'All General Overseers and religious leaders should go to prison' - Pastor Tunde Bakare | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 12 November 2012

'All General Overseers and religious leaders should go to prison' - Pastor Tunde Bakare

All General overseers and religious leaders must go to prison, so they can feel the Nigerian situation. Lock Pastor Adeboye, Pastor Kumuyi, myself and others up in a Nigerian prison, may be if we come out we will change and put the interest of our people first. Preaching greed is sin, we have the confidence of millions of people and continue to fail them, that must change' - Pastor Tunde Bakare


  1. And who is he to judge?....linda u better remove ur hands from this pastors ish let God be d judge...#silly girl

    1. #Dumbfuck! Must all u fuckas cuss!

    2. Linda this issue is getting outter hand and I believe at the end God will judge everybody so people should stop saying awful things about a man of God. Let's keep peace to be logical it doesn't seem right but that is for God to judge

    3. @Anon 7:19pm who are you calling a dumbfuck do I look like your mama?

  2. Can he repeat his statements when he is INSIDE the prison??? It is easier said than done!

    1. YES HE CAN !!!! I don't remember anyone dying cos he or she went to prison. We're human beings, our greatest strength is the ability to adapt. The conditions may be harsh but u'l always get by. That's his point exactly ! They shud take a break from flying in private jets n limos and have a taste of wat an ordinary man in Naija is going thru !!!!!!!! Don't diss dis man , he says it like it is !!! Like it or not !!!

    2. YES HE CAN !!!! I don't remember anyone dying cos he or she went to prison. We're human beings, our greatest strength is the ability to adapt. The conditions may be harsh but u'l always get by. That's his point exactly ! They shud take a break from flying in private jets n limos and have a taste of wat an ordinary man in Naija is going thru !!!!!!!! Don't diss dis man , he says it like it is !!! Like it or not !!!

  3. I'm in LOVE with this man *No gay please*

  4. These so called men of God are living in another world. Far away from reality.

  5. This pastor has come again. He is so judgemental. Why doesnt he concentrate on "assisting" his flock to make heaven and do the right thing and leave these other pastors for God to strike them down and judge them?

  6. he just happend to actually name the most pious of pastors and they would sort of agree to this experiment The rest NEVER. just Imagine Chris Oyakhilome in the people's jail. no hairproduct,heeeeelll nooo

  7. i always like pastor Tunde Bakare's teaching unlike the rest of pastors, greed and selfish interest is their motivation

  8. uh huh. With this his over $1000.00 US dollar suit he is trying to make a point? I am an engineer and wear $100.00 suits. Pastor please. Remove the log in that eye first and why not take the first step. Maybe Adeboye, Oyakhilomoe, Adefarasin and co will join your fight to do what is right...uh huh

  9. GBAM!!buy him a JET.him go keep quiet.bt he is on point sha

    1. Ʊ don't knw dis man I guess. Do Ʊ knw he rejected a car from one of his members cos the member cannot tell him ΨђåƮ he does for a living.

  10. The only true pastor in Nigeria. People are so corrupt in this country that they do not respect the truth, they follow these criminals sheepishly. This is the only man that has stuck to the truth even at his own detriment while even shunning unnecessary wealth. How many pastors have or can rejected 'transport fares' given by Jonathan. I love you pastor, you're really 'jesus-like' can't say the same of these wolves in sheep skin. Keep up the great work, you will be remembered.

    1. Anon 6:32PM if u hd to say all dis for T Bakare wht wd u say of WF Kumuyi? Kumuyi is an impeccabl exampl for other pastors & G.Os to learn frm. A pastor shd nt b knwn for troublshootin or noise makin!

    2. Is he really Jesus-like? Not goin to throw stones or anytin....buh Jesus preached love! Jesus didn't give false prophesies! Jesus dint try to create fear in the hearts of pple by tellin dem..dis pesin wud die by so nd so tym or the world wud end in 2000. So pls.....

  11. lol @oyakhilome with no hair products that cracked me up big hahahaha

  12. That is why I like my Bishop,Rt Rev E.O Chukwuma,he doesn't joke with his prison ministry and less privillaged in d society.infact we have prisons week in my diocese(ANG diocese of Enugu) were we share materials and stuffs to them.

  13. who is dis man to judge

  14. I LOVE THIS MAN!!!! he has truly spoken like a man of GOD our modern day Jeremiah! Preach on Pastor!! ur a very correct guy!

  15. Na so....*Standing Ovation...#clapclapclaps! Good, now that we are seated can we move over to other things?

    1 Cor 1:17
    But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

    Prov 16:25
    There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

    Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

    just because it sounds good, moral, saintly and pious and self-righteous does not mean he is right! Dnt be deceived, God is not mocked. It is never wise to speak against any man of God even if you are one. And it is not ur place to judge them, just put more effort into the work you are doing and save as many as possible bfore Christ comes, not lead them to hell, or give them an opportunity to find their way there through their words...

    I can testify of all the good work that Redeemed, Winners and Christ Embassy does. Some other ones, I can only testify of how much they have CRITICIZED others...

    I have said my own finish!

    1. Best comment, you know the scripture.

    2. You shift away biko with all these your bible verses way you always dey type.. Me tire oo..

    3. You shift away biko with all these your bible verses way you always dey type.. Me tire oo..

    4. God bless you!!! The Pastor Oyedepo they criticise! Do they noe aw many thousands of pple he trains nd sponsors in school? Bcux he only shows what he has but kips silent bout what he does, does dt make him less pious? The Chris Oyakhilome they laugh at,who is too busy with God's work to notice their blashemy, do they know how many prison outreaches,inner city missions his church carries out? Do they know how many nations that missionaries from Christ Embassy have been to this year only? Do they know how many free bibles and devotionals members of Christ Embassy sponsor to different parts of the world? Do they know about the Loveworld Schools, where beggars and children are picked from the slums, housed, and educated with books, good food and school uniform...free of charge! People judge what they know nothing about and criticise men of God just to make their sinfulness seem fickle in the light of 'fake pastors'. Ignorant Nigerians, may our words not count against us on the last day.

    5. Who b dis!!!!

  16. I guess dis is coming from CAN,ACN branch.looolz

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. Bona.your mouth no go kill you o. Lol!

    2. Bonario is a confirmed clown!! LMAO!! By the way,na CPC branch o!!!

  17. *sealed lips*

  18. 1. any of you cheering him on, know nothing about other pastors, except what false journalists feed you with!
    2.Many of you cheering him on, already have one step in hell, infact, one of ur legs is already burnt beyond recognition. Instead of you to make ur way straight, you are busy shouting "preach it"...mscheeeuw!
    3.How does going to prison change anything? Dint OBJ come from Prison? Dint GEJ have no shoes? Dint many of you come from abject poverty? Did it make you start doing serious charity work now that you are seeing small change? COMMOT DIA!

    Let's leave all these childish talk jare...when someone starts speaking from his canal mind, you will know!

    1. I'm sure u didn't see where he mentioned that he should also b locked up! Dondi

  19. Dis dude is seeking attention,since he cudnt get the attention of a vice president.troublemaker oshii

    1. Just sharrap!!!!

    2. Just sharrap!!!!

    3. I guess u re not frm dis country if u say he's seeking attention.... He already hve. D man is saying d truth.

  20. I am not a christian but I listen to this Man sermons. Please do before you condemn him. What he his trying to say these general overseers are losing touch to what a majority of there members go through on a daily bases. He purposely used the name of general overseers which most Nigerian Christians respect( remember he put himself on the list) so that it is not taken as an attack. Think about the gift to pastor Ayo .... to maintain the craft is not cheap!!! And I am sure that the church members who donates it probably have one why not just make it available to him when he needs it. Make a charitable donation to the flood victim or something to that effect on his behalf and lets see if everyone will not celebrate that. My thoughts.. Nigeria has become a nation of Hypocrites.

    1. I thought I was the only one thinking abou these issue. You see pple lk dangote,genevive,tiwa and all going to donate the little dey can for these flood victims but for one day I never heard on news that pastor any thing came and donated anything to these flood victims. I started wowndering, some of those displace victims might be from any of these churches lk redeeme, winners and so buh yet these pple are suffering. Help is suppose to start from the house of God buh nwadays its a diff ball game entirely. Its not right.

    2. For carefully reading & understanding this post& commenting with wisdom, may God bless ur soul and ur spirit.
      There r just too many dumbasses up here. Folks like u r rare! Nice 1

  21. he is right, but i also agree with Jayde...God is not mocked no matter how one tries...i know a real man of God when i hear one...Adeboye has given all his life to God from a very young age, never bought any jets for himself..i heard from his own mouth..nigerian men of God are so greedy while their congregation wallows in poverty..this must change really...we need a change in nigeria..pastors should preach about getting ur life right with God, surrenderin all to him, how yu can pray, all those things..sure God wants us to be wealthy but not at the expense of our souls..may God help us all

  22. Mr. Tunde first of go and tell Gen. Buhari ur running mate in d last presidential to stop d boko haram he sent after churches in d north. Check ur life sytle nd check d life style of d two ministers u listed, I use to respect u but after u went to be an equal yoke wit an unbeliever den I lost respect for u. Wat hav u done for Nigeria. Don't worry u wil go to d prison, one day EFCC wil catch u.

    1. Abeg i love your comment. Tunde Bakare should go and tell his running mate to stop Boko haram from bombing churches and face the Government .

    2. AnyiOj Arsenalguy12 November 2012 at 23:53

      Pls read and understnd b4 u comment....I jst can't relate boko haram and efcc with d issue @hand..

    3. Straight to d point, nice comment!

    4. What is wrong with you ppl? Buhari has nothing to do with boko haram..hian!

    5. What is wrong with you ppl? Buhari has nothing to do with boko haram..hian!

    6. You guys are so ignorant it hurts!dumb fools!

  23. because he's yet to get his own jet #ENVY If he wants to spend some tym in prison, he shld quietly go n not to drag odas wit him, #attention seeking things

    1. @ Goodie, why do u assume the he driven by envy and not the truth.

    2. Your name sef negate your life.....follow follow make me live.get a life of your own goodea or wetin u call am!!!!

  24. Nigerians dnt accept d truth,dis man is sayin d damn truth cos d so called naija religious leaders live in so much luxuries wen dey hav thousands of worshippers unda dem livin in poverty n u call ur sef God sent.bullish

    1. Ar u one of d worshippers? Who tld u his worshippers are living in poverty? Ar u trying to say dt som1 who worships God and gives to the church is pouring water into a basket? U sud try sowing seeds in church 1st, if u dnt reap any fruit,den u can talk trash. D members av mouth, dey aint complaining!

  25. Seems most of us here read comments the other way round. I need just one person to prove how pastor Tunde Bakare judged anyone with his assertion. Judge is the bone of contention here now. Pls educate me. Cheers....

    1. Thank you!!!!!!! Ppl r jst stupid!!!!

  26. One of the reason why Nigeria will never develop or no peace, everyone is after material wealth. some people live on others sweat. just like our leaders and those in power. i know alot of people dont really talk bout their pastors. I believe you cant really take any of those to court to seek redress.

  27. You guys should read before commenting! Where did he judge here? He said they should all "himself inclusive" go to prison so that they will know what nigerians are feeling! Did he say they committed any crime?! All this over righteous people should calm down abeg.

  28. When the spirit of God left Solomon because of his sins he immediately became a canal man. Do yoy know what happened next? He said all things are vanity upon vanity. I am sure this is the case of Pastor Tunde Bakare.

  29. I used to go to latter rain when I was a kid and i remember at Christmas there used to be goody bags filled with food for the less privileged.Even if you were rich you were encouraged to take some and distribute. My point is charity is dead amongst everyone of us. Even if Bakare isnt charitable now as a kid I learnt a strong lesson of giving from him. He is a kind man. As for you who points and stares at the unbeliever do you not know that if you are a believer and you indeed open your heart to unbeliver you save him? We are all guilty we all close our eyes. Do you care abt your hungry neighbour before you buy your latest bb or chanel bag. Lets all sit down,reflect and think abt becoming better people. The decadence and opulence of these pastors cause me to wonder. Their members are suffering and they show off their wealth without shame.

  30. OBAMA'S HALF BRO SOUNDS LIKE HIM12 November 2012 at 19:20

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2QJY793RSQ OMg he resembles and soundS like his brother! Obama senior clearly has some strong genes this is Obamas half bro from his father's other American wife Ruth in kenya

    1. Are you lost?!!

    2. Loooool @ anon10.23pm Nice one!!!

  31. I'm a Muslim but I listen to this man's preaching. I can't but respect him. He's really touched me as a person.

    1. U sim to like him bcos he makes much noise & dabbles into unnecessary politics with issues & supposed enemies, while on d pulpit!

  32. @ahdazy jayde nice point babe.
    i was going to say sth similar.i really dont see why i should judge men of God,they have been a blessing to me.
    How does going to prison make you feel what Nigerians are going through? please think about it well........

  33. It is awesome to still see some people here, making comment just because there pastor or mentor name was mentioned.. Come to think of it.. a Pastor with a private jet.. can he make heaven? considering the fact that, for everyday the jet was packed he pays $2,000.. He pays for passing through any country airspace, let`s be frank here, the best you can get from the private jet men of God, is how to milk further their shepherd to meet with their expenses.. So far pastor Bakare has been on the side of the people/masses.. we should all know that, he have the chance/opportunity to eat the national cake.. What I think, he meant here is simple.. all this polithievians, actually get the blessing of the mention pastors.. if truly they are men of God.. They should be telling the polithievian the truth about God`s Kingdom... How I wish Jesus Christ came to the world now.. He will be driving in space Jet... I am a muslim and i am always identifying with the truth.. what Pastor bakare said, is the men of God, should see that their flocks are really suffering.. The money use to buy the private jet for Pastor Ayo is enough to dredge the flooded Niger Delta.. we are not fools mind you, the source of the Jet is Jonathan/govt contract.

    1. Ur senseless point is dat d source of d jet moni is frm Jonathan! Dats hw u always identify with d truth bt nt on d issues concernin hausa/fulani boko bombing & killing christians.

    2. It feels good to know that we still have sensible Nigerians. You are definitely one

  34. @ahdazy jayde nice point babe.
    i was going to say sth similar.i really dont see why i should judge men of God,they have been a blessing to me.
    How does going to prison make you feel what Nigerians are going through? please think about it well........

    1. Please move away bikoe, you and jayde ni ooo.. Iranu

  35. @ anon 7:05 isn't it obvious? He is referring to the jets. That he added his name there does not mean he really is including hiimself like when someone says "we Nigerians are dull", the person most likely is not really adding himself. Wat does he mean by "maybe...we will change"? It means that right now they do not put the interest of the people first and that they all preach greed. It's logic and semantics my friend!

    1. He did not use the word "we" he said "and myself" isn't that inclusive enough for you, is it until he says "I tunde Bakare son of Mr and mrs Bakare..." Pls sidon somwiah!!!!

  36. he should SHUT UP!
    tryna put himself in positive light

  37. hs totally righttttttt

  38. hmm


  39. D major problems we r facing in ds world entirely is dt people judge based on what they think, makin our judgements sentimental... bt not on what is affirmed.... Pastor T. as I luv to call him is a man I respect so mch & I every word he speeks is borne out of his luv for ds dieing country... If the religious leaders r alws @ d fore front of what ever is happening in ds country ds country would have been a better place to live in... Why do we watch ds occults to rule us

  40. Is he saying all nigerians ar in prison??? Really confused

  41. why did God not ask solomon to give all his wealth to the poor......

  42. God will judge every1 according to d works of der hands,He only knows dose who worship him in spirit n in truth,d 1 dt annoys me most is d christian skools dt r so expensive dt even church members can't afford it n dis skools were built wit der contributions,Hmmmm,God is watching


  44. WHO SAID PASTOR ADEBOYE DOESNT KNOW WHAT NIGERIANS ARE FEELING??? WHO?? Adeboye is the only GENERAL OVERSEER That is well respected in NIGERIA and in AFRICA. I am VERY Sure we all know why this is so.

  45. All black pastors on earth are robbers, they collect from the poor people to enrich themselves with their stupid preachings

  46. I don't think Pastor W.F Kumuyi should be in the league of pastors who should visit Pastor Bakare prison. Pastor W.F Kumuyi is exceptional, the fact speak for itself.

    1. U ar on point! WF Kumuyi stil stands out & so dosnt nid to b jailed before imbibing or exhibiting christlike attitudes. Kumuyi dosnt nid to mk much noise or b unnecessarily critical abt issues jst to b accorded or tagged a truthful pastor while his counterparts as unrighteous.

  47. Tunde keep telling dem n also pray 4 dem, mayb by God grace 1 day they should all come to repent.

  48. All of una wey dey insult Linda dey craze! Use ur number one and go back to her post! Salvation is personal! Kai!

  49. Hmmm! All i hv to say is thank u lord.the bible says n i quote touch nt my anointed and do no harm to my prophet,do nt judge so u'll nt be judged.God bless u. Oge

  50. I really do not support this words from pastor tunde bakare, his sole aim as a pastor is soul winning for christ not criticism.

  51. He forgot to mention HARD LABOUR!!..suffering and smiling..awon sufferhead!!

  52. I did not expect such from ths man, seriously do u need to go to prison b4 u can feel the plight of the pple around u!are there not enough poor pple in his church.
    They all just want to talk 2015 is coming

  53. I gbadun this Pastor, always.....I dont go to church but but i listen to Pastor Bakare every Sunday @5pm on Channels....He sure has a message to pass on....God bless him!

  54. To all the religious people in the house, i have just one question for you all. Perhaps the christian missionaries and the Islamic invader didn't come to Africa, would you be a Xtian nor a Muslim? We seem to have forgotten our root and decided to deify other peoples ancestors as against ours and this is why Africa will never move forward cos the spirit of our ancestors are ever angry with us. Africa needs to wake up, we are a spiritual people not a religious one. I personally refused to be entangled in this religious garbage, whether xtianity or islam. Religion is man-made and its ultimate aim is to divide man. Spirituality is the key to salvation not religion my people. Rabbi

    1. WORD!!!! As if you read my mind!!

  55. All of u dat saying Judge n̶̲̥̅̊O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ï„̲̅ what is the meaning of judgement,don't deceive urself D̶̲̥̅̊ bible says by their fruit we shall knw dem. 1 A̶̲̥̅♏ n̶̲̥̅̊O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ï„̲̅ saying been wealthy as a men of God is n̶̲̥̅̊O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ï„̲̅ good but God give u D̶̲̥̅̊ money 2 feed D̶̲̥̅̊ poor wen Jesue fed D̶̲̥̅̊ crowd with 5 loaves and two fishes he might as well eat with his desciples and send dem home but no he make sure everybody ate dat dat as christain our role model shld Jesus n̶̲̥̅̊O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ï„̲̅ human being remember solomon tested everything and call it vanity upon vanity

  56. That hair gel comment though... I couldn't help it. God forgive me, I cracked up.

  57. shoot them all!!!

  58. Abeg which kain die hard liber reader nd commentator be ds 3310 user caled BONARIO sef...lolz!abeg must u comment on evry post ne?u no de tireeee??*huh*abeg linda u must package end of yr gift 4 am ooo!!!he sure nids award...lwkmd

  59. i like him...

  60. Can u pple read @ all? Mehn he's not judging n even if he is,dis days pastors no longer preach salvation,they search for words n parables in d Bible dat best suit their greedy interest,some members in d church can't even afford d shool fees of d school they help 2 build 1 way nor d other(una dey open mouth talk nonsense),dis days d different btwn most church n clubs is pple go wit Bible,every other thing same noni(may God help us all)

    1. Amen, pls my pastor has never preached against adultery. He seems to be avoiding the subject. My friend said her pastor doesn't neither and yet it is a major menace in our society and one of the deadly sins...

  61. Religion is the only legal scam in Nigeria:
    This will be the first time a Nigerian pastor will say the truth about one another. Imagine a pastor buying a private jet when church members are still trying to pay for tuition fee. Can someone explain to me what does a pastor need a private jet for? The so called churches that have educational institution in Nigeria their tuition fee are the most expensive in the country. Now tell me how these pastors are contributing to the development of the nation. All they do is to brain wash you, and make you give the little you still have to them. If you are a miracle seeker I pity you because you will always fall for their scam.

    1. Y u dey rant like dis? Abi any pastor do u scam? FYI churches hv made remarkabl inputs in our society. Abeg park far b4 u pour spit for persin mouth!

  62. I have always loved Pastor Bakare. He knows his people. And please people stop that touch not my annotated crap. A thief is a thief. Even Jesus Christ whom we emulate has said it Not all that call his name shall make heaven. These pastors have become carried away by the pleasures of life. The devil himself is in churches today. You hear of pastors sleeping with members. On judgement day hmm God go tire for Nigerians matter. Make una go tell Baba God touch not my anointed. You will follow your pastor to hell cos deep down you know it is WRONG

  63. All you Pentecostals are in big trouble. You people don't even know that your so called men of God are scamming you. You are busy attacking Pastor Bakare for speaking the truth. Remember that on judgement day these men will not stand in judgement for you o. You will be on your own. Start focusing on your own salvation and leave them alone o. You are all hungry and beefing each other on this blog meanwhile they are riding in private jets. Ke ronu o. Think about your lives

  64. Wen celebrities & politicians buy yartch, expensive cars & aeroplanes. Nobody will remember 2 complain dat there re poor pple in d country. May God av mercy on all of u. He who av no sin shld cast d first stone

    1. That's d point. These men of God need to view things different. Celebrity and co hardly know a thng bout d word of God. Men of God should lay examples!.. Let celebrities learn thru them.. Smh!

    2. Are celebs and politicians anointed men of God? I do not understand your comparison.

    3. @Anon 9:09pm I am sorry but u comparison is stupid.Figuratively If a celebrity sleeps around and no one cries foul should it be ok for religious leaders to do the same. It is intresting to note that you hold ur religous leaders to the same moral standard as celebrities and most selfish shortsighted puliticians.I find your analysis very disturbing and I hope there few who think like that.

  65. Pastor, tunde you are the Man. But please Practice what you preach. I am not trying to judge any buddy here. But The truth must be told. Many men of GOD has lost the calling and face of GOD. What they do now is buy aircraft, make so much money for them self. GOD deliver US from their hand oo! I use to think onbeliver is the problem that GOD has. But I know now that is the men of GOD Pastors. GOD have merce on us and pastors

  66. What is his point? Who preaches greed? Is it the pastors n religious leaders he should blame? Or the people who refuse to listen? Abeg I don't get his point, if he wants to go to prison fine ,,,

  67. Gbam Pastor B you get am. No difference between man of God and Nigerian politicians. People have turned their G.O to God himself. What a shame. We have been so raped we don't know what is right anymore

  68. dont mind those greedy pastors, thank God that same bible they are reading says the judgment of God will start from the alter,greedy things

  69. I recommend Pastor Bakare to be the first.

  70. Ppl plsss dnt talk bad abt any man of God...let God be judge.

  71. at least he said the truth now!

  72. If u need address to alagbon lagos, kirikiri prison lagos and kuje prison abuja... I will gladly help u out..... They build skools with offering of poor members yet the poor cannot afford d fees...... I don't need to go to jail to know dat as a pastor, u shouldn't be in d company of unbelievers.... U shouldn't even go into polictics....... Practice what u preach mr bakare

  73. Useless bastards,dey wia shouting abt judging buhari,el rufai.now dat pastor tunde bakare has spoken wat are u pple going to call him?Or may b he too is sponsoring BH.is he nt man of GOD?GOD go push u pple.aunty linda jst give dem space dey insult good pple.mtswwwwww muther fuckers

    1. There r 2 things involved; u r either confused or daft!

  74. pastor bakare remains one of the true and real men of GOD,unlike those other pastors he mentioned,adeboye,chris oyakilome the curly haired one,who doesnt care about his country,he only cares about what he can get fraudulently from nigerians,oritsejafor the pdp head pastor and others that pray and bless corruption for their selfish interest,bakare still remains a true leader who wants the best for nigeria and nigerians in BUHARI,i represent bakare,buhari and all progressives,all others who abuse bakare and buhari should think twice,they mean well for this failing nation called nigeria.

  75. Linda, I sense confusion among CAN leaders and their followers. It’s obvious that so called Christians here have rejected God authority to abide in mans majority. But despite how hard you may keep defending your general overseers, you still need to ask yourself about God opinion on them. To you they are doing the right thing because you believe in them but forgetting that it’s only God that has the final say whether the person you are protecting is doing the right thing or not. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Romans 2:13)

    Indeed, they are practicing what they are teaching you, how to enrich yourself on earth but what good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? (Mark 8:36)

    These are the people that made us to understand that spirit of God is speaking to them. And things keep getting most awful in our country yet they couldn’t find the solution. I expect God to reveal the cataclysms and give solutions on how to overcome them as they say to be hearing from God all the time. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21)

    If it is true that God called you he also will give you power to work for him by delivering the captive, heal deceases and save the lives of the needy as that is the good example of Christ Jesus, which he lived and die for instead of been busy visiting kings and queens in the palaces all in the name of do you know who I am? And then each time they come out to preach they keep updating their selves in where they have been and categories of people they met. They keep telling stories of who they are and what they have done. The bible made us to understand that He Jesus sent his servants forth to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. (Luke 9:2)

    These are same people that told us that prophet JB Joshua is a false and satanic agent, but among them today what we see in their various lives have nothing to write home about. A pastor Divorce his wife and use bible quotation to cover it up, living extra buoyant and bearing all sorts of great names that don’t affect people’s life for any good. But only in the life of that one person whom you rejected that we have come to believe today that power in the name Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

    These are same followers who called others church business and scammers but it obvious today that their so righteous gods of men are not only doing pastors work but run other businesses inside and outside church. Yet they have excuses to defend that and easily condemning others. Hypocrites

  76. Another religious hypocrite.

  77. This man irritates the hell outta me!

  78. well i worship at MFM (mountain of fire and miracles ministry. i know my G.O dr. daniel Olukoya is an exception to all these show of wealth. bella

  79. How much time has he spent in jail?

  80. Linda if you don't quit from this part, you will go down soon!!! So Soon!!!

  81. @ Banario you are a star CAN ACN branch ....LMFO

  82. i disagree with the way linda has posted his comment. in what context did he say this? linda u need to be more objective or at least give us the full picture... quite clearly the comments I'm reading here show that people r reading different meanings into the write up....

  83. I av read d bible to an extent, and I've not come across any place where Christ criticised anyone. Any christian who therefore criticise is not of God. And whosoever is not of God is for the devil, and is thus an anti-christ. Let him/her who absolutely pure cast the first stone.

    1. You are obviously not reading the bible. Christ criticised the pharisees very well. Read again!!

  84. @ anonymous 6:35am.... Can you not even call Bishop Chukwuma?! Which less privileged did he help? Am sure he dint tell y'all how he sent his sister & her kids packing from a house that he doesn't live in & how he couldn't help his father's sister who's 81 and still working as a cook...bloody hypocrites! He should help his family before reaching out...Bishop my ass #kmt

  85. First of all, those of u saying he wants a jet, how much is it that you'll think he can't afford it... Another thing u guys don't know that he is one of the few pastors that can boast of never collecting bribe from Aso rock and that's why he has the boldness to speak the raw unrefined truth...... So, pls shut up if u dnt have facts behind what your thick skull is assuming....

    1. What is ur point? A man that can afford a jet and doesn't own one, neither has he been shared d money with "Nigeria" and the one who has d jet and didn't share d money too.... What's d difference? Tunde Bakare, so, if I buy jet for u now, u will reject it and tell me to keep d change? Heheh bros, if I hear!!!!! R u a learner???? Lol!

  86. Uhmmmm....isnt prison meant to be for those who committed a crime???

  87. I used to get angry at this man before, but I took the time to listen to him and I just had no choice than to agree with him sometimes. I think our pastors should listen to him and reconsider if they are still on track or not. Heaven is not yet a finished race and our pastors should examine themselves and check if they are found wanting in one way or the other.
    Paul rebuked Peter (both of them were Apostles) when he (Peter) was pretending he had no close relationship with the gentile Christians because he didn't want to offend the Jews that were around. This was well documented in the bible (read Gal 2:11-14) Paul was willing to endure the pain of conflict with Peter in order to defend the truth of the gospel. More important than the identity of those involved (Bakare on 1 side and other accused pastors on the other), however, is the question of the message he that he is trying to pass across.
    For the records, Bakare is not my Pastor, but I wonder why some of we xtians carry the mentality of "our Pastor can never be wrong".
    I was surprised one day when a devote of a particular church made a statement during one discussion that ended in argument . hear what he said ,that even if his Bishop is going to hell, he is going with him also. That was the most stupid statement I've ever heard in my entire life.
    Our pastors are still running their heavenly race and praying to God not to lose heaven. And besides, every human being will stand before God on the day of judgement and take personal responsibility for what he/she has done on earth.
    God have mercy on us all

  88. Little wonder y there is absolutely NO progress in Nigeria. We are just ass kissers and cock suckers !!! We don't like to hear/face the truth !!! This man never judged,the point he's making is dat people r suffering in dis country !!! The GOs he even called are his closest allies. And people are going on about him being judgemental. Look , these men of God need to keep it down with the affluence. Its now like a competition of some sort. Some pple in nigeria live on less than $1 a day. Do u know wat that means??? Mwhile some of these "Men of God" have 2/3 jets. Its absurd. We r so blinded that some of us have began to see these GO's as God. Don't judge,don't speak evil about a man of God. Rubbish!!! Ure a man of God,I'm a woman of God, we're all God's children. Because we have chosen them to lead us, does this mean we can no longer talk? I bet even God is not pleased !!! Some pastors put their congregations thru de most unthinkable exercises all in the name of spiritual programmes and even when these folks know that its insane, they follow suit cos its a "MAN OF GOD". Some of these GO's will lead us astray. The truth hurts, but let's call a spade a spade !!!!!

    1. My dear God bless u for dis.. And God bless linda for sharing ds..

  89. This is my first time of putting on a comment on any blog.linda pls i want to implore you to like interprete some of your post in local languages.i wonder how some people passed their comprehension and summary way back in secondary school.i have been following this blog and i see how people read other way round,this shows the decadence in our educational system.most of the people that comment here are graduates or undergraduates.to this bakare comment lets simplify it,he said lets go to prison maybe we will change our ministration.he was trying to use the worst case scenario,and for Gods sake how did he judge here.nw i knw their is xtain BH,this lady jhayde i think you read 7book of moses.you always take things the other way.is there any moral justification for a pastor to be using private jet.where is he going?to meet jesus?and for you novice,under the law church and mosque are chategorized as charity organizations that is why they dont pay tax.we have a long way to go in this country.we the youth cant even think prperly.your pastor will go to yankee to preach while there is a village in osun state that majority of the people there are idol worshippers.GOD HELP US.

  90. @duchessa 8.17pm, the sole aim of ALL pastors shld be soul winning for Christ! Not wealth/jet/limo accumulation!

  91. I used to get angry at this man before, but I took my time to listen to him and I just had no choice than to agree with him sometimes. I think our pastors should listen to him and reconsider if they are still on track or not. Heaven is not yet a finished race and our pastors should examine themselves and check if they are found wanting in one way or the other.
    Paul rebuked Peter (both of them were Apostles) when he (Peter) was pretending he had no close relationship with the gentile Christians because he didn't want to offend the Jews that were around. This was well documented in the bible (read Gal 2:11-14) Paul was willing to endure the pain of conflict with Peter in order to defend the truth of the gospel. More important than the identity of those involved (Bakare on 1 side and other accused pastors on the other), however, is the question of the message he that he is trying to pass across.
    For the records, Bakare is not my Pastor, but I wonder why some of we xtians carry the mentality of "our Pastor can never be wrong".
    I was surprised one day when a devote of a particular church made a statement during one discussion that ended in argument . hear what he said ,that even if his Bishop is going to hell, he is going with him also. That was the most stupid statement I've ever heard in my entire life.
    Our pastors are still running their heavenly race and praying to God not to lose heaven. And besides, every human being will stand before God on the day of judgement and take personal responsibility for what he/she has done on earth.
    God have mercy on us all

  92. Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign, we deserve these leaders in the church !

  93. Typical of Nigerian believers. Just listen to yourselves. It is the funny Nigerian religious people who have kept this country in darkness because they hate the truth, yet they want God to put the country in order when they are not prepared to hear God's mind.
    Nigeria is the most religious country in the world, yet one of the most corrupt. What are the Christians and Moslems of this country doing about corruption, flamboyant dressing, ill-gotten wealth, injustice, oil theft, employment racketeering,etc? Absolutely nothing! Instead of standing up against moral decadence, we are all clapping hands for those who make wealth illicitly and joining the queues to get our own shares of the corrupt enrichment. If we are truly God's people like we keep claiming, this country would be far better that it is right now.
    We must stop deceiving ourselves. We must learn to draw the line between judgment and truth. We are always interpreting the Bible and the Quran in our favours.
    If I may ask, what were the duties of the Prophets Nathans, Elijahs, Elishas, Isaiahs, Jeremiajs, Ezekiels, Etc? Were they judgmental or speaking God's mind to the people? Did Jesus Christ whom we process to follow not stand up against the corruption of his time? Why do we always support corruption all in the name of being obedient children of God? God hates falsehood.
    Pastor Bakare did not exonerate himself from the people he was trying to call to order. Why are we trying to hang him? Please take a look at the book of Ezekiel 33:1-20 and interpret it to this Nation.

  94. I read these comments and laughed. You sure don`t know much about this man of God at all, critics beware and also all you fellas should know that what you read is what you sow irrespective of your comments here.
    If you offer Pastor B the whole world for his faith, he sure would throw it at your face so private Jet is not enough. Have a second thought all you dumb heads and maintain a good relationship with God. Heaven n earth would pass away but His words shall not go unaccomplished. To God be the glory.

  95. Just see how people are standing in for their pastors.this man just spoke well, the bible told us how to know false teachers but people won't read properly.these pastors pick bits of verses that suit them in d bible to steal.read d book of 2nd Corinthians .that letter was to the church.dont let them read letters to d Jews or d 1 under d law b4 Jesus to u.ask questions from them,if u read ur bible properly u will b surprised how foolish some of these pastors think we are.




  97. Those ple in d prison yard, do u eva wonder why dy were in prison? some of dem were armed robbers, so dy deserve to be dere. I think its very wrong to start ,mentionin great men of God going to prison to see wat the place is lik, dose dt find themselves there foor no reasons are quiet unfortunate. We shoulndy judge anyone, its only God dt can judge us.

  98. so is he painting himself saint, let him lick soup jare

  99. I am really worried about the huge wealth in our churches.
    May God's will be done.

  100. some Pastors have lost the purpose they were called... like seriously.... God is watching though

  101. Hmmmmm, i guess pastor Ayo's jet is generating issues now.

  102. This happened in one of the satellite of a big church mentioned by pastor Bakare. Presiding pastor has since retired as a employee of a company, yet, he's under 40yrs. Mummy pastor has no job but with faith, fries burns and bake cakes which she sells to church members. In less than 2yrs, pastor moved into a duplex, bought a car-on loan from bank.bought a 30kva generator. Kids changed schools etc.He becomes so adept preaching properity that we church members get used to expecting to make 6 diffrent donations every service! Some of us know that we have entered 'one chance!'. He even throws it back at us that we are not prospering like him cos we have not been given enough! Faith crazed members wash his car. Tongue-speaking men, stand in guard round him, even on the pulpit. Some Sundays, mummy pastor takes over. Manicured nails, brazilian wig, flashing glasses frame...preaching 'give, give and give, mommy pastor needs her own car,needs to holiday in US soon, Amen somebodi!'.. Most amazing thing. Church membership keep increasing. I still attend. Stupid, I know. But, who amongst the few of such that understand the duo are exploiting us, will go on the pulpit and say so? Who is ready to be cast down or even slapped for blasphemy?

  103. He's on point,but pls he should not try my pastor(william folorunsho kumuyi.pls nigerians should contribute money at least to buy him a private jet,by doing so he'll automatically change his topic.

  104. You can not compare celebrities buying jets and yachts to a pastor buying same cos pastors use other peoples money while celebrities pay with their own money. Do not castigate Pastor Bakare , he is only saying that pastors no longer feel the plight of their congregation and the nation as a whole and going to prison just means they should be brought back to reality as most of them have lost touch about how difficult is to be poor and helpless. He is by no means judging anyone or seeking attention , he is only calling them to remembrance. God help Nigeria.

  105. annonymous, RCCG is right now gathering money for the flood victims pls. watch it.

  106. Tell pastor Tunde Bakare to stop Buhari from bombing christians in the north. we have had enough from this loser, he believe he can change Nigeria with Buhari as the head of state. he might be a generous giver and have evil tot towards pple as well. MAN WILL ALWAYS BE MAN.

  107. Say all they want against this man of God,he is still the only pastor addressing the issue of Government corruption and pursuing right leadership while a lot of them just talk and fly jets. A true prophet would hear from \God and tell the leaders so they would do the right thing to avoid the wrath of God.In the book of 2 Kings chapter 1. Elijah sent a message to the king Ahaziah who had sought baal-zebub the god of Ekron, a foreign land to predict what wld happen to him rather than the God of Israel.Elijah spoke directly and 100 soldiers who the king sent to accost him along with two captains died in the process.
    Where are our voices of God today in our society, we have so many Churches, but where are the prophets? THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!

  108. What are the qualifications to be a leader in a church?

    The qualification, or qualities, of an elder (also called bishop or pastor) can be found in two scriptures, 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
    This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
    “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.” (Titus 1:5-9)
    Deacons (also called ministers) are technically not leaders in the church, but servants of the church. However, in the performance of their duties they may be required to lead others. The qualities of a deacon (and their wives) are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
    “Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless. Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
    The other position of leadership in most modern churches is the preacher. (Some churches incorrectly call him a “pastor” even if he is not holding the position of an elder. Others call him a “minister” even if he does not hold the position of deacon.) Since the preacher’s main job is teaching the word of God, there are no special qualifications other than an ability to teach and a knowledge of the Bible. There is no place in scripture that gives any qualifications for a preacher.

  109. When it's religion we take the extreme bend but when it's on Nigeria, we call for the heads of our leaders. And who says Nigeria's leaders, political and religious, are not God's anointed ones and prophets and so, should be exempted from criticisms?

  110. I am really worried about the way LIB followers think, most of you should go back to High School for a review of your summary and comprehension skills. Until we accept the truth that this man stands for and shun stupidity, we will continue to wallow in our artificially created poverty.

  111. I want to put forward a very simple analysis on the issue of pastors owning private jets.as we all know, private jets in this modern era is the highest means of transportation and it is used by presidents,kings,business tycoon e.t.c while the common means of transport is okada and normal salon cars used by d poor and lowly. ok then lets us go back to the era of Christ, the highest means of trans
    portation was the horse driven chariot which was used by kings and the wealthy, while the common means of transport is donkey and horse used by d poor, but when Christ(the head of Christianity. who is also known as kings of kings) wanted to enter into Jerusalem he requested for donkey.do u think Christ was stupid or was not aware of the comfort of horse n chariot,or dat his God is a poor God.or if he had asked the multitude with him for means of transport into jerusalem or for spreading his gospel, wouldn't they ve provide him with thousand of horse and chariots or you think Christ was not aware that among the multitude milling around him then are wealthy merchants and farmers.i dey laugh like Obasanjo whn i read that redeem members bought jet for pastor Abeboye ,now word of life members has also bought jet for pastor Ayo .i dont know if that of pastor Oyedepo was also bought by winners members.who is fooling who.
    None i repeat none of these pastors living exotic lifestyles with private jets, ownig private banks and university ll make heaven.after all it is easy for a Carmel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into d kingdom of God.it is safe to say the these pastors re all rich men.the issue of them stealing in the name of God is another food for thought..The Truth is bitter yet it has to be spoken.gbam

  112. Someone should advice our dear pastor that his rebellious attitude runs contrary to what the gospel teaches. Scripture says clearly that rebellion is witchcraft. I think since his dalliance with the terrorist General, his rantings have become more erratic. And like birds of a feather he is randomly throwing bombs. As long as someone is hit, he is satisfied. I just hope he doesn't end up as a suicide pastor. As a pastor, he should know what it takes to become one. No prison is as gruelling as the wilderness experience men of God go through to become who they are. One is therefore forced to wonder perhaps whether he was ever a real pastor. Afterall no one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back, is worthy of the kingdom. How indeed can he justify yoking himself unequally with a blood thirsty Boko Haram leader and still consider himself worthy to speak for a nation that his cohorts are so vehemently eager to destroy? I think he should take a closer look at the beam in his own eye before attempting to pluck the splinter out of anyone else's. If he still considers himself a man of God, that is. If he wants to end up in prison I think he is going about it the right way. But he shouldn't think to drag others along with him.

  113. OMG...9jeriansss warrisdis?!a man speaks the truth evry1 is sayin dnt tlk abt men of God or its bcz he is a politician against jonathan or he shud mind his bizness on preaching the gospel..i cudnt evn finsh pple comments bt wen dd facing the truth bcome judge not?!!pple r callin solomon,wasnt he a KING!not a pastor,he controlled a country nd bsides workd hard nd gt blessed thru his handiwork from plants nd animals,ds MOG,wetin dey dy do?!pples offerings,ich man of God in d bible ws ds flamboyant?wasnt it only kingds?evn Paul criticise tins he ddnt tink ws godly in d church nd wrote letters discouragin them,wasnt he an evangelist too?pls he has enuf right to castigate ds pple cz its like dy hv 4gottn wat dy r doin dr,MAINTAININ A PRIVATE JET IS TOO MCH FOR A COUNTRY DS BROKE,if its america or sumwre else i for undastnd, wen dy cn easily be examples to pple nationwide,paul sed if ds is wat will cause ur broda to sin, then dnt do it,evry1 is tlkin abt ds same flamboyant lifestyles of pastors, bt dy dnt wnt to change.Dy shud all go,evn kumuyi nd all pastors to prisons nd see y dy shud sell ds stupid jets nd live a simple lifestyle as pastors..Dy r leaders in the christian church nd shud b examples nt be like a common beleiver...dts d price u pay for bein calld,forsake all d tins nd mind God"s work..nt by makin ur family head all d top spots nd churches abroad...i no one tlk too mch abeg,B4 i place a curse..mscheww

  114. THANK U VERRRY MUCH...anon Nov 13, 4:23.U cudnt hv sed it bettr,tlk to all ds supporters,lst sunday my church invited northern xtians dt BH hd destroyd dr homes nd churches,it ws touching, dy need hlp there.Jst d lil contribution we gve d widows dy kept cryin nd thnkin d church cz d so calld CAN dnt hlp out,ds stupendous moni cn build homes for virtually evry affected xtian in d north cz dy r in a mess &d northern govs dnt hlp out cz dy r xtians.Save ur jerusalem hre nd stop accumulatin wealth in d name of it was a gift i cnt reject it nonsense..u r a pastor so b a gd example like paul who was rich bt bcame poor,proud bt bcame humble,lacked patience nd contentment bt learnt it(phil 4:11)for d sake of the church.Pentecoastal pastors, Paul is our best examples as one of our founders,take heed!!!

  115. the only true pastor in nigeria is pastor kumuyi and no one else .

  116. linda for your info,his church only does offering only on sundays and only once for that matter,@any other gathering during the week or fellowship no offering,
    i think he is a practical example,no sentiments

  117. Dis man must be on somtin 4mentioning pastor kumuyi's name...am nt a deeper life member buh kumuyi is d only true pastor dat I hv ever known

  118. Pastor Bakare is right

  119. Linda, I don't know why u have foolish fools that visit your blog and I wonder what is in their brain.... Of what benefit is it to own a jet and loose your soul? (Foolish fools, answer that). If he still goes to the airport and queues up like every normal person, it shows how humble Pastor B is... Must he move around or escape through a private means like other so called men of God. I really don't blame most of u shouting JET!!, its cuz u hvnt seen beyond your nose and known that even u shouting like JET is one big thing can work and afford it... And Pls, I believe we all hv a level of education and should use it by attending to the speech made. That's how most of u fail interviews.. Answer or gv ur opinion based on the article written and not on JET!!

  120. Linda why u fall my hand...why yu knw put my comment dere#vexing

  121. Just because it's a gift doesn't mean it shud be accepted.....

    I am no saint.however, I think the grace and goodness of God is being taken for granted by the church....Every territory has its familiar spirits....and in Nigeria's case it's the love of money....When money is involved we throw all sense of decency and Christlike mindedness to the wind.....

    The case of the pastor with the jet, has made me reflect on my life and think of areas in which I am out of line with the will and purpose of God.....

    I think that instead of focusing on the "sins" of the man of God and his flock, we should spend this time reflecting on the sins that so easily beset us.....

    It is soooo easy to see the fault in others but more difficult to see the fault in ourselves.....greed,pride, selfishness or the love of money doesnt start in one day....we shud start being our brodas keeper now when we don't have as much....cos when we do ave much more, it would not be too easy to close our eyes to the pain and suffering around us.....

    So please stop focusing on Nigeria's men of God......and instead use the "flaws" in their lifestyle as a lesson to make urself a better person.

  122. Which is trouble shooting?come to think of things,if pastors don't speak up who then should,in fact it is a pastors duty to do what bakare is doing.My only advice is that he should set an example for others to follow,probably start a charity foundation.But over all he is on point.

  123. I agree to an extent on what bakare said. The truth is if only the elites who have great followers in this country could speak passionately against corruption and bad leaders in nigeria, this country will make a positive 360degree turn for the better.
    Remember what the likes of archbishop desmond tutu did in south africa.
    Today, his name can never be forgotten.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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