Actress Daniella Okeke shows off hot bikini bod | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday, 7 August 2014

Actress Daniella Okeke shows off hot bikini bod

She is currently on vacation in Greece...


  1. Weldone! Mtchwww.. Show off! Eph 5:3. BishopDammy#

  2. Weldone! Mtchwww.. Continue Shown off! Eph 5:3. BishopDammy#

  3. Her "assets" are still "joyful" and are still lifted high giving glory to God! Unlike the "footballers" wife's flaccid features

    1. Joyful ke? Her olympus av fallen!


  4. Wonderful ass! Hot body!

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    1. #eyes open. So u can actually be enthusiastic like dis

    2. Oga, na where you see ass o?

  5. Sexy....

  6. Nothing is hot here please. Those shrinked Laps and sagged boobs !!??

  7. She needs to go and start making babies like mercy Johnson. She's just there, nothing wow.

  8. she is sooooooo hot

  9. oooh! Jeeez.......... Suicidal picz!!!!! FJ CRUISE commemting via Nokia N78

  10. lovely behind u.

    1. Wow! See my class mate. U also sneak into linda ikeji. Lol. Enjoy urself dear!

  11. Nyc...going for holiday aint a bad idea oo

    Pls visit my shoe blog

    1. So u also visit dis blog? I wil tel Sdk.


  12. omo d maga is seriously paying

  13. She sure travels a lot, wat does she do again? Sugar daddy thangs. Nice bod though.

    1. This old chap finished from my school, Delta state University, Abraka. She is a big time prostitute. She was never in school. She was known as chioma. Haba! Chioma you should be planning to settle down instead of showing off your sour body that all the men has entered.

  14. Olameedey2in1@yahoo.com7 August 2014 at 12:44

    Iont fink I know her.

  15. Nice bod! Natural tits.

    Linda, when are you going to show us your bikini bod? Please do. Don't worry, we won't yab you. *smiling*

  16. Nice bikini bod, she looks smashing.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  17. She'll never learn to just enjoy in private,very foolish old bitch wit her sagging class at all...go to Instagram and search for jet_set_life and see how he spends money on his gf & he's a young guy not to talk of ur old idiots who give u used SUVs and old houses I'm not hating but just sick and tired of ur attention seeking ass!linda post my comment pls

    1. Hi, are you from Port Harcourt? Just curious. Im not Danielle or daniella, im just gathering data for research. Research is on port Harcourt girls and their"runs" business and when things go sour, coming on blogs to spill each others secrets. Will you help me with my research work? How much do you charge your mumus and magas? How many cars have you received as gifts either through coercion or just laying on your back and smearing the other girls? How many places/countries have you traveled to? Thanks in advance.

    2. What A says about B says more about A than B. I don't know the actress but must be bitter,wicked and malicious to come on the internet to air your own version of her dirty laundry where you know the world,her family and friends would see it,I can bet that you are no saint and in no position to deliberately run a girl down under the guise of anonymous. It will come back to you,se you holy pass? Spun of satan!

    3. Take it or leave it, she is a slut. It is the only people that does the same thing with her will definitely support her. Girls and materials things. Chioma, that's the name we call you in DELSU, go and settle down. You have done this runs for a long time. Won't you retire

    4. Madam! Please put your FULL names on here let's do some research on you. Let's ask about your conduct in DELSU. I dare you. If you don't have the courage to or you put up a fake name then ask yourself if somehow u appeared on Lindas blog n people knew you would they have good things to say? You no holy pass. I can swear to God that you no holy pass. Women you people enjoy putting yourselves down. May people be lurking in the corner to run down your happiness and milestones no matter how small. May everytime something that makes you happy comes around,may there be people who will want to tell the world you DONT deserve it and may you be a source of heartache to your parents. Your heart is so dark. Wicked human being. Tommorow you'l run to church and beg God for favors and wonder why your life is stagnant. It is because you want to rob people of their peace. She fucks around? Is it your p*ssy? If you have ever slept with someone for another reason other than the fact that they are your spouse,you are a slut. And considering that you know her so well,you want the same things out of life that she does! She just got them and you ddnt. Take that up with your God. It doesn't justify her lifestyle but you are more evil for wanting to run her down where the world will see it. When your nyash will open may the world be there to call you a hypocrite! I can't stand people like you. Witch. Bloodsucker.

    5. @anon 8:33 u're surely Chioma lmaooooo,na so e pain u reach,but na true I talk na,right frm ur days of fucking old and dirty chief omene in abk abi u don forget,if u talk too much now I go expose ur full secret to d world so mind urself stupid bitch...u think say u get Frds u hv none darling,after una go fuck finish na dem go still cm expose u mumu.ure already a disappointment to ur parents so stfu bitch I'm outta here!

  18. umu nwanyi na igba oto!.... all em nah jet age! ,abeg my linda swt hrt no follow them gba oto oh!

  19. Nice belly and laps, but...Okay, let me keep my mouth shot about the negative part. Overall, cool pics.

    Top 5 Richest Pastors in The World

  20. She leaves little or nothing to the imagination. Cool. Sexy. Hmmm.....

  21. Love it. Please Please and please don't show us pics of chika ike ever again. thanks

  22. With her oyibo sugar daddy this girl fear God

  23. so? seems u cant be in the news these days except u are almost naked

  24. She's got nice physique!

  25. Nigeria is dealing wif ebola nd she is on vacation in greece....#justsaying#
    Nd I love her........

  26. Dat look is okay on her. LIB Princess!

  27. Hi, Linda, this is what we Lustful guys/bitches luv to see. Daniella, I will be Oliver Twist, We Want More of Your Ravishing Body. We want to see other Nigeria Celebrities show us what they r hiding under their clothes including you Linda

  28. Nice curves tho i do not know her

  29. All u haters her bod is cool n ok.som of u complainin evn date men oda dan ur own fadas n d guys date women old enof to b dier d gal joor. Dnt judge

  30. She is just an eyesore. Why did she cut off the man holding hands with her in d pics? Na inly d man money she sabi spend. Vacation in greece my #damnitfucknass. She fit? She went sleeping wt some ild rich dude. Seem like these days u have to do these shits b4 u yet famous. An concerning Chika Ike, she needed to step up like Oge Okoye and others who worked hard. But the Irony of hers is that she abandoned d hardworking young man who had set up a mini bar for in Egbeda some years back, only to start warmjng d beds of these men who dole out d dollars. I know her too well ajd aure know she is a dull head. I can face her anyday. An opportunist. How much has she earned from acting....? Abeg make she go chop shit jooor. Post my message oooo.

    1. I concur. I know her too. She have said it all.

  31. BLESSED SISTER NOELLA7 August 2014 at 13:39

    2nd Timothy 3


    Evil in the Last Days

    1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.

  32. nice body but booby don sag small

  33. I'll gladly give her a head for 2hours straight.
    Somebody say so.

  34. This girl needs to be quarantined cos she's contagious

  35. 9ce. (Linda's Man)

  36. Abeg, which movie she don act?? #Crackin my head.

  37. Lovely pix from chioma.

    Dammy shut up!! Can u stand Daniella???? Am sure u will kiss her Ass when u behold her in person!
    Trust me she can buy u and your family (una cheap like a piece of cake)

    Think of how to use your time wisely,other than sitting and waiting for Linda to drop a post!!

    I wish I could see u,na to use koboko wipe u like small pikin!

    Yeye d smell mitcheww

    Miss pepe

  38. Guys oya oh, make una come buy market.

  39. Sweet old chicks #lol#

  40. Na footballer money, gud shape thou.

  41. "Attractive" is d word.


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