Oprah's step-mum starting sumtin...calls Oprah's relationship with Gayle bizarre | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 24 April 2014

Oprah's step-mum starting sumtin...calls Oprah's relationship with Gayle bizarre

Well, Oprah recently got a court order to remove her from her mansion leaving her homeless so she's looking for ways to get back at the billionaire by talking to the press and spilling family secrets. In a recent interview with UK Daily Mail, Barbara Vernon, 66, who was married to Oprah's dad for 14 years, claims that Oprah's relationship with bff Gayle King was bizarre. She's implying that there's more going on between them despite the fact that Oprah has had a man in her life in the last 28 years

Oprah began dating Stedman Graham in 1986 but, according to Barbara, who is now divorced from Oprah's dad, in all the times she saw them together she never once witnessed them hold hands or kiss.
'Once Oprah took us on a Mediterranean cruise. That was an amazing thing she did. She rented a $30million yacht and went on an 11-day cruise. She’s very flamboyant. We had meals three times a day, three courses, different place settings, different cutlery, glassware, different everything three times a day but she never talked to me and Vernon. She didn’t spend any time with us. It was always her, Stedman and Gayle. The three of them. Anytime you looked up they were together. To me it was just bizarre. I can only say what I saw and observed over the years. Gayle was more present than Stedman."
From UK Daily Mail
Oprah’s relationships with Stedman & Gayle have long been the subject of much puzzled speculation.
Barbara said; ‘He was comfortable like an old shoe, to her. They stayed in the same room when they were here but he didn’t live with her exactly. He travels so much; he would fly here and there to her. He’s at her beck and call. I think in the beginning it was different. Vernon told me how one time he was driving and Oprah was taking Stedman to meet family in Mississippi. He said she was running her hands through his hair the whole trip, till he was so fed up he was ready to put her out of the car.
‘She wanted to get married at first but he wasn’t so keen. Then she became this powerful person and things changed, the balance switched.’
Nowhere could that be clearer than on the occasion when, according to Barbara, Oprah ensured a book written by Stedman made it onto the bestseller list.

She claimed that the star bought a warehouse and filled it with Stedman’s books.
‘It worked,’ she said, ‘His book was a bestseller. Stedman isn’t a good steward of money and that suits Oprah fine. He is financially dependent on her. He knows her secrets and she knows his. Why would they marry now? He’s there at her beck and call. He knows his role in her life.’
And just as importantly he understands Gayle’s role in Oprah’s life. Barbara said.

‘Gayle is very, very present. I don’t know any man I’ve ever dated who could tolerate that, but Stedman knows Gayle’s going nowhere. They speak on the phone three or four times a day. She believes Oprah and Gayle's relationship is 'unhealthy'.

Frequently, she said, Oprah’s communications to her or Vernon, now 81, were delivered through Gayle. When notorious biographer Kitty Kelly was working on a book about Oprah and interviewed her father in his barber’s shop it was Gayle who called to berate first Barbara, then Vernon.
And when Oprah spoke of herself as part of a couple, the ‘we’ in question more often referred to her and Gayle, than her and Stedman.
Barbara said: ‘The day I called to tell her that her father had been held up at gunpoint in his barber’s shop her response was, “Well, I expect him to be found dead in there one day.”

‘I asked her why she would say something so cold, she said, “Coz it’s true. Gayle and I have already discussed it and we’ve accepted that.”
‘That’s how it was with them.

‘Sometimes I believe that Oprah is more dependent on Gayle than the other way round. I don’t know what she would do without her friendship and if it’s not more than friendship then they’re certainly giving every appearance that it is.

‘But don’t forget, Oprah has her brand to live up to and her father is a very conservative, traditional man. He’s a deacon of his church. He always thought she should get married.’
Oprah’s highly public, lifelong struggle with her wildly fluctuating weight, is linked to her effort to ‘be’ the brand according to Barbara.

She said, ‘She’s a stress eater. Food is her comfort. Potatoes are her downfall, potatoes, potato chips…any kind of potato.
‘But you rarely saw Oprah fix a plate of food and eat it at the table with everybody else.
‘If she joined you she would pick at other people’s plates. If she saw something she wanted she’d just take it straight off their plate and wouldn’t even ask.’

The star would frequently instruct Stedman to make a doggy bag of food to take away rather than enjoy it in company.
She reflected, ‘Nobody can live up to being Oprah. She’s human like I’m human. She’s not perfect.’

Given her unenviable position today it might seem surprising to hear Barbara express sympathy for Oprah, yet she does, repeatedly.
‘She tells the world what to do but she’s in inner turmoil. Everybody thinks she has all the answers but she needs to sit down with Dr Phil.’

She continued, ‘Vernon often told me that he thought if Oprah could change the color of her skin she would  - she’d make it lighter.’

Barbara recalled an occasion on which she, Oprah and Stedman had been out walking their dogs, Solomon, a brown cocker spaniel and Sophie, a black dog of the same breed.
‘I told her it suddenly struck me how she looked like Sophie and he looked like Solomon – like owners come to resemble their dogs. Oprah said, “No. I look more like Solomon. HE looks more like Sophie.” I hadn’t meant it to be a slight about color but that’s how she took it.’
It’s hard to believe Barbara made the remark in wide-eyed innocence, oblivious to the fact that telling your stepdaughter she looks like a dog might be taken as a slight.

Still, she insisted, ‘Color was a real thing for her. It’s one of the things she liked about Stedman. He has what we call ‘high yellow’ skin and soft hair. He’s very pale complexioned and she liked that.’
The cover of next month’s edition of her eponymous magazine, ‘O: The Oprah Magazine’ shows the star, resplendent in Purple alongside the promise, ‘How to Love the Skin You’re In', but according to Barbara, that is something Oprah herself has never quite managed to achieve.

That unhappiness plays a part, she said, in the bitter denouement of her divorce from Vernon. It explains, to some extent, Oprah’s need to insert and assert herself in any of it.
She said, ‘She’s a billionaire three times over, doesn’t it seem so petty?
‘If I could I’d like to tell her how sad it is she never took the time to get to know me as a woman. I would still be married to Vernon I think, if she had.
‘To me it’s just such a sad story at the end of the day.’

Culled from UK Daily Mail


  1. Listening to macklemore and ryan lewis-same love.

    1. D story is like Software License Agreement not intrested to read it

    2. Barbara is a whore! a 66 year old escapee from whore island, that's why Oprah put her out. she needs to shut the fuck up and stop trying to hit below de belt. nasty old lying dirty bitch!
      Barbara you two stops away from 70 and you just acted a damn fool!


    3. My dear you just talk my mind

  2. Hell knows no fury like that of a woman scorned.
    She's frustrated and bitter,so what do you expect.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  3. God please let oprah be a lesbian or bi sexual. IJN amen. We need inspirational people representing the gay community.

    1. May JESUS have mercy on u for u knw nt what u are doing.

    2. Na that same God go burn all of una gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual for hell.....Nonsense

    3. Dis ur annonymous activism. Why u nor fit show face? Gay my leg nd shoe laces. Yall are perverted is all!! Nasty nonsense

      Sam sam


    1. May JESUS forgive u and touch u, amen.

  5. Wetin cinsine agbero with overload kwa....hian

  6. She's an ingrate!!!...; the step mom.

    *My R1.50c comment *

  7. There's nothing wrong with being gay,I'm a living proof,I have a stable 10 year relationship with my boyfriend. We are planning on adopting two white girls. #betrue

    1. If you can't impregnate your boyfriend vice versa then the both of you have no bidness raising kids!!!.......................

      A man woman union brings kids.....any other "Abnormal Union" does not deserve the privilege of children! ...... ....

      Isn't it funny how these gay folks override God's Original plan of Man/Woman/child???????? .........turn it to Man/Man/child or woman/woman/child....How can that be natural??

      ON 2 The Next!

    2. congrats! The world wud soon be rid of the lots of you. Thank goodness, your family line ends with u.

    3. Bet u've tested positive 2 hiv

    4. If everybody becomes gay,I wonder whose kids we are all are gonna adopt# you need JESUS# give your life to christ.

    5. @ gay lord- u are such a big fool. If being gay is so good, y bother with kids. Pls whose kids do you want to adopt, u senseless he-goat. U can't eat ur cake and still hv it. Better continue wt ur yansh fucking and allow d biz of raising kids to stable and focused people. Gays are disgrace to mankind, no wonder God hates them with passion. Useless people! Raising kids my foot! Thank God for naija. Come and adopt kids naa! Kids from d same straight pple u despise...........What an irony!

  8. So much bad news lately linda #bright bravo#

  9. Typicall human character, d money aint coming in again so she wana spoil her image. But dis wunt work,it will tke d devil himself ro tarnish Oprah's image

  10. Biko what's the latest on miss sahara.

  11. Ole woman, Oprah doesn't owe you anything

  12. 0h please maam just hush up! Y so bitter. U seem like the troubled 1 2 me n lemme tell u summin Gay is legal abroad so u tryna imply 0prah gay? Well news 4 u is sh dnt need 2 hide. She wulda made it part of her talkshow n made mre money. N I think its rude 2 tell sm1 sh lks like her dog really? Mayb sh was ofended by that. 1 thing about most women is They love 2 much! So yes if she lves her bestfriend Gayle more It'll show. N what the heck? Right nw in my life its my girls.that man wuld hvta wrk n win my heart. Deal with it woman! Ur outta 0prahs life.Leave her alne.I feel sorry 4 u. Ur so angry :( -----C21

    1. Looool she's sooo angry @SHB

  13. This woman needs to hv several seats joor.. So because u were married to her father for yrs automatically means u deserve money frm her... Hv u considerd working.. Instead of poaching off other people

  14. Sayn she's a billoniare 3 times over aint petty. Its the truth. The same way u talk about the abundant blessings God gave ya. It jst matters wether u sayn it arogantly bt since u cn't read her mind 2 see wether it was an arogant statement or infact a thnksgiving. Chill

  15. She isn't alone in thinking that about her relationship with Gayle. That said everybody has their private demons.

  16. Barbara is so unhappy. she should get a life or go eat poison.

  17. This lady is just pained and bitter with oprah cos oprah no send am at all.Shes desperate and seeking attention.its not like shes still married to oprahs dad.make she go siddon jare.mumu woman

  18. "Fine woman" dis is reallly sad mehn! So sori abt it ok. God nver slp dat him sees every bitters in our life

  19. . . . And the summary is???

  20. Ooohhh pplleeeaaauuusseeee! Barbara is bitter as far as am concerned. If Oprah is bisexual and stedman can live with that so what? This isn't news, Barbara needs to deal with the fact Oprah isn't her daughter and therefore she is not obligated to takecare of her especially if they have no personal relationships as step daughter & stepmother .... Dnaan

  21. Wetin concern me....mtcheewwww

  22. Nutin wey person no go see, bcos dey pursue u for haus, u cum dey rat out. Bad belle person

  23. Linda, and you gave us this gist because..........! SMH yOU MUST BE BORED

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  25. Madam step mother please sit your ass down!!! You have nothing on Oprah!

  26. This is just cheap popularity! She should go and hang jor

  27. I don't like Oprah, but this woman is a bi**ch. She's so embittered that she's being sent packing from the home O bought for her dad. Oprah doesn't owe her nothing, and here she's talking as if she's revealing anything new. But she's not. All that she has so far 'revealed' to DM, have been speculated by people over and over again in the past. Linda, if u were to have read the first part of this interview, she even admitted that O never allowed her and her husband, that is O's father, to stay over night in any of her mansions and the barely spoke to them. So, if that has been the case, what is the source of her knowledge on O's secret life? She does not now a zip about O, because O, being given a very secretive person, never allowed her.
    So, for me, she's taking DM for a ride because of the little money they paid her. Meanwhile, I stopped liking O after she messed with Nigerians on her show. That was it for me.

  28. a sad story at the end of the day.......

  29. Too long..blah,blah,blah..Barbara abi NA wetin ur mama gv u go dey look bush...

  30. Na wa ooO linda dis handout long oooO..bt is woman is jst bin bitter d@s al..

  31. Dear Oprah's Step Mom,
    I hope you enjoyed your 10 Minutes of fame cos that may be the last time anyone will ever hear your name. Attention seeker, Get a Life!

  32. AVID BLOG READER24 April 2014 at 19:16

    Bitter b*t*h! She should STFU

  33. OK fine shes lesbian, so whats new??? Bitch!!!....#SeunLondon

  34. Too long abeg.

  35. You don't gain anything by pulling others down. This is very shameful of Oprah's step-mom.
    Oprah please hold on to your friend Gayle. Every girl needs a great friend like that!

  36. This lady is old and confuse and what oprah did to her is so damn sweeeeettttttt.... So she gat no other means of survival other than oprah..... Old baga no go slp dey find person family wey u go ruin.....

  37. This black american women are really disgracing the black race..... Lazy ass motherfuckers....

  38. Enough of your jaw yapping lady. Ain't u say that's gonna hurt Lady O. She is big already. Get it?

  39. shut the hell up!!!!She needs to cook up more stories to tell when she runs out of the money they paid her to tell these stories.SMH

  40. In all of these, I also observed she is depending on Oprah. Madam, state what you want.

  41. This bitch oprah giving relationshp/marriage advice to ppl, wen she knws nothing bout it

  42. whats wrong with this one?cheap popularity ka o na-acho! mscheew #chewinggumandwalkingaway

  43. Abeg wetin be this woman own self. Make she go sit down joor her story too long. And who cares anyway

  44. Psquare bros..................................I want to ask *WHY E BE SAY* una wan split after all these years? Coz u guys seem to have forgotten that there is *NO ONE LIKE YOU* in African, and u also forgot that God use *IFUNANYA* to make it to be a *POSSIBILITY* for u guys to be *UNLIMITED* today. I feel so bad over your latest *STORY* coz *I LOVE YOU* and i urge u to deal with your present situation *PERSONALLY* and do not let your *BEAUTIFUL ONYINYE's* to make you split. Don't forget that they are only there to *CHOP YOUR MONEY*. I know that *E NO EASY* but u guys should try not to get involve in any *BIZZY BODY* because it will only cause more *DANGER* to your career, and your fans will no longer be able to dance *ALINGO* again. Take a look at how BRACKET is living their life *YORI YORI*. So u may call on SKT to come *FOLLOW FOLLOW* settle the problems u guys are having, coz e get as e dey *DO ME* anytime i hear the that u guys want to *BREAK IT*. I also heard that you brought *OGA POLICE* into the matter, when one of u could *STAND UP* and sort this problem as that *SPECIAL MAN. You guys need to be *MORE THAN A FRIEND* at this time, and take it *JE JE* to prevent any *TEMPTATION* of saying *GAME OVER* to P-Square group. If not, i will confront your wives and ask them where they were the *LAST NIGHT* u guys vowed never to split in this music game. Perhaps, we the fans are the ones to *MISS YOU DIE* not your wives.
    P-Square, may you guyz unite with IFUNANYA and share TESTIMONY soon.

    1. Thank u mylove,u ve done a very great job.... Allah wll bless u, I love ur write up#princessa#

  45. Why is it after they threw her out of d house dat she's revealing all these?? Can't believe it

  46. hmmmm....
    all this celebs and their private issues. may God help both parties resolve their differences...

    The Lumdy blog Review

  47. This old goat only finds fault after she no longer has access to the good life. What an ungrateful old crow. Let us all live to see karma bite you in the behind, Barbra.

  48. Lies!! Lies!! Lies!! How come no USA press granted her interview? Lmao!!!

  49. Rosie Said.........This woman sef!!!!!! It is people like you that make all these rich people to stay away from people like your kind.You married her father,she welcomed you with open arms,showered you with all sorts of gifts,bought the house that you lived with her dad.Now you are divorced from her dad,her dad already moved away from the house,you refused to move,she even offered you another house,you rejected the house,why?? its too small.And you think blackmailing Oprah and Gayle will work? You are just a fool.Mind you,the way the word sees Oprah.......She can do no wrong(Let me tell you,people need a dependable bff who got their back all the time,not fair weather like you.

  50. Yes Linda, I'm in support of dis comment

  51. Don't get ds woman..is she jealous or she still wanna b part of d family?...

  52. Me too....try & broaden ur search scope

    1. Did this woman just say she would still be married to her husband if Oprah hAd taken the time to know her as a woman? What does your grown-up stepdaughter have to do with your marriage? I thought two was meant to become one, not two plus Oprah. This woman self..... Sheeeeesh!

  53. PLSS she should better take several seats, what's her own, she should leave oprah alone!!!!

  54. When someone starts spilling secrets about family, that person is usually pained. Every family has its issues, its best those issues stay within the family.

  55. Oprah is a lesbian. Steadman is gay.

  56. Bad belle. E dey pepper you. Ur down and out, deal with it. And how come all these witch hunting women look the saame on photos. That way they frown and tilt their heads to a side example Beyonce's dad's baby mama. By the photos we know them.

  57. Beware of step-mums they are most times dangerous. ℓ̊ wonder what she intend 2 gain from all these. Oprah pay no attention please

  58. Have always known that Oprah is a LESBIAN.

  59. I kind of believe this woman

  60. Well well well, Gay or not, Oprah remains an Icon. The world will never care who or what she is sleeping with...she is at another level.

  61. Who is listening to this belligerent old lady. Who cares whether Oprah is gay or not. You just said she spent $30,000,000 on a vacation and we should care abount her sexuality? You are a made woman!

  62. why did she wait till now before letting all this out? she's pained

  63. I don't comprehend the story. Too long to read

  64. what exactly is her problem?

    why is she blabbibg?

    who let the dog out?

    Woman, go get a life, but Opray...live a clean life

  65. ''who runs the world gay'' in quote to the anonymous gay writers.if your gay and proud of it why hide yourself anonymously. you should proudly present and represent who are you.

  66. Even her allegations are incoherent and inconclusive - wettin the woman want abeg - give am

  67. This woman suppose make @ least 1 million dolls na. Anyways I don't think Oprah liked her from the onset ..

  68. I hate this gays mehn, they are fucking cockroaches.
    Does it mean that this woman didn't make money from Oprah? Dat means Oprah never approved of the marriage nd now she has been kicked to square. But God is the final judge.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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