Question for the guys... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday, 14 August 2014

Question for the guys...

 And your answer is...?


  1. Pretty difficult to choose from both. I'd rather wait for a third.

    1. Bodies?? Does that mean sexual partners? Sorry I need to up my slang game

    2. See question...none #biko

  2. Reminds me so much of that 'who wants to be a millionaire's hotseat... Wel, am nt sitting for jamb either. Dis isnt a gud question to start my day wit

  3. Oya let d comments roll in. We're waitn

  4. That's a hard one right there..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. How about none and how this is a Stupid question. What's a chick's reason for opening her legs to 15 guys? If u respect your body u won't give your most intimate embrace to just anyone.

  6. I prefers both.*shines tooth*


    1. She's done more than 15,she's a freaky one

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. One abortion has already written off the 5 bodies chance.. The 15+ bodies is manageable in this scenario.

  10. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    5 and one abortion.....

  11. Stupid quest 4rm a stupid sombori..
    One word: childish!!

  12. 20bodies wit no abortion, #kellywester#

  13. what does bodies mean?

    1. Thnk u ooo,i don't even understnd d questn nd kent make sense of d answers......#covers face# God I'm soooo ignorant of smtyns.
      Plz wat dz *bodies* mean????

  14. Tic toc tic toc o! Abeg Hilary, Alloy, Bonario and co I'm particularly interested in your responses. Onyx...eeeeer...this don't concern your skinny little cute sef ehn

  15. seriously?? I dont think any of it matters. What counts is love. Simple as

  16. At the end of the day ain't they all the same?

  17. I no fit marry girl Wey don do abortion , impossible

    1. How u won know, afterall is not written on faces,70% if Nigeria babes do abortion.get it right

    2. Guy stop tlkin lik a child so aftr u mk a gurl get pregnant for u .u wil leave her nd marry anoda wots d diff she wont keep d baby


  19. As a guy,you no go fit know nah. Them girls are so cryptic nowadays

  20. I can't marry an abortionist , that is already reduced value


  21. Which one is 15 bodies again!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Either is cool by me but I'd prefer d chick with the abortion....

  24. If I abort for a guy , he must marry me ooo!!!!!! Because I can't enter another mans house as an abortionist , that will not be fair on his part .

    C. C.

  25. Linda please explain... Bodies?

  26. AbortioN isn't totally a big deal if she had it in the past, is changed and I love her! Attitude is my priority- P

  27. What a stupid question,wah concerns me wid dah, if a gal got good character n she loves me,dahs d kind I want to marry or hav a relatnshp with nt d yeye body size u talkin abt #wah does it profit a man if he dates a gal wid 15+ body n she doesn't respect him.abortion or no abortion she's till a human n its neva her fault dah she had to do it cos if a man claim d baby dey make,abortion will neva surface,is high time men begin to love women 4 der character n goals towards life not this.

  28. What a stupid question,wah concerns me wid dah, if a gal got good character n she loves me,dahs d kind I want to marry or hav a relatnshp with nt d yeye body size u talkin abt #wah does it profit a man if he dates a gal wid 15+ body n she doesn't respect him.abortion or no abortion she's till a human n its neva her fault dah she had to do it cos if a man claim d baby dey make,abortion will neva surface,is high time men begin to love women 4 der character n goals towards life not this.

  29. What a stupid question,wah concerns me wid dah, if a gal got good character n she loves me,dahs d kind I want to marry or hav a relatnshp with nt d yeye body size u talkin abt #wah does it profit a man if he dates a gal wid 15+ body n she doesn't respect him.abortion or no abortion she's till a human n its neva her fault dah she had to do it cos if a man claim d baby dey make,abortion will neva surface,is high time men begin to love women 4 der character n goals towards life not this.

  30. Anyone as long as the place neva slack....

  31. This one is from frying pan to fire.
    My answer is,may God give me the type of woman I merit/deserve.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  32. Hmmmmm....... None

  33. Most people don't understand this abortion of a thing . The moment a child starts to grow in a woman's womb, it means you are already tied to that person that put it there as long as it was not forceful as in rape case . Girls of these days don't think , they just act without knowing the consequences of their actions that will later manifest in life. Getting pregnant for two different men is a curse already but girls of these days don't know this . The question is how many of our mothers got pregnant for two different men . Always understand that having sex is one thing , getting pregnant is soul tied. I know some ignorant people will still go against my words . All I have to say is it's your life to liv. Pastor daramola esq

  34. its a dicy one but for real, a guy put them both in those positions and that does not make them undesirable..... having said that, anyone that comes your way and u have the guts to stomach her past, go for it! guys have body counts too dont we? this is what that sugabelly chic was tweeting abt.....

  35. its a dicy one but for real, a guy put them both in those positions and that does not make them undesirable..... having said that, anyone that comes your way and u have the guts to stomach her past, go for it! guys have body counts too dont we? this is what that sugabelly chic was tweeting abt.....

  36. No matter how decent or pretty or even successful a woman is , the moment I realize she has done an abortion , I will not be able to take her serious again . I know some will say is it not the men that put it inside but the truth remains we did not carry it . On ur own mehnnnnn


  38. Linda this is no question. This post is made only to ridicule women. Whoever sent this to u, has no respect for womanhood.

  39. 5bodies and an abortion is worse than 50 bodies

  40. K oh. Guys in da hauz,ansa oh

  41. I will prefare a girl that has had ten bodies with no abortion than one with an abortion , reason being that as her husband , I should be the first to impregnate her not some other dude . I can't b proud of her again . Neva

  42. Let me help you, a chick with 15 Penis or a chick wit 2 Penis One yours the other someone else and 14 abortion.

  43. what kind of body is he talking about?

  44. Dem get one very pretty girl I meet sometime ago , I bin wan marry am but the moment person tell me say the chic don comot bele for one of im guys like that , I just jejeli leave d chic , she no even know y I leave am but na bcos of d bele

  45. abeg whish wan be bodies again? lol

  46. We guys have pride , we can manage a girl that ain't no virgin but for an abortionist , that's a no no. Imagine , I wasn't d first to pop d cherry and I wasn't d first to pop d womb .

  47. hmmm linda are u sure u are not trying to compare yourself with sugabelly, she is the 15 and you are the 5 with one abortion. well i will pick the 5 jaree thats if i didnt have a choice o,if i did i wont pick any. 15 loun loun,its too much to fathom,na pornstar,even randy guys dont get that far.

  48. Maybe I don old or I no sabi slang English but wetin be the meaning of this question???

  49. Linda , u de talk about one abortion , some done do more Dan one sef. Hahahahaha, I pity guys sha. Most of them go come pretend like they Neva c dick b4 . Fear girls

  50. What is d difference? Why should all this be news or topic of discussion? If she is not a virgin and not a prostitute every other whether 5 or 15 are in same class. D lesser the better but the inner content (personality and xharacter) should be what matters.

  51. Lol sensei eche

  52. women don suffer for this nigeria sha......

  53. As a doctor most girls that come to my clinic are the very pretty young ones . I don't know why , I keep on advising them but I don't know whether it's their ignorance . Again , most girls that got disvirgined by their boyfriends end up getting pregnant .

  54. 5 body n an abortion will be just fine by me, aafte15 dicks there is nothing left. Only a man with low self-esteem will stay with a girl with loose pussy cos he loves her. This same loose pussy girls r the one coming here screaming they want a guy with big dick, what else will fit when they have fuck away their youth.

    1. Lol @ fuck away their youth, this one really cracked me up

    2. bad ooo

    3. Who ever u are u derserve some hug. Cudnt have said it better.

  55. What does the question even mean?

  56. None. I prefer none, and I will get none of these kind of girls because there are much better options out there - like decent virgin girls, who fear God and still have the sense to remain sexually pure in these immoral times.

  57. chick with 5 babies one adortion


  58. 5 and an abortion is ok.

  59. Linda are you sure u are not trying to compare yourself with sugabelly, she is the 15 + and you are the 5+ with one abortion. Hmmm i would take the 5+ simply bcos i dont have a choice. 15 loun loun,na pornstar( a whole football team,3 subs and coach),even randy guys dont hit that number

  60. over to u guys

    i will prefer a Man wt no "pack" at all,but lots of Cash

    Than a Man wt "Pack" like @Peter okoye but dont have cash

  61. 5 bodies and 1..... .*** CROWD * PULLER * PLEASER***#

  62. D chick with 5 bodies and one abortion

  63. If you pick a chick based on body count..Oyo lo owa! Very stupid question!

  64. No comment...............................#KingOfKings

  65. Does he mean buddies? Cos I no understand!?

  66. Tough question Linda.

  67. A very very Stupid question, from an obviously stupid person! Ya'll screaming yu can't marry an abortionist, u beta make sure one of ur Exes has neva aborted for u, cos if dt has happened, then u damn well deserve an abortionist, nd an Abortionist u shall get, and what tha hell is it wiv this Body Count thingy? Why is it that guys can strut around tagging themselves "Chief Banger" who has prolly banged over 70girls but Ladies bangs 15dudes nd suddenly shes a whore, thats why most of ya'll hypocritical fools ends up marrying a log of wood cos shes a "Good girl" nd then go outta your home to find that Mistress who can bang ur destiny out of ur life, now who is fooling who? Why not marry sm1 who is sexually compatible with you nd leave body counts? Not all Virgins are "Saints".

    1. You had me until " thats why most of ya'll hypocritical fools ends up marrying a log of wood cos shes a "Good girl" nd then go outta your home to find that Mistress who can bang ur destiny out of ur life, now who is fooling who?"

      I find it HIGHLY offensive that virgins are called log of wood. Although not a virgin, I don't understand the condemning description. Not all virgins are 'logs' and if they are why should they be mocked for their inexperience? Were you not a virgin yourself once? That statement you just made that I copied and pasted gives the impression that it's almost expected for a man to cheat on a virgin, why? So is it the girl's fault that he cheated, or the guys fault that he's had too many experiences to compare her with.

      Then you stupidly went around to say 'Not all virgins are saints'. Ofcourse not all of them are. If you know that , why would you still refer to them as 'log of wood'??? 'Bang destiny out of....' almost makes it sound like the Mistress came in to save the man from lack of sexual deprivation. You, woman, or rather women who think like you, are not helping the woman race at all.

      If a woman wants to sleep with 15 men, let her be, If a woman wants o remain a virgin till 65 let her be. Let neither be called a prostitute or log of wood. Afterall, both shall bear the consequences of their choices

  68. What's important s love. And linda pls u re my namesake. Stop aaskin questions that belittle women. U are a woman too and am sure u understand that everyone has got a past. Ts the present that matters. Stop giving guys the upper hand, cuz the woman who who committed abortion ddnt do it on her own, a guy was responsible for her situation. And n Gods eyes the guy is also blame even though he may have no physical scar. Stop treating girls like they are worse than the guys they did the abortion for, ts sckening. The sad part s most of d guys commenting here sayin God forbid, may have caused a girl to go tru d pn of abortion.....linda pls the pain is enuf, stop the stigma. Do u knw wt d girls go tru. Stp hating nd jugdn cuz re no better..check ur cupboard and ul fnd worse skeletons. God forgve us all

  69. see jamb question oo.

  70. Bodies is amount of dicks she as fucked I guess... And I would go for ani of dem cos everyone has a past... Except if the abortion affects her womb den team #15+

    Oluwa T

  71. None of the above.

  72. D question means a babe who has slept with 15 guys or a babe who has slept wit 5 guys and one abortion. Which one u like? Shikena! Correct me if am wrong.

  73. dis is just too difficult to answer

  74. ℓoℓz. Let Me Ask My Pastor.(Linda's Man)

  75. Disgusted by d comments dis mrnin,u Cnt marry an abortionist bt six girls got rid of different pregnancies 4 u.ur future (virgin) wife myt hv done worse tins.nd if d woman does nt tell u she has had 1 u wil nva find just shut up nd pray 4 a good woman abortion or no abortion 25men or just 1 man it does nt matter

  76. I want to phone a friend bcos I hv finish my 50-50........

  77. He that is without a sin should cast the first stone....please this is uncalled for...whats the essence of salvation? My past is my past and none is a saint in this regards..guys grow pls!

  78. 1st of all 15+ bodies i dnt understand

  79. Everyone has got some dirty linen.... what matters is realizing ur mistakes nd making amends...

  80. Why should body counts and abortion matter? The most important thing to look out for is her personality and character. Genuine Love conquers all things

  81. If dis comment Is not posted, today will be d last time I'd visit linda's blog. I was rapped by my cousin when I was very young and got pregnant for him. After so much tears frm my entire family I was told if dis child is brought to life it will be an abomination. Automatically I was to get an abortion. then some bastards here whoz got their girlfrndz pregnant a thousand times b4 be here typing "I can't marry an abortionist" u have no idea how painful dat shit is! Let's 4get d risk of meeting a fake doctor. What about Hiv? She manages to recover frm dis trauma, makes herself a beautiful, respectful,caring and Educated young lady and u dare to say she is a murderer? Wao! Pple are sooo fake mehn!.u guys Make girls lie.

  82. Wht is bodies? LIB Princess!

  83. If dis comment Is not posted, today will be d last time I'd visit linda's blog. I was rapped by my cousin when I was very young and got pregnant for him. After so much tears frm my entire family I was told if dis child is brought to life it will be an abomination. Automatically I was to get an abortion. then some bastards here whoz got their girlfrndz pregnant a thousand times b4 be here typing "I can't marry an abortionist" u have no idea how painful dat shit is! Let's 4get d risk of meeting a fake doctor. How about Hiv? She manages to recover frm dis trauma, makes herself a beautiful, respectful,caring and Educated young girl and u dare to say she is a murderer? Wao! Pple are sooo fake mehn!. U guyz make girls lie.

  84. Stupid girls say 25men or 1man, it's the same thing. Sorry, it's not. Women learn to respect yourselves and stop foolishly trying to be like men or compete with them. If they call u ashewo now, u go dey vex. SMH #dontbedaft #closeurfuckinglegs

  85. This question's answer will vary depending on the man. A fmr girlfriend has had 2 abortions for me (which i deeply regret) and my fiancee has had an abortion 4 her ex. I know becos she told me everything. My advice to girls: a lot of this new age thinking will ruin your lives on the long run. Stick to the old moral values, they will pay off much beta.

  86. Body count matters more to me personally. My girlfriend confessed to me that she has slept with 10+ men and since then i have nursed a secret sadness. I don't hate her, no, i love her; but in my eyes she lost a lot of the honour i had 4 her. Anyway, like i said, i still love her.

  87. A girl that has slept with 15 men or more has little if any sense of decency left. She will also find it hard to be faithful if her relationship undergoes any stress becos to her, sex is no big deal, it's just joining of d**k and P***y. I'll take 5 and an abortion anyday.

  88. Every woman has a slut hidden somewhere inside her. I call it the 'secret ashewo syndrome' SAS. I have used it to seduce many girls so i know it exists (and it works). My advice: both are possible sluts in the making but take the one with the lower count, she may not yet be fully turned. Hehe! #Slutmode


  89. What da hell is bodies!!!!!!!

  90. Woman r in trouble

  91. Atleast 95 percentage of a Nigerian girl sleep with not less than 20 guys before she turns 25 counting men who hv molested them at a young age, the guy that disvirgin them, the boy frds, the aristo men, the flings, the one night stand etc men, just like women who lie about their sex life. you wld be amaze to find out that some women hv had more sex than d guys, bottom line most men disvirgin gurls make them carry out abortions and dump them but well karma is a bitch cos men like dat end up with gurls that hv fucked the whole of Africa lol toto na elastic u can never tell

  92. Can I phone a friend?

  93. Would rather wait for a 3rd opiton, @ least dat one shd b cool. *pensive*

  94. F**k all the dude that said they cant marry abortionist they r all fake,whereas some of 'em encourage their ex or gf to do abortion by giving them a guy and i dont like putting blame on women for this kinda thing

  95. linda why not promote chastity on your page...which one be all these body count nonsense...#uwammebi

  96. NO VIRGIN...NO MARRIAGE FOR ME....Linda u just dey try justify your past thrash with these sex posts.... abeg move on with your celibate life if u being honest about it though...

  97. Why, when beautiful pure virgins never finish for my village.

  98. @anonymous august 14 9:24am...
    Nawa for u o..the question is a general one, she dint mention anybody's name nor criticize either..
    Plus u say its a guy that is responsible for it...
    I agree, only in the even the gurl was raped. dats totally not her fault and Its not something I wud pray anyone I know experiences..but in most cases, the girl opens are legs voluntarily and the guy sticks it in joyfully..he grinds passionately, she moans ecstatically and u say its a guy's fault..yimu..we know they are both to be blamed but the gurl shud exercise more caution whenever she decides to av sex without protection..pills cud prove ineffective at times and withdrawal might also not be totally effective..knowing all these and also knowing that when it goes wrong, she wud be the one to carry d pregnancy or go thru the physical pain and mental truama of an abortion, she shud be more careful - always use a condom or abstain...but that thing sweet gan and I know abstinence is a tough choice so just ensure he uses a freaking condom..
    For my long as she hasn't damaged her womb during the process of abortion and as long as I wud be the last body...15, 20 prior bodies don't matter (dat much *covering face)

    1. My point is don't blame d girl alone, cuz d guy is involved. Its no longer a mans world, times hav changed. Grow up. N d eyes of God, the guy is s guilty as d girl.....guys dat useless girls life nd come here and be sayin God forbd, abortionist be very careful, cuz that girls tears won't be in vain. Later in life u will start wondering y u dnt have children despite marryin a warned

  99. Linda educate us with things that real matter not dis tanks

  100. It's nt like men re virgins

  101. i wll just marry the one with biggest brez

  102. Linda, how about "question for the ladies" Which do you prefer a guy with 20 body count or 10 body count and 6 abortions? When an abortion is committed two people are guilty not just the ladies.

  103. I feel very bad each time i rem. av had sex wiv 4guys at 25, buh one tin dat consoles me is the fact dat av neva had an abortion! I still pray 4 4giveness abt d 4guys, nd i vowed dat d next guy am gonna av sex with 'll be my husband by God's grace!

  104. At anonymous 4.07 good u said always wear a condom. I ask again who is supposed to wear the condom? It goes again to show how selfish men are. So the woman is supposed to make sure u wear the condom because she is the one who will impregnate herself, it takes two to tango. Be there counting abortionist all you hypocrites. If she gives birth now you tag her single mum. I just cant with some of these comments.

  105. This is just utter stupidy from an old fool

  106. guys are very funny, 90% of all nigerian men will end up with eithr of the two knowingly or unknowingly. *lifeofawoman * womenrocks

  107. Nigerian men are so stupid. Why should it matter how many guys she slept with or abortions she had. Shouldn't it be about you and her? Isn't that what is important. After all most of these useless Nigerian men who have egos way bigger than their bank accounts have slept with 3 times that amount of women. Yet they have the mouth to say they don't want a woman who has had an abortion meanwhile they stick d**** in anything in skirt. KMT!!

  108. I guess linka is so daft for using sugabelly as a case study.... twat.... we all know your story


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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