Listen: Why Child Abuse Goes Unreported | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 11 January 2013

Listen: Why Child Abuse Goes Unreported

Radio host James O'Brien was discussing how child molester Jimmy Savile went under the radar for so long, when he got a call from a man who had been abused as a nine-year-old. It's a must-listen for everyone to understand how child abuse can go unreported. It will break your heart...especially the last three minutes. Listen below...


  1. yea, I watched this on cnn earlier today. seriously, victims need a voice!

    1. I am in tears.....

    2. Am sorry to say this, and it might seem to be a tribalistic comments. Although this kind of people are seen everywhere. Please I want to warn igbos especially. When I was in secondary school, isl to be precise, I had this click of friends, we were 6 in number we all went to d same primary sch and met in secondary school again, all my very close friends are igbos and my best of them all is an igbo girl so its not like am hating on u guys. One break time, we all got talking, it started wiv how we stumble on our parents having sex. We were in jss2 then! Fortunately that day one of our other friends, a boy came andsat wiv us and joined the conversation, and the boy started crying, he is igbo too. He said one of those boys they bring from the village to come and serve under his father has been sleeping wiv him through his asshole since primary school. His problem was his parents were illiterates and he has tried and tried to talk to them but they won't listen or they don't have time. The last time I saw him on fb, he is as Gay as anything. He is in london now. When he said it, my friends started giving their stories too. The same thing, all those boys they bring from the village, they fumble their breast and disvirgined them at age 7 till that time. Some its their uncle, some their house help. Even the teacher and driver in their primary school. Me wey dey talk, na my neighbour do am but na yoruba boy. He was my elder brothers age mate. Infact am a chubby girl. I developed breast and ass very fast. By primary four, I had very visible and pointed boobs. My mum used to work in luth and those student doctors used to look at me 2wice. I remember some of them liked my mum a lot and they liked me so much and liked carrying me everywhere to buy chocolates for me cus I was chubby and very fine. My mum made the mistake of telling them to stay wiv me for a minute in her office while she goes to another clinic to do something. She wasn't a doctor. She worked at the medical records department. Two of them used to molest me a lot. Always touching my breast and one fingered me. The truth is I was already used to it cus of my neighbour who used to molest me. So I did not talk cus I thought it was a normal thing. In my head I new it was wrong but I can almost say I was already enjoying it. Even my elder sisters friends molest me to. It was that bad. In secondary school, a pastor, I won't mention his name took me to a hotel to sleep wiv me if not for my period that saved me,I was crying and begging the man, he said if he slept wiv me I would write waec in school cus isl had a stupid policy that if u don't get c in english and maths u no go write waec. So I did not pass my maths, and C was from 50% the standard is very high, some people slept their way tru and some payed their way tru. At the end I was not allowed to write my waec in school cus of this same issue. I lost my virginity at 13 years willingly to a bf because I new too much and people don use me for experiment taya. Kept sleeping wiv a lot of guys, I hated myself so much. Infact it got so bad that when a guy approaches me, it felt like he was even doing me a favour so I should give him sex cus that's all am good for. I won't lie to you men, I have a terrible low self esteem. Coupled wiv the fact that I was raped again. At age 17. He wasn't an unknown guy to me. That's another chapter I hate remembering. Please don't judge people and don't judge me. Some girls have been tru hell even worse than me. They need help. Look at me when u see me, u would say see this fine chubby girl. Lol. If only u no my history. Today in my area, I see some of this boys that come from village. I hate them. I know a lot of igbos are on this blog, please be weary about those village boys and girls! You guys help ur towns people a lot by bringing them to lagos, uncles son and all, so its not like am being tribalistic and to everybody be vigilant about ur neighbours, drivers,school teachers, etc!

    3. Am sooo sorry dear. Am rele so sorry. Av learnt not to judge people. My cousine use to touch me in weird places nd I neva said anytin abt itcos I woz kinda enjoyin iy, but thank God it dnt exceed dat. Bt eva since den, av been conscious abt guyz, tabkz for sharin ur story girl. Nd may God bless u

    4. At anon 9.31. Your story and mine are quite similar. I was molested by both male and female. Mostly dads workers, elder brothers friends, male cousins and even One FEMAle cousin, house helps .They would mostly fondle my boobs, suck my boobs, finger me or rub their dirty dicks and vaginas against my own vagina. But there ws never penetration with wouldn't dick.I couldn't report cos I thought my parents wld skin me alive. It took a lot to let go of my lesbian side cos Female house helps molested me A lot and it ws enjoyable at the time plus I knew I would never be caught. I look back and am ashamed of my past. I didn't actually lose my virginity till I was 21 but even at that I didn't bleed when I lost it cos of all the tampering that had been done down there.I detest all those people that molested me. And the painful thing is that they see u now and talk to u as though nothing ever happened. I'm happily married now. Thank God. I keep praying God hs forgiven me.

    5. @Anon 9:21am, my step mum is igbo and had a boy frm d village stayin wit her n we lived together; the guy used to harrass me by askin me to com touch his dick wenever we wer alone. I was only 8. Thankfully my step mum moved out of d house n went wit her paedophile.he wasn't successful wit me. Another story, I saw my uncle, my mum's younger brother havin sex wit my younger sister she was 4 then. I reported to my mum, she didn't believe me, said it can't b true.u won't believe that same uncle is a pastor today.smh. Parents shd b watchful n never take such stories for granted.investigate n take neccessary action. Godbless.

  2. Child abuse is one nagging problenm that is ripping our society apart. Its sad.

    GISTville reports that Rihanna just insulted Chris Brown on twitter saying he's not a real man but a child. Ha ha!

    1. I saw her yeye tweet. Abegi, she shld take a frigging seat on the floor. She's saying he's a boy yet she won't get off his di**, wanting to move in with him and PDA all over town. She never hala.

    2. She's a very confused chick. I dunno wats so special about that Mr Chris brown. Abi is he not the one I saw on stage last month? Psweeee!

  3. Am not gonna listen to anything.. They're all stupid. Man wey don die. Died at the age of 82, So all these years they said and did nothing to him, the guy lived his life wella before he died. This is just a typical example of medicine after death, what are they gonna do? Rubbish! Anytime am watching cnn and the news comes up, I just quickly change the channel cos its so annoying.

    1. But seriously...wit d way Oyibo claim their "nobody's above d law" baffles me all dis were kept under till he passed on peacefully. Even d victims. People that r mor connected than him have bn convicted of various crimes. I pity d victims sha...another nightmare.

  4. Honestly, we should rise up and speak up for the voiceless. @Michelle, both Riri and Chris don't seem to be real.

  5. Rape as bad as it is can have a little explanation for such a useless act but I am still yet to decipher the logic behind paedophilia, the mindset of child molesters. Being totally sick upstairs is the only thing I can think off. This just goes out to make us fully wary of people who have contact with our kids

    1. Calm down..u'll soon decipher it..I'm sure u r one of dem..

    2. @Anonymous 10:33; STFU if you got nothing worthy to say hater!!!

  6. aww,child abuse is like a vicious cycle.Sometimes the abused grows to become another is really sickening and depressing for the abused because the person tends to wonder if he or she actually caused it.

  7. I really feel for this guy... Some African prents would let their children pass to hell in the name of shame and family.

  8. @11.01 you are clearly an idiot...... listen to the tape then come back and read ur comment and see how stupid u are

    1. Bros idiot too small for that Monkey

    2. This comment actually made me listen and I have to say that they are right in the names they're calling you! I'm a man and I had tears in my eyes after listening. Thanks Linda.

  9. Nice 1 linda..I'm also a house help abused me when I was way 2 young(8yrs),not just one but many of the ones we really affected me..there are a lot of people out there who are so much in pains over abuse n they r so quite about it..parients shld teach their kids to speak out @ all times,encourage them to report strange experience..

    1. "Children speak out" d question shud parents listen to their kids? Do they look for d signs? For MOST parents in nigeria especially, its all abt workin n makin bonding is lost... Assumin I had a kid, an uncle,friend etc walks into my houz n my kid goes hiding...common sense. Says somthin is wrong... I'll b a best pal To my so he. Can tell me anything... Pple are wickd frm birth, I trust no one and will trust no one... I felt wen d guy said all he thinks of is revenge...naija is lawless so I myself wud hav ended d paedophile's life to end d streak... The MaN is. Vry strong for comin out after all dis years...I pray he finds peace ....F.O.B

  10. Its so heartbreaking to listen to this!!! I almost got molested by an uncle, i was just lucky because i was close to my mum and she always talks about sexual abuse and we had sex education from a very young age and i was free to talk to her about absolutely anything. Each night for days i couldn't sleep cos i was afraid. He would sneak to the room i shared with my sisters and tap me to see if i was asleep n try to raise my night gown,i resorted to wearing jeans to sleep but that didnt stop him from trying.I would start praying and cursing!!I was 11 years old, he was 28!!I finally decided to muster up courage, i am the first child and i was so scared it would happen to my younger sisters(my immediate was 7 and the last girl was just 2) so i told my mum and she took immediate action!!! It so common among us but most don't know its happening in their house. A friend of mine told me he was molested by his older cousin for years till they moved out of their house. He started having sex with her (an 18 year old girl at age 10)!! Please those with young kids should get very close to their kids and should not be shy to talk to their kids about this or shut their kids up or call them a liars when they tell them about an abuse,PLEASE!!

  11. Geez....I wanna hug him n tell him everything will be alright....seriously dunno y pple do dis...jus sad

  12. its not only men, my cousin who used to live with my aunt and uncle in the states was abused sexually by an aunt. She was also continuously beaten by the woman who suppose to take of her ( her aunt who took the girl from her real mom in nigeria to america when she was 7 or 8 to raise since she couldnt have anymore kids after her two sons) and whom she called mother. Her maternal uncle and his wife had adopted her, and unknown to the man the aunt had bipolar and other mental illness because she beat stumped on the girl broke her bones, even accuse her of sleeping with her husband if the girl hugged her uncle and even thought her children to hate and bully the girl from elementary to highschool. Her brothers spread rumors that the girl was gay in high school ( which she isnt) and ruined her whole highschool experience where they joined with other kids to make fun of her. But even in all that physical abuse her so called aunt allowed a family member that had come to visit sodomize the girl with a toilet plunger in front of her young sons as a form of punishment, and the girl had just started her menses. The girl told the woman whom she called mom and the woman said she deserved it. This happened when she was only 11. She wanted to tell her uncle , but her "mom(aunt- her maternal uncle's wife)" threatened to send her back to nigeria, and so the girl never told anyone until she told me last year, after she finished grad school and cut of all ties with the family. And this happened in the usa. She even went to the extent of changing her name, just to have nothing to do with them. Its sad though that parents forget that you just dont give anyone your child, not everyone is qualified to be a mother. i cry everytime i see how successful she has become inspite of all this, but i know inside she hurts so much. She also cut of ties with her mom back in nigeria blaming the woman of letting her come live with such monsters.- Chinma

  13. this is the reason i say dont try to be anyone but yourself, for you dont know the journey they have taken to get where they are. Parents need to open their eyes, stop giving your child to anyone to raise, because the truth is no one can protect and love your child more than you. Dont trust everyone, not even relatives around your children.

    1. What of fathers/mothers who molest their own children?

  14. Well done to dis guy for being able to tell his story, coming from someone that was abused also at a tender age(still can't believe i'm typing this rite now and even as an anonymous i still don't feel brave enough to talk about it cos i've never told my story even to the closest person to me).the worse part of the experience is living with it everyday of your life,watever u are doing somehow it all still flashes back every single day.i bless God for helping me learn to associate with people cos its so scary i don't even want to trust anyone.i was only 8 when it happened,i was in tears listening to this guy cos i can relate.i can't even talk to anyone about it,cos i don't want anyone to judge me for what i didn't have control over as a child.i'm married now with a husband before we got married once told me i kinda seem lost most times,like someone that was abused,but i always deny cos i don't want him to judge me or maybe i'm wrong but the truth is its really scary to say these things cos of the kind of world we live in.i protect my child like a hawk and God help anyone born of a woman to try make my child go through life this way,i'm a christian but that might probably be the one thing that will make me kill,i don't live in my old place any more but that doesn't make it better but God have been helping me go through life day by day.unlike this man,i have never told my parents and i intend to keep it that way cos i'm scared it might end up like this.i'm just weeping on my bed as i'm typing this.abuse is the worse thing anyone can do to their fellow human.

    1. I can relate, but you need to let it go, pray nd watch Joyce Meyer on YouTube, her father molested her several times but she was able to pull through, I act crazy sometimes because it messes with my head but I still pray'! Pls pray and remember it is well in Jesus name

  15. I'm in tears... I can only imagine the pain and the rage in him right now... I pray that he is able to go past the pain and forget about anything revenge.. At the same time the mom needs to take actions and let people know what sort of evil man they have in their community back home... Only God knows how many kids he must have molested and still molesting. My heart bleeds xxx DesTo

  16. We al live in d midst of animals called perverts,rapist,child molesters n a whole lot more.we all shld stand up against dem n their evils.victims shld b encouraged 2 speak up n nt wori abt any stupid stigmatization."Evil only prevails wen d good guys like YOU dnt speak up".Capital punishment wld b best for every offender.dis's my take.

  17. Its very sad how lots of people have been abused and yet you see them and you do not know what is going in their head. I was abused at a young age 7 yet i have blurry flash backs that it has happened before them . I felt used and condemned and the perpetrator made me feel like i wanted it, it has caused so much in my life and yet i question myself how i went wrong and i just turned 19 its a daily toture for me , cos wen girl talk about thier first time i feel ashamed and i feel like dirt .Parents need to be close to their children and believe what they say

  18. Very heartbreaking

  19. Woah! God heal ur hurting tears atm, I cnt imagine what he is going thru. For a man to still shed tears years later? His pain must be so deep. Talking about it is the first step to healing and liberation...God bless you. alot of people have been abused, pple are still being abused, alot more would be abused. Its the evil perverted world we live in. God help us...TC

  20. When I was 15 I started having flashbacks of being abused when I was about 6 by my brothers friend who used to live with us . I recently found out that the guy is now a teacher somewhere in Lagos . I am 23 now and Idk if my memories are real or not but I have such vivid images in my head of the incident .

  21. i'm in remind of what happened to me.i was raped when i was 6 by guy who was about 40,and now i'm mid 30 and i still remember what happened.i never told anyone,is really hard to talk about these happened when i was at school,the teacher found out so they have to tell my mum.what makes me angry{at that time i did'nt know}my mum came at school and pick me up, as soon as we arrived home,she beat me up really that time i thought it was my fault.and she said to me not to tell anyone.but now,i'm a grown up woman,i understand it wasn't my fault.sometimes when i remember i just feel sad,and i can't face my mum and ask why she beat me up for things which wasn't my fault.

    1. I am so sorry to hear about your experience but you need to talk to your Mum about it. Ask her why she did not believe and protect you. Times have changed we parents are becoming more enlightened and must continue to speak out when these things happen and keep our kids informed so they know to report and speak out when touched inappropriately.

  22. I am thinking the mum feels guilty and possibly blames herself but is handling it wrong. From what he said, I can only deduce that he is one of these kids who parents leave them with relatives whilst trying to sort themselves out abroad. Whilst this works for some, the danger and consequences to the children left behind is unfathomable. I pray the young man is able to get help in moving on with his life.

  23. u foolish people r talking about chris brown when people with real problems are being spoken of


    children of child abuse needs a voice

  24. Child abuse is soo rampant especially in Nigeria. its so sad we don't have channels to remedy this problem.

  25. @anon 12:17 ...please talk about it don't keep it to your self. Talking about it will set you free i promise. My story is not too different from yours, i was abandoned and molested by people i didn't even know. For the longest time i could not get close to any man. Then i met my husband, i opened up to him and today he protects me with his life. If you know the kind of man you married then don't be afraid to tell him, it will strengthen your bond. I too have a child and so help me God! if anyone so much as looks at my child the wrong way and i find out....there will be blood o!!
    God has been so good to me and he heals if you allow him, just don't be afraid. It is my dream to be a voice for children who are victims of this despicable act.


    1. Wow! You are really silly and heartless! Smh!

    2. STFU! That's all I can say to u..

    3. You are a nimcompo... If you have never been raped or molested you have no right to judge a victim. Even if you have you need to understand that people are different and not be such a bully.

  27. Abuse is one thing no 1 should pass through,it only heals when u cry 2 God,nd share ur story 2 help others,dats hw u become free lyk i am nw.

  28. Childhood abuse is sumtn dat shd rili b was abused by my cousin dat stayed wit us wen I ws 7/8.I struggled.I survived.was so glad wen he left........ryt now,he doznt evn tink I a survivor.

  29. Afta my experience v vowed 2b my kids besties so dey can share anytin wit parnts wer strict so I dint speak up nd up til 2day[am 21 nd a graduate]dey v no idea....parents nid 2 b close 2dia kids nd believe in dem

  30. This is so touching I cried listening to dis......God heal ur heart man n giv u d strength to pull through!!!!

  31. Abuse is so real in our society. I know so many friends who were abused as children. Heartbreaking.......

  32. Well tins like this happen everyday! I wasn't abused at a tender age but av been raped twice in adult hood!! Hw do I tell dat to anyone!! Its painful cos d first time was by thugs who beat n raped I and my friend while d other one was wit a reputable guy in d society!, although he cald to apologise wen dat whole cynthia case happened I still wish I killed him!! Sad world we live in !!

    1. Mine happened in the university, altho not rape bcos I fought so hard using any and evrything around me to escape him. Many yrs later a frend called me that d guy was lookn 4ma number everywhere to ask 4 forgiveness bcos he was about gettn married. I jt told my frend 2pass a msg 2him that I hv 4gven n left d rest 2God. Bur I knw u'll reap wot u sow

    2. Mine happened in the university, altho not rape bcos I fought so hard using any and evrything around me to escape him. Many yrs later a frend called me that d guy was lookn 4ma number everywhere to ask 4 forgiveness bcos he was about gettn married. I jt told my frend 2pass a msg 2him that I hv 4gven n left d rest 2God. Bur I knw u'll reap wot u sow

  33. The tears just won't stop because being a victim myself I have questions to why me and where was God. As an orphan I couldn't move or go anywhere because there's really no home to go to, and the fool never even apologised to me. I would kill anyone who tries this with any child I know not to mention my own. God is our strength. Let's continue to deny its existance in Nigeria, mine started when I was 8years old till I was 14 so it is a problem and I have been scared of sex or relationship since then.

  34. Pls!pls!pls! Help to expose child abuse. It kills! Most get out of it, some r affected deir whole lives. #tears in ma eyes#

  35. Was abused at 6 by security man at my primary sch who took charge of pupils waiting 4 a pickup....I am now 36 single and never had a sexual relationship. Last year I had bacteria infection and my doctor prescribed canesten vaginal tablets... I froze. She tried but the small tablets could not enter. He coaxed me into telling her why I reacted that way. I cringe when I read comments on this blog or listen to peeps talk of singlenigerian ladies saying "may she marry jor her time don pass or shebe lesbo ni?". Some ppl are "emotionally challenged " just like some are "physically challenged". I may never marry. Guess I will be the target of crass comments for a long time

  36. This is sad...I cldnt even bring myself to listen.

    May God save us all from evil in Jesus name. Parents, it's time we let our kids know it's okay to talk. is a christian blog. Pls stop by for the Word of God, it will cheer you up after this very sad report.

    God please protect our children.

  37. I was abused when i was 4 years dad and mum were separated and we were left by ourselves alot with the neighbors to watch after of the neighbors abused me.......he had to have been in his twenties ...........i was scared and full of was my fault for not knowing what his plan was when he called me into his room....... Now am in my late twenties and i still remember clearly what happened........i also found out my sister was also abused several mum would die of a broken heart if she ever found out what we went through after she left.........moral of my story is mothers keep your children close,trust few people with them. Yoruba people saying #Orisa bi iya osi #......meaning there is no god like a mother......true most times anyway

  38. My own father abused me as a child. When I was 14 I told my mum cos he continued touchimg me. Guess what? My mum called me "possessed" and took me for "prayers"..... Abuse continued till I was 16 when my elder brother caught him red handed. He and my other 2 brothers beat him to a pulp. What's the use in having a voice when no one hears a victim?

    1. Please don't say it is useless to have a voice ... We must not give up speaking up. I am sure you won't want others to go through what you did and just your speaking out will make other mothers aware that these things can and do happen even under their noses. This will make us all more vigilant. Thank you for sharing.

    2. Sorry about that, God will heal you

    3. I think a lot of abuse still goes on primarily becos bcos do not believe. This generation should try their best 2b close 2their kids. Wots d use of chasing moni in a sad and unhappy home

  39. This really messed this guy up so bad but I'm glad he was able to get his life back on track. Hhowever, he needs for talk to a specialist cos he's still very angry and confused about what happened and why it happened to him. He's also trying to lash out at his mum which is uncalled for but I understand that he's looking for someone else to blame. It's not her fault. The paedophile was supposedly a family member, the last thing on d mum's mind is what occurred. She's staying away now cos she also feels guilty for not protecting him as a child....

    Anyways, I've said it before and I'll say it again.... if anyone touches my kids (God forbid), I will kill the person. Period! Its a promise and I will deliver.

  40. Wow shit happens in dis world we ave all just got 2 be strong and look out 4 one and anoda.pls if dere is any1 molesting a child in ur area endeavour 2 fight against such u could save 1 innocent child.

  41. @ Anon 12:17aam and @9,.17am..... trust me i understand how you feell......was molested as a child and kept it secret fr many years, was ashamed and couldnt tell anyone, and found it difficult to get close to in my mid 20s now...and i would tell you, you have to look for someone you can trust or even a therapist to someone...the moment you speak up and pray about it is when you would be free.....what kills/affects us abusers, is the 'silence' we keep....speak up my sear...@anon 12:17 you said your married...please tell your hubby..used to be like you cried a lot and all....but the moment i started therapy and talked about it.....i became fee....i still thnk about it but at least it doesnt make me cry anymore...

  42. Am writing this cause I know nobody can trace me, I remember the night I was rape infact it hunt me every day, it was my dad birthday and I left the house to visit a friend, you need to understand he beat me all the time, the only time I found peace was when I left the house, it was around 7 I was walking back home in the rain' hating the fact that am going back to that horrible guy, when one man walk out of nowhere and started talking to me I cross the road n continue walking, unfortunely he had a plan with his friend they watch me taking a turn few street away from my house, and the he grab me' his friend held an umbrella, he punch my stomach and pull me to a car on the road, I begged him' lol its a bit funny, I started telling him I was a virgin that I can introduce him to my friend she would date him, he ignored and punch me again telling me to pull my trouser down, I did, and then he tried to force his huge manhood inside me, wow it hurt like hell, I kept begging him to stop, you know when I got home that night my dad beat the hell out of me and ask me to kneel for 3hours? All the while he was hitting me I could feel the pain in my virgina, after sometime I stop feeling anything, Am a singer now, but the pain is always there, I act strange sometimes, I have black out and sometime I have urges to kill somebody and am almost sure I would enjoy doing it, question is when would the pain end?

    1. Blood of jesus. Linda please if u are reading this. Refer ur bloggers to this post. Its not getting the right attention, by now almost 500 people should have commented. Please refer ur bloggers to this post and let everybody read peoples personal experiences. Please pleaseplease. This is so serious. Please. To see what girls are going through and I thought I was d only one going through stuff. Please let people share their stories. U don't know how relieved I am. To think that a lot of women have been through a lot too and am not different.

  43. God help the caller to forget the past and move on, not an easy thing to bear for such a long time. With these days "working class mothers" too busy to spend time with their children to observe changes and discuss freely with young kids.
    I moved into a new neighbourhood 4months ago( we are just 2 in d compound) my neighbour has 3 girls and a boy, ages 10,8,6,6. It all seemed normal when i moved in, but later i realised that the parents leave this children at home alone till abt 9/10pm. The mother has a shop and the father doesnt have a regular job. but the main source of their income is the shop. The man takes the children to school and the wife to the shop in the mornings, he brings the kids back home home at 2pm and once he drops them at home, he is off,( gisting away with shop owners, mechanics, sales girls etc in the neighbourhood)leaving the kids at home alone till about 9pm when he will go to the shop and pick his wife.
    I was new so i didnt know much abt them but i know one "Uncle Henry" that comes to the house in the afternoons. When these kids come from school all of them move around the compound in pants playing and once uncle comes they are inside till uncle goes. As time went on, i started becoming observant i would scream at the girls to go in and put on cloths. Not until one faithful afternoon, i saw the 8yr old girl crying outside the house. i asked her where is your daddy? she says he has gone out(typically), where are your other siblings i asked. she says they are inside, before i could say another i saw Uncle Henry coming out from their room, and as i was still asking the little girl questions, this Uncle shut her up and asked her to go inside,giving me a terrible look. Tor, make e nor be say i dey interfer i just respected myslf and went to my house. As soon as i noticed Uncle has gone, i went back there and questioned them. The senior girl(10yrs)was asking the 8yr old to close her mouth. i had to force words out of their mouth and there i discovered Uncle Henry has been sleeping with the 10yr old, fondling the 8yr old and licking the 6yrs old private part. I couldnt believe it, i was crying cos i saw the fear and pain in the eyes of these girls( The 6yrs old didnt even see anything bad in what was happening) The eldest girl says it has been going on since when he was living with them 2yrs ago. He had a disagreement with his sister(their mother) so he moved out of the house and he knows how their parents operate so he comes in the afternoons to satisfy his orgies with these kids. My ears were full, i prayed for the kids. The 8yr old was crying because he decided to stop fondling her breast and do d real thing with her so she was crying because of the pains.
    And i said to myslf, all these years, so the mother didnt see that her daughters were being molested? in my discussion with the 10yrs old, she said "Uncle said he will kill all of us if we tell". Later that night, i had to summon courage to report my findings to the mother, she was rolling on the floor, shouting, crying and went to carry cain to flog the girls but i stopped her and told her it was their faults as parents. 2 yrs... and you dont know what's going on under your roof? Well... Parents shine ur eyes, make your children your friends, let them be free to discuss issues with you, teach them sexual education.

    1. Well done. I am so glad you stopped the Mum from further abusing the kids as if they had not been thru enough already. The parents shld take resppnsibility and seek out the perpetrator and take action to prevent it from happening again. Also the girls will need therapy and love. God help us all

    2. God that's all I can say and some mothers tho

    3. Well done. I am so glad you stopped the Mum from further abusing the kids as if they had not been thru enough already. The parents shld take resppnsibility and seek out the perpetrator and take action to prevent it from happening again. Also the girls will need therapy and love. God help us all

  44. wish i can hug the caller n tell him its ok....this hurts i feel so much range inside of can a man be such an animal OMG

  45. sixty percent of girl child were either molested or abused before they reach the age of eighteen and ninety percent of it go it is a sad story.

  46. Anon 11:20 u ve said it all,if any touches my kid. Killing straight,no mercy. Bcos our legal system is wack. I'm not gonna wait 4 d law. I ws abuse wen I ws nine by my class teacher,he ws constantly abusing me wit his finger thru my uniform pocket,I ws in primary 5 then. I told my frds then,bt dey laughed at me..I had 2 look 4 a way 2 end d topic so it won't get 2 my mum. As if dat ws nt enough,my dad's frd,dat I ws going 2 help 2 cook nd wash his cloths,ws always touching my boobs,telling me he's gonna do it gentlin,I ws scared then,bcos my mum ws constantly taking me 2 d doctor 4 checkup,at dis time I ws "14",2 kn if I've started having sex. So pls parents,open ur eyes very well. My daughter is 4,bt she kns part of her body dat cannot bt touch already..nt even d dad.

    1. Good but let's not forget even boys can be molested so same rules apply to our boys . Teach them at a young age what is acceptable and what is not and more importantly teach our boys to respect women...

  47. Anon 11:20 u ve said it all,if any touches my kid. Killing straight,no mercy. Bcos our legal system is wack. I'm not gonna wait 4 d law. I ws abuse wen I ws nine by my class teacher,he ws constantly abusing me wit his finger thru my uniform pocket,I ws in primary 5 then. I told my frds then,bt dey laughed at me..I had 2 look 4 a way 2 end d topic so it won't get 2 my mum. As if dat ws nt enough,my dad's frd,dat I ws going 2 help 2 cook nd wash his cloths,ws always touching my boobs,telling me he's gonna do it gentlin,I ws scared then,bcos my mum ws constantly taking me 2 d doctor 4 checkup,at dis time I ws "14",2 kn if I've started having sex. So pls parents,open ur eyes very well. My daughter is 4,bt she kns part of her body dat cannot bt touch already..nt even d dad.

  48. I really feel for all d victims of abuse. My mum had this househelp when I was about 5/6 who used to lure me into d bedroom to take cornflakes while my younger ones wwatchn cartoons.he'd tell me to lick him n just gently rub his p*nis around my vulva.
    Luckily, he didn't penetrate enough for me to remember any associated pain or bloodstain.the day my dad n aunt found out, I was beaten like a thief.y didn't Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ tell anyone? Blah blah blah . I was taken to the hospital wv my younger cuz living wv us then for injections.Then about 5years later, when I was in JS1, someone poked my anus just once when I was rushing out with others from d hall we used for our social night. These encounters scared me a lot. I just thank God for helpn me get past it. Last year, when my dad was considering whether to allow someone live wv us, I reminded him of the househelp incident, he remembered nothing! I just don't want that to happen to my sister or my kids. Anybody I catch doing so to them, will die at my hands, I swear. I think this Ȋ̝̊̅§ one of the reasons I decided to get disvirgined by someone I love evn if it won't last. At least, at the time, it seemed right. May God forgive me. Nowadays sef, gettn close to guys Ȋ̝̊̅§ scary for me. I'm very shapely n what most of themsee Ȋ̝̊̅§ just my body so I dress in big clothes quite often. So disheartening! I feel depressed right now sef.

  49. wow 80% of people that commented have been abused! im so sorry guys. i dunno if ive been abused but i think i hated this one man that used to visit us when we were young. maybe he tried kissing me or sth. Also there is dis barber that doubled as our photographer he really liked me i was like 8yrs old then he used to call me his wife i was disgusted and hated him. my parents couldnot understand why i always ran away whenever he was around or whenever they asked me to go to his shop. As God would have it he raped some girl to death and he had to run away from there. I thank God for saving me from dat one.
    once when i was going to school i was about 11. i was just about to cross the road an hausa man just started touching my boobs ild never forget that day. i was too embarrassed.
    Another time i went to the market i was about 14 one boy that was selling things started caresing me in broad daylight atleast i was courageous enough to insult him and a woman nearby scolded him.
    At 16 a forty year old man told my hairdresser that he would like to date me and she was trying to runs me to the guy during that period i got sexually molested by a 37yr old man.
    Might i add that having my mum's younger sis around kinda helped cos she was really close to me when i first saw my period she was the one who took care of me and gave me the talk as my mum was too shy to do so.

    sexual harrassment is real in nigeria oo...everywhere u go men feel its their right to grope your breasts and bum.My daughters and sons would be ferociously guarded by this mother hen. Touch them and risk been killed. im giving them sex education as soon as they can talk.

  50. but why do parents beat their kids when they tell them or find out? i think parents have a major fault on this issue. i know a case of someone whom was abused at about 7years. her mum beat her like there will be no tomorrow telling her "so this is the kind of life you want to start living? 7years ashewo. you want to disgrace me, i will kill you bla bla bla..."

    just imagine?

    parents please, its not the victims fault. give a listening ear, be close to ur kids, do not beat them on issues like this. its the fear of your beating that makes them voiceless.

    Enuff said.
    MadaM En Godbless you for coming to the rescue of those kids.

  51. Everyone in Nigeria have been abused one way or the other(92%)
    Na wah and it get worst by the Day..

  52. Welldone madam En, you are a wise one.

  53. I ve met many ppl,gays n str8 that were molested n perverted when they were young,but it was covered up by the custodion ,parents or they never shared their ordeal at all cos of shame or they were enjoying it,GISTVILLE God go purnish una and the cohorts wey una employ to kon dey pour sand sand for linda gari so na here be una second blog???,wey una dey distract n divert ppl soo,which kain MEDIOCRITY be dis??? Una think say na overnite dem take dey blow? Make una dey una lane abeg,linda shey dem dey pay abi na u dey fear dem ni? Abi na eye service wey dey pepper u,u dey do so? #maddingcrush

  54. Pls Linda let us raise awareness about this abuse. My heart bleeds just reading all these stories. Let us tell the world that it is right to speak out cos u are saving more victims. I am so passionate about this. It is sad. Victims think it will be a stigma if they speak up but it is the opposite. Let us fight child abuse.

  55. Oh God I don't know where to start. This are issues that shld be in the senate table instead they are all busy passing bills on punitive measures to same sex marriages. What are the punishments for rapist and child molesters? I don't understand this country? Especially in the north a child of 7yrs are giving out as brides to 70yr old men. And they are praised and worshiped. Several cases of child abuse reported to the police have be waved aside. Just imagine the comment. Its so sad to say I have also had my share of being molested. My mum was always away on business trip my mum worked morning to 6pm. I don't know what age I was but it was nursery 2. It actually started with my neighbors kids playing husband and wife it was really innocent but my mum saw us and thought something different, she almost killed me that day with cane. The boy innocent boy was banned from my house. I think my uncle took advantage of that moment and started molesting me every single day he picks me up from school. I was so afraid of telling my mum. Afraid that she will skin me alive, soon he started penetration I wld cry everyday when he was done but couldn't say anything. Sometimes I will feel sick and my mum wld just leave me alone with him. It was horrible later that one left another young boy in his 20 as an apprentice in my dad office continued. His own tactics was to give me alcohol and told me it was medicine. So I wld be drunk and dizzy while he had his way. That one soon left 2 house girls will always include me in their orgies. Then later another house boy this time I was in Js 2 I was sound asleep, the boy crept into my room and was trying to pull up my night gown when my Dad caught him. My dad became my hero, he pound on him and beat him up. Locked him at our door house till the next morning and called 2 army guys to beat him up merciless. My dad took me to the hospital for check up and the doc told him what broke his heart till today that I had lost my virginity. He blamed himself. I noticed he stop traveling a lot like he used to, his biz collapse my mum became the bread winner of the family. My mum really never cared but called me an ashawo that I have been enjoying it. I have never told anyone about this till now. But I am yet to regain my self esteem. Am married and God has blessed me with 2 kids I choose to be a house wife to watch my kids a boy and a girl. Every time I give my 4 year old daughter a bath I teach her parts of her body that are off limits. I still haven't forgiving my mum. We fight all the time. Am even in tears typing this. It really hurts.

  56. I'm lost here......did the presenter not call this guy a fool wen he asked who the text message was referring to? And no one picked it you all claim you listened and its sad blah blah........

  57. I have a daughter who is just 8month from all d stories I hv read n my own experience I hv never left her for 2hours with anybody am so scared. I jst pray God protects her for me cos I knw I can't do that alone.

  58. Wow! So much abuse! Almost every 4 of 5 comments has been abused!!! This is such a major problem in Nigeria! God helps us!!,

  59. Nawao going through all this comments and listening to this, I never new this kind of thing exist this much, may be is becouse of how I grew up, I am the 6th child in my family and I grew to see my sibling do all the domestic work. I went to primary school in the school were my mum was teaching. I go to school with her and come back with her as well untill I entered secondry school and I never come across where such thing is being discused. Thanks to lIB I ve to tell my older sibbling that have kids so they be watchful.people in my opinion I don't think house help is always an option 70% of them are bad. But if you insist once ur child is 4 pls send ur maid home becouse that is when it starts. Start teaching ur child how to clean the house and wash plat "isn't that what maids do" gradually God will see all of us through.


  61. I can't count how many people moslested me when I was young,uncle,cousins,family friends,I even almost got raped by my uncle,thank God he didn't succeed,I finally told me my bou my molestation,she cried n was angry with me for not telling her,though that didn't solve anything,I stopped seeing sex as a big deal,I've slept with a lot of pple,tho I still av d decency not to sleep with just anyone

  62. One of the difficulties of children speaking out about sexual abuse is that adults tend not to believe the child.

    Another major problem is parents with young children that allow people into their homes. The Nigerian culture places strong emphasis on being welcoming and hospitable to family members. Yet, many of them are monsters of the worst kind! Whether relatives or close friends, unless you are someone's sexual partner, you have NO IDEA what someone else finds sexually arousing.

    I have an older sister who doesn't take her child's protection seriously. She says she prays and asks God to watch over her daughter. She thinks that is all it takes, that is all she can do. Yet, she has a young man (20 or 21 years) renting a room in her house. Their house is a two-level home with four bedrooms. Hers is the only one on the lower level.

    Go figure.

    If anything happens to her daughter in the middle of the night, where would she be??

    Finally, I am a SURVIVOR of sexual assault (rape) as a young adult of 20 years. I can relate to the rage, anger, bewilderment, shame, guilt, sadness, and all the other emotions this man feels. I had no idea who raped me for several years. I couldn't put a face to the voice, experience. Police caught him using DNA. [AR] was a career criminal and had been in and out of jail. My testimony at his trial put him in jail for the rest of his natural life.

    I speak about my experience to give someone else the strength to do the same. Once you start talking about your experience, you have to seek therapy -- or be in an open, supportive environment where you can work through your emotions without fear.


  63. One of the difficulties of children speaking out about sexual abuse is that adults tend not to believe the child.

    Another major problem is parents with young children that allow people into their homes. The Nigerian culture places strong emphasis on being welcoming and hospitable to family members. Yet, many of them are monsters of the worst kind! Whether relatives or close friends, unless you are someone's sexual partner, you have NO IDEA what someone else finds sexually arousing.

    I have an older sister who doesn't take her child's protection seriously. She says she prays and asks God to watch over her daughter. She thinks that is all it takes, that is all she can do. Yet, she has a young man (20 or 21 years) renting a room in her house. Their house is a two-level home with four bedrooms. Hers is the only one on the lower level.

    Go figure.

    If anything happens to her daughter in the middle of the night, where would she be??

    Finally, I am a SURVIVOR of sexual assault (rape) as a young adult of 20 years. I can relate to the rage, anger, bewilderment, shame, guilt, sadness, and all the other emotions this man feels. I had no idea who raped me for several years. I couldn't put a face to the voice, experience. Police caught him using DNA. [AR] was a career criminal and had been in and out of jail. My testimony at his trial put him in jail for the rest of his natural life.

    I speak about my experience to give someone else the strength to do the same. Once you start talking about your experience, you have to seek therapy -- or be in an open, supportive environment where you can work through your emotions without fear.


  64. I gained admission @ age 17. I was the only son of my parents. Because i was scared of sex with a girl, I remained a virgin till age 21. I finally met this girl when I was in 3rd year in medical school, she was in second year too. After a while together, she started demanding for sex because she was already sexually active. I was always giving excuses why not to have sex. That was when I started having flashbacks of what happened to me when I was around 8 years old & my Mum's friend's son came 2 stay with us. He was about 18. He always insisted that we share the bathroom together. When we're in the shower, he touch my 'kini' and encourage me to touch his. Sometimes in our room he'll cover us up in a big blanket and ask me to take off my pants and starts touching me . He never penetrated me anyways .This felt so good and went on for a long time, until he gained admission and left our house. I missed him so much that @ some point, i wished I could have a replacement for him. This feeling went on for a long time until I grew older and realized that it was not acceptable to be attracted to the same sex. So I started making efforts towards repressing this feelings. This girl I met in the uni made me think I was gay. I tried severally to have sex with her unsuccessfully. She was very beautiful. I was the envy of my friends then. They usually assume we were sexually involved. She always gets disappointed each time we tried to have sex & she later told me I might be impotent. It took me a very long time to get over this feeling. We later had sex...after much trials and errors and we did it over and over again. I realized how sweet sex with a girl could be. I just thank God for my life. I could have been GAY!

  65. I feel so sad fr him cz i av gone tru d same... Whn i was 14 i was raped,beaten and forced out of a car on a bridge by a man i avnt seen til date who deceivd me fr helping him carry hs load... Ds has bn so sad nd i cry evrytym i remember it! I cldnt tell ma mom or anyone.. Nw am 20 nd its still fresh in ma head... I was injured so bad... Nd cldnt walk well fr weeks... I had to lie to ma mom i had a bike accident.. ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ ) u jst cant imagine wat i went tru.. Slaps nd he pushd me out of d car afetr raping me cz i wldnt give him a blow job... Life is wicked!

  66. I was abused by my cousin wen I was 8 and he was 23. He used to drink nd smoke but pretended like to be an angel around ma family. My parents were at work and it was around 11 in the morning. He took me to his room to help him iron his clothes. I followed him and the music in his room was very loud. When I got to his room in the bq,the iron was plugged and as I reached for it,he pushed me on the bed and collected the iron,I thought he wanted to protect me from getting shocked or burning mu skin with the iron. He brought out a koboko from underneath his bed and gave me a big stroke on my back. He forcefully removed my back was on the bed then he forcefully opened my legs wide...he began to whip the koboko inbetween my legs and I was screaming but noone heard me caus of d music. Whenever I tried to close my legs,he would add more force to the koboko and whip me even harder. I kept crying,screaming and begging him to stop but he refused. After I got so weak,he asked me to keep quiet if not he would use the iron on me. I kept crying then he brought a razor close to my vag then I shut my mouth. He brought out his long black dick and forced it into my vag,I screamed but he held my mouth,I screamed so much I virtually lost my voice. He continued for some painful minutes,I had bled so much on the bedsheet.... He removed his dick and started smiling. Afterwards,he asked me to put on my clothes. He warned me not to tell anybody,if not he would wound me with iron,bottles and koboko. I had no choice than to keep quiet. Some days later,he went to lagos for business,a few years later(2007),he was poisoned in the village whr he died. I'm 17 now nd I still remember everything vividly...

  67. Linda u neva post ma comment y! Even whn i am pouring out my heart fr once.. Thnk u

  68. Am so so speachless n av tears runnin down ma cheek as I write dis.I feel d pain of dis youngman. I was alSo molested when I was less dan 10 nd it was coz we were livin in public was even ma landlord's son n heard his married bt I d day I set ma eyes on him coz nw we live in our own house only God nos if dat his marriage wud nt come crumblin down afta what I wud do to him.d oda person was a neigboor.he touchd m to d xtent dat one day,wen ma mum was bathin m,I screamd wen water touchd ma private part coz. I gues he hurt mum didn't notice she jst askd nd I said notin n she is a nurse for dat mata.I still feel so much pain each tym I rmemba it. Am 22 nw n stil a virgin n promisd masef neva to giv masef to ny man til am married.even d last person dat 3yd to touch m wen I was abt 11 I poured Kero on him n shouted to everyone nd he nos I stil hate him til date.if nyone 3ys it wit mma kids I wud comit murder n feed his flesh to dogs n wudnt mind d cosequences sure God wud undastnd.thanks linda

  69. Reading all these comments Αη∂ can't help but remember all the horrible experiences I had while growing up.. I thank God am a better person nw Αη∂ a pray ya'll will overcome your emotional trauma in Jesus Name. Linda Thank you for these wonderful piece, may God continue to lift you.

  70. I don't know where to start but it pains me so much, matters like this is what should be at the senate table they are busy passing on bills, laws and ridiculous punitive measures on gay and same sex marriages. What punitive measures have been laid for rapist, molesters and under age marriages? In the north a child at the age of 7yrs are given out to a 70yr old man to marry. And they see nothing wrong with it?v infact such people are celebrated. Nobody report cases of rapes or child abuse to the police, because such cases are regarded as inrelevant and waved aside. They will even blame u and call u a prostitute. What is wrong with this country?
    I have had my own share of being abused sexually, I can't remember my age but I know I was in nursery 2 my uncle that picks me and my 2 younger brothers from school will abuse me every single day. But before then I was playing games with my neigbour kids "husband and wife" it was really innocent but when my mum saw us playing she got a different picture and beat me up severely. The next 3 days she put grounded pepper in my vagina and banned the poor boy from entering my house again. I was also never allowed to play outside. My uncle then who lived with us (my dad's younger step brother) took advantage of the situation. He will give me his penis to suck on and then finger me, it wasn't long before he started penetration, it was very painful and I remember I threw up and feel sick all the time. I couldn't bring myself to tell my mum because I knew she would kill me.
    My dad work with a communication set up and traveled all over nigeria to maintain and service the communication equipment with NTA so he was hardly around. My mother worked with NNPC then and wld leave the house by 7am to return 6pm. We where left at the mercy of this man. When he finally left 2 house girls came and they would involve in their les sex all the time. My brothers where never involved. Those ones soon left my dad's apprentice from the office will come to pick us up from school and molest me again. He would give me alcohol and call it medicine when I become dizzy he would have his way and return back to the office. It was difficult for me to battle alcoholism but thank God am over it. All I can remember from my childhood was been abused from one nanny to another, even my lesson teachers.
    I was in my Jss 2 my dad brought his other younger brother to train. This time I was brave enough to fight and say no but one night I was fast asleep when this boy crept into my room and started pulling up my dress slowly just then my dad caught him in the act. My dad shocked, furious and angry just started pounding him beating and kicking him, he beat that man mercilessly and locked him up in our dog house. The next day he called 2 soldiers to beat him up again. My dad became my hero, he later took me to the hospital for check up the news my dad got broke his heart. He was told I had lost my virginity already. Later we notice his traveling reduced, he wld come pick us up from school himself. But the damage was already done.
    Am married now with 2 kids a boy and a girl. I teach my daughter and show her places that are off limits even to her father. I choose to be a house wife to look and take proper care of my kids. But I still carry the hurt and I have not been able to forgive ny mum we fight all the time.

  71. Parents,pls teach ur children sex's very impt.also be their best friend so that they can easily share their secrets with u. My heart bleeds for these abused Children. I was fortunate to receive this d age of 3, I already know that on no account shld one touch my privates.One idiot(our houseboy) wan try dat shit with my elder sister. Upon all the threats she received not to talk,she told my mum.Trust my mum,she send him back to d village that night that is after receiving 24strokes of cane from my father.Honestly, my mum acts like she was abused(too over protective)

  72. Well, I been there. I guess that's why I have been very derogative about Nigerian culture. This place where your father's friends would toast you. Housegirls do and undo. Lecturers demand sex like there is no God. Politicians have girlfriends. Married men have head mistresses. And everybody is a devout christian or muslim or whatever.

    we abuse a lot of things in this country.Even God

  73. Its so painful as I was abused as a child too at several stages of my life starting from where I was 8 thru 11 and 17. Tho I was not penetrated but I still felt bad for not being able to stop the paedophiles. It has affected my adulthood as I can't handle personal relationships till date. I'm just Praying for God's Perfect healing.



  76. In the mighty name of Jesus father i pray for everyone that has been sexually abused during their childhood and for those that are still being abused,Jesus come to their rescue lord heal them body and soul and help them to forget the horrible experience and lord for those still doing such please expose them this 2013 in Jesus name and bless our country Nigeria amen. You guys I don't know you but I am sorry u went thru isaiah 43 1 to 4

  77. @Anon 8:55 AM - thanks for the prayers but as someone who was molested over and over again by a prophet that accused my mother of being a witch and wrecked my parents' marriage, I wonder how God can comfort me! I believe there is a God, but I believe we are just pawns in His hands, else He would have helped us and stopped these things from happening!!! Sue me if you will!

  78. Holy Jesus. I cant believe that our females have suffered and still suffering in the hands of dirty men and guys. Mine is a long story. I have never in my life told anyone my own part of abuse/molestation. I was messed up by my nephew and also by my blood brother. I cannot tell the whole stories here because i may end up hurting myself physically. Please my fellow bloggers help me answer these questions. How old should one educate her female child on sex education ? Is it ok and good for a mother to get a maid to take care of her female child ? If yes, what age should the mother of the child look out in a maid ? My advise is that mothers should be careful on how they go about their female daughters. Trust no body even your own blood brother. My ugly experiences still scares me uptil date. I dont think i can trust any man in my life. Husband things are history to me.

  79. Linda why is it that you dont post my message ? Do you give some people prefential treatment ? You will be doing your bloggers a great deal by always pasting their comments and not rejecting them. Please paste my message for it will help some people

  80. After reading all this comments. I was about going to the main home page but then I felt that It is best for me to share my story. Perharps it might save someone else. So here it goes... My dad was posted to another part of the country by his company for work. Meanwhile, his 2 sisters probably in their late twenties to early thirties were living with us for their nysc. Then my cousin from my father's side (east)decided he would like to come spend the holidays(summer) with us in Lagos. I was 18 at that time and he is a couple years older. One night while I was sleeping in my room, my cousin came and started fondling me, kissing me, and touching me very inappropiately in the middle of the night. I was very scared and decided not to move because it was dark, I was in shock and I also thought that an intruder had broken into our house. After laying still for like 5 minutes while all this went on, I finally mustered the courage to speak up. As soon as I awoke suddenly, I startled my Idiot cousin and he started looking and he said he was looking for his newspaper. Dude, why would your newspaper be in my room? I told him to leave and I locked my door. The next morning. I went straight to my mom's room and told her everything. My mom who is not Nigerian went into a rage. She went and grabbed the boy from my brothers room and told him he must leave right away or else she might be guilty of a far greater offense. My two aunts came to his defense and said: " Its our brother's house, he is not going anywhere". They started saying me and mom had conspired and lied against my cousin. so I had the torture of seeing my cousin in my house for a couple more days while he stayed with my two witch aunts in our guest room downstairs until my dad came from out of state to settle the issue. My dad came, and after hearing both sides of the story didnt believe me. He said i had planned with my mom to get rid of his relatives( How sick is that). Anyways he finally sent my cousin packing just for peace to reign. Fast forward a couple years later, my cousin sends an email to my dad apologizing and confessing and my dad never told me prob out of shame. A couple years after that email, my cousin sent me a message on facebook asking for forgiveness claiming to be a born-again and trying to add me. I told him I had forgiven him and that we can never be friends and so denied his friend request. I confronted my dad with all this and he says he is very sorry. Thinking abt this brings a sort of indescrible rage in me. Its in this moment that I thank God it didnt turn out to be something else. Evil is everywhere in the form of your relatives,neighbors, friends, close confidants.

  81. Hi Linda, please is it possible to create awareness by sharing these stories? Because many people lack awareness and don't believe things like these happen inNigeria especially, please I'll like to help.



Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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