Why I Resigned as Minister of Power - Bart Nnaji Speaks | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 29 August 2012

Why I Resigned as Minister of Power - Bart Nnaji Speaks

In a move aimed at salvaging the reform and privatisation programme of the power sector, President Goodluck Jonathan Tuesday in Abuja accepted the resignation of one of the key members of his cabinet, Professor Bart Nnaji as Minister of Power, with immediate effect.

The president was said to have decided to accept the resignation, following Nnaji’s admission that companies linked to him had submitted bids for one of the successor companies created from the unbundling of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN).

However, speaking to THISDAY Tuesday night on his decision to leave the cabinet, Nnaji said he opted to resign in order to save the privatisation and reform programme from those who might want to use ulterior motives to bring down the programme.

Nnaji said he had met with the president Tuesday afternoon, during which he (president) informed him (Nnaji) that he was using his company as a proxy to buy shares on behalf of the president in Afam power station through the privatisation process.

On hearing this, he informed the president that rather than drag him (Jonathan) and the entire process through the mud, he would prefer to resign but reminded the president that he had brought it to his attention two weeks ago that a company he owned was part of a bidding consortium that had submitted bids for Enugu Distribution Company.

Nnaji explained that there have been all sorts of efforts to bring him down since his appointment as Special Adviser to the President on Power and later power minister, but decided Tuesday that it was best to leave rather that allow fourth columnists to mar the entire process.

“It is a huge conspiracy to scuttle the programme, but rather than drag the president and the programme down, I decided to tender my resignation,” he said.

On what would become of the reform process on which he had worked so hard, the former minister said he had managed to put the power sector on track and all key reforms in place, adding “it would be difficult to derail it right now and I hope it would proceed as planned.”

When asked if the independent power company he owns, Gemetric Power, would withdraw from the consortium bidding for Enugu Disco, Nnaji said: “As far as I am concerned, the bid is still alive.

“I know that they set up a new committee to re-evaluate the bids, but I don’t know if the process will still be fair after what has happened.”

However, sources in the presidency told THISDAY last night that Nnaji had no choice than to resign, because had he failed to do so, he would have been sacked by the president.

The president, THISDAY learnt, was said to have been very disappointed that his power minister, who should have known better, had gone ahead to bid for Enugu Distribution Company, despite the Code of Ethics of the privatisation process which bars staff of the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) and members of the National Council on Privatisation (NCP) from buying shares in companies being privatised.

“The president had made up his mind by this morning, so if Nnaji had not resigned, he would have been sacked,” explained sources in the presidency.

Participation by two companies linked to Nnaji in the power privatisation process had compelled the NCP to cancel the technical bid evaluation process conducted for Afam and Enugu Disco last week.

The NCP, after its meeting last Friday, had announced the results of the technical evaluation conducted for the 25 bids it received last month for the six generation companies (Gencos).

From that process, seven bidders were said to have successfully met the cut-off mark of 750 and above during the technical evaluation process and were prequalified to have their financial bids opened on September 25.

However, the NCP was silent on the bidders that were prequalified for Afam Power Station owing to the potential conflict of interest that had arisen during the privatisation process.

An NCP source said that before the consideration of the report of the evaluation, Nnaji, who was a member of the NCP by virtue of his position as Minister of Power, had brought it to the attention of the council that O & M Solutions of Pakistan, a member of one of the consortia bidding for Afam, had worked as a contractor for Geometric Power.

The consortium, in which O & M Solutions has a stake, is Skipper Nigeria Limited, which had submitted technical and financial bids for Afam on July 17, the deadline set by the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) for the submission of bids for the Gencos.

The minister also notified the NCP that Geometric Power has a minority stake in Eastern Electric Nigeria Limited, which had submitted technical and financial bids for Enugu Distribution Company Limited on July 31.

He went on to inform the council that owing to his position, he had notified the president of his company’s bid for Enugu Disco, and brought it to their attention that although he has an interest in Geometric Power, he had resigned from its board and transferred his shares to a blind trust.

Having been informed of Nnaji’s direct and indirect interest in two companies being privatised, the council decided to cancel the technical evaluation that had been conducted for Afam and disbanded the evaluation team.

It also decided to stop the evaluation of the Enugu Disco, which is still ongoing, and would likewise disband the evaluation team.

The decision to cancel the evaluation for both companies was premised on the fact that all major stakeholders, including the former power minister, had been asked to send nominees to participate in the evaluation process.

Coincidentally, Nnaji Tuesday afternoon had welcomed the NCP’s decision to disband the evaluation teams and re-evaluate the technical bids submitted for Afam and Enugu Discos in the wake of his admission that some members of the bidding consortia has links to a company he owns.

Nnaji said the NCP’s decision to re-evaluate the bids submitted by potential investors for Afam and Enugu Discos was necessary considering that justice should not only be done but also seen to have been done by all and sundry.

Culled from THISDAY


  1. At least he did the decent thing and resigned- unlike Arunma Otteh who still remains in her job despite the strong allegations against her and Allison Maduekwe who is still Minister of Petroleum despite the strong allegations against her!!!

  2. He shouldn't have let his company get involved. Conflict of interest?!

    1. this thingy called power , is infectious !! He wants to remain in control from within and outside ...

  3. A few Good men...Nnaji Remains Honourable!!! This is true test of Integrity.

  4. Quite sad. This was one of the better ministers.Till this man was a minister, electricity was so poor in my area and in the past four months or so, we have been going to bed with electricity for most days, a luxury we had not really had since campaign for elections last year and 2009 before than.

  5. What a gentleman,he left with his head held high,the improvement in electricity generation in our country speaks for u, posterity will be so fair with u Prof. He choose to sacrifice his personal benefits, in ensuring dat d privatisation process saw d light of d day. Wished other public office holders will take a cue from him. For once let credibilty,transparency and accountability triumph over corruption,nepotism and cognitive melodrama.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.

  6. Somehow I just feel that this guy meant well, but he played into the hands of the bad guys. Too bad us all.

  7. Hope Prof. Jega should also resign because he has conflict of interest in companies doing jobs for INEC

  8. eeyah..... im not moved!!!!! as i said before, e don chop belle full. anyway, i wish u the best in ur future endeavors and only pray for ur sake that ur hands r clean.

    im the first to comment........ *whoop whoop*

  9. plenty plenty story!...i ve been enjoying power here in lagos for d past 1 month so whoeva dat is takin ova as d next minister had better not switch off my light!

  10. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm,hope our light will still be uninterupted. Can't remember d last time I visited my generator house.

  11. Complete Political propaganda. just forget these idiots. we the present generation of youths should be more concerned with self employment thus ensuring job creation. as for me personally i am least concerned about the people at the helms of affair in this part of the world. I am indeed very optimistic that their products/offspring will work under me in my proposed pornographic industry in this country. watch out. for more enquiries/short-listing contact me on bigdickhardsex@yahoo.com #BIGDICKROCKS

  12. These our Professors are disappointing us. As a Professor, we should expect him to know better.
    Anyway, let him resign and get out of that position son that someone else can take his position!!!

    1. U r a fool to compare Prof Barth Nnaji to other "Profs" google his name and check out his CV and achievements thus far!!

  13. Don't condemn the man. He carried our his responsibility but tried a smart one on us. He knows the consequence and played a smart one by resigning. At least, that's better than stealing public fund to expend your business. Linda, when was the last time you powered your gen? I haven't powered any of mine in about 3 weeks now.

  14. Kai... All these one na grammar. The man try sha. Light dey steady for my hood for IB and no be so before.

  15. There is more to this. We don't just step aside in Nigeria

  16. i have not electricity for 4 days now, same as last week

  17. GEJ making up his mind to sack him. That is hilarious, How can he when Deziani is still working with him, Oteh is still in the office, when all he could do is to go thru the back door to negotiate with boko haram. May be by next week he would change his name to Abdul Adamu as Boko Haram had requested.

  18. i aspect was u said there more to this issue. but God will deliver us.

  19. y'all dont know nada. the real truth about him will unfold with time. he aint the man y'all think he is.

    1. True talk! E don chop all dem pensioners moni finish, plus dem don chop d gratuities and entitlement wey dese new staff wey d private coys go resign suppose get. Nansense! I trust no igbo man in business. We dey show dem pepper for wafi here.

  20. We don't have electricity supply at Lekki, Lagos o! Phase 1 & environs to be precise. The power be like disco light!! All this one wey una de talk na grammar biko!

  21. I am not a fan of President Jonathan, but I must commend the act of Prof. Barth Nnaji. I knew his companies as far back as 3years ago, they are major players in the power sector particularly the eastern part, aba nd it's environs. He did the right thing, his business is more important than the position he is holding.


  22. @ big pennis guy, you started well but ended with foolishly, i wonder what your integrity and instict are, proposing Porn studio and destroying thousands of Youths isn't it. you better thing well and run for your dear life because the eternal wrath of God is coming so fast on people who can think of anyother thing than promoting the devils workshop.
    Jesus is coming sooner than you expect

  23. Well, I think that's honourable enough , but no be that one we go chop naa lol!... I just hope your big plans that made you go against the rules , will bring us Steady Light ... That's my own!

  24. so unfortunate! all d ministers in NIGERIA have companies or have people as fronts whom they allocate contracts to while money will be paid into their personal account. Barth Nnnaji on the other hand has always being in the private business and his company now bidded openly and he resigned or was forced to resign bcos of that! i weep for my country where TRUTH and Transperency is not appreciated.


  26. I don't know if he jumped or was pushed, but he was a competent man who knew his onions. Jonah is now free to appoint boy loaf or Asari Dokubo as power minister.

  27. It seems i will visit the generator house today cos as d power minister resigned, nepa don de take dia lights. Back to noise pollution.. Smh

  28. coming from america and behaving worst than those who you criticise here.... who's fooling who..ochiscoco

  29. people readin all dis tin d paper is carryin wont undestand , come to PHCN headquaters nd u wont see Bart Nnaji's obituary poster as in all dis one dat he tryin 2 act lke he resigned cos of d bad tin he was seeing , pppppppuuuullllease he was d bad man , he wanted 2 privatilise PHCN nd he companies were among d contractors , den it had alredi bin shared among top govt oficials , so even if dey privatilized PHCN its stil crooks dat r in charge . phcn officials have bin prayin nd fasting for d man 2 leave nd now he resigned to cover up all his criminal activities cos no one supported him . he was hated by allll its jus manage we were managin him. imagine his a minister , hes a director , bussines man , contractor aaaaaahhhhh at disame time jus cos he wants to loot moni . forgettt oh . pls alll of dem shud jus start resignin b4 holy ghost fire scatter deir left eye. wish i took d pic of his pic dat dey mocked him with , even cleaners were jubilating sef. GOOD RADIANCE TO BAD RUBBISH

  30. The reason he was appointed Special Adviser for power and then minister is becaise of his private sector work on Geometric power. This man travelled far and wide to get funding, nse. humbled himself and chopped nonsesnse for Geometricm very competent and well spoken. I worked with a particular bank that put him through the wringer before giving some moniesm geometric power is so close to bgoing live. Then he was called into governemnt. I know how many pple told him not to enter govt but to face his power project. That he would do more good there. He refused saying that the Geometric power project was licensed for the East largely. That in govt, he would be able to do more. Seems to be a trend with working with the Nigerian govt. I don't know him personally except from. Encounters with him at meetings back in the day so I am not his mouth piece. Just think it is useful for people to see a different side.

  31. You all don't knw nada,if u check his profile u will c dt he has 1 of d biggest power companies in nigeria. So why shuld it b an issue dt his company is bidding.@ least he came out openly 2 bid,cn u say dt bout any govt officials. This man actuali lives in a rented apartment in abj,so if he ws eating pension money he wuldnt b leavin der

  32. Nigerians are ignorant. Nnaji did NOT resign out of his own free will. He had NO option, GEJ told him to either resign or be sacked.

    Did you see an official resignation letter?
    Fashi that nonsense.

  33. At last a honourable man in Naija.It might be ethically wrong for him to bid,but what if his company was the best for the job?Its jus so sad to see such a man made scape goat of while we have real rogues manning most of our ministries.

  34. Its in niaja I c sum1 doin a gud job n neva stays 2 complete it. D rogues we hav will neva let dt happen

  35. God wil surly help us.prof,kudos 2 u,

  36. Hmmmm
    I have heard.

  37. This guy was d best! Conflict of interest or nt, I don't care. We v had lyt 4d past 2months! He shuld nt resign! Nw am scared! Who wil dy replace him with

  38. Prof's resignation took me by surprise. It was really a shock.

    And the reason is very puerile:his shares were already blind trusted and the company scaled through to the evaluation stage based on merit, core competence.

    It is so sad. Wishing him the best of luck as he returns to his former beat.

  39. Only in Nigeria. An ole resigns and we praise him because he is not as bad as the other oles.
    He should be prosecuted!

  40. So this is an interesting story. Indeed when Bart Nnaji and others from his private company were handed several key positions in the power industry, I had to wonder, what has happened to conflict of interest? THen I consoled myself with thoughts that they were probably teh only qualified people to do a good job so what if they chop some but deliver on the goal of electricity for most? If he resigned or was forced to on the premise of conflict, I have to say I am not surprised. Government workers (ideally) should not be allowed to have a personal vested interest in business they oversee on behalf of the people. How could their decisions be unbiased and how could free, fair and open market theories operate under in such circumstances. Unfortunately many who shall be called to duty in Nigeria that have the skill sets will run into this issue. Perhaps it is time for the government to address the issue more formally.....

  41. No matter what people say, Prof Nnaji has carved his name in our history as the man that turned the power sector around, towards the right direction. I always knew that they cabal will find a way to push him out given the battle he is having with them. This man has re-aligned the reform process to be on course, while giving credibility to the privatization exercise. Is he the first person with a company that has interest in a bidding exercise? In fact, is he the only one in this particular exercise?

    Nigeria has lost a great worker, but we thank God that he got us this far for the journey to continue even without him. All eyes are on Mr. President to see who he will hand over this important sector to.

    Prof Nnaji, you have shown us that one man can change things in Nigeria, as long as the will power to do so is there. Better for you to go and focus your energy on your business, as it is your future. Some Nigerians will always be ungrateful, let it not bother you at all. The evidence of your good work has been seen and felt by the common man.

  42. i believe prof nnaji did the honorable thing by resigning because personal interest should not override collective interest. however it must be noted that prof have contributed tremendously to the relative improvement experience in the power sector. Nigeria power problem is tetra-headed there is no quick fix solutions to the problem past and successive govt have not invested much in power .

  43. i'm not happy this man resigned!!!
    How convenient for the govt to now remember he has companies with interests in power!
    of course he does, isnt that why y'all hired him in the first place?
    I just hope the steps he has taken, wldnt be compromised.
    Our light situation had really improved

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