New Music: Audion - 'I Hate Sleeping Alone' | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 8 February 2014

New Music: Audion - 'I Hate Sleeping Alone'

New music from Audion. Enjoy below and continue to read about her...

Biography for Audion

The hot new soulful sensation is Audion. Audion was born, OdionLystraOkoh, in Nigeria on November 20, 1993 to her Nigerian parents. She grew up there and later moved to the United States with her family. She first recorded in the studio in 2011 in Nigeria. She has been a singer/songwriter in the United States doing the majority of her recording in 2013. She’s recorded in the well know jazz studio in Chicago called Steve Yates Recording. She’s also recorded at the intimate studio Peak Audio in the US. Most recently in 2014 she’s written and recorded with the well know Nigerian artist Fliptyce. Her most current work is the music video of her song “I Hate Sleeping Alone” which was shot in Nigeria by the award winning director Mattmax.

Audion has a warm, smooth sound that has a way of touching your soul. She sings and writes from her heart, often singing about topics of deeper or personal meaning. Her sound has been compared to some legendary singers such as Sade or Asa. It’s a sound of pure and honest emotion.

     Some say that Audion is a rare and classic beauty, with her captivating eyes, luscious big lips and illuminating smile, though she would never say so herself. She is a humble young woman who cares about others and the world around her. Her smile and kindness are the gifts she gives us all. She plans to be very active in the betterment of the lives of African children starting in her own Nigerian village and growing outward from there.

Her debut album, “Beginnings”, will be released in 2014. Follow her on Instagramor Twitter at ao_music . Look for her everywhere and let her into your heart.


  1. Wow this sing has a foreign touch to it.Amazing she's a Nigerian,cool

    1. Did Æ”☺ΰ J̶̲̥̅̊μ̥§Ï„̣̣̥ say "sing"?

  2. good for her,may she be popular IJN

  3. Abeg COZA members tell ur pastor say, we are still waitn for his replp o

  4. Good for her,nice song..lily i was surprise u didnt want to post news on tym, wat happen?

  5. Look for her everywhere and let her into your heart. Seriously? this is what happens when someone blogs overnight

  6. Title of her song is funny, I hate sleeping alone lol #bright bravo#

  7. Beautiful queen! her voice? awwwww! iLike

  8. Soulful. classy tune here. press replay mehn. sweet voice

  9. Soulful. classy tune here. press replay mehn. sweet voice

  10. Same Here Dear, I hate Sleeping Alone... Can we Sleep Together?? Anywaz Nice Tune, love how to attacked the song and the story line behind it.. Nice One But you still need to work on You!!

    I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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  11. Cool music..we need more of this, we are getting tired of the everyday noise in the industry.

  12. She's beautiful&all the best.

  13. And who is this one? How much did she pay you for this publicity Linda? Drake has a song with that title and i sooo love the song#Go and sleep abeg, if you want to go into anything entertainment, creativity is the key#copy cat


    1. Hmmnnnn.....Pretty girl...u must really be into drake to know that track.(suprised...most gurls only know hes TV hits) i was about to say the same thing......Drake has a sawng by that title......not so popular buh i love it too!.... #am a hardcore fan of drake#...................

      Anyways more grease to her elbow..

      ON 2 the Next!

  14. Fliptyce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LatinoPINKY

  15. A really beautiful song I must say.

  16. I like. Her real voice on the track, neo soul feel.

  17. Great touch. Sade-like. I will spin this in the club.

    On a different note I have a nice mix for all LIB readers on youtube. Follow the link below and tell me what you think.

  18. Drake already has a song with the same title

  19. U don't like sleeping alone,come and sleep with me but the problem is that I LovE sleeping alone.

  20. Linda ooo SHE STOLE THIS SONG FROM DRAKE- hate sleeping alone and she even took the beat small drakes won is better.

  21. Nice song, she has a good voice

  22. Beautiful song me love

  23. why did she fuck drakes song up

  24. Lol @ Aymii, Oh yeah babes#Team Drake :)



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