Question of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 1 October 2012

Question of the day

Someone said to ask you guys this question: Is jealousy proof of love or just lack of confidence? Please share your thoughts


  1. Glitter & Glam Makeovers by Eje1 October 2012 at 00:54

    Linda jealously is not a proof of love ooo, abeg dat na better lack of confidence!!!! Oya as ur dedicated gurl pls follow me on my blog...


    1. Eje baby u don reach here too??!!! Loool.. I think love & jealousy go together. Its human nature o exhibit some very lil form of jealousy.

    2. U dey form say u no jealous ......happy non-jealous o......u hear ? d time d badt guys toh badt gan devour ur babe .....ur head will shift to d right place . Even God is jealous bcos he loves us so much . If we are to be in his likeness.........figure d rest out

  2. Replies
    1. ♍γ̲̣̣̥ gf hates d fact dat i hardly get jealous..A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ she says "if U̶̲̥̅̊ lve me, U̶̲̥̅̊ shld get jealous at times"...A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ as ƒσя me..dats BULLSHIT!--a lil-bit-of jealousy can b overrated ƒσя sum1else.. I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ all,drz πφ reason †̥ b jealous..cos wat íڪ urs--is URS!

  3. in a way its a proof of love. In anoda its lack of confidence. Bt love goes wif jealousy a bit


    1. I bet u enjoy hearing urself talk, even wen it makes no sense

    2. Ode ni anon 1:08 yi sha... Can u jez read d nonsense u typed abi is dat y we r here? Its ur type dat famz by collecting xtra sheet in exam hall only to end up with carryover. I no knw how wetin u write tk concern d question @ hand. Over-sabi

  5. It can be both, jealously could be caused by lack of confidence/ insecurity or it could be due to love but then it's a fine line with love before it becomes something else

  6. In my opinion I tink jealousy is a lack of trust o. Sum pple say its romantic wen ur partner is jealous. I say dats a load of crap. I dated a guy who wuz so freakin jealous. He always wants 2 knw wat am doin, where I am, who am chattin wit and all dat nonsense he even says he's not jealous. I tink jealous pple r capable of murder o (permit me if am wrong) oma baby.

  7. Its both! But mostly lack of confidence! No1 shud even argue wiv me coz its my opinion. Any1 can b jealous n it doesn't necessarily stem frm luv... envy, obsession,hate are emotions dt can trigger jealousy as well. in my opinion a relationship is tolerable if jealousy is meted out in little doses, nt d stalkish, obsessive, controlling type dt precedes most relationship. If u can't trust d person ur with, u have no reason dating dt person anyway. #My Opinion


  8. the bible tells us that love is not envious, so...but in any case, a little jealousy is part of human nature when it comes to love...anything more than a little jealousy is possessiveness, distrust and lack of confidence.

    Pls drop by and leave a Happy Independence Day msg for us. let's encourage ourselves.

  9. This is a very difficult question ,let me sit back and read other comments

  10. Jealousy is obviously lack of confidence..women are just too jealous

    1. Bia what's your own with women? Bloody misogynist! Faggot

  11. I would say it goes both ways - only the heart of the person involved can tell!

  12. Linda, how that lady bears so much resemblance with Michelle Obama? Does your story revolve around her?

  13. Jealousy is simply the proof of love in respect of the fear of the unknown when shit happens

  14. I would say it goes both ways a little jealousy is part of human nature, but when it becomes possessive it leads to lack of confidence and mistrust.

  15. No offence but the picture is spot on. Mrs obama looks jealous of the lady. All ye obama ass kissers and his lying ass about Syria.

    Most of these Nigerian obama ass kissers are not even eligible to vote.

  16. A little jealousy spice up relationship.

  17. what idiot made this poster.

  18. Ummmmm what's with picture the pic of Michelle Obama? What's d connection?

  19. Jealousy isn't a proof of Love! But a bit of jealousy in a r/ship culd b healthy when u no where 2 draw d line!

  20. Both. Lil jealousy is sexy

  21. ♍γ̲̣̣̥ gf hates d fact dat i hardly get jealous..A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ she says "if U̶̲̥̅̊ lve me, U̶̲̥̅̊ shld get jealous at times"...A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ as ƒσя me..dats BULLSHIT!--a lil-bit-of jealousy can b overrated ƒσя sum1else.. I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ all,drz πφ reason †̥ b jealous..cos wat íڪ urs--is URS!

  22. @james abeg siddion women get suspicious but for men jealousy is an undastatement so get ur analysis correct

  23. There are two types of jealousy....d picture der is different frm jealousy dt exist amongst lovers

  24. For is lack of confidenc

    For d ladies,,,,it is proof od Love

  25. Jealousy is not proof of love. It is...shld I say a side effect. Not everybody has dem. And also it is not a bad thing. What u judge is a persons responds to d feeling. Let's also not forget that even God gets jealous. Its very healty to be jealous, but when it gets too much, I think there shld b a medical term for unusual jealousy.

  26. Yeah i agree with you @ Ahdaisy Jayde,bcos she have said it all..jealousy is little part of human nature when it comes to love btw 2 couples and anything more than a little jealousy is lack of confidence

  27. I am presently suffering from one of my hubby's usual tantrums as a result of Jealousy and I do not see it as a proof of love in any way. Its lack of confidence

  28. Hmmm 2 me,jealousy is lack of confidence....dats inferority complex *wink*

  29. If u love "A Thing" u are permitted 2b jealous over it!
    However, too much of everythin is bad.
    In context of d above topic, too much Jealousy means u lack Trust nd self esteem in that relationship.

  30. There are two types of jealousy, proper & improper jealousy afterall God is a jealous God so it can be either here or there ie proof of love or a lack of confidence.

  31. Jealousy is a prove of love. Its a feeling that we inherited from God. The Bible says that God forbids us from serving other gods because He is a JEALOUS God.

  32. Lack of confidence...jealousy is not a product of love. Jealousy is an ugly trait to have. It spoils everything. If you're with someone and you always feel insecure around them, you really need to check yourself.

  33. It's a feeling of lack of confidence big time.


    Who is jealous of who in the picture?

  35. It can be both, it only depends on the situation where some1 who is jealous finds him/her self.

  36. Not lack not prove of love. it is actually spite embedded in pride. you thinking you deserve not the other person. It's a superiority complex.

  37. Lets not confuse jealousy with possessive. Sum jealousy is health and needed in a relationship. But possessiveness is a no no

  38. Proof of love. Even God said he is a jealous God.Now, d ability 4 one to control dis jealousy makes him or her confident. Na so I see am o.

  39. It is a lack of confidence

  40. First off, we should be careful not to confuse jealousy with envy. Jealousy is when you don't want someone else to have what you want; Envy is when you want something like what someone else has. Envy can lead us to improvements, while jealousy usually leads to only trouble.
    We should also keep in mind that jealousy can occur between family members and/or friends (not only between lovers). Cain murdered his brother Abel because he was jealous of his brother's birthright. Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery because they were jealous of their father's love for him the youngest son. Shakespeare's best play Othello, was about a husband who murdered his wife out of jealousy. These prove that jealousy is not just a problem between lovers...

    Now to answer the question wholly, it could go either way. Jealousy could be a proof of love, on the other hand, it could not. Although I strongly believe in the latter.
    Jealousy could be a proof of love because for e.g, our God is a jealous God (He said that Himself); He get's jealous when we flirt with/worship other gods; Yet out of His love for us, He sacrificed His only begotten Son for us sinners. This shows that Jealous feelings sometimes could be inspired by feelings of love. The determining factor in this case should then be the heart of the person involved. But unfortunately, jealousy with us mortals mostly goes with insecurity.

    Jealousy shouldn't be a proof of love because these days, and from a man-woman relationship POV, jealousy is rationally seen as a form of control, or lack of it. I believe jealousy itself is mainly less a proof of love and more an indication of insecurity/lack of confidence. If jealousy prevails in a relationship, the relationship eventually dissipates and disappears because of the continuous disruptive effects that toxic jealousy injects into the relationship. JEALOUSY IS NO MORE A PROOF OF LOVE THAN PHYSICAL ABUSE IS PROOF OF CARING FOR THE ONE ABUSED . Some say jealousy and love are 2 sides of the same coin, but this isn't necessarily so. Jealousy in a relationship begets lack of trust, which in turn begets assumptions; and ASSUMPTIONS ARE THE TERMITES OF EVERY RELATIONSHIP. Today, jealousy alongside infidelity has destroyed more marriages and relationships than anything else in our lives. So if you're out there thinking jealousy is an integral part of man-woman relationships, I guess you should think again.
    ( PS: Forgive me for the epistle, I know I should've started it with 'Fellow Nigerians', just take it as an Independence speech :D)

    1. Epistle things, sermon on d mount!

    2. Hahahaha @Fellow Nigerians!! You shld be in Aso-rock, writing speeches for Jona....

      But I think you are right sha.... Well done

  41. This has nothing to do with jealousy. How can the first lady be jealous when she has a great husband, flies Airforce One wit her hubby and has two beautiful kids. Maybe that's one of the women that insulted Obama and Michelle was like bitch I could fuck u up right now if u piss me off. The governor of Arizona and some other crazy White bitches insulted Obama publicly.

  42. It depends on the situation. God himself said he's a jealous God.and we're created in his image and likeness,whch means its n our nature 2b jealous.his own jealousy is a proof of love cos as @ wen he made dat statement he didn't want ∂ israelites to worship other gods. So In my own opinion,I think if its wt regards 2 rltnshps then its a proof of love. Meanwhile jealousy and envy ar two diffrnt thins.aNna

  43. My own opinion o Linda, jealousy is lack of confidence coz it has coursed so many drastic things in relationship.

  44. If your girlfriend purposely or unconsciously flirts with another guy in your presence, That is disrespect... Your actions regard that is not lack of confidence or jealousy. However, This is reciprocal. stay tasty my friends.

  45. Your photo is misleading why would Michelle Obama be jealous of Carla Bruni?
    Anyway, sometimes I act jealous. Emphasis on the word act, so my boo feels special. You can't help but feel special when you know someone is jealous because of you or jealous of you. So I act up sometimes and he showers me with attention. Win-win situation.

  46. Jealousy is a proof of love,the bible said thou shall not worship any other God, meaning he was jealous not becos he didn't hv confidence in us, but becos he wanted us to worship only him, if really u are in love, u will be jealous when it calls for, bt when u are not in love it's dosn't affect u,bt not to the extend of murder ooo,bt the pics above is not for love

  47. it coms in both ways but when you talk of love, there has never existed any true love without jealosy

  48. Jealousy is the result of selfishness and the desire/will to possess fully, resulting in a high level of inquisitiveness and the want for absolute control, born out of insecurity as a result of overwhelming love for someone!

  49. Is dis michelle obama n sarah palin?

  50. Its clearly a lack of confidence not love cos if u r confident of ur relationship with someone u don't care who she is standing with cos u know that in d end she belongs to u

  51. Yes i can say that jealousy is a proof of LOVE. Why i said so is that maybe u are going out wit a guy and this guy is a type that chases women so much, and in ur heart u really love him and want 2 have him alone u are suppose to protect him, so protecting him dose not mean that u don't have confidence is just for u not 2 loose him to another woman. jealous. Pls quote me rhty. lol.

    1. See? Lack of confidence. Why should you fight for a man that is chasing women in front of you? Where is your pride?

    2. Seriously why should you want to be in a relationship with a man that you know will always cheat on you. In this particular context, it isn't jealousy but lack of confidence because you lack confidence in yourself that you are willing to settle for less than believe in the fact you deserve better.

  52. Yes i can say that jealousy is a proof of LOVE. Why i said so is that maybe u are going out wit a guy and this guy is a type that chases women so much, and in ur heart u really love him and want 2 have him alone u are suppose to protect him, so protecting him dose not mean that u don't have confidence is just for u not 2 loose him to another woman. jealous. Pls quote me rhty. lol.

  53. Yes i can say that jealousy is a proof of LOVE. Why i said so is that maybe u are going out wit a guy and this guy is a type that chases women so much, and in ur heart u really love him and want 2 have him alone u are suppose to protect him, so protecting him dose not mean that u don't have confidence is just for u not 2 loose him to another woman. jealous. Pls quote me rhty. lol.

  54. Linda this is selective media . Can we see a picture of 10mins before and 10mins after. Michelle Obama has No reason to be jealous. She is on top of her game.

    Way out of context guys!!!?

    Jealousy is a like a double edged sword. It can go both ways . Good or evil.


    1. For crying out loud, linda isn't the one that captioned this picture oh she merely used wat was written underneath as a guide to the question she asked.

  55. Lack of confidence...I am married and love my husband to bits, not jealois if another woman looks at him or calls cos I am confident that he loves me more and has only me in his heart. i am confident of his love for me. there and he has proved it over and over again without fail

  56. Jealousy doesn't necessarily mean lack of confidence. People get a little jealous once in awhile, the ability to not nurse or feed it,is what makes the difference. Jealousy borne out of love(not excessive o) is tolerable. Cure: develop the abundance mentality by believing that therez enough wealth, enough men, enough for everybody depending on wat stirs ur jealousy.cheers

  57. Anybody who is jealous can kill at the same time kill him or her self,so if you are jealous of your partner please that is not love. Lin pls post my comment

  58. When true love is on the field, jealousy a by product of anger, disappear!

    1. I think even when true love is on the field, when that person starts keeping late nights and always has an excuse as to why u two can't hang out like you use to. It's not anger that takes over sha but u begin to lose trust and lack of trust leads to insecurity and trust lost is confidence lost. However, the problem myt be one that a simple honest conversation can solve but often times we let our fears feed our thots and come to our own conclusions and seek evidence that can only heighten our fears and then end up taking drastic measures which ends with causing irreparable damage. My point being that even love you felt was true can be rocked with something as flimsy as lack of Communication.

  59. When you are in love you are prone to jealousy. You just dont want to loose what you have and cherish.

  60. Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of presenting emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. It is not to be confused with envy....

  61. Ladies if a guy is not jealous at all then I reckon there is no love becos there is no love without jealousy even God said he is a jealous God. Now every man reacts to jealousy in different ways some with maturity others are simply jerks and often times for good reason or not.

  62. Ha! Ha!! at the way Mrs Obama is looking at Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy. Carla is a bit off in the head so i can imagine the look.

  63. michelle obama is not jealous of the lady o. carla bruni betrayed her confidence; that is the first lady of the united states of america.

    abeg no trust in the arm of the flesh. Please trust in Jesus Christ, He never fails us wey believe in am.

  64. I believe everyone in a relationship at some point in time gets jealous... how we react to it is what makes it either proof of love or lack of confidence

  65. If you are asking about jealous with reference to love or lack of confidence; I assume that you are talking about romantic love so why in God's name do you have this picture of the first lady of the US and the former first lady of France up here?

    Ridiculous! And thanks Anonymous 1.08am, you saw what I saw as well. Linda, you have enough foot traffic without resorting to trifling games!

  66. Being Jealous of another person simply happens when you don't know what God has in store for you

  67. 90% of the time, it's lack of confidence. u rarely have jealous men, it's usually women. and we all know women have confidence issues compared to men.

  68. Jealousy is love & hate at the same time.

  69. Love is not Jealous or envious of another. We can simply just say jealousy is "Hate".. Now my question is "can u be jealous of urself? Since d Bible says love thy neighbour as urself. Let's follow the Holy law.

  70. Linda... to my understanding, jealously doesn't prove love in any way oooh! It is a replacement fear which means ''INSECURITY''... Sadly jealously has cost a lot of humans their lives based on fear or lack of confidence! See am new writing blogs... pls follow me on my blog as i look forward to learn from you ok!

  71. When ppl look at my wife, I will become jealous and when we get home,I will have so much sex with her! My wife being a very smart woman would come home and give me these fake story of men that weere starring at her. Out of sheeer youthful jealousy I will make so much love to her.Because she wanted kids, it was ok with her. At 32 I have six wonderful kids and my eyes have now opened as I am happy and also saddled with d responsibily of my action.
    My wife is happy cos she loves kids and as a surgeon,she has no problems chipping in,in raising them.
    I wanted only two kids,but I ended up having six cos of jelousy.Jealousy is a combination of love and insecurity folks!

  72. Even the bible let's us know that God is a jealous God. Well nobody likes to be disregarded. Imagine u have a girl u do everything for and then she likes hanging with a particular guy and tells u he's just a friend I think you'll be jealous or as a girl u cook, clean and do stuff for a guy and a particular girl keeps tagging his pictures on Facebook my dear except u don't send that person, you will be jealous bcos u want to be the centre of his universe as he is yours. If you say jealousy is lack of confidence then I let's tell tiger woods wife she was just an insecure bitch. My dears I believe she left that marriage bcos she was cheated on not once not twice and thus she lost confidence in the man she married and to avoid being insecure, she left. However, I think being insecure and jealousy are sometimes mistaken for one another. I believe so bcos I have been at a point in my life where all I felt I had was my relationship. It messed me up bcos I was just home doing nothing and I had this bf who works in abj, I made it a point of duty to check his inbox daily cos I had both his email and Facebook passwords. I even went as far as chatting up as him on Facebook With a girl I suspected him of having something with now that is desperation and insecurity at work. Needless to say the guy broke up with me i'm sure I would have broken up with myself too. As if right now I have dated a hand full of guys since I broke up with him not because they didn't like me or vice versa but I refuse to be in anay relationship I am not front and center of that persons thots. Once I know u still look outside I walk because I am too young to start arguments of who is that girl and all that jazz. Yes I get jealous as it's healthy to feel a little pang of jealousy when something you love is being shared with you. The worst combination to have in a relationship to me is desperation, insecurity and jealousy combined as that is what will drive a girl to the point of pouring acid on a guy. It's not even jealousy, it's over lack of confidence and desperation that u r running out of time (age) and that you may never find another man as it took u long to get this one u have now then you stop at nothing to secure ur position. Please oh make una chop me remain small but let me use this medium to advise chics, if you start now to over guard your relationship when you are not married, it will not stop when you marry oh it will only get worse bcos then the level you go dey na to call assassins to go kill a girl wey be ur husbandchyke oh plus e fit lie to the girl say e never marry. As for me I am still young and I need my sanity so any man that will want to cause me that kind of restlessness na me go order myself to go to the left to the left sef bcos a relationship is meant to bee enjoyed not spent saving what will end up killing ur mind and spirit and eventually body.

  73. Absolutely normal

  74. Jealousy is lack of confidence
    & it corrupts ones mind. it makes a peason 2 hv evil thoughts...

  75. anon October 1, 2012 3:52 PM trust me there are probably more jealous men than women. they know how to conceal it.

  76. Even Our God is a jealous God

  77. Nigerian American black chic.2 October 2012 at 02:28

    I'm naturally selfish when it comes to what I possess well I am that way because I like to conquer and i'm a girl. I may not care for a guy but the minute I know that his attention is starting to dwindle, I manipulate him into thinking i'm all his just so that I can smile to myself and say yea I conquered another guy. You must think i'm shallow but i'm far from being shallow, I just get bored easily and once I relationship ceases to give me the thrill I crave, I go seeking for another relationship. In reality there is only one guy that can hold me down and that is the guy that will love me but is still strong enough to subdue my prowess somehow I find it sexy when a guy has the perfect blend of I love you and will take your shit but when I put my foot down I have put it down. Yea irrelevant to the subject matter but even guys that know I just couldn't be bothered about them try to get me jealous and get hurt when their attempts fail. 2 asked me why I don't get jealous when I see them with other girls or take another girls call in front of me. So i'm guessing a little bit of jealousy I proof of love. I once broke up with a guy bcos he kept on saying he wasn't the jealous type but disses dani Alves when I use his picture as my dp that's jealousy to me so it just use to annoy me that he won't just admit he can be jealous but just suppresses his feelings. As for me, If I don't feel any atom of jealousy when I know my man is always talking bout a particular girl, I know it's time to move on bcos either ways, I will still end the relationship if he doesn't end it. I knew I was over a guy when I gave him tips on how to get my friend and this is someone I was dating. He tried my tips and it worked and he still turned around to accuse me of not loving him when most girls Would throw tantrums I just willingly gave out tips. Seriously what kind of person would I be if I deprived him of his needs mtcheeeew. This same person even fell more in love with me and did everything in his power to get me back and went on to tell me I have always been all he ever wanted since high school but I mean u ate my friend why will I want u back I don't eat left overs. He started dating a girl that graduated with a 1st class and rubbed it in my face but still was calling and texting me. He would look for excuses to meet up with me but I know myself once I can't feel any kind of jealousy when u do things to get me jealous oh boy it's a pass the mic thing for me as I am just looking out for my next prey. So to me a little bit of jealousy actually means you care and you aren't ready to lose that person just yet.

  78. "A little" jealousy is healthy in a relationship. it feels good to know that someone is afraid to loose you.

  79. well jealous means lack of cofident. U re afraid d other guy will take ur babe away from you which is lack of confidence. I u re confident and man enough u wont worry. Any way check my blog out here thanks

  80. hi linda, i think its lack of confidence. im new in blogging and will like to learn from you. I love how you write blog U can follow on thanks

  81. its lack of confidence.

  82. a little jealousy is healthy for any relationship where love abounds, but when that jealousy becomes an obsession, then it becomes a problem.
    for eg, if a grown child away from home always calls one of his parent to chat with on the phone, say the mum, truth is, the father is bound to get jealous "secretly" (cos he may not express it); doesnt mean he lacks 'confidence' please.
    for the Christian LIB readers, even the Bible in exodus says that God is a Jealous God, when we bow down to idols or serve them. why is this? because of the love HE has for us.
    i can go on and on but i'm tired of typing enuf said.
    dont get it twisted; a little jealousy is healthy.

  83. @whysoserious lmaoooo. Good one

    @anon October 1, 2012 5:43 PM, spot on there and cute story ^_^ "Jealousy is a combination of love and insecurity" one has to be careful treading on the grounds of jealous, but most times, it's cute and shows love.

    My opinion.

  84. That is a typical Michelle Obama look.

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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