The Queen Latifah Show dedicate today's show to #Bringbackourgirls | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

The Queen Latifah Show dedicate today's show to #Bringbackourgirls

Today's episode of The Queen Latifah show was dedicated to the #Bringbackourgirls campaign. Everyone in the show including those in the production room all carried a #bringbackourgirls sign. See more photos after the cut...


  1. They try but sitting down will not bring back the girls,we need actions

    1. You know they dont have to do anything.. so b reasonable you bloody ungrateful retarded citizen

    2. U told him well stupid fool. Upon he was D̶̲̥̅̊ first to comment n said nonsense!!! Nyilins

    3. Dear anon. God bless you. God increase and keep you wise. May your sense of judgement never be skewed. May that timely word that the bible says is like an apple of Gold in a silver frame never depart from you. Your response to the lazy reader deserves commendation and exposes his/ her lack of quality grey matter as suggested by his/her name (lazy reader)
      Once again, stay blessed anon.

    4. Says the man crossing he's legs! As na only u waka come tok dis kain nonsense! Mmtchew! What r U doing about it? Mama Sofia

    5. What have you done? @lazy reader, u re so sensless.

    6. U see why I hate y'all anonys? Why so much insult cus he said his mind? Ekwensu chineke turu mbo na ike, that's wat u are!

    7. Wilheminna moses welcome from ur ashawo work..missed u seriously,how much is ur price for a nite? U knw u r a village girl from d village so 200naira suppose do u,pls dnt speak igbo wen I de hammer u ooooo,tks harlot

    8. Wilheminna, you worry. LWKMH!!! Lol.

    9. @wilheminna you are funny! @Latifah, what an out pour of love! Woow really touchy.

    10. Lazy reader(wot a stupid pseudonym) u r so dumb,senseless, clueless, stupid & unintelligent!@ wihelmina u continue 2 exhibit ur low IQ & poor mentality!local champion....

  2. Suddenly the whole world give a *** bout a bunch of poor kidnapped gals... Hw bout wen they were just poor?? Hw bout tye number that die daily in Africa.... Bliv it or not sum ppls faith is worse than that of the missing gals.

  3. I love this woman, very down to earth and smart. I believe the national and international pressure is making these our selfish leaders sit up. I also believe it is the beginning of the end for boko haram.

  4. Nice One... God bless the media

  5. Onyx n alloy na inside hux una dey go comments? Chei deris God oooo

  6. Wonderful nd only if BH culd actually see dz

  7. Wonderful nd only if BH culd actually see dz

  8. Wow niceone and may Gob bless her big tym...

    1. Get a job dude..u irritate mi like seriously!! Your papa and mama no go fit depend on u to assist dem for oldage cos na linda ikeji blog ur life start nd end

    2. @Annoymous 6.09 - and how u sef take know? Be like sey ur own people sef no go fit depend on u as well as e sure sey u sef dey come this blog regularly dey notice this home-boy comments... thats my problem with people - remove the log in thy eye before removing the lil dirt in the next man's - #My2Cents#

    3. And u dirty pig if ur nt always here, how d hell did u get to know he's always here? He iritates u? Why nt go gulp otapiapia and delete frm dis surface earth? Akwuna ike na ako uko! Stalker!

    4. Just shut up bitch wilheminna Moses! U r a bastard cos they wnt ieave USA to fight bokoharam in your country for u,u like insulting people u illetrate DAT went to only computer school,I can see your mom did a very bad job with u! C d product of handwork..a delusioed daughter of a bitch..village gal feeling funky.. Madwoman

  9. Awwwww! Quite heart rendering. So thoughtful of them.
    God bless their efforts

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Ooo shut up already bonario, fake ass

    2. If GEJ give u moni now, u go change mouth lik reuben abati..hunger no de make u get sense for ur life..I must comment bonario

  10. What a unanimously beautiful world we would have if only everyone cultivates such a united spirit. May all who supports the quest of Our Girls be richly rewarded

    1. I love u cute g, u write like som1 who has seen d 4 walls of school, am intellect not like wilheminna dat went to computer school only and nags on lib lik a mad woman

  11. #bringbackourgirls

  12. BREAKING NEWS: 238 Miners dead and 120 missing in TURKEY 'CNN NEWS'

  13. Abeg make them leave all this our girls matter self... have they ever been to Nigeria.. them from there dey write bring back our girls.. the thing self don tire person. God will bring them safely for us and not all this # whatever...Hisses. the thing just vex me jor..


  15. na wa oooo...make God help us...some people are now claiming who brought the #BRINGBACKOURGIRLS Tag...

  16. I don't even know whether they're all ridiculing Nigerians with this #bringbackourgirls hashtag. Or they are just supporting in fact they shud come down to naija n let us go sambissa forest in search of dem gurls smh

    1. Shut up, take ur family members to sambisa forest to fight afterall u are a nigerian, u expect an american to fight d nigeria fight

  17. Thnx Queen....may God hear our prayers, AMEN!

  18. Wonderful.

  19. Alloy d chemist boy, hungry for 100k..ur own don be cos dis year no 100k better go and dust ur cerficikate (certificate) wey u keep under bed to apply for job cos ur hussle for d 100k is a dream u have to wake up from dear and by d way help brother sell d medicine dem well oooo,baltimore ko,obalende ni..comtinue decieving ur generation dat u stay in baltimore maryland when u and I knw dat I ur elder brother that brought u from d village told u to help him sell in d chemist shop of his

  20. Do BH watch Queen Latifah's show. Abeg let's be realistic,what abt d families dat ve lost loved ones killed by BH? Y didn't d world show dis kind of concern maybe if we all carried placards like we are doing now we wld have long won d war against terriorism. Pls note dat I sincerely want d girls back and alive but I think Nigerians re now being mocked.

  21. Hahahhaahahahahha...hehhehehehehehehe.. I laugh in Latin...hohoohoohohohohohoh... Easy on him biko!!!!

  22. Deep freezer or cooler

  23. It's all about pressurizing the government to protect it people and do the right things for its citizens. Bh or parents of the adopted girls might not watch but the government is watching, it's meant for them.

  24. God bless ur team queen latiffah

  25. Some of d oyibo no kw y dem carry d sign or wat t stands fr.....dia faces de show am

  26. #Bring back our girls

  27. cnt hlp buh notice she luks gud & nyc work y'all

  28. I hope wth all tjis campaigns. .. we will be able to get our girls bck

  29. Very thoughtful of her thank u all

  30. ibezimbruno@yahoo.com15 May 2014 at 10:10

    Hmmmm dis one na gobe,original gobe,boko haram insurgence,the end very near.

  31. Very totful of her/them...

  32. Sorry to say this, I am one of those that didn't believe in this kidnapping issue even for the fact that they showed us a video and a list of the girls which to me is not convincing enough. Let me tell you, some of these people involved in carrying placards are one of the those that knows the truth about the issue and what they are trying to achieve with it. America & Co. lending supports is even suspicious and I think Nigeria is now in the New World Order plan, if you know what I mean. Let's wait and see the outcome of this whole issue.

  33. Government of this Country, America & Co. think they are playing with our intelligence with this Kidnapping issue, but believe me they can't fool us all. America deceived their people in 2001 9/11 attacked which they claimed it was Osama/Al-Qaeda that did it. Later it was revealed that America Government itself were behind the attacked (Do your researched to get this fact). Now their involvement in this kidnapping issue to me tells you something is fishing. One of our problem especially here in Nigeria is that we don't do research. We believe everything the government tells us. For me this kidnapping issue is nothing but a cooked up story.

  34. Na wa oh! This bad publicity is getting out of hand....First it was yahoo yahoo 419 poverty terrorism now kidnapping and abduction of little girls! Nigerian govt plsssss save our face!

  35. i love this wowan... her charisma is what women need to move on

  36. Loving her shoes.....big yet fabulous. ...#bring backourgirls


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