How I survived Ebola – Late nurse' fiance, Dennis Akagha speaks | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 30 August 2014

How I survived Ebola – Late nurse' fiance, Dennis Akagha speaks

Dennis Akagha, the fiance of Justina Ejelonu, the First Consultant Hospital nurse who died after being infected with the deadly Ebola virus by Liberian Patrick Sawyer, in this exclusive interview with Vanguard spoke about how his late fiancee contracted the deadly disease, how she lost their unborn child while battling with Ebola, and also revealed that Justina had just landed the job at the hospital and met Sawyer on her first day there. He also spoke on how he got infected with the virus and how he finally got discharged. Fimd the in-depth interview after the cut...

On his relationship with the late Justina, Dennis said;
"The  truth is that Justina and I were not legally married, we were planning for our traditional marriage in October and she just got this job. She was a qualified graduate nurse and got the job at the First Consultant Hospital in Lagos. She resumed duty at the hospital on the 21st of July, while Patrick Sawyer was admitted at the hospital on the 20th. He was her first patient. She was one of the nurses that nursed him. She was pregnant and so her immune system was weak, which made it easy for her to contract the disease. On that first day which was a Monday, she was having some pregnancy symptoms, but I just encouraged her to go because it was her first day at work. Sawyer was her first patient. The next day, Tuesday, she didn’t work on Sawyer. Wednesday and Thursday, she was off. Then on Friday, Patrick Sawyer died. They didn’t know he had Ebola, it was three days later that they realized it was Ebola" he said
On how he found out she had contracted the deadly virus, he said
"It was after Sawyer died that she told me she nursed him but that she was on gloves. She even thanked God that she didn’t have direct contact with him. The fever continued and we thought it was just pregnancy symptoms and even when she went to her hospital, they confirmed the same thing. She took drugs and ran tests, yet it persisted. At night, she was usually cold and feverish and her body temperature was usually very high. At a point, I began to suspect that she had contacted the virus. I did some research on the disease and realised that she was having similar symptoms. On the 14th of August, it became serious, she started stooling and vomiting. I had to clean up everything. All of a sudden, she started bleeding and she started crying that she had lost the pregnancy. I had to call her relatives and other people. The bleeding persisted and I had to clean up everything. Initially I was not wearing gloves because I felt I had already been exposed to the virus. But later I cautioned myself and started wearing nylon on my hands. But I couldn’t stay away from her. I kept consoling her. Even when I took her to the hospital, she wanted to hold me and I told her to also consider my safety. She managed to hold herself and was able to find her way out in a pool of her blood. We chartered a taxi to the hospital, but first, I took her to First Consultant Hospital because I felt they should know more. When we got there, I was directed to IGH, Yaba. I told the taxi driver to take us there. The driver wasn’t even aware of what was going on as he took us to Yaba.  Justina was on the floor for 30 minutes before she was attended to. She was screaming that she was going to die. She was seriously bleeding, she had to come out of the taxi and lay on the floor. I ran around, trying to get doctors to attend to her. After everything, they took her in, took her blood samples and the following day, the result came out that it was Ebola. They washed the taxi with chlorine and also bathed the taxi driver and I with chlorine spray. At that point, the taxi driver knew what was going on, he couldn’t even take me home because he was so scared. I had to look for somewhere to pass the night in the hospital. Early the next morning, I left the Hospital. The taxi driver is alive today, nothing happened to him. We have been checking on him and the last time we spoke he told me, he was fine" he said.
On what happened after he was exposed to the virus, Dennis said;
"14 days after I was exposed to Ebola, my temperature rose from the usual 35.2 degrees centigrade to 37.2. The Lagos State government gave me a thermometer the day I dropped Justina off at the centre. It took them two straight weeks to visit my home and to disinfect it. Before they came, I had already done the much I could do. I used bleach and detergent to clean the whole house, furniture and clothes inclusive. We should be reminded and educated that a healthy person with Ebola virus cannot get anybody infected, except if the person is sick and totally down with the virus like what happened to Sawyer and to my late wife-to-be, Justina. I contacted the virus because Justina was very sick and I was taking care of her without any appropriate protection. When we knew what we were dealing with it was almost too late for me as I had already contacted the virus" he said.
On what was done for him after his visit to the Isolation centre, Dennis said
"The Lagos State government sent health professionals to check on me regularly to know how l was doing or if l had the signs of the virus manifesting. So they used to come around to check on me. At some point they created scenes with their visits. I was embarrassed and I was stigmatized. I complained severely to them that I didn’t like what they were doing. Then, one Saturday they visited again, I complained about the pains I was beginning to experience; excruciating pains around my waist. I started praying and asking people to pray for me. Before this time, I believed in the Holy Communion, so I usually take it daily and do feet washing. I was going to the hospital daily to see late Justina. Initially, I was seeing her through the window and she would say I should take her out of the hospital. She complained of lack of care. Perhaps, Justina would have survived the virus, if not for the state she was in. Her immune system was down because she was pregnant. Along the line, she had a miscarriage and lost the baby due to the Ebola virus disease. The doctors, who were supposed to do an evacuation on her couldn’t do it because they claimed that an evacuation was too risky as she was heavily infected and may pass on the virus to another person. Since nothing was done even after the bleeding had stopped, it led to more complications for her because the already dead foetus somehow got rotten in the womb and started a damaging process which led to further complication. Meanwhile, she was still stooling and vomiting and since nobody could dare to touch her, she was left on top of her excretions even when she couldn’t do much for herself due to her weak state. She was given her incisions and other drugs. I believe if some people survived Justina should have been one of them. At a point, I wished I was a doctor myself; I would have taken the risk of doing the evacuation because it really affected her".
On the last day he say his late fiancee, Dennis said 
"The last day I saw her, I had to go inside the ward because she was so unkempt as nobody attended to her. At that time, the quarantined patients were in the former facility where there was no water and she had messed up herself again. I had to look for water to clean her up, change her pampers and arrange her bedding. Since I was aware of what I was dealing with, I got myself protected while cleaning up the place. I made sure she looked better than when I saw her. Justina was shivering the last day I saw her, one side of her stomach was already swollen, and her legs were also swollen. I prayed for her.At a point, she needed oxygen and the hospital couldn’t provide it. Her friends had to provide it. That was the last day I saw her. On Sunday Morning, I called her line like I usually did before visiting her, but she didn’t pick her calls. When I got to the hospital, I was told that she was dead".
Asked if late Justina was taking his calls while she was at the Isolation center, Dennis said;
"Yes, in fact she called me that last day and I knew she was going to give up, because she was saying some funny things. She said I should tell my people to go and meet her father so as to finalize our marriage plans, that she’s leaving that place.
Asked if he was not scared that he would die form the illness seeing that his Fiancees health was deteriorating, Dennis said;
"I personally don’t believe in taking medications. I had the mentality that I wasn’t sick. I told the government what I was experiencing. On the day they came to pick me up for treatment, all of a sudden, my temperature went back to normal. The shivering and pains were all gone. So they decided that they would be checking on me. But it got to a point people stopped selling things to me. It was as if the government got a report that I shouldn’t be around. So, they came and said I should go with them that they wanted to take my blood sample. I went with them and they took my blood sample, I was kept in a ward known as the ‘suspected ward. The result came out and it was positive. I was then taken to a confined ward. One of the doctors from UNICEF, a white lady told me that they were having issues with the results and that they would have to re-run the tests. They did the tests again and it was still positive. I told them that it wasn’t my result and that I was healthy. I was even doing my usual exercises (press-ups) every morning. I kept telling them that I wasn’t sick. They took my blood sample the third time. That night, they told me that I tested negative in the last result and that I don’t have any reason to remain there. That was how I was discharged" he said
Speaking on what was hapening to his job as he was under isolation, Dennis said;
"I was a marketer in an oil and gas company. I worked on commission basis, but at a point, I realized that people were not calling me and when I called they won’t pick my calls. Even the person that I report directly refused to pick my calls and also refused to associate with me. Justina and I just got our jobs, she got hers at First Consultant Hospital and I got mine as a marketer with the oil and gas company.
On whether the government or First Consultant Hospital owes late Justina's family  some form of compensations, Dennis said;
"Although, no amount of money they give to the family will bring her back I think the government owes Justina’s family a lot because she died trying to save a situation. Justina died in active service as her death wasn’t natural".
On how his status changed from postive to negative, Dennis said
"I was reading a book on healing and taking of the Holy Communion. So I learnt to take Holy Communion morning, afternoon and night. I also engaged myself in feet-washing every day before going to bed. The Almighty God saved me; the Holy Spirit healed me. It wasn’t as though l didn’t fall sick as l had direct contact with Justina but the Almighty God healed me. When I was discharged, I got to my house on Saturday evening and spent two hours the next day, Sunday, thanking God on my own. I didn’t go to church or anywhere because of the already established stigma but today I can confidently attend church activities because I guess they all know I’m free now. I know my faith and belief healed me. God also worked for me apart from the fact that my immune system is also working. I believe I got healed also because friends prayed for me" he said.


  1. Ehya...God will help u and give u d grace to bear justina's death

    Pls visit my shoe blog

    1. Awwww cnt help a tear from escaping my eye......definition of true love, May her soul rest in perfect peace

    2. I beg to differ. I see insensitivity in the way he's talked about his 'betrothed ' or 'fiance' etc. Meanwhile does he remember that impregnating someone outside of wedlock is a single? He was an obvious fornicator claiming Miracles.
      He shouldn't have put up a disclaimer that they weren't married - even if they were, he's back on the market as death has done them part.
      He shouldn't have put the conditions in which she was before her death put there - saying she was defecating on herself - give her some dignity in death.
      I know one thing though, regardless of what we lay claim to, everything will be laid bare at the Judgement seat of Christ.
      *** forst to comment ***

    3. I weep with all my strength after reading. She was helpless. Very painful exit especially with the foetus issues. RIP Justina. I don't know you personally but My heart aches about your situation. Dennis, hold on to your faith. God bless

    4. Well fine dennis has sinned by impregnating hus fiance bfor marriage buy who ar we to judge. Let him who hasnt sinned cast the first stone, God can use any one and God can heal anyone hes unquestionable and dats y he is God. So pls don not judge.

  2. Thank God for his life

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  3. The Holy spirit healed Dennis! My friends ..its just about believing..the double minded doesn't receive but only those that believe.. God isn't dead! He wants Nigeria to call on him and He's ready to answer. I know what I'm saying. It is well. Luke 18:27. Prov 3:5. BishopDammy#

  4. Thank God for your life my dear...

  5. very dangerous ebola virus ,

  6. The power of the Holy Communion

  7. Rip Justina,Dennis God be wit God and replace ur lost. comfort the family she left behind.

  8. To lose a partner and an unborn child is just unfortunate! But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, he has to be strong and thank God for seeing him through this trying time!

  9. this article got tears rolling down my cheeks.

  10. Hmm..such a brave man nd i must say,dis is true love.U'r blessed.

  11. He also spoke on how he got infected with the virus and how he finally got discharged.

    Unilag big girl
    caught with her sugar daddy in an
    hotel, stripped&

  12. Thank God for u my brother.

  13. Sawyer will not enter in heaven in Jesus name

  14. I thank God for his life,I pray God will give him the fortitude to bear this loss.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  15. ALAGBARA N LA!!! MA JOBALO... RIP justina may u continue to rest in peace.

  16. Awwwww!!! Can't hold my tears anymore, is a pit but stil thank God u survived it. Glory be 2 his name. JUST PASSING

  17. I Thank God for your life, I pray others seek his face too and know there is nothing too hard for him he's able and can cure even the worst of all!! Lord please remember others also cure them that's my prayer ...Amen

  18. ALAGBARA N LA!!! MA JOBALO... RIP justina may u continue to rest in peace.

  19. My dear your faith healed a very sad one,may her soul rest in peace.

  20. Hmmmmmm, dats my God dat shut n no man can open, he also open n no man dare shut. Thank God 4 ur life n he wlk perfect His Work in d oda victims life's

  21. My dear, you have a pure and kind heart! Your genuine love and self-less spirit triggered a miracle from God! Your kind are rare...May God continue to be with you!


  22. Praise the Lord! Our God is an awesome God he reigns......the great healer,sweet holy spirit I adore you

  23. Hmmmmmm...* deepbreath* God indeed healed u but ur faith helped in the process also. happy for u. Pathetic situation wiv u late fiance. God rest her soul

  24. I believe in miracles!

  25. This story has just annoyed me more. THe government better compensate the hell out of her family. This is the definition of TRAGIC. Wt the actual fuck. Very inhuman to let a woman lay with a dead foetus in her. Wow! What a country we live In.

    1. You share my thoughts. So, inadvertently, the effect of the dead foetus in her uterus sped up the death of that poor girl. What horrible way to meet one's end

    2. You just said it all.that alone can kill her.

  26. That brought tears to my eyes.Dude was fortunate,may God grant him the fortitude to bear this loss.Poor Justina,she really suffered in sickness, stigmatisation and abandonment.Poor lady went through so much pain enroute death all because she was in the line of duty as a health care worker.I am a medical Dr and fear for my life in this Ebola crises.Look @ the late Dr Adedavoh too,a geniune heroine,may God bless her soul.Quality Life insurance with excellent protective devives should be the mainstay for healthworkers in order to boost moralle and efficiency in combating this terrible disease.God help us.

  27. Hmmmm, sooo touching. To God be the glory.

  28. That brought tears to my eyes.Dude was fortunate,may God grant him the fortitude to bear this loss.Poor Justina,she really suffered in sickness, stigmatisation and abandonment.Poor lady went through so much pain enroute death all because she was in the line of duty as a health care worker.I am a medical Dr and fear for my life in this Ebola crises.Look @ the late Dr Adedavoh too,a geniune heroine,may God bless her soul.Quality Life insurance with excellent protective devives should be the mainstay for healthworkers in order to boost moralle and efficiency in combating this terrible disease.God help us.

  29. I see your point about survivors who attribute their recovery to God, Linda. It begs the question: "Why didn't He save Justina, her unborn baby and the others?" That's why I'd rather give full credit to the medical teams knowing full well that man is fallible and can only do so much.

    1. Daft!!! Did you read the part this guy said he wasn't treated? He was only taken in and had his blood tested and temperature taken regularly. Each person's faith is different. Some people give up before the actual death and that is called lack of faith. It is not just calling on God that makes the miracles. It is the accompanying faith in the same God.
      On the other hand, people's destinies are set differently by the Almighty. Even with faith as large as rock, God can decide to call the individual. And that is why we have no right, what so ever, to ask God questions.
      I'm sure you don't expect this grateful man to give God's glory to any man!

  30. Hmmm! Jesus is Lord!! Only God can do d impossible, I rejoice with u my brother. U came face to face with death n pulled through, thank God for ur life. If only Justina wasn't pregnant, if only she wasn't pregnant. Maybe, just Maybe she would have survived it. Well u tried for Justina sha my brother. But u claim to be a faithful believer, u were not legally married to Justina n yet she was pregnant, well only God knows the way HE works, I guess d ways of man, yet unpleasing to God, but HE has mercy on whom HE wants to have Mercy on.

  31. by his strips, we are healed.
    da phemzee

  32. This is how a true Nigerian should act selfless. Dennis the great you are indeed a gentleman. I wish you all the best in life & may the gentle soul of your lovely bride rest in heavenly bliss- femzi Anthony's.

  33. Thank God for you bro...God healed you...and seeing that you didn't neglect your late fiance showed you really loved her...may God rest her soul.

  34. God is great, the great healer

  35. So Mr. Denis, you mean they did not give you drugs or medication? that what healed you is the Holy Spirit? so are trying to tell those other people that may have contacted the Ebola virus in Port Harcourt to stay at home and look onto the Holy Spirit? or if any body who may contact the virus in future time should not go to hospital and stay at home while looking onto Holy Spirit? ''Heaven help those help themselves'' God healed you Mr.Dennis Akagha, through the help of the doctors who He has given the knowledge and wisdom to diagnose and heal. with the assistance of the drugs. So encourage those who may have come in contact with the selfish diplomat who went to Port Harcourt , to treat himself private, to come submit themselves to the Disease Control Center, for early medication and to wait for Holy Spirit to cure them...thank you.

    1. May God hve mercy on u! That's all I can say

    2. You are so daft and shallow minded!

  36. Thank God 4 ur life, I love your faith brother. Rozay talking

  37. so pathetic story!!! imagine pregnancy wit ebola den miscarriage as well, she died a very painful death n to think d Government lied she fled to enugu wt her fiance not knowing they both turned themselves in. let's always find out the truth before we judge. may her soul rest in peace

    1. Pls dear get ur facts right.. Justina is not the nurse you fled to Enugu.... The nurse who did has recovered and has been discharged..

  38. So Mr. Denis, you mean they did not give you drugs or medication? that what healed you is the Holy Spirit? so are trying to tell those other people that may have contacted the Ebola virus in Port Harcourt to stay at home and look onto the Holy Spirit? or if any body who may contact the virus in future time should not go to hospital and stay at home while looking onto Holy Spirit? ''Heaven help those help themselves'' God healed you Mr.Dennis Akagha, through the help of the doctors who He has given the knowledge and wisdom to diagnose and heal. with the assistance of the drugs. So encourage those who may have come in contact with the selfish diplomat who went to Port Harcourt , to treat himself private, to submit themselves to the Disease Control Center, for early medication and not to wait for Holy Spirit to cure them...thank you.

  39. Thank God 4 ur life o, God heal our land...all is well...#Nifemi#

  40. I cried reading this....her first day of work hah lord jesus lemme not be at the right place at the wrong time...

  41. so pathetic story!!! imagine pregnancy wit ebola den miscarriage as well, she died a very painful death n to think d Government lied she fled to enugu wt her fiance not knowing they both turned themselves in. let's always find out the truth before we judge. may her soul rest in peace

  42. Poor Justina. What a way to die, a rotten baby inside you and in your own filth, all because of lack of care. Those isolation wards sound horrible, they just drop the sick there and abandon them to their fate. Some would survive if they had better care.

    Well done Dennis, thank God you're alive and thanks for sharing your story. I will always remember Justina.


  43. Glory be to Almighty God,Our God Liveth..........

  44. Congrates dear. Doris

  45. Thank God for u bro.
    You must be be a winner.....

  46. Thank God for u bro.
    You must be be a winner.....

  47. I was really touched by his comments. I believe its faith at work that healed him. Faith makes things that are not as if they were. This guy must be a winner.

  48. Such a touching story. I thank God 4 ur life bro.

    I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

  49. bros i thank God for ur life, may the soul of ur fiance rest in peace Amen. i cry for the unborn child.

  50. Jehovah Rapha is His Name.....

  51. You are nothing but a lucky guy. Am so much happy for you. Leave story and give glory to God bro.
    ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  52. You are nothing but a lucky guy. Am so much happy for you. Leave story and give glory to God bro.
    ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  53. This is God Denis, serve Him all your life, it is God that took charge, your faith, your love and care for your sick fiance gave you the escape from this disease. May God be praised and may His healing be made perfect in you and all that have encountered this disease in Jesus mighty Name, Amen!

  54. Its not fair. She died more from lack of medical care and attention than from the ebola virus. Why wasnt an evacuation done on her. She lacked basic nursing care. With all the money Jonathan put aside for ebola intervention our useless minister of health is buying cars. The man is cursed

  55. chai so touching story, thank God for your life

  56. I luv ur blv!! I thank God for ur believe

  57. This really is a sad story. The government actually lied when they said these sick pple were being taken care of. They just squander money meant for sick people and think God will not punish them. Their turn is coming

  58. Thank you for sharing your story with us.It is a real eye opener.Thank God for your healing,may it be permanent in Jesus name.

  59. Hmmmmmm I read every line.. Hmmmm ebola is more deadly than it sounds.... #cheEzyjayne

  60. am happy for him
    can't read long essay, NO TIME lol

    BORN TO SHINE!!!!!

  61. What a touching interview.... faith at work.

  62. Thank God for you,u are a lucky person indeed.i felt pity for ur late wife to be.all the same may her soul rest in the bosom of the lord

  63. Who says there is no God! Please nurses be careful. May justina's soul RIP

  64. Who says there is no God! Pls nurses be careful. May justina's soul RIP

  65. Oh my God,I'm so hea rt broken reading dis,God ll continue to protect u,and may d soul of ur late wife to be continue to rest in d bosom of d almighty,she ll alwaz be remembered cos she was a hero,govt should compensate her family cos she died in d line of service,no amt ll be too much for a vibrant nurse like late Justina,once again rest in peace nurse Justina

  66. Tears dropping after reading dix news on vanguard...God z faithful to dox dt blivs in em,,,RIP justina

  67. I was cryin reading dis post.. I juz couldn't imagine d pains d innocent girl went through.. Even if d ebola didn't kill her dat dead n rotten foetus inside her will surely kill her... The excruciating pain alone is enof for a lifetime..imagine a joyful thing that is supposed to be celebrated turned to sorrow.. New job and baby on d way.. May u continue to rest in peace justina and for u Patrick Sawyer u will continue to rest in pieces for bringing dis to innocent pple..

  68. Good fo him....Op we av mor of ds kind of newws

  69. This is what faith and a strong will can do! Jesus be praised! In other news pls can the govt treat this people rite. For crying out loud they are humans! Ahn ahn...

  70. Yes ur faith in Jesus healed u. There is nothing impossible for God.
    On another note, y on earth wasnt she evacuated after d miscarriage. Dis country ,tufiakwa. Dt wld prolly kill her faster than d ebola.

  71. This is so scary. Our hospitals are like death sentences. This girl could have been saved. First day at work. Hmmmmmm

  72. I cant believe im crying.... So touching.


  74. so painful...u are such a nice man,she was lucky to have you and thank God you survived...niima

  75. go in peace ur faith has healed u

  76. Wow my God at work. Love u Jesus.

  77. Chai! There is God in heaven! He knows all things

  78. Awwww! So touching! Couldn't hold my self as a tear dropped down my face. That's a testimony bro! God healed you! It's well with you and late Justina, you're in a better position with the Lord.

  79. thank God for your life...

  80. Chai!ebube mmuo nso ,ekene dili gi oo,abba father there s non like u,may ur holy name b praised,tnk u Jesus!!!!!

  81. that is true love.. And what a mighty God we serve

  82. #sighs# wat a story! Tnk God 4 d divine healing ,cuz t'ws God hu actually healed u n none else. U knu hw risky it ws 2 b arnd ur fiancée,bt u took d risk n God spared ur life. Sorry abt ur fiancée,bt do go 4 regular check up @ d hospital,I knw u r healed bt b cautious

  83. What a miracle.Thank God for your life

  84. Thank God for him. I'm a bit surprised that with all that tough talk, the govt wasn't too careful. The house was left like that for 2 weeks, the guy was allowed to go into the ward, the guy was having symptoms at home and they left him there; if he was a wicked DIPLOMAT, he would have made sure he started a new cycle of ebola either in Lagos or in his State.

  85. The healing power of God works. Are we ready to really contain this Ebola virus? It goes beyond setting up Ebola centers sad what the nurse had to go through.

  86. Thank u GoD. RIP justina. God knows best.

  87. This is the saddest story I ever read

  88. God be praised.

  89. I wrote about Holy communion on another blog when the report of Ebola broke out.


    I'm going to write something about breaking bread..that is holy communion. Just click on my name to get to my blog.

  90. God bless you Dennis for not abandoning Justina. God will bless you. I was so touched by this interview. What a good man. God bless you Dennis.

  91. Exactly what we were thought in church, the communion remains a sacrament of healing, for those who believe. We Catholics take a lot for granted though and we lack faith.

    What a testimony!
    If you believe with your heart and say with your mouth, you shall have whatsoever YOU SAY.
    - AE

    What a testimony!
    If you believe with your heart and say with your mouth, you shall have whatsoever YOU SAY.
    - AE

  94. God never slps..... HE HIS too faithful to fail... Thank God for yet anoda testimony.....


  95. Our God is alive!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. Almost sounds like he attends The Ark - we also believe in the mysteries of holy communion n feet washing. Our God is more than able. Congrats Dennis, to God be all the glory.

  97. He is a living testimony

  98. wow! So touching, almost moved to tears.

    this our government sha, I tot they said the news about how unkept that place is was a rumor.. visit my site please to relieve this sad news

  99. U have a good heart Dennis, thats why God kept u alive. Thank God for ur safety.

  100. thnk God fr d miracle!!!! God bless u bro...and comfort the family of the nurse

  101. Oh no. Such a sad tale. This proves that what people were saying about the terrible state of the isolation centre is true. It hurts so much to know that people were left to suffer there. Just because they cared for others. The government should have trained people properly in the use of the protective equipment and disinfectant so they wouldn't be afraid to care for patients. And so sad that this callous Sawyer was her very first patient on her very first day of work. So tragic! RIP Justina.

  102. So so sad,i cried cos she suffered n was in pains b4 she died.may her soul rest in granma do say she does nt want to suffer b4 she dies cos dts d worst way to die

  103. That is a winner speaking...holy communion and feet washing are some of the mysteries practiced in the winners family. ...God is indeed faithful

    1. "AnonymousAugust 30, 2014 at 4:02 PM
      That is a winner speaking...holy communion and feet washing..."

      And sleeping with a girl you're yet to marry even as a professing Christian.

  104. thnk God fr d miracle!!!! God bless u bro...and comfort the family of the nurse

  105. All the Glory be to God, the greatest physician! Ur faith has made u well indeed

  106. Our God is a Miracle worker. He is still in the business of healing us from every infirmity. May His name be highly exalted. AMEN

  107. I join u thanking God for saving ur life. May his name alone be highly exulted Amen.

  108. Hmmmmmm God please protect us, ameen ( meemee ).

  109. There is ntn God cnt do.I thank God for ya life.

  110. Thank God for you.

  111. Naija's sadiest Sadist30 August 2014 at 16:31

    Zeggy said: Nigeria is a hopeless country, I wept reading this story, imagine what Justina must have gone through before finally giving up. This country never invests in medical research or provide the necessary medical equipments to hospitals, even if they do, it will be diverted by some human vampires. Look, if you are among those who want to die for this country, Im sorry for you and your entire generation, for me, i say fuck this country and those in government, I curse all of them, may the soul of Justina torment both the minister of health, President Jonathan and his aides as well as those benefiting from the Ebola funding, may the virus dig into their brain cells.. they will die in the process of wondering what just hit them.. Its high time we tore this country apart. Zeggy Collins says so

  112. Thank God ad go for Thanksgiving

  113. Thank God ad go for Thanksgiving

  114. #woow so touchn.......dzz actually my first ever comment since when i have ever been reading ur blog.......# but pple comment mstly on lil is a story fed govt shuld come into.

  115. Poor Justina, I can imagine the pain of having a dead fetus in her womb together with the Ebola virus. May her soul rest in peace. This is really sad and unfortunate, how I wish she didn't get the job.Her story is pathetic.As for Patrick , May God forgive you.

  116. GOd is grate my brother, ur faith saved u, glory be to God in the highest Amen.

  117. Happy for him to justina

  118. i share in your joy. i thank God for the healing He granted unto you. may this healing be permanent in your life in jesus name, and may the soul of Justina and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

  119. Hmmmm, life, what a world.why on d ist day of work resumption? honestly, u r a very kind man may d almighty reward u.some will run, but u proved ur love 2 her n God showed u he is love.God is still God.n I pray God's shows her's well.

  120. What more to know!! Scary, Slow, Painful death! Only God can help us!! - Ælexis

  121. "She was left in her excretion because nobody dare to..." Hmmm! So touching, thank God for your life Dennis.

  122. Am a bit relief with this news. To God be the glory. Help of the helpless, has done it again. My brother, am happy for you. Your faith has healed you.

  123. The word of God works indeed! If ur faith is as little as a mustard seed, u can ask d mountain to move n it will. Dennis, I luv ur faith. Go in peace for ur faith has made u whole.

  124. This is a painful story. May God continue to direct you my dear Dennis and give you the grace to bear her death.

  125. in one word "HALLELUYAH"Our God heals.

  126. I thank God for your life because I don't think they gave you ZMapp for you to survive.

  127. Is Good to warship Almighty God all d time#thanks God for safe u from EBOLA

  128. Aja to rele ekun to bo ka ki ku orire, congrats, may Justina's soul rest in peace. It was really horrible experience.

  129. I thank God for you. Your faith in Christ truly saved you.

  130. Where are all the conspiracy theorists that were shouting how we were sent sub standard Zmapp?

    Can u see what I'm saying about our healthcare?
    Isn't it obvious that the standards are primordial, primitive unethical?

    Let's leave Sawyer and the wicked diplomats and look at the bigger picture!
    If we are to continue trading blame where it's not due,then we can also blame this fiance for endangering the innocent taxi man.

    But look at the bigger picture!
    In America/advanced nations, once the ebola begins to cause bleeding,they inject blood. Once it causes Hemmorhage,they uncloth the blood(they have the tools)any symptom it brings,can be averted. It's not really a disease of its own but a virus that clings to cells n feeds frm dem causing hepatitis and other things. But it's degenerative in nature,in the end,the virus recedes and begins to perish(im no doctor,fit in the terms). So if they can be properly taken care of,they may survive! But this nurse n Dr Ade were not given a chance.

    The consensus was 2 say on paper that they are under seclusion and being taken care of, when in reality they're bidding time for them to die.

    The America u speak of, cannot watch their citizens die in another country. Every life to them is precious enough to seek to save.

    Will u blame the doctors who left her to die from septsis? A baby was rottening in her womb but do they have the tools to properly evacuate without risking more lives? She was left to die and that is why those who are infected fear to go there.

    Imagine what this young man faced seeing his love die in such painful, degrading circumstance. His life will be marked forever.

    Instead of sitting in ur houses blaming Sawyer, blaming PH doctor and diplomat, why can't we put pressure on the government! Why can't we have a sustained social media campaign! Why can't ppl like Atiku(who are busy latching unto bring back our girls) lend their voice to this cause?

    The girls are very important but it has happened now. Our health care system is a titanic waiting to sink.

    If you are a government official reading this,please help! Help us the masses. Overturn this system,people are dying. We implore!

    These drugs we lack,these machines and valves we lack,these safety and necessary provisions(like tissues n gloves) that can't be found in govt hospitals are not costlier than what you give to your girlfriends to shop in Paris. Show some conscience. Let's speak up. Even if we can afford to go abroad.pls

    **Bonaparte N.N **

  131. It is a pity, may her soul rest in peace

  132. Linda. Please help us.
    You can do something
    This will be your widow's mite
    And for every word you say about this,
    God will protect you and your kind even to the 4th generation.
    We aren't speaking only for ourselves but our future offsprings.
    Linda, just one post about healthcare system can help.

    **Bonaparte NN **

  133. Since morning no comments . Blogger .

  134. Thank God for him.there is nothing God cannot do he can heal Ebola jehovah overdo.continue to Rip Justina

  135. So sad. May her soul rest in peace.

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  136. oh! He was very loving and kind. Just feel for the late nurse...I can't help but to shed tears as i read through the line bout what she went through.

  137. Good story. It is important to note that he mentioned that her fiancee would have made it if all that was needed to be do to her were done at the right time. This leads to the suspicion that the treatment of these Ebola cases by the govt is not prompt and thorough. The health workers in charge of these Ebola cases should be prompt, more commitment, know how to protect them such that they do not themselves have phobia for the virus any more. The govt should take total care of the health workers, patients in isolation centers, those already quarantine and those the being watched(including their feeding clothing and accommodation). The govt should avoid making politics, propaganda out of this situation in order to be effective.

  138. Poor girl,she most likely died because of the retained fetal products in her body that complicated the infection.
    What a painful way to go.God rest her soul and comfort her people.amen

  139. Fantastic news!!! Thank God for your testimony. God that did it for you will do it for others affected. IJN. Amen

  140. Thank God for ur life,as for Justina, may her soul continue to rest wit d Lord. #Asa#

  141. Sad situation. Justina was killed by Nigeria's failed healthcare system. She didnt die of EVD. It's soooo sad because this failed government will remain in power for another 4yrs

  142. The possibility God!How greart thou art!

  143. Wow,may her soul rip..Amen.God pls frgv her in any way she av wronged u.

  144. You are good man filled with knowledge and fear of the HOLY SPIRIT


  145. The real story of this guy real? Do we still have men like this?

  146. Hallelujah !!!!!!

    These mysteries ( communion, feet washing, mantel and the anointing) WORKS!!

  147. God is still Working wondas in d mist of hIs pipu tudei.... I tap into dis special deliverance by fire.

  148. Thank God 4 his life. .#######QUEENMAYA######

  149. God is Faithful. He is in did a master healer!

  150. God is faithful. He is indeed a master healer. Hallelujah! !!

  151. My God is able ~ice princess~

  152. Really sad for Justina... I can't even imagine what her thoughts were lying there in that hospital. When a foetus dies and it is not removed, it more or less poisons your entire system. So I'm pretty sure Ebola had some help in her demise. Not much to say, my heart just hurts for what she endured. Glad that her fiance is ok.

  153. I can't help but tears!

  154. This is a bitter sweet story. I'm sad for Justina and her unborn baby but equally happy for her fiancee.
    God is still in the business of performing miracles. Thank God for his life. RIP Justina.
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  155. God is love and pure love attracts him I don't no that true love still exists may the good lord bless you with all your heart desire

  156. It is surprising that nobody noticed how this man is smiling in the picture?! This is a man who has supposedly lost his fiancee...If true love ever existed...he should be heartbroken not smiling like he won the frigging lottery! Bloody Opportunist

    1. @11.33pm Aug 30
      The fact dat they used dis picture doesn't mean it was recently taken. Please use your no. 6. It's created there for you to use it to Think

  157. With God nothing shall be impossible.God can do all things but we sometimes limit him from doing so much because of our unbelief.After all, it is written than without faith it is impossible to please God.Therefore, for people saying why didn't God heal some people and why did he heal some people boils down to our faith system.God is not unjust.

  158. I can't stop myself from pays to serve God. Thank God for Dennis' faith.

  159. What a touching story..... thank God u re healed, u re indeed a good man....

  160. Holy spirit, I cried reading this. Even wen am late for service this morning I still kept on reading dis........ God pls help dis nation wat will don't know about will never kill us JESUS Name!. It is well

  161. God be praised. With faith, all is possible.

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  162. Hi Admin !
    Realy Awesome Post Ever Thanks For Sharing I Am Going To Bookmark Your Site & Share With My Friends On Facebook And Twitter Thanks Again

  163. Jehovah over do. His a wonderful God. Way bigger than any plague or ebola

  164. Thank Jesus he was healed. What a situation.

  165. God is not Dead.....He is God alone... nothing is impossible...., for the late nurse may her soul rest in peace...GOOD EFFORT Justina


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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