Dear men; do you find the show of cleavage attractive? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Dear men; do you find the show of cleavage attractive?

Do you men find showing of too much cleavage attractive? There has to be a reason why we women do this. Please let us know...:-)


  1. Question for the guys!
    tho am a lady but i personally do not like cleavage dsplay.
    lemme wait to read from d guys

    1. Atawewe(small pepper)25 July 2012 at 00:30

      Silicon dont taste gud....i prefer sagged boobs with some juicy potato pie!

    2. Ur crazyyyyy lmaoooooo

    3. To me a lil we do, I love it when u give a tip of d iceberg,while concealing d main deal. Dat way it keeps me wondering what u have in store for me,and the suspense thus creating so much anxiety,high secretion of adrenalin and hot blood rushing to ma head. I can do anything to have doz bells in ma hand or mouth even.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.

    4. Hv u tested it b4? Bad guy.

  2. Cheap article. It might just turn me on enuff to run home and do the thing with the real person.

    1. Hmmm! Goes a long way to show u re responsible. Nice comment though m a lady,ds show dsnt mk sense!!! Slikky

  3. hmmm...yes we do,but we like it when we have to stare at the cleavage coyly,but detest it when the whole package is screaming....SEE ME........

  4. Am nt a guy bt a find d show of cleavage totally slutty.u luk more decent nd will be well respected if u cover up properly

  5. Saliva just dropped fropm my mouth

  6. my husband finds it disgusting when i show my cleavage but he can sit all day looking at other women's cleavages. hypocrite!

    1. LMAO!!!!!!! Guess he doesn't want oda piple seeing his goodies..

    2. Lol...u sound bitter..nyway I fnk ur husband recognises that those other women r only a fantasy bt ur d real deal that's y he wnt let u show he's still a. Hypocrite sha

    3. Lol!!!! Then show it anyways so that other people can look at you. Shikena!!!!!!

    4. Lmao,, his probably very protective!!!
      Hehhehe, he doesn't want anoda eye to see wetin him dey chop naa.......

    5. Wat u shld ask ursef is r dose women married? Most of dem r advertising becos dey r nt married. Can u dress like ladies in d oldest profession in d world (I beliv u knw wat am talkin about).opening ur cleavage does it portray u to b responsible? U women its hard for we guys to satisfy u, he is guiding wat he has jealously n u r complaining, if he doesn't give a damn about u again, u will stil b d one to complain dat he is nt caring as b4

    6. Its †Ñ’ξ real deal if you know ђã†̥ am saying.

  7. Of course it a head turner, a speech impediment and a show stopper. But its indecent. ofcourse nobody's perfect.

  8. It is okay, nothing do the girl
    but Linda you spoil small

  9. Yelsssssssssssssssss we do cos we have plenty nostagia about garden of eden.

  10. If it is over d top NO, little of it is not bad depending on how u flaunt it.

  11. what a question? I find it attractive of course, i don't know about others tho. I won't dare wife up a girl who shows too much tho. I see them as attention seeking hoes. But fo sho we can have some fun, jump off-ish, but i ain't takin her ass home to momma, no way. Thank you.

    1. Am a lady but this guy correct die! Well spoken and articulate.....10/10 shikena!

    2. Guy,u bam! Slikky

  12. Its just a trend and nothing else,guess & hope it will pass.

  13. Mama mia! Linda you got it wrong this time, that's not showing cleavage, that's showing the whole goods. I see nipples!

  14. Linda this one pass showing of cleavage o! her entire boobs are on display and her nipples can be clearly seen too. I love her boobs though and wish mine were that sexy but I wouldn't show mine that way at all, liver no go gree me, lol. I do love to show cleavage but in a subtle tasteful manner that leaves a lot to to the imagination....and truth is I do it mostly for me, cos I absolutely love seeing the boobs coming together in such a sexy way that makes guys drool and ogle, this one here is tacky but I fancy most guys would get an instant erection at he sight if this, lol

    1. You so right. Yeah that's what does it for me. 'The left to the imagination bit'. When it screams at you it becomes a turn off but when you have to cringe your neck and steal glances then that's it. But really we should all be decent. That's how we can be addressed.

  15. we love dem cleavage,when its flashed(i mean packaged such that you know its there and struggle to assess it),but detest it when its glaring to all..

  16. make i follow do first 2 comment and pray fervently that linda will post my comment...
    it is absolutely embarrasing to show your cleavage and as much as men will drool over it like a dog they will not want to keep such a woman as a wife and even if they do, they will never let you wear something like that out of the house...
    that's the plain truth

  17. It irritates me especially when its over sized. But its attractive when its hidden because precious things are hidden and hard to find not exposed.

  18. It irritates me especially when its over sized. But its attractive when its hidden because precious things are hidden and hard to find not exposed.

  19. Hope you know its fasting period o Linda!

    1. Plz stop blogging

    2. Stop typing or better still,swap ur sim to a torchlight nokia. So after fasting you can come back. But come to think of it ooo *lipsaresealed*

  20. Its just sex appeal. Daughters of Jezebel exposing the nunu â„“̊Ïž the public

  21. Michael says...

    Very good question. I believe if a woman has got it she should flaunt it but a little and not reveal the whole damn thing. Leave the rest to the mans imagination and if she's married you don't want the mans friend to imagine what his friend gets into all night (trust me, all men do that). If a married woman or someone in a relationship dressed like the picture above I'd lose all the respect. It's just so wrong. The more of the cleavage shown the lower the class the woman gets. Left to me. It's only for your man to see unless at work you want a job promotion :)
    When I see a woman for the first time, i want to see a womans face before her breast and not vice versa. If it is then she aint a wifey material

  22. Heck yea!! Boobies do the mind good ;-).......Okay seriously, it depends on how it's presented cuz if done the wrong way can be very distracting in a bad way, my dr. evil laugh, he he he

  23. NUBIAN QUEEN™24 July 2012 at 16:45

    i think tastefully shown cleavage is ok anything else is just trashy like in the photo. Nasty please cover your nipples with band aid or cloth tape or something

  24. I surely don't. It's very irritating!!! :(


  25. hahahahahahahha... I don die here o...
    Linda d way ur brain think sometime de make me laff...

    Oh yeah... We find it very attractive... It's inviting... Like dis one on d pix is saying 'come and get me'... Lols

  26. linda ure jealous cos u dont have bobi

  27. I'm a dude!! and i find it disgusting when done in exccess!!

  28. makes women look cheap. dont like

  29. what cleavage? All I see are nipples!!!

  30. We, (ok, let me speak for myself :)) - I find it attractive, but not on my my mom, sister or girlfriend. hahaha

  31. Attractive...maybe see what I got come for me, Im cheap... I personally consider babes who flaunt boobs a lil 'indecent'..

  32. times,we feel lyk takin a second look,but d zeal for correcting d norms and d rots in d society tell some few men dat this is pure indecency..fashionista decadence. U dnt hv to flaunt it before we admire d innate beauty when we sees one..Eluyhemi

  33. Linda Linda....hmmmm

  34. hell yeah you know we do!...this shouldn't be a question sef!

  35. Linda Linda....hmmmm

  36. HMMMnnnn....attractively distracting!,..wanna look,then again don't want d embarrassment when caught.but sure tis a beauty anytime!

  37. As a woman with some serious boob envy. I say carry go abeg. If i had it, i'd totally flaunt it. Whats not to like guys, its nice squishy boobage, you know you want it. lol

  38. Oya over to †Ñ’ξ men > start to dey talk now, lolz

  39. anonymous 4:52pm
    olodo! generally speaking linda means.

  40. Less is always more :)

  41. It only make them sexy and make dem attrctive to we men for sex, not to marry, the women dat do dis are those lookin for quick money, so they open their boobs so dat they may sedduce rich men.......

  42. There is nothing attractive about exposing your supposed PRIVATE PART!,PRIVATE PART!!,PRIVATE PART!!!.For me its a show of low self esteem and lack of personal confidence, maybe a way to make up for ego defence mechanism.

    1. We know say u study psychology "ego defense mechanism" lol...☺

  43. WOW! so so seductive, she knows how to make men want it.

  44. Is dis actually a question or are u kidding me? Cleavage is d best thing in dis world!

  45. abeg!!! i think men these days find women who cover up properly more attractive!! we have seen enuff boobs for a life time already!!

  46. Hmmm fastin ain't gonna say anything now ibraheem

  47. Women are preferred with decent cleavage over the "over-do" one...tianks u "in jenifa's voice"

  48. wen i was dating my hubby, he faniced me with em cleavage on display. but naw that we are now mr and mrs..
    i dare not leave the house with my top button open nor my dress revealing my cle-- not to talk of vage.

  49. honestly frm wht i hv seen in this blog ill say frm a womans perspective,ladies men r confused pple,u dont need to be nude to attract a man,all u need is self confidence,being happy with urself,and loving urself,not wht a man tinks of u or sees like exposing once boobs.

  50. Hrm paul Ojeih24 July 2012 at 17:44

    wetein concern fasting and boobies all this hypocrite way dey for this blog shey fasting end by 6 una think say we no no wetein una dey do after un a break fasting.
    ak tot he topic this paw paw can make me go gaga in fact i can actually die for this cleavage the more exposed the better for me who no like my comment fall and die its my own opinion and choice

    1. U are an impersonator,because I don't think the respected hrm Paul Ojeih would descend so low and talk like this.

  51. I love it. But think only chics dat have only sex to offer go 2 dis xtent. Not complainin if it isn't my sister or girlfriend.

    1. She is a fool,cos a lady dat hv complete sense wil nt expose wht is meant 2 b private...ladies b careful

  52. If I screw a girl cos I got her exposing her cleavage,her Obstertrics value is immediately diminished.There is a reason why it is very important for a girl to play hard to get.Men like challenges. When women show their cleavages aLl over d place for all types of men to see,she is nothing but a biggest Bitch!!

  53. To be honest Er like to sleep with such women and take them unserious but will not want someone we live to open their chest (cleavage). It's the same reason we men take any unserious girl to club fingering her or making her get high dancing but will never do such to a girl we love and sometimes we don't want to have the girl we love hang out too late or get high. So cleavage is for unserious girls only,so we like it and we feel good seeing it but not for our loved babes oo

  54. LiLi!well its alwayz inviting but not all of dem lyk dis one she almost shown it all although there no way its being flaunt dat is rit its made 2 b covered.

  55. we don watch tire,the thing no they attractive again, maybe ladies should think of something else that will attract guyz.lolz

  56. yes. absolutely. big, medium, small all sizes. very pleasing to the eye

  57. ANONYMOUS 4:31PM
    my dear am with u.
    Men! tufia!

  58. I don't get attracted til i set my eyes, on those pointed things called *nipples*.....GALAXY!

  59. Makes blood flow in the right places.
    The resultant turgidity is good for men appendage. Big nipples makes it better.

  60. yes. absolutely love it. big, small, medium all sizes. its summer time now and I'm seeing all kinds of boobs. just love it,

  61. If u ve gat it den flaunt it...cuz it makes ya more sexy and more attractive.....

  62. its disgusting, debassing and shows a great disrespect for ur body. Ur body is supposed to be the temple of the holy spirit...a holy dwelling place for the lord and u desecrate it and objectify it a mere sexual object. Please ladies stop this evil, its leading a lot of men to sin and promoting the pornography industry...u wont understand the spiritual implication of baring ur God given goods to sexually motivated eyes till ur sister or friend becomes a victim of rape, sexual assault and child sexual assault...its a start of a chain of events that help to promote great evil in our society. Please dress with modesty

  63. I do not find the show of cleavage attractive because I see all humans as the product of a genetic lottery,I am attracted to what is inside a womans mind,spirit,psyche and being because that is what determines our future.Cleavage may be catchy but what attracts me is character more than anything else because aging ,disease,child-birth can take the breasts away, only character and the qualitative state of mind and spirituality would stand the test of time.

  64. All i know is that sexy nri nwa arouses me

  65. Well it creates attention, but if that booty doesnt go with it,I'll pass...

  66. When I was alot smaller boobs mattered lot but as I matured with time I found that some woman were curvy and well endowed with cleavage but were horrible while some do not have much cleavage but were lovely angels in so many ways.

  67. Yes most guys whÓ flirt do bcos its a way to differentiate a good girl from one u can f*uck without summary,most guys won't be serious with any girl who is public property (notin special again wen we and all the guys done see every wey she get) any girl who tinks her boobs are her best assets has notin really to offer...oya post my post oh!sharp sharp!

  68. If still turgid and exposed right, gives a good hard on.

  69. I love boobbi die. So anytime i see it like this, my head dey do maths calculation. I fit suck am till morning. it really turns me on. I left a girlfriend of mine just because she has very very small boobs. I like it big joor. Let them show it. though people thought I am a pastor. but i am a pastor that love boobi.

  70. Linda, but i like your thinking sha,
    cleavages are generally attractive to all men, yes i like cleavages but once am married she must stop cleavages, i don't want people checking out my wife.

  71. It nt cool.totally against it

  72. It used to catch my attention, not anymore. I've seen enough. Now, I'm looking for a wife not a one night stand.

  73. Alicia says...24 July 2012 at 18:58

    It's ok to show a little bit, not not like the picture above, that's just trashy!!

  74. The clevage is a pit frm hell boobs rep the two horns of satan which attract souls to lucifer #illuminati frm kodilinye igbonwa

    1. My guy, you need JESUS in your life!!!

    2. Who b dis abeg?

  75. n☺t attrractive @ all.portrays indecency n low self esteem cos the gal feels t

  76. @ JAMES BOND 007, something else like what now? Yarnsh cleavage? But really let's picture it. What will yarnsh cleavage look like. Hehehe. I laugh at the thot

  77. OMG, dat boby cari enof self esteem. Guys no go der o. Lol

  78. Wat about wearing shorts and short skirts out. People find it a little weird when I put on shorts during the day in Nigeria.

  79. Wow! Na the kind thing wey dey make guys head turn be dis. See nipples as e stand, na temptation be dis. I wish i could conjure her out of the picture. Ah Linda, which kind temptation you put here?

  80. Omo.... Kapital Y3S! Ling Ling uhm.. I dey Run oh sawri Fast! Seriously we lyk dem biggg nd yummy make us ask 4 more(kum pass d 9th in ma krib) buh mos def nt wifey material. Lookn @ dz make mi rememba Coco Austin, Denise Milani, K D Aubert nd Nicki Miyanch sum of em r cylikon buh Sofia Vergara nd Scarlett Johanson r real. Plz dont kall mi Perv or kasanova. Dont 8 d Playa 8 d Game! April via my samsung blue skrin. Ling Ling in chinese Voice plz koment my post o

  81. Abeg bone.. m a guy.. its very attractive.. provided the boobs looks very healthy...

  82. NNa eh, look at Ajuju oh(question)? ofcourse noww, itz veri attractive 4 a woman 2 show lil cleavage, Na becoz u no get abi . I cudnt even find ur cleavage in ur post Linda vs Lib reader below, hehe...Take heart and better post my comment oh..Chukzy.

  83. This is like asking Flies if dem like Shit

  84. if i lie make i bend,i lyk am shaa but it always puts me in trouble, girls pls save guys abeg..stop showing dis off

  85. if i lie make i bend,it turns me on shaa but i always end up in trouble...

  86. its a natural side attraction and i really love watching takes my attention away.

  87. Ling Ling! Ki lo n sé nau? Y U no dey post my koments? Wa... Ama ja o. Buh b4 i dey trip 4 beta Ass buh dz dæz, i don migrate. E get 1 ghey wey say shi dey admire d tin kos shi no get em big. Go ghey! i gbadun U gan. Na only few guyz no lyk am buh majority of Us dey salivate if we C am, make us wanna foddle em all9th. Buh mynd U, na only 1 9th stand kinda ish o. Dz 1 wey U put 4 here na d real deal! If U dnt lyk my koment.... Den... Dunno. April via my samsung blue skrin

  88. I think it's nice to dress attractively as long as you feel comfortable but cleavage is not the best look. You can be attractive but modest.

    Find "Him" before you find "him"-

  89. No Linda, I personally don't like ladies who expose their boobs. I love admiring big boobs in clothing. I don't like ladies wif small boobs like u Linda *sticking tongue out*

  90. King of BB// porche 666. Its not attractive!

  91. King of BB// porche 666. Its not attractive!

  92. hmm....

  93. Still goes wit d adage
    Too much of everything is bad...

  94. linda na your cleavage be that?

  95. Linda na your cleavage be this? WOW your future husband will be very happy... but jealous when on an outing.

  96. Personally, its somehow reducing, I can spend like forever looking at it.

  97. looking at ladies exposing their clevage or any part that can excite a man makes me want to have such women at all cost but with no responsibility attached. such women are seeing as useless and need to be treated as sex machine. though there are some with evil intention. Men know what they want as wife sha!

  98. Nice, but this is beyond cleavage o

  99. nice u said 'we ladies' cos u knw ur indecent ass does it...nd to top it...urs look so ugly.

  100. Sexily Endowed24 July 2012 at 22:58

    Hmmmmmm sexy ladies.... [singing]

  101. Yes I do, it is a wonderful sight to behold, Ladies please dont stop showing ...

  102. Its just like 'were' (a lunatic). Its nice to watch when its another woman's child.

  103. Replies
    1. Is that why you expose yours??

  104. @mimi yansh clevage go better .lol its in vogue

  105. Ikunkun Babbles.....25 July 2012 at 00:08

    LMAO OOOH....@anon 7:09pm from Kodilinye.... you don get mental problem o, if care is not taken you would pull a James holmes soon....common breast is devil horn???den am guessing Penises are the devil's pitch-fork...were!

    well as per the bobbie matter....Me i have big bobbie (38H),a smaller frame, and my twins are always trying to jump out of my clothes 24/ real struggle...

    hmmn,Linda you wont understand its the cross we the heavily endowed have to so so scarf i dey throw around my neck, there is no real way for me to look modest...anything apart from a turtle neck (which makes them look twice their size so lets not even go there) WILL show some cleavage.
    As a young christian woman though, over time I have drawn the very very clear Line between my ever popping cleavage and me putting my Breasts up for display....

  106. Here is what I think. Most men will not allow their wife or girlfriend to dress in this manner. However, most men will like to some other women dress in this manner. It will help their blood to flow freely and feed their eyes at the same time.

  107. Linda like u dont show ur own too..mtcheeeeew

  108. "I am Gotham's reckoning"

  109. Linda hope no b because dem yab u say u no get heavy cleavage make u generate dis post o?

  110. Some of you on here are just yanning nonsense. If they open for you now you'll just shut up and watch

  111. No guy wants his Mrs or Mrs to be baring it all for the world to see but when it comes to that other girl then its all to yummy

  112. May God forgive women

  113. The guys saying indecent,no wife material!bla bla bla,their girlfriends n whatever always dress half naked including clevage or don't even have boobs,chest can't be flaunted. They are just trying to console themselves .

  114. Some cheap way to get attention from lowly disciplined guys. Tells the babes class self esteem. what does it do to a guy? A good film show!!!!!

  115. Kai, Linda , u just made my day. Seeing those kinda boobs uplifts my morale and imagining them all day can keep me in high esteem throughout the day. All I need do when I come across such cleavage is just take a very good look and take a memory snap shot for later recall. U know it spices my relationship wid my wife cos the thots of various cleavage memory snap shots makes me work extra hard on my matrimonial bed

  116. Its very simple really. Men love big bresttisses!
    Anyone who tells you otherwise, tells you lies!

  117. My two cents on this matter:

    A little show of cleavage goes a looong way! It kepts us guessing, imagining, wondering and wanting! And since its just a little bit showing, we are still able to take our eyes off y'alls chests long enough to look at ur face and have a meaningful conversation with your face...not your chest!

    On the other hand, a lotta cleavage is a definite turn off for MOST decent, self respecting men. Its a signal that this person is an attention grabber and is indecent and only good for one thing- sex...for which we would probably have to pay!

    All that said however, I have a theory that these kinda chicks who over-expose their cleavage are not doing it to attract men. I believe they do it to show their fellow women how well endowed they are. Its like they're saying "Yo! Look what I've got that you dont! Eat your hearts out heifers!"

    Thats my two cents...or kobo as the case may be.

  118. It is not good for a woman to display her body for the public to see. So what does she have for her husband? This often cause men to run after the lady and start giving her his call card (even if he has seen that she is married)because he wants to taste the apples.
    Immodest dressing is for ladies who have got nothing to offer! A lady who knows what she worth does not dress to impress anybody or attract any kind of unnecessary attention from the menfolk!
    Ted Philips

  119. though this comment is fo men, but fo God's sake am not a Rev. Sister, i cant cover everywhere just like that. like showing my cleavage. thats the only way that makes me comfortable. i dont do it cos of men nooooooooo linda. i feel relaxed if its showing.

  120. EVEN GOD DEY LAFF25 July 2012 at 10:26

    as a guy i like it wen its visible abit but not to loud and screaming see me here

  121. EVEN GOD DEY LAFF25 July 2012 at 10:28

    lin lin,dat pix no b cleavage na the whole breast i dey see so o and i dey fast o

  122. I dnt like ladies showing their cleavages.It makes dem look like whores.

  123. Linda!Linda!Linda!no comment

  124. The question is 'was it meant for show?'. Cover up girl, it makes you more real.

  125. Giorgio Baroni25 July 2012 at 13:01

    Am a dawg and would remain one. The boobs are great and should be revealed for our eyes and feel. This is absolutely a turn on and an attention getter an she already got mine. Just imagine the kind of dream a man can have resting your head on those melons after a hard day's job.

  126. Capital NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. but errm,seriously.. its not so easy covering up all this flesh. i mean,i can hardly find anything that can cover it all up. and even when i do,it looks like i'm hiding two huge calabash under my shirt or blouse. sometimes its not our fault. linda plsssss,post my comment dis one time :(

  128. Linda u think better. I no go lie, I be guy, I love dat thing dey call boobs,d thing dey make me go gaga, especially as e dey for d pix.

  129. Any way,its sexy and i love peeping n stretchn 2 get a only gays and old ppl no like am.but 2much is nt gud,u shld show ur 'twins' dis way only when u wana have x.tnx!NOKIAX3...yea say wateva lmfao!

  130. Linda, It'd be nice to have some kind of stats at the end of this session.
    As a guy, I most definately won't take the babe serious. Even if I were not a christian, she just won't make the cut. Of course, she'd probably fascinate me for a while but after that, what next?

  131. food for maggots.

  132. I have real big boobs, I love to show cleavage but not to the extent of putting my whole mammary glands on show! When I was younger I was more daring. I am a very confident woman and carry my boobs as they are not there. This picture, I must say exposes everything. That dress will not be as revealing if it was a smaller boobed babe wearing it. Just a little skin.

  133. I think just a little bit of cleavage tastefully done aint soo bad. Depending on where ur going too. A whole lot of boob exposure all over the place is a no no,trashy n very sluttish! Just not appropriate n decent.

  134. Forgot to add...She got great n sexcee boobs tho.

  135. Dat iz wot God specially made 4 us 2 enjoy but some women hav made it so common 2 de extent dat iz no more enjoyable.

  136. First impression always matters. As a guy when I see a lady that's decently dressed, I arrage masef and watch wat I say cos I wud want her to carry me as she carry's hersef. There's no satisfaction in looking at a woman's cleavage or her ass. It just heightens ur desire to take her to bed and screw the hell out of her. When u're done, the mirage disappears. I wudn't mind anada man's wife, sister, or daughter advertise her cleavage to me but I wud neva let ma wife or daughter do such.

  137. which man no like man,

  138. The clevage, the urge, the boobs there s time for everything the clevage blows the winds and men chase the winds

  139. u dont need 2 buy milk wen u got dis 4 ursef,luvly,esp d nipple

  140. As an engineer we discovered that dis cleavage after a careful analysis the stucture has a little problem nd culd collapse MEN shuld watch out

  141. u dont need 2 buy milk wen u got dis 4 ursef,luvly,esp d nipple

  142. Yes open cleavage can be appealing, but only sexually - in a slut-full kind of way. And that is about all the woman brandishing her chest gets out of it most times - sex. Don't know so many men who want to have a stable relationship with or marry a woman and have her bear her chest.
    My advice for women who bear their cleavage, if you are not a slot, don't advertise like one, cos many men will treat you as a mere sex tool.

  143. Silicon fynz... Disgusting!

  144. everything is exposed its irritating

  145. linda, no jst ask question wey go make me stop to dey read ur blog, wots dat? u sef no know y u dey wear am? if u've got it, flaunt it. bt i my babe try wear am, na breakup she dey find o. duh it makes d girl look cheap

  146. lol its not cool when its in excess tho... VISIT MY BLOG

  147. lol its not so cool in excess VISIT MY BLOG

  148. i dont love the display but i love the boobs


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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