Leke and Titilope Adeboye expecting first child | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 12 November 2012

Leke and Titilope Adeboye expecting first child

Leke Adeboye is the last son of RCCG General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye. Leke married Titilope Odesola in December 2011. The couple are expecting their first child as Titi is said to be heavily pregnant.


  1. WoW somebody shout halleluyah!lolz

  2. Awooooooor, very beautiful and happy couple. Big congrats to them. Linda abeg make we see the child when they born ooo LOL

  3. he looks like GEJ facially....i wish her a safe delivery

  4. Dear Linda,

    From my time eternal, I have had my reservations about blogposts like this one...I love the fact that you blog(I do so myself) but of what use is this information to the public...and have you sought the consent of this couple before putting this out?...I'm not sure you really care if they are comfortable with it or not...if someone is snooping out info about them to you,you should be civil enough to respect them and not put this out...these are not your regular 'celebrity' couples...I am sure beyond all doubts that they cherish their privacy...instead of this publicity which I am sure they neither asked for nor granted, you can just pray for them...

    1. Help me tell her o! This is not nice and I know they won't like this one bit!

    2. Can u both shut up! Wat makes them so "sacred" that their consent must b sought b4 posting a storey on them, a good one @ dat! Like Linda said, she's heavily pregnant n by default pregnancy overtime cannot b hidden so I'm pretty sure lots of pple already know. Wen pastor Odukoya's wife was preggers d storey was all over d internet, no one sought his permission, N D BABY WAS BORN SAFELY!!! So u guyz should chill, even celebs also love their privacy but that's the price they have to pay for being public figures!

  5. Replies
    1. Shutup! Just say congrats or wish dem well! Kpomo mouth like 'and so' mschewwwwwwww!!

  6. linda u r a serious amebo, an unconstructive one, how does ds affect d price of fish in d market or contribute positively to any thn, wat if they wanted to be coded, mehn linda na ur type people dey see for street, take off..........if u like dont post ds as usual

    1. U are a real fighter lola! Lmao!

  7. Clean things ooooo.... Choi. May she give birth like d Hebrew women♥...

    1. Amen!!! I love the girl she is really nice! We went to RUN together and she was on my floor. Nice couple. God bless you both!

    2. Titi Nice? Ok *sealed lips*

    3. @anon 7:21, is she not nyc? U must definately be beafin d geh. Ofcos shez a nyc geh.

  8. And how's dat news?pls give us gist abt d man that gave his yeye dick to an 8mths old baby to suck.

    1. Omg! God forbid evil! Where is this coming from? How come its not on ur blog yet linda???

    2. U can imagine!!!!u people actually prefer reading of peoples death,dirt n evil doings to relating to a couples joy at conceiving!!how nice smh

  9. God bless u and your hubby dear! Miss u o! Sha come back to naija from UK quick quick. And may the Lord do same for us IJN! Amen.

    1. So we can know u know them abi? And they are both in uk huh? Amebo Linda's twin sister hisssdddd

    2. Na Linda's original aproko twin be this..

  10. Pls give us the news when they have given birth and not when they r still expecting. It would make more sense and our congratulations would be in order.

  11. E ♍αkέ brain,,wishin d woman safe delivery. Linda's Haters,,stay clear joor

  12. Linda your Amebo no get duplicate o.

  13. Linda Wot did u even graduate with third class? Sometimes in a bid to "act" naughty, u act stupid

    1. Lmao! U are funny and so sick! Make Linda catch u! See vexation on top owner of blog. Hahahahhahaaa

  14. Haba Linda,u for let her deliver b4 posting this na!

  15. please you should have waited for her to deliver this is not good now..they are not actors or musicians na...some things are suppose to be private..

  16. Wow congrations to the happy couple.

  17. congrats big lex and mrs

  18. This is a blog. If your not happy about the stories here- read elsewhere!

  19. Lindaaa I dey wait for you to post my comment ooo!Aniwaz thanks for deleting that stupid comment! Enuff said!

    Marketing Mogul said so

  20. @ano 6.47pm..what did u graduate with...u wen u graduate with 1st class u still dey jobless,cos if u get beta job,u no go dey check lib,yeye thg.

    1. Such a stupid comment. Ar u trynna say Linda's blog is meant for jobless ppl? U shd think b4 u write nonsense abeg,

    2. In other words, connect d mouth to d brain b4 u speak!...

  21. Linda must U post everything U hear? These couple are not your regular celebrities who want their private lives out there. Sometimes U need to respect some people's privacy, seriously. Even if U were gonna post anything about them, U should have waited for the baby to come first. U're pushing it.

    1. And u are their spokesman right?

  22. i swear he looks so much like GEJ......but bia Linda, how this one come be news ma?

  23. U haters r so damn dumb! You r on a gossip site for all I care for. What do u expect to read up? Grow up haters. Stop beefing Linda, she is good with her job, so u try to be best @ urs too. Peace!

  24. U ppl,if u don't wnt to read,close na.is dis blog d only blog in Nigeria?!be there hating wen linda is making her millions every month,tnx to you nd me...

  25. Redeemers University Student (Mummy Porter)12 November 2012 at 22:38

    Ahhhn! Dem no even waste tym! Der marriage is nt even up to a year! Nd d babe is gona giv birth soon! Cos her baby shower ws last week! Safe delivery!

    1. Does it take you, mummy Porter, 1year to deliver your own child? Such nonsense talk!

  26. Anon 8.00pm your a fool and the sick idiot am sure your the one that wrote that stupid baseless senseless comment Linda deleted! All una bad belle people Biko leave ma fwend alone let her give birth 1st ! And she says tx for all your wishes pray along WIV us. Thank you! ENUFF said!

  27. Beautiful couple. Now why is that news? Are there the newest celebrities?

  28. All of una wey dey talk rubbish der,make una go fry stone. Wats dat wit "Linda respect pple's privacy"b4 u kn nw,u guys will bring spiritual in2 it,nd na una b d bad pple*smh*no doubt she is gonna deliver safely! So pls dnt get close! in *Helen Paul baby's voice*" der re thins dats met 2 b private,*smh* over sabi hs wife nd hs husband dem! long hissssssssss

  29. See the fine babe the guy marry, shebi seun cole was doing shakara for him that he had smelly breath and couldn't speak good english, when their parent tried to hook them up. Shior. Happy married life jare and safe delivery iyawo

  30. Ma baby titi, Am glad I was able 2leak dz news for u, shy shy. But I tell dat mumu gal wey comment "kuwait", she go say na "UK". Abeg luk me o. Anyways, safe trip back wt d bby. N dnt 4get 2buy dat thing u promised me o.

  31. i wish her a safe delivery. Linda please respect people's privacy.............

  32. if i know titi well for sure, she would be upset that this was posted... i mean who does this? its wrong linda ...respect thier privacy.. they are not kate middleton and hubby....besides i know you wont post my comment..so kanye shrug..lol

  33. i wish her safe delivery.

  34. must pple always fight here?????????????????????? you all are idiots. Go get busy and stop commenting since u wanna select the gist you see on Linda's blog.

  35. This post is a clear difference between a Bella Naija blog and a Linda Ikeji blog.........nuff said!

  36. @anon 1.18 am u see why i say some peoplenon this blog comment and chat shit they don't know anithing and you are one of the foolish ones am sure you didn't even get an opportunity to get an hand shake from him fooool! How can you say Bro leke that has a Bsc and Msc from UK doesn't know how to speak English oloshious fellow! And who is that seun girl who will refuse their daughter from marrying Bro leek! Mind you lBro leke mite be big bur he doesn't hv ani smelling breath or body cos have hugged him times wivout number shut up and get your facts right! @anon 1.34am I know who you are but I wont mention your name your cup will soon be full one day WIV that you big mouth that can't be shut! Fool tryna do farmzing am sure your not even on er bbm not to even have er number buy something for me ma foot! Linda don't mind all this fake asses commenting! @mummy porter retarded thing soo it's a bad idea for her to be preggy abi go and ask people looking for the fruit of the womb and dey will tell you that story she's very young and she has achieved a lot you that you talking what if you achieved you get boyfriend Sef not to talk of correct husbands! You beta pray to God to giv you a good man and stop commenting shit here! ENUFF said!

    1. Redeemers University Student(Mummu Porter)13 November 2012 at 19:23

      Ahhh! U hv taken it p ohh!!! Y do I feel dis is either Titi herself or her voltrons (Nike Fowowe Temilade Adeleye or Bella) Smh just calm down! Take. Cool lemonade like a coolkid

  37. lwkmdddddddd..... ewoooooooo!!!! 4m the comments i see here, i already spotted one or two redeemer's Uni children. Kilode??? una fight una sef reach here?? she nice o, she no nice o... story!!! she's married to your G.O's son shikenna!!
    Nike Fowowe, i see ur comment too... u r the only one i know on earth dat will claim Titi as a friend (by force friendship). if this is how you proclaim the name of Jesus as your saviour i am sure eternity in heaven will be yours. your own don too much.
    soooooo... thanx Linda 4 giving mi somthng to laff over. i miss RUN people and their drama. kai!

  38. @anon 12.58pm ure obviously daft and can only read english, but can't comprehend it. Ode olofo. I never dissed him, I was only stating how happy I am that he found a pretty wife after someone put him down. Arindi oshi.

  39. Anon 8.36 fooool whooo put him dooown didn't u read your comment Odeeeee!@Anon7.36pm why are u dropping names olosshiouss felllow drop ur own name down naa if you have the Lever only Cowards do this delay yourself Openly Foooooool!Jobless irritaant keep on beefing she will keep on getting better and you will forever remain Jobless MummyPorter ma fooot!

    1. I can now decode that you are a retard, you better pay your parents back your school fees. Ogbadun rara. U need 21days fasting to be redeemed. Lol

  40. Linda Ikeji you are now the offical Amebo of Nigeria.

  41. *smh 4 al of una dos familarisin nd dos hating..go find beta tin doin jawe..na by force 2 comment.

  42. hahahahahahahaha.... this section jus looks like Redeemer's University Alumni page.
    interesting children!!!
    i will always luv u guys :).
    continue to wash ur dirty linens.

  43. I can't understand all this, linda published this, but people are not also blind to see she is heavy with a babay,so what is the biggy? if she wants to keep it a real secret she should better stay in door till she gives birth.Abeg jor am irritated by all this she would't like this what ever.Some people are just over dosing them selves over some one else's head ache.

  44. Humans r rily difficult 2 pls sha....pls take it easy on d abusive words I rily dnt c d point....congrats 2 d couple

  45. Dis getting too serious for my liking.Please take it easy ooo.Stop opening our "bombom" in the public.
    Love you guys pieces....


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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