Dear LIB readers: My father-in-law just asked me to write an essay | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Dear LIB readers: My father-in-law just asked me to write an essay

From a male LIB reader. This is hilarious. Lol. Find it below...
Well, technically he's not my father-in-law yet as I have not married his daughter. But I want to marry her. I went to him today to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage, and instead of giving his blessing, he asked me to write an essay about myself and why I would want to marry his daughter. Where is that done? I want to marry this woman, but why do I have to write an essay? What is this?


  1. Is he an academic? Lol

  2. Do what he tells you to do or no deal!

  3. End time tinz !!! Abeg go and write essay , U must have been sounding like an illiterate when u spoke to him so he wants to ascertain a lot more about U ..

  4. So funny.. That man must be of of professor. Just do what he ask you,but don't be too smart that you like her daughter all.

  5. Its a simple question n if he truly wnts t marry her he shd write shikena. Lindyway post my comment o

  6. LMAO!!! Now that's something.

  7. Let your fiancé address this crap,call her father to order fast otherwise your inlaws will control ur marriage

  8. Eeyyahhhh. Sorry my brother! It could be that the daughter is allergic to GBAGAUN & the old man is saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that his baby is safe....Loll. Write him the essay abeg & tell the man to write u an essay of why he thinks his baby will make a good wife.

  9. Let your fiancé address this crap,call her father to order fast otherwise your inlaws will control ur marriage

  10. Oh boy. That is serious business there.

  11. Choi. Laugh wan tear ma belle. O boy, i prefer the easay o. Another option....24 strokes of cain.

  12. LMAO, dats one crazy cool dad, niccar shld be happy he didn't ask for a hummer first!! And linda is in a posting frenzy O! Loving it ;)

  13. That's the new new way to show ur intentions. Put it in writing. And the best essay goes home witht the bride.m shikenan

  14. HaHaHaHaHaHaaaaa guy, you are on a loooooong thing! Write an essay kwa? Is father-in-law a prof?

  15. U too write now and stop prolonging d matter jare

  16. ****dead**** hahahaha! Be a MAN and write. He wants to know if you are learned.

  17. Guy write the essay, it won't kill you! Do it for love, you lucky you weren't given an examination with an essay and OBJ section.

  18. See gobe lol....d man must b a scholar

  19. Lol, abeg write the letter jare...

  20. what are you waiting for .... pick ur pen and start.. lolz

  21. Its sounds very hilarious, but the man might be pulling your legs to see if you are humble and worthy to marry his daughter. That's some shit but I'll advice u do it. As stupid as it sounds, ur refusal may bring enemity between u and him. So, do it

  22. Lwkmd! Na wa for the father ooo!

  23. Hahahah! No be you wan marry?

  24. Are u marrying from Wole Soyinka's family? Anyway, d man want to have a written document against u in case u want to cheat on his daughter later in the future. Smart Dad! Write d essay Mr man, u're hooked. Linda pls post this, I'm tired of not seeing my comments oon ur page

  25. What sort of question is that? Ordinary Essay and you're fretting. HIAN! You're not ready to marry the girl na. Be asking JAMB question: "where is that done?". Seems you don't realize that most fathers have specific ways of testing their would-be sons-in-law. If you like don't write the Essay, ok? LMAO.

  26. Sweetie its an essay. You are talking as if he asked you to cut off your right arm. Write the essay if you want to marry his daughter. Or is it dat u can't write? You are lucky he didn't ask for something more.

  27. Hehe! How very unorthodox!! I believe he is a man belonging to the intelligentsia class of society and just wanna access and see how literal you are or something, that's very palpable! Writing an essay should get you worked up, write it bro!

  28. LMAO....Rolling
    Where is this done ...essay OMG

  29. Lol. Oya carry biro begin write. Lol

  30. Wonders shall never end!

  31. If ur educated and know what you want, why not write the fucking essay? Abi u dey fear? Abeg park well...

  32. lmao!!!..since u'r sure u want to marry her, I guess u'll have to do it if that is the condition.

  33. May be he is not ready to give out her daughter in marriage.

  34. Write it nah...Dnt fail the first test

  35. Better be a good writer or else.....u af enta wan chans...lmao! Essay ke....issorai. ZODIAC

  36. Well...Go write a fucking essay!

  37. better write it and get your wife. no be ordinary essay? do am sharply joor. but, come to think of it, that man must be a clown.*straight face*

  38. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hei! Why would he demand that?

    O̲̣̣̥ooÂş°˚˚°Âşk. Its quite simple, ask him, essay of how many words or pages? Don't be afraid except you don't love your wife to be very well. Remember "every crown has its prize"


  39. Lwkmd, omg, this is so hilarious

  40. I think I get where the father-in-law to be is coming from.
    He's probably some egg head,intellectually enlightened fellow who thinks it would be sad to marry his daughter off to an uneducated man who can't even compose a proper essay.
    Mind you,there are people with doctorates who still find these things difficult.
    So,just write the damn essay if that's all you need to do to marry the woman you love!

  41. Writing an essay and buying yam for the whole umunna, which do you prefer? I think you must have spoken some baaad grammar and the man wants to confirm what his ears heard lol.... if you need help while writing it, flash me I had c6 in english.....

  42. hehehhe, that's a very smart sharp father-in-law... something my dad will do...

    Anyways..... I would help with some tips...

    First and foremost try and analyze his motive... I'm sure he wants to see how serious you are.

    secondly, do your research well and follow all necessary protocols in essay writing,u never can tell he might be an English professor

    Last but not the least, seek help in essay writing if u cant figure it out, but rmbr always put ur point/feelings down in writing, cos u might have to back it up with an interview.... hehehe good luck with that...

  43. Did is indeed hilarious,,,,,,,,is this 4 real? Or a sort of joke????

  44. Hahahaha.......this just made my day!!!!

  45. Lmaooooo....... He wants to test ur intelligence now! Some Men can be funny abeg

  46. hhahaahhahahahah,,,,, lolz,,,,,, dis is sooooooooo funny... Mayb dats d brideprice

  47. What is your problem? If the man has asked you to jump in order to marry his daughter whom you claimed to love, won't you ask him how high? Go on, write that essay and prove to her 'father' that you are man enough to marry his daughter!!!!

  48. Nawao! Wonders shall never end

  49. Smart man. He needs to know who you are. He doesnt want a deadbeat guy or lowlife parasite marrying his daugherr. There are so many low life niggas in Naija that want to marry a girl cos the dad is rich
    Are you an illiterate? What are you scared of? Biko pick up your pen and write about yourself

  50. loooolz essay??? he must be joking.
    Lemme help u out,give her belle and the essay will be reduced to make a sentence about yourself.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  51. hahahahaha...very funny ure gonna be solving som arithmetics dude. so sit up man,things we do for love episode 1

  52. This is indeed hilarious. Well...i'll say u shld do it...If u truly love d daughter n wanna marry her. The father might b testing u...

  53. Heheheheeh..the man wants to know if his son-in-law(you)sabi book...but seriously dere is notin dere ooo!!just write about ursef and marry his daughter...if na so marriage dey easy I don marry be dat ooo!!!anyways gudluck....linda I miss and love u.

  54. Lol my friend would u write the letter..

  55. Lol!!! No way!! U can av ur daughter back biko! :D

  56. Looooooool! I think that is way better than asking you to go and get 100 foreskins like they did to samson in the Bible sha.....rotflmbao

  57. Lmfao!!! U better write it or no wife for you.

  58. Linda you and your readers will not kill me with laughter. I have been laughing non stop since I read this post. But seriously maybe the man wants to be sure of the quality of the man he wants to give his daughter to, or he just wants to make fun of you. Any way it is I wish you good luck in your essay writing.

  59. Lol! Bros do am... Guess he is tryin to find out ur level of Educatn. U kwn dis days Universities sells certificate.

  60. Hahahahahahahahaha, see man see big wahala. No worry, d man go marry him pikin bdat!

  61. Nw dats wat we call protocol

  62. U have to write an Essay cuz u wanna marry his daughter lolz...... “Guy take cover after marriage oooo, ur FIL to be is really funny sha lolz” is he α professor?

  63. This guys facial expression is priceless. Loool...

  64. WTF? maybe if you tell him off politely and act like a man. He will actually respect you. If you were my BF and answered him sef, I would tell you no, even if he said its ok . Infact for me and my dad that I trust, if you write it, even if he is Bill gates, we will both tell you thanks but NO thx. we noh want mumu for husband na man we dey find. Out of curiousity is ur FIL, Yoruba? because an Igbo man can not try this, it is rare except they dont want you and want to use style to drive you.

  65. Don't do it homie. He will use that 'essay' against you every single time he feels he needs the opportunity. If he wants, he can marry his daughter.

    You came to him out of respect and culture and asked for his daughters hand. He needs to treat you with the same amount of respect and recognize that you have already proved that you are a man by doing so.

    Don't write nada, abeg. Just palm... Na them go come beg you last last...

  66. Hahahahaha.This sounds so unreal.Do we just fabricate things for d fun of it?Well if @ all this is true,then proceed wt an essay.Remember to add ur punctuation marks.

  67. just right it or walkaway..... your choice

  68. which kind essay b dat.did he write an essay wen he wanted 2 marry his wife?mtcheew

  69. He force u,if u no fit write simple grammar then leave.

  70. D daughter na office,he wants u to apply n write wot u hav to offer....very funny

  71. It is done in Efik culture. The man must write a letter to the family telling them about himself, his family and expressing his intentions towards their daughter. I know this because I have several members of my family married to Efik people, I saw one of the letters. I don't see anything wrong with it, I actually like it because it is like a contract with the family. It is part of the protocol and if you love the girl, you will do it because you shouldn't have a problem expressing how you feel to the person who has given you cause to do so by raising a fine young lady.

  72. lol..write it my friend...

  73. Its not done anywhere but in ur "wife to be's" weird as it is,its really no big deal.....just write the could be a test...if u really love her,den writing an essay is not such a big deal.Afterall,in the past people go on deadly missions,to find one flimsy nonsense just to marry a of luck man!!!

  74. My friend write essay jo and stop askin stupid

  75. Lool, I Think its funny and the man is just tryna be witty. Anyways just write it, I don't think its a big deal, very little thing to do to marry the woman u love. In some places na range rover u go buy o.

  76. Lmao!man u gotta write this essay the way, your soon to be father inlaw is way too funny..I'm even in tears cryinglaughing

  77. Lol,if it will take u to write easy only before u marry their daughter,then do it. The main thing is not in d essay but ur obedience, seriousness and humility,is what matters.

  78. ╔╗╔╦══╦╗╔╦══╦╗╔╦══╗. 
    ║╚╝║╔╗║╚╝║╔╗║╚╝║╔╗║ \=D _
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║ ((
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝. D̶̲̥̅̊ M̲̣̣̣̥α̍̍̊и̣̣̣̥ just wanna test U̶̲̥̅̊. Just write D̶̲̥̅̊ essay

  79. Ders nothing der jst write the damn essay, I'd gladly be of assistance.
    ~D great anonymous!

  80. Lmaoooooo. Dats Hilarious.

    Goodluck Bro.

  81. lol.Funny indeed.

    Buddy,No need to go there if being there ain't ready... If getting there ain't better...being there...ain't fostered...recognized by the seller... No need to posture promise on broken knee...suffer dishonor...deny the saints their measure...sanction the absurd with your willing pleasure... No need to gather beyond the breath of life we intend to value...celebrate and consider need to clash...disregard...bash. I am okay if you are you...true...heart beyond heartless... Okay to indulge forever...if not for never...choose.

  82. Very wierd and awkward..abeg gv dat man a head butt,wht kinda waec question be dat? does he want u to write again,..hahaha..,most tyms sm fathers dey reason anciently..oga no do am abeg

  83. If truly u want to marry d girl
    U gats write d essay.
    Different people different strokes.

  84. Love is blind nd u hav to pay a price,so i will advise u to do dat to prove ur love.

  85. Rotfl..the fuNniest joke hav heard in a while..lmao

  86. This is d funniest thing I've read in a looooong time

  87. Lol. He's treating you like he's son. If you love her you'd write d essay. Lmao.

  88. That father in-law must be a wicked man.He wants to fall ur hand my guy.I hope the babe is worth it sha.Pls try and fall his hand by surprising him.

  89. Lol!! U have to write it oh! Well, tank God he did not ask u 2 write infront of him.. U can give sm1 2 write 4 u,if u can't.

  90. The old man is testing ur patience and anger level.

  91. Lol, notin person no go hear

  92. ok.u go school na?go and give d man what he wants.#i dey laff ooo#

  93. Very hiliarious

  94. Lol. Na Akpors pikin u wan marry? No b only essay na application letter

  95. Hehe, I think its no big deal, just write it naa, the old man is probably tryna be witty or check ur level of intelligence..

  96. Linda una dey here,resident doctors dey break each other heads over salary of interns @ d OGM meetings right now....d president and exco members dey take off suits and jackets to fight its members openly...chaos!!!! D idiot is loyal to d C.M.D and doesn't want to offend him so he said,"house officers MUST go back to work immediately amidst cries of hunger...widaut even askin for d opinion of d CONGRESS so war started..looks like d national assembly...

  97. Lmao! Guy just write d essay. No biggie! U can even write d essay with ur babe, in simple n plain english. Again, LMAO.

  98. I just died laughing at this. R u kiddin' me? Where they do dat @? Bruh! It's 2013 dude! Geez!

  99. Hahahahahaha, your father-in-law-to-be must be a very funny man. Begin to write the essay naaaa

  100. OoÂş°˚ ˚°Âşoo boy write essay N̤̥̈̊​ÇŽ̜ www or É‘̈ŃŹÄ• U̶̲̥̅̊ scared he will score U̶̲̥̅̊ zero.abeg write d̶̲̥̅̊ thing joor.

  101. thats what happens when you date a professor's daughter! lmaooo

  102. Lol, it is not a big deal. That is a popular tradition in the states especially among african americans, although it is fast fading out.
    Its a nice and sweet thing to do, write from your heart and it myt end up being a fun exercise. The goal is to ensure u can read, write, think and put ur thots down on paper. It shows how smart and expressive you are.
    Happy writing!

  103. My friend write the essay and stop whining. I wish my father had asked my husband to do same.

  104. The Eight Wonder of the world#Hilarious

  105. Ok 4 real, tell me d title of d movie, am sure osofia would be d father, lol, well write d dem letter nd carry ur bride, d old man is just trying ur patience, as in if u can't stand his little annoyaning stunt, trust me u can stand a woman, I am 1 so not being baise. LMAO

  106. Lmaoooo.... U people will not kill persin!!!

  107. You berra go write the essay. Different people have different approach to handling issues. Common!!!! Its just an essay.....

  108. Mayb d father isn't sure if he went to a tertiary institution or he can't speak well..

  109. DONT TELL ME NONSENSE! * in dbanjs voice*

  110. Are you a learner/ Common go and write the essay jooo if you really love the gal!

  111. Wow, it appears our LIBer is way behind the rest of the world. Anyways for your information, Marriage has gone corporate, formal and official. The entire process that is obtainable in the corporate world is being religiously observed. So, dont be in any shock that your prospective Father-in-Law asked you to do a suitability essay.
    Take a Clue:

  112. so write one . its not a big DEAL. It will be something to look back and laugh about.

  113. Lwkmd! Lol. Write am na. Or u no sabi am?

  114. IF U̶̲̥̅̊ rily Ä»Ɣє her den write it iphy

    1. He is just making sure he has an exhibit to all ur claims of loving his daughter so that tomorrow when u start maltreating her there will be clear proof that u didn't stand on ur words. Do it if u love her or don't if u plan on giving her a hell of a life. My 2dimes and a nickel *seriousface*

  115. Lol!!! Write d damn thing! I get his point. The father that is. Simply put your reasons for wanting his daughter into writting.


  116. Lmao... Makes me miss my father *sad face*

  117. search me...............WAEC TINX

  118. Wow, it appears our LIBer is way behind the rest of the world. Anyways for your information, Marriage has gone corporate, formal and official. The entire process that is obtainable in the corporate world is being religiously observed. So, dont be in any shock that your prospective Father-in-Law asked you to do a suitability essay.
    Take a Clue:

  119. What a brilliant idea by that father in law(to be). We got a lot of trolls(mostly online) who can't even spell their names. Fucking brilliant idea. Write that essay nigga.

  120. He obviously wants to knw u nd knw d reason u want his daughter, abi u get another tin 4 mind

  121. Sounds like what my dad would

    1. Wen his daughters r 50yrs and still @ home he will knw wats up.essay kor

  122. Application 4 d post of son in-law... Funny tinz.

  123. It's okay bro, don't be unnecessarily bothered jux pick up a pen n do him the wish, no sweats do it for your girl's sake cos it might be a test on how submissive you are.

  124. give to ceasar wat is ceasar's. if u really love d girl, bone n write it with d babe's help cos she'll knw wat her dad wants

  125. My dad is like, plz it's normal.

  126. Hilarious.... Bt seriously u jst av d write d essay... Bt i must advice u... If u dnt av properties such as house, car etc... Jst open d door n off u go..

  127. Funny tinz.... Bt seriously, if u want 2 marry his daughter, u jst av 2 write d essay.
    U tel him abt urselves... Bt I must advice u, if u dnt av properties such as cars, house,etc... Jst open d door n off u go...

  128. Lol I love this idea

  129. Its very funny dat i cant stop laughing.

  130. Fantastic idea..looool. but jokes apart God help u if u breach d contract in future. You can be sued. Infact it should be done in the presence of lawyers etc..come to think of it, thats how marriage should b done sef...anyone breaches..instant judgment on earth instead in the presence of pastors(that have a higher level of grace hahahha) cant get over that saga. If u know waraimean.

  131. Lol. Ma guy. Better write the essay o. I'll give yu expo. *scratches head* make it six sentences. Be sure to end it with "I love ......(here, write d name of his daughter). He'll love yu and yu'll take part in d family essay competitions. Loolz

  132. Lol. Ma guy. Better write the essay o. I'll give yu expo. *scratches head* make it six sentences. Be sure to end it with "I love ......(here, write d name of his daughter). He'll love yu and yu'll take part in d family essay competitions. Loolz

  133. you dey fear to write the essay? abi u no go sch kpakpa? if you want that woman you better write the essay oh..

  134. Y are you so sad...abi you no write english for waccec...haba now this shouldn't be a problem
    Aww now I miss my dad

  135. Very hiliarious...buh mehn!,a father got to do wot he ought to do...

  136. .........dere's no big deal abt dat...... All u nid to do is to express ur feelings abt his daughter.... It's even more preferable dan too express in speech bcus u wud hv d chance to lie to him very well since it's in written...... Jus write sweet tins abt his daughter inoda to make him feel u rilli luv his daughter........


  137. ...............dere's no big deal abt dat...... All u nid to do is to express ur feelings abt his daughter.... It's even more preferable dan too express in speech bcus u wud hv d chance to lie to him very well since it's in written...... Jus write sweet tins abt his daughter inoda to make him feel u rilli luv his daughter........


  138. Hi Linda. I read your blog all the time but this is the first time I am commenting. I know it could be very annoying for the guy. However, the good book says give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar. Write the letter, you never know. I know you love your girl, you want to spend the rest of your life with her blah blah...... but this "crazy" task will enable you to do more soul searching and explore more reasons why you want get married to her.

  139. ..........dere's no big deal abt dat...... All u nid to do is to express ur feelings abt his daughter.... It's even more preferable dan too express in speech bcus u wud hv d chance to lie to him very well since it's in written...... Jus write sweet tins abt his daughter inoda to make him feel u rilli luv his daughter........


  140. My parents requested an essay from my fiance as well. Basically to write about himself and conviction about marriage to me. It made him to really sit and think about his decision. And that was the quickest way for my parents to really know his background as we live in a different country from my parents.

    Its brilliant!

  141. Hi Linda. I read your blog all the time but this is the first time I am commenting. I know it could be very annoying for the guy. However, the good book says give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar. Write the letter, you never know. I know you love your girl, you want to spend the rest of your life with her blah blah...... but this "crazy" task will enable you to do more soul searching and explore more reasons why you want get married to her.

  142. I dnt trust my dad on this. Hope u aint going to marry one of my sisters.

  143. Very funny...buh mehn! I gotta knw u before handing my daugter to u

  144. dis is so hilarious.soon u will have to write an exam and pass it b4 u marry his daughter

  145. Buhahahahahahahaha! This just killed me!

  146. Lol criously ma dad culd do dis. Even if u dnt write an essay u wld recite smfin longa dan d essay via questions and ans

  147. Dude there is someting like google

  148. Sure my dad is gonna do same

  149. .........dere's no big deal abt dat...... All u nid to do is to express ur feelings abt his daughter.... It's even more preferable dan too express in speech bcus u wud hv d chance to lie to him very well since it's in written...... Jus write sweet tins abt his daughter inoda to make him feel u rilli luv his daughter........


    1. Dats just d first stage...he'l stil do oral interview

  150. Don't write it Mr man... but you must convinced him with word of mouth I think he wants to know how intelligent you are. Its a smart thing to do though respect to would be father in law.

  151. U aint ready cos if u are u shuld have submitted d essay...Baba goan write d essay abeg and beta dont give it 2 sum1else 2 write 4 yhu...u dont knw wat else awaits u..lmao!!!!

  152. hahahahahhahhaha................. Oboy if u luv her jst write d letter and 2 prove u can read and write too. Seriously dis is sooo funny d man sounds lyk my uncle

  153. Linda...I'm waiting

  154. Going by the way marriages pack up nowadays, I think it is right for the FIL to demand for that. Not only will your essay serve as a binding document for reference in the future but it will also help you to think about why you really want to be with the lady. Please state your vision and mission with the SSTA

  155. Is gud u write cos some men re curel or wicked dt de can later denny dere speeches. So me dear for future ducumentation

  156. abeg o was he an English teacher back in his days

  157. Lmfao....he wants to knw d level of ur inteligence,common write d damn thing and let him knw how gud his dauta is in bed too,hehehe

  158. Anon 9.42 u are really hilarious and stupid so he should lie en. I hope hy lie when they come and marry u. Lol

  159. Better do it if u really love ur girl. My dad did same and later when i asked why, he said he wanted to see my husbands handwriting

  160. Anon 9.42 u are really hilarious and stupid so he should lie abi. I hope they lie when they come and marry you. Lol

  161. Ah get it all nau,xo marriage as finally turnin in2 diz,dat fada in lawz want a document on,shey na auz women b nau?


  162. Sho!!!People do dey write post marriage exams ni?Which semester be this oh abeg.?JAMB thns

  163. Cool,better write the essay if you really want to marry her, I actually think it's an easy challenge.

  164. Lmao!!!see application oOhh!!don't worry,close ur eyes nd just think it will come to you...Meanwhile don't forget to write how yu like d way she screams when yu touch her...#thankmelater..

  165. Why I want to marry you daughter!
    Your baby girl is my life, she holds the key to my happiness. She is one out of a million. With her ,there will be prospects, at least ,we will be made from you will. Please , I am not a gold digger,but when I see an opportunity I grab it with both hands.

    Thanks in anticipation of your approval.

    Your potential son-in law.


  167. u need to xplain why u think her "V" is ready for ur "P",......*runsaway*

  168. That's a whole lot of rubbish. Follow ur heart anyway...

  169. Jst write it 4 d sake of luv

  170. This is my 1st comment on Linda blog because i couldnt resisit not to comment.
    LMAO!!! if you truly love your gurl am sure even if he want a journal written by you, you should do it in a blink!

  171. Essay Ko, GMAT Ni. .
    Tell d papa if im not wan d girl to marry na for im pocket. Dirty nonsense. #OLOSHI

  172. I don't see anything wrong in writing an essay about yourself and why u wanna marry someone's daughter......the man just wants to know if u're really ready for the marriage.

  173. Dis man sound exeactly lik my dad

  174. Very funy. But then again,u need to write the eassy for clearification purpose. The old man needs to read about u,and also keep it so if u lie in futur he will use it against u.

  175. Mtcheew no be only essay...He shuld av asked u to climb mount evrest jus cos u wanna marry his daughter..

  176. i think dat is gud for guys bcos once is written its has become official.bcos some guys r crazy once they pay someones dowry they may start maltreating d person

  177. Write d essay jooor.. U hav a very clean shave der . Lol

  178. Correct father! U berra write the letter if you truly want the girl. I bet daddy wants a written proof as well as verbal. don't forget to sign it o. he he he

  179. Hahahaha! Hmmmmmmm! Write the essay Biko! You should also be sincere because more questions are coming.

  180. Is reali funny but if u really like the gal nd wnts 2 marry her,tins u do 4 luv

  181. Sounds like my dad mehn! Lol


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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