Justice for Aluu 4 | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday, 7 October 2012

Justice for Aluu 4

Cousins, IIyod aka Big L and Ugonna
I am sure by now some of you have watched the video of the brutal beating death of the four University of Port Harcourt students - Ugonna, Ilyod, Tekana and Chidiaka, by the indigenes of Aluu community in Port Harcourt. If you haven't watched the video, please don't bother. It's the most gruesome and the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen. It will break your heart.

Now I'm convinced that we have lost our souls as humans. The youths of this nation did this. People's children. Beaten till they were unconscious, then set on fire. They said they were robbers...were they really? Even if they were, is this how to treat another human being? Are we this barbaric in this country?

Two of them were even cousins. Ugonna and IIyod. Both of them were upcoming rappers. Big L was the winner of a popular Rap Contest show on SilverbirdTV PH called 'Turb Show'. I have listened to some of his songs...I'm devastated.

We the youths of this country demand that the River State Government look into this matter and arrest everyone in that video. Except the government want to tell us that they have given the youths of Aluu power to arrest and kill indiscriminately. The Rivers government MUST make a scapegoat of the people who did this so it doesn't repeat itself. Next time, it could be my brother or your brother. My child or your child! We can't let this happen again.

So let's start a campaign #justiceforaluu4 until the Rivers States government does something about this!

Meanwhile, if you write any shitty comment supporting this act, your comment will be blocked. So don't even bother!


  1. This is sooo sick and bad nd useless what are we turning into n nigeria. .this is wrong and unacceptable dis are pols children brother no no no this is not done no

    1. I pray the animals be brought to book. This is a devilish act

    2. Linda please how do we make sure this isn't swept under the carpet...these people have to be brought to justice.Aluu community needs to explain why they have choose to raise babarians and vultures instead of human beings higly disgusted

    3. Folake Omo Olateru7 October 2012 at 11:14

      For the very first time, I'll comment using my Name.........
      The government MUST produce those killers. Those boys could have been innocent. The police officers who came and did nothing should be FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!! What are they being paid for? #justiceforaluu4 #justiceforaluu4 #justiceforaluu4 #justiceforaluu4 #justiceforaluu4 #justiceforaluu4 #justiceforaluu4 ...... Take it to twitter.... Take it to facebook...... Take it to youtube.... This cannot be silenced.

    4. And to even think dt almost everyone in dt aluu community were all militants,dey killedndone worst tins,yet dey kept dem alive,if dey v killed dem since nko? God!wht r u waiting for? Why don't u pay all bak with their own coin instantly! Omg,can't stop crying,even in my dream,I keept seeing d video!jezzzzzzzeee,pipos children!heard,ones mum was around begging ooooohhhhhhhhh! So sad! Amechi,Amechi,Amechi,if u fail to bring dis devils to book! Den I knw u r rily one of d patrons of millitants,as rumourd!

    5. Its devastating, justice must prevail.. This is inhuman,babaric and sad. I can't watch the video,to think I feel this way about d pictures. God ll surely punish this people.

    6. I live in the UK and have just watched the video. I am in a flood of tears. I am speechless... how can humans do this. May justice be served

    7. Thank you so much Miss Linda...am a final year boi in Uniport...I knew 2 of the boys pretty well,yes they were cultists,but never robbers,dey were accused...plz how do I get ur email addr...I wona share more with you...the police watched this happen,and I over heard dem deny it on air.

  2. I cried bitterly after watching the video.the killers must not go unpunished.

    1. That's why I love you my Linda! I love you I love you I love you.... I may not like somethings you do, but I love you still...... Please set up a meet up location. I wouldn't mind leaving all I planned to do this week to join in the protest. Justice MUST be served.... NO ONE DESERVES THAT. NO ONE.....

    2. We are better than this, God we should stand up and be counted a peace match for the 4

  3. Something definitely has to be done. The government has to do something about it. Let JUSTICE be served.

    1. Linda a lot is going on In ds Country ooo especially wit we d youths may God help us one Of Ds guys ugonna(@tipsy_tipsy) on Twitter Has Being talking about how he feels recently but who is cares to listen only God can help ds generation,may be he was trying to say something someone might have even prevented Dem from going.#justiceforAluu4

    2. i saw dis news on a popular website called worldstarhiphop dot com, its mostly things happenin around d world but mainly for foreign musical videos, u need to see comments about NIGERIA, i shook ma head in pity.
      i heard loads of stories, don't really knw wat to believe some said they stole laptops and phones, some said dere were armed robbers who has been disturbin d community and even killed a man and raped his daughter, some said dey were cultist. I'd say FUCK it all, even if u're meant to PUNISH some1, re u meant to video it talk less of killin??? ALLAH is watchin us all. @ linda we didn't see dere faces so we don't knw who to hold responsible except for d elders of the community which i doubt will tell d truth.

  4. Yes let's fight 4 justice,wat they did was inhumane nd gruesome bt all d same may their souls rest in peace. Amen.

  5. Watcht d video,its so pathetic,cnt bliv dat people were watchn n wonder wot their feLlow students did 2 stop dis inhuman act.The STUPID man hittn dem wit a big stick in d VIdeo shud b caught n Dealt wit.wasted lives SMH

    1. That man hitting them wit stick, is identifiable. He shld be caught & dealt wit mercilessly. Look @ how he was hammering d boys like, he's killing a big snake. Heartless idiot. He will never be well wit all those murderers. Linda pls we must not let dis act just die off like that. Gov Amaechi, even sef GEJ must do something about this. Starting from Aluu community leader who gave d killers right to take d boys away & do whatever they want to do.

  6. GOD bless u Linda. we really need people like u for a new Nigeria. i am totally appalled by the wickedness of our youths.... JUSTICE FOR ALUU4. by afoma mbamali.

  7. Linda the Bible prophesied that things like these will happen in the last days...so much lawlessness
    im pretty sure some of the people involved in beating these boys up were probably kidnappers, armed, robbers and cultists themselves who havent been caught...at least chase them or let the police arrest them..but burning them is just inhumane and callous...they have committed an even greater sin..ugh

    1. Bless ur hrt,if uask me,all Aluu community is made up or robbers,millitants and kidnappers,yet dey v d mind to kill poor student! Justice must prevail! Oh oh oh,can't stop weeping!

    2. http://video.ak.fbcdn.net/cfs-ak-snc6/v/234675/67/553410704674438_33982.mp4?oh=50663393163144884582df91047c8d63&oe=5072B154&__gda__=1349714348_b2c898a06b3d67bd8f47d4672546e197

  8. Well thank you,no one has the right to take the law into their hands.#justiceforaluu4

  9. Oh Linda,someone just sent d link 2 d video,can't watch it,d pictures r still giving me chills,I strongly believe this was a set up,Justice 4 our beloved brothers,I don't know them,but yes,I mourn them like siblings

  10. Ooh my God lynda.I have been cold and depressed, after viewing the video for 5 seconds. Who made that video? Those onlookers are equally as guilty as the murderers and the wrath of God shall befall them.Some people r less dan animals its only humans dat kill their specie animals don't hence some people r less dan animals. God help us all in this country.

  11. justice 4 aluu4

  12. I support #justiceforaluu4

  13. this is one of the worst crime ,to even naked the boys flog them is enough ,killing someboys child over laptop or bb my god,nigeria is turning to be like afghganistan and yet chibuike amechi is yet to make comment

  14. Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. On dat note I lend my support in seeing dat only justice in its fairness is done.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  15. i opened the video but couldnt watch 10secs,too brutal.a classic case of man's inhumanity to man.

  16. The act was barbaric and it shoulnt be made to repeat it self

  17. Yes,we should all fight 4 justice,this is a barbaric and inhuman act,no matter what D̶̲̥̅̊عƔ don't deserve to die like that.....its S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ sad!

  18. 'Man’s Inhumanity To Man’ turns man into a beast. Al in d name of jungle justice..... Wicked and Barbaric. #justiceforALUU4

  19. i couldnt even believe the story initially when i saw it, how can nigerians be soooooo wicked, Justice for ALUU4 -- www.freemanezeiruaku.blogpost.com

  20. i couldnt even believe the story initially when i saw it, how can nigerians be soooooo wicked, Justice for ALUU4 -- www.freemanezeiruaku.blogpost.com

  21. I'm in full support what ever it takes to bring those heartless beings called members of aluu community down.

  22. Someone sent me the video link, I cannot bear to open it, I saw only pics. We have really lost our humanity, even if they really stole, they don't deserve this kind of fate, nobody does.

  23. i thank you Linda for this campaign. Its only a person who doesnt know what it takes to have a child and even train him will open their dirty mouths to support this killings. They are somebody' loved sons. I support Justice Justice Justice to this gruesome murder. I commented yesterday when i saw the story that they didnt show us in pictures the laptops or phones been stolen or even the one been raped. I fear for our lives in this country ooo because anybody can stop you on the road and call you a thief and the next thing,people around will descend on the person and beat,kill,burn the being without been sure if he/she actually commited the so called crime. People shouldnt take law into their hands.

  24. I just wAtched the video on the recent killings of those four uniport students.Every1 that partook in that dastardly act shall never enjoy anything human.may their lives be full of misery.they will wish for death And death wiLl laugh at them bcos death itself is mercy unto their souls.their lineage will wither like leprosy.worms n leeches shall feed on them alive,they shall Neva find sleep.there shall never be peace in that community.MURDERERS!...for everytime they raised their sticks on the heads of those boys..so shall their pain be everlasting and ever present...I curse their souls.each and every1 that could have stopped such barbarism but let it happen like animals without conscience...there will be no kindness'reproach shall follow all who stood there and let it happen..death will not com quicker..God is not asleep!

  25. Blodgeoning people to death and setting dem on fire while pple just stood dere nd watched? Even had d. Effontry to make a video? R we aniimals in dis country? Wen did d average nigerian get d ryt to judge nd kill anoda human beign? Everysingle person in dat video is a murderer! *sobs

    1. It baffles what this world is turning to. Pple will see things happening all they think of is to snap or video it. Then send d links out. HABA!!! Those pple shd ve ran 4 help or something. The other day I saw a man knocked down by okada he was bleeding & unconscious, pple stood wit their phones filming him. This is wrong. If u can't even help walk away than just stand there & watch. JUSTICE 4 ALUU 4!!!!!!!!!

  26. sumfin shuld b done sharpaly sharpaly 2 punish d hrtlezz piPo daaa KilleD doz Boiz...even na robberx sef....dey dint deserve 2 die lyk daaa.....tearx Full ma eyex 4 d deaD guyx..

  27. Please who has the link to the video? This is sad

  28. too sad for words,not worth watching.i support the justice for aluu4 jor

  29. Let's all start d campaign Linda! Let's know what is 2 b done! So what if dey stole, y tke laws into ur hands, does bastards r barbaric, and shd b killed, hu r dey to kill, they aren't perfect

  30. This is so asurb dey shld go in 4 it as many dat re responsible for dis unlawfull act.RIP guys (crying)

  31. I totally support this, justice must be done. Dis is s most gruesome,horrible tin I ve ever seen till date. God!,even a murderer doesn't deserve dis kind of death. Btw,whoever was at dat scene isn't diff frm those dat actually committed dt barbaric act, u had better start seeking forgiveness frm God. Else,be damned to hell for doing nothing. May the souls of d departed rest in peace.

  32. Well if they aint guilty then i support aluu4 but if really they are then may their souls rest in peace and i hope this wud b a lesson 2 all the youths out there robbing people... I am a victim of robbery, i hate robbers n have no sympathy... I just pity their parents :-(

  33. Linda I can't even see the vidoe,the pics alone brought tears in my eyes,it culd happ to any of our relatives,we shuld boldly protest the killing and even have a walk against it,I don't care whatever crime they said dey committed,dey do not have d right to treat oda pple's kids dis way,let's all stand against it,in any way we can,I'm ready to protest openly,till not just the state govt,but the federal govt gets involved,this is inhumane,I cnt belive pple even stood to watch this...

  34. I support! I wonder d kind of people dat wud support dem.if u kill a robber dat makes u a muderer which is worse. How dare u take someones life. These are peoples children.

  35. I could not even attend mass after I saw the video! My God, those people are Animals. It beats me that the state government is yet to even say sometn, what about the SUG! MY week is so ruined!

  36. Abegi. Bloody hypocrites. If the boys were not "cute" so to speak would the outcry be this much??? Please put things in perspective here. They should not have been killed in that manner. I agree. The proper authorities in a sane clime would have handled this case. But yours is a country ruled with idiots as leaders with sheep as followers. A country that allows a supposed MOG walk away free after physically assaulting a young defenceless girl should cover their cowardly faces in shame and stop crying pretentious cries here. You all are responsible by ur acts of inactivity and Internet fighting for the rot in ur system. Nonsense.

    1. U r a bloody bastrard idiot

  37. Yes o! The police must do something...or else...This one is plain for everyone to see. At least the killers faces are not hidden! They must do something or else we will now know finally that our justice system in this country is useless... This is real example we have now...

  38. I didnt watch d video. But i cud only feel d strong pain frm Linda's word. I support tat they're brought 2 Justice

  39. This stroy breaks my heart i cried for them i dnot care what d did all i no is d r someone's kids other peoples children why is it ok for people to take matters in to there own hands nigeria need to know better cos if u know better u do better # RIP

  40. Suyi said:
    My heart still beats for them,this boys begged for their lives yet they were killed...dis is very wrong,sad and inhuman.so all the pple dat contributed to the death of this boys will go home and have a good night rest?....Jesus let your will be done."Let him who is without sin be the first to cast a stone"

  41. (˘̩̩̩.˘̩̩̩ƪ)


  42. am quite sure they must gone to bribe the police... if not, nothing has been released like kinda statement from the police quarter... or are the people of this area above the law...? even if the crime was committed, they should av bn handed over to the police for proper justice not jungle one... may their soul rest peace... and may the ALMITY GOD console their families..

  43. I don't care what they stole...its not as if they went there to kill someone...(Hose that stood there and watched..and dose that looked into their eyes yle bludgeoning them to death..ur own isn't too far away...

  44. i cant even bring myself to watch it, i saw pictures n ive being traumatised since den, i schooled in port harcourt, d ikwerre people, dats where allu people are from are known for their legendary wickedness and backwardness, they are very unforgiving and vengeful. theres just so much sadness and evil worldwide now. i pray the Holy Spirit falls afresh on us amen.

  45. As I said on twitter, nufin 'll b done cuz rivers state govt is callous. I wuz in year 3 wen militants were brots 2 d oda syd of aluu 2 stay b4 rehabilitation. I almost got raped, twuz one of d militants dt came in wv matchet n told dem to get out of d salon dat dey dint come 4 dat. 10mins b4 dt, we heard dem raping a girl on top of broken glass in d nxt store. Do U̶̲̥̅̊ knw how many girls were raped in mud dat day? Dey even carried 3girls 2 dier camp n dey died. Not even d VC apologised 4 his callousness, Amaechi pretended lyk he dint hear anything though he was not in town. I was born n brought up in port harcourt, it is a place where d indigenes 'll always remind U̶̲̥̅̊ dat U̶̲̥̅̊ on deir land if U̶̲̥̅̊ talk nehow. It is d same indigenes dat ve sold pratically all their lands yet they 'll treat ur fuck up if U̶̲̥̅̊ misbehave. Trust M̶̲̅ε̲̣ wen I say if doz boys were indigenes dey wud ve freed dem long ago, U̶̲̥̅̊ won't even hear dey caught thieves or woteva. Wen I wuz in skul, smtyms U̶̲̥̅̊ 'll hear gunshots on aluu road even in front of pritaso & everyone 'll scamper to deir rooms. Den policemen 'll arrive n arrest any guy dey see even if hez buying suya. If U̶̲̥̅̊ leave dat skul in gud health, beta do thanksgiving. May God help us. & may doz killers die painful n slow deaths....d devil is waiting for dem in hell

  46. I actualy kno 2 of dem personaly..Ldino n I wer music frnds in skool.. Use to freestyl 2geda while tekena was my neigbor.. Dey actualy went to force dia point 1 to resign.. Den rival gangs living in d area hrd it n tot dey wer aftr dem n alerted vigilante.. Wch led to dis mess.. Nomata wat dey didn't dserve to die like dis..they didn't steal anyfing dis boys r frm rich background dey had everything. Is d guy hitting dem a saint..?I'm sure he has a dirty past too Most vigilantes r ex cultist sef.. He shud b condemned to death..@tweetest_boi

  47. GOD BLESS U LINDA......Africa is far....very far....this is why white men think low of us...I can't imagine a sane person treating even a RAT like that...while in law school we are thought that a person accused of crime is innocent unless contrary is proved...KNOWLEDGE IS EVERYTHING....THUS YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH...AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET U FREE.....ILLITERACY,MYOPIC,have killed mY BeLoved Africa.....MAY THEIR SOUL FIND pEACE...

  48. They burnt dem cos dey r robbers.... With no guns... No loot on dem. This is a set up... God will punish dem for this cruel and evil act... This is how they will roast their own children like pig meats... I pray God will give their parents the courage to carry on...

  49. D pple dt did dis 2 these boys deserve 2 die, capital punishment cos dey are evil heartless n worse dan armed robbers. Gosh! May d blood of dis young boys hunt dem till dey die! Was so devasteted after reading d story on friday. Even God 4gives. Justice 4 ALUU4!

  50. Na wa o! this is just do eisssh! God help us! i feel so sad!

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. They are not mad? Lord av mercy.
      How can u sit down and type this pile of rubbish? INSANE + EVIL that's what they r n u r not far 4m dis description.
      Since we have people like u who think this is right,this sort of act will never end and I weep 4 my nation 4 the kind of heartless souls in it.
      And this "terror" we are talkin abt,does it involve murder? Did they kill any1?
      The stories surrounding this whole issue is vague. I'm sure d demons who bludgeoned them 2 death didn't even knw for sure if they r d culprits,yet they comfortably killed them 1 after d other without pity. Doesn't this tell u that d so called vigilantes are experienced murderers? Who are they therefore 2 decide their fate wen they are criminals themselves? Of the two evils (murder n stealing) which is worse?
      Watch d video,study the pictures and imagine d pain those boys went through. I can't wish such torture on any1,not even u spewing crap.
      4 heavens sake we all have had our fair share of terror 4m all sorts of people 4m d underworld,but torturing them 1 after the other 2 death is definitely not the way to handle this situation. Does murdering them make u any different from them? Hell no. Rather,it will b written that u have committed murder without batting a lash.
      These demons should b brought 2 book n dealt with accordingly for the terrible pain they caused the boys,their families and concerned Nigerians who are scarred 4 life,I support this campaign.

  52. Linda..i feel u and am goin to but this up on my blog too...so much killings and so much death..and our government sits there wit their arms folded while their children are abroad.....y the pple dat did dis have not been brough to book is beyond me...who gives any body any right to kill like this...wat is Nigeria turnin into..pple's children slaughtered like animals...it is so heart breaking and so incredibly sad....we demand Justice!

  53. May the perpetrators and onlookers never know peace.May they live to reap the harvest of sorrow they sowed.#justiceforaluu4

  54. LInda May God bless u.

  55. Well put Linda.. LIB readers like me in london are ready to join the campaign.. That was so inhuman of the killers. They must not go scott free. YES, THEY MUSTN'T

  56. I jst watched d videos, my smiling sunday has turned 2 crying sunday. Why, Why all this? This is crazy. I even heard a woman's voice, hw can a woman stand n watch such. God pls save their soul n may it rest in perfect peace. Dnt knw wat 2 say anymore... I can't move frm where I am rite nw. *Crying bitterly*

  57. I cried after watching the video. I was shaking for minutes. So sad. The killers are worse than the the victims. watch the video here www.raqueldaily.blogspot.com

  58. Linda you are right every body in that video should be arrested....until they point out who the murderers are.
    I didnt see the video i only saw the pictures and i have been having nightmares ever since.
    It is really outrageous.
    Whether they were thieves or not that type of jungle justice is just not acceptable.

  59. Words cannot describe the injustice

  60. Thank You a million times Linda for this campaign. God have mercy on humanity. how can man really be so unkind to mankind. i am completely sad and speechless on this issue. does this really mean that human beings in Nigeria have lost all sense of humanity in them? God. every single person identifiable in that video should be fished out and arrested by the rivers state govt. in fact am speechless. i solemnly support justiceforaluu4

  61. Honestly speaking, I'm too scared to watch †ђξ video cos †ђξ pics alone brought tears to my eyes. Listening to †ђξ whole story on radio gave M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ goose bumps. I had to raise a prayer point on saturday @ my cell meeting dat God should not make us victims of negative circumstances.

    4 pple to take laws into their hands like this is sooooo sad and devilish. May they all face worst deaths,Our Govt shud take necessary actions FAST cos these ones were quick to react,there shud ßξ no looking ϐãÇk.

    May these young souls rest in peace. *teary eyes*.

  62. linda...i'm still finding it hard to get over it...i can't even watch the vid.those of u that did(no comment)i'm asking God to forgive us coz it's indeed a wicked world!i'm tired of crying my eyes out...i freaked out when i saw their pics.i've not been myself ever since this hapnd.God pls accept them coz the world rejected them....forgive them for wat eva they must have done...

  63. Father in heaven, where is your face?
    I saw the video here www.raqueldaily.blogspot

  64. This is what has happened to Nigeria. But this happens daily in our cities. This is news because these kids are in school. Petty thieves are constantly being killed on our streets and our churches say nothing.

  65. It is not suprising anymo 2watch nigerians committing themselves into inhuman acts like human killing human. I did not even watch the video bcoz I know dat I'm incapable of watching such brutality. Anyone who has the heart to beat talkless of killing does not deserve peace in his/her life. Haba nigerian's, what have we degenerated to? They are even worse than boko haram. I say Justice to this students.

  66. Av been so tired since I saw d pictures,can't even look @ d video for any reason!I keep asking "what can possibly make pple so bitter? Bitter enuf 2 do what these aluu community peeps did! Its so evil.it culd av bin any1's brother or son and some devils in human form are supporting dis act!I pray that the perpetrators of dis act be caught n used as example for d safety of our youths. If ey go scot-free,den pple will learn 4rm dem n mob action will be d order of d day! THIS MUST STOP

  67. Linda i have never commented on ur blog bt plsssss what ar we meant to do, how do we go about this campaign. I hate each and every one of those bastards in that video and i wld be a happier person when they go thru pain. Can the idiots produce evidence of the items stolen? Weapons? A confession or witness? That one with the stick....no comments, just evil

  68. This is a clear cáse of murder. No set or group of people has the right to take a life. Are they the law? My heart bleeds. Justiçe for Aluu.

  69. This is really sad'really very sad' justice must be done'those guys will not die like dat'i cant even stand this'where are the phones and laptops stolen'may this people never see peace' their children will die like this too and even worst than this' we will rally till this callous Assholes are brought down

  70. Linda, thank you for this! We must campaign for justice. Those ppl must not go unpunished. Meanwhile, is there neway I can write to the president's office just to bring his attention to this gruesome act! Gosh, Im devasted. Rip to the students.

  71. To ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ i see dis as murder Ąπϑ d police should arrest Ąπϑ take to court all involve in d video d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ should face d consequences °ƒ murder case in Nigeria

  72. a foreigner made a comment on facebook and said is this how they behave in your country, i weep for nigeria.I wonder how that man went to bed that night after kiling the 4 boys

  73. justiceforaluu4
    i am heartbroken..to think my lil brother was in that uni..that cud be my lil bro..may there soul rest in peace.

  74. I cldnt finish watchin d video,tears n tears, dis are human beings n nt animals. River state govt u have 2 act n Uniport u hav 2 act 2 n show dt u r nt happy about dis injustice. As 4 d killers of dose boys u will neva knw peace or anytin gud till u die. If u weren't heartless, wher ws d fones, laptop, d money dt dey stole or even weapons(guns)dey used ws displayed...

  75. Meeen if dis guys were related 2 me.....I will Go to da house of all those invoved and HIT DEM WHERE IT HURT(their family)...linda paste my comment or else(na boko haram tins ohh)

  76. I v bn speechles as d story unfolds. No evidence? Too bad! Mayb a set up wit d wrong crwd. Kip tinkn wat was going tru dia minds as death strrd in dia faces...helples as they plead 4 mercy. May God forgiv dem dia sins n grant dem rest! Such an inhuman act frm a fellow being, d devil is a liar! So much death...youths...we hav al sind n faln short of glory of God! Dis is not time 2 curse but pray! Let us all go on our knees n plead for God's mercy bc dis is devil @ wok! May they find rest in d bosom of d Lord!

  77. Linda just watched the video on YouTube... Very brutal and inhumane... Pls create soo much awareness so the government wont sweep it under their feet... And the worst part is none of the spectators reacted or did anything to stop d violence

  78. Honestly this case is beyond words, its requires more than words and petitions! Nigerian mothers should rise up and act! Rivers State must come to a 'standstill' until "full' justice is achieved. This is not ordinary! The community and School authority must explain to the whole world if farm animals are no longer sold in the market that they now slaughter the youth for no visible reason! We don't want legal action oooo! The barbarians that did this must be judged like barbarians. If we can take to the streets for fuel price increase we must do more than that for the slaughter of not one but 'four'of our sons in broad daylight. They spat on the government, the police, and the entire judicial system, they looked our mothers in the face and said ur sacrifices mean nothing to us, ur kids are worth less than chickens. Nigerian women its time to show the barbarians what 9 months of physical and psycological discomfort feels like, its time to show them what labour pains feel like, its time 4 solidarity! When a child has a problem, the first person he runs to is his mother, Mothers do not fail their kids, Nigerian women must not fail us!!!!

  79. I am not in support of Jungle Justice bcoz my brother was once set up during the days of missing manhood.He was 17 then and it was discovered by the police that a certain herbalist was the one that pointed at him but thank God a policeman in plain clothes was standing next to him in the crowd when the accusations and beatings started.
    i am also privy of the fact that students carry out armed roberry attacks especially cultists and this is a community that has been tormented by robbers and when people have been pushed to the wall with no help from security forces,motivated by fear and self preservation,even wrong actions will be taken as justified.
    This is probably a cult Hit gone wrong,with the vigilante tipped off by the rival cult group who could also be ammong those that served out the Jungle justice to the 4. This requires police investigation and not some random arrest of community youths.
    I wonder if this outcry would have risen if the boys loked like your regular 'BUSUYI' or 'KAMORU' .

  80. Those mile 12 robbers in Lagos are also someone's children, brothers , etc so next time you get robbed of your handbag, jewelry, black berry porches...pls don't come and whine on blogs. Just smile and suck it up cos they are someone's kids. I can't believe some of you guys are excusing criminals using lame lines such as , that could be your son or brother and who among you haven't stolen before. Speak for yourselves...some of us never stole before cos we were trained at tender Ages to be content with what we have. It's all of you who have thief tendencies that's condemning these villagers for defending their territory when the police has refused to come to the village defense. train up your child in the way of The Lord so they won't be caught in this kind of mess to begin with. Lets not forget the young pretty girl that was shot by her cultist boyfriend and his friends just cos the girl found out he was robber. The evil these students do on campus is more barbaric than the fate the met in aluu. In life people reap what they sow

  81. Linda dey vex ooo,people should go after the useless corrupt leaders not the innocent citizens, scared of arm robbers,road accident,plane crash,kidnapping,witchcraft


  82. Nigeria is a dead nation...so much lawlessness and wickedness. Still trying to wonder hw a human being can do that to a fellow human. This happened in a student environment how come the students didn't do anything abt this, they all stood and watched all this happen.

  83. if am related 2 ds bois i will join Boko Haram and bomb the whole aluu community!

  84. Lmao....you guys are kidding o. Now cult boys are innocent and those aluu village fol who have been terrorized by cults and thieves are now the bad people?

  85. i was in pain after this... no1 deserves to die like that absolutely no1.

  86. I was trying to write a piece for the newspaper on this dastardly act but discovered that it has been remove. Kindly replace it. Though it bleeds the heart, yet watching it shows the level to which this country has sunk in terms of human feeling. Those who regard us as brutes are having the last laugh. it is indeed disheartening that four producrtives lives have been wasted by the lunatics in that community. No wonder our youths run away from this God forsaken country.
    Kola Ojikutu

  87. Enuf talking guys aluu indigenes should start dyin asap...startin with d old women, den d youth, den d mothers will get to watch dia children being beheaded n d men will watch dia wives beaten to a pulp n finally burnin all of em alongside each other..AM FUCKIN SEREZ wit dis..ITS ON..

  88. My hands are shakin,I cldnt evn watch 2 d end.2 start wiv,d pple standin der nd d idiot vidioin dis!!!dey all deserv 2 die!!!as in ril death!!!! Krist!!!!Nigeria has finialy lost it!!!may dey rest in peace Amen

  89. Nigerians area barbaric,I still can't believe til dat that people stood there n took pictures and videos...Nooooo Justice has 2 be served,Nigerians have 2 learn 2 stand up 4 our rights,we can't kip being dehumanized daily!!! #Justice4ALUU

  90. first time i shed tears this year. its unbelievable. God please help our country.

  91. Honestly this case is beyond words, its requires more than words and petitions! Nigerian mothers should rise up and act! Rivers State must come to a 'standstill' until "full' justice is achieved. This is not ordinary! The community and School authority must explain to the whole world if farm animals are no longer sold in the market that they now slaughter the youth for no visible reason! We don't want legal action oooo! The barbarians that did this must be judged like barbarians. If we can take to the streets for fuel price increase we must do more than that for the slaughter of not one but 'four'of our sons in broad daylight. They spat on the government, the police, and the entire judicial system, they looked our mothers in the face and said ur sacrifices mean nothing to us, ur kids are worth less than chickens. Nigerian women its time to show the barbarians what 9 months of physical and psycological discomfort feels like, its time to show them what labour pains feel like, its time 4 solidarity! When a child has a problem, the first person he runs to is his mother, Mothers do not fail their kids, Nigerian women must not fail us!!!!

  92. The guy with the stick must die this year and his families must be wiped out! Bastard community! Gosh they are gross! Even d women dere must lose their kids dis year too.

  93. This is the worst inhuman treatment i have seen in my life.I still feel sick just thinking about it.Did they ever consider that they were someone's children and were just taken away in their prime.we are bedeviled with corruption and poverty,now taking away the life you cant create.My heart bleeds for the youth of this country,some of those boys would have been the president,Governor a musician tomorrow but they are hopeless in the grave.If God can forgive us of our wrong doings,what right do they have to take laws into their hands in broad day light.Those that committed this dastardly act will never find peace.JUSTICE FOR ALUU4

  94. This is inhumane!! Wonder wat uniport students are waiting for#justiceforaluu4#go linda

  95. In as much as the photos & video is disturbing, I think they are the main reason why the story is pulling enormous traffic. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, let alone a video. We should not be quick 2 condemn whoever covered the scene on tape. Believe me, most people wouldn't have bothered to read the story to its end bcos its definitely gonna take a lot of words to give just a glimpse of how the victims were killed; even if the writer was Shakespeare, the story in words would not give enough mental picture of this dastardly & barbaric act carried out by the Aluu people. Besides, the video stands as hard evidence that might assist in the apprehension of the culprits.
    May their souls RIP.
    Concerned Nigerian

  96. even if a thief has done a bad thing, how does killing him/her make it better? anybody that does not think twice about ending a persons life has to be the devil incarnate.

  97. Its obvious tat end time is here! Its soo sad even if dey were thieves tat doesnt gv any1 d right 2 take laws into his hands! I rly feel 4 does boys kiai its soo sad! Lord pls accept der soul!Adieu

  98. I got to watch this obscene video this morning. I mean, it's that horrible. Like you Linda, and every other concerned youth in this country, is still waiting for the government to take action on this case. By the way, I am in full support of the campaign - count me in!

  99. Nigeria a country without security!!where were the police when this baberic act was been carried out???how abt the chiefs,elders of the community?and as for those pple involved the this act pain shall be the portion all the days of their lives!

  100. Linda,I totally support you.The matter should be investigated. This might be a setup or they actually committed a crime. Whatever the case, the people that beat them to death should be rounded up!

  101. Because of fucked up security in Nigeria,I,my Dad and two lil brothers had to do community vigilante 2 nights every week. imagine a 60 year old man and kids no older than 23 years with a shotgun and cutlasses patroling at night because of a fucked up government and police force. Though young i was hypped up with adrenalline and alchohol and was ready to do justice to any 'MOFO' to protect my family and community.
    I pity their parents and wish them eternal peace but if anybody should be blamed it should be the government and the freaking police force.

  102. I've come to realise life is (CHEAP) in Nigeria.how in the world will someone that wants to be called a human being do this to dz young men.i heard one of them is an only son and ds is bringing back a hard and deep pain i've been praying to healfor years now cos i've lost an only brother and i know the vaccum and the pain it has left in my family.GOD PLEASE KILL ALL THE CHILDREN OF THESE GUYS' KILLERS!!DAMN!!!****tears rolling****

  103. Pls som1 shd snd d link i ned 2 watch dis! Its soo sad

  104. I cant stop thinking about dis,its hearbreaking,devastating,irrational,no 1 even if dey stole 1 billion deserves 2 die like dat,d pple involved must b given life imprisonment,no 1 watching cud even help dem dis z sad,am in full support,we must get justice4Aluu4

  105. I got to watch this obscene video this morning. I mean, it's that horrible. Like you Linda, and every other concerned youth in this country, is still waiting for the government to take action on this case. By the way, I am in full support of the campaign - count me in!

  106. I have seen the video too, I live and work in Port Harcourt...I've been talking to some people and especially those that knew this lads...they have promised to help with all available informations regarding this gruesome killing. am 100% with you in this. #Justice for Aluu 4 is also trending on my blog.

  107. My main question is where were the police at this point in time. I used to live in PH till 2004 and I am aware that there was a police station not too far from Uniport gate. I couldnt finish the video as my heart started bleeding within me. This is one reason why I doubt if I can ever live again in this lawless and God forsaken country unless something positive happens. I cant imagine how people still had the gut to watch this kind of horror and were able to sleep in the night. May God save Nigeria.

  108. Holy mother of Christ!!!! Watch it here

  109. This is just inhumane and Babberic..I couldn't even go through d video for 3seconds...Justice must come to play on these heartless people that could do this to their fellow humans..God Bless you Linda..

  110. Everybody in that video is as guilty as the guy with the stick. Even the person that made the video.because if the onlookers had protested, this wouldn't have happened. I saw pure hatred in that video. May God protect us from the bitterness of men. Every body that knows any of these guys shld not rest until the killers are brought to book.

  111. Nigerians, humanity has descended to this level and it will get worse before it gets better. As Linda and 99.9% of Nigerians watch and become silent witness to the level of depravity that the country has reached, it can be said that we are all accomplices to this hellish scenario. History tells us from Nazi Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda and so forth that the existence of evil in our leaders has the consequence of genocide. This is the end result of bad leadership. On the bright side, Good as always triumphed over evil. Nigerians has forsaken Good (God), and Nigeria still has got a lot more suffering before life will be Good (God).

  112. This is wickedness,I cried wen I watched dis video..ow can sm pple be heartless? N dey went on n put justice into their hands.so sad...dey must be punished... Oyeshola

  113. Gracious God..*tears dropping*how could these people be so heartless???He who is without SIN should cast a stone..Who is RIGHETOUS amongst these people..Haba Father..these is too much for anyone..God why???May their souls rest in peace..and 4 d ALUU community..GOD would do to them what they have done to these people..in TEN FOLDS.so sad and disturbed..

  114. God forgive the people of Alu community for they don't know what they have done. Am very sure God wasn't sleeping when all this was happening, I think God has his reason for allowing the people of Alu community to succeed in killing these students. I hand over all the people that were involved in this evil act to God almighty, plus does that were just watching that couldn't do anything to stop this evil act. That's all have got to say because am very sure that our government is not going to do anything about this. Boomzy

  115. I totally support ur view Miss Ikeji .its disgusting ,despicable n savage.And I can also tell that u are very, very ,angry.

  116. God Bless ur heart Linda...we need to stand up for this one o!Let's know how to go about it.This can't be tolerated!May God judge them!

  117. I haven't watched the video and I won't bother watching it, but if it was as horrible as people are saying it was, then let me ask a question? How do we hope to develop as a nation if that is how we treat certain issues? And later we'll be saying our leaders are our sole problem? Absolute shame

  118. let all youth in rivers pls rise up for and condemn this babaric act, let the sug of uniport rise against this, let all rappers in nigeria condemn, this act, let all civil groups condemn this act, let all well meanining nigerians condemn this, let all of us who have sinned in one way or the other rise up and condmn this act, except you have not sinned , then you can clapp for those bastard who called themselves saints, linda pls do me a favour , follow this case until justics prevails, starting from the community chiefs who always embezle money ment for the community, pls lets us take this personal, because, i am taking it personal too, i ve not been able to eat since after watching that video

    ehis said so.

  119. In as much as stealing is wrong, 2 wrongs dnt make Ą̸̸̨͡ right. Even Τ̲̅ђe boys d̶̲̥̅̊ά̲̣̥†̥̥ killed cynthia have nt been treated ℓįkε dis. #justiceforaluu4. #JUSTICE4ALUU4. May God rest dia soul. #JUSTICE4ALUU4 *sad*

  120. What ever they did doesnt give Aluu community the right to take laws into their hands! It should toroughly investigated and d culprits punished. All they should ♓∂ν℮ done was to hand †ђξm over to the police! Its indeed barbaric! Let the one without sin cast d 1st stone....Aluu enjoys stoning and burning people to death. I'm from Rivers state and I ♓∂ν℮ always heard of their creulty when they themselves are robbers and kidnappers. Some time ago they almost lynched an hungry widow for stealing an onion in the market. They derive joy in killing. I pity those from that land or anyone that intends to marry from there. The angry fire and brimstone of gσσ∂ will soon rain on them

  121. Just confused after watching the video and may God forgive me for my comment before watching the video! Who do I blame? Police!!! That came and did nothing! There is more to this killing! Just don't understand y this happen! May God rest their soul! Ha ha! In a country with law makers! There should be real investigation to this but I pray they are not guilty of the offense bcos I hv been a victim of armed robbery here in 9ja and I had to leave the country for a while but no matter what this is my motherland but the experience still bring chills to my body anytime I remember! God help us

  122. http://t.co/bjaF10oK

  123. What sort of orientation do we have in dis country.... Wen r we gon' grow up in dis country. We claimed we r civilized whereas most of us r mentally retarded.... #gosh#

  124. Ex Students Of Uniport ,lets all come out and do something about this,lets take this case up,its just toooo bad

  125. As in because Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡f ΨђA̶̲̅τ̲̅?! Laptops and phones! It is disheartening. May their souls rest in perfect peace and God punish those youth that sent them †☺ their early grave.

  126. I regret watching this video. When is enough actually enough? Did they even have to further set these boys ablaze.first u humiliate them naked, beat them up and hit sticks and slam cement slabs on their heads, then set them on fire, and the mob was laughing saying the yellow one don die! The act of those people can cause the whole community to suffer for years to come, that's spiritual law. Even if the govt does nothing,God is patient but not stupid. Women perharps mothers daughters sisters stood to watch other mothers, sisters, sons and brothers being killed and set ablaze. Goes to show the level of wickedness that is set in the heart of man. They may have stolen do what u have to do but why kill? Did they even take pictures of the stolen items, yet they video the murder of these boys. Rotimi Amaechi better do something or the blood of these boys if they are innocent will be visted on PH!

  127. I have cried so much in my heart,this is totally beyond me and my imagination,I can't and won't watch the video.Nothing has ever pained me this much in my life.did they kill??? So why were they killed?

  128. The problem of the black man is in his vision, although he has eyes, what is however wrong is the way he sees himself, the way he sees his land, the way he sees his own people and the way he sees others. Life would be better lived in Africa if there was clarity of mind and a persistent, positive mental shift. I say Nigeria would be better if our hearts did not take the colour of our skins as much as our minds are as soiled as our soils. ~ Segun Adekoye

    This is utterly barbaric and shows how much more we are behind in thinking. Then, we complain about a Rick Ross showing our slums. If only we could play a video reel of the evil going on in our hearts. It is understandable that a Norwegian psycho can kills tens of people, we could attribute it to individual insanity, mental impairment. However, that a community of people will slaughter four young boys is totally unacceptable. It is not insanity but a way of thinking. It is barbaric. They need a paradigm shift in many parts of Nigeria. This is unacceptable, terrible.

  129. I have been robbed at gunpoint 3 times in the last 2 years,where I lost phones,laptops and my brand new car. I had no sympathy when I first heard about this aluu 4 issue.

    But after watching this video, I wouldn't wish for the robbers who took my things to meet this fate.. I wouldn't stand by and watch it happen..it's inhuman.........tooth fairy

  130. Dis is inhuman #justice4aluu4

  131. omg i'm like shaking badly after watching the video! who deserves this kind of death? no matter what anyone does, no one deserves to be treated like that.
    The killers and watchers are all THE WORST and should have all been in the fire too. The guys were too weak to move away from the fire. I can't believe that i'm from a country where things like this happen.

    Let's all pray that their souls RIP, and i hope that these boys got a chance to pray for our heavenly Father to accept their soul in heaven. After all they went thru at their last hour.

    THIS MADNESS DEFINITELY HAS TO BE STOPPED. What happened to calling the police when you find thieves? and even if the police is late, that was enough people to hold the guys down until the police arrives.

    Those men are people's fathers and they'd go home proud! and what if those boys were innocent? :'(

    God please have mercy on nigeria. :(

  132. Yes o Linda.pls date venue time and location .no one deserves to die like dat.wat is wrong with handing dem to the police just phones and laptops .wat is thier crime that they should die dat way.may God rest thier souls meanwhile justice must be serve.i think there was a mix up somewhere those kids did steal.oh thierfmilies will need a time to erase the memory

  133. Please its important that we pray the prayer of not being in the right place at the wrong time. That prayer goes far to cancel a lot of disaster that awaits us everyday.

  134. Linda am in full support with you sometin has to be done real fast cos I can imagine human beings burnt like animals hmmm nw I see why d white call d blacks animals cos dey behave nd act like animals truly.I watched d video last nite God I couldn't sleep,imagine u were d one beaten nd burnt to death CHRIST pple I wicked nd dey shall neva go unpunished I swear down cos ikwerre pple er vry vry wicked TUFIAKWA.Pls sometin shuld be done vry vry fast abt it be dey will kill more innocent youth again nd d rate which d youths er dyin is jts too much GOD HELP US!

  135. very lawless country...soooo sad..d video just messedup my day:(

  136. After watching this brutal killing of 4 uni port students all I could do was to play MAN UNKIND by 2faceidibia

  137. I can't get that viedo out of my head. I still tink abt it every minute of the day, and where was our supposed friends 'the police'they shuld ve come to their aid at least nw dey will still be alive. Justice Aluu




  141. this is crazy, this people went too far.

  142. http://pic.twitter.com/Ny5ys04c

  143. its it now you people know that we nigerian are heartless

  144. linda, though i don't support the idea of jungle justice, but the later part of this your write up sounds undemocratic. evri one is entitled to his or her opinion. that community didn't jst kill the boys, they have placed a curse on their land for killing the visitors in their community, and the authorities of Uniport, should look into the matter, coz dese r their students for crying out loud

  145. Linda, I have seen the Video .. I mean i woke up to it this morning..Is been 30mins now and i still cant get the picture off of my head ( is sad),That country where government walk away with 10million dollars and no one fit talk anything. because of laptops n phone.., i really wanna see justice to that.

  146. Sickening! I'm speechless after watching the video.

  147. where are the things dis young men stole..am beginning to think it waz a set up...SMH 4 dis nation , can't bliv we still have such brutal pipo in dis country..and some students were actually watching instead of alerting the police..JESUS CHRIST #justice4aluu# @elvisflex

  148. Chichi nwa Mbaise7 October 2012 at 12:32

    I just viewed the video for few seconds and I cant believe humans can act like that. some idiots was there shouting die die!! young boys being hit with sticks and stones, what sort of crime will somebody commit that will make you kill? May God not let us see evil.. as for the killers and those watching them get killed and did nothing to stop it, may God never let u people go free, u shall die a painful death and may ur generation be coursed. if the gov of ph doesn't do anything abt this, may they see no good and d university shld burn down that village and bring justice by force...

  149. I think an online petition should be created,passed around on blogs,FB,TWITTER and signed by as many people as possible.
    Then we submit or maybe forward the list to the police commissioner,house of assembl,the governor or even the senate.But in the meantime we should all endeavour to pass this around and create more awareness....this act is another confirmation that Nigeria ia gradually turning to an animal jungle..

  150. But does this mean that these killers, are all saints, dat they had to judge the poor boys? Who's offence is worse now? murder or theft?

  151. I couldnt watch the video. I just asked my cousin a few days ago WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE SO HEARTLESS TO DO CERTAIN THINGS THAT THE THOUGHT OF IT PETRIFIES EVERY MORAL AND HUMAN FIBRE IN ME? Its so sad. And if the Rivers State government dont do anything concrete and drastic to mete out justice to the barbaric murderers of this people, they shall never know peace.

  152. Hmmmm,God help us all..

  153. :::....this is inhuman! What is this Country turning into? May this wickedness never go unpunished!

  154. I totally support ur view Miss Ikeji .its disgusting ,despicable n savage.And I can also tell that u are very, very ,angry.

  155. the fool weh wear check long-sleeve cloth suppoz deh arrested, unless these poor students killed his family member, he had no right to champion the killing of students... only murder can be paid with murder... aside that, the fool should be arrested. if you know his house report him to the police make them arrest am.

  156. They had no right to condemn anybody to death. let JUSTICE be served!

  157. when chinua achebe said it,some of us decided 2 turn it in2 a tribal war,d truth is we hav lost our humanity rite 4rm d civil war,d military era n now d thousands killed by boko haram n oda senseless killings going on, justice4aluu4

  158. The Govt of nigeria sud nt only do something abt the death of des boys bt also abt d insecurity in d country, evrytin is going wrong in our country n wht d govt do is giv us notin bt false hope, hw can a country lik nigeria dnt ve any working law, I tink dis is d right time 4 us 2 raise our voices against insecurity and infrigement on our human right.

  159. General Petraeus7 October 2012 at 12:43

    I always asked myself one question 'how is it that the most prayerful nation in the world is getting nowhere, how is it that the most religious country in the world hasn't acheived anything' this questions has taken me years to answer even through rigorous meditation as a citizen. After watching this video, then it hit me, Americans would never ever do this, britons would never do this, countries that's have made major breakthroughs won't do this. Why? Because they are advanced and well civilised. Nigerian can't move forward because of the kind of evil we are capable of. If Nigeria was the united states, world war IV would have started already. I've seen firsthand how heartles and barbaric we could be in the military alone. God watches over the world and you all need to understand that Nigeria can't move forward till the end of time. I hope you all understand why God would never let us move forward. General Petraeus.

  160. i believe people now are controlled by evil spirits but they don't realize because everything that happened in that video is evil, i had to go out and hang around just to calm myself down after watching that demonic act. God save us

  161. I love and respect Linda Ikeji.
    Well done girl ! You have made this generation proud.
    Barbaric acts like this must stop and you are doing something.

  162. Heartless people all in the name of justice. mstweee

    Check it out, Life is Precious @ www.warrigirl.com

  163. Am in total support too, I can't stop crying, can't evn think of watching the video, Gov amaechi should do something oo! Pls wat can we do apart from commenting here! Please let us know ASAP pls! I hv bn falsefully accused once, wat if I was burnt?...God forbid

  164. @ anon 11:02,u r a big fool nd I pray smtn like ds l befall sm1 close to u nt u so u l feel d pain.ds s disturbing.itz nt jungle justice,itz MURDER!!!!no1 deserves to die dt way.so shut ur gutter mouth

  165. Students who really steal shud desist
    frm such acts o..its not easy for some1
    to work hard,only to b robbd of his
    earnins.. #Students !!

    Justice for Aluu 4!

  166. General Petraeus7 October 2012 at 12:49

    You don't know me but my name's petraeus, I wanna belive in miracles, I wanna believe my country is not cursed already. With tears in my eyes and pain in my soul, I beg you God please forgive us, let us grow :'(

  167. everytime,gruesome things happen around that area...its like a zone for armed robbers.no one deserves to die like that but if they were cult members,then they got what they wanted.those villagers have also been attacked by these kind of ppl severally without the intervention of the police,is it now that the police wants to intervene??.the villagers are as wrong as the guys.its too bad that they didnt live to defend theirselves, but whosoever is ready to kill should be ready to die.RIP boys...really hope they accepted christ.

  168. this is wicked and gruesome, everybody involved should face the wrath of justice, i wondered where our law enforcers were? my heart bleeds.the people that did this are no longer humans. so sad!!! I pray that that their souls rest in piece and God accept the four guys into heaven, what a painful way to exit.

  169. Its evil to kill another human being no matter the reason. There must be something behind this which is not been told.

    I am in support of this crusade.

  170. This is just too sad, the chief perpetrator should be jailed for life for intentionally murdering these boys!!

  171. Well done Linda. May God continually bless you and crown all your efforts- Amen.

    Yes, we shall shout out for justice.

    My people, let us begin.

  172. Linda how can u suggest watching the video? I only saw the pics and I could not sleep on friday night. I was so full of fear, sadness and evry negative emotion. I have a junior brother in port harcourt and I can't iimagine this happenin to him. God bless you for starting a protest on your blog.I lend my voice to this protes

  173. Some say they are guilty, some say they are innocent, I have asked, how the persons in the videos ca do such and then go along with their day, maybe make a comment like,'oh my arm hurts from beating them to death'like it was an act as smooth as tea, but more than that, I blame myself, and i ask God to forgive me, for every time i have cursed Nigeria instead of blessing it, for every time I have condemned, rather than think of how I can be the solution, Thanks Linda, for not waiting for it to be 'somebody's' calling to speak up- More than Justice for the 4, I pray God forgives us all, one way or another, with our tongues, we have killed more persons than even that video highlights! God forgive and Save Nigeria......

  174. Typically descriptive of an insane entity called country.More than 24hrs after this insanity was meted out on youths that were allegedly involved in an illicit act,neither the government at any level or the community "head" of Aluu has been bold enough to address this.Insanity has become the order of the day,and I weep not only for my alma mata,but my root.

  175. This is too bad. Students pls becareful people in that village r wicked and they r up to somfin.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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