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Saturday, 2 June 2012

Photo of the day

Nigerian High Commissioner caught sleeping during Queens speech at the Diamond Jubilee Celebration which held today at Westminster hall. Not that I blame him, other people around him look bored as


  1. Linda,he's praying not sleeping!

    1. @evribody..even a 'blind,deaf,n a dumb' imber. knw dat d his picture was doctored...or cnt we c?....

    2. U mean praying for d Queen in LOng LIVE D QUeen:..................lolz

  2. How come he's d only one sleepin?!
    Btw,is that truly our high commisioner?na wa oh

  3. what nigerians lack is self discipline. dey sabi chop our money but ordinary''Queens speech'' is too hard..... see how is sleeping. omo our rep is at stake o. where are our new generation of leaders. we need to take over. its time

    1. Yes o! It is indeed time for us to take over we've been sleeping too long!

  4. lmaoooooo but Honestly it must have been really boring...

  5. lol.....maybe he was praying!

  6. True that other people around him are bored, he's the only shameful person sleeping. More shame to our nation.... (-̩̩̩͡˛-̩̩̩͡)

  7. All these boring protocol speeches....hahaha. Eyah...poor man. Probably d grammar was too

  8. ONOME says........
    This Lindoooooo,I swear u dey kolo o;lolllllll

    How do u get these pictures????you this geh!!!

  9. Linda, what happened to our comments under Goldie's post? Was it cos of the comments on Ladun's page? Anyway, what can i say? Thank God the lady has cleared herself. I was rly sad with all those abuses cos she's human. Tnk God is over now. Gd nt

  10. What could be more boring than listening 2 an old woman talk... Dnt blame d nigerian dat is way past his bed time.. Smh

  11. Funny as hell i dnot blame him u

  12. He might say he his praying, wen we know he has eating too much and he thinks nobody is watching him...

  13. He's not sleeping...I think he is praying the speech ends. Hahahaha

  14. d man don tire from long journey. i no fit laugh.

  15. Why is he wearing that Agbada and mallam cap ? Looks different from others.

    Pass d mic jooor

    1. Because he is proud of hs heritage.

  16. He was meditating.....

  17. He probably took pap and akara b4 leaving :(

  18. Why is he wearing agbada and a cap? You are so ignorant. He's from China & that's their national attire. For the illiterates who can't comprehend, listen to the Queen to help your English.

  19. Does he understand the accent? lol

  20. nawoo, while others wear suit, the alhaji wear agbada. they should learn how to wear suit and dress corporately for a function, he looks very ugly and annoyingly shameless. this nation should scarp away the whole old aged leadership, is not working, i am sure our new educated young ones can lead this nation forward. e.g covenant university.

  21. See his black face among them all, even darker dan †ђξ oda black man sef, Lmao!!!!

  22. NYC-1 says: This Mallam should be inducted into Guiness Book of World Record for being able to 'stand and sleep' at the same time. This is what happens to a people that reward mediocrity, and not hardwork. Perhaps, his the likes of Bakinzowa (mineral resources are: fanta, coke, and pepsi). His sleeping bcos he does not understand English. Forget about all these good for nothing Certicates they brandish as qualification (portfolio, if I may say).

  23. Wetin concern agbero with over load??? Queens speech is not what he is thinking Joor.

  24. Hes actually been ill and just got back to the uk from surgery 2days ago. I know this coz i work at the nhc in london. If anything this man has tried to rep naija in positive ways. He just had surgery but yet summoned enough energy to attend the speech. At anonymous 12:20 do u think foriegners will wear agbada or their cultural attire to attend an important event in Nigeria? Think about it hes reppin ur country so dont diss him.

  25. laugh wan kill me die!
    who send aboki go represent nigeria,na nama he suppose dey pursue.
    see him face like boko haram!

  26. These are the consequenses of eatin ebba n'egussi soup / draw soup for breakfast

    1. =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) na waooo

  27. He's catching a revelation couple with vision of "2020" of wat d queen is nt sleepin @al plz linda wen he wake up plz ask him d vision...Nigerians ear are al hitchin 2 hear it if NOT...@Kathryn

  28. Fuck the queen. Why is he even there? Why are we celebrating a "queen" who colonized us? What has being part of the commonwealth ever done for us? We still need visas to enter Jand, right? So, fuck the queen and her fucking speech. Money miss road.

    Fuck Elizabeth.
    Fuck Philip.
    Fuck Charles.
    Fuck Camilla.
    Fuck William.
    Fuck Kate.
    Fuck Harry.
    Fuck Eugenie.
    Fuck Beatrice.
    Fuck all the rest of the fish-lipped, lily-livered members of the "royal family".
    Fuck all of you.

    Im not bitter.

    1. aπϑ u sure ur not bitter?? shows ur level of ignorance so Wђγ †ђξ outburst aπϑ outrage at †ђξ royal family?? Whose fault is it dat u have to queue at †ђξ embassy before u can βε̲̣̣̣̥ granted visas into UK, aπϑ after being granted visa , y'all get ur ass stucked up in there aπϑ next minute, u βε̲̣̣̣̥ running from immigration officials becuz u overstayed.. aπϑ †ђξ fact dat britain colonised Nigeria aint enuf for them to throw open their doors for every tom,dick aπϑ harry to enter their country anytime they so wish,aπϑ therefore continue to constitute public nuisance everywhere they go...​S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ if u donno what else to say ,,berha stop being ignorant aπϑ get a life

  29. Dalhatu Tafida- former senate leader and obj stooge. Wat do u xpct whn mediocres are put in position of authority. It wld av bn beta if he did not show up at all. Wat a representation!!!!

  30. Other people look bored but h e was the only sleeping

  31. it dsnt look like he's sleeping though, can someone wear a facial expression when sleeping? #jst askin

  32. Abeg,no blame the man.Afterall,ppl sleep in d church wen GOD is talking to them 2ru pastors nt to talk of an old woman(queen) blabbings.mtwww

  33. 9jadeltapikin... Ds man don work tired α̲̅πϑ he looks more ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ something Ȋ̊§ wrong with him healthwise α̲̅πϑ d boring speech Ȋ̊§ adding more Τ̅☺ his problem S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ make una pardon am

  34. R u sure this guy is nigerian? Don't even know d man. I'm tired of seeing these quarter-to-die guys in power. We need fresh blood jor. Y e no go sleep...everybody dey wear suit e wear agbada. He's d odd one outso he gats to be odd noni

  35. He's too old for the position! They'll say he's experienced but their are a lot of young experienced nigerian's that can handle d post better and they'll be more agile.So sad @ d moment cos the man'll be so embarrassed @ this picture! And also He is wearing Agbada cos he's Nigerian and not Onye ocha!!

  36. His eyes may b shut and he's not sleeping

  37. Nigeria, i hail thee. If it is not one picking her nose on international television, then it is one 'napping'. Na wah.

  38. @anonym 11:47pm, Who no fit doze off? Abeg make u carry that holier than thou attitude comot here and go and prepare aw u go manage to stay awake during today's service in church.
    Go and search youtube and see world leaders caught dozing off during world/very important conferences. Mtcheeeew!

  39. Dont blame the man blame the grammer. Dull illitrate

  40. this aboki man, most have gone clubbing all nite, now its job time, he is sleeping hahahahhah...

  41. Ogaooo, dat man need sum mat 2 sleep..pls help him out ,b4 his head fall off..i no fit shout

  42. Na 2 much of drinking kunu!....haba, oga mallam., i no get am 4 mat!!!kwooooo!

  43. Abi did he not answer "PRESENT"? What else do you want? Hehehehe.

  44. He was not sleeping he was definitely 'meditating' on the queen's speech.

  45. He probably just closed his eyes for a sec then camera caught him. I do it sometimes too. I dont believe he was sleeping!

  46. See how unique our colour looks

  47. Olodo children. What is his name? The Nigerian High Comissioner to Britain? If nah to know D'Banj and Don Jazzy fight una go current or to know if Beyonce baby chop this morning una go know. Or if Dencia nah gay una be champion. Wasted generation.

    1. Who CARES ?????????????? Does he know my fathers name ??? NO!! So to hell with his bloody name ! And u ,what's his name then???????

  48. loooooooooooooooooooooool

  49. Why he nor go Sleep? When he done dey think of Bribe Ole backward Elders ,You think say he dey intresterd for watin dem dey do for their? No,By the grace of God that Country will be good soon after we done Wipe the corrupt Once them out when dey Spoil our names.

  50. Sleep is a natural thing even if is ur wedding day self wen it kums u cant resist it so dont blame him am nt sure his even hearing wat d queen is speakin...aboki kaikai ...(omo-iwo)

  51. Lwkmd Oº° ! i dnt blame him 4 sleepin @ all.. If u av eva hrd a whitey givin speech u wil knw dey are rily borin.. N Am sure e doznt even undastnd d oyinbo "twist tongued" english..

    Buh wait Oº° ,y dos our rep luks lyk an ape?? Mehnnnn

  52. He isnt sleeping na. He got small eyes like those chinco eyes na.LMAO

  53. His Name is His Excellency, plenipotentiary DR. Dalhatu Tafida, Nigerian High Commissioner to The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

  54. Boring speech or not, he's an official. His job is to stay awake and act responsible. Nigerian officials lack self discipline, structure and responsibility because they are clueless what it means to hold a job position. I feel sleepy so many times at my job meetings, but I force myself to stay awake, let alone an official representing a country. It's embarrasing.

  55. Antie linda, u 2 pretty shall, em em shall that guy sleep, na cos šay queen nor talk go to share ghana móst go of money sleep catch oga, u 4 much linda, nor be 2much 4 u, u don pasš that level

  56. must have been one helluva boring speech, Chei! Naija can represent sha...loooool

  57. He's either praying, sleeping or that's the way his face is naturally...... I-haf-laf-die

  58. Can people stop using"BORING" as an excuse. It's stupid. If others can be awake, don't understand why he can't.


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