Question for the ladies: Which man would you rather...? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 23 January 2014

Question for the ladies: Which man would you rather...?

Here's the question; Which man would you rather marry? A man who has been married twice before but has no children (he can have children) or a man who has never been married but has 2 children?

So would rather be a man's third wife but have no step children or be a man's first wife but have two step children? Which would you rather and tell us why...


  1. never been married. the other one is obviously not marriage material

  2. i would rather marry a man without step children.

  3. I'll go for the man with two children. If you set the right standards even bfor ur marriage to such man. The children won't be ur issues nd even be good frnds with u.

  4. None of the above

  5. a man wt kids is no go area.

  6. Linda it seems you've found someone.... sobs why nau?. i'm not married and i have no kids and you couldn't choose me. now you're going for someone who has married twice with no kids.(that guy is a pr**k), the other has kids with no wife.(that one i have no words). Think deeply.

  7. One with step daughters , at least their not from same parents..

  8. I would prefer to marry a man dat ha§ no dat dy wont give me problem wen I come in...anð another thing is dat I ll Makê him happy by giving wat he want...which child simple

  9. Lindodo, hope dis is not situation u find ur self? U better shun both. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  10. A man hu hass maed twiice buuh has no va he can av all 4 it...aint ready 4 anny ay mama drama.....n if he truly loves me....he wnt look outside 4 any lover again..we'l both make babies n live happily eva after!

  11. This question nawa, its none of the above cos the man who married twice yet no kids and u're saying he can have kids, something is definitely wrong.. And the man who has kids without being married that's the worst, children outta wedlock what's the assurance he won't cheat when he finally gets a wife!!!

  12. I'll rather marry the man who has never been married but has two children. Eventhough I don't really like the idea of having step children, I think this situation is better. It speaks alot of the man who has left two women- how am I sure he won't leave me too or that he can truly have children

  13. I dnt want any situation dat I wil be having problem with d wife anð her will rather go 4 a man dat ha§ no child...nd I ll Makê sure I give him wat he want...simple

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  14. Sorry, no baby mama drama for me. I prefer the one who's been married twice and will investigate thoroughly on the cause of previous breakups to ensure I don't become ex Mrs Number 3.

  15. Be the man's only wife in his third marriage cos he has no baggage. U can afford to start a new life n family wt him. But since he's been married twice in d past, u should at least ask questions to kno y d marriage failed... plus dis ur question ain't really complete. u didn't tel u s if he divorced his first 2 wives, u didn't tel us wer d mother of d children are, so it's quite hard deciding unless u kno all d facts. Cheers!!

  16. Lindy,no story. I'd rather be his 3rd wife with no step-children. While there's no problem with the kids,I don't want them thinking I'm a rival for their father's affection & since the man can have children,we'll have our own together. I can't shout

  17. Oya Ladies be truthful for once.

    Grab a glass of ALOMO

    waiting to read comments.

  18. None of d above

  19. non,i wont and i would never want any 4m d opition cos my God has made me d first n nt d last,d head nt d tail.

  20. hey, how about this! GET A FUCKING LIFE BEECH!!

  21. Yes... I prefer d man that hv no children oh!

  22. The three scenarios are tricky, if I have to choose I would stick with the man that has never married but has two children, because at least he has some semblance of responsibility around him.

  23. I will marry a man who's never been married but has two adorable kids.

  24. If the man that has 2 children from the same mother....yes its preferable.........but not ugly ass children like that

  25. Good morning Linda I know you won't post this but I know u will read it lo. Please is that you? So u want our opinion lol ok the tested though with kids better to be the first wife after all everybody plays just that some blocks there own but he allowed nature to take its course

  26. I prefer d man wit 2kids.....

  27. I will marry d 1 wit 2 children abeg... I no get tym 4 wahala of two wives..cos I fit control d 2 children

  28. True love, wisdom and understanding with God's direction will determine who I will pick as my husband. Marriage involves so many things, sacrifices, compromises, selflessness etc. Hmmmm Na God oh

  29. Wish I knew d answer to dat.having dese kinda dilenma.

  30. Awld rather be the first wife with 2 kids ˚Ooº°˚Ooº°˚Ooº°....treat d kids like they are mine....get 2 be their friend even tho it may not be so easy....its still better than having 2 elder wives who will be like rivals,or u start thinking the man is cursed if u don't get pregnant within 2 yrs,or the pressure from family climbs to its peak.....when every one wants d mans attention...ill feelings start or gossips from outsiders......abeg ˚Ooº°˚Ooº°˚Ooº°.....I can't cope with d 3rd wife saga

  31. None of these options sound appealing Lindodo cos 4 d 1st option, I wld lyk to ask, if he rily cn Av kids, y hasn't he wit 2 diff women? As 4 d 2nd option, y wldnt I wnt to b d 1st n only person to giv my hubby children? Will he marry me if I was d one wit 2 kids without being married? The 3rd option is wat I wld lyk to call "an attempt at suicide" me, d oda 2 women wnt fold their hands n watch me b d 1st to giv their man children...n as 4 d last option, I shld just b ready to receive more children frm outside......Dis one s a rily big decision to make o....buh pls Linda, ask d male folk too if they LL b able to take a pick if dis same question was put to Dem.

  32. I'lll rather have the man who has never been married but has two children... What is driving the women away (the twice married) nd besides I wanna wear a white wedding gown on my wedding not jst a suit at justice of the peace.


  33. Linda,are these the kind of men toasting you....smh

  34. Tricky question. Being the third wife...what has he been doing that his wives leave? Being a stepmother...the same woman gave birth to them,he'll still continue fu*kin her. I'd rather be a third wife than marry a man who is most likely to cheat

  35. Married twice? Bad market,I'll rather marryd one with two kids

  36. Wrong question Linda.How does marrying a man that has been married twice before make you a third wife when he is presently not married ?

  37. None of the above!!! But thanks for asking!

  38. Will perfer the man wit d step children bcos am still gonna be his first choice and will av my own children too.

  39. Linda NONE of d above o! Abeg carry ur questions n answer go ds morning, bring juicy gist jor, not all ds serenren u de ask so! Co's ds question is like choosing between d devil n d deep blue sea, so none of them abeg, ds na new year, ask berra questions ejor.

  40. 3rd wife with no children...but before I marry I will have to get close to the former bwives to know why the broke up if the reason is extreme I will opt for the other option..personally I cant deal with child support bla bla...and mind u the baby mamas are still dere(just like the former wives of the other man)

  41. I'll rather be a man's first wife with step children biko!

  42. Choi! This is a tricky one. The dude with the two ex's gotta have been doing something terribly wrong to have two failed marriages, but then the dude with the two kids probably from two different women who are probably gonna be interfering with alimony and shit. Menh! I think I'll go for the one with the two ex's. He seems lesser of the two devils.

  43. I would rather marry one who's got no kids. Third wife or no third wife cos my kids will be his first anyways. Above all I pray God gives me a god fearing man and a better half.

  44. Lili u go try rest.

  45. Wots my own wit stepchildren?as long as it's not dat d man is sterile,why won't I wnt to be d only one bearing him children? Stepchildren at times can be issue in a marriage particularly for d woman. I'Thu, Jan 23, 2014 rather marry d man without any children even tho he's bin married thrice!

  46. Both situations are very very dicey nd both cases have serious issues attached with them.I believe in both cases the past will have serious effects in d will take a lady with grit,patience nd serious love for d men in both cases to marry any.I personally will rather avoid both scenarios.cos there will too much baggage to deal a single guy nd lady coming together there are enough baggage to deal for me I will marry neither of them.

  47. Non of the above.if am in tht situation would any of them marry me? Wht happens to a single guy wt no children yet,and I'll be hs first nd last wife nd bear hm children.

  48. I rada be a man's first wife n v step children. Bt i dnt pray 4such 2come ma way abeg.

  49. I would rather marry a man with no wives but 2 kids than be a 3rd wife..Children are wonderful gift 4rm God but I really can't see myself sharing my husband with another woman let alone women...

  50. the one with two children But I will make sure will get married before getting pregnant

  51. Duhhh!!!! D man who has married twice obviously has issues, for him not to be able to keep 2 different marriages. The man with 2kids had reasons for not marrying his baby mamas,both aren't advisable but the man with 2 kids is better in dis case...

  52. Yoruba girls is in a better position to answer this! No hate plssssssssss

  53. I rather choose d man that hav step child n be d only wife bcos i no get strength 4 women wahala.1st 2 comment whoop!!


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  55. I rather choose d man that hav step child n be d only wife bcos i no get strength 4 women wahala.1st 2 comment whoop!!

  56. the one with two children But I will make sure we get married before getting pregnant

  57. 1st wife with 2 step children in cool with me. Getting married to a once married man is adultery and seen as a very serious sin in God's eyes.

  58. 1st wife with 2 step children in cool with me. Getting married to a once married man is adultery and seen as a very serious sin in God's eyes.

  59. Am I allowed to ask questions before I answer? Well I will ask anyway
    D man that has been married twice is he divorced?
    Did he deliberately not have kids or it was d women??

    Then d single guy with 2 kids, why? Did d women not wana settle?
    Or he just dint wana marry her?

    well I have to know these details to decide

    for me dey are both good for me but my decision will be based on the answers to those questions

  60. that's if the two wives are no more and not divorced, I will.but if they are still there somewhere I will not rather I will be the first and stepmother of the two.

  61. None I will wait for my own confirmed bachelor single wtout children.
    No want wahala for masef abegi

  62. no step children no second wife period

  63. That's goes for the ladies #bright bravo#

  64. None I will wait for my own confirmed bachelor single wtout children.
    No want wahala for masef abegi

  65. I want a man like larrygaga, love dat guy so much....linda pls help me tell him am ready to be his 2nd wife

  66. fuck u are you bord go get married

  67. Aunty linda just tell us say you need advise


  69. I'll marry the one with children anyday, provided he's divorced. The other might be impotent.

  70. Linda linda I see you are about to make a choice, not to worry we shall help you. Oya close ur eyes tight, am coming...

  71. Hmmm... Dis is a serious matter that needs a pensive thought... Huh! Well I think I'll prefer to be a man third wife wtout any children than be d first wife of a man wt 2 kids wtout being married. I mean cut me a slack... Who would nt waant 2 b d first woman to bear d first offspring of her husby?

  72. Will marry the man with children not becos I want to be his first wife but becos he will be more matured than the man who has sent 2 women away.

  73. For me oo, i'd go for a man who has married twice buh have no child

  74. A man who has never been married but has 2 children

  75. Would rather be a first wife and marry a man with 2 children be a mother 2 them provided he can still make me pregnant.

  76. Linda's personal question. Lol. Follow your heart my dear.

  77. I rather b with d 1 with no kids pls. Single man with kids outside is just too dramatic

  78. If those are the two options you have, you better go for deliverance. Ogun esu re

  79. The man who's married twice without kids..would take my chances with him..

  80. none linda.....i dont want any complicated relationships...

  81. abeg none .what happened to fresh single men? each of them got their baggage cant deal with that

  82. Marry d one dat neva got married b4 wit 2 step daughters

  83. Never married but has children. I can deal with d stepchildren's drama better than d ex's rivalry.

  84. I think ​A̶̲̅ man who has not been married before with 2 children. U have to protect Ūя̲̅ kids from †ђξ harsh behaviour ☀f some step mothers. Gdmonii to U A̶̲̥̅ll.

  85. None of the above mbok cos there's no guarantee dat I will have a smooth marriage without d interfernce of their women. But if age is really no longer on my side n I desperately wanna settle down then I will settle for d man wit two children. Being someone's third wife is a no no for me.

  86. I rather b a mans first wife hav step children, bt dependin on his relationship wit d kids den knowin fully wel dat his no more wit d babymamas dan be a mans third wife. cos same measure given 2d first n second wil b given 2me.... dats ma opinion

  87. I'll be an Annie to his Tuface. Loool. That answers it.

  88. Never married but has children. I can deal with d stepchildren's drama better than d ex's rivalry.

  89. I would rather be his third wife. would put my all in making sure the marriage works. after all there's no tie between him and the ex wives.
    Rather than become the wife of a man who has kids from two different women.
    there's no guarantee that he wouldn't ve more from other women even after we are married.

  90. none of d above

  91. first i need to know why he got divorced TWICE and for the other one i need to be sure how those kids came about if he is the kind of guy that sleeps with a girl, impregnates and then and try the next one before i decide who to marry. Or better still look for someone else

  92. I would prefer a man with no kids cos dere's a lot less drama and more peace but on the other hand what happened to his 2 other wives? if he is no longer with them for reasonable reasons then we are good to go.

  93. "Your comment will be visible after approval". Dats all I get n @ d end of d day it still remains invisible. Linda for d uptenth time I don't wanna look for my comment again. I just made d above comment n it still hasn't shown.

  94. none of the above....cos a man who has been married twice is not a responsible man dere is something clearly wrong wiv his commitment issues it says for bettrr or for worse and a man dat has two children for sure his baby mama I dont want baby mama drama in my house

  95. Hmmm tricky buh personaly I'l go 4d guy wif kidz

  96. First i'll want to know the circumstances behind each... before i can decide who, or better still none of the above. Frm Lovelyn.

  97. Lindi, anyone of them wanna marry you? Well me no fit tell you who to choose ooo cos nah you go marry the person.

  98. All of them na second hand jor. If a guy no be tear rubber, forget!!

  99. In the first case,the man fails in commitments,while in the second case the man is scared of commitment! So I will go for the second man,cos when he finally commits he will be ready!

  100. Rada b wif a man dt has no child,cos it seems d man wif children is a womanizer

  101. Question of life...deep thinking, both have serious baggages,but I wud prefer the one who is a divorcee with two kids,i mean why would two marriages fail in respect of the guy who has tied the knot twice.

  102. i will marry the batter man...whether he has two kids or long as we have peace and love in our home that is all that counts..nneoma

  103. This is just too difficult..wat made d guys two ex wives leave and hw sure ar u of remainin?..and d otha guy is just a big casanova..I thnk I wil choose to remain single..#nostress

  104. A man wit two children out of wedluck, which I will be first 2 be his legal wify. Cos if a man has been married twice witout kids definitly, he may be d problem!

  105. Oya ladies respond. But why would you be married twice and have no kids? Something must be wrong somewhere.

  106. Lin am I the first ?
    Any way to be honest, I really don't know

  107. Hmmmmm i rather become a third wife instead i have a stepmum and deal with her so i dunno want anyone to treat me bad.

  108. If these were the only kinda men left? I would get pregnant hav a baby and be single... But on another thot whichever one of them is a better christian and has really truly become a better man, wud be a better pik.

  109. Lindodo, dis ur questn, e get as e be. As for me, non of d above. Childern r childern weda born out of wedlock or in wedlock. Come to tink of it, how many men will marry a woman dat has bein married bfor wit or witout children and d one dat has neva bein married bfor wit childern? So why shud I settle for anytin less? The broom wen dem use flog 1st wife, dem go still use am flog 2nd wife.

  110. B d man's wife wit step children. Am d jealous type so I can't b a man's 3rd wif. As 4 my step children I wil kn hw 2 relate wit dem.Shikena

  111. Lindodo, dis ur questn, e get as e be. As for me, non of d above. Childern r childern weda born out of wedlock or in wedlock. Come to tink of it, how many men will marry a woman dat has bein married bfor wit or witout children and d one dat has neva bein married bfor wit childern? So why shud I settle for anytin less? The broom wen dem use flog 1st wife, dem go still use am flog 2nd wife.

  112. None... I want to be d first wife of my husband and I want my kids to be d first fo my husband...

  113. Hahaha this one is hard oh linda...

  114. I will be a man first wife with step children.

  115. Menhhhh!!!!! None of the above.y would 2 women leave hm? So his young man btw his legs can't stay 1 place dat he has to father 2 daughters from diff mother. He would do d same

  116. None of d above!

  117. Of course the day with two children........Hehehehehe

  118. I can't share my matrimonial bed ooO,mayb wen am in need of my husband it won't b my turn dat particular tym,plz havin step children is bera....Dora

  119. None of the above mbok cos there's no guarantee dat I will have a smooth marriage without d interfernce of their women. But if age is really no longer on my side n I desperately wanna settle down then I will settle for d man wit two children. Being someone's third wife is a no no for me.

  120. it depends on who is richer...

  121. anty linda i no fit answer dis kin JAMB question for dis early morning..........haba mbok knack me tori

  122. Late fela's voice... Oro pesi je oo oro di hun.. Rather marry a man without children,

  123. None, but if i must choosen den it'll be one without kids.

  124. first to comment! I would rather go for the father of two than the double divorced guy!

  125. Late fela's voice... Oro pesi je oo oro di hun.. Rather marry a man without children,

  126. Definitely a man who has never been married and has e children. Cos there must be a major issue with the man for him to have had 2 failed marriages.

  127. Dis is too tough. I dont want any plz

  128. A man who has never being married is better bt personally I wld rather none

  129. Personally,its better 2 b a third wife n hv kids 4 him rather dan hv my husbands kids 4rm other women keep medling in our lives.once d kids exist,my boo will still something dat keeps him close 2 the oda woman

  130. Linda that question is ment 4 you,since you are still searching

  131. I will prefare d step children to the two wifes cos children are better handled than wifes and above all I will be his first legal wife which means a lot.

  132. Linda that question is ment 4 you,since you are still searching

  133. None Linda, a man who had earlier been married twice but back out of marriage isn't at all a good choice. He just could salvage a turbulent situation to make marriage work. On the other hand anyone who marries a divorcee commits adultery when the other half is still alive. A man who have two kids from baby mamas should go back to his source and work thing out with his baby mama.

  134. None Linda, a man who had earlier been married twice but back out of marriage isn't at all a good choice. He just could not salvage a turbulent situation to make marriage work. On the other hand anyone who marries a divorcee commits adultery when the other half is still alive. A man who have two kids from baby mamas should go back to his source and work thing out with his baby mama.

  135. None of the above!!!

  136. tell u d truth,I prefer to stay single than to marry either of dem and their wahala...

  137. Mornin sis lindy#would rada marry d man who hz two kidz#i can cope wv dem dan 2 old witches#berrieshores

  138. chai...Linda Nwa-ikeja,i know you are asking for yourself. Don't choose any of the two,na dsame product with different brand. I've told u. A stitch in time saves NiNe

  139. of course, an unmarried man wiv kids

  140. A man's1st wife wit 2 step children.

  141. I'd rather marry a baby daddy than a twice divorced man.

    Jes sayin...

  142. Aunty linda is dis your situation

  143. Definitely d one wt kids who has neva been married. Because my dear Linda, A man who has been married twice wt no kids either has very seriously questionable character or sketelons in his cupboard. No two ways abt it!

  144. linda ooo, this question carry belle, but i think i will rather go for the man with the two kids than the single man that has got 2 ex wives.simply because he might have a serious issue that keeps the women away from him,while the one with kids have developed a deep love for kids already,so he might live happily with you. post my comment o,i am the first person

  145. I'd rather marry one thts been married twice without kids than deal with unending baby mama dramas; they'd also like to be the Mrs.

  146. Will not marry a divorcee. If he divorced doz two wives, chances are dah he ll still divorce me, evn if doz his wives died, chances are that my life is on d line unless i'm a prayer warrior wch I'm not. I'll comfortably go wf d 1 hu has children but not married biko, provided he did not hav sons from d oda woman or women.

  147. Be a third wife with no step children and no baby mama drama.

  148. a man with two failed marriages and one with two kids out of wedlock (maybe two baby mamas). hmmmmm.

  149. does he have a "Home trouble' problem? if so, i cant......

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  150. I'll prefr a man who has been married twice wt no kids.Reason;He'll be better equiped to handle marital life more maturedly and wudnt want to repeat mistakes made in previous marriages.Moreso,no man wud want to be stigmatised as "The Man wt many Failed Marriages"

  151. Hmmmm, I can't possibly go for a guy dat has been divorced twice, cos he is gonna add me as his 3rd divorced wife. Also the guy with 2 kids is hard oooo. D kids are just gonna gang up on u.and d love is gonna be divided, obviously he is gonna love his kids more than me.
    Sooo I say MBA, capital NO to d 2. Ill wait for my own man till he comes.


  152. I will say none of the above!.. Then again? Am a dude what do I know about how dudes think.. You know women are filled with surprises

  153. Ladies, choose wisely so that u don't land urself in a disey situation.

  154. Two marriages failed then d third one wil fail. I prefer d later cos I must accept d children as mine. But come to think of it Y didn't he marry any of d baby mamas?

  155. A man's third wife

  156. Lindiway, This question tightoo, I will go for the man that has never been married but has two children.. Still confused.. I wouldn't go for any. SHIKENA ,HABA!!

  157. A will go with the man that have two children, but has not been married.Curse you don't why the other man married twice

  158. Have single men witot wives or children finished????anyway if I must choose frm above,I'd choose 2 b d man's 1st wife and have step children.

  159. If I marry d man who had 2 wives... What's d probabilty that he won't divorce me and seek to marry another one. And again.. What happened to d other 2 wives? Did they die? Or he just divorced them?
    I don't mind having 2 step-children. God will help me to love them.

  160. I will marry the man that has ñ✽t married but had two children. Bcos the same thing might stil happen to u wen u get married to the man that has two wives already like Funke Akindele

  161. None! But if i must pick one, i wld rather be a man with 2 step daughter and b his 1st wife than marry a man without a child and b his 3rd wife.

  162. Linda this one is confusion questions oh...well non is preferable but I rether go for the man who is married twice before and has no children because if I have kids for him he will love me more and will love to sepend the rest of his life with me because of his kids...because is ovious he live those other women because they have no kids for children making machine.

  163. I wont lyk to share my hubby wt anoda i prefer d one dat has two kids atlst it wil mak d job easier..yes i wont hav to visit labour room al d tym..mayb xtra two kids wil b ok for him

  164. Non of the above.

  165. If U̶̲̥̅̊ ask M̶̲̅ε̲̣,na who I go ask....

  166. i would rather have neither of them

  167. First of all r the two kids from one woman? If yes then maybe they dint get married for a certain reason but a man who has been married twice! Nah! There must be a problem why he can't stay married. Guy no 1 seems beta but I'd rather not marry any one, he might just have a commitment problem

  168. first to comment yayyyyy. i prefer a man who has no children because then he has no other responsiblity apart from me and his children we are going to have.

  169. I don't think having two step kidsis that bad

  170. I will rather be his first with two children... I am my husband's 3rd. he has been married twice before we met.
    The first wife died and he remarried, he has 3 kids. I have been married once and have a child as well.... we are kind of experienced and very patient with one another which is a plus to us. Miranda


  171. linda, you don c married man propose to you shey? follow your heart dear

  172. I'd rather marry a man who has never been married before and has two children...because I'll be his first wife..and there are lots of things you learn in a first marriage...also there will be no set standards...I won't have to live up to the standards already set by the ex-wives..there will be no comparism...

  173. i would rather marry one with two children, this is because, if an individual is married twice, two things are involved, either he is the problem or the spouse was and either ways, marriage isnt that kind of adventure to just try and find out! the man with two kids tho shows he is a lil too careless but then relationships do not always work out, the fact that i didnt have a child from my previous relationships doesnt change the fact i have had one or two. and besides, the word of God is against divorce and says that if a divorcee gets married to another, they commit adultery, however, it could be permitted under scrutinized circumstances by the clergy men in your life having stayed single for a period of years. if such a man has been checked and counseled, he is then a better candidate for marriage because he is now free from all hurts of all sorts and sane enough and ready to handle the next relationship and woman.


  175. I would prefer to be with the guy with 2kids,what's d assurance that the divorced guy wldnt ditch me in couple of months cus there should reasons why the previous wives left him.

  176. This is rather complicated o, I hope say no b you Linda dey 4 dis predicament sha? Anyway I'd rather b his 1st wife n have 2 step children @least it will b on record dat am his 1st n only legal wife!

  177. Depends on d woman, but no 4 me ,both can stil b categorised as polygamy... ud still hv problems anyways...

  178. I prefer d one who has been married b4.

  179. Be the first wife with 2 step children.

  180. the one with children. Why? God hates divorce

  181. I would rather be a 3rd wife because even though he has been married 2wice before there are no kids and so the entanglements are reduced. Baby mama drama is not cool

  182. Nw, its a two way thing. I can marry d both of them bt its depending on dere characters nd maturity...

  183. I will go with the divorcee even if I am the hundredth wife as long as i am sure that the previous divorces were no fault of his. The drama that comes with dealing with baby mamas is just too much and if it can be avoided I will advice any woman to do so. At least the divorcee sounds like someone who enjoys being in committed relationships and not just a randy baby supplying factory.#my5cents

  184. First wife with 2 step daughters biko...cos a man who has had 2 failed marriages definitely needs JESUS...just like Chris okotie! Linda please post my comment, its my first time on here.

  185. First wife with 2 step daughters biko...cos a man who has had 2 failed marriages definitely needs JESUS...just like Chris okotie! Linda please post my comment, its my first time on here.

  186. D one wit two kids is better bcos d one that is married twice will also divorce her and marry anoda

  187. I d rather be a third wife, with no step children!

  188. Whichever...if love exists.

  189. It depends, Linda. if I know I am not gonna have kids i would go with the 1st man but if i want kids I would for the second guy.

  190. I no want anyone thx linda

  191. slow news can we wake up to this???hmmm Linda pls buckle up oh!u no I love u!but Stella Dimoko 's blog is picking up real fast.

  192. I'd rather be the first and legal wife like anny idibia than be a third wife like funke akindele.Just like caroline Danjuma said,there is nothing like first position.Lindodo u better post my comment or u use it for breakfast,am out.

  193. Love n happiness is all dat matter


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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