K-Solo & wife claim the beating &break up was all acting? Really? Lol | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 27 August 2012

K-Solo & wife claim the beating &break up was all acting? Really? Lol

I'm sure you all know this is BS, yeah? lol. I got a few calls from Kike's people when they were still fighting, and half the time they called me from a police station. I think the reasonable thing to do would have been to say that all is forgiven and they've made up instead of this nonsense! The beating that was witnessed by several people at The Palms was all acting? The bruises on her face is make-up? The other lady whose name Kike mentioned in her interviews that called me from the US was acting too? LMAO! How ridiculous!

I'm really annoyed by this sha...seriously annoyed. Because I feel like a lot of women in Nigeria are condoning domestic violence. Instead of speaking out and moving the hell on, they are looking for excuses to stay with men who hit them - like marriage is a do or die affair. Like Joan Rivers said, if a man hits you once, he will do it again.

Read all about their mess HEREHERE, and HERE and hear the nonsense they are both saying now after the cut!


  1. They must be very foolish!!! hisss

    1. Dey are both foolishness of the highest order.

    2. This is so silly,you guys think you are fooling us!!! Taaaa. I pity this woman the next tym he hits you you mait not be so lucky to come back on air for an apology. Next pls.

    3. They pranked d mother inlaw too? Lol!!! Who are dy kidding? This is just stupid and d highest level of low self esteem and d worst publicity stunt ever. She definately is not fooling anyone we know better and he will Soon beat her again. Watching her expression and body language while he was talking is a give away look @3.17 lol!!! Stupid couple.

    4. This is a cooked up story Abeg. She looks like as if she was forced to put up with the act sef. Whatever they wanted to achieve, they have achieved it. Just that when it is actually true and she calls for help, errbody would say "they are acting it. After all it is a publicity stunt".....#shikena

    5. Why do I find it hard to believe. See the way she looks like she was forced to put up with the act. I hope it was just a prank as they say it is. Cz when it actually happens people will say "they are acting again naw. After all it is a publicity stunt."....#shikena

  2. Stockholm syndrome, happens to women , even in America

    1. Eze please for the love of sanity, go to America already!

  3. They both stupid,they shuld keep fooling their self's.nonsense.

  4. Linda u are not as angry as I am oooo but I promise u just give them another one year he will beat her again. Thos Kike is a fool.

  5. D wife is definately senseless

    1. She's doesn't even luk Happy, they ll beat her again and again until she gets d result of brutality.. KSwitch has brain washed her to accept its acting. God forbid Evil.

  6. God. Why cant you grant me the ability to reach across the screen and slap that stupid smile off her face.

  7. This is part one Linda just hold on. Fools.

  8. The very first time I'm commenting on here cos of self restraint... They are both animals and she the greater one cos more battery and maltreatment awaits her! A sham of a family psssccchheewww

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Who are d decieving? Fools that's what are. God help me punish them. Idiots

  11. Wooops wish dem well aal for d sake of d unborn baby
    Ksolo no beat am again oH!

    1. Olori k-solo, u know who u r deceiving. We know ur story from wayback Festac. He will beat u again

    2. Well said. My thoughts too. Foolish woman

  12. Rhianna's second sister! Psheeew! The guy either went to 'renew' or the sex is too good to leave! Nonsense! They both deserve each other! shior!

  13. Just come together and say you've reconciled instead of lying that it was a joke. HABA!!! Despite the serious press releases and so on.
    These people can't lie O!

  14. Vry funny.abeg make dem pack well,may she nt end up were she wld regret 4 d rest of her life.

  15. Lwkm!!!! Linda d tin pain u sha.... D woman is js plain stupid.

  16. I pity ds babe, no be small. Dey are deceiving demselves. I jst hope Ksolo will not beat u 2 death.

  17. See how the wife is looking uncomfortable/ annoyed/ restless or whatever through the interview... like she wants to cry sef

  18. Nonsense and ingredients!!! Two DUMB FUCKS!!! Especially her! Sooo stuuuupid!!!!

  19. Okay nah. Both of dem shd continue decieving themselves. We dey watch. Until d day he'll beat her to coma then d action film will start. Yeye!!
    Linda,pls post my comment oo. I'll look out for it. Thanks

  20. Linda dear, pls where the pics from the future awards last nite ? forget this people. A word is enough for the wise.

  21. I hope d gal won't leave in a box!!

  22. If they say it's a stunt who are we to say otherwise. It's there private life after all

  23. Ksolo and kikelomo, u're both deceiving urselves. And kikelomo looks scared

  24. stupid people, u play prank and involved he police...God is watchin u

  25. Mtcheeeeeeeeeew....very dumb lie..

  26. If I have man way I will lock up Both Kikelomo and K solo up forever what nonsense. Who knows what Zaaky and his wife will tell us later again. Who knows?

  27. Mtcheeeeew....very dumb lie!

  28. I remmember someone said it here this make up is fake sha ooooo shame on them.

  29. Too much weed dey worry dem

  30. stupid girl,he would soon steal all her things and kill her

  31. The quote "grow a spine or lose one" comes to mind. How dare she trivialise a subject so sensitive to women!!! Domestic violence is not what anybody should joke about! This is wrong on so many levels! Well I guess it's her prerogative. It's her body, her dignity and her life so she can remain with an abusive husband, but she shouldn't take our intelligence for granted. All acting indeed! That's a psychotic joke. I hope she survives the "humour" of it all! Spineless dependent brat! Why post your matrimonial issues for all to read then do a complete 180 degrees while supporters are still rooting for her "bravery" some women don't know what they want and when some actually discover what they want, they lack the guts to pursue it.

  32. Body language speaks volumes. Look at her body language. Arrrrghh...this is irritating. Movie spinoff? Arrrrgh!

  33. its very sad...her self esteem has been reduced to zero by this man...i believe she thinks he will change..o ma she o....i hope we don't hear about a tragedy soon....

  34. OMG! Linda this is absolute nonsense and I can't believe it. There is obviously more than meets the eye. You are not as pissed off as I am. As someone has said, give them one year, fowl yansh go show.

  35. OMG! Linda this is absolute nonsense and I can't believe it. There is obviously more than meets the eye. You are not as pissed off as I am. As someone has said, give them one year, fowl yansh go show.

  36. OMG! Linda this is absolute nonsense and I can't believe it. There is obviously more than meets the eye. You are not as pissed off as I am. As someone has said, give them one year, fowl yansh go show.

  37. Two idiots fooling themselves.

  38. *sigh*.....we'l be here and Believe me, She will send in more stories and worse pictures...we will wait....

  39. She is a disgrace. Desparate woman. How will men respect us with this kind of act? I feel like splaping some sense into this desparate useless woman SMH

  40. Loooool...fly wey no wan hear word go follow dead body enter ground...Madam,na u get ur lyf o!If u love being a training ground 4 Boxer K-solo,na u sabi,abeg Linda...unto d next 1.

  41. U can never never hide the TRUTH!!...one day he will kill u publicly

  42. Kai! Nonsense...

  43. Rubbish! they must be either crazy or confused. the lady looks scared too. Im highly disappointed too. linda sorry jare.

  44. this mrs ksolo is on her way out. they go still kill amm now now. good riddance.

  45. I feel pity for kikelomo lady. Looks like she was forced to do this interview. Her body language isn't at all convincing to me. Point is, its obvious that she loves this woman-beater and she agreed to this reconciliation and "acting". The consequence of this is that this man that she is risking her life for in the name of acting will beat her so bad, by then it will be too late to cry out again for attention because nigerians will take that as part of the film / drama. Let's see how this unfolds. Just hope she doesn't die in his hands sha.

  46. The guys fucks her good joor!She is hooked on him like coke!

  47. God forgive me, but THEY ARE MAD.

  48. linda, the funniest part is that i really dont know how u get your pix so fast..mehn u are a genius...kudos babe

  49. I hope that WHEN he beats her again, she is brave enough to leave.


  50. Haha I just pray dia child won't be a senseless as its parents.dey look so fake

  51. fool her once, shame on k-solo, fool her twice, shame on kike. i guess fool+ fool=...dunno...ingrates? pass d mike joor.

  52. On a completely unrelated note, Linda you now have Coventry University advertising on your blog? You're a boss O. Get Canadian Universities to target you. They like to advertise too even though after they admit you, you'll have to go and beg for visa. And collect your pay in Canadian dollars. It's stronger than the US dollar. Let Nigerians' tuition be somehow finding its way back here...and then you can buy me a Range Rover. Many thanks.

  53. she looks extremely uncomfortable and i'll give it tohim on the acting! He has thoroughly convinced himself that he did not beat her.

  54. she looks like she is about to cry and the whole awkward rubbing of the belly and staring into the camera...<_<

  55. He has given her something to shut her up. If he batters her to death, do not publish it ooo. Silly husband and wife.

    Sometimes, family members tell the battered wives to go back to their husbands to avoid feeding and housing them.

  56. Acting under duress, body language and expressions easily gave her away.She even looks much uglier now after the beating.I hope the part 2 won't result to her death.She still needs brain surgery though as I think Ksolo beat the shiit out of her brains.She is not thinking right.

  57. If they call it acting....then acting it is. But I'm so positive when it becomes a reality, we all wld still feel it is acting still. Shame on u both

  58. This is so annoying.Is this the best the PR could come up with? This is absolute crap.

  59. They are both animals, if she knew she wanted to condone the beating and still loved him despite all his abuse she should not have made it public. Women Sha, it is tough but we need to learn to love ourselves. Men are evil, I live with one that calls me BITCH at any slightest provocation, I hate him so much, he even has Erectile Dysfunction , all he has is mouth to abuse everybody he sees. God will definitely teach him a lesson one day, I just try and avoid him so we do not kill each other.

    1. U are even worse than this k-soloz woman. Nawa oo. U wid a man that abuses u n u wanna advice some1 else?? U need to visit a doc asap choiii.

    2. @anon9.22 dat man dey show how man suppose treat woman.By d way its women dat are evil not men

  60. They're very stupid because they didn't think this through.

    Number one: You do not joke with the issue of domestic violence (even though I highly doubt that they were staging the whole thing to begin with.)It s a very serious issue and trivializing it is very terrible. People have died as a result and you think you can make a joke out of it? WTF?

    Number two: They are liable for fraud because they involved the police in their charade and it is a crime to file false police reports. They should ask Casey Anthony. The Police needs to look into this, because by their own admittance they have lied and should be arrested.

    Number three: We are Africans, and deliberately bringing shame to your family for the sake of fame has repercussions.

    I'm just really pissed at the whole story. i really don't care if it's the truth or a lie, but for whatever it's worth, both of them deserve each other. Bunch of fucking idiots.

  61. How silly can people be..making a mockery of a serious issue.the joke is on them

  62. Same bitch that was talking about footing his wedding bills? Giving him cash and shit? Bitch u r under a huge spell! Wait unti ur cash runs out,he will give u d final heave-Ho mofo!!

  63. Bravo!!! Ds couple must have listened to Lagbaja's 200 Million Mumu,else they would't have come up with this stupid story.So going 2 ur mother-in-law's home with police men was acting? All d pics were photoshop.All u needed do was come out clean and tell us u guys had settled ur differences.shikena! D only thing you have succeeded in doing is show how STUPID u guys are.home video ke! I dey laff o!

  64. I'm looking at pics of her beatings again and I really feel bad for her. Like seriously.

    A woman that leaves an abusive relationship should be praised and supported in any & every way she needs help. She should NEVER be pressured or forced by anyone, for any reason to return to an abusive husband.

    Kike was an independent and successful woman before getting married. She can be a successful single mother to the child she is carrying.

    Marriage is not a do or die affair.


    For all the ladies out there, please don't hate on Kike for going back. She will be beaten again in the future. The more aggravation she gets for reconciling now, the less likely she will leave in the future. We all know it will happen again. So if you have nothing positive to say, don't say anything.

    We should all praise her when she leaves so that she's encouraged.


  65. I TALK AM!!! I know sai wetin d madam dey talk about k-solo dat time na lie or play play

  66. well wateva happens to her again, she will suffer it secretly....My God she is a fool...i mean they shouldnt have done this. And what did he mean by "akally akally" he said it like 100times...shm for them esp fot that fool beside him

    1. You'll be amazed he meant "actually" but just kept on pronouncing it as "akally"......they both need serious help...

  67. She was almost crying, jeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz! Some women are unbelievable.

  68. Oh shit! Who is fooling who now?in facti feel like punchin dia faces right from here mcheeeeeeeew.

  69. When 2 grown-ups feel they can make a joke with a serious issue then its sure they are really unitelligent and have an IQ of -20..the Joke is on them

  70. When 2 grown-ups feel they can make a joke with a serious issue then its sure they are really unitelligent and have an IQ of -20..the Joke is on them

  71. Witnesses @ d palms even claimed after he beat her he spat on her.choii dis woman is useless ooo.ppl like dis make d womenfolk seem stupid when she comes back again Linda no gree publish her bulshit of a story she's not even thinking of her unborn child .its a crime against humanity to allow ur child witness battery from ur husband,they leave with d scars nd emotional torment for as long as they live.Mothers take heed.

  72. Yeah,well said,someone should help us tell mr and mrs k-solo to stop involving serious minded people in their silly drama,mtcheww, soon we go see the end.

  73. When 2 grown-ups feel they can make a joke with a serious issue then its sure they are really unitelligent and have an IQ of -20..the Joke is on them

  74. ...but seriously the two imbeciles are sick ooo..ok, what is it about the apologising to the inlaws now? hmmm, a very dangerous drama indeed...Oshisco plc...

  75. This is actually the silliest thing have heard in my entire life...common low life bitch! get a grip!! i hope its not pics of ur corpse we will see next!! *fingers crossed*

  76. Kikelomo obviously does not have a family...its a shame. To think that in this day and age people can still fake happiness like kikelomo is doing IS a pity. Anyway, since she has signed for everlasting suffering,let her enjoy her ride to the grave because one day he will definitely kill her. Who are they deceiving? SAD!

  77. Mrs ksolo u are looking for an excuse to go back to your husband,we understand,but don't come out and say its a prank,we nigerian ain't buying that cos its just too expensive.

  78. it cos she is avin a baby dat y dey came bk 2geda cos d baby cant b fatherless.anyways she should b greatful 2 God dat he didnt beat out dis 1.if dey r actin dey should do it witin dem self nd dont invole d public cos is a shameful.happy 4 d unborn baby

  79. "SORRY FOR ALL OUR FANS" ((((GBOOOM))))....lol...this woman is such a joke!

    1. Indeed they're both real joke! He first threw the bomb, she only repeated after him. Clueless pple.

    2. Indeed they're both real joke! He first threw the bomb, she only repeated after him. Clueless pple.

  80. Hahahahah!! LmAO!!! Very Funny!! Shitty Jokers .. Low attention seekers ..yh yh, some people would say , " Their is More to Marriage than Seen from outside" .. Me I Say , Fuck any Niccur that beats a woman , and Woe and shame to any woman that goes the fuck back to such a man!!! Arrant Nonsense ... @morlardybaba

  81. anon9.22 easy o...i knw its not easy...maybe its frustration wit his situation that is causing the abuse attempt to communicate how you feel and..with prayers all will be well...

  82. Dear ladies who read this blog, pls have some self esteem and avoid such bs in ur life. Dear men who read this blog, tell and show ur daughters how much u love them, to avoid them feeling like they need a man to live.

  83. This two have to be the daftest human begins. Like WTH!!! Abi did he jazz her or they took an oath becos I dnt get this bullshit. Oh well time will tell

  84. Kike, I pityU! I thought she was smarter than this? U only turned out to be "IWillStayWithMyHubbyEvenThoughHeBeatsMeTillDeath" Bitch! Will ur death be a joke too? *AAR*

  85. stupid people,who is going to believe their acting story,i pity some women sha..ajetunmobisherif.blogspot.com

  86. Stupid people. Who were you acting for?
    msheeew! Ndi ara!!

  87. sorry for all our fans????only fans ??what of air conditioners....jokers....

  88. Marriage sha is For better for worse,i just hope God touches him and makes him stop the battery.with God nothing is impossible.my uncle used to beat his wife when they newly married and now theyve been married for 29 yrs anf the beating stopped over 20s years ago,as some men get matured,they out grow certain behaviors,also some women learn hoe to stop abusing their husbands and they just get along better.lets not crucify them yet for coming together,lets give them time.

  89. The only acting involved in this nonsense is the bloody interview. It's sad to see a woman who doesn't love herself first before loving a beast!!!!!!! I'm well pissed.

  90. stupidity personified. i pity this woman. until he kills u but then it will be too late to say it was'nt a joke. u think u do anybody? no! u do urself.

  91. Sorry but she doesnt look to confortable maybe its the pregnacy or i dont know looks like she just want to get out of there!!! So maybe it wasnt all acting(just saying )

  92. Sierra-Leon proverb:'A person who is a fool the first time is just a fool but the second time around;that person is a damn bloody fool'these two fit the description perfectly!

  93. Olori and Oba k solo ! U re two big fools , the beating and stealing was just a joke , and u even went wt a police to ur mother inlaws house ! Is that part of the drama too or why the apology to ur inlaws ? Don't fool us please ,

  94. @ BLOGLORD! WORD! Thank you my sis/bro.. na herself she do..
    This girl has to be the dumbest. silliest, most stupid, most foolish person alive! now listen up dumb fuck ,he will hit you again and guess what ? if this monster kills you , he will fuck another girl the next day..you obviously dont have family that love and advise you!
    Foolish bleaching twat!
    Omugo didirin akindanidani omo!

  95. The wife is pregnant. It's d naija mentally dat she shed stick to d father of her baby. But she is an ode, but of them are fools in fact. They shld pass the mic. Smh

  96. Their so called acting is not to joke about at all. Who are they deceiving? No one but themselves domestic violence is not a laughing matter at all. Acting no acting ni when the real deal happens nko

  97. As long as Nigerian Women look at men as their providers and suppliers this type of abuse will continue!!!
    Most Nigerian Women are strong, street smart and educated BUT too many focus on the financial rewards men offer. Once you sleep with a man for money you hand all the power over to him. Its so sad!!!
    I personally have been sexually harassed by my multi millionaire boss and refused!!! After leaving I realized most of the fine young women in the office had fallen for his dominant tricks!!! But no amount of money is worth me sabotaging my family n loyalty to my husband. But the actions of the young Babes makes it difficult for the rest of us to refuse! Women should stick together! Thats our power!!! We are the secret to Nigeria's success lets prove it!!! Lexib xxx

  98. OMG!!!This is so fake I can see right through this interview!!Her body language was so telling..Gawd!!! what was she thinking?????

    Take a cue from late Titi!!!!He's not gonna change just coz you are preggy and you are stupid, foolish and daft for wanting to bring your child into this type of toxic environment...

    Obviously your self esteem is nil, your inlaws have battered you completely...where in heaven's name is your mother?????You need serious help...unfortunately you ain't gonna get it, K-solo would ensure that.

    Linda this is a tragedy going somewhere to happen real soon...its a pity, real pity.....

    You have no business bringing a child into this world...you are not even ready to be responsible for someone else when you obviously cant take care of yourself...

    Gawd!!!!!am so upset...despicable lots, lowest vermin ever....

    I hope you don't die in his hands.

  99. anon 10.25pm i don't think you are familiar with the genesis of the story..the victim kikelomo is the sole provider in this situation to the extent of financing the wedding.....so ur advice is good but this case is not about financial dependency on the womans part

  100. Is she for real? OMG she is sooooo delusional.
    Domestic Violence does not get better; yes he will beg and promise it will never happen again but the fool will not be able to help himself.
    Olori K-Solo or whatever she calls herself better wake up and smell the coffee..... its only gonna get bloddy and dangerous. I know because i have been a victim myself. it never stops; you just have to get out before its too late.

  101. linda, linda, linda how many times did i mention your name? please dont carry this peoples's story again they are not worth your time. They both will learn their lesson very well particularly kike. Marriage is not a do or die. i hope she lives to tell the story.

  102. I genuinely think that this lady needs help because she doesn’t know what she is in for............ Nne u still ve a chance to move on, I know u are pregnant but u and ur baby are better off without that beast. Ur body language tells it all .....@ K solo hw dare u say that it was just a prank? Once again u ve proved that u don’t ve self esteem........ fool

  103. The lady is just a stupid girl.. I hope she leaves alive d nxt time e Hits er.

  104. hmmm.. i dont know when Ksolo turn to an actor and that so called wife an actress.. but i know time will tell

  105. they are very very madt... ahhh soo annoying... stupid woman.. i want him to beat her again sef. keep crying wolf till he beats u to death, then ud say na acting too

  106. I'm not condoning violence in marriage but judging from what you've written in your post, if you ever get married, you'd be the type of wife to run out of the marriage after the slightest of arguments. You strike me as someone who has no respect for marriage and won't even try to make it work if problems come along the way. I advise you to reflect on this and change. Good day.

  107. Lord pls forgive my eyes for witnessing this, cos I actually feel dumb. These two must be the dumbest people I ve seen.hissssssssing big time

  108. She wants t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇ be a̶̲̥̅̊ celeb wife,you can see this ȋ̝̊̅ڪ a̶̲̥̅̊ badly written script,she looks like she ȋ̝̊̅ڪ been forced t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇ sit right beside him.i just pray she won't have t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇ tell τ̲̅ђe true story from her grave.Love they say ȋ̝̊̅ڪ blind but not this blind

  109. @10.39 the draw doesn't always need to be financial! Sometimes the girls worry about "what"people will say and how people will "react" but honestly nothing is worth this abuse! See how people are criticizing her for staying the same people will criticizes her for leaving!!! So she just needs to decide what she wants and make what ever she decides work for her. I am not sure but I don't think any kids are involved so if she is financially independent she should leave, cause a leopard never changers their spots!!!

  110. They re acting 4 themselves, to think d wife is actually pregnant wit all that she's 'acting' through...smh

  111. I guess since Kike's condition has gone beyond advice to script direction,I guess I should channel my advice or rather warning to my daughters or my sisters would be husband.
    Mr man,
    where ever u're listen and listen gud. I pardon u for all d flirting u're doing now,I also forgive u in advance for d lies and tricks u'll use to get my daughter. But d one dat will make u my senior in heaven is if u decide to act K solo vs Kike season2.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.

  112. Lmao, Ndi ala abou. Excatly why its not good to put mouth in husband wife matter,they used us to settle. I pity the woman she will soon run to the media again nd then we must ve learnt our lesson nd just *IGNORE* her.

  113. when he beats her to death, it will be an accident on the set of his music video ODE!!

  114. Awon ode!!!! She carry hat dey put for head

  115. Ok, I think a lady shouldnt agree to being a housewife cos whether she likes it or not, she'll feel beta earning her own money. Hence, when d husband decides to be tyson, she can stand on her own..... Atleast, if not divorced, dey can be separated.
    I dnt blame kike sha, she myt be from dose typical yoruba families where dey mus not hear of divorce.
    All d same, tell us d issue has bn resolved in d family nt dat twas made up!

  116. Sorry "for" all our fans. I am sorry for you too.

  117. I think ds woman is crying out for help.. Who knows if he has threatened to even kill her.. Look at this interview very well.. She looks like she has a gun pointed at her.. She is scared I don't know if she has a family.. But anybody wey sabi ds young lady make una go rescue am oo !!!

  118. cursing and venting ma frustration(which will take plenty plenty page) will be waste of space mehn.... My other LIBers don do d work... All i can say is dat "May God deliver these jokers"... Shikena # ok, bye bye...lolz

  119. Who is fooling who now???? Well I don't blame em, this is 9ja wia anytin goes.. Evn na 9ja film...de must be high or mayb mad..isoria!

  120. Both of dem re just too foolish...he should have cum and made a public statement like d white celebrities do and showin how sorry he is instead of dis mumbo jombo...my 3yrs old nephew won't biliv dis jargon he is saying

  121. For real? The script is beautiful and well acted. I hope it didn't end with RIP, sa. Women in domestic abuse are their own worst enemy. Don't forget that Titilayo went back and that was the end of a beautiful life.

  122. she's staying for her baby...


  123. All I know is this woman shouldn't come begging for help tomorrow, saying her husband smacked her, because I will laugh, and I won't help. People can say shit about me for laughing at domestic abuse - don't matter to mme, cos as long as this woman is the one being abused I will laugh.



  124. One of the many problems we have in Nigeria is that a lot of these celebs/politicians/actors etc are not very intelligent and as a result, they feel all Nigerians are just as stupid as they are. How r u going to tell us you were acting? Seriously! As known ppl, why would you be playing a joke on yourselves about something as serious as domestic violence? Foolish people!!!

  125. its very obvious this senseless onuku did all dis press for the sake of the child in her womb.. i pity them.... what a shame, what a disgrace.... still shaking my head....

  126. 9jadeltapikin... Won ti se eforiro fun babe yiii ‎​ ‎​ Ђδω the babe look ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ self rubbing her tummy S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ Wƺ knw she Ȋ̊§ pregnant dirty looking babe n d igbo smokin ka solo awon ode meji

  127. linda instead of getting angry try and help her..if u know anything about being in an abusive relationship u will know alot oif the women feel trapped...as in for some absurd reason (soul ties, low self esteem etc) they just keep going back...please since you have access to her pls help...maybe the silly kike got pregnant again n her family told her she must make it work..i mean look at her brother taking her to apopogise? her family obviously cares more about her being married to this scumbag than being alive. this is a cry for help o..so pls see how you can help her. it takes a lot of courage for a woman to leave and she obviosuly doesnt have the support she needs..she looks so uncomfortable..as in he must have threatened her..he must be a psycho and obviosuly she ahs allowed herself be a victim..i feel bad for her

  128. linda instead of getting angry try and help her..if u know anything about being in an abusive relationship u will know alot oif the women feel trapped...as in for some absurd reason (soul ties, low self esteem etc) they just keep going back...please since you have access to her pls help...maybe the silly kike got pregnant again n her family told her she must make it work..i mean look at her brother taking her to apopogise? her family obviously cares more about her being married to this scumbag than being alive. this is a cry for help o..so pls see how you can help her. it takes a lot of courage for a woman to leave and she obviosuly doesnt have the support she needs..she looks so uncomfortable..as in he must have threatened her..he must be a psycho and obviosuly she ahs allowed herself be a victim..i feel bad for her

  129. Normally i don't do this blog posting, But this K solo story interview with Channel is so dumb and K solo should be ashamed of himself he really messed up big time... I don't blamed the so called wife but i think K solo should cover his face with all the deception he thinks he can bring to the public guy we wiser go pls go try harder or do some brain evaluation you sick broda.

  130. It's not good to beat your wife, a responsible man shouldn't do that, I don't know exactly what most women used to do to deserve beating by their husbands, a wise woman builds her home not destroy it! actually why do people fight? " WRONG MINDSET"

  131. The next time the shit happens, this woman will be dead before anyone raises an eyebrow... Sebi dem be pranksters, and we are the idiots? We go see...

  132. i trust k solo i know him very well nah! he is a correct jazz man! u no see how the babe resemble otekpe for that pinkshur? this jazz is called do as i say! but kike fall my hand as yoruba geh concern!

  133. arrrrrrrrrghhhh!!! dis post made me very angry.. like seriously!!! who does dis??? hmmm some ladies can be very stupid, i swear down, now shes gonna say she did dis for love again.. chaiii Linda no vex, am sure my guy go still beat am very soon. before this year runs out IJN

  134. this is just sick. Please body language professionals should be look at Mrs K-solo's micro-expressions and body movements throughout the interview. It is so obvious that she is either doing this under duress or she is silently begging viewers to help her as she can no longer help herself. It is cases like these that often turn suicidal or homicidal and it is just sad because she could have been aided

  135. this case is very simple walahi, kike in d first place is a proper runs girl.. if u guys see d yankee based guy she dumped for k solo una go knw say na d sex dey kill am ..lol..even in d heat of dia wahala n press, she was missin d prick. for d unborn child maybe major reason, but honestly d girl don tey for town for ph n needs to settle down. her family na white garment dem dey go... any how k solo want make e beat am, if kike wants him, bck she wld.n its d sex dat is killing her.. ksolo also is an ojukokoro thief.. n an unborn child on d way so it fits pefectly... but saying it was all an act only shows d intelligence n razzness d couple.... i wonder wat kike's footballer younger brother is making of all dis.. d point is d family cannot cough. kike has money so dey have to like wat she likes.. kikelomo i pity you ooo,abi na d guy wey dey hankee head dey catch u???bcos ksolo will not only damage ur already runs battered pussy,but will beat u senseless over n over again.

  136. this is really weird. Hw could a woman who has been thru such trauma come out to say it ws all a piece of actin, rubbish.

  137. Ksolo must have beaten her senseless so she is not reasoning anymore

  138. ..see how her eyes shifts while he talks.... this 'it was all a prank story' is a weak attempt to salvage K-solo's rep...and present a strong front...CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!
    ..I wonder who she'll dedicate her next black eye to...

  139. She's is a bloody liar.

  140. aah,nollywood,where at thou,this are upcoming stars,but Mrs Ksolo,u will have to do a little more practice so u can be signed up for a movie ASAP,FOOLS DIE

  141. This is stupidity of the highest order, i hope she knws wot she is doing sha.

    women women women hmmmmmmmmmm hw many times did i call..........a man beats u up with all those bruises and u call all dat drama abi na prank........i pity ur life olori kay solo, u had better run for ur life and dat of ur baby b4 it is too late and who says raising up ur child alone with rest of mind and happiness is nt gud instead of tormenting urself emotionally.

    I feel like giving her a knock on her head so dat her senses and thinking faculty dat is malfunctioning will start working well mtcheeeeeeeeeew

    Drama abi na prank my foot

  142. Hmmmmmmmmm, they no dey tell blind man say rain dey fall. OLORI K-SOLO indeed. The graveyard has people your age and even younger than you but it would be a shame to die a miserable death all because you want to be MRS. WHATEVER. It's obvius you have lost your sense or Womanhood. you will pay dearly for misleading innocent citizens. We shall read all the stories of the new beatings and if care's not taken, maybe your OBITUARY as well. Useless Fool

  143. Let's wake up and face reality - marriage is a big farce!

    1. GBAM!!! "Happily married" doesn't exist.Marriage na struggle.Too much damn stress!!

  144. Dumb couple, so they expect Nigerians to be as stupid as they are and believe this bullshit!

  145. AWKWARD!!! O_O

  146. all i have to say is that she is a scape goat u know the one dat even when they beat it, it still goes back

  147. Mshewwwww....that's her own cup of tea...kike keep covering up 4 him u hear,very soon u go hear am

  148. Awon ode meji (two mumus)!!! They deserve each other. *hiss*

  149. oluchi aka bee dazzler28 August 2012 at 10:45

    i don't know if anyone is thinking the way am thinking?? if of all, that lady..dosen't she has a home and people to call upon. marrage is one tym you knw i wuldn't av said leave cos you chose it bt then, sm of ur able pple shd av come to spk,beat and talk sm sense into him....for me, i won't call it a divorce, but i will leave him and hid where he won't see and reach me, bt will keep hearing abt my progress in life, abi i"av moni.

  150. @ Estee

    Marriage is a big farce because you have hoped and hoped in vain but it has not come. Then all you have to do is insult it. Your mum must be so proud of you :')

  151. I beg una to leave them alone cos husband and wife matter make person no join mouth ohhh even if he beat am again is her life. But sincerely they both dissapoint me real good. I wish them well all the same sha.

  152. I am not against a man and woman reconciling after a break-up, neither do I agree with you that wife beaters are devils. You need to understand why battered women returned to their spouses. It's a different level of love which only those who haven't experienced it demean.

    However, I think the K Solos are an unserious bunch. See their body language, it completely negates what they were saying. They could have just said they settled their differences

  153. but seriously i thot the injuries looked like lipstick marks when i first saw them.

    good luck to them

  154. I rarely make comments, but honestly... This is beyond belief. Why lie????? Well, I can only blame it on their low IQ cos that is what this must be. Do they really believe that anyone is fooled ????
    Im beyond speechless.... Sad sha. "if I can't sing, at least, I can act" to what purpose is the acting ? Even going as far as saying their will be a movie spin off????!!!! My mind cannot even comprehend the sheer stupidity of this for real.
    I just have to stop now. I'm disgusted!!!!!

  155. You can Fool some people sometimes, but You cannot fool them all the time
    Long Hissssssssssssss!

  156. She has either been jazzd or she's being blackmaild. Nd I dnt think its jazz cos u can still see d pain in her eyes. Dis is bullshit. All dis for ksolo. Nigga aint worth it mehn.

  157. Like seriously....she cud not even act lie well, her body language wen he was talking gave her away!!! Send d video to a psychologist den u wud know d interpretation of her hand movement over her face, the nods and hand movement. She's a fool and hope she doesn't loose her life from d next series of beating(acting)

  158. That is her problem,if he likes he could get hert murdered that is her problem,i feel like giving her a smoking slap.She should be soooooo ashamed of her self,see as she be sef.Thank goodness she is not my sister.Is girls like this that make guys take us for granted.My older sister was dating a guy,the day he raised only a voice at her,she sounded a warning and infact quitted the relationship.The guy apologized to her with the help of her entire friends,cause she stopped taking d guys calls.He is 5yr older and a young director for a multinational firm i would prefer not to mention.My sister was like what sort of disrespect is that,she said u are allowed to make ur point wt some sense of respect.Few months later he engaged my sister,they are happily married, surprisingly,he told her that he loved her more after what the issue.Babes pls respects ur selves.

  159. And he keeps saying "Akally". I couldn't get past the "Akally". You mean "actually" mate.

    Also, all you fucking dumbasses on this comment board saying she's crying for help, go home, look in the mirror and say, "I am a dumbass" fifty times.

    No woman, except a fucking idiot, would get beat up by her husband and then appear on TV and support this shit. It was all a prank? Really?? You got arse handed to you like you're in an episode of Mortal Kombat and you come out with this shit? You could have come out with something more acceptable - "I'm trying to make it work with my husband. I'm pregnant. Maybe it will. Maybe he will change. I need to give him a chance, for my baby." We would have understood. We would have been critical, but we would have understood.

    But this shit? And worse, these niggas on here saying, "She's crying for help, Linda. Help her!" Fuck. All. Of. You.

    Bitch can burn.

  160. hello LIB readers, Ksolo's wife Kike has since denied this claims...you can see for yourselves
    S/o to my mama and mentor Linda: thanks for the opportunities...

  161. pls Linda do post my comment

  162. I watch a lot of FBI movies
    and just watching this video showsthat they are both lying look at how she acted through out the interview and you would see that he actually dealt with her.

  163. obviously no one bites their bullshit.but i think he's a very smart guy to have tut of making money off it all by making a movie, a guy who can get a lady to bend and come to say all this after all he did to her must be very smart.and a lady that will fall for it must be d dumbest of ladies. may be she did it for her baby.but it will hate her for it

  164. obviously no one bites their bullshit.but i think he's a very smart guy to have tut of making money off it all by making a movie, a guy who can get a lady to bend and come to say all this after all he did to her must be very smart.and a lady that will fall for it must be d dumbest of ladies. may be she did it for her baby.but it will hate her for it

  165. this guy is really terrorizing this lady! see the fear in her eyes..she was even stuttering..

  166. dat smile on er face is titled sheer foolishness!,but come t think abt it,i hope her life is not bn threatened sha o *eyz widened*

  167. You have now seen the risen why it is always advised never to say anything in favour or against either party in a marriage crises. Most of you who were sympathetic to either party are now looking stupid and perhaps enemies to their marriage. PLEASE NEVER SUPPORT EITHER PARTY IN A MARRIAGE CRISIS. The best is to encourage both to sheath their sword

  168. Rubbishhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

  169. ℓ☺ℓ now after reading this blog I am confused as to who is lying and what's goin on.....Kike actually tweeted to deny this claim....smh


  170. i cant believe ppl actually keep quiet about this ooo

  171. smh ,two stupid idiots

  172. Olori K-f*cking-Solo, my heart goes out to you and I still want to slap you into next week! Do you ever watch Channel 252? This guy will have you sorted out and when he's done your body won't even be found!

  173. I think she deserves pity and understanding, instead of insults. The psychology or violence within the context of a marriage is sooooo complicated. Obviously her people have talked to her and his people have begged....it can take a few tries to leave. Unfortunately she may be dead before she can leave. He,on the other hand, is an illiterate animal, deserving of every invective thrown his way. Pig!
    And Linda, don't mind the pecksniffian boor who said you strike him as someone who walks away from marriage. That's either a woman used to her beatings and reveling in her pariah status, or one of those igbotic guys who doesn't know we're in 2012 and still wants his wife to be a geisha. My Linda will find a partner to marry, not a slave master...so don't worry about walking away. Asshole.

  174. Omg! I just laughed so hard right now. Who are they fooling Biko?

  175. Ticking time bomb!The lady's shifty eyes and seeming restlessness speaks volumes.Lie,lies and more lies!!!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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