Maheeda once said she had to turn to prostitution at some point in her life to make ends meet after she became an orphan at age 13 and found herself alone on the streets. So what's your answer to her question?
First you got it all wrong,a mothers love is not same as love caused by lust for the spineless female waist pipe,. The link between a mother and child is more than mere eyes could see. I would be disappointed but will still love her. But will also have to deal with the fact that she was once a prostitute and people will be using that against her.
So you would still be disappointed that she made sure you will never be on the street like she realistic....this is a very huge sacrifice...and you should appreciate it without any disappointment...
Of course I will. In as much as I'm not in support of her means of making money, I will still be grateful. You see, people don't understand others problems. You don't know what she was going through at that point or the problems she had. You don't know if that was her only choice. To her, it might have seemed the right thing to do. Most LIBers here are hypocrites, always casting stones at others. Some have even done worse. It's her life, just let her live it the way she pleases. It's no one's business how one's mum makes money. Just because your mum was fortunate enough to have a good job doesn't mean everyone was.
How many mum will tell her children dat she prostituted just to raise her kids tru skul,only maheeda does that. Abegy go find some where to sit down jor and don't look 4 a way to justify ur going into prostitution
i know of a woman that prostituted n didnt train no body in school total waste. if u did for a reason n stopped then the child will know dat it was not for pleasure but love to see him have better things in life
i know of a woman that prostituted n didnt train no body in school total waste. if u did for a reason n stopped then the child will know dat it was not for pleasure but love to see him have better things in life wo linda post my comment o
Sure I'll still love her. In as much as I don't support prostitution, its not all those who are found in such act do it for fun. Buh maheeda sha! AhhhHh! She should cover up more often like this.
You don't have to throw a dirty pot away bcos its dirty. Just clean it up. You do not get gold until you put it in a furnace. Its time to live a purposeful and clean life.
no i wont, i will celebrate her for making me successful by any means, and i will change her life and ask her to accept Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, so she wont die in sin. Daphne....
I can tell maheeda is crazy but she looks good though. As for my answer to her question, I'll still love my mother because she's my mother and she did all that she did bcos of me.
This is a very difficult question. I can't hate get but I will hate action. Must she offend God to train me. There r other legal and decent work she can still do rather than prostitution. There is no excuse a prostitute can give that can justify get action. I think whoever that goes into it hv initial interest in it
Maheeda or whatever you call yourself, people make fun of your poor daughter whom you disgrace every time because you strip naked , you are shame less and a whore. You had tge opportunity to live a better life but you chose this. If not for anything but for the love of your daughter you could have chosen decency and decorum. Are you aspiring to be a cheap slut? Like Afro candy? People gave you a chance when you said you had repented, didn't they? You are no longer 13 and don't need to prostituite. My answer is no , I wouldn't judge you for what you did in the past to survive but your choices now are stupid abs you are a bad mother. Setting bad examples for your girl.
Absolutely not... I'll b more grateful that my mother wld do such a thing for her child.... Considering th stigma Tht is attached to prostitutes... From what I hv researched .. Most prostitutes do t do it because they lyk sex.... But because they hv to for one reason or th other
Maheeda or whatever you call yourself, people make fun of your poor daughter whom you disgrace every time because you strip naked , you are shame less and a whore. You had tge opportunity to live a better life but you chose this. If not for anything but for the love of your daughter you could have chosen decency and decorum. Are you aspiring to be a cheap slut? Like Afro candy? People gave you a chance when you said you had repented, didn't they? You are no longer 13 and don't need to prostituite. My answer is no , I wouldn't judge you for what you did in the past to survive but your choices now are stupid abs you are a bad mother. Setting bad examples for your girl.
I will over love her. Linda do u know what dat means? That ur mom prostitutes to send u to school? I will definitely love her and give her all she wants because she made me who i am.
I will always appreciate her for everything and would never judge her based on the decisions she took so i can be who i have become. But she must have left everything that reminds her of that painful decision away. if she is still doing it the corporate way like Maheeda is, then she s gotta stop. Ama make sure of dat
That is a dumb question woman. You wouldn't give a rat's ass what people thought because you are great right, I wouldn't. As for the mother, GREATEST MOTHER IN THE WORLD.
no i wont love her again... Back in d dayz women work hard dey sell tinz lyk ORANGES,PURE-WATER,SUGAR CANE E.T.C just to make sure dey children r ok...Nd up till nw dey r still leaving comfortable evn though dey r nt financially ok. so u dont have reason to go into prostitution....
There's no excuse to go into prostitution abeg.... sebi there r pple who barely eat 2 meals daily n they still hustle to survive doing menial jobs n all
Maheeda darling, the difference between you and NORMAL people is that we know where to draw the line and when to stop when going too far. Dont try to justify your ongoing shameless acts abegi.
Yes i will love her unconditionally;the love n care of a mother is immesurable but if maheeda was to be my mum;i will let her see reason why she has to let go of prostitution if shes still into it till i can difft right frm left.
well, i wouldnt hate her....would love her still. but common maheeda, am an orphan and i didnt turn to prostitution for help nor did dating sugar daddies sound appealing, no families to run to also. I turned to God....i work and school and God has been faithful. if u'd turned to God he would have taken care of the situation better.....not judging you doe, we are stronger than each other.
Maheeda just admit! U r a bitch! Stop giving unnecessary excuse coz u r a mother. A mother is suppose to live by example. If am in her shoes I will b ashamed to call u my mother
Maheeda obviously u ve failed to understand pple criticisim of ur character. Everyone has a past some r even worse than your but dats y its called "the past". You have the present and the future which is wat matters most. You can't be posting nude pics on the internet n still be refering to ur prostitution as past. Its still ur present. What morals do u intend to teach ur beautiful daughter n young gals out dere. A lot of women ve passed thru wat u did but dey came out resolved not to allow dat stigma determine who dey r. The point is ur beautiful n creative.... Use it for good.
You'll love her doesn't mean you're proud of her. Your love can even get her saved and change trade such that the prostitution will be kept in her forgotten past where it belongs.
Mashed a is a very stupid girl and she is a disgrace to mothers. Even if she was a prostitute, must she broadcast it to the whole world every single day? She is now married and somewhat infamous, does her past define her so much so that she keeps ringing it in our ears every chance she gets? Her daughter is a beautiful teenager, her friends probably never knew how her mother pays for her tuition, now she has exposed the poor girl to unnecessary ridicule and humiliation. She should just shut up and face her music, invest her time in helping disenfranchised women, and stop making a mockery of her family. Enough of the I was a prostitute nonsense, except the thing still dey her body.
Why not..... Sometimes people make very sad sacrifices for their loved ones. And mothers especially will go extreme. But cases like dat of maheeda is bizzare, fine! U had to protitute coz of life circumstance then. How abt nw? She's doing it for fun. If u wr to be my mum I'll hate U for mocking ur priviledge of being a woman.
Maheeda, please don't try to justify Nonsense biko!!! Ok, so you did what you felt you had to do, and that's that! Don't try to 'romanticize' it for us! They're a couple or more OTHER ways to earn a living. Nuff said! By the way, methinks you look super with the clothes on, and I mean that as a compliment.
Since she had already made money from d so called "prostitution"i tink it's time she invest d money on something lucrative...prostitution till old age no dey pay..Aids is real
Well. . . Can't judge her cos no one is a saint! Just like dat 2face song “nobody Holy pass" we all learn everyday and we face different challenges everyday! Ain't saying prostitution is gud but can't judge dem too!
Well. . . Can't judge her cos no one is a saint! Just like dat 2face song “nobody Holy pass" we all learn everyday and we face different challenges everyday! Ain't saying prostitution is gud but can't judge dem too!
Dear lord! This woman looks so gud. Didn't know she wud be this cool when dressed, abeg maheeda keep this up, this is much better that showin ur bits everyday.
Dear lord! This woman looks so gud. Didn't know she wud be this cool when dressed, abeg maheeda keep this up, this is much better that showin ur bits everyday.
No right thinking child would be happy that his or her mother is or was a prostitute. God always never gives us more than we can overcome. A lot of women have brought up their children not one child without having to prostitute. i know a woman whose husband died and she brought up 7 daughters all by herself. These girls are now all married and doing well not just by depending on their husbands but were self established before they married. if you check out all these so called prostitutes you find out they are doing it to keep up with their high tastes and not necessarily for the child.How did she become pregnant? why was she thrown out of the street. Nobody will assist a prostitute as they will be scared the prostitute will bring such behaviour into their house and possibly snatch their husband. there are women teachers , taxi drivers, foodsellers, cloth sellers, cabin crew ; a lot of women are in professions because they are finding a genuine and proper way of making money. You dont have money or a steady income but you want to dress like people who are earning a large salary, you want to wear expensive weaveon, your parents send you to school you dont read but instead you are interested in boys.Then you say you are suffering. how many girls have been used for rituals all in the bid of living a high lifestyle instead of working hard for money.There is no excuse for prostitution. None at all.cut your coat according to your size and work hard.
Ofcos I would still love my mum. Its only one mum in life u know, so ppl can make fun all they want, its nt their mum afterall so I dnt see any reason y their opinion should matter...
She feels she is beautiful and can do what she likes. God gave you that body and there are a lot of people more beautiful and you and a lot uglier. Your body belongs to God and one day you will grow old and wont be attractive again and one day you will die and have to account to God what you used your body for.Please go and repent and dont give reasons for prostituting or go for deliverance as i think thats what you need. You may be under a spell or curse and not know what you are doing. Your body is the temple of God and not a haven for men. If i am your daughter i will disown you but its never too late to stop. How will you feel if your daughter prostitutes or your mother prostitutes?
I'm nt tryna judge her but is she saying that she has stopped the prostitution then? If she has stopped well kudos to her nna dis chic get backa too bad *winkz me like her*
Like someone once said "as long as u r a girl, unmarried and u hv a boyfriend with whom u r intimate with [of course] and he's spending money on u, then u r also an 'ashewo'"..... I'm nt supporting Maheeda bt then it is what it is.
ℓ̊ can't judge U̶̲̥̅̊ buh since U̶̲̥̅̊ 've made Ūя̲̅ money n fame,quite d dirty job n be a better person for ursef,Ūя̲̅ lovely kid n society as a whole
I will still love her bcus i v learned not speak ill of people. Its only those who vnt passed thru hard tym dat will open their mouth and say wateva they like. Always, try to put ursef in oda pples shoes.
My aunt has burns on her face body and hands from saving her daughter, my cousin from a fire when she was little. Her Mom went to her school for the PTA meeting and her classmates were talking shit about how her mom was ugly. She beat them senseless, seriously they wanted to expel her. She did not care, did not apologize and said if they did the same thing again they will get a beat down. That's how much she loves her mother. I personally think its the same case here.
Is it just me or does she look super nice all covered up? It pays to leave the rest to the imagination hun, cause most times what's underneath no follow @ all. #jsyn.
No-one has the right to judge anyone else just bcus they sin differently, we all have at some point done something we aint very proud of and that's life. She's been brave enough to admit hers, I think instead of condemnation, she deserves commendations.
abeg Jesus christ didnt come for saints oooo, otherwise the purpose of dying on the cross would have been defeated, unnecessary and useless......but he came for sinners...yes and we are all redeem us all...there is no big sin, there is no small sin....if u slept with a man before marriage, u're not better than maheeda in God's b4 u comment....pause and think.....hahaha...runz away.....and hey maheeda, i sure would adore my mum......i like u.u gat guts, ignore the noise, maintain the gaze...
The thing is this, she should have kept that part of hustling to herself.... Telling the world that you were once a prostitute, don't know if she was looking for sympathy or just another ad to become more famous, is just plain dumb especially considering the fact that she has a grown up daughter who will not only have to the with the truma of being called daughter of a whore but may just be treated as such.... Somethings are better kept private Maheeda
Maheeda ure not d only orphan on earth,nobody holy pass but seriously selling ur body can't be the only option,wat if u caught AIDS will we be having this discussion... now that u feel ure great why u still trending in the same line,being naked in ur video is to promote wat, rubbish!
Wateva u must av done in ur struglling days shud av been kept private n hidden: btw u, ur God n d few who knew. Now uv exposed to d world wat happened n cheapened ur child in d process. Stupid woman. Hope ur happy now, yes we now are sure of how U paid d poor girls scool fees
Only those who experienced the hard live @ some point won't judge.For me,I lost my Dad when I was only 7..My mum saw me through Nursery,Primary,Secondary and Tertiary. She told me this "No mother will fold her arms and watch her kids turn to nothing". Every mother wants the best for their Children so Dear,if a woman turns to a prostitute just to make her kids great,I see no reason why people will cajol those same kids she laboured for into turning against their mother.
Personally I've learnt to avoid judging people cos I condemn my actions sometime. We all are equal being with different stories. Some of us would do worse if we were in her shoes.
That question's stupid? Must prostitution be the only way to survive in adversity? Humans alws looking for easy ways to make it and then write 'super-stories' of it!! Abeg park!! Unrepentant Ass!! Why is she justifying it...she hasn't even stopped it ... Nude pictures all over the internet! Biyatch!!
Everyone have a story/past. U need to be in her shoes before u judge her A lot of these so called big girls or beauty queens or students that does runs are prostitues too. She came out with her story that was why we knows what she did in the past and in as much as I'm not saying is good to be prostitues I give her credit for telling her story and bring FREE. She tells her own story in her own terms that no one can tell better. I can only imagined was it was for her as an Orphan at age 13 most especially in a country like 9ja that doesn't cater for his citizens. If it had been in abroad, they would have put her in foster home and provided her with education and basic needs but unfortunately in 9ja, u are on your own. her for freeing herself from her unpleasant past. That was her past and she need to put her energy on her present and future which is brighter than her past. Irrespective of where u come from or how priviledge you are, we all have a past that we weren't proud of and locked in a closet.
i would still love ma momma even if she was a prostitute and dint spend a dime on me to help in my education but good enuf she her still all d way now dat doesnt mean been a prostitute is excusable,i cld never understand it cos majority of us wld have been one if we looked for an easy way out...i always ask prostitues dis question"if u say u dint have a choice,wat wld have happened if God dint create u a woman?or if u dint have a p---sy?"
I would love her even more
ReplyDeleteTrue. I'll love her more but that won't stop me from being ashamed of her.
DeleteI'll love her more for the sacrifice. But I'll remind her that she did the prostitution for herself and not me. Abeg o.
DeleteI would love her even more
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmmm!! Food for thought!!
ReplyDeleteSee Jamb Question Nwanne!!
ReplyDeleteThe question sounds so daring!
So you are proud to be an open prostitute!! hmmmnn
See Jamb Question Nwanne!!
ReplyDeleteThe question sounds so daring!
So you are proud to be an open prostitute!! hmmmnn
U̶̲̥̅̊ r so dumb$ so local. Get a life
DeleteAsk d dogs hun?
ReplyDeleteMy love for my mum knows no wrong,it's beyond all understanding.
ReplyDeleteMy mum ain't so i can't answer her question
ReplyDeleteYeah, I will. No one like mama
ReplyDeleteFirst you got it all wrong,a mothers love is not same as love caused by lust for the spineless female waist pipe,.
ReplyDeleteThe link between a mother and child is more than mere eyes could see. I would be disappointed but will still love her.
But will also have to deal with the fact that she was once a prostitute and people will be using that against her.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
So you would still be disappointed that she made sure you will never be on the street like she realistic....this is a very huge sacrifice...and you should appreciate it without any disappointment...
DeleteShe is pretty
ReplyDeleteGood for her
ReplyDeleteOf course I will. In as much as I'm not in support of her means of making money, I will still be grateful. You see, people don't understand others problems. You don't know what she was going through at that point or the problems she had. You don't know if that was her only choice. To her, it might have seemed the right thing to do. Most LIBers here are hypocrites, always casting stones at others. Some have even done worse. It's her life, just let her live it the way she pleases. It's no one's business how one's mum makes money. Just because your mum was fortunate enough to have a good job doesn't mean everyone was.
ReplyDeleteLove you for this comment! Nigerians are so hypocritcal.
DeleteIn other words YOU r so hypocritical
DeletePls,who is this chick really?
ReplyDeleteAnd if ur justifying prostitution,why are u asking for people's opinion?
Yes i will love her even till death but maheeda u have made enof money from prostution its high time u stop n ask God for mercy
ReplyDeleteAs far as am concerned that's a rhetorical question that has no answer!
ReplyDeleteShe is pretty
ReplyDeletedoes maheeda need to become a prostitute in life before she can survive?
ReplyDeletePls what would you suggest her do...ur are a born hypocrite...suggest pls cos I will like to hear that stupid tot of urs
DeleteU wont hav any choice dan to love her. Wow shez beautiful covered wit cloths.
ReplyDeleteHow many mum will tell her children dat she prostituted just to raise her kids tru skul,only maheeda does that. Abegy go find some where to sit down jor and don't look 4 a way to justify ur going into prostitution
ReplyDeleteyes now. she did everything she thought was the best at that time, helping her child be educated
ReplyDeleteWateva, mY mom is mom no mata wat, I'll def flaunt her as long as she has stopped it. mm
ReplyDeleteShe looks so lovely. I wish she was not naughty.
ReplyDeleteOh yes I will still. Love her
ReplyDeleteOf course I'll still love her
ReplyDeleteYes....I'll still luv her
ReplyDeleteNo answer to her question...stupid attention seeker....gerrout jhur....idiot
ReplyDeletePastor caught with another man’s wife in Hotel room
Teenager Caught Having Sex In The Bush With A Married Man
Lady Uses Fuel Pump To Satisfy Herself From orgasm
Woman goes to a Public Funeral without Under Wear, see what happened Next…
That ain't an excuse! Prostitution is NO NO.
ReplyDeletei know of a woman that prostituted n didnt train no body in school total waste. if u did for a reason n stopped then the child will know dat it was not for pleasure but love to see him have better things in life
ReplyDeletei know of a woman that prostituted n didnt train no body in school total waste. if u did for a reason n stopped then the child will know dat it was not for pleasure but love to see him have better things in life
ReplyDeletewo linda post my comment o
I would love her to death.
ReplyDeleteSure I'll still love her. In as much as I don't support prostitution, its not all those who are found in such act do it for fun. Buh maheeda sha! AhhhHh! She should cover up more often like this.
ReplyDeleteFood for thought.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pix from Maheeda.
You don't have to throw a dirty pot away bcos its dirty. Just clean it up. You do not get gold until you put it in a furnace. Its time to live a purposeful and clean life.
ReplyDeleteYou can take the girl outta the street but you can't take the streets outta the girl.
Who's dis mgbeke talking 2 n u call urself female?Stupid bitch
DeleteYeh n your posing on the street ( background of ur pic ) !! just Tght to let u knw since ur just porsh !!
Deletewooo...your mama na ur mama. End of story.
ReplyDeleteNonsense question from a nonsense woman
ReplyDeleteno i wont, i will celebrate her for making me successful by any means, and i will change her life and ask her to accept Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, so she wont die in sin. Daphne....
ReplyDeleteI can tell maheeda is crazy but she looks good though. As for my answer to her question, I'll still love my mother because she's my mother and she did all that she did bcos of me.
ReplyDeleteWhy not! she gave u a fighting chance in life so why judge the source of the money
ReplyDeleteWhy not! she gave u a fighting chance in life so why judge the source of the money
ReplyDeleteJUSt change your unclad ways
ReplyDeleteI will love her scarra.
ReplyDeleteI will love her if she dis continues and get a more dignified job.
ReplyDeleteshes just seeking attention, prostitution shouldn't be an alternative.
ReplyDeleteLol I would love her cause I no she doesn't like it but has to do it but your cases is different you love what you do so forget that thing joor.
ReplyDeleteyes, i would. Not supporting prostitution but Mother go through a lot of hell for their kids
ReplyDeleteThis is a very difficult question. I can't hate get but I will hate action. Must she offend God to train me. There r other legal and decent work she can still do rather than prostitution. There is no excuse a prostitute can give that can justify get action. I think whoever that goes into it hv initial interest in it
ReplyDeleteWhat inspired you to leave that kind of life.
ReplyDeleteI will still love my mother for sacrificing her body for me. However there are other ways.
ReplyDeleteMom will always be mom. No matter how she got the money to send u to schl. A mothers love can never be traded!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely YES. She has to be forgiving. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
ReplyDeleteLight has no communion with darkness,
ReplyDeleteIf I notice that the money is not from Good way honestly I will reject it let-alone been sponsored with it
Heaven is real
Maheeda or whatever you call yourself, people make fun of your poor daughter whom you disgrace every time because you strip naked , you are shame less and a whore. You had tge opportunity to live a better life but you chose this. If not for anything but for the love of your daughter you could have chosen decency and decorum. Are you aspiring to be a cheap slut? Like Afro candy? People gave you a chance when you said you had repented, didn't they? You are no longer 13 and don't need to prostituite. My answer is no , I wouldn't judge you for what you did in the past to survive but your choices now are stupid abs you are a bad mother. Setting bad examples for your girl.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely not... I'll b more grateful that my mother wld do such a thing for her child.... Considering th stigma Tht is attached to prostitutes... From what I hv researched .. Most prostitutes do t do it because they lyk sex.... But because they hv to for one reason or th other
ReplyDeleteU don patronize dem tire shey?
DeleteMaheeda or whatever you call yourself, people make fun of your poor daughter whom you disgrace every time because you strip naked , you are shame less and a whore. You had tge opportunity to live a better life but you chose this. If not for anything but for the love of your daughter you could have chosen decency and decorum. Are you aspiring to be a cheap slut? Like Afro candy? People gave you a chance when you said you had repented, didn't they? You are no longer 13 and don't need to prostituite. My answer is no , I wouldn't judge you for what you did in the past to survive but your choices now are stupid abs you are a bad mother. Setting bad examples for your girl.
ReplyDeleteOf a truth She's pretty. But girls prostitution is never the best way to survive. God is always the key or the way out....
ReplyDeleteMy Mother is not and will never be a prostitute... So I don't think I will be able to give an answer to that question.
ReplyDelete@lydieeberry,ur val gift's waiting 4 u in ma room...don't let boko haram destroy it o cos it's a western gift.
DeleteShe shuldnt tell ƌ̲ world she prostitute..who cares??
ReplyDeleteI will over love her. Linda do u know what dat means? That ur mom prostitutes to send u to school? I will definitely love her and give her all she wants because she made me who i am.
ReplyDeleteI will always appreciate her for everything and would never judge her based on the decisions she took so i can be who i have become. But she must have left everything that reminds her of that painful decision away. if she is still doing it the corporate way like Maheeda is, then she s gotta stop. Ama make sure of dat
ReplyDeleteShe's gorgeous... Nothing will stop me from loving my mother. NOTHING!
ReplyDeleteThat is a dumb question woman. You wouldn't give a rat's ass what people thought because you are great right, I wouldn't. As for the mother, GREATEST MOTHER IN THE WORLD.
ReplyDeleteno i wont love her again...
ReplyDeleteBack in d dayz women work hard dey sell tinz lyk ORANGES,PURE-WATER,SUGAR CANE E.T.C just to make sure dey children r ok...Nd up till nw dey r still leaving comfortable evn though dey r nt financially ok.
so u dont have reason to go into prostitution....
Few say so*via B.A.G*
I will luv my mother no matter wat...and for her to go into prostitution to see me tru schl, i will forever worship her...
ReplyDeleteI'll love her even more!
Let this bitch go fuck herself #bright bravo#
ReplyDelete'Survival Instinct'
ReplyDeleteFirst of all this Is My first time of commenting on linda blog,to the question this is my first time of seeing her well. Dressed, it is commended
ReplyDeleteThere's no excuse to go into prostitution abeg.... sebi there r pple who barely eat 2 meals daily n they still hustle to survive doing menial jobs n all
ReplyDeleteMaheeda darling, the difference between you and NORMAL people is that we know where to draw the line and when to stop when going too far. Dont try to justify your ongoing shameless acts abegi.
ReplyDeleteYes i will love her.
ReplyDeleteHmm! Deep. I ain't. Gonna lie, had to think for a minute....still thinking
ReplyDeleteyou said well
ReplyDeleteYes i will love her unconditionally;the love n care of a mother is immesurable but if maheeda was to be my mum;i will let her see reason why she has to let go of prostitution if shes still into it till i can difft right frm left.
ReplyDeleteThe girl set sha, wetin concern me?
well, i wouldnt hate her....would love her still. but common maheeda, am an orphan and i didnt turn to prostitution for help nor did dating sugar daddies sound appealing, no families to run to also. I turned to God....i work and school and God has been faithful. if u'd turned to God he would have taken care of the situation better.....not judging you doe, we are stronger than each other.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'll still love her, but not when she no longer has to be a prostitute and she still continues it
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmmmmmmm life!!!!!!! But we got to do what we got to do. Everybody with one secret or the other. GIRL YOU ARE PRETTY.
ReplyDeleteSo maheeda can actually wear something decent? As for the Q,it depends
ReplyDeleteMaheeda just admit! U r a bitch! Stop giving unnecessary excuse coz u r a mother. A mother is suppose to live by example. If am in her shoes I will b ashamed to call u my mother
ReplyDeleteMaheeda obviously u ve failed to understand pple criticisim of ur character. Everyone has a past some r even worse than your but dats y its called "the past". You have the present and the future which is wat matters most. You can't be posting nude pics on the internet n still be refering to ur prostitution as past. Its still ur present. What morals do u intend to teach ur beautiful daughter n young gals out dere. A lot of women ve passed thru wat u did but dey came out resolved not to allow dat stigma determine who dey r. The point is ur beautiful n creative.... Use it for good.
ReplyDeleteYou'll love her doesn't mean you're proud of her. Your love can even get her saved and change trade such that the prostitution will be kept in her forgotten past where it belongs.
ReplyDeletesorry dear
ReplyDeleteMashed a is a very stupid girl and she is a disgrace to mothers. Even if she was a prostitute, must she broadcast it to the whole world every single day? She is now married and somewhat infamous, does her past define her so much so that she keeps ringing it in our ears every chance she gets? Her daughter is a beautiful teenager, her friends probably never knew how her mother pays for her tuition, now she has exposed the poor girl to unnecessary ridicule and humiliation. She should just shut up and face her music, invest her time in helping disenfranchised women, and stop making a mockery of her family. Enough of the I was a prostitute nonsense, except the thing still dey her body.
ReplyDeletePls,go hang a transformer.
ReplyDeleteWhy not..... Sometimes people make very sad sacrifices for their loved ones. And mothers especially will go extreme. But cases like dat of maheeda is bizzare, fine! U had to protitute coz of life circumstance then. How abt nw? She's doing it for fun. If u wr to be my mum I'll hate U for mocking ur priviledge of being a woman.
ReplyDeleteI person no know her before he no go know say you don do prostitute before o.
ReplyDeletesee as she fine pa
*guyz shineyoureyeso*
Maheeda, please don't try to justify Nonsense biko!!! Ok, so you did what you felt you had to do, and that's that! Don't try to 'romanticize' it for us! They're a couple or more OTHER ways to earn a living. Nuff said! By the way, methinks you look super with the clothes on, and I mean that as a compliment.
ReplyDeleteEyaa seems Maheeda's past has caught up with her.
ReplyDeleteI believe there were oda tins §hε̲̅ wud av done dan prostitution.
ReplyDeleteSince she had already made money from d so called "prostitution"i tink it's time she invest d money on something lucrative...prostitution till old age no dey pay..Aids is real
ReplyDeleteis a rubbish talk
ReplyDeleteTisnt about what she "was", tis about what she "is". Ur moda shdnt still be a prostitute after success.
ReplyDeleteMaheeda isnt necessarily judged cos of her past, peeps av issues wiv her present, nd d price of nudity dt shes "payn" for fame.....#shameful.
Ow can women be respected if de keep on using sexuality as a tool!?!
Well. . . Can't judge her cos no one is a saint! Just like dat 2face song “nobody Holy pass" we all learn everyday and we face different challenges everyday! Ain't saying prostitution is gud but can't judge dem too!
ReplyDeleteWell. . . Can't judge her cos no one is a saint! Just like dat 2face song “nobody Holy pass" we all learn everyday and we face different challenges everyday! Ain't saying prostitution is gud but can't judge dem too!
ReplyDeleteMaheeda is a smart ass.My answer is no,I won't crucify my mum.But that doesn't make it alright either
DeleteNa great qst dis babe ask oooh.
DeleteYour comment is as good as mine
DeleteI judged her for that bcos.. There re other means to make it, there re diff ways to catch a fish... Prostitution shouldn't be an option
DeleteDear lord! This woman looks so gud. Didn't know she wud be this cool when dressed, abeg maheeda keep this up, this is much better that showin ur bits everyday.
DeleteDear lord! This woman looks so gud. Didn't know she wud be this cool when dressed, abeg maheeda keep this up, this is much better that showin ur bits everyday.
DeleteNo right thinking child would be happy that his or her mother is or was a prostitute. God always never gives us more than we can overcome. A lot of women have brought up their children not one child without having to prostitute.
ReplyDeletei know a woman whose husband died and she brought up 7 daughters all by herself. These girls are now all married and doing well not just by depending on their husbands but were self established before they married.
if you check out all these so called prostitutes you find out they are doing it to keep up with their high tastes and not necessarily for the child.How did she become pregnant? why was she thrown out of the street. Nobody will assist a prostitute as they will be scared the prostitute will bring such behaviour into their house and possibly snatch their husband.
there are women teachers , taxi drivers, foodsellers, cloth sellers, cabin crew ; a lot of women are in professions because they are finding a genuine and proper way of making money. You dont have money or a steady income but you want to dress like people who are earning a large salary, you want to wear expensive weaveon, your parents send you to school you dont read but instead you are interested in boys.Then you say you are suffering. how many girls have been used for rituals all in the bid of living a high lifestyle instead of working hard for money.There is no excuse for prostitution. None at all.cut your coat according to your size and work hard.
With all my heart, i will, even though i will ensure she doesnt keep doing that. The future, not the past, girl.
ReplyDeleteOfcos I would still love my mum. Its only one mum in life u know, so ppl can make fun all they want, its nt their mum afterall so I dnt see any reason y their opinion should matter...
ReplyDeleteShe feels she is beautiful and can do what she likes. God gave you that body and there are a lot of people more beautiful and you and a lot uglier. Your body belongs to God and one day you will grow old and wont be attractive again and one day you will die and have to account to God what you used your body for.Please go and repent and dont give reasons for prostituting or go for deliverance as i think thats what you need. You may be under a spell or curse and not know what you are doing. Your body is the temple of God and not a haven for men. If i am your daughter i will disown you but its never too late to stop. How will you feel if your daughter prostitutes or your mother prostitutes?
ReplyDeleteHnmm....kindda tough bt,I dnt I will judge her 4 dat cos of d motive
ReplyDeleteThis babe is fine sha...
ReplyDeleteTough question
ReplyDeleteWhen life becomes a bitch; be the pimp... every lady dt opens her leg for any maan weda bf,husband or wt ever reason is a bitchh #FACT#
ReplyDeleteI'm nt tryna judge her but is she saying that she has stopped the prostitution then? If she has stopped well kudos to her nna dis chic get backa too bad *winkz me like her*
ReplyDeleteshe's talking to her old rival Afro candy indirectly let her just heat the nail and stop speaking figuratively
ReplyDeleteLike someone once said "as long as u r a girl, unmarried and u hv a boyfriend with whom u r intimate with [of course] and he's spending money on u, then u r also an 'ashewo'"..... I'm nt supporting Maheeda bt then it is what it is.
ReplyDeleteI'm still asking google too; but mama's ♡ gat п̥̥̲̣̣̣o duplicate!
ReplyDeleteℓ̊ can't judge U̶̲̥̅̊ buh since U̶̲̥̅̊ 've made Ūя̲̅ money n fame,quite d dirty job n be a better person for ursef,Ūя̲̅ lovely kid n society as a whole
ReplyDeleteDoes that justify her action? She not the only one that is face with such predicament. If u hears others problem u will cry for them.
ReplyDeleteEvery gurl is bitch!
ReplyDeleteDoes that justify her action? She not the only one that is face with such predicament. If u hears others problem u will cry for them.
ReplyDeleteDoes that justify her action? She not the only one that is face with such predicament. If u hears others problem u will cry for them.
ReplyDeleteI will still love her bcus i v learned not speak ill of people. Its only those who vnt passed thru hard tym dat will open their mouth and say wateva they like. Always, try to put ursef in oda pples shoes.
ReplyDeleteI will ♡ her!! My mother is my mother!!!! I wunt judge her!!!! but Maheeda just do wat will make ur daughter hapi pls,cos she is d only family u av!!
ReplyDeleteMy aunt has burns on her face body and hands from saving her daughter, my cousin from a fire when she was little. Her Mom went to her school for the PTA meeting and her classmates were talking shit about how her mom was ugly. She beat them senseless, seriously they wanted to expel her. She did not care, did not apologize and said if they did the same thing again they will get a beat down. That's how much she loves her mother. I personally think its the same case here.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I might struggle with it and it would also hurt me I will definately accept her
ReplyDeleteMama na mama whether you like it or not. But don't encourage prostitution u lowlife.
ReplyDeleteYea.... you are a good woman, and a good mother. But you can change now.
ReplyDeleteeniola you are just so right.. u said it all.. need i say more.
ReplyDeleteYea.... you are a good woman, and a good mother. But you can change now.
ReplyDeleteYea.... you are a good woman, and a good mother. But you can change now.
ReplyDeletedrnt chnllngs everyday........
ReplyDeleteWish I can say much here but some challenges ehn...,,
ReplyDeleteProstitution????? Wao!!! Really??? I hate that!!! I will rather sweep the streets.
ReplyDeleteWho are my to judge her??
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does she look super nice all covered up? It pays to leave the rest to the imagination hun, cause most times what's underneath no follow @ all. #jsyn.
ReplyDeleteAs u wear cloth so u kno fine? Abt d prostitution part I will b proud of my mum
ReplyDeleteI did it too,am nt saying is gud but there are some situation dat u will find ur self u hv no oda option dan to use wot u hv and get wot u wat
ReplyDeleteLuvly comment eniola...nice one
ReplyDeleteComing from Maheeda?..abeg park well joor!
ReplyDeleteNo-one has the right to judge anyone else just bcus they sin differently, we all have at some point done something we aint very proud of and that's life. She's been brave enough to admit hers, I think instead of condemnation, she deserves commendations.
ReplyDeleteI second to that @bee
ReplyDeleteWell, dat was then. U can't judge her by her past. Everyone has hez/her own shortcomings.
ReplyDeleteLinda post ♍Ɣ comment Oº°˚. No lemme vex
ReplyDeleteYou are selective in publishing viewers comments. That's not democratic
ReplyDeleteShey as she wear cloth now she die.Ewu.
ReplyDeleteI second to that @bee
ReplyDeleteI second to that @bee
ReplyDeleteLife is tough on everybody that aren't born with a silverspoon No Beef for her tho
ReplyDeleteU definitely won't brag about it
ReplyDeleteU definitely won't brag about it
ReplyDeleteabeg Jesus christ didnt come for saints oooo, otherwise the purpose of dying on the cross would have been defeated, unnecessary and useless......but he came for sinners...yes and we are all redeem us all...there is no big sin, there is no small sin....if u slept with a man before marriage, u're not better than maheeda in God's b4 u comment....pause and think.....hahaha...runz away.....and hey maheeda, i sure would adore my mum......i like u.u gat guts, ignore the noise, maintain the gaze...
ReplyDeleteMake una answer am
ReplyDeleteMust she post her unclad pictures online just to prove a point?
ReplyDeleteShe's just talking too much now!
ReplyDeleteThis lady is beautiful sha..
ReplyDeleteEverybody faces challenges
ReplyDeleteThe thing is this, she should have kept that part of hustling to herself.... Telling the world that you were once a prostitute, don't know if she was looking for sympathy or just another ad to become more famous, is just plain dumb especially considering the fact that she has a grown up daughter who will not only have to the with the truma of being called daughter of a whore but may just be treated as such.... Somethings are better kept private Maheeda
ReplyDeleteYou are a good mother... But you can stop now and turn a new leaf. You have it all now
ReplyDeleteThat does not mean you should be glorifying it by your actions. Let it be past.
ReplyDeletei will ove mymother till death biko
ReplyDeletei will love my mother till death
ReplyDeleteMaheeda ure not d only orphan on earth,nobody holy pass but seriously selling ur body can't be the only option,wat if u caught AIDS will we be having this discussion... now that u feel ure great why u still trending in the same line,being naked in ur video is to promote wat, rubbish!
ReplyDeleteYES? I WILL
ReplyDeleteYES. I WILL
ReplyDeleteWateva u must av done in ur struglling days shud av been kept private n hidden: btw u, ur God n d few who knew. Now uv exposed to d world wat happened n cheapened ur child in d process. Stupid woman. Hope ur happy now, yes we now are sure of how U paid d poor girls scool fees
ReplyDeleteThen she should let go her former lifestyle. Levels never change
ReplyDeleteYES i will still love her, cos she did for me what her parents couldn't do for her.
ReplyDeleteCan't judge,her life her choice
ReplyDeleteCan't judge,her life her choice
ReplyDeleteOnly those who experienced the hard live @ some point won't judge.For me,I lost my Dad when I was only 7..My mum saw me through Nursery,Primary,Secondary and Tertiary. She told me this "No mother will fold her arms and watch her kids turn to nothing". Every mother wants the best for their Children so Dear,if a woman turns to a prostitute just to make her kids great,I see no reason why people will cajol those same kids she laboured for into turning against their mother.
ReplyDeletePersonally I've learnt to avoid judging people cos I condemn my actions sometime. We all are equal being with different stories. Some of us would do worse if we were in her shoes.
ReplyDeleteThat question's stupid? Must prostitution be the only way to survive in adversity? Humans alws looking for easy ways to make it and then write 'super-stories' of it!! Abeg park!! Unrepentant Ass!! Why is she justifying it...she hasn't even stopped it ... Nude pictures all over the internet! Biyatch!!
ReplyDeleteTo each their own.
ReplyDeleteAnd she's a hottie.
Finally Maheeda is wearing clothes..4 nw nothing 2 say bt we ar waiting 2 see how sincere ur past regret means 2 U.
ReplyDeleteAns: nah Stalemate (1world♥)
ReplyDeleteEveryone have a story/past. U need to be in her shoes before u judge her A lot of these so called big girls or beauty queens or students that does runs are prostitues too. She came out with her story that was why we knows what she did in the past and in as much as I'm not saying is good to be prostitues I give her credit for telling her story and bring FREE. She tells her own story in her own terms that no one can tell better. I can only imagined was it was for her as an Orphan at age 13 most especially in a country like 9ja that doesn't cater for his citizens. If it had been in abroad, they would have put her in foster home and provided her with education and basic needs but unfortunately in 9ja, u are on your own. her for freeing herself from her unpleasant past. That was her past and she need to put her energy on her present and future which is brighter than her past. Irrespective of where u come from or how priviledge you are, we all have a past that we weren't proud of and locked in a closet.
ReplyDeletei would still love ma momma even if she was a prostitute and dint spend a dime on me to help in my education but good enuf she her still all d way
ReplyDeletenow dat doesnt mean been a prostitute is excusable,i cld never understand it cos majority of us wld have been one if we looked for an easy way out...i always ask prostitues dis question"if u say u dint have a choice,wat wld have happened if God dint create u a woman?or if u dint have a p---sy?"
Are you indirectly saying you are a prostitute?
ReplyDeleteThe ass on this bitch tho!!gaddem! she sexy!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beauty! Looks so good while being decent.
ReplyDeleteshe looks good and all covered up in this pic
ReplyDeletehmmmm... na today yansh get pathing.. shior
ReplyDeleteI will still LOVE her.
ReplyDeletewetin cloth dey do for her body,abi na mistake?
ReplyDeleteis nt easy poverty is very very very bad, it pushes u beyound ur limit. i hate it so badly