New Video: Ruggedman Ft Terry G - Push | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

New Video: Ruggedman Ft Terry G - Push


  1. Noise!!!!! didnt hear a single word..

  2. Rugged quit it already!!! U̶̲̥̅̊ tryin 2 hard n its still not coming out nice.

    Ur time don pass.. Admit dat fact.

    U̶̲̥̅̊ r now fully in thesame class with Idris Abdulkareem n tony tetuila dem.

    Save Us all dese boring tunes abegg

  3. I like Ruggedman buh i dont tink i wanna see dis video again. The best video he's come out with a long time remains Cos of u featuring 2face and MI.

  4. Not bad!Terry Gee took d right quantity of 'igbo' for dis video,not too much!!......

    Dose nurses hmmmm....
    They can make a man pass on to glory......ou la la la.....

    1. @queen bee lmao ohhhhhhhh "terry g took the right Igbo " too funny


  6. rugged man should stop trying abeg.

  7. Nothing lyrically special about it ,but a sure hot dance hall party song no doubt. In the club it makes lots of sense o

  8. Noise doe it makes u move ur body thumbs up men doe u can do better

  9. This is Terry G Ft Ruggedman. Pure Noise. Ruggedman, this ain't ur forte. Desist.

  10. Terry G ft. Rugged man!

  11. Such noise
    Should be terryg FT rugged man

  12. Ruggedman ur tym don pazz...diz video iz absolute shiiiiit

  13. Seeing nasty cellulite those thick abii na fat girlS should cover up they should never been seen in short dresses just dnt know why they keep objectifying women as sex objects shaking their nyash anybody wey attack me ehh thunder go fire your left nyash oops!..LMAO

  14. very, very good.....bad belle people shut ur mouth....Rugged carry go...

  15. At y'all making noise that the song is "Noise" & sh*t should get a life.Rugged man is busy making club tunes that will sell out tomorrow while you make yourselves available making no good use of your time on the internet other than Linda Ikeji's bloq criticizing what looks like a HIT on the radio soonest is really pathetic...Linda you better post my comment joor

  16. Gosh! I dont like the combination at all. Rugged man terry g. ?

  17. Gosh! I dont like the combination at all. Rugged man terry g. ?

  18. not feeling the vid but its a song that will def make one move his or body in a club or party.

  19. Extremely boring, the 2nd nurse cldnt even shake her butt well, what rubbish did dat actor do @ d end, Well his gonna make sale tho, so gudluck

  20. Dts d same way pple critised oliver twist,now evrybody dey dance to am.just go to club or a pub and listen to the song on great quality speakers and evry1 wld b dancing like mad.Love terry G

  21. Not as bad as all this bad belle paint it

  22. Not as bad as all this bad belle paint it

  23. I am not a Rugged fan but this actually made me smile. the vid. See ing a different side of him I guess

  24. pure junk. shame nigerians now mistake all sort of noise for 'music'

  25. I'm tired of seeing butts in videos. Isn't anyone else? And the effort and effect of the shaking and wriggling just makes me cringe. It's so disgustingly and annoyingly degrading to women folk or do I say womanhood (if it's got any value these days) *smh*. *covermyeyes* too

  26. Nice song and nice video! People saying his time has passed ! Una get mouth abi? Na so people go declare say una own time too don pass even as una dey alive. Do unto others.... Ruggedy do not mind them! They are bandwagons.....this is a cool video and funny but strong club hit. Keep moving.

  27. Plz who owns d song,terry g or rugged man......from my end it looks like terry G

  28. Chai! ruggedman no rap again, he don see say no money for pretending to be another person abi. sing Afrocentric songs and make $ in nija, you can never be a new yorker except you live there, be ya self boy.....but too late, all them younger boyz don go so continue to promote another culture and chop

  29. Nice song,and twuld make more sense in the club doe

  30. I like tha video concept......but tha song tho smh.

  31. So ruggedman finally you fell off so hard on your back...daaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmm!!after dissing the real hip hop heads and rappers like mode 9, b elect, illbliss, elajoe and the thorobreds them...i guess that's the beauty of time, it tells everything in a way we can't....and you dared to cliam ra;oya, just dey speak in your native tongue dey go now you are biting the trend...and how come you are branding in reverse, you should have have this look when you were really rugged, man.THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!

  32. Trying to know why d song was named push but still can't understand. Noise throughout# madness

  33. Rugged man
    u were rubbish then
    and ur rubbish now

  34. Nice .. Excellent combo .. Ruggedman with a different style n class... d fluidity of his talent is infectious

  35. I didnt even hear a single word, lol nawa o.


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