The See Finish Syndrome (For couples only) by Charlyboy | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 7 February 2014

The See Finish Syndrome (For couples only) by Charlyboy

A very interesting article written by Charly Boy. Enjoy below...
When two people, lovers, friends, partners or even team mates can consistently predict one another's moves like clockwork, it is called see finish
See finish can help one in fully understanding your partner. However, see finish in a marriage has its own bad sides, if not checked can lead to the death of DESIRE in a marriage, especially, sexually. That's when couples start to take each other for granted and no longer as granted. See finish in a marriage is when one spouse is desperately yearning for more sex, connection or physical closeness, and the other for whatever reason seems a bit unconcerned about their partner’s feelings, or just not with it any more.
For instance, if in the beginning of a  marriage, a couple enjoyed going out together and five years into their  union as husband and wife both or one of them starts to hate the idea of hanging out with their  spouse, hummmmmm SEE FINISH has entered the matter.

See finish is when your spouse is no longer attractive sexually, when you start looking at your spouse as a sister or a brother.  SEE FINISH in a marriage is when one spouse is desperately yearning for more sex, connection or physical closeness, and the other for whatever reason seems a bit unconcerned about their partner’s feelings, or just not with it any more. For married people, it's when making love has become a chore instead of a reaffirmation of love and intimacy. The worse stage of See finish in a marriage is when desire finally dies. Do you know that there are couples who haven't made it to their 10th year in marriage and already there is little or no action in their bedroom? If their desire has finally kicked the bucket before year ten, we that have survived 37yrs should ask for a divorce or what? There are couples who have lost all intimacy in their marriage, some of them live under the same roof like total strangers, and some are just cohabiting. It's crazy but it's true.

Meeehn, I know it's not easy waking up to the same face, the same smell, the same breast, the same person year in year out, but everything special takes working at, takes cultivation, takes patience and the will power to want to make it work. "Too much of the same woman can kill ones manhood" obviously that was scripted or corned by a man to justify his wondering penis. Hummmmmm, and I will always ask, can too much of the same penis kill a woman's desire for the same man? After all what's good for the goose should be good for the gander, abi how una see am. But guess what, more women these days are caught up in this see finish Syndrome more than the men care to admit, I swear.

This much I can say with all certainty, that desire dwindles in marriages if you don't work on keeping the flame burning, if you’re not observant in noticing that some things have changed, if finally you can't just be bothered about fixing it. No marriage can escape the SEE FINISH syndrome, either couples are prepared to work on it and work it out when it rears its ugly head or forget about any form of intimacy whatsoever. I can understand couples who have been together for at least 50yrs, that's when we are pardoned for just being brothers and sisters and best friends, maybe no longer sexual lovers. Some of us can't even make it to our 10th year without feeling sexually suffocating. Please I’m not preaching here, because I’m no saint, but I know I am where I am today because I work at it.

Does any of this sound familiar? Is your marriage going through a bad patch because of the SEE FINISH syndrome? Would you want to work at it, or would you rather let it die completely? The choice is really yours. For me I enjoy my "reserved" status especially as CharlyBoy. Maybe because I’m all played out, or maybe because I have seen it all, I have chosen to respect myself especially my body and continue to work with the devil I know than the beauty queen to come. I have passed through the see finish syndrome phase before, it was only my determination to put all my real joy in one basket that made me sort myself out and battle to get my groove back. It wasn't easy at all, but after all I am Charlyboy, and I can do anything I set my mind to, Right?

Couples can fight about anything, but if they can kiss and make love, it soothes the bad feelings; it's like a rebirth, a forgiving ritual. But when your spouse is deprived of even that, bitterness, resentment and desperation accumulates. If your spouse’s libido has been slacking, just know that the most powerful sexual organ is between your ears, you need to approach your partner with greater understanding, compassion and wisdom. It may be difficult but talk to your spouse because you both need to make adjustments if you are to have a healthier marriage. Find out how you both can rekindle the flame. If your spouse can't or doesn't want to see that there is heavy gbege and doesn't want to change, then, you have to decide if a low sex marriage is a deal breaker for you. However, if one of you is having an affair where the culprit is getting better sex outside than inside, then wahala dey. You better start preparing a requiem for your relationship. My people, this matter no easy joor, I don talk my own sha.

For something more interesting…click on this link


  1. Exactly, what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

  2. Charlie boy with his write ups again, always love them anyway

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  3. Charlie boy, u r so so on point

  4. Hmmm dat's a gud one oga charly

    1. Charlie boy, u r 100% on point. U jus open my eyes n my mind to dis See Finish Syndrome. It better for som1 to Realize it on time bfor its too late.


  5. See finish WHEN I can't even finish reading it, Charlie the poet.....

    Lawyer sacked to sunbathing on Office Table :)

  6. I have to say for Charly Boy's razzness, must of his write up's make sense. Dat thing na correct syndrome oh!

  7. Not a regular poster but I had to yarn mehn..Charly's on p mehn!

    Gotta get am groove back wiv ma missus...#leavesworkearly#

  8. This man is definitely a different person from his looks, Lindy this write-up is from Mr Charles Oputa and not Charly boy. So far I am in love with Mr Charles Oputa's ideology. Thanks for this piece, it makes a lot of sense sir.

  9. Thumb up brother. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 


    1. Yea please add me on fb with Ugo Ikezu,I need a relationship that will blossom into marriage.Thanks.

    2. My dear u nid to contact me den...cos we are suitable from what u just said

  11. True! Nothing BUT the truth!! I'm not married YET...but I can relate to this! #AreaFadaDonTalkAm #Bless

  12. Intelligent talk from this man!Him no lie at all.

  13. Interesting...
    For we d spinsters..lesson to learn. Nice piece, Charlie


  14. Intelligent talk from this man!Him no lie at all.

  15. Charly boy, hmmmmm, nice piece. #Seefinishsyndrome#

  16. i dey always feel diz area fada

  17. Nice one boss charley #bright bravo#

  18. I love this. Ʋ sure are a writer charly B

  19. I love this guy and his speeches. 37years?
    #After all what's good for the goose should be good for the gander, abi how una see am. But guess what, more women these days are caught up in this see finish Syndrome more than the men care to admit, I swear.#
    we ought to be wise to make it work 4 real. whether egwusi,okro or oha...all of them are same. you said it all my man

  20. Thumb up! Christ is d bed rock of any successful marriage. Peace!

  21. Yes ooo I agree with charly boy,cuz men think women don't get tired of one dick, abeg oti su mi ju oo its tiring but bcause we love with our hearts we accepted it over n over and do not want to cheat,but they ve pushed us to the wall, and now we go to Diff restaurants and eat egusi,okoro, ofeaku and afang soup can't be eating only egusi like they always say...hahahaha we love different soup tooo

  22. Nice one charly boy

  23. Charlyman I suport u 4 dis 1.EBY

  24. Hmmmmm!!!makes sense. Marriage is hard work o, not for kids or the faint hearted...BE PREPARED

  25. Very interesting talk nice one frm charlyboy............................. @ the fmer post, seun u com out nw is just 14 years, It must complete u re idiot seun instead 2 u 2 concentrate on ur music u re making unnecessary noise I can see enough marijuana what we normally call igboo is working all over u nd is making u 2 think negative thinking attention sicker dat is what u re, as a good musician sing a good song be 4 u start making noise, in my car I always play almost all nigeria artist song but I hv never com across ur music 2 buy or even 2 play y? becos ur music doesn't make sense stop bragging making noise here nd there even linda pls stop showing us dis moron whatever he call him self say pls mtcheeeeeew

  26. This guy is mad, crazy, not a role model, looks devilish and bla bla bla.

    *thinking for more to say*.

    Or which other way do world pipo describe him again?

    I have always been among those who search for the content of a man rather than his outward appearance. This guy's level of thinking is above the everyday person. This is pure class.

    Mehn, I love this guy. FG pls give me 14yrs for this guy's thoughts.

    Marital problems are mainly divided between finance and fire. He has nailed the fire.

    Charly boy, you are a role model of the thought process. I have no time to spew all the words of praise I have for you.


    1. Its so obvious u r brainless.

    2. Anon 11.33 mumu...... u are the brainless one. Did u read the comment at all? Ewu

    3. Asinnnn,did he read it to d end at all...

  27. Very interesting talk nice one frm charlyboy............................. @ the fmer post, seun u com out nw as Gays protester is just 14 years, It must complete u re idiot seun instead 2 u 2 concentrate on ur music u re making unnecessary noise I can see enough marijuana what we normally call igboo is working all over u nd is making u 2 think negative thinking attention sicker dat is what u re, as a good musician sing a good song be 4 u start making noise, in my car I always play almost all nigeria artist song but I hv never com across ur music 2 buy or even 2 play y? becos ur music doesn't make sense stop bragging making noise here nd there even linda pls stop showing us dis moron whatever he call him self say pls mtcheeeeeew

  28. This man is so creative with his article. 'The see finish sydrome' occur a lot of time even in relationships. God help us understand our partner.

  29. Very interesting talk nice one frm charlyboy............................. @ the fmer post, seun u com out nw as Gays protester is just 14 years, It must complete u re idiot seun instead 2 u 2 concentrate on ur music u re making unnecessary noise I can see enough marijuana what we normally call igboo is working all over u nd is making u 2 think negative thinking attention sicker dat is what u re, as a good musician sing a good song be 4 u start making noise, in my car I always play almost all nigeria artist song but I hv never com across ur music 2 buy or even 2 play y? becos ur music doesn't make sense stop bragging making noise here nd there even linda pls stop showing us dis moron whatever he call him self say pls mtcheeeeeew

  30. Very interesting talk nice one frm charlyboy............................. @ the fmer post, seun u com out nw as Gays protester is just 14 years, It must complete u re idiot seun instead 2 u 2 concentrate on ur music u re making unnecessary noise I can see enough marijuana what we normally call igboo is working all over u nd is making u 2 think negative thinking attention sicker dat is what u re, as a good musician sing a good song be 4 u start making noise, in my car I always play almost all nigeria artist song but I hv never com across ur music 2 buy or even 2 play y? becos ur music doesn't make sense stop bragging making noise here nd there even linda pls stop showing us dis moron whatever he call him self say pls mtcheeeeeew

  31. Nice post charly, I no knw say u gt sense lik dis ooo! Lol

  32. Seee Finish!!! Really makes sense,kudos to Ɣ☺u charly boy!

  33. On point Area fada.

  34. Thanks for d constant reminders.Most married ppl knws these measures bt re reluctant to apply it. It might not actually be a relunctant attitude bt d nightmares some mates have been most cases,one of d mates will really wanna work tinz out bt d other is too adamant....its just a matter of forbearance

    1. Your head dey there babes.Some mates don't want to work things out @ all.thereby adding to the problem.

  35. Well Said Sir, i totally agree with you on this, So On Point!!

    I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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  36. So true, u have said it all charlie. May God continue to see us through, because d matter no b small thing.

  37. So right... I ve been with my boyfriend for just 3yrs and we are getting married in two months. But I can't get myself to kiss him anymore and I close my eyes during sex and fill my head with fantasies to be able to orgasm these days(which only happens once in a while). But I love him so much and can't imagine life without him.I don't know what to do to rekindle d great sex we use to have. Charly boy said 10yrs but mine happenned in 3yrs and believe me when I say that our sex life use to be too hot that we have sex like 4 to 2 times a day and we even sex during my period cos I can't spend a day without having him inside me. D worst part is that I still ve sexual urge but I don't want to do it with him. I'd rather do it with another male or even female... So far I ve not stepped out but a life time is a longtime. Pls help me! I love my man and I don't want to loose him!

    1. 1st ur problem is sex b4 marriage. U shudnt av had sex b4 marriage. 2nd, tooo much of sex b4 marriage, u pussy is now 2 wide u can barely feel his dick. Now u crave anoda size or dick 2 widen ur pussy in2 anoda shape. Note dat charly boi was referring 2 married couples in his write up not boifrnd n girlfrnd. 1st ask Jesus 4 4giveness 4 fornication. 2nd U nid 2 abstain from sex, 3rdd, discipline ur self n urge even wen u both get married too much sex wud slack ur pussy n he wud feel d joy of sex wit u den he wud go outside. Romance cud replace sex sumtimes. 4th, stick ur eyes n heart 2 ur man n not 2 anoda man or even worse woman. My words may b harsh, my apologies buh dey r true.

    2. 1st ur problem is sex b4 marriage. U shudnt av had sex b4 marriage. 2nd, tooo much of sex b4 marriage, u pussy is now 2 wide u can barely feel his dick. Now u crave anoda size or dick 2 widen ur pussy in2 anoda shape. Note dat charly boi was referring 2 married couples in his write up not boifrnd n girlfrnd. 1st ask Jesus 4 4giveness 4 fornication. 2nd U nid 2 abstain from sex, 3rdd, discipline ur self n urge even wen u both get married too much sex wud slack ur pussy n he wud feel d joy of sex wit u den he wud go outside. Romance cud replace sex sumtimes. 4th, stick ur eyes n heart 2 ur man n not 2 anoda man or even worse woman. My words may b harsh, my apologies buh dey r true.

    3. 1st ur problem is sex b4 marriage. U shudnt av had sex b4 marriage. 2nd, tooo much of sex b4 marriage, u pussy is now 2 wide u can barely feel his dick. Now u crave anoda size or dick 2 widen ur pussy in2 anoda shape. Note dat charly boi was referring 2 married couples in his write up not boifrnd n girlfrnd. 1st ask Jesus 4 4giveness 4 fornication. 2nd U nid 2 abstain from sex, 3rdd, discipline ur self n urge even wen u both get married too much sex wud slack ur pussy n he wud feel d joy of sex wit u den he wud go outside. Romance cud replace sex sumtimes. 4th, stick ur eyes n heart 2 ur man n not 2 anoda man or even worse woman. My words may b harsh, my apologies buh dey r true.

    4. Miss Keccy, jeez!! what's up with your response? Why are you lot so quick to call Jesus and yet so judgemental?? Leave the lady the hell alone!!!.. it's her perogative if she wants some dick or Pussy!!! Go get your fringing myopic, rigid and fucked up brain sorted out!!!!!

  38. I tink my marriage is going thru the see finish stage! Hmmn I really need to work on it, †нªηк'ڪ Charlie boy.

  39. are on point. I hope my marriage has not and won't get to the see finish phase. This too shall pass.

  40. Okay. Great advice----C21

  41. My wife don see-me-finish so tay..i tag myself "singly-married"...d lve az been transferred to my as a supposed-responsible man,even if the OKRO soup for house no sweet,i dey squeeze face chop am when e dey a time sha, "AFANG soup" wey dey outside is tempting sha...#

  42. You aint never lied Bro!see finish is so not right in marriage,relationship etc,I try to avoid some things like farting(except when I can't control it lol),I try to shut the toilet door when taking a dump etc,dunno if am making sense but I think all this are see finish and it def kills passion and own one kobo!

  43. I am in dat situation o papa charly, i dont feel a thing for ♏v̶̲̥̅ husband, it all started wen i noticed he was cheating heavily, staying up all nite chatting with girls and asking dem for half nude pics, and i asked him he apologised and he still dint stop, when am at work he will drive round ikeja carrying a girl and they will be laughingg in our car and our pass him on ♏v̶̲̥̅ way out as a marketer, O boy these days we probably have sex once a month o, and if e no ask am sure it will be once a year sef cus i dont like him again at all, am only staying married for ♏v̶̲̥̅ kids. All his phones have lock wen he wants to open it near me he will bend it, Mscheeeeeeeeeeew . Like i care. I don over see am finish sef

    1. If u ve got the liver, just find some other guy to sleep with joor.

    2. Babes if u get liver, just start sleeping with another man. Didn't u hear d quote? Stop toturing urself

    3. If u ve got the liver, just find some other guy to sleep with joor.

    4. U know ur husband's weak point, use it against him n get 2 talk 2 him abt his behaviour n attitude. Dress sexy 4 him, wen u av sex, be creative n give him all d possible styles he doesn't even know and most importantly pray 4 him, ur marriage n ur family. Fight(not literally fight) 4 him n don't just sit down n watch young girls share him with u claiming u r just in d marriage 4 d kids. D kids u r in 4, do u care abt wat dey emulate 4rm a cheating dad n an absolutely okay wit d matter mum???

    5. U know ur husband's weak point, use it against him n get 2 talk 2 him abt his behaviour n attitude. Dress sexy 4 him, wen u av sex, be creative n give him all d possible styles he doesn't even know and most importantly pray 4 him, ur marriage n ur family. Fight(not literally fight) 4 him n don't just sit down n watch young girls share him with u claiming u r just in d marriage 4 d kids. D kids u r in 4, do u care abt wat dey emulate 4rm a cheating dad n an absolutely okay wit d matter mum???

    6. My dear so many women is in same dilema, Me too. I completely lost interest and no longer feel the urge to have sex. It is well, God will see us through.

  44. Charly u jst made me sad.

  45. 1st to comment....but wat he is sayn is fact sha.....

  46. Wow. This is a another good piece from the grandfather himself.

  47. Hmmm!!!!! Words of wisdom. Well spoken. I don't have the right words to describe this write up. Its indeed educating.

  48. Dis is dry n vain....didnt expect anytin beter u soc work or consellor u won pratise ni....guy chg ur calling sharply.couldnt read d rubbish finsh slf.

  49. Mine o my! Thank God im still single learning things like these hehehe!

  50. Mine o my! Thank God im still single learning things like these hehehe!

  51. Nice one Charly Boy , well said.

  52. Mine o my! Thank God im still single learning things like these hehehe!

  53. kudos charly good to always enlighten people esp about how to keep their marriage.

  54. Diz 2 pple won't kill me @al....nice tuk sha

  55. Charly boy too get sense jor, a word is enough for the wise

  56. Wow, what a lovely piece. I don see finish!

  57. Haahahahahhahaahah# gbam..true talk'''

  58. This is sooooo true! Only God and understanding can sustain a marriage for long especially in ds last daes........ Fanx Oga Charly

  59. Charly boy is now a writer,what happened to his. Music career.

  60. Well spoken. But he no easy oo cos enen galfriend sef person dey tire not to talk of wifyyyy. May God see men tru

  61. Area father/ grandfather talking abt relationship

  62. Wonderful piece from an experienced man. God bless you for this.

  63. U said it all charly boy I luv u

  64. Charly boy,I just dey always feel him....especially his diff swag...linda allow me to share this with your readers, thnx in advance

    My people you need to download this video...end time I guess!

    Pastor caught with another man’s wife
    in Hotel room

    Linda ikeji dash out 1.5million d oda time, did the check d next website dat wanna give away #163k cash,just click and write ur bank details and email on dis site
    If u win,dnt forget me ooo.

    See How 2 Couple caught “having sex” at the Car Park were Bursted. So Interesting!

    Crazy Guy Grabs a Lady’s Breast During a Carnival Procession


  65. Even though i didn't read through the piece i know it makes sense.

    More than so Weed Smokers Called SEUN KUTI.

  66. Ogbeni charlie sekosi??I hate ur style Kilofoshi?!#Eyes Rolling#wlks away* in wizy's voice

  67. Lovely article from from Charlie Boy, i will come back here to read it again. if you're here tryna read. i love this..

  68. @ Seun kuti attetion sicker igbobian like father like mother, like son! U re a fool! Loooool

  69. Hummm funny, but so true. Nice one Charly boy. May God help us oh

  70. mmmm enough said exactly wat am going tru God help me, I ddnt even knw theres a word for it I thought is bcus my husband alwaz poke nose into evrything I do alwaz with me 24/7 is d cus. for months weneva he touches me I detest him ,I no longer want his presence. i just look at som pple wen they term isues like ds to extra marital , so u all can read now that see finish exist in most marriage all is not adultery so alk u foolish singles dat drops coment witout xperience nd d xoerienced ones dat can only write but cries deeo inside these article isfor all of u .

  71. Charley boy be making plenty sense

  72. Hmmmmm.......wahala dey. o, nufin is. Easy in life. Guess we. Jst av to find ways to keep spicing tyns up so everybody can be happy.

  73. Hhmmn...intresting,I luv readin hs writeups,buh mehn.....its too long,he should try&make hs writeups short

  74. Charly boy has really hit d nail on d head. Am only 2yrs in marriage and experiencing d "see finish syndrome" from my spouse. The syndrome started immediately I gave birth. Even though I have been packaging myself well( always in shorts n sphaghetti tops) in d house, I still have 2 practically go n ask 4 sex. I feel so embarrased going naked in his presence cos d girls has become a victim of gravity. Especially bcos of d ackward glances I get from him wen am braless @ bedtime. To the men in the house, is this normal? N to the married sister's in the house, did anybody also experience this? AUNTY Linda pls post my comment. Its my 1st for the year.

    1. its really sad, two years is too short for you to experience this o my sister. i have been married for going to five years now, and i have two kids my breasts have obeyed d law of gravity altho hubby knew them since d days they were firm and pointing up but he is still in love with them and my body generally, wants to grab a touch here amd there when d kids are not watching. our sex life just got to another level of amazinggg! and i tell u sis, i pray too for him to keep desiring my body d always and i fuck him breathless each time he demands, i hardly turn him down.

    2. I am not ashamed to walk aroubd naked even though my bod isnt what it used to be after child birth but my hubby loves me just the way i am. I used to be shy but when hubby noticed it, he spoke to me and made me regain my confidence.

  75. Right on point!!!

  76. I totally agree with Charly. My marriage is just 3yrs but my husband does not even desire me anymore. We only jist as friends. For the last 6 mnths we havnt kissed or had sex. Im so frustrated because we hav spoken abt it several times but he still wont change.

  77. I am not a fan of Charly boy but i totally agree with him on this, Men if you don't touch your wife another man will touch her .

  78. Charly God bless. U are such a wonderful inspirational writer, no mater what haters say you are my man.

  79. I really love ds, so inspiring esp from charly boy

  80. enough said already by Mr Oputa himself, really appreciate this charlyboy, when I hear all this stories by some young married people, I get scared of getting married, God help me. SANDY Berry.

  81. Its soo true.d problem is dat married couples hv gotten so used to each other dat dey take a lot of things for granted.My marriage is over 10 yrs and I practicaly ve to demand for ..x frm my hubby sometimes.A lot of couples re sure experiencn dis syndrome and earlier we work on it,d better

  82. @ anonymous 8.17pm,u hubby is prolly seeing some finer,cleaner chick outside that their girls re stil very upright & tight.that's men for u,no matter how u package urself they ll stil find their way out to ve another taste.

  83. intelligent write up

  84. Yeah he has a point, that's why you have to add spice in your relationship, when you don't, it get's boring cuz you do same thing over n over again, be creative with just about everything in your marriage, take vacations to places you v nt been to, do things you have not done before, make the marriage lively,it doesn't end at just being at the altar, truth is men get bored when they get to see same thing from time to time, humans generally sef, Variety they say is the spice of living, make him meals he is not had before, give him 'kush' the way he is not had it before, suprise her, make her think you are the only man in the world( yeah it is possible) whatever good thing that you started the relationship with should continue and be improved on, If you used to open the car door for her you were dating, continue doing it when you are married, If you use to wash her pata when you were dating, dnt stop when you are married, Ladies If you watch sports together, Play Fifa 14 when you were dating dnt stop when you are married...If partners see themselves as equals and do away with the thought that I did you a favour by marrying you, Hey I'm this and that If I go out there, I will be rushed like some lollipop, the 'see finish' syndrome will rear it ugly head

  85. Cha Papa, this is making a whole lot of sense, well I have moved from SEE finish to SAW finish, when u start seeing phones locked up with strong passwords, condoms in travel bags, excessive late nights, drinking, smoking, inability to even have a decent conversation without a fight and worst of all, being beaten up in pregnancy, abeg wetin u wan call that one, no be SAW FINISH?

  86. So much making sense Charleyboy!

  87. Nice write up.Just like he said,See finish symdorme must come but u have to just work it out.

  88. Can farting in ur husband's presence lead to see finish? He left d bed to slp on d floor, I thought is for better for worse, cos wen he does it (fart) I jst close my nose and stay dere

  89. Well said Uncle charlie... I am stil single & I get depressed wen I see ♏γ̲̣̣̥ frnds get married..u cn imagine ♏γ̲̣̣̥ 24yrs old frnd jst did her trad. Buh after readin dis ..I tink I hv τ̅o b mentally ready τ̅o go dt journey.#Godhelpme(us)

  90. For me, it started right after we got married. We rarely have sex. Maybe, once every 2 to 3 months. I had second thoughts about marrying him. I wasn't in love anymore. It's been almost three years now and it's really a chore. I wouldn't mind getting it from someone else because we just don't have that connection. We don't even have any kids. How can we have kids if we don't have sex. See finish. Maybe it's time for a divorce.

  91. Charlie Bravo, you made it again boy! Waiting for you to disappoint me, and have waited for so long - since your return to naija from obodo oyibo, when you happen to be the real wierd king then.- looks like you won't ever disappoint 'egbon' . More grease to your elbow. Seven gunshot salute to an all-time soldier ( even though you were removed from Biafra enlistment line back then)

  92. Lmao. SAW FINISH indeed!

  93. Nice one from Charlie ! Is a lesson for Men.


  94. Like ma mum wud say, all those ur lve plateaus she can believe only when u r 5- 10 yrs in marriage; wen u dnt u r seeing wrinkled hands, face and saggn boobs.

  95. Best article I've read in 2014. Charly boy really knows what he's saying and I've come to understand a lot wit this. Married couples pls read well ohh #omawuchi

  96. Hmmm, area father. One thing I can say about you is that you're true to yourself and honestly, it's a rare thing to find these days.
    I'm not so sure about this idea of see finish you're painting because from understanding, your definition of see finish is subject to sexual over-familiarity only. I don't believe that's the case at all. See finish can be attributed to several things and not sex only. Might I also add that a spouse with a mild and agreeable nature all the time CAN suffer from the whiplash of see-finish?
    My advise to all concerned about this important topic, SPONTANEITY and UNPREDICTABILITY. Cheers!

  97. Nawao me I don dey fear pls I don't want my hubby to see me finish cos I can't stand it


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