Tweet of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tweet of the day

Not to famz o, but I really like the show. Don't see any fakeness there...


  1. Linda so so tired of omosexy news oooooooo

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    2. The show is fake let's be honest,omosexy shd stop acting like a demigod abeg. The show is for your fans yea so wen they complain dt its fake you shd adjust and not start forming Madam Perfect cos no one is perfect. Dnt lemme say #sangostrikeurfacetoo oooo

    3. Foolish people! Na sango go kill all of u. Just look at 90% of the people abusing this girl are yibos! I can bet wiv my life if it was genny they would say the show is good! I hear someone say she is razz and classless. The classless babe that is married for donkey years. U idiot comparing her to genny! She is way way above genny in all ramifications and I thank God for her. Many of u fools watch the show every thursday. If u abuse her and still watch her show, u will die a slow and painful death! Hypocrites. Go outside Nigeria and see how people from other african countries idolise omotola. May God punish u people insult this hard working girl in hundred folds.awon oloriburuku omo ale jati jati. Aje okuta ma momi! (Chop stone wivouting drinking water)if u abuse me right back at you! And linda please post my comment.

    4. The show is FAKE,am a fan of Omotola's acting skills,but truth be said,it Fake,I was highly disappointed,when they showed her house,Falling cupboards,too much clutter,kitchen was screaming for a facelift,the window blinds,Habaaaaa,and then she gets to ATL,and starts to Form,that hope the house they got for her is beautiful,as if the one she left in Nigeria is one tenth as nice as the house in ATL,checking if there was closets space,common Omotola be real,even your own Husband yabbed you that you were forming accent,and I advice you strongly forget d MUSIC career,Focus more on acting and your home front,d state of your home gave you away,shows that you are not always around to monitor the management of that home,and pls change the color of your walls......biko Be humble pls,,,,and stop living a lie.

    5. Pls i love the show wella and theres nothing fake bout it esp wen she started putting up her family. And yes am ibo and i love her. Y'all fake ass bitches here callin her show fake are all fake down to d color of d hair on ur vjay. Learn to support ur own yet u sit ur ass at home n watch kim n hee family make der millions wt all d fake life de live. If u are guilty of watchin kim n her fam den shut d hell up n let Omo t be wit her show. Alll i kno is once u kno a camera is behind u, its no longer Reality. Bba for example: evrybdy lives a fake life u re bein watched. Have u eva heard dt kim or her sisters farted on screen? Rememba de stil screen out som parts de they dnt want us to see n yet u all call dt reality n kip watchin dem. Go Omotola The Real Me* dnt mind dem. Y'all can say shit to me but#Anamachikwanu! Not intrested face......

  2. Goo on beauty, notin abt u is fake.

    1. Abeg, the show is super duper duper FAKE!!! I see it as a Kimora wanna be

  3. Truth be told, the show is fake! Suck up ur pride. Who cries when talking to their son; cos u dropped him off at school. That's 100% fake

    1. Linda Ikeji shut the fuck up!!Famzer oshi!!!
      U'r as fake as she is!!!

    2. If na boarding den she fit cry! But day student? Den she no try

    3. I totally agree, the show is super FAKE...

    4. I totally agree..its 1001% absolutely fake! That scene was so LAME!

  4. Y wunt be fake wen u knw dat a camera is is there videoing u.if u want it real let ur friend or anyoda peson plant camera without u knwing it den we will see d Real u.ur show is lik wen ur on set acting fullstop

  5. Truth be told, the show is fake! Suck up ur pride. Why cry when talking to ur son on the phone; cos u dropped him off at school. That's 100% fake

  6. Fake or not, its still selling! That's what counts my dear. And then, what then is defined as "fake"? What would you call a movie then? Even with the fact that its not real we enjoy it once its interesting. Keep shining to the top gurl!

    1. The point is if it's fake then it shouldn't be titled "the REAL me"......because if It's FAKE then surely it can't be REAL...unless of course it's REAL FAKE...

    2. You said when it's interesting. There is nothing interesting about the show. How can u be crying for talking to ur son? That is so not nigerian! Let's call a spade a spade . Linda stop kissing ass. Its unlilke U.

    3. Prince charming pls shut up and get a job.... Kmt

    4. PC am one of your babes and defenders on this blog. I don't agree with you o the question is not if it's selling rather if it's the real her. Before haters starts to bite u

  7. o pleese linda, stop sucking up to her... the show is fake abeg, she wouldnt take a good opinion even if its given to her by a billion peeps mcheww

  8. Though its not fake,its not 100% original. No one will actually put their real in d dark,behind closed doors self before a camera. Zurielle's opinion.

  9. Linda Biko keep quiet! The show wanna fake die!

  10. You as a person is fake with fake accent trying to be what you are not not.

  11. Fabulous baby......let haters hug a transformer!

  12. Linda, I try to avoid this your friend's posts like a plague. Honestly, she n all about her appear so,so fake to me. No hating at all, just my candid opinion.

  13. Did people watch the Christmas episode where she was fresh faced(without) makeup, hair unkempt dancing with her kids and cooking for her husband? Now that was so real

    1. That was the only and i mean the only seemingly real episode that she has ever done. You could see the general untidiness and natural looking things. But the rest are as fake as when one is acting out a script... soooo fake. If she was really keeping it real, why did they not air the part that she fell from the escalator at the airport? Instead she was praying that no camera caught that part???
      Abeg linda free this woman, the hype is getting too much naa, ahh!

    2. E be like sey this woman rude sha. Who she de talk back at like that. I her so called fans tell am sey her show was fake, na dis kin reply she sppses give back? Na waoh

    3. Thank u! D kitchen was even untidy.

  14. Omotola need to go park for corner jare!....besides been a fake ass show where you are trying to sound "foreign", you are too fat and ugly, and you need to change those appliances in your house, most especially the cooking stove. Tacky & dirty no matter how hard she tried 2b classy!!!

    1. Yu see yu r a crazy person,yu continue hating nd she will b makin ha money..who knows if its firewood yu use in your house...I dnt watch d show but limit d way yu abuse ppl...words r powerful...nd if u call ha ugly,den u r a monkey or gorrila..hater go fuck ursef..dis babe is even married wif 4kids..let's see aw far yu'll go...fucktard

    2. Haters Berra listen ...Omosexy is the realest of them all. If you don't agree,,, go hug a sparking red transformer.

  15. Its a snooze fest! Accept it!

    1. Lmao u guys should chill abeg

  16. The show is just there, not so into it

  17. D show is vry fake, its soo evident dt she's acting in it.. Tot t'ws supposd 2 b her normal "lyfstyle" show

  18. I love this lady. Linda,, is there a criteria for posting comments?

  19. Thot she was christian. Why sango curses?

  20. Some ppl are just fault finders..I love d show omo sexy.keep doin ur thing and if anyone doesn't like then change d channel.

    1. there's nothing wrong with loving the show....don't just say it's REAL...

  21. Not fake oh! BOOOOring sounds better

  22. Lolz Do ur thing dear,fake or original there are more than 50 stations on Dstv,no be force to watch u speak with ur husband on phone for over an hour.lolz

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. Abi b by force.thanks BONARIO

  23. Abeg the show over fake biko..... Nothg real abt it. Na script she n her pple dey read.

    1. Infact real script!
      Its more of a documentary than reality show.

  24. Hahahhahahahaahahaha.

  25. As for me ooo, the show is a bloody waste of time. If she must know, she should work on her accent a bit. <B

  26. Funny omosexy,don't mind them baby

  27. she doesnt want it to seem like she's acting but in the process , the reality show turn out 2 be a case of bad acting

  28. The $how i$ not bad... $hez fun to watch.

  29. Funny omosexy,don't mind them baby

  30. Fake show joor...this woman is pretty,talented but very very RUDE as long as dat aspect of her life is not on her show! Forgerit #its fake

  31. saw a bit of it and it was hard to watch

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth!!! Simply hard to watch..kinda embarrasing too. Trying to appear real, when she's not 100% real. She needs to loosen up a bit and just relax. People would love her for it.

  32. I went online to watch it on Youtube, could not bear watch the part 2, it REEKED OF FAKENESS FROM A MILE. .... It was so staged and FAKE actually is an understatement . definitely wont be watching .

  33. Her show is very FAKE and DRY.....she should pls take a sit. she's just Obsessed with her Ass........ God acctress bt d show too DRY abeg

  34. Stop being such a sychophant. The show is too fake

  35. Why can't people spell correctly? Stared is the past tense of stare; starred is the past tense of star. But I guess she wouldn't recognize good English if it stared (or starred) her in the face.

    1. and punched her too...LOL

    2. Abi o! Noticed the typographical error too. LOL

  36. i dont see any fakeness there either...haters will surely hate! Omotola carry on jare. ure doing great. maybe a bit more to spice up content here and there for the show. thats my only critique. Well done OmoT, im proud of you!!!

  37. I got nothing against Omotola but the show is totally fake,Linda , can you please shut up your dirty mouth?stop been hypocrites all because you want invitation to visit Omotola...

  38. Other celebs will not comment omotola.we r aware of your legendary temper!!

  39. he show is feak, very fake @ dat... Shango will strike her first!! Ode!!

  40. Y will shango strike someone 4 airing dia view.. That was harsh #respect lost

    1. Sey if she takes ur respect to the bank they will give her money?

  41. Lol I don't like it, I really think its fake, I'm glad for all she's achieved and how far she's gone but I don't think the show is necessary.

  42. Make she try go learn English, it's "stared" not "starred". I sha recognise that thing she calls reality TV is so fake!

  43. Sango strike ur teeth too omotola,ur show s the fakest thing around,deal wth not film a second season abeg

  44. Mtcheww!Then shut up and let ur obvious 'silly' show speak for patronage.

  45. There's a lot of fakeness, linda pls stop famzing.its irritating. Fake show. Mke she show her kids and family well na, insteadd of touring.

  46. Honestly the show is fake, I feel she’s trying too hard.

  47. Oh but dear omosexy I have mad love for you but in truth, your show can replace the meaning of fake #why do you have to put ur real life on the screen? Just saying#

  48. Honestly the show is fake, I feel she’s trying too hard.

  49. Omorodion MLK junior28 February 2013 at 14:04

    Why call her hustle fake when you don't have games? People should stop pulling others down if they won't climb at all.

  50. Linda - The Real You28 February 2013 at 14:06

    Linda u are sooo famzing! That Show is a poor Kimora - wanna be copy. Her "real life" should @ least showcase her life here In Naija, on location, In a studio @ home etc.....not all in Yankee. l beg shift!

    1. @ 2:06. I agree with u she is trying 2 copy Kimora. na her sango go strike. See as her ass big past her body.

  51. mbok let us hear! that show is as fake as Nicki Minaj's boobs!!!!

  52. Please omo sexy ur acting is beta than ur reality show na vex truth is bitter

  53. omosexy looking good oooo.

  54. Never watched her show before and I can't even do so.
    But judging by that tweet she's just stupid.
    So we fans can't criticize again? Wtf are you again? Are you Kim K, Genevieve, Halle Berry? You're just lucky you're fat (sexy in some idiots minds) if not you wouldn't even be recognized in Cameroun, talkless of a reality show. Your show must be fake as to warrant your unnecessary rant. Annoying woman.

  55. Naaaaah! The show is perfect and she's a gorgeous woman! I jealoux her

  56. LMAO..Omo T dun vex o...fake or no fake my dear your getting more and more popular..ok but forgive me i still think your show is FAKE even after reading your tweet or maybe the word is BORINGGGGGG#yawns...she looks stunning in those pix by the way

    Pretty Girl

  57. tell Omosexy that its "stared" and not "starred". I'm sure she's so used to the words starring or starred as an actress maybe that's why she used it albeit wrongly. only watched her show once and I thought it was cool. She certainly came out looking smarter than I ever thought or imagined. She's certainly a trailblazer, mucho respect for her.

  58. No B Beanz,

  59. trhe show suck and Omotola is raz thank goodness she is fixing her teeth oh by the way can she give her husband a better nick name its kinda gross. Oh and she has a false sense of arrival her house in lagos looks like a squatter camp.That is all.But on the bright side she is pretty and at least her show is adding to african content on tv albeit mandane and fake content

  60. To me i think her show is okay!

  61. Like she is trying toooooooo hard..
    #jst sayin#....*dodging shoe*

  62. I LOVE OMOTALO....but The show is very poor..the location..the show is not reaL

  63. Her show z 2 gud 2 be true... thumbs up Omosexy!! Don't mind all dis retarded,useless Nigerians dat luv quarrel pass fight...mtshewwwwwww

  64. Starred you hard?? Starred?? Seriously Omotola STARRED?? *sigh

  65. Linda with all due respect, I watched it just ones, and I feel that show is VERY fake, omotola was sleeping(with make up on O) den her pa came2 wake her up late 4 meeting bla bla bla, 2 me tho, its SUPER FAke,can't be bothered 2 watch it, but plp wud watch btw, I feel Omotola is VERY pretty

  66. I think that it the most fake reality show in the world wether she likes it or not. She's more real in her movies

  67. Abeg go play 4 SHEET, Na So una go dey over do tinssss. U want byurself fall ur hand. Mtcheeeeeeew

  68. I love ur show omosexy its a gud fin dat a nigerian is so involved in showing d way she lives on tv series so soon now ur show will be on e tv and style it only a matter of time go on gal u rock

  69. The #SangoStrikeTheirTeeth#???

  70. na u sango go first strick ur go do movie wey u dey try small for... yeye

  71. i do not see anything fake in it... Nigerians are just so difficult, they can eat anything the Americans (Kim k and co) dish to them... bt they find it so hard to support and push their own! i am a guy and i think the show is cool, any one who disagrees should KMT.

  72. she needs to get over herself. so full of herself for nothing. i only watched one episode that i saw on youtube and it was a complete mess! Omotola, its not by force to do reality TV, abeg!

  73. Lol...really like dis tweet esp#sango strike deri teeth...humans wud be humans,nutin wud be ever good enof 4dem...just do wat u gotta do and move on...U Go Girl!!!

  74. Madam,
    It's "stared" and not "starred".
    That Gbagaun aside, I think its a good thing that Nigerians have started Reality Shows. Its a good thing especially for the celebrity's true fans who want to know more about their idol. However, it also opens the celeb to negative criticisms from haters.
    Sha, I haven't seen Omotola's show but hey, even the Kardashians get died everyday but still, both fans & haters watch the show.
    So all in all, its a good thing for Nigerian TV.

  75. Abeg its too fake jooor.. linda stop famzing..

  76. Its the fakest show av ever seen in my life.

  77. The show is verrryyy fake! I was so eager to watch it when it first started cos its Omosexy. But i was highly disappointed. Nothing interesting going on except her trying to show us how jet set her life is. It seemed like they were interviewing everyone around her. Is it a documentary or a reality show?? We should only get to know the thoughts of the few ppl that will be constant throughout the show not every Tom,Dick, and Harry. And I think it would have been more realistic showing her family and fellow nigerian actors or actresses she's close to, not foreign unknowns!

  78. Omotola's show is as real as it gets. Haters must always hate.

    Check out Riri's new bikini pics

  79. Is that why she can't spell? smh. Maybe starred is original spelling, and stared is fake.

  80. This fine woman what did she to to her big stomach. hmmm co easy to be a star ooo.

  81. I try to watch that show every thursday but I always end up changing channels. Its over scripted, there's nothing "reality" about that show. She needs to do more research for her next season

  82. Ok puuulease linda,u r famzing,I knw deep inside u,u knw it's fake.

  83. lol omotola and her mouth sha!
    She should post the epidodes online so the people abroad can watch and give constuctive criticism.. btw who said her show was fake?

  84. ABEG LINDA YOU LIE ABEG. I personally love omosexy,i am such a big fan but i'm kinda disappointed in this show. That show is freaking fake, abi she no c how dem do keeping up with the khadashians. we c the whole family and even friends. We c them fight eat love plan cry etc...

    We expected to see the real omosexy...her real life. Show us her hubby, her kids, her everyday routine, and all. I thought it will be a reality show with an African perspective. Let the world see how we do it. I know they most likely wont show everything about her but at least lets see 60-70% of the real her since she signed up for this kinda public thing.

    Which one be Atlanta,Cape Town, PA they follow up everywhere,dinner with with american stars of the 80's and 90's wey don reign pass. emmmm music studio for atlanta,hotels hotels hotels, restuarant restaurant restaurants...Abeg na US omotola dey live nau?Where is her real home??? ...mschewwwww fake modafucker...this na d real "i belong" wey she act that year.

    1. Linda - The Real You28 February 2013 at 18:53

      My dear, My Sentiments exactly! See my prev comment above. l just didn't want to waste time and energy typing Such a long one. Babe should get Over herself already And be open to feedback and criticism instead of swearing and cursing. oh, I 4get She's got a rep 4 "jazziness" (if u get).

      Ok, let her groupies come on me with bared fangs......


  86. Haters must always hate. How can they even say that her show is fake? na wa o

    Checkout Rihanna's Toned Bikini Body

  87. yawn# Linda abeg dey talk truth,the show is hopelessly boring and time wasting abeg.

  88. wrong spelling of stared. starred and stared have totally different meanings!

  89. Linda am not surprise that you didn't see any fake in the show.0motala's show is too much watching of The kadashains, ice loves coco,Juliana and Bill,Tia and Tamara,Eastwood and company,etc. Anyways,is called a show. I love her fame-hungry altitude.

  90. Prince Jobless abeg easy on the pweety omosexy oooo.

  91. Linda abeg no let me talk bad thin cos I make new year resolution not to yab for the first 2 quaters of this year.

  92. Linda abeg no let me talk bad thin cos I make new year resolution not to yab for the first 2 quaters of this year.

  93. Dis is really funny tho' d show is horrible callin it fake is evn being nice to her self

  94. Fake is be kind to her. Bullocks is the right word.

  95. I really like Omotola. But the show is scripted, fake is not the word. Scripted and a bit boring. My question is, is she always traveling? I don't get it.

  96. If something is not of interest to you or you find it boring, it doesn't make it fake.

  97. Nigerians, this is why we shall never grow as a nation, if u call this show fake then you need to get your head checked. Omotola is one actress that the way she speaks ha stayed the same ova the years, she puts in her exclamations in pidgin and Yoruba when necessary for you to know there is no foul play here. try listening to the way this new age actresses speak you will hit your head on a stone, with their accents that's neither British, American nor Australian. so kudos to that. with sleeping with makeup, we are all guilty of doing that once in a while when tired and fagged out so how is that fake? saw that same episode and didnt see anytin wrong in that, as for her PA waking her up, shesa star and she has earned it cause she paid the price, if talentless prostitutes like Rukky and Tonto can have PAs and have someone at their beck and call then Omot needs 4 Pas, one to wake her up, the other to bathe her, one to dress her and one to carry her bag.ISH hen..if it were those stupid Kardahsian's now with no talent whatsoever and no claim to fame except a sextape, marriage to Odom and well a manipulating lady macbeth mother,you will all be shaking and shouting Kim K, Kim K.when there show is notorious for been scripted and all planned out even a former first lady went to see her sham appearance, that should just let you know the kind of myopic nation we live in!!! Back to Omosexy, you rock girl and u are a true actress, only i think you shouldd let the singing go, that's my only criticism and i will die to come and raid your wardrobe of those awesome blazers u wear on your show(haters will start now say na stylist own, but she sha wear am and i like am)haters die!! shes hot and relevant and also a fab actress.and shes also placing Nigeria on a pedestal when it comes to reality shows of that standard, so pls cut her some slack. Abi na Lekki wives no fake?with their okrika looking clothes and shoes with dirty looking faces, i strongly believe there are more fiercer and actually married ladies who reside in Lekki!!!so cut OmoT some Slack ooo BIKO!!!!E jor and for u saying she should get abetter name for her hubby, shes been calling him Honeyboy for decades, her first album has a one song dedicated to him titled honeyboy, mk una dey appreciate una stars, not until they die before u people start hypocrisy and appreciating them when they cant hear or feel the love.lets all learn from Goldie and appreciate our artistes when they are here on earth not 6feet under. ESHE!Eyin Aiye*tongue out*

    1. Linda - The Real You28 February 2013 at 19:02

      Ok for ur effort and long epistle Omotola says you can come collect some Of the blazers o!

      Happy now?

  98. Omotola just be ursef, dnt try to be Kimora, Kim K and Beyonce all rolled into one, jus be u! Ur show is stupid, staged, and BORING! u jus try tooooo hard, and its not d real u. U comment more than half d time. Btwn, dat curse for ur fans or critics ws totally unnecessary, neva knew u cud stoop so low, sango? Jeez! #disappointed# #nomorerespect#

    Linda u too sef, talk true


  99. From the comments of all those saying the shoe is fake and boring. Are you guys not bring hypocrites? If it's ad bad as bad as you guys are claiming, why waste your time watching? Why even make comments? May jealousy and idleness not kill some people over peoples progress. The energy and strength you use in spewing out hatred why not channel it into something positive and constructive!

  100. Yea d show....hmmmm mayb not 100% real buh its 2 tink of it,who will b 100% real knowin dat d millions of ppl re watchin??? Mind u,evn thoz shows lik kUWTK,KnKTNY,Ice loves Koko n so on y'all idolize aint 100% real either! Plz let's encourage our own...Dear Omosexy,I'll love 2 more of u n nija n ur fam. Kip it up gurl

  101. common people, that show is boring, what do we get to see ? all her trips to one place or the other. very boring blah!

  102. Mam MIA, your show is so boring. We dont give a hoot if its fake or not.

  103. Omotola cant even speak English - ' you could not recognise' is not the correct grammar and phrase but 'you can't recognise'!!!!


  105. I love omosexy ooooo shz pretty, shz a good actress n all! BUT meehhnnn,,, uv gotta say it as u see it! DAT SHOW IS FAKE! Itz wack!! itz jst too scripted! Even when shz on d "interview"(I dunno what de call it) ish, shz alwayz laffin unnecessarily! Abeggiiiiii! Nd y d sango curse?? I alwayz tot sh was more matured!
    Linda, what did I do to u? Biko post ma comment!

  106. Fake or not,pls linda we need better news here tired of hearing omotola's fake bday parry nd show.sikana!!!NEXT

  107. kaiiii, thats just y most of u will neva prosper in life, u neva encourage ppl, all u do is run them down, pls how can God bless u urself. Omosexy, mi think ur accent in d show is very real and im sure u can definitely do better my dear.

  108. Pls where can I watch her show? M so missing...someone help

  109. Pls where can I watch her show? M so missing...someone help

  110. Linda u should learn from Stella Dimoko. Don't take sides. I love your blog cos u actually verify before you post buh ur not honest about situations. Your afraid of haters. If you can't take people or celebs hating in you please stop blogging. By the way, the show if FAKE.

  111. Omotola can never be classy! Must she always lose her temper? And hey aunty linda, why are u always sucking up to her? U famz her too much,I have tried watching that show few times but end up changing channel! The show is not only fake but so boring! Why can't omotola concentrate on her acting career. Her music is wack,now she is into reality show. Her thirst for fame is disgusting. If u wanna be famous u must prepare to take critics too. She is always getting bitter. I think she is fame-&-money-missed-road. That's why people like Genevieve, stella damasus etc will always be above her. Must she fight and exchange words with anyone that criticize her on twitter? That's classless! Linda,u are more classy than her,biko stop kissing her ass abeg before u bring urself to her classless level!

    U fit no publish my comment sha.

  112. Seriously is dt a Reality show or a documentary??? Madam Ya show is as fake as ur Accent shikenaa!!!!

  113. Dat show is authentically fake...take some reality show tips from kimora...Omosexy show is truly unreal...#justsaying#...reality

  114. I tink its ok...pls let's celebrate our own...if u hv contributions dt wld make it beta speak up,if u r saying its fake do ur own let's c

  115. D show no follow abeg!
    No hating! Its just crappy!

  116. Fake or not. She's making money. I don't think it's fake.if it is, what do u say about keeping up the Kardashians and co

  117. The show is a big flop,she's Kimola lee Simmons wanna be bwahahahahah

  118. Linda why am i not surprised? It confirms my suspicions. You surely can't tell the difference.

    Omotola suck up your pride and be mature. You show lacks originality and depth. Its bad enough you followed the band wagon and decided to do a reality show ok we accept why do one that is like a badly done nolly wood movie?

    The first time i watched it was one of the worst tv experiences of my life. Which NIGERIAN PA, would burst into their oga's room and start opening windows, then whats with shopping shopping shopping.Is that all you do? Then the Christmas edition oh nooooo that was a disaster. You need to show us THE REAL YOU.... Surely you are NOT a diva 24 hours? Change your script writers, go to the market, act like a mom, a wife and an artist.Learn to switch from one role to another in short BEEEEEE REEEEEEAAAAAAAAAL. As one in the arts myself, i was totally irritated with your weak attempt. Its BAD,A ship wreck, a disaster on TV AND NO ITS NOT SELLING JACK.My advise stop shooting go and re-strategies you are NOT KIM K, COCO, Mrs Eastwood or Paris Hilton you are omotola to some, omosexy to some and Mrs. Ekeinde to others show all those sides in an interesting seamless story and then maybe JUST maybe I'll watch.


  119. linda, gotta say i kina agree with whoeva called the show fake...tell me a reality show that isnt....u would only b lying to urself. As for the show., wonder if ot will last more than 1 season...

  120. the thing is while we complain its fake but still waste our time to watch it,she will contiue to mak money.dt was how KEEPING UP WTH THE HARDASHIAN started,it was fake and annoying but pple kept watch and now pple hardly complain abt it been fake.
    that aside, linda the fact that u re been too sentimental dis days is bringing down ur bussiness o just so u knw, in my place of work if i ask anyone wetin amebo linda don talk today they all give me abeg i dnt care abt that girl jor,she is been to sentimental dis o gal just so u knw u hve to bring back the old u oo,say the truth and stop posting things just because u like the person or them dey give u small pay to get attention that is not necessary(chika ike)or cos u wanna famz.i pity the way my collegue run u down 2day and he used to like u so much b4 oo.
    btw omotola sef knw she is acting

  121. Nigerians are just sad people I am not a Nigerian but I value and appreciate what ur celeb do.this woman has made name for her self and is a role model to lot of young girls even in the u.k so try and appreciate with when u hear omotola all u see is a successful woman.BRAVO

  122. I don't blame u...y won't u say she's real wen u r d fakest LIBer..mtcheww

  123. Lmsao @ 90% of people yabbing Fake Omosexy's bad english. Dem sef get that Omosexy english disease for body.

    Y'all should stop following Tonto Dike on twitter asap.
    Make una dey there. Her accent, english & show may be fake but her money is very real o!

    Ladies, don't dull o! Most of ur husbands are ready to sell ur wedding rings to pay Omosexy for the chance to french kiss her 'vertical lips' even as she fake so!

    Moral of the story:
    Yes, her show sucks but she's gettin paid.

  124. Abeg dat show has been fake way b4 it started

  125. i lov omotola a lot,the show is not so bad but i think Nigerians do not want to appreciate local reality shows from celebrities.if it is foreign now,everybody will like it.pls let us learn to blieve in ourselves

  126. the show is fake and everything surrounding it.

    even her good self is fake

  127. Linda the show is staged that is what i call it not faked but staged and scripted. The was a scene that was copy and paste from "Kimora life in the fab lane" Omotola's PA came to wake her up and when she was giving all those short narrations she said word for word what Kimora said in her show. what happened in that scene was exactly what happened in Kimora's show.

  128. Abeggi.... Enough wit the fake or no fakeness! I beg y'all wit d name of God go do ur own fake shows too so we could watch.. Abeg it Hv do... Na person mama Abeg just stop hating.. god bless u😜

  129. Exactly, The show is as fake as most female orgasms.

    I made sure i watched the first episode and i was pissed. Whoever wrote that script does not know Omotola.

    You are a family woman, like it or not. Even if you dont want to expose your kids, lets see your husband

  130. Cindy! Waka✋ Na u sangos go strike. In fact Na ur left Nyash em go strike... Go take a chill pill...hater! Which one u don do sef.ode👿

  131. Lizabeth Bonario and Prince Jobless pls thank you for saying the truth.

  132. I don't have time to watch another person's life, got mine to live but kudos to her on working on her belly(maybe its spandex), she looks awesome for a mother of 4, unlike Ini edo wey never born half still packing afo gulder.

  133. Linda we know you said what you said so that people will not say you are tribalistic cos u are more of a Genny fan, i feel you on that next time just post tweet of the day and leave it at that don't comment further you hear? thank you.

  134. God doesn't lik ugly and ya'll aiit fine to kill. Don't fight success people. if it is kim k u guys won't talk o.

  135. u ppl should leave omotola alone oooooo haba, she is only human and has her flaws too, the 'sango tingy' is her bin real biko, i like watching the show sha, altho truth be told dat show no get head, but omotola is fun to watch, i jus feel she should make it more nigerian after all she made her fame and money in naija so why the ghana today,yankee tomorrow, uk next week show offs, its a reality show lets see reality, am not saying she should put all out there but i would like to see omotola in her elelment, stop doing the candy-goody-too-shoes madam, shout on your P.A, go to the market, hide from some ppl u dont want to see, let d cameras go to hell jus be youuuuuu. btw i respect omot....she has a family and a long lasting marriage, all d odes and mumus mentioning genevieve and stella damascus should please shut up and show me any oda young actress dat has been married over fourteen years with more than three kids........ plus the christmas dat was classic and d realest, evry oda episode especially dat one of her going to sing in one church like dat in ghana na apology b d remaining. me sha love d show with all d comas in it

  136. @MY TURN, you are the only person that said it all here and a few people. Omotola learn to tolerate and accept criticism from your fans in order to re strategize. Have you ever read where Kim K and co are cursing their fans via twitter or any other means? I'm not being judgemental, but gurrl you have to cool your temper or rather still, there's sumfin they call anger management. You mustn't be rude when you being criticised by the society. Your fans can be praising you all the time, it's misleading. Using the word *Sango, or Ogun* curses on your fans shows how classless you could be. Which invariably means, you use these words at home, so show your real self on the reality tv, you started it, nobody begged you to. One lesson I ve learnt from you : babe you are too proud and arrogant, to say the least.
    As for you Linda, you had better be professional on this blog, if you want to last the taste of time. Learn from Perez Hilton, or rather Stella Dimokokorsu, she no dey fear face. Just blog and leave the comments for the public to deliberate. A word is enough for the wise...babe learn fast.

  137. Very boring,she needs to watch the Kardashians jare. She should accept criticism,its boring.I watched it just once. Lindiway,why wont u say its not boring bcos u wan dey celeb good books. ure a smart lady,Lindiway....if i were u i would say its d most interesting show sef.Lmao

  138. I think she did a good job. God bless her and her family. Pls no hating, give constructive criticsm...the show may be scripted, not fake. :)

    Pls visit for your daily Christian uplifting message. God bless you all.

  139. She cant even spell stared! The fact is no one can ever act (in front of cameras), the way they'll act if they were alone with no one watching! If that was the case, reality shows would show at least 10 minutes footage of a person sitting/lying down and staring into space/ doing nothing whatsoever, because lets face it, it happens to everyone and i'm yet to see that on any so called "reality" show.

  140. I am Yoruba and the show has some fakeness in it. I cringe when watching it at times. She should be open to feedback even negative ones and stop staying Sango will strike people. Dumb comment coming from her.

  141. 1) omotola ur home needs a make-over if it must be on international tv! Ur kitchen is Filthy! Ur curtains r dirty! Ur living area upstairs where u did d dancing on d xmas edition, the walls need to be painted. U made it our biz to poke our nises in ur affairs buy showing us ur home. It needs to be redone asap
    2) what is the focus of the show? To show us ur jet set life?
    3) ur husband dancing in his black suit?? Serzly? Why do that to d poor guy?
    4) nobody's PA bursts in on them and starts opening windows
    5) u need to fire ur stylist asap! U r never well put together. U always always always look scruffy! Ur hair is forever a huge Mess! U also need to know that wit ur size, u can hardly get away wit anything
    6) ditch the singing asap!
    7) most times i watch ur show cos theres nothing else on tv so pls make worthwhile
    And its easy to refer to kim n say her claim to fame is her sex tape n she has no other talent n bla...truth is u find alot of kim's fan base r female n its cos they want to see wot she wears! That alone is enough to watch kuwtk b4 we mention their strong family bond n their mom's manageral skills n real life lessons we learn! Eg when khloe found she was menstrating and not ovulating! Alot of women r not aware this is possible! So pls dont compare omotola's tacky show to kuwtk! Wats there to watch on omotola's show? Honeyboo and babyboo? Purlease!
    And linda i noticed u made that "i dont see any fakeness here" comment so that ur readers can come down hard on omotola. U did it to toke, toolz etc thats ur strategy when u dont want to directly insult or step to someone, u set ur readers on them.... U r a bitch like me so from one bitch to another, Nice One Bitch!

  142. This Omotola is a fool. With her corny accent and bad English! The show is as fake as a two thousand naira note mbok. Alainironu Ara Galatia.

  143. Anon. February 28, 2013 at 3:16 PM, you are heavily deluded and slightly unbalanced in the head.

  144. Am not sure linda is famzing her...she's jus trying to tease her n to provoke comments from her LIB readers. I know omosexy want to be like Kimora...but dat her show titled the real me is the opposite..I mean she should change it to the fake me.

  145. I blame Biola Alabi

  146. You wanna be real in this muthafucka???
    Go do a sextape with Akon n put that shit out as one episode. Now,dat would be REAL......
    Rated "R"!

  147. linda hw will u seec fake in it, how? when u urself na fake! mschew buba and rapper, oshisco. 90210

  148. Erm madam Linda, u need to upgrade ur blog o. Seeing some comments here I'd like to "like" or reply to.
    Now back to the show, how come most of the people writing essay on how great the show is are anonymous? Abi she dey arrange make her PA help her rep?
    At bitch 6.40, u have talk it finish! Chop better knuckle (from one bitch to another)lol.
    Omotola, if u choose to open your life to the public then be ready to pay the price after all when you're getting paid u no complain! Even Kim K gets publicly critiqued by her fans sometimes so deal with it.
    Final advice, before u blow "fone", learn your grammar ( I recommend u use the singing lessons money)
    And last but not the least, Linda you fall my hand

  149. tell dem omotola,go with d wind fabulous,u are ok.

  150. tell dem omotola,go with d wind fabulous,u are ok.

  151. Omotola your house is a mess dirty and so razz pls try and buy nice lights and change your furniture .cant believe in that dustbin .and you r too fake no sense of style.the only good thing is that you r pretty but ur show is rubbish try and stick to acting ok !ok! Ok!
    Pls your house is just to horrible for a young chic

  152. Too fake ....I so hate it!*hiss.-Jay


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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