandma to steal her sons child, grandchildren are every grandmas joy... Wait for the grandmas part of th story

  54. The mistake the old woman made is not seeking the girl's approval b4 taaking the child cos am sure she meant no harm, I know grannys and how they somuch love their grand children so make we no crucify the old woman like that oh.

  55. Thank God. Twitter/@dj_smartt

  56. My pple watin 2baba do una, una no knw say na him b d father of all nation.

  57. Na 2face be the daddy?

  58. Happy for you Lola#GiftedDiva#281d27a4

  59. The woman in the picture is the mother of the the lady that owns the little baby. She was not the one that ran with the little kid in UK. The woman that took the a mother to the father of the little baby. Thanks Linda and big thanks to you all LIB Readers. It's CillaGold

  60. All these mothers that think they can live or care for your child better than you when they have clearly done a bag job raising animals as their sons. This should serve as an example to the rest. Let the mothers learn themselves and mind their own business.

    1. U took the words out of my mouth...

  61. I still don't understand what will make a grown woman kidnap a kid from a mother who accommodated her. I hope she knows she can't enter UK now.
    Thank God the kid is safe. Timmy since you knew you had the 'links' why the noise?
    Anyway the woman deserves to chop the shame. Her son no fit born another pikin?

  62. So y is 2face dia?na em pikin too?cos wif em anyfin can happen.

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

  63. Madam you no do well at all.

  64. I dunno why y'all are insulting the grandmother, what she did was wrong no doubt but still no need for the insults, she's an elder, the morenke bitch is a dirty yoruba slut like every other yoruba girl that's why she had a child out of wedlock, and izu should not be arrested cos he was not in support in the first place, the attention seeking hoe knew she could just tell her parents to go to portharcourt and get the child, why the online campaign then?? She's just a senseless idiot, I'm even disappointed in izu for stooping so low and sleep wit that dog, anyways tank God the baby has been found, good for the prostitute.

    1. Lol! Is that how elders in your village kidnap children? Go try am for Oshodi market and see wether them no go burn you alive. Nonesense mentality!!

  65. I dunno why y'all are insulting the grandmother, what she did was wrong no doubt but still no need for the insults, she's an elder, the morenke bitch is a dirty yoruba slut like every other yoruba girl that's why she had a child out of wedlock, and izu should not be arrested cos he was not in support in the first place, the attention seeking hoe knew she could just tell her parents to go to portharcourt and get the child, why the online campaign then?? She's just a senseless idiot, I'm even disappointed in izu for stooping so low and sleep wit that dog, anyways tank God the baby has been found, good for the prostitute.

  66. Doris simmon should learn from this dat de violent take the by force according to de bible. If she had made so much noise from de onset I'm sure her lovely boy would have been with her by now. Stella dramatusus and Daniel Ademinokan or whatever both of u are next on de line.judgement will soon get to ur doorstep .mother and son will soon be united.a big lesson to heartless people

  67. Hmmm! Imagine ooo. That is how my MIL planned to take my child from me. God exposed her! My God. I broke down when I heard. I trusted her so much and she even had access to her grandchild, so why such? Husband died and the only thing she could think of was to sneakily take away my daughter? It was even worse because she did not give any room for suspicion.

  68. So what is 2face doing in that picture????

  69. Hey 2 baba,hope nothing wrong,bcos seeing you in that picture show to us you are a suspect.hmm i will say

  70. Thank God for divine intervention.

  71. And people were already concluding hw bad of a mum she is. Thank God jare!!!!

  72. You are a stupid idiot....because ibo girls are always doing abortion and selling their babies in all these pregnancy homes u have the guys to clam they are better than Yoruba girls......ibo girls always pretend and know how to abort is your mother that is a prostitute. Am sure if she had not cried out they would have gone to hide her somewhere.....tell your stupid Izu friend or brother that he cannot deny a pregnancy then now be longing for a child.....he should pay child support, when his daughter is old enough and wants to look for her father she will look for him......bloody fool he thinks he can eat his cake and have it.....shame on you all and as for u u will never know the joy of a mother, idiot

  73. A lot is wrong with this story,a deeper insight into the mothers state of affairs in the UK should be considered. Kidnap is a strong term,doubt that was the intention.I foresee a lot more info on the mother coming out.Maybe it's best to hear the otherside of the story.Too one-sided and public.2face?really?


  75. There is always 2 sides to a story

  76. How are you even certain he denied the child?after all,in her posts,she acknowledges him as the dad,and the child bears his surname. if he was non-existent,you dint need to give ur child his surname...doubt ur even british!which rights do you have in the UK?please let the public know the truth!whatever the case maybe the worlds eyes are on u from now on.Goodluck ur now a celebrity.

  77. Oh oh!so she's illegally in the uk and foolishly opened her backside to the world?go and pick your child from 9ja naa and take your child back to the uk...British ko,legal ni.atleast d pikkin get status now.evil! Your chances of remaining in d uk reduce per sec.

  78. lol how can she be illegal and she is in university... lmaoo!!! you are such an illetrate!


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