Goldie leaves BBA | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday, 15 July 2012

Goldie leaves BBA

She was evicted this evening. Anyone surprised? I kinda was sha!


  1. not surprised at all but i felt bad when i saw her crying.

    1. I stopped feelin bad 4m d day she knelt down 4 barbz...pls 2 all our young mothers wen ur children starts cryin like yoyo 4 every lil tin try 2 correct dem so dey don't give u international disgrace!!!

  2. If Goldie had stayed a moment longer in the house, she probably wld have had more emotional breakdown. Na mental institution for end am ni

    1. Swear down, yaba Left!

      She was losing it big time.

    2. Even now I think yaba left is an option 4 goldie,she ws d wrongest candidate to ve represented nigeria** cry me a river town crier,call me wicked bt am hapi shez out!

  3. Well, here lies the end of her career as well.

    1. I concur, she has finished herself. Foolish woman.

    2. And d beggining of urs as an onlooker.


  5. Linda u are a joker...what kind of post is this??? pls get serious sure u are been carried away by too much enjoyment these days.

  6. Thank God d mumu geh is out. If ur in love wth some1 just say "I Goldie you"#just saying#
    Linda post my comment o! Luv u!

    1. U for say "linda I goldie u"

  7. I am not surprised. Let her come home and see.

  8. Goldie fucked up big time, she was a house girl in BBA, always crying like a fool.

  9. Replies
    1. Hallllelluyyaah, Mama put is back to

  10. Goldie had all the support she needed to win that show sure bt she wasnt focused..

  11. Surprised for what???? Let her coman face lagos traffic joor.

    1. Lmao!
      Traffic bawo? Lol

    2. Hahaha lmao I gbadu u jare

  12. Surprised ke? Killing herself over a guy that belittles her. Smh

  13. I'm not surprised,make she carry her mumu head comot ......block head

  14. She's a stupid girl.

  15. She had better not come back to Naija

  16. Her luck has finally run out. I'm sure her next song will be "Cry My Way Home."

    1. dat album would be a double platinum. should be some sort of consolation for her.

    2. =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) na real #crymywayhome...

    3. Heee, u bad oo; wierd song title

  17. tank GOD atlist i can now rest in my house

  18. N O P E!!! It's been a long time coming. She embarasses me with her immature attitudes.

  19. _ Surprised ke? About time. She even overstayed _

  20. tank GOD atlist i can now rest in my house

  21. Goldie chaii!!! Shame on u!!! U no represent us well @ all,u fall 9ja hand,u no act lik 9ja babe,u go dere dey chase ugly prezzo,dey du love for hand,if na me be ur papa,if u come bck,I go flog u,shameless tinn,good for u,after nw u releas anoder crazy song,see karen,see uti,see ofu nneka,dis na correct 9ja peeps,dey no wats on,better cover ur face if u come bck 9ja,tufia!!!!,kaii,goldie ur wicked,ugly tin,

  22. Non sense gurl.

  23. not at all surprise and am glad she has disgraced us enuf instead of focusing on d money she went there to do wife material isshhhh. prezo is not even bothered and y was she fussing abt keita nominating her when she once put him up in place of prezzo, the babe na ogbanja

  24. hanks be to Gold.our disgrace is out.let her go ad bring d disgrace to herself ad her generation instead of we Nigerias as a hole.wat a disgraceful way of living the house.goldies am ashame of u.u who is suppost to be a role model to d younger onces,rather a disgrace to ur self.abig shame of u goldie shame shame shame.linda if u like don't post my comment o.because this is nt d ist time am posting here thanks.christabel is my Name

    1. @chirstabel...why must Linda post ur comments?..Is ds how to write english?...mammy water...not only hole na hoe..

    2. Christabel my lov. No wonder linda never posted ur comment. Gbagaun above sea level. Make u go sleep,ma sista u taya no b small o

    3. Christa d mumu na nao ur madness show! Ibo illitrate! See ow u fck up u beha go crech! Ode oshi, u de abuse goldie,Ewu she don mk name,u way de talk I wonder. D kind english way go de commot 4ur mouth! Go brush ur teeth jo, kmT

    4. Lol. Chirstabel, u dey drop bomb pass bokoHaram

  25. Yippee i'm glad she left........fool in luv

  26. Attach Pics Linda for Good SEO
    I actually text that she shld be evicted .

  27. Yay first comment and first time commenting, OHSTUBBORN!!!!!!!!!!!. She is a bitch SHIKENA!!!!

    1. For ur mind...mumu!take ur trophy

  28. Elated is the word!

  29. To God be the glory! She needs to look elsewhere cos nobody go buy her music again....weirdo!

  30. I wil be suprised if anyone is suprise dat she's evicted. Make i see beta thing jare

  31. LMAO- dunno if I shuld be surprised! - buh its Funny, she's gonna hear talk wen she gets to naija! :(

  32. Am not surprised. She's not as tough as i thought

  33. Please does anyone know the criteria in choosing country reps in this thing? #justwondering how they chose dear Goldie.....

  34. NO̶̷̩̥̊͡ άm not surprised...infact she shld hav left last week...nw she can watch her stupidity like d rest óf us did

  35. I was surprised. In as much as she cries and all, i thot she had pple who liked her just like i did.

    I thot kyle or prezzo wld leave.

  36. I hope u re all happy dat she has finally left?goldie dis,goldie thg in life most of us should knw,most of us do more dan wat we re condeming goldie abt,I felt bad actually dat she leaves.I love ur good heart goldie.pls keep it up

    1. See u mumu,am more than happy she left.With her dopemu strategy.Slaving kor gud heart nee.Naija gurls r sharper than that.See d way she dey cry like odehhhh.

    2. 419 via alcatel generator,isp omo iwo16 July 2012 at 00:48

      Ode,datz why u r a keyboard warrior,goldie has a name,who knows u.hypocritical numbskull,u r notin but a tail,always wagging whenever therez a *pisst*..

  37. Thank God, it's been long overdue

  38. Surpriesed Ke? You needed to see that disgrace of a girl on stage.mchewwww I pity her career

  39. Who even cares?? This was one of the worst seasons of BBA ever. I didn't watch all the seasons but trust me, there was a whole lot more entrainment on the previous seasons. The entire structure of this season was also crap. The celebrity/upville twist to the show was pointless.
    Only 7 celebrities were chosen from 14 participating countries which gave unfair advantages to certain counties. Also, there were simply too many people, too many disqualifications. The nominating process was crap in the beginning, etc etc etc.
    BBA 7, IMO, was a waste of time.
    The best season for me still BBA 6 followed by BBA5

    1. mugu wants to be a millionaire.who cares abt ur bba knowledge.

  40. We nigerians,we don't like ourselves,even if she dey fool herself around prezzo,if we dey always vote her in,dem dey forbide am.

  41. Errrrr nooooooooooooooooooooo! I'm sooooooooo happy! Omg! Lyk finally!

  42. nanya sais
    yes, tot presso wld leave b4 her

  43. QF
    Nah...actually its abt tym dey did dt.

  44. sorry bout that, i feel for her

  45. hmmm... its mixed feelings for me....miss Harvey i did not get d attitude, and even if a bloody fan said you disgraced your country you should have held your head high and just kept walking and maybe refer to it in a more jovial way, not sulking and defeating yourself and the whole self pity was just annoying... anyways my opinion is that the Goldie that went into the house and was so confident in her interview is not the Goldie i watched in the house and that left the house.... love is like a glass i know but these days you dont fall in love oh, you stand in love... abi like your song's liyric "e dey do u like juju and don turn u mumu oh"

    1. She is not a miss she is a mrs she is married to Harvey a British man and they leave together in parkview!!!

  46. Benedict Sleek15 July 2012 at 20:37

    Goldie is a Disgrace to y'all Women...You now see the reasons why guys don't give a shit about most of y'all ladies...Goldie went to a competition with the full blessings of Nigerians, but she went over there and messed up herself with that DickHead, Prezzo...never liked her music, Chocking herself and actin up like a Dime piece who just her head...that shit cray!!!!!!!

    1. Shut d fuck up!!!. I dnt get how u guyz keep saying she is a disgrace..what exactly did she do? Did she fuck d guy on tv,she no even fench kiss d guy.. That how u people always disrespect good people and fall for crap..I bet u like d girl dat fucked a fellow house mate on tv,and that one no be disgrace abi?..Rubbish!!!

    2. Anon 9:56...well said!

    3. Don't get angry,bide ur time and u will c dat some ppl flow with d tide on LIB,we know dem,even linda sef dey do am.

    4. Anon 9:56 so fucking is d only thing to feel disgraced for? Do u not fuck? Goldie went thr to represent Nigerians, n d overall goal was to bring d money bk home, her crying, throwing up n acting a fool bcos a "married man" told her dey wr just friends is enuf disgrace.

    5. Anon 9:56 she is a disgrace to womanhood really bcos she is married to a British man and they leave in parkview so what's the nonsense and drama about presso who is married as well

  47. Rusted goldie we dey wait 4 u 4 naija,frogie mouth wer is ya alien bf prezzo.una 4 comot togeda as couple na.

  48. She's been an embarassment to 9ja people. Thank God she's bin evicted...#UglyFace

  49. Eeya! Wat happens 2 her heartrob prezzo na? *amrra*

  50. Em don swt me die.em go pain am true her blood vessel.y her alien bf no folow am comot as couple.abeg gidi gals go teach aw to do runz gal 4 wetin fit.e swet me die.

  51. She don 2 fall head, make she go jor.

  52. Uzo says...... I feel really sorry for her. Although, am nt suprised. Cos i knew dat nothin 4 naija dis tim around.

  53. Really nt suprised such a dumb

  54. No! Let d mumu go to kenya.ebot

  55. I have even gotten a shop for her to start cooking business around alagbole/akute area..... The buka has been named "Cry Cry Buka". Stupid attitude on a live stage...

  56. Linda am not surprised,instead make she battle 4 d money she go dey fall in luv wit prezzo wey don build mansion and already dey build boys quarters for her brain dey take her dey do anyhow.

  57. From day one,I knw say this goldie girl no work.see hw she go open her self 4 BBA.well am so so happy she is out infact,I hv been dancing lol..pls oo let me ask,wetin Jaenette dey carry 4 hair?na human hair be that abi na iron sponge?? Via bb susanPorsche

  58. Eii. Come bck home quiiiiick. Kmt

  59. No, I'm actually very happy bout it. She cries a lot and treatsh presso like a king. It's annoying

  60. Good radiance to stinking, dirty, nonsense, 'worst' rubbish!!!

  61. rili not suprised least bba will av some rest sef.

  62. Cry baby Goldie.I hope you won't faint when you realise your sweetheart Prezzo put you up for eviction once.

  63. Good for her, i have the believe that she has health issue, she can now face her career

  64. Nope! Kolo has left d house! . Very simple.

  65. disgrace!!!!!!! i hope she is nt coming to nigeria

  66. Hehe was wondering wen she was going to b kicked out!!!!! Finallly".......come home gurl....we still luv u!!!!

  67. Surprised? Long expected! She's luck 2 ve made it dis far. She's a disgrace 2 us. She turned herself 2 big brother house maid,low self esteem,no swaggs like a Nigerian,....bullshit. Her status as a music "star" is 2 be queried. Imagine a Nigerian "star" bring herself down by kneeling b4 a fellow housemate Barbz begging 4 forgiveness,throwing up bcos d monkey called Prezzo told her dat they were just friends,sleeping or always in d kitchen while her mates were partying or entertaining Africa. Is it her crying on any slightest provocation,even crying without any reason. Who wants 2 be seeing her ugly face? Who suggested dat she shld apply 4 BBA? Imagine her face when she ws being interviewed by IK. This girl is something else. No star-status in her.

  68. I'm shocked to my bone marrow...she had votes nah.....sobs

    1. No be bone marrow na vein marrow! Ode

  69. Wish her all the best in future endeavours!!

    Discover your purpose, maximise your potential and reach your destiny- www.

  70. Am not,thank GOD

  71. Surprised? I'm partying.


  72. Praaaaaaiiiiiissssssseeeee d Lord!!!

  73. hahahahhhahhahahaha. Long over dued. Gud riddance 2 bad rubbish

  74. Not at all it was high time

  75. HAHA, welcome home! We go dey airport to receive u! Silly girl!

  76. Nah.knew Ȋ̝̊̅t̶̲̥̅̊ would happen.

  77. Nope that girl is Crazy as Hell!!!

  78. Nah! Good for her. Next!!!

  79. Nah am not surprise,thank God she is finally out of d show for good! Hope she is taking prezo along wit her,Goldie went to BBA to cook n fall in love,she is tru wit her services dere so she's welcom back home.

  80. Linda mama are u better dan het! *long hiss*

  81. From day one,I knw say this goldie girl no work.see hw she go open her self 4 BBA.well am so so happy she is out infact,I hv been dancing lol..pls oo let me ask,wetin Jaenette dey carry 4 hair?na human hair be that abi na iron sponge?? Via bb susanPorsche

  82. Surprised fire! Her coming home is long overdue. The babe is just so annoying. Imagine her fake surprise face knowing that Keitta nominated her. Shey she ddnt replace Keitta wit Prezzo ni??? Always crying like a retard. She's the worst naija BBA rep ever!!! She was looking cool tonite tho!

  83. No,am not surprised...,dat big female fool..

  84. Not a bit.....mtchweeee

  85. Cheating ,! Biggie cheated Goldie! Goldie was the best housemate , she is talented, Hardworking, loving and kind, her only undoing was that she fell in love with that fool and traitor called pre zoo , don't believe the voting poll pre zoo was suppose to go, all the same i will always love Goldie , the down villas just hate the grace of God over Goldie's life but it doesn't matter because God has blessed Goldie and no man can curse her. Love you Goldie

    1. Mumu u for go kiss her leg wen u go receive am for airport

  86. thanks God make she no die for bba house

  87. She is too full of her self. . .good radiance!

  88. Goldie shld be used 4 onion advert so that she can cry 4 Africa.anty lin post ♍Ɣ comment o.via blackberry blade 2

  89. 9jadeltapikin... Nope I wnted her out happy she Ȋ̊§ out of d house linda U̶̲̥̅̊ ₪☺ get pics of goldie ni abi make Wƺ send U̶̲̥̅̊ 1

  90. It's long over due....

  91. Dat girl just go there wan fall naija hand sha. mtschew.

  92. Mtcheew wetin be my business? When she was crying like a prgenant woman in labour she dint knw we nigerians dey vex fr her sheyy?? When her and dat tortoise (prezzo) dey do lovy lovy she no knw we nigerians dey vex shey?? She shuld just carry that her useless self back to nigeria. Shez just too fake and annoying.. Mtcheew see wetin love don cause am, infact i dey vex make person pour me cold water.. Chai!!!!

    Linda see post my comment nw nw.. I dey vex wallahi, Goldie no be naija babe she get sudanese blood.. Post my comment o!!!

  93. She is a big fool
    She'z d worst naija rep ever...
    Ahan ahan
    A whole nigeria
    God 4bid
    Abeg abeg, nxt year I'll send my house maid, she'z a lot better than Goldie.

    Goldie ko, woodie ni

    Linda better post ma comment *rme*


  94. welcome home, but i don't think u represented ur country well.

  95. Good for her, sing she can't sing, bba she can't win all she did was to follow that terrible guy prezo, I hope they woo her @the airport.

  96. Aint surprised cos Africa can now see that she's got nothg to offer again. Goldie sure owe us (naija) apology cos she fall our hand no b small.

  97. Please be easy15 July 2012 at 21:32

    I don't watch BBA but as someone who deals with a lot of hate from people I don't want to be her right now and I hope she does not take it too seriously and hopefully the public will not bully her because things like this can drive one to depression and then suicide,I get updates from a fiend n I wished she went to the end or Nigeria votes for her to win just for the pride and fun of it but I guessed wrong,Goodluck Goldie and just thicken your skin because the streets won't be easy and some people take things too hard.From what I heard she was just being a girl,sometimes beneath the toughness and the strong person we wanna be,be are just women and women are fragile
    I honestly feel bad for her

  98. See her mouth!!! De wo-wo! Hahahaha

  99. brizzle dizzlle15 July 2012 at 21:33

    The bitch deserves to go home, such a bore in the house. Am sure that her ugly bf is next

  100. Good riddance to bad rubbish! She should have left long before now, what kept her in there for this long? *long hiss*

  101. serves her RIGHT!!!!...been waiting for dis like HELL!!!!.

  102. Goldie will b needing serious damage control pr!

  103. @Lydia. All that na story! Bottom line is that Goldie is out! Shikena

  104. Goldie Is Just A Stupid Person Notin More.

  105. No one is surprise she is just an idiot and disgrace to Naija in general

  106. Make she enta nite bus come quick quick.......I jst wished Ola n chris stayd longa n she naim comot since.

  107. Am nt surprised atall..she's such a wreck..she's welcme hme, she needs a PRs campaign †̥ re-brand hε̲̣r image in naija..Good riddance †̥ multiple rubbish..mtschew

  108. GOLDIE!!!!.....d internatioal asshole

  109. pls come home u don try

  110. She shld av left dat hos since,,,,seriosly dat grl Ȋ̝̊̅§ d definition of boredom ........thank God,,,just wishd Babz was still d in hos cos she wll blend well wiv d downvilles................. es

  111. Long time coming...she was just too fake, she is a disgrace to womanhood....i wan kno wetin she go drop next after the latest single..'prezzo touch ma body'.....

  112. It feel so sad Τ̅ђατ Goldie is out of BBA, she has a good heart jst Τ̅ђατ she fell in love with the wrong guy! Tk heart dear! Am still Ɣ☺ΰя fan.

  113. Linda wat hv I done to u in dis life na?u don't ever post my comment why?

    1. I thought it was your first time of commenting here?..don't be surprised linda didn't post your comment.its full of HATE.

  114. I'm going Goldie on any chick I'm loving soon,and I aint even joking :|... For real tho,goldie acted a fool a lot,she wasn't cut out for d game..

  115. Surprised ke, looking so much Like a failed experiment, a badly cooked Toad. Nonsense gurl

  116. See d stupid mumu crying. Thank God she's out, she has little problem to deal with at home. She allowed herself to be messed up by that useless boy (pls wat is his name). Did Uti and Ofunneka not come out of dat same BBA house and they dis not disgrace us lyk this oloribobo girl. Pls someone should monitor at home because with the way she cried< I hope she doesn't commit suicide.

    **I dey para gan**

  117. That yeye girl tink say she go go mess our flag up like that? Truth be told she was an absolute f..ckup. She was visibly shaken that Keita nominated her for eviction!!! Am sure she has a mental problem.

  118. That woman looks like ojuju calabar,sealed lips

  119. Goldie nwanne mmadu,welcome biko....d show wasn't for ur type,I hope u maintain ur music career after dix,cuz truly, babes D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ vex for u!u fall my left breast*sad*

  120. Am happy she's out...she shld stay at home and watch what prezzo is gonna do with her name..I h8 dt gurl.. *spits*

  121. Linda better post my comment wat type of rubbish,better post it ohhh,werrin,cuz say I dey laught wiv u bAaa,try am next time,allow people to comment,ur not fair ohh,till dey shut dis ur blog,non sense,mstchwwwwwwww.

  122. Nigerians, may God help us all(amen). Well goldie is the definition of an ideal african woman/wife material. Though emotional which is common with most Nigerian ladies though some are forming now. She is only unlucky falling for prezzo who is only after the money and using all ways available. If goldie had had sex or kissed prezzo maybe guys won't have complained like this. But for me Goldie tried and made Nigeria proud by not forming "fake". I learnt a lot from this very season of big brother stargame don't know about others. But this season is challenging and has a lot to offer youths.

  123. Alicia says...15 July 2012 at 22:50

    You people should take it easy on her. Anyway, the only thing i'm concerned about is how her career will pick back up because the persona she gives in her music is not the same Goldie we saw on the show. All that tough girl, lady Gaga wannabe stuff will all look straight up fake now

  124. Her eviction was long overdue. Make she come back, come fix all dat her artificial things properly. Meanwhile Kennis music we want to hear what you have to say about one of your own who has disgraced the country. *raised eyebrow*

  125. This singer of a woman is too emotional jaareeee.
    Many Nigerians were extremely pissed off by her over emotional attitude that's why she was voted out.
    Naija get mouth wen it comes to voting thingz ooooo; no other country fit match us wen it comes to repping our own. She jes messed up big time and I remember 10 of ma naija fwends voted her out.
    The other house mates go dey happy wella cos 1 of their main rivals has been booted out.

  126. SMH 4 her!!

    The prize money would have really helped her career more. She had all the support she needed to win it.
    She just spoilt our fun in the BB House.

    I voted for her eviction too sha because she was really vesking me.

    Still dont know what Prezzo is still doing in that house.

  127. first n foremost, ha first mistake was winning hoh for nxt week! biggie already had it up his sleeves that a nigerian wont win this year. her votes were swapped with prezzo odawise prezzo would have gone home today but if that was done,knowing she is next week's hoh; it means she will be in the finals which will not look good for big broda/mnet as she stands a chance of winning and biggie a risk of loosing the show as other countries might stop participating with a view of "no need a nigerian will win again' thus a big loss for mnet production.
    All of these things has a business angle to it.

    on the other hand, she also messed up by being a sucker for love and degrading her self esteem.
    i just pity her sha, cos the insults she will receive ehn??? kai! d one the fan told her that got her crying on stage na small. least she will get to see that prezzo used her to get close to the money.

    1. U r makin a lot of sense
      And I'm gettin u
      Yup dey dint wnt a Nigerian 2 win. Even d whole chris and olas voluntary ish was jst dum.
      U can't tell me dey dnt chek deir medical records b4 dey enter d house *yimu*
      BBA is a lie

    2. Who d hell said bloglord is related to omo iwo via oversabi!

    3. Totally agree with your analysis as to how big brother swapped PreZzo for Goldie, because if u look at last weeks voting points Goldie had more points than Kyle and Prez-shit

  128. Abeg it's easy to criticize when it's not us. What did Goldie really do sef? Most of us commenting are uglier and faker than the Goldie sef, as for the guys, prezzo na Jay Cole for where una dey, yet you'll still come here and say rubbish under d guise of anon. You beat and cheat on ur gf nd u have d nerves to say Goldie is a disgrace? If u never dated a prezzo in ur life then by all means cast the first stone. Guys if at some point in ur life u weren't a prezzo then please throw stones too.

  129. I can't even believe she opened her mouth to say "she can't believe Keitta nominated her o its now you no both of u r from West Africa". Girl when you replaced your bf with him was he from East africa or Asia... Girl you are just dramatic.
    Welcome back home and please act normal while ur hear....*smh*

  130. Abeg this is suppose to be a celeb ohh see how she cried so shamelessly ,no one have ever cried like that in the history of big brother on the day they got evicted like goldie

  131. Goldie x3 u have not only brought shame to Nigeria u brought shame to Yoruba gals in general I would be surprised if an anon person no lite u slap for airport unless u come back for midnight.oni ranu oshi

  132. She was n stil is a disgrace,abokoku! Arokoyo! Lmao

  133. am a lil surprised she left the house. I loved her because she stayed true to herself throughout her stay in the house...

  134. Goldie is not a Nigerian. Naija babes r a lot sharper than she portrayed herself. We no dey fall mugu 4 stupid guys like prezzo.

  135. Wow! So many comments. I knew dis post of urs will ve a thousand posts. Anyway am happy she's out cos she didn't rep naija at all. Not even sure she is a naija babe afta singin like one hard babe she con dey cry for one ugly bobo wen man neva finish for our naija. Mschew she no even get mind. BBA no be bachelors na! Wat was she tinking?since she knows how to cry let her tryin doin tv commercial for a toilet roll coy or handkerchief coy.

    Tee jolly

  136. Pls leave this lady alone

  137. she should just go back to the house....her in naij might be worse..what is she coming home to now that she messed herself up

  138. She messed up big tym.. Dat idiot prezzo no even get swag reach any nija guy.. Imagine uti nd kenvin,, dem tyt pass dat mumu.. Wonder wat she saw in de fool.. He cause her failure In bba house.

  139. Tonto Dike would have made a better rep for (ja than Goldie in BBA.

  140. She may have behaved disgracefully,but don't crucify her yet until u hear her side of it all. It could be she was acting out a script.

  141. We don't see ur bbh in UK, however, the public made Goldie, and the public have the wright to judge her .

  142. Lwkmd....pity her,I hope she can save her career

  143. Boiiii that pic is really unpretty.

  144. Now thats a very unpretty

  145. Lmao at d couple of friends o family of Goldie who commented. Do her a favor and get her mental services! Run cha for d ambulance is waiting. Po Goldie, mental illness is a serious disease.

  146. It is better for her insanity


  148. Gold albino u don disgrace n direp naija.tank u for crying and falling in luv wen odas were busy staying focused on d millions coupled wit ur adire konkosa n fixing ur hair abi d village girl wey dey inside u no gree leave after spending time in d city mtcheew

  149. Praise the Lord!! Now i can resume watching the show!..i lost interest when d crying fool escaped eviction last week cos the thought of tuning in to see her wowo face and that of the monkey's first cousin,Prezzo playing their fake love games irritated the heck outa me.She can go to the 3rd Mainland,open btw 11pm-11am frm d Island and jump into d sea or if she cant make d time-line,i am sure the LATSMA boys will give her a free pass once she explains what she wants to do

  150. Surprise fire, was only surprised she came dis far. I said it ab nitio,this gurl is as fake as d I LOVE U, Kim told Kanye. I knew Linca will spoil ma day dis mawning with her wwuuuugly face,doesn't look gud when smilling ,talkmore of when crying. Hmmm for ur info don't land at Abj or Lagos airport,it will do u somuch good to land at Ebonyi state airport,dats if they've one,coz just few people will recognize ur onion skull there.smh for a dumb sister.~BONARIO~ Says so via NOKIA3310.

  151. To all u people out der, i say to u...U HAVE DONE WORSE THAN GOLDIE... n F*****Y y criticize her so much huh? she is UGLY but i know she's got some gud stuff she's made of...wc some of u cant boast of in UR ENTIRE LIFE....yes Goldie messed up by forgeting d fact dat she was playing a GAME...n trusted everyone, dat doesnt mean we shud crucify her.

  152. I learnt she flew back to Nigeria using her eyelashes

  153. She would hide behind the veil of " I am a private person" "No comments" she is not bold enuf to address her ef up. Mess raised to power 10000!!

  154. But Linda u r wicked o. Why do u always post very ugly pics of this girl? Enh?


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