OMG! Kim K shows off nipples in wet see-through top (photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 18 June 2014

OMG! Kim K shows off nipples in wet see-through top (photos)

For all the guys who feel bad that Spain and Cameroon are out of the 2014 World Cup, here's a little something to cheer you up..courtesy of one of the hottest women in the world, Kim Kardashian. Of course as usual we'll zoom in to see if the pics are as scandalous as they look. See that after the cut..

Very Scandalous! :-)


  1. I'm seeing things.....#lolzzz

    1. Same kim dat hav a sextape ? Wats dere to talk about? I've seen it all ain't flattered,

    2. Lmao @ very scandalous

    3. Jst wish those boobs were'nt fake, wud av enjoyed looking @ em all day...the more I look d more I see silicon..

    4. Cute, what most girls want.. However the lower endowment looks disjointed, therefore I ll say it looks better when dressed up

    5. Don't know why you are still surprised; isn't public display of nudity her selling point??....Biko Linda give us better news!

    6. Haha..she has started advertising herslf to the next maga celeb.

    7. Chai! I'm a girl, but when I see something hot, I must scream. Chai!

  2. Old news... u just wok up now ba. Keep killing your blog with lazy attitude

    1. I support you, the pictures have been all over the internet like forever!!!

    2. This news is not old. They even just posted it on their page yesterday. So,Linda was right on point. I hate it when people come online to discredit others as if they can do better. Oloshi buruku! Next!

    3. Samantha shout that mouth up..old news your head...Kim just shared d pic yesterday, it was pple like u that was criticizing Tiwa over her wanted video....isn't Kim married? U want to shift your ignorance to Linda.... Stop hating

      Prostitute Stabs Soldier to Death for Refusing to Pay in Bayelsa( Click to Read

    4. Get d fuck off u dis modafucker, X most u comment,,,ode...Linda biko keep doing ur tinz, God got u.

    5. We like it like that goat samantha so u can fuck off n find where u can get quicker attitude..oloshi

    6. If u don't knw wat 2 comment. Y nt sit ur lazy ass down and shut d fuck up

    7. At least you woke up this early to enliven your boring life.


  3. Replies
    1. My tots exactly!!! Such an Old Hag

    2. Famous* my dear!

    3. Dunno who's stopping dem 4rm walking naked sef ?mtchewww..............rubbish!!

    4. Fame whore? When the paparazzi hunt her everywhere she goes? If she puts up photos like this in her social media sites, then will I agree with you but if she's been followed everywhere she goes, then its totally not her fault that the world is obsessed with her, her body and what she does. St least you sef dry interested in her life. Beefer/hater is what you are

    5. No Diamondblinqz...... I'm pretty sure anon 12.13am meant "fame" not "famous" ..... Stop correcting people when you barely understand anything yourself. A fame whore would be someone, a celebrity most likely who is narcissistic and does any and everything possible to draw attention to themselves. A famous whore would be a prostitute that is known/popular.....

      Again.... understand context and perspective before you correct supposed grammatical errors.


  4. This na temptation with a little confusion. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  5. My goodness she has gone GaGa...HELP.....p- l - s - e - a - s - e !!

  6. She rily needs to Grow up.. Smh

    1. Grow up about what.she's on private property.lots of celebrities go thru this invasion from paparazzi on a daily basis.even Kate Middleton wasn't spared.the Croatian footballers while in the privacy of their pool were snapped skinny dipping.almost all of Hollywood face has never knowingly posed nude so people should cut this lady some slack.

    2. All I see is a gorgeous woman.she used the pool.what is she supposed to wear.linda,you didn't call tiwa scandalous for her video nudity and you choked us with her prewedding bikini body shots.this one was in the pool for crying out loud.get over your thunder legs and thighs and buzz off.
      I used to like you a you appear vindictive.using this blog to join bullies and promote all manner of discord.

    3. Meanwhile where see the I know it all fools that were always shouting spandex,body magic etc.o hope your eyes are no more as clogged as your brains.
      Lazy twits.cos you have diet issues and no control over what you eat and too lazy to work out.

  7. This na temptation with a little confusion. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  8. Yep,that's my girl!!!! Haters Die by Fire....lolz

    1. Lol@ Die by Fire...Kim is hot whooo haaaa

    2. @ anon 12:15 u die by fire. Just cuz people criticize doesn't make them haterz. Keep celebrating mediocrity. Dumbass

  9. b4 it was rihanna and Beyonce Kim son show herself too oga ooooo

  10. Linda, go and sleep. U too like

  11. HHmmmm! Gradually...... Na so madness de take day ogbaru oto. Puo main road.... (Kanye chita chain debe ready ooh)

    1. Willi, ogbagonu public oto nu! Tay tay. Oburo Ifé this year oooo.

    2. Btw, this woman is hoooooooooooooot shaaaaa. Now I really understand what Kanye means. Which other woman can turn him on other than her? She's full figured. Onwere ukwu, nwekwuo ala julu eju! Chaiyi! Ifé Kanye na eli. Issorai

  12. Everything abt her looks fake

    1. And am sure ur miserable life is fake too... Ewu gambia

    2. @anon6:47, she's plastic alright cut Tosin some slack, she/he is right!

  13. Kanye west is definitely out there to destroy this lady finally....

    1. Can't u see she is swimming and she is just coming out from the pool.

  14. Kanye west was so right when he made that statement!! This woman could wake a coma patient up with her sexy body... Choooiiii.....

  15. Repackaged.. there is nothing inviting about Kim K breast anymore.. at least Ray J will attest to that fact....

  16. Plastic surgery or not.....Hotness personified

  17. Yepka! My prick don charge. Kanye west dey chop better kpomo.

  18. libidinous bt divulged..... :(

  19. Why won't she turn him on the most..

  20. All this boys will now be holding their prick choi,hope una sabi say nor be prick una come measure here? Chai but Linda u spoil pass me+this boobi still firm die choi

  21. Very scandalous plus very hot.
    SPOT ON!

  22. Chai! chai! Ms Linda all this zooming u are doing...dia ris God oo

  23. Hahahahahaha! Linda Ikeji! Choi! There is God sha! Continue!

  24. have said this a million times, and finally kim has opened her yansh for the world to see.
    That ass was surgically enhanced. there is nothing real about that ass. though not implants looks more of fat transfer and sculpting.
    The reason is simple: you can't have such skinny tighs and a fat ass, no way! your tighs are made to be able to carry the size of your ass. funny enough you can have big tighs with flat wide ass, but you can't have such massive cakes with skinny tighs. the lack of proportion is just too unrealistic.
    even when you do workouts to grow your butt, your tighs grows together with it.
    The fakeness in this girl is unrivalled. kmt

    1. cakes n spices19 June 2014 at 09:33

      True talk dear

    2. And your have finally exposed how illiterate you whole family and i(we are all girls) have what is called the onion shape.
      Our thighs are slim and my friends used to joke that my chopsticks are too slim for my ass.and that's how we all are.i hate when dumbasses come here and say rubbish.dummy!!!!

  25. You re 32 years old woman. .You shld sum bit of moral at least for ur daughter since ur husband na mumu

  26. Her body looks ugly without d blazer n jeans....her hip looks kinda funny.....pls stop showing us ur it to kanye who is bumping uglies with u.....

  27. Sophisticated!19 June 2014 at 00:45

    I shake my head in disbelief!!!chai,thr is GOD oooo!all dis breasts u re sharing!

  28. Her butt doesn't look real to me..

    ~EDO BOY~Says so via

  29. she became popular with what? A sex tape, seen those nipples before joor, why is she still popular self?

  30. What has Kenye done to her? Some bad spirits have taken hold of her body. Linda oya hit your bed, you need some rest.

  31. This is why you're still single. Mama Ikeji.

  32. hottest body
    no wonder kanye go crazy lol
    but anyway nothing is special/ get me surprise about KIM. no news is surprise to me about her...


  33. Wen u start aging now,all those plastic hips n breast go fall apart.fake human being

  34. Howz this OMG???? RayJ and KimK have already shown us the full package

  35. And that suppose to be a wife nd a Mother !! Wat a #SHAME#

  36. I love ds BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Imagine how dis shameless idiot is exposing d breast kanye west paid for shortly after wedding? So kanye is dis what turns u on? Breast d whole world is seeing....Sorry but your wife is "adaora"...whore!

  38. This lady drives me crazy...Some local pple r so foolish and stupid bcos are dey extremely jealous of lady kim k!!!! Lolxxx lebo!!!!

  39. I love ds BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. I love ds BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. I love ds BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. First Rihanna, then Beyonce, I guess she must show hers too. She no wan carry last.

  43. All dis breast and nipples u are showing... There is God o! Chai there is God o.

  44. Her pant be like wrestler
    Coded 07

  45. Why do I have the feeling that Linda is into girls?

  46. Why don't u all cut dis babe some slack? Can't she live a normal oyinbo man life? After all its the paps that goes about looking for her, people who are not celeb do worse than kim & it goes unreported, cos no paparazzi is after them.

  47. So because rihanna did it now everybody can do it? smh sheep

  48. She didn't do that so linda eagle lens can zoom in o, leave Mrs West alone

  49. Abegy, her own don dey too much, make she calm down wit her old age jor.. She aint dat hot, I'm not tripped by a silicon ass...

  50. Ive seen the middle of her pussy and the shape/cut of her clitoris so pls tell me why her boobs in a shirt will excite me....2014 the year of hoes winning...linda stop celebrating this girl

  51. Her ass is soo fake.Definitely she did butt enlargement.

  52. See why her husband loves her? Two crazy people.

  53. Kim K is definitely possessed. Has anyone ever thought along that line. She is an agent.

  54. Kim I don tire 4 ur mata

  55. Please cover that silicon filled boobs. Artificially hottest woman supposedly. Please Linda next time measure natural endowment not carpentry or plastic work. Thankyou

  56. Her body figure looks funny here....

  57. Bad mine she is hot u go girl .When u have the body show it

  58. This her bumbum looks out of place.

  59. Contrary to what we think,these women have very serious complex issues and will do whatever it takes to be in the news. Funnily,it's not exciting or scandalizing anymore. We've seen it all cos they've done it all. #notnewsanylonger

  60. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Hot mama to the call, i just wish i ould bang her.....

  61. Person dey her house dey swim.Una invade her privacy to take pics and yet u peeps are calling her names...I think its u peeps that needs to grow up ...

    1. People will just be drinking Panadol for someone's else headache.. Kim is not related to any of us here,, she does not even reckon with this blog. This lady only had sex with a guy, not like she mudereded someone. We all do have sex come on! Nothing we write or say here changes who she is.. So let everyone chill...

  62. Linda lindodo,re u just seeing dis pix?Been waiting for u to post it,Don't knw if u guys are seeing wat am seeing ohhh,d 2nd pix,her laps,I don't understand d laps,if u knw wasup there pls tell me abbeg
    #Em jay#

  63. She looks so plastic!!!! She only looks good with her clothes on!! Her butt and curves look soo weird, its as if she's wearing a diaper, omg!!! Thin legs on such a huge butt and curves = lollipop!! SMH!!! Pls don't come here saying I'm a hater cos u gonna get it!

  64. With her fake bum

  65. #HISS. Its just that paparazzi wont stop following her and making a big deal out of everything. u didnt expect her to have nipples or wat? even in a swimwear once u get wet your nipps will #showup. linda and porn...ish stuffs tho.

  66. Have I not seen u baked b4??? U don't need to cover up darling. ...#SeunLondon

  67. hehe! Kim don't you think you are going too far? Remember you are married O.

  68. Miss Linda give us sports news biko.

  69. She had to have known that there were paparazzo about, I bet she did this for their benefit. Just as I was beginning to like her.

    1. Hilary,so Kate Middleton knew the paps were around when she sun bathed nude.she's as followed as Kim the math.
      The Croatian footballers knew the paps were around too abi.
      Lets stop being silly

  70. Na wa oooooo...person mama

  71. Very scandalous!!!

  72. Dis gal ain't got nothing on maheeda. Yet some naija folks drool over any pix of her n put maheeda down. Freaking hypocrites.

  73. Oh na wa o she is too much

  74. The way dis boobi firm,abeg lindodo na original? Samanthan linda's blog can nvr die so pls safe ur jealousy soul some stress

  75. Lmao!!! Chai...Bia bia Nwa ikeji u don wake up wit dis Kim matter abi? lolz! Biko leave her ooo,na her life joor...if she like make she waka naked,Who's cares? *wink*

  76. What is there to see as a big deal ? her ass,boobs,vagina and deep down her liver has been on displace that even prisoners that serves a ten years sentence can't be turned on .
    I truly pity her kid/kids in future and what they will go through their age mates starts bullying them bcos of their mom vagina that is ALL OVER PEOPLE'S SCREEN.GLORIFIED WHORE !
    Even porn stars do respect themselves and stoop low after everything,but for kim,no ! complex is really deadly and destructive.

  77. and she says this body is real? Linda abeg stop tempting my bf

  78. She's not black, so Haterz take a seat. 'Hypocrites'

    Mrs DAvido

  79. KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS is losing viewership and all this one she is doing is to keep in the news for the sake of their dying reality show

  80. Doroheavy dorosexy! Mehnnn I'm seeing things

  81. Just wondering how this nice shot is scandalous when her sex tape is in the air.

  82. Kanye west Don suck dis girl breast finish.any way kim got it all.So sexy.

  83. Kanye west Don suck dis girl breast finish.any way kim got it all.So sexy.

  84. Kanye west Don suck dis girl breast finish.any way kim got it all.So sexy.

  85. It is your time flex it

  86. Diz kind of compensation linda....... na 4 young guys or married men...... be careful o.............

  87. Dis kim lap look like turkey lap

  88. I dunno if its just me but I don't really like this woman's butt, looks fake massive butt wit tiny thighs. I have a feeling its artificial. She's only got a fine face joor

  89. Why are the upper thighs bending*confused.Are those even real? I bet shez got lower bellyfat that's why she is wearing that kinda panties...@Fweshdee

  90. Sexiest woman my ass she just wish and will do anything for attension.talking sexy we talk bey

  91. Mtcheeew....we seen it all with Ray J already...

  92. Na you and Kim go die by fire. Idiots. Ever since that mad Rihanna dresses that way, Kim has bn trying to show that she can outshine that mad woman, hence the current display of her boobs. As shameless as you are, your sex tape hasn't taught u anything. I must be in the news or I die. Idiot.

  93. To b honest dis kim kardashian's shape is better wen she is dressed, naked she looks lyk d hips and legs where actually fixed and it looks photo shopped.abeg make she go wear clothes

  94. No be small, I like her guts

  95. Stop encouraging porns pics in ur blog

  96. Y wear a shirt @all? Jez remove it and let it plain. You did it with your hobby West in his video and we've seen it all before. NONSENSE! Back in tha days, ladies call this their pride and we hardly see them, but is a different story this day. Seein things freely. Una well done ooooh. But you'all celeb should know there's life after death!!!

  97. Samantha wats ur problem with linda naw......I hate it when people like u will b beefin 4 nothing,if this is an old news y not sleep n let her be,sarbinus,okachanmara,drink my pee!!!#columbiana#

  98. i dnt knw why some ppl dnt appreciate good things of nature.This is pure and row beauty and when one takes the courage to display it,ppl shld adore it. she is so natural. Keep it up Kim, u re my star woman.ebere

  99. All I see is FAKE! FAKE!! FAKE!!! all over. Just for fame.

  100. I love boobs! Common see fresh boobs! Whaaooo..i dont why i just love semi robust fresh looking her husby isnt conplaining!

  101. Fake boobs and fake ass!silicon!

  102. The booty and hips looking very is so so obvious in these pics. She would be spending a fortune to maintain these fake things

  103. Paparazzi handy work I believe. ..

  104. Great boobs job. Awkward butt job. I've seen better butts au naturel. Lin lin, when will we see ur bikini pics? Haba! I remain anon.

  105. There is nothing to fuse about, it's her body and she is living the life and the world showbiz...

  106. This babe is just too fake...


  107. Porn queen, every thing that I see are fake boobs ass even p**sy all fake

  108. Na mumu dey worri u....shey na kanye no buy bra for her ni

  109. D butt implants r so glaring! Wow

  110. I love it !!! hater u can kiss mY hass

  111. This is not d kim I know b4, wat is happening? Nke a buzi madness

  112. HATERS! Just before u stat just reason : she is in the swimming pool and not attending a WHOLE fashion week showing tits! Not self posting tits and bums seeking for attention! A whole difference: different dressings for different occasions! Am sure it bad belle money monger like linda that are zooming on the beautiful lady's life. Linda back off, do something else! Kim K is not the only news in the world ! But guess its all abt what brings u more money, all abt money n no reasoning. LOVE ME KIMYE ANY DAY ANY TIME UNCONDITIONALLY

  113. Is she the one that release the photos Linda or. Is it paparazzi. Mind u she is still in her honeymoon. And I believe she was at the pool or beach. Do u expect her to wear bra and swim?

  114. All u stupid nd ignorant pple insultin kim,can't u see she is home swimin nd dint knw dz photos were taken? So d lady cnt swim in ha house cos some nigerian fools tink she shld wear agbada nd swim.olodo pple

  115. kai nigerianz!! wts up wit all dese insultz?$hez livin her life as it pleasez.mbok u guys shud stop hatin

  116. See me ohhh, what is good about a married woman exposing her breasts for the world to see. And the most annoying part is that if you frown at it, some people will either insult or say you are fake, or say you don't know what's up. What is this world turning into? What are we teaching our children? Linda you are matured, I don't think you should be posting pics like this. You have children who read your blog, please. This is sad, really really sad. Let's not forget our morals pls. God is patient and kind, and forgiving. Jesus help your children. Open our eyes to serve and appreciate You alone. Linda, if you like post it, if you like don"t. It's your blog anyway. I'm glad you've read it.

  117. Hmmmmmn!!! Great body even after 1. I really wish my wife would look this way after she put to bed our first baby!

    Money is playing a great deal on her though plus, she should learn to be reserve now that she's happily married to Mr Kanye or how will she feel if Kanye does same?

  118. This lady is such a hoe. Linda if u like dnt post ma comment as usual. U will soon loose a lib reader.

  119. All fake! Fake ass,fake boobs,fake hips,fake waist,fake nose,fake tommy, fake attitude! U r all fake Kim! May God have mercy on u and ur mom!!

  120. Wats dis I'm seein?dis woman is so star..linda post my comment o

  121. Alicia says...19 June 2014 at 08:56

    Obviously Kanye set her up to this. He wants to show the world what he has and what they can never have. Nigga please.
    If this were a Nigerian there would have been over 600 comments of people cursing, bashing, and hating. Hypocrites.

  122. Dis is getting out of hand o. Linda pls if u can talk to her pls do.

  123. For your all info: she was on holiday with her husband in Mexico! Get your facts right and complete and not giving 1/4 of a story just to destroy another's rep! People do not go to the pool fully clothed u hypocrites LIB. Reason for urself and not just gulp any thing Linda put up for money. Post me comments ooo

  124. not nice of her.

    CoolDiva speaks!

  125. Abeg.. I can see her full nakedness anytime I want to. Its all over the internet.

  126. As much as I can't wear dis, But dis shldn't come as a surprise 2 any one. Isn't she swimming????/

  127. ASHAWO na ASHAWO, no matter the brand

  128. Someone's wife, someone's mother baring it all. Mo-1

  129. See babe...Nna sexy chick.Haters go jump inside sambisa forest make book haram fuck ya

  130. Her hips are just too fake

  131. Who doesn't know that she is a whore? Haven't you seen her porn movie? Place save us from this her public nudity

  132. Mama mmadu!..mtsheww..Once a whore,always a whore.

  133. kim k makes me want to divorce my fat wife. she use to look like her until 2 years into the marriage. I feel cheated

  134. This woman is mad, She better seek the face of God

  135. No need to fuss about it, if you have seen the porn tape

  136. Nigeria idiots wud be saying fake... But my dear her body is so REAL!!! Ur so called beyonce has nothing on her... Only in nigeria dey say dis girl is fake ... I hate ignorant ppls especially in dis blog

  137. @Alabukun you are so ON POINT... No one need say more. I see 'FAKE'. question is: if she sits on tacks will she feel the pain?

    Anyway, she's only trying to confirm- to herself, maybe-that she can be 'hot' and 'a mom'.

  138. for a married woman, too badt

  139. for a married woman, too badt

  140. Fabulous fashion finds for Nigerians at

  141. I know Nigeria ladies been beef this pics cos they mostly got slippers on there chest. Try and caution guys on how to handle your boobs. It discourages us when we see it fall. Na lie?

  142. Honestly I don't see what's so special about this woman. Look at her figure! The only beautiful part of her is her face. Nothing else. Am not into huge boobs so couldn't be bothered but her figure is weird and I won't touch her with a barge pole.

  143. A married woman linda dis is madness


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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