Dear DKB/men: There's never an excuse to hit a woman | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Dear DKB/men: There's never an excuse to hit a woman

I don't care what any of you say, there's absolutely no excuse for a man to hit a woman. Men are stronger, they can kill with just one punch. Zainab was definitely wrong for what she did but I know a few men who would have walked away. And don't forget she is a victim of rape and abuse. She lived through war in Sierre Leone, so there's still a lot of aggression, especially towards men. If she lived in a civilized society, she would have gone through serious therapy to deal with her anger issues. If you watch the video, her aggression really started after DKB threatened to slap her. I'm not excusing her behaviour, just trying to understand it. Watch the video above to see Zainab's behaviour after DKB slapped her. That's a woman who needs help...most probably because of what she's been through. #myopinion


  1. I don't want to say anything. Please let's just forget about this issue. Yes. They were both in the wrong and DKB shouldn't have slapped her. She should've also kept her calm. Period! Case closed!

    1. David, men like u will sure hit a woman. If u don't no what to say! Don't comment

    2. See eh..linda ikeji..if u hv liver talk to ur bf like this..(Dats if u hv oney and see d slap dat he wld give u

  2. She shouldn't have been in the house in the first place. That's it!

  3. what is LINDA saying?
    Zainab boasted of first slaping DKB first.
    Yes or No? i think both of them need to apologise.

  4. If she needs help why she is in a program where she has to live 24/7 in a house with other people? Nobody forced her to be in there! If she can't control her anger she should get out of the house! He used his mouth to say he will slap her, that doesn't give her the right to throw objects at him! Is not ok for a man to hit a woman and is not ok for a woman to hit a man either! It goes both ways!

  5. Thats ur opinion Linda,u re entitled to urs, a responsible woman do not behave the way she did,now look at that...throwing bottles and equipments and viewers are watching, spare me jare.........i dont support evil,i believe in justice,yes DKB is a guy and stronger than zainab, am sorry from zainab would have eased off the anger of what she did but rather she started running her mouth..........abegi

  6. I do not support anyone but I have one question to ask, Is it ok for a woman to slap/hit a man??? I am trying to teach my daughter to be a lady and eschew violence and avoid being confrontational but my wife keeps telling her not to let anyone STEP on her?

  7. I agree completely. You don't drive home your point by raising your hand against someone man or woman. If that was a man twice his size, he wouldn't have done the pushing and slapping. I mean pushing her was bad enough he had to follow up with a slap? Na secondary school im think say im dey?

    On the matter of what she did? You signed up for the world to practically watch your 'arse' and you are looking for privacy? That doesn't make any sense at all. If he needed that much privacy he should have stayed at home like the rest of us and watch instead.

    1. I totally agree. Men are naturally built bigger than women and they are stronger. If u need to vent ur anger, hit an object or u simply walk away. It was a very cowardly act on dkb's'part as far as am concerned. Ppl should support what is right and speak out when they see sth wrong. Men like dkb shouldnt be allowed to treat women like trash and get away with it.
      I know at first when i read about it i was like wots dis zainab chic's'problem but seeing the video made me see things in a whole new light.

  8. Its our culture to keep treat women like trash thats why huge support is for a man slapping a lady. Why didnt he try his anger on a man like himself. Hisssss, this gist is all over world now due to social networking sites and people are calling us barbarians and the n#ggers. 2012 for that matter.

    I agree with you Linda, no excuse to hit a woman, none at all


    The day of the wedding and honey moon is a beautiful thing its the activities prior and after that raises issues ---->

  9. Her aggression started long b4 there was any threat of a slap.
    If her experience in her war-torn country justifies her action then we can start justifying rape and cannibalism by other war victims who have bad feelings towards women. If she needs help she shod seek help like every other person.

  10. Rape ko, Wrapper ni. All that rape story was her strategy to get pity from voters. This is a posessed human being. God help whoever her boyfriend is. Now i honestly don't blame DKB for slapping her after watching this. My goodness gracious.

    So I guess a man should allow that witch to pour hot water and hot oil on him? Okay o. I reserve my comments.

    But DKB should be an actor o..See dodging. Not once, not twice. Even Jackie Chan go give am thumbs up. DKB pass the mic mehn...

  11. this whole things is very funny to me, if you watched the video like i did, the girl slap the boy first. the girls attitude i don't blame the boy in anyways. if you want to talk smart to someone stronger, do it from a distance, that way u can always escape the unknown result.

  12. Meanwhile, i have always wondered about this issue. One time, I was at a party with some senior brothers (over 40) and one of them brought in this Unilag aristo babe. Na so the girl drink small drink come woz oga dirty slap. The whole party was quiet. Nobody could believe that a 19 yr old girl could slap that respected bros. And she continued dancing as if nothing happened. Bros just sipped his wine finish and got up and Wozed her the hottest slap I have ever seen in my life. Sotay e be like say her teeth comot sef.

    Bros just said thank you everybody and walked to his car and drove off. Till this day, i don't know if oga bros was right or wrong..

    1. ​=))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº‎​=)) ..U П̲̣̣ø well!

  13. this whole things is very funny to me, if you watched the video like i did, the girl slap the boy first. the girls attitude i don't blame the boy in anyways. if you want to talk smart to someone stronger, do it from a distance, that way u can always escape the unknown result.

  14. Please linda let's be real here and stop all this woman this and that! Yes, men are stronger than women, anything could have happened. He should have been a better man and walked away. How about her being a better woman and keeping her trap shut! She had offended him, apologise and let's move on NO! She didn't do that instead she went into his face? Where does she know him from? Is he her husband? Is her brother? Is he even her friend? Why should she provoke him like that? I am not saying men should go around slapping women! I am just saying don't be quick to judge him. The same way he behaved badly and slapped her, is the same way she provoked him and had been doing so all week. Biggie had to call her and ask her to stop, but she didn't. So please don't crucify him for loosing his cool. You talk about her coming from rape and abuse, well, I don't know whether that is true but the fact that she's from sierra leone doesn't automatically mean that she's from rape or abuse. Is it because we do not know Dkb's story as well? If you do not provoke the man, he will not sha come to where you are sitting down and slap you. Women can not keep daunting men and expecting then to be "bigger people" and walk away! How about you be the lady that you are supposed to be and not act like a dog!
    That being said! I am not condoning violence but that slap was hot and it was a well deserved one! I am happy they both went home this time and not just the guy!

  15. He should never have touched her and personally I don't think that's the last of it. She may hunt him down. No jokes. I feel the rage.

  16. linda,i don't think she is traumatized because if she is,she wont be peeping to see a guy's prick in the bathroom.Instead of peeping she's meant to run at every sight of a man in boxer short.Common she asked for the slap and she got it.Not like DKB was right cos he could have walked away but she was too pushy and not even sorry for hat she did.

  17. LINDA I AM A VICTIM OF SEXUAL ABUSE MYSELF AND I KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THE IMPLICATIONS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT OF IT VERY WELL.....BUT YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO LET GO AND ARE EXTREMELY BIASED COS ZAINAB IS NOT A SAINT......the same way DKB might not know zainabs story is the same way Zainab might not know DKBs anger issues..i used to like zainab but sorry and im a strong advocate against women abuse ... but i am sorry in this case they are both at fault ....this is not domestic violence because they are not lovers neither are they related.....they are all strangers to each other placed in a ,matter what you have been through in life it does not mean or excuse the fact that you should insult or torment other people about the time she threw pots&pans at DKB? or when she called Seydous mum a whore? what excuse did you have for that?....i see where your coming from but like i said at the end of the day they are all strangers in ahouse and we are humans we make mistakes....whether you like it or not not men are the same and they also get emotionally high just the same way not women are the same.....I know the effects of anger on sexual abuse victims and i hope to be an inspiratiob or women like me in the future....everyone in that house has theri own i said they are getting help in SA....i understand where you are coming from but please do not use this as a point to insult or tanish the image of sexual abuse victims like mysefl, not all of us are like this and know how to control ourselves when dealing with strangers...... you can still live in a civilized world and still not get the help you need, it takes willpower, abi is sexual abuse written on someones forehead?.....she is not stable and shouldnt have gone into the house in the first place.....but when you enter such a game you should be ready to accomodate others and their feelings......again i am totaaly against DKB AND WOULD NEVER EVER SUPPORT WHAT HE DID BUT ZAINAB IS NOT INNOCENT...PLEASE DO NOT INSULT U SSENSIBLE SEXUAL VICTIMS....

  18. Linda please shut the fuck up! You admit she needs help, and you also admit she was wrong. Now they were both wrong okay? Just because men are stronger than women and society frowns on men hitting women doesn't give any woman the right to provoke any man or peep at him in the shower, that is sick! You could see he felt violated, why do you ignore his justified anger towards her actions? Imagine if you found a peeping tom when you are taking a shower? She ought to have dealt with her issues before entering the big brother house. Anger and emotions should be controlled by both sexes and in this case, both of them failed to control their anger. We cannot continue watching women play the victim when they contributed equally to the fracas. I can't stand the hypocrisy. And you as a woman know that in many cases women are NOT the victims they pretend to be judging from this video. Again words can be more powerful and damaging than physical actions. In this case whether deserving or not, Zainab had it coming and being a victim of rape and abuse is not an excuse to act this way.

  19. After watching this second video, i feel like slapping her more sef. if u like linda no post am. This girl has issues, like big issues. waaaat? na hot water she wan pour the guy o! and pls i'm not for violence against women, but since she can't act like a lady, she shouldn't be treated as such. though i wouldn't have gotten angry that she peeped me cos its BBA afterall.

  20. Please note: They no longer show Shower hour on BBA so stop talking as if the whole world saw his stuff


  22. Linda please go and take a chill pill abeg. You people take this women rights stuff out of hand.... Who is she not to get slapped... What makes her think she can do what she did. If a guy did what she did, pple would be on his neck for not respecting her privacy. I think she should have been humble in the situation not trying to justify her actions... Any woman that doesn't like the slap should slap the nearest man to them. It just shows how women push men to the wall and expect to be pampered..

  23. linda wetin do u sef , i mean zainab slapped the dude first, seriously im pissed by this rubbish you are saying, there never also an excuse for a girl to slap a guy. As far as im concern they are both a fault , they both slapped eachother , and stop with this domestic violence shit for real, pls go back to school if you dont know what domestic violence is. Stop being biased , they are both at fault.

  24. And what about her obvious aggression before the threat of a slap? Was there any excuse for that? She talking loudly in his face and spewing swear words. Is it ever to provoke another? Does the onus lie on only men to exercise self contorl? She was in his face and he pushed her aside, she retorted with a slap and he slapped her back. This is not a case of a man hitting a woman just because he can. Let us be objective here before we start screaming no excuse... I am sure many of you hit your defenceless children because they provoke you, why don't you just walk away and control your anger? Is there any excuse to hit a young child in the name of discipline. And i'm nit talking spanking here...
    Women should stop playing victims; much as i understand that there are many beastly men out there, we cannot excuse the actions of an equally violent, aggressive woman just because the guy is stronger.

    1. attorney-general5 June 2012 at 19:38

      My dear, u r so correct abt d 'defenceless child' comparison. Some of us can't talk to our fathers/older brothers like that witout geTting a slap in return. And when he slaps u, d whole family will still insist u apologise becos u r younger'. That's AFRICA for u. So pls u guys stop already wit d boy MUST not hit a girl. Zainab was a loose canon

  25. Linda you just satisfied my own quest she was the one that started it all and she did the same thing in downville calling seydou names and all well you sure do make me feel guilty now for supporting dbk's action looking back now I feel she should not have been allowed to participate in a program like BBA since she has issues my opinion o

  26. People - men or women - who act like trash shld b treated like trash. This would not b an issue if a man got slapped for being a pervert.

  27. Linda, u got this wrong. Mtchewwwwwwwwwww

  28. People - men or women - who act like trash shld b treated like trash. This would not b an issue if a man got slapped for being a pervert.

  29. well linda i don't support a man beating a woman, but a woman should also respect a man as well,
    yes you said Zainab has been through alot becouse she said it, did you know what DKB has gone through too, there should be respect for each other please.

  30. DKB should have controlled himself and refrained from hitting her. He should have just walked away and ignored the banshee with the faux accent screaming in his face.

    However, lets not completely excuse Zainab's actions which is what you have been doing Linda. You almost make it seem like he just walked up to her and slapped her.

    Men can kill with one punch? Well, she could have killed him with all the things she was throwing at him.

    I agree that the war and rape could have affected her but should that excuse her behaviour? Should she be able to get away with invading another's privacy?

    As a woman, if a man violated me the way Zainab did DKB and then didn't have the decency to apologise afterwards, instead preferring to jump in my face screaming "slap me neooow beech" I will scratch his eyes out.

    How about we all keep our hands to ourselves and respect each other's privacy?

    SN: It is a bit weird that DKB felt so violated. Didn't he sit beside Zainab while she was in the bath tub once? Perhaps he has a sensitive Johnson.

  31. Sorry Linda I do not agree. 1) Zainab had no business watching him, it's very disrespectful. If he'd watched her, you will advocate her slapping him, and we'll call that sexual harrassment/abuse, and he can easily be thrown in jail for that. But now it's a woman doing it, it's okay? and the penalty should be less? Rubbish, what's good for the goose is good for the gander? vice versa. We women can't have our cake and eat it too. We fight against all this abuse, yet when we're the perpetrators we expect it to be overlooked?? 'Cause we're what? the weaker sex?? 2) Her past is no reason for her aggressiveness, if she is traumatized, Big Brother is not the place for her to be, she needs to be in some rehabilitation center. That she does not live in a 'civilized' society is no excuse. I understand too well the importance of one's privacy. As a victim she should understand the importance of privacy? why would she do that to another person?? yes invasion of privacy is traumatizing, it is our one sacred space. 3) She was violent towards him before he became violent towards her. 4) Not advocating that he should hit her, I think it's best to walk away from such situations. But to go out of the way to paint this as domestic abuse, sorry but it's a far stretch and an insult to women who themselves are suffering domestic abuse.
    Just my 2 kobo, anyway, this needs to rest, they're adults, they signed up for this.

  32. I think we can agree to disagree. U don't care what we say and we don't care what u think abt this issue.

  33. linda,u just trying to convince us,no need.
    she was so wrong,everyone is a victim of abuse in one way or another,it gives u no right to abuse and degrade men/others.

    please move on and stop supporting evil...thanks

  34. linda u sef if u try urself i go ring ur face

  35. Linda I dont know which clip you are watching but I see her aggression even before he threatened to slap. They were both wrong but to say her aggression started after he threatened to slap her is a lie. Watch it again!

  36. linda u no get eyes, he was so not gonna slap her until she slapped him, i mean she slapped the dude was angered and then slapped her.As far as am concerned there are both at fault. stop with this domestic violence shit , go back to school if you dont know the meaning of domestic violence am sure if it was a guy he would have done the same thing.linda stop being biased just because you are a woman

  37. linda u no get eyes, he was so not gonna slap her until she slapped him, i mean she slapped the dude was angered and then slapped her.As far as am concerned there are both at fault. stop with this domestic violence shit , go back to school if you dont know the meaning of domestic violence am sure if it was a guy he would have done the same thing.linda stop being biased just because you are a woman

  38. linda are you sure?. Obviously not angelina jolie and the rest of the crew. Both were wrong and they were evicted shikena. Life goes on. But why do women always say "You must kill me today o. Beat me." lol

  39. If you know men can kill with one punch then i suggest you women learn how to control the tongue from creating havoc. Sometimes you women need to be reminded harshly that there is a difference between men and women and most times you women take men for granted and hide under violence against women.

  40. I dnt trust dis bigbrother again ohhhh dis year is jst there was no reason 4 him 2disqualify zaniab at all. Dkb is jst a fool who felt intimidated by keita.

  41. I'm sorry it will never happen again" shld have done the trick....instead she chose to taunt him. She looks like a man sef.... I'm pretty sure that's why d guy didn't think twice.

  42. She literally begged to be slap so i cant grant her the sympathy that you are a pathetically soliciting on her behalf. He approached her calmly to address an issue and if she was a real lady she would've just apologized and it would've ended there. I guess Linda is at home with double standard, if DKB had walk peeped in on her while taking shower then...he deserves to slapped right? Before DKB slapped her, she verbally abused him, got into his personal space, and slapped him.... thats more than enough to provoke in my book.

  43. Linda is really seeing it frm a very wrong side.... Look beyond d ordinary & see dat she wz @ fault & deserves more than she was given sef!!!

  44. Karen Igho was a sexual abuse victim...but even in all her madness she always apologised, thats why i respect whats ur point Linda? because shes a sexual abuse victim she should be rude to men? what about the men that are sexually abused and go on / carry out their anger by sexual abusing/raping other women to get revenge does that justify their action? or the sexual abused women that rape boys? a sexual abused victim who feels really would have a little remorse in him/her and not peeping at someone having a shower. Looking at someones naked body when they are having a shower without their consent is psychological sexual abuse incase you do not know linda.....

  45. U claimed she was slapped 3 times. After watching d video I see that she was slapped once in response to her own slap.
    "Why not exaggerate the situation more and claim she was raped by DKB"

  46. Linda, Abeg pass the mic

  47. There is never an encuse to hit a woman
    There is always an excuse to hit a man
    Talk abt double-standards

  48. whether or not zainab provoked DKB, he had no reason whatsoever to slap her, did he not read biggie's terms of agreement? btw what ever happened to walking away OR verbal abuse? did he have to go physical?. if that's how strong he is, why didnt he slap prezzo when he called him all sorts of names........................
    mtsheeeeeeeeew! ANIMAL!

  49. I'm actually amazed! like one commenter said, why didn't he try it on a man? So if Zainab had said 'stab me' he would have because she asked for it? pls let us all apply the sense that God blessed us with!

  50. After all the comments before..u still flogging this dead horse!!..if she was a victim of abuse she's even in a better position to know the violence men can perpetuate!!..
    As per social networks and the N word...So??..they don't need an excuse to say that!!..Gwyneth Paltrow..
    I hope u Linda..are not thinking of running ur mouth against some random man and being all up in his face!!..
    Even innocent women get beaten for professing right of way..remember the Actress..and the Police and the one beaten by orderlies of a Naval Top Brass..point is all men are not the same..even if u re-post a 100 times..u cant change nature!!..tread carefully..many have lost their lives..

  51. Linda are you tryna pretend you didn't notice the slap he gave her was a spontaneous reaction to the slap she gave him? notice how he stammered when talking. He was angry, but wouldn't have made gud the treat to slap her if she didn't slap him first. E be like say this Linda go be husby beater o. Ama avoid you in real life. Smh. He even came to tell her "we play and everything, but" she didn't even let him finish before she aggravated the matter. A simple "sorry, I was only tryna spice things up" would have eased the tension a bit. Not ladylike of her at all.

  52. Linda you see where you stupid pass. You just made excuses for Zainab's behaviour. Ok so let me ask you all the domestic abuse you have posted on your blog, did you do psychological assessment or evaluation on the men? Do you realise these men can have all sorts of excuses for their behaviour. So cut the crap Linda and face reality, the girl is a thug... I have ALOT of Somalia friends, went through hell and back in their country, but they are far from this crap Zainab is. Respectable women. The only thing abusive about them is their Fully determination to EXCEL in all they do.... You are a big hypocrite Linda and lost all respect for you. When you posted Kola Boof's story, you didn't excuse her behaviour. Do you know what Kola Boof went through? Yet you open your stupid mouth to justify Zainab's stupid behaviour. U sef need help Linda. Sometimes you talk like you didn't go to school.

  53. Abeg, rape or no rape, she shouldn't have provoked Dkb.. By the way, would she be the first person to be raped? Well then, we should start behaving like animals then since we've all been raped at one point or the other. Sincerely, I hope she was only stage-acting, if not she's on a long ride to singlehood and isolation cos no one wants to mingle with someone who's got issues and plays the blame game.

  54. I am sorry but this is exactly what gets my guts. Double standards clearly exist..first of all why didn't DKB slap prezzo when he spat on him? But then again how can we attempt to justify zainabs unrelentg aggression in the house and the shower thing with DKB? If she has issues,clearly she does,she should not be in the house. That goes both ways..DKB and even prezzo from previous incidents you can see need major counselling on their attitude towards women.Sad as this incidence is,I refuse to support that sentiment that is being cheaply thrown about regarding what real men and can and can not do. I want to raise my kids to understand that it is NEVER okay to be aggresively disrespectful towards anyone-man or woman and then believe by virtue of your gender you should be exempt from a backlash. Respect, people,is key.....Realistic feminist.

  55. Linda thank you very much! We women should never ever give men an excuse to physically abuse us irrespective of the circumstances!
    A friend of mine who's married had her younger sister staying with her. One day,the younger sister misbehaved and d husband slapped her. Guess what? Both the sister and her mum saw nothing wrong with the husband physically reperimanding d younger sister(by the way she's over 21) cos they felt she deserved it. Some weeks later,the elder sister and her husband had a minor quarrel and out of the blues,the husband slaps her! This is sumthing he had never done in all their 7 years of dating and marriage combined!
    My honest opinion on d issue was: had she and her mum not supported her husband slapping her younger sister,he wouldn't have had d guts to ever think of raising his hand against her or her younger sister ever again!

    We cannot continue making excuses for physical abuse! Regardless of what the circumstances may be,a man should always walk away! A wise saying goes thus: "Once you hit that woman, you can no longer be called a man."

    1. A man should always walk away. Woman like you make me Laugh. You go and luk for trouble you now preach walk away because I'm a woman. You are a joke mate

    2. A man should always walk away? And a woman should always stay on cuz its only the men that the monopoly of walking away,innit? Quit being stupid!

    3. A man should always walk away? And a woman should always stay on cuz its only the men that the monopoly of walking away,innit? Quit being stupid!

  56. Abeg, rape or no rape, she shouldn't have provoked Dkb.. By the way, would she be the first person to be raped? Well then, we should start behaving like animals then since we've all been raped at one point or the other. Sincerely, I hope she was only stage-acting, if not she's on a long ride to singlehood and isolation cos no one wants to mingle with someone who's got issues and plays the blame game.

  57. yeah, u do hav a point that he shouldn't have hit her. however, u r excusing her behavior and ur excuses are really lame. she needs help? what was she doing on this particular kind of reality show then and what was she doing peeping on a guy bathing? she doesn't need the kind of help u r talking about. she was there for the money (which is the whole point) but let her terrible attitude ruin it for her.

  58. war against women5 June 2012 at 17:54

    i really wished she had not missed on hitting his head,how i wish one of the head pan has hit him,it would have been really nice.cos obviously DKB is not fit to be termed a "modern day man".He should have been around during the stone age where barbarism was the order of the day.

  59. Come Linda after watching the clip I shuddered at your comment.That Zainab is too overbearing for the whole house.She is not fit to be there if she is sex starved I think I am sure there is another randy fellow in that house.She embarrased DKB and he simply expressed himself.All she needs to do is to applogise and that settles it.Instead she went ahead to scream at DKB.wHEN SHE WAS DISPLAYING THOSE UNRULY BEHAVIOUR SHE SHOULD KNOWN SHE IS A WOMAN.

    I sense anger,detaste and hatered on the part of DKB.He shouldn't have slapped her at all afterall its just a game.Left for me both of them should leave the house.But if I am to choose who leaves first ,it should be that Zainab character,cause she is capable of doing more unruly things in dat house.She still needs some coaching.I like her but she has exhausted herself already in there.She would have made my 'A' list but it is obvious she has nothing to offer both to the good and bad audience.
    Wait a miniute...wat is the theme of this BBA SHOW? Glorification of vices or wat? ...been wondering wat enobling lesson people taking home from watching a bunch of wild ,obscene and uncultured exhibition from a brood in one makeshift house. Bia Linda make sure you publish this comment.

  60. Doris said.....5 June 2012 at 17:58

    Linda i quite agree with you. No matter what she did,he wouldn't have slapped her...We women, we have a quick temper. Normally when i get into arguments with my hubby...he just lets me calm down,den calls me n talks to me and in the end i will be the one who did wrong... So no matter what DKB shouldn't have raised his hands on her. Some people are here pretending that she is wrong when they do the worst behind their computers n phones..

  61. No excuses should be made for both of them, I know a lady who lived through war in sierra leone and she doesnt behave like zainab, It is all about personality. People are different, just like you know men that would have walked away, I know women who are not aggregive and would not provoke such anger from a man plus she slapped him first, It takes extra patience and self control not to hit back.
    I believe they should both share the blame.

  62. JUSTICE OF THE COURT OF APPEAL5 June 2012 at 18:00


  63. Hey Linda,
    I usually would not comment but on this..... It's pretty simple it's either you're excusing her behaviour or not. It's either she was wrong or not. It's either he had an excuse or not. It's pretty simple right there.
    He cannot be excused on any count but neither can she. if you ask me, they both deserved what they got.
    Zainab tried it in the other house and the guy didn't hit her (much as he wanted to i'm sure) but her caustic tongue picked on the wrong dude.
    Oh, and please spare me the sob story. we all have been through stuff, some people worse than her, you don't see them going all over the place harassing and insulting others for their misfortune, that is not a right way to deal with the pain.
    Linda, no excuses. What's right is right and what's wrong isn't.

  64. I'm sure all these DKB supporters are either women-beaters themselves or foolish women who are beaten by their boyfriends or husbands and defend him by saying 'i provoked him'.I can't believe these comments!If this happened in America, DKB may go to jail. mscchheeeew.

    1. Ode Fool. If this happened in America with this evidence DKB won't go to jail. Stupid. You think you know the law. Zainab would be facing all sorts of charges sef. Invasion of privacy, provocation and assault( she hit him 1st). Oh darling I live in Atlanta so drop the if this was Yankee shit.

    2. Ola I'm a lawyer in America and hell 'no' he won't go to jail. U'll probably be d one to b jailed for ur stupidity seeing as u hav a satchet of pure water in ur head in place of a brain

    3. Lol. Some ppl think bcoz they live aboard they can chat shit. Next time Ola remember ppl from all over the world read this blog. She no even get case. Which lawyer would even defend this foolishness.

  65. Linda, did you actually see that video? you do know she taunted and slapped him first? No reasonable woman does that. we are all human beings and susceptible to reaction and anger. A man is not supposed to hit a woman yes but if shes the aggressor? so its right for a woman to behave that way because shes inferior to men? what happened to gender equality? lets leave all this shes a woman issues for once.

  66. linda pleaase stfu. im a chick too and i believe if you step up to a man like you have balls he would smack the shit outta you like you are a man. let us respect ourselves.she slapped him first and she deserved what she got.

  67. Everybody deserves being slapped once you provoke it regardless the gender. The only difference is the degree one can take before being provoked to do it. People are capable of anything just dont press the right button or motivation. I've never hit any woman and dont intend to but dont peddle that idea that women should not to be slapped when their mouth and some stupid behaviours towards men stings more than slap.

  68. Linda, this your excuse only puts her in the spot the more. If she's that traumatised and averse to men, why did she go to the bathroom trying to peek at his dick while he was bathing? Or was she sleep walking? Dang! She wasn't even sorry. What a bad example this show is to kids.

  69. this is not domestic violence. its merely an overaggressive woman getting what she asked for. you are shouting domestic violence, she slapped and verbally abused him. its all in the clip.

  70. Woman of Virtue5 June 2012 at 18:05

    Wats all dis? So becus she's a sexually abused victim,she can be rude 2 guys shey? Dat one no slap am well.y did she goan peep in d first place,sexually harrasing a man,after dem go say dem rape dem,she no con get good word 4 mouth join.yeye!m not saying DKB is rite buh Zainab lacks manners.they shld both apologise.Linda abeg onto d next one.kosoro nbe.

  71. Anonymous 5:05pm, I totally agree with you. You made so much sense. You're in a reality show that's 24/7 and you're looking for privacy. Really? I remember clearly when and DKB and Prezzo had some serious argument, youtube it and you'll find the video. Prezzo dared the life out of DKB and he could do nothing. He dared him so many times and DKB even tried to walk away. But when it came to a woman which he knows he's definitely X10 stronger than he didn't even blink before he slapped her. I cant even talk much. You'll should pls watch the video that i'm talking about and you'll understand.

  72. Oh Linda if you wanna start the excuse bullshit, how do you know DKB ain't got anger management problem? This is what is wrong with society today, excuses. If it is not our past, is the government, if it is not the government is our gender. Bullshit Linda. Other women have gone through worse and they still behave better. Is about the choices we make. Drop the excuse bullshit. If she is so unstable why do the show? Why didn't you because of poverty sleep with that man that day Linda? Choice. . . U had an excuse so why didn't you violate your intergrity ? Choice. So screw you and your excuse for Zainab.

  73. BTW, Linda I know men (personally) who are being abused; verbally, physically and emotionally by their women. Who's crying out for them? Who's telling their story? Who's fighting for them? Who has their back?
    And in case you ask, I am a Nigerian and I live in Nigeria, and Yes, I am a woman.

  74. This girl has issues that needs addressing..and if not careful would get her into some violent this..women provoke..and different men..react differently!!

  75. Rape victims that are aggressive and angry towards men are not usually sexually inappropriate, especially with men. Do your research before you start talking bullshit. If it was about her past, she would never have peeked in the 1st place.

  76. There is power in the tongue, you ask and you shall receive, she asked to be slapped and a slap she got,if you can't hold you tongue as a decent lady should then sew you mouth shut!!!!!!!!

  77. I think men and women shouldn't hit each other. Cuz when a woman hits you it's almost just as bad.

  78. Linda, who told you that DKB is not a victim of rape too.If you know, you are the weaker sex, then you must comport yourself as one. There is limit to a man's endurance, whether we like it or not. If Zainab needs help she should go to the appropriate quarters. BBA is NOT a rehabilitation center.

  79. please take note: this is not DOMESTIC violence. so please make sure u research terms peoperly b4 using it.
    furthermore, i do not support physical fights in any form whether between man/woman, man/man ,woman/woman cos there are cases of the slightest physical contact and the person drops dead.
    Result : kirikiri waiting for u.

  80. Provocation is no excuse to be violent.
    If it were, everyday our neighbours or perhaps let me stretch it...Bus Drivers, Bus conductors, Government, Parents, Siblings, Co-workers, Bosses, even our children provoke us..We would have killed everyone around us. Everyone gets provoked (ask Boko Haram- am sure they would have justifiable reasons), It is still no excuse...As a country we have a long way to go judging by what all you folks are advocating for (FYI, you should all be ashamed for even thinking KB had a right to slap that girl the way he did)... Too much aggressiveness..Too much violence...

    1. You are YOU-NIQUELY DAFT for saying we shld be ashamed of ourselves

  81. Real men dnt batter words wit women knwing a womans strength lies on her lips,he shuda jaz ignored herdatz wat enlightened men do。diz kind man fit kill him wife na

  82. So Linda..u one of those pity liberal people that would probs excuse murderers..
    This particular feminine a bit loopsided..not entirely balanced and would be thrown out of court!!

  83. Linda ur opinion is still one sided; stop givining xcuses for her. I think you just saw clips and not the full videos. nevertheless, they both acted wrongly and imature thus deserve their purnishments.

  84. Linda, no excuses for both of them. Her reaction could be due to many things ..particularly from a bruised ego.

    No excuses for both of them. other than the money, I still don't understand why people go out there and don't exhibit positive behaviour. it is actually good that this happened so they/we discus and start dealing with controlling visceral reactions to things/events that occur around us.

  85. Linda did you take your medications today???? Listen we live in a world were if a man peeps on a woman, it is called SEXUAL HARASSMENT. You then become a SEX OFFENDER. Now what more a woman doing it to a Guy. Sometimes you women need to be put in your places. They feel they can misbehave or disrespect men because of gender inequality. After all as infants our mother's disciplined us be it boy or girl. I don't support Men hitting "women." Zainab is not a Woman. A woman would NEVER act in that manner

  86. Zainab is crazy period...Linda i have lived and worked in Sierra Leone with and international humanitarian agency spent time with people who went through the war and none of them ever behaved like this so that is not an excuse....they are traumatised yes but not crazy violent like this woman...infact i was really suprised by her behaviour coz Saloneans in general are very calm people...

    If you let your emotion becloud your sense of judgment then you better take a stroll or a dive from somewhere high. If a woman knows a man as the stronger sex, why then throw herself at him, she is sex starved as she told Big Brother and was trying to satisfy her urge by peeping.


    1. Do u even know what feminism is ??????????? Linda's view is the total opposite ! Ewu

  88. pls linda save me all this explainations...oh because she was a victim of rape during d civil war, meaning that she should go about peeping guyz/men while they take thier bath, trying to compare how big their J.T is with the ones that molested her during the war ..right!!!this is absolute nonsense, infact zainab is like a night in neveda...

  89. Linda linda linda am a woman oh,we r made to be d peace keepers of d home,dis gender equality thing done dey get out of hand oh.not supporting DKB too,buh as a woman sef would it v being easy for u to walk away sef.

  90. I personally think DKB went overboard. Whats wrong with absolutely ignoring someone? However, I have lots and lots of respect for myself and would never stand in front of anyone male/female/child/transgender/conductor/lasma/houseboy/aboki and dare them to touch me cos I always think, 'what if he/she actually does?.....unfortunately thats what noth of them would be remembered for forever

  91. they all look like a bunch of animals...

  92. Flavour Eldorado5 June 2012 at 19:30

    Dis Linda sef get her own for body... How do you mean by that statement, that you don't care what people say... If you did watch the first Video you wouldn't have be on one side.... E be you sef can act like dis, the way you take this matter serious... Haba take your time ooo

  93. Good for her - she will never forget this slap.

    Next time fck with an akan man.

    Nkwasiasem!. DKB apologise to the bitch but nonetheless her foolish ass will not forget the slap.

  94. as usual we all know what black men are, ANIMALS! he had no right to slap her, she is a lady, his mum never thought him not to hit a female, senseless black men, huh! they disgust me, they cant try it in this country, he will be sued for assult! SCUMBAG!!

    1. Ode which country are you in? Country of the deluded ? Who assaulted who? She sexually and physically assaulted him 1st. What judge will look at this and not section her .

  95. She slapped him first.

    Or is it alright for women to strike men?

    Not in Africa it isn't! LOL

  96. Why all the attacks on Linda? I believe we are all entitled to our opinions. She gave her's, nothing wrong with that... we can def disagree with her but it shouldn't result to bashing or ridicule.. just my one penny...

  97. Why all the hostility towards Linda... Everyone is entitled to their opinion's people... no need to bash one another....

  98. FYI, linda is not bias, she is sensible, she knows what she is talking about, black women would watch this clip, n say she got what she deserved, cos they are used to abuse from useless men... i am still very surprised, and women will continue to be treated like this if they dont stop this "she deserved it mentality"..

  99. If you like, go and peep on another woman's husband and see if they won't cut off your long neck off. If you support what Zainab did, then you are not any better than her.
    You are portraying our country in bad light and that is not good at all. sheesh!

  100. Anon 5.15 why are you so rude. Please I support Linda. It's just sad for a man to hit a woman. If dkb hadn't reacted stupidly and zainab had done d slapping it would have been a different story. The two acts are wrong but violence against women's the height. See how men are killing their wiveS today over nothing. SAY NO TO VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!

  101. Madam Linda your argument is flawed on many levels! I have followed this big brother unlike any other year so I can speak on this issue. For weeks Zainab and her cohorts have been taunting, mocking, belittling and laughing at DKB. They gossip about him at his back and Zainab as the thug comes to his front to belittle him! Anything he says, she jumps down his throat. She tries to start a quarrel from nothing. DKB had even started backing away from her and laughing things off. But she refused to let go. If u listened to their diary sessions, some of them said they felt DKB had found a way of avoiding Zainab and Maneta. If u watched the clip with your eyes open, ud know the boy snapped! Hed had enough! Why are men always called to higher standards even when the woman is clearly wrong? Are they not human beings, can they not snap? Does this make u or I better than him? Absolutely not! He made a justifiable mistake, so get off ur high horse and stop judging. As for Zainab, she clearly has issues but that gives her no right to treat others like trash! Do u know what Dkb has gone through? Do u know if he was abused as a child by a woman? Being fair is about looking at both sides dispassionately and not taking one side and defending it with half baked facts!

  102. abeg abeg abeg. not everything is down to gender and abuse. she stepped up to her fellow human and was handled. is it because she was molested that she was sexually assaulting DKB by watching him naked. amd when he came to warn her, she should have calmed down and not escaleted the incident. what is her own self. we women need to understand that our weapon is our mouth and mens weapon is their hand. so if we think its cool to talk anyhow we shld also accept whe a man hits. this double standard has to stop. a man should never hit a woman and a woman shoul not run her mouth. zainab molested and verbally abused DKB with before he slapped her. this is not in anyway validating abuse of anytype regardless of gender or otherwise. . ps voltrons of womens rights we are not disabled stop putting it out there like that. ..... MIMI out

  103. If she was a really beautiful woman, he may not have minded. #JustSaying :)

  104. Above all, DKB was totally wrong for laying his filthy hands on a woman; thats just unacceptable.

    And as for Zainab, she was equally wrong. Why would she go peep at him in the shower, i really dont know why some ppl dont think this is wrong. Yet if Zainab was the one who got peeped on and dished out the slap, people would still blame the guy...but why?
    Well, we can't blame DKB for not liking it; we can only blame him for hitting her. To me, such act from zainab means hey dude, i lost my self respect, so please feel free to disrespect me.

    So she got slapped for her stupidity and to shut her running mouth. They both stupid as far as am concerned and both deserved to be sent home.


  105. There should be no reason whatsoever to hit a woman. It should not and never be done. Tell me, where and how do you want to hit her?

    Do you want to kill her? Why should you hit her? If you are looking for a female to hit, go into the Jungle and punch out a female gorilla. I will be curious to know how you fare.

    Even Barbarians think it cowardly to hit a woman. You should not under any circumstance whatsoever. Just walk away. Or talk later. Do not be a sick coward.

    I hope DKB has been thrown out of that house and arrested. If I was Zainabs' brother I know what I will do to that coward.

  106. Thank u o ja re!! you know how many women in US have been done for sexual assault and abuse to their spouses..or u think its some kangaroo court where u go sobbing..and listen only to ur side of the story..all evidence would be taken on board and dissected..she was the provocateur..she would have lost..

  107. teach your sons to not beat a woman, teach your daughters to not provoke a man... my say...

  108. Mimi are you dense? Abused or not. No woman deserves to be hit by a man. Not everything is down to gender but this is. Don't talk like an illiterate please you're embarrassing yourself. He shouldn't have hit her irrespective of what she did. Period

  109. She slapped him first and he slapped her back, so what is the issue here?

    If a woman slapped your brother or lover first in public, will you tell him to ignore it? #long hiss#

  110. I love how she didn't go down without a fight, next time draw blood, that'll teach a nicca neva to lay his hands on a female next time... like they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

  111. why r u guys hating on linda...she is just voicing her opinion...if u dont like it den just read d damn blog n fuck out...jeez

  112. Linda dont forget that this same Zainab went to dairy room sometime ago saying she has missed sex, her intention was clear when she went to spy on those dudes. DKB would have raised his hand if she had not tapped him. She deserves more beating after throwing that boiled at DKB while he was going to the diary room. Linda dont be a chauvinist

  113. If any woman kills or try to kill anyone and I happen to be there...I will slap life out of her..Linda there's millions of reason to hit a woman,just don't do it if it's not neccesary...I remember when my aunt(my dads sister) came to our house to beat my mom up and u tell to just look and not hit the shit out of her..of course I made her be in intersive care for weeks...some women are just crazy but real man don't hit women for no reason except its about life and death

  114. Is everybody on this blog crazy! Come on!! It doesn't matter what she did or said, he should not have struck her!! He took it to another level when he did that!! If it was a man his size that he was dealing with, you think he would have been so quick to raise his hand!! Nawa for Nigerians oooo!!

    2012 and you guys are blaming the girl for the man slapping her. I'm not condoning her behaviour but HE SHOULD NOT HAVE HIT HER. Period!!

  115. Linda please lets stop blackmailing men with this women are weak. The more reason y we should act like the women we are meant to be. What is bad is neva good. Zainab is too aggressive. That's who Yorubas will call PAMI N KU OBINRIN . She shd go get help if she really needs one.

  116. I dont condone violence against women, but honestly, Zainab deserved it as she's got a history of been too aggressive and disrespectful.

  117. As a sierra Leonean I am honestly ashamed of Zainab. what she did was wrong
    as a victim of sexual abuse she aught to know what it means to be violated so why violate someone else by peeping while they wash. she needs to accept and apologize for what she did and her behavior before, during and after the confrontation as that does not in any way reflect the average sierra leonean or woman. this is not the first time zainab has provoked a man to hit her so it think it is high time she faces a reality check.
    the girls talks trash and acts like it.
    I am not condoning what DKB did as no man should lay his hand on a woman but for people to act like she is the only victim here is just wrong. Using words like Nigger and Bitch, come on, no wonder people like linda think sierra leone is not a civilized country
    and by the way linda, Sierra Leone is just as civilized as Nigeria. our war was over 10 years ago and we are moving past it so take a look at your county before insulting someone elses.

  118. linda's argument may be flawed. I think the real issue here is no one has the right to raise their hands against anyone. I didn't see the part where the lady slapped the guy first...but no matter what happens we should never raise our hand against anyone.. it is so not worth it! Yes, if she did slap him first or abused him verbally, he did have a right to be mad and show his anger...afterall, its only human nature to defend ourselves verbally or non-verbally. But it is not enough for anyone to raise their hands against another. What if the person you slapped, slumped and died? One minute of your anger becomes a lifetime of regret. I still insist...WALK AWAY! It is not worth wasting the rest of your life in regret or in jail for something as stupid as anger!
    Signed by ME!

  119. its so sad to c u all saying dis bt d truth is i personally watchd evrytn wen it went dwn...Dkb actually gave her d vry 1st slap which wz rily hard and den slapd her again..its only normal for her 2react.. i knw zainab cn b annoyn bt dkb is just 2aggressive 4a man. dat man cn kill a woman. i pity d women dat are in support of him..if u like linda,dnt post my comment

  120. Linda please lets stop blackmailing men with this women are weak. The more reason y we should act like the women we are meant to be. What is bad is neva good. Zainab is too aggressive. That's who Yorubas will call PAMI N KU OBINRIN . She shd go get help if she really needs one.

  121. she threw objects at him, he threw a slap at her. do me, I do u...they both did bad though

  122. her action did nor start when DKB threatened to slap her. he aggression started when she entered the house and started provoking Seydou and the rest of her housemates. this is not the first time she has attemted to fight another housemate and it would not have been the last.
    This girl is just rude and her behavior here clearly shows it. she is a disgrace to women.
    linda you need to be honest with yourself and speak the truth. Zainab is wrong as is DKB

  123. linda im very dissapionted in you , if you know you want to make your blog intersting this is not the way to do this and if this is for real u need to go back to school wtf is wrong with how can you define this as domestic violence. maybe u need glasses because zainab slapped dkb first , then dkb reacted too, both parties are to blame . linda abeg try to be unbiased just because you are a i am a woman too bt wat u are saying is rubbish pls think well bf u write crap on ur blog. u re such a biased person mscheww

  124. Even though the guy was very wrong in every sense for slapping the girl,she was very stupid to have confronted the guy after she received the threat from the guy. The dude just said 'i am going to slap you', which he would never have done if she had not stood up and walked up to him. That is what most girls do each time they receive a threat from a man and that strongly provokes the anger of a man who would never learn to have control of him self.

    Girls learn how to walk away from troubles, and men, learn how not to hit a woman no matter the situation.

  125. It’s ridiculous that so many people on this blog think that it is okay for a man to hit a woman. Part of being a man is being the bigger person in any situation and walking away from a hostile situation. Two grown adults hitting each other is ridiculous to begin with, but particularly worse when a man thinks it okay to put his hands on a woman. Real MEN do not do that! I bet if your sister, wife, daughter, mother, aunt was the one on the receiving end then you would conveniently change sides of the argument.

  126. thank God i dont live in naija...i mean these responses are sad. No wonder most of you would rather die in an abusive marriage than walk away...that's cos our culture condones violence against women

  127. yes people who live abroad can talk shit, cos they are not used to animalistic behaviour like this, and that is a fact, so quit with the people living abroad bullshit the difference is clear, if not we will all stay in NIGERIA and have men slap women any how on the streets of lagos!

  128. Lol@u must kill me today,I really dunno and iv done it a couple of times 2 my bf and he jst shakes hs head..:)

  129. We all know its a wrong thing to hit a lady.. But the point is this... You can say because you are lady that gives you right to act dumb and crazy and you expect people to ignore the whole thing. The fact ladies are weaker than men dont give them the right to run their mouth the way they want. All the same, the guy is a coward while the lady is just an idiot. Got a problem, deal with it. You wre raped , so??? What about people who lost their legs?? what about kids who lost their parents and had to survive on their own?? Seriously some people have to taste the other side of life, then they would know how much luck was on their side..

  130. pls women always want to play the hes violent a woman i was brought up to respect everyone.women dont scream yell like agbero boys neither do they peep at someone bathing.what are we teaching our kids that its right to look at other peoples nude bodies without consent and rather than apologize you insult and slap the guy.and you want to hide under the cloak of i was abused.really? pls he should sue for sexual harrassment and malicious intent to cause bodily harm.and all those saying african men are animals STHU.

  131. She dey fada... The Guy was even fair enough... So she can throw things at a man because she's a woman.. Abeg Linda. would you throw things at your man just because he got you angry?? You see we need to making excuses for ladies... The guy was wrong shikena... But still on still... if i was the guy, i would have walked away, and that would have get her tripping... She go surly play come, then revenge time would be breaking her heart....

  132. Let's move on please. DKB should apologise and that's it. The deed has been done and there it can't be taken back.

  133. This is so so wrong, and it saddens me that most women do not see anything wrong in this. Dkb is a big big brute, you do not strike a woman for any reason.

    If he had killed her with that strike, I'm guessing we'd be saying something else.

    I don't watch big brother ( too unintelligent for me ), but after seeing that hit, I feel sorry for Nigerian women who support dkb.

    If Zainab is indeed an annoying pest ( as most of you claim thus warranting the slap)' why not ignore her. Violence is never the answer.

    I totally understand these Nigerian reactions though that it's ok, it's because most people where hit as children by their parents so they think it's ok.

    People, it's not ok to hit a fellow human being, nothing justifies it especially males hitting females.


  135. all of u sayin dat zainab slapped dkb first...u guyz are stupid...she hit his hand...y on earth would u guyz even consider dat as a slap sef...n u guyz hatin on Linda...u can go n fuck urselves....she is just voicin her opinion...if u dont like it den fuck off...(Linda abeg post dis oo)

  136. Linda am sorry to say but dat girl is nothing short of a violent mamal and should be in a rehab, she's in no way a lady nor close to being one. I beleive respect, dignity or right of manner of treatment one gets from others is earned (by d way u treat others) and not deserved weda u are a man or a woman.
    But all guys should work to restrain themselves from hitting a woman but at the same time, women shouldnt take advantage of that as is d case here. in addition also remember that guys are human beings with emotions as well.
    So both are wrong (as big brother rightfully judged it) and i guess it cancells out so dont crucify dkb only.


  138. Women empowerment is about seeing both sexes as equal. Therefore both men and women should be held to the same standards! Saying a man shouldnt hit a woman is nonsense; violence is just not acceptable. Remember violence can be physical, emotional, psychological etc. physical is painful to watch but psychological violence damages the inner man. DKB was physical, zainab was physical and psychologically abusive. Case closed

  139. Linda, 3rd time now, Yes she deserved the slap anS you are vexing people trying to convince us otherwise. See how the page full of cap-locks. I go join them....I REPEAT


  140. All these people claiming we live abroad, this shit can't be tolerated here. Una well so? Please can you imbeciles answer this question for me...... IS IT OK FOR A WOMAN TO SLAP A MAN? Cos unless you are a bat in daylight, you can't tell me you didn't see her slap him first. This is the reason why the divorce rates are higher wiv u sick folks. The typical African woman will not go trying to peek at a strangers dick, and not feel any remorse even when confronted...the typical African woman knows when she has to walk away. Not to justify DKB, but I do believe that if she hadn't slapped him first, she wouldn't have received that spontaneous's called CAUSE and EFFECT. Plain and simple. Now you douches can get back to your sorry ass lives of filing divorce papers.

  141. choi...mighty igor slap. if na me, i must involve police. hahahaha


  143. Bitch is CRAZZZZYYYYY, dude is an animal. End of story, both need help.

  144. That was some quality slap...TKO

  145. This whole mentality of men walking away no matter what the woman says/does has got to stop because it is very unrealistic.

    We are all human beings at the end of the day and Not everyone exerts that amount of self control.

    You cannot keep taunting and provoking a man because you are a woman and expect no repercussions.

    Especially if that man is a stranger.

    If it was her lover, then maybe we can expect him to walk away out of love.

    In the real world, she may have gotten killed versus getting slapped so she should actually appreciate the fact that she got slapped.

    I am totally against men hitting women.
    In an ideal world, I would love for all men to walk away but like u rightfully said in an interview, we do not live in an ideal world so then, don't go around acting a plum fool and expecting people to just walk away from your foolishness.

    If she was abused and needs helps then by all means, Big brother or whatever is the last place to seek for it.

    Both were wrong and both got sent home, as they should.

    Physical/sexual/verbal abuse is WRONG both ways.

    She committed verbal and sexual & he took the physical route.

    Just saying...

  146. The point is if DKB happens to be well endowed , I don't think he would have minded. I lie?
    But for real this is not a gender issue. In this case there is no male or female, somebody was wrong and provoked the other person. If DKB was female he would have done the same thing.
    If you don't want to be slapped then don't ask for it. Cos you just might get One and get two free

  147. Abeg if she is a victim of abuse and rape, what will make her go and peep @ a man having a shower?! She is supposed to be scared of naked men not go and look for them,,Cos it really tells how she enjoyed the rape and abuse,,,, stupid gurl,,,, I loved d slap WELL DESERVED!!! wish he gave her 3.. #da Scott's are vexing!!!

  148. I am sorry to say this ...does of you claiming to live abroad and all good for you but you clearly do not watch the show.....I also live abroad but as a fan of BB i have been following ity...and if zainab was tried in a court over here she would have no case and the judge would dismiss her...this girl basically sexually abused him psycology and provoked him....A simle Sorry would have sorted this but no ..she had to prove herself.....i hate abuse towards women and actually work in an organisation dealing with that....but to play zainab as an innocent victim just because shes a woman is totally and utterly wrong.......i have seen case where women abuse men...sow what would you say about that?...if a guy did what Zainab did you guys would be the first to crucify can insult all this still back at home as having a primitive mentality all you want...but respect is earned....and Zainab has been pushing buttons and never carried herself well ever since she stepped into that house as a sexual abuse victim she should no better....but her behaviour should never be excused because its as bad as DKB.....if a man did waht she did ti me ...i would definitely give him a dirty slap........please not because she is a woman that you should stsrt being biased...women are not all i said ive seen cases of abused men by women

  149. Abeg dis babe is a MAD DOG!!!!! This 2nd video has even made everything worse. if she has all dese issues why was she let in the house in the 1st place? this kind of person shouldnt even be let around human beings, ;et alone in a confined place. What if that hot water touch DKB wetin she go talk? "He slapped me". Abeg if she needs help she shold go and fid it. shikena. i hope say she no stab DKB for night. lol

  150. you go for any job search, that ish come up in your background check and you are screwed. your records will be tainted for life!God bless America

  151. Abeg free Linda! So the girl went into his personal space and he slapped her. First I wouldn't get in someone's face if they were that angry but under no circumstance should he have pushed her. When you put your hands on someone then you just activated the other person's RIGHT TO DEFEND THEIRSELF. This means you can get shot or better still stabbed by the other person and they will tell the cops they were defending themselves. Na you go enter jail. Bottom line, he shouldnt have put his hands on her to push her. He should have walked away. People are free to express themselves when they are angry by cursing you out but dont touch another person to inflict bodily harm without their consent. Its called Assault. The girl na craze girl, probably needs counselling and anger mgmt but he was WRONG.

  152. All these female chauvinists should pls as a matter of urgency reason with their heads for once. it is okay to verbally abuse a man, hit him and provoke him.The mans response? smile and walk away.Double standard hypocrites.What will happen if the situation is reversed.There is not a single woman Linda inclusive who would have walked away have they been in DKB's shoes.feminists demand a high standard from men which they themselves cannot keep. And let me put this question to you. is it okay to hit a man?

  153. @Linda, as much as I like you as a person. If I get to meet you and you react the way that Zainab of a girl did, Just expect a very hot slap from me. As someone once said "I wont beat my wife because I am not Violent but because she is not a Bitch like Zainab"

  154. Cause n effect//Crime n punishmnt// unto others as u wish em do to u// do not take d piss n den appeal to sentiments! U wana b treated like a woman act like one! Bla bla bla abt of it were in my country? Pls we dnt care d shit dt hapens in ur country!

  155. we've heard of cases where women chop off guys dicks and even worse. Even though its wrong to hit a woman.. i think its reflex for a man to defend himself at any point in time. it'll be a miracle for Zainab to find a husband that will tolerate her taunt and aggression.

  156. linda..i second wat anonymous said..plz am a victim of sexual abuse..but i particularly take offense in that statement of urs.. that she was abused is not an excuse for an appalling character especially for an afican women. yes i grew up abroad but i kno wat the values and virtue of an african woman is and shuld be.. whether abused or nt ..if she is traumatized she wnt peep at a naked man in the first place let alone standing in his face 2 justify her actions ..nonsense..yh he ova reacted but she sure has along way 2 go.."blame it on the abuse" we all dnt ve our own worst stories..pulleezzee

  157. I love how people say shit then end by saying period, like no one else can comment after that. Lol! Anyhow that woman is crazy and she she got what she deserved. I ain't saying he was right, but I understand!

  158. hmmn. so if a woman slaps a man, he should slap her 3 times. A man is not in the physical. Its in self-control, psychological development and mental health!

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  160. ladies want women empowerment. this is what you get when you are empowered. EQUAL disrespect

  161., please linda relax jor with this your domestic abuse thing...she was being naughty...when he confronted her, she should have just apologized - and case closed! He on the other hand, i can see was very pissed. He should have taken a chill pill sha...

  162. Linda, Pls stop saying dat Zainab has issues cos she's a victim of rape and dat she needs help, cos dat is sooo wrong. The only person who needs help is DKB. He's always had a problem with women dat don't cook in d BBA house, he has even gone as far as insulting Zainab for that.

    The video u posted is clearly not where the fight began. This is SAD, so SAD. I watched the show Live and saw everything dat happened. Let me start by saying, there's no reason for violence especially wen u're in d Bigbrother house where cameras are watching u.

    DKB threatened to slap Zainab, he kept saying "I will slap u" about 3 times and Zainab retorted with "slap me bitch". And DKB shoved and slapped her afterwards. THAT WAS HOW THE FIGHT STARTED.

    This was not d first time DKB had a verbal fight with fellow housemates infact, he's had fights with all the girls in the house including Prezzo.
    Now, wen he was at war with Prezzo, DKB did not lay a finger on him even though Prezzo provoked him way more than anyone else had. Prezzo pushed him, hit his chest, and even spat on him. What did DKB do? Nuffin!

    Now he sees a woman and thinks he can practice how to be a man? SHAME! SHAME on DKB and his supporters!

  163. both of them are at fault but honestly, dkb shouldn't have slapped her.... but if i were in his shoes... intensive care wont be an option for her... see me naked and you are talking.... common what is it??? if a man does it now the story will be diff.

  164. Linda dont just jump on gender issues, please say the reality Zainabu was very wrong from the first place. No man will allow that kind of Zainab Behaviour.Even if she was raped and experience war in her country but she would of think the purpose of her being in the house.

  165. Linda,if you have nothing to say,just keep quiet. Silence is not a crime.
    Must you talk?

  166. abeg linda i beg to differ,zainab's reaction isn't necessarily about being abused,if any man ever laid a finger on me i would probably do the same and even worse and i have never being a victim of rape or matter what a woman does a real man should be able to be the bigger person and walk away....QED!

  167. I'm VERY disappointed in the responses of the men and women here. Look she was provocative but even the hot tempered male members of my family would have walked away. Men and women of the world, please walk away on provocation, you lose nothing and gain your dignity. To all the potential wife beaters on this thread, FUCK you all.

  168. Oh, Linda Pls just STFU! She deserved to be slapped! He came out to warn her and she responded by cussing at him. She slapped him first so wtf are u saying? Stop being so fucking biased! msschew!

  169. I like zainab,I am a guy and before she shaved her hair I found her particularly appealing but then she is trouble maker. She once boasted that she was going to have Keira, Mildred or no Mildred and I guess it was out of that curiosity people saved Keita , now she has spoilt the drama for us just when things were supposed to become interesting. She liked dkb but like the agbero that she was her medium of expressing affection was aggression,just like she obviously had a crush on seydou but abused the he'll out of his mother.
    As for dkb, mehn! That slap was a spontaneous wave of the hand that wasq so sweeeeeeet to watch.I can't get enuf of the slap even tho I hav never hit a woman and I am married to one whose mouth runs sometimes,but that was a perfect slap, humbling and unexpected . The girl was dazed for a few micro seconds.

  170. I just dont get what people even enjoy or get watching Bigbrother. Boring...watching some set of senseless fake people in a house for days, promoting sex, showing none sexy bodies, and guys with hair style like goats, can you barb your hair half way and be comfortabl. Imagine see how ugly the all look, different from the first day, the entered the house (well,I do watch the opening, just to get the sense of who the fools are) All the series, won by Nigerians, had cool people in the house, these set of people are not just it, and am sure Bigbrother is regreting thier selections. They are so Fake. Abeg..DKB where the babe dey, make I slap am again for you.

  171. What's all the noise for? Zainab asked for a slap and got it, simple. If u want to insult a man, do it from a distance, not all up in his face. I'm sure if another guy acted that way towards him, he would fight him. What makes some women feel so special and think they can say anything to anyone without any consequences?

  172. LINDA! Again, go and sit the heck down!! And your stupid point is? This is like shooting yourself in the foot. This girl should never have been let into the house.
    Is it by force to be a feminist? Abeg, abeg, abeg, you need to grow up with your "I know a few men who would walk away" Are those men made of more than flesh and bone?
    You're talking about her history, do you know DKB's history? They are equally wrong and they both got served. Abeg, learn a thing or two.
    #ThevoiceofthepeopleisthevoiceofGod. SHIKENA

  173. All i will say is that if my BOSS slaps me, i will slap my own back. So who the hell is Zainab. after all that aggressive behavior, didnt she think DKB is a guy before doing all that and slapping him? what the hell??? plsss linda, if na u sef i go whooozzzz u a miraculous slap. shikena

  174. EVEN GOD DEY LAFF6 June 2012 at 08:46

    lin lin for d first tyme i'm disagreeing wit u on this.and again linda u are tryin to take this to sum oda length.

  175. Linda, wait until someone peeps at you while having ur bath. i think DKB is a true African. Zainab wnted 2 portray Africa as cheapnd useless but DKB a true Ghanian ddnt find dt funny.

    besides, most of d things Zainab said in d house ar lies just 2 get votes from viewers.

    d man she calls her boyfriend is her husband. she is married and has a son.

    u can check her out on fb. Zainab Akturk (Zed Sheriff)

  176. Linda.. Sho Mad ni??

  177. Please wat hpnd to the video? Its no longer available! Linda wts hpn'n??

  178. Enough of the motive behind the slap or no slap. Zainab is a bitch we all know, but does 2 wrong make a right? absolutely NO. Back to the guy in question,DKB, i lost any iota of respect I would have accord any man, the day he was running his mouth to ZAINAB about the place of a woman ( To bear children, cook at home take care of the husband bla bla blahh blahhh) The GUY is crude and VERY RAZZ. His orientation if bent and I am actually sorry for who ever is dating or going to marry such a man. I wonder how the selection process on BIG BROTHER goes. They should please give us the normal and straight minded people soo that BIG BROTHER AFRICA will go back to the way we have known it to be. MEN THAT GOLDIE TOO SUCKS, i never liked her though but now she is most annoying and very ugly

  179. Linda sha want us to see tins blindly. DKB was wrong, no doubt. Zainab instigated the whole tin. Even when DKB was telling her calmly that she shouldnt do that again, she was there making mouth n calling him names. Which woman in her right senses will act the way she did? If she needs help like u said, then she shouldnt have bin in that house in d first place. Zainab is oni wahala. Remember when she was still in downville? Series of issues with Seydou. Wo, #nuffsaid my dear....... They r both out of the game. Shikena

  180. I think this crap about "never an excuse to strike a woman" has gone on too far. I have read about a lot of peeping toms that have been locked away for a long time. This girl had the nerve to peep at the fella and yall are going on about how he reacted?? Please!!! If she was in Sierra Leone, that shit could have gotten her shot. Don't talk about Zainab's background if you don't also talk about DKB's. If she peeped as a joke, she should have tried to dilute the situation when she saw that he was quite rightly pissed off. A stand-off with a much "stronger" person doesn't do anybody any good.

  181. You all always get it twisted. There's is a difference between a lady and a girl, that's why the saying goes, 'u don't hit a LADY' (not a girl), but you would bitch slap a bitch, hence the name for it. Act like a lady, you'll be treated as one, act as a rifraf, you'll be treated as one. you cant act bitchy allday and hide under the notion 'u don't hit a lady!! moral of the story, Act Right!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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