Israel builds detention center in the desert for African Asylum seekers | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 17 February 2014

Israel builds detention center in the desert for African Asylum seekers

The Isreali government has built a 9,000 person capacity detention facility in the southern desert where illegal African Immigrants would be detained. According to the Isreali government, the illegal immigrants who seek asylum in the country are becoming a burden to the govt and so they would be moved from the Shaharonim detention centre were they are presently being held to the new facility, a place human rights group have called a De-facto prison.

In this new facility which is situated in the desert, the immigrants will be locked down at night, and forced to check-in with the Israeli authorities three times per day. They will also be barred from working outside the centre. Continue...
The illegal immigrants who are more than 1000 would be moved into the facility without any trial or charge and held up in the facility until the Isreali government is able to repatriate them back to their countries.
The Isreali Government through an act of Parliament passed the "Anti-Infiltration Law" which seeks to create a suitable balance between the right of the State of Israel to defend its borders and prevent infiltration, and its obligation to act in a humanitarian manner toward anyone within its borders and protect the human rights due to every person".

There are an estimated 54,000 African asylum seekers in Israel, with most coming from Sudan and Eritrea.


  1. Israel again, always in the news for the wrong reasons, I think that country should be sanctioned

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    1. This Alloy and his comments...Israel in the news?Are u serious?Sanctioned? For what?mtchew.

  2. Thank God no naija

    1. Who tell u say no naija?

    2. MOST are from sudan and eritrea, the rest yoruba and igbo

  3. Theodore ezeobi junior I hope u know that God will punish u.
    I just pity dat pretty lady that calls a dog lik u a husband. Keep deceiving gals just to fuck them.
    It's 2014... U don't need to lie to a gal that u are single just to sex them. God wil surely punish u for me

    1. Who is this fool? Why not go sort ur self out with the dog? Why crying all over blogs?

    2. Hehehe I'm sure dis ezeabata or whatever his name is has fucked the living daylight out of ur need to curse him my dear gal or lady or goes on

  4. Is real no get joy at all.
    They don't even care about anyone's right,in as much as it contravenes their own laws.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  5. Imagine that!!! I don't blame them sha...if not for the situation of african countries. .why would anyone want to go to Israel of all places?

  6. Correct ppl.

  7. mmmmmm I most go abroad good for them if other countries treat them this way they will learn to sit their asses in their countries esp. those Igbos Yoruba and Edo people giving us a bad name out there...smh

    1. And u pretty... But dumb for that statement...mtcheew

  8. ANd so the best place for asylum is the desert?

  9. Will this step actually deter homeboys from going there illegaly, for where; the slogan be say, if them catch u, e mean say u time don de up

  10. If only the world was a better place for all persons,the Israeli's won't be building cages for peolpe in search of a better life. At least the asylum seekers will not die from hunger,before their repatration back home.

  11. A house of God is a house for all.If isreal is truely a country where jesus started his life why are they barring his children from seeking asylum there?Even the land belongs to palastine.The hebrews(isrealites) grab it from them

    1. Sharrap what do you know abt Palestine or Israel, read ur history and bible well, was there any time in history have Palestinians control that region, or a region named palestine ruled by palestinians, isreal( jews) have right over that region, they have ruled that region before; United Kingdom of israel, God promised that land to them, read ur bible well.

    2. I read history,not bible.

    3. The ur historical research very well my brother.

  12. Why is African's always think that what the have is not enough. I know there is hardship in most part of Africa. but going to a country where you will be treated as a crazy animal is not worth it. The reason why israel is a great country is because of their forward thinking attitude and equal rights among themselves no matter who you are gay, straight or whatever as long as you are a devoted to israel that is all that is needed. until African's start having that mentality, that's when this continent will be great. Israel have no oil or any mineral resources, the are powerful because of their mentality. you can't say the same about African's. We need to be smart to change this embarrassment we are getting all the time.

    1. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  13. Naija guys beware,this Zionist really hate black's

  14. What's so special about isreal..all in the name of looking for greener pasture

  15. Wicked set of pple..african lets stay in countries n develop it

  16. SMH, shameful for a country created for refugees

  17. My African people its well. We re blessed

  18. DENNIS DaManOftheYear*17 February 2014 at 16:40

    This is a good development but I think they should send them back to there countries instead. ...#justsaying

    1. SEE WICKEDNESS Isreal an their policies!

    2. Dennis aka the brainwashed fool.Brought up to feel inferior to other races

  19. yes it is good, it will allow dem stay in their country...dnt knw y africans keeps running abroad like chicks when u have a better life more back at home.

  20. They better watch out for boko haram prison bombers.....

  21. DENNIS DaManOftheYear*17 February 2014 at 16:42

    This is a good development but I think they should send them back to their countries instead. ...#justsaying

  22. Lol...this government no get work abeg

  23. Humanitarian Manner indeed. But there's no news here. Israel herself is located in the desert!

  24. Look at what they can build mitcheew #bright bravo#

  25. Pls mr sii al what is better about d life they are living in africa? Is it d africa dat d leaders don't care about their citizenry or d one were d rulers do what dey like with public fund and embezzling money dat is better? Atleast dey re building prrisons dere we re in a cage here don't u tink it is better to b in a prison than being locked in a cage?

  26. O ti daa bee! Assylum seekers! Take note!

  27. sil al if u do not hv anytin to write go and kip ur fone.

  28. IS only Nigeria that does not have a way protecting their territory

  29. Israel is a security sensitive state...
    With Boko Haram, Al Shabab, etc sign-posting the berthing of virulent terrorism among black Africans, the government of Israel would take no chances...
    Israel would not detain you if you are properly documented and passed before entering the country...
    Not like Nigeria whose borders are as porous as basket, taking advantage of which Nigeriens, Chadians, Malians, Cameroonian, etc storm the country for recruitment into Boko Haram, leaving sorrow, tears and blood in their wake...

  30. Better place for awon omo alaigboro. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  31. Please what's good? If they're not comfortable with them in their country, deport them to theirs instead of this "detain" thing.. Good a thing they can be identified. Send them home not detaining them in your country

  32. Madness...I no know wetin dis yeye people dey find

  33. This should serve as an example to others. next time stay in your country

  34. Thank God they didn't include Nigerians in this cos I was expecting to see Nigerians as the first on the list

    1. African refugees! Nigeria is an African country. It's in West Africa to be precise. Examples of other African countries- but not limited to Nigeria, are; Ghana, South Africa, and kenya.

  35. Israel!!! Wetin hapen nah? Why Africans nd not ppl frm any oda continent? Abeg no open eyes on us o

  36. How would you go to Israel to seek asylum from Sudan and Eritrea? Is it not from frying pan to fire? Them no get sense sef!

  37. They Invade other countries and rule them with disdain, yet highly intolerant for other.. chozen people my foot

  38. Israel nke? Na wa ooo.

  39. The same Israel that gets handouts and food stamps from USA every year is treating poor people like this.

    As Desmond Tutu said, what the state of Israei has been doing to people who does not look like them is worst than APATHEID. I truly believe it now.

    Why not just immediately send those people back to their various countries?

    I would not be surprised if they start to harvest the organs of those poor people for themselves.
    That might be the reason why they built the detention camp.

    Israel is a strong and blessed country and instead of them to be using this to better the world, they are busy confiscating other people' land or treating people who doesn't look like them like 'shit'.

    Israel is the only country who refused to show up when NELSON MANDELA died . Just too pathetic.

    They fully supported the apartheid regime in South Africa in those days.

    These shows how the state of Israel see us Africans.

    I just find it difficult to believe that a set of people who experienced what they called holocaust will now be treating fellow human being like this. It is just too pathetic.

  40. African leaders for the most part don't give a flying fuck about their people. Every decade a new civil war crop up in a country. May all useless African leaders be dealt with and suffer in this world before exiting it. Useless fuckers leaving the people destitute while they live the high life. Africa now is synonymous with poverty and suffering, because of these useless leaders. Having their people having to go to the land of strangers for mere survival and suffering all sorts of atrocities. Now they lazy asses selling off Africa to the Chinese and Indians. May all useless, corrupt, and careless African leaders suffer the wrath of ten thousand plagues.

  41. This is a state that is conscious of her existence unlike my dear country who isn't security conscious I pray Nigeria's continues existence wnt b a mere dream

  42. Wow!! what the fuck am i looking for in such place,mcheww

  43. shioooooo dts imprisonment naaa...israel for dt marra if na uk na me wudnt mind


  44. Whats all these ?? israel of all countries in the world ??? Serzly, things cant be this worse back in their respective countries and they are being subjected to punishment they dont deserve. Being wretched home is better than suffering abroad (if they call that abroad anywayz)


  45. No Nigerians cause it's the kind of place u could get involved in a crime and hide , they place priority in fighting crime ,terrorism , and vice ,and and our good brothers thread carefully , in that land

  46. dat i good for greedy Africans

  47. How soon the State of Isreal has forgotten the Holocaust & how Jews were treated by Hitler & the German 3rd Riech, Africans lets do something about our bad leadership & corruption & develop our own homes.
    See what the Jews are now doing to us?

  48. We pioneered gas distribution in the greater Lagos area. We are expanding into eastern Nigeria and are poised to link western and northern Nigeria. People called it ambitious,

    To us it was just another day at the office.

  49. All na obodo onyibo!!! Even if u dash me Israel I won't go. As if they're beta than us.


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