Tweets of the day: Singer Djinee Tweets about war | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 31 May 2012

Tweets of the day: Singer Djinee Tweets about war

 May we never see war in this country. Too scary to imagine. Continue to see the Tweets...


  1. Am thinking, maybe he has a secret ambition for politics, U can never tell cause, such write-ups and tweets start when some1 is tryin to make a point or preparing grounds.

  2. He speaks the truth. You may not like it, but its d truth. GEJ want to destroy Nigeria. Posterity will judge him.

  3. my exact thots.

  4. Linda do not be decived a crisis is coming to naija soon bcus of too much warning signs for centuries.

  5. War talk is no joking(or tweeting matter) We should all use caution. You would rarely hear an igbo man talk flippantly about war. Its not about airport closure and not being able to buy things, its about horror, death and destruction. Stop this crazy talk abeg. Even Boko haram will run if they see war.

  6. He is making sense. Cant u remember the story about Northern governors supporting Buhari on the need for blood-shed if there are no so called free and fare elections next elections? The northerners want war, look at Bastard boko Haram. Plus all the tribalism that goes on in the country. Its sickening. Mankind is doomed for destruction until Christ comes to save a few

  7. 1. truth or not, i rebuke it with my body and soul. amen

    2. he's ranting about war, his failed music career wont save him either..

    3. the war he warning about will open in his a**....

    agree with osinimu jare

    1. Dayuuuum, u shd av stopped @ number 1. Sensibility so deserted thereafter. Nigerians ar jst so hypocrytical.
      U berra pray for ur "a**" too and lookin up another man's msheew.

    2. And u shld have shut ur face as well. Ode mscheeew!

  8. Djinee is speaking here and it's true. There are just signs of war. check out how all the wars recorded in the past and present started. exact same way.....War is looming when the peasants can't stand it anymore. Machine guns for students? we are at war already.

  9. He wants to incite war abi?
    Does he even know what wars is not army matter o, we are talking about collateral damage o•



  11. @Fay his career hasn't failed him and he's speaking the truth. The ealier pple knw this, the better. GEJ is destroying the country and some self-centered pple are quiet about it bcos they knw they can leave the country with their family at any time. But can they travel out with the entire/extended families why such thing happens? CAPITAL NO.

  12. Ders some1 I knw dt keeps insinuating this with such seriousness as well........let's all jus kp prayn for dis country

  13. Dear Fay, just to show ur just a silly shallow person!! How is someone's thoughts n opinion on war n society connected to his music career? Also goes to show why u cannot connect with his genre of music!! Do ur research well...Nosa AKA Djinee is far from being a failed artiste!! Google na ur friend o

    1. Am guessing u r djinnee's manager or brother. If he can say whatever comes to ur mind, so can Fay. Shows how dumb u r too.

    2. If you have ever witnessed a brief unrest in Jos, u will never think or even predict war. It's hell on earth, why can't we all just pray we(Nigeria) never gets to that stage!

  14. @aprill if ur wish for someone else death, another person wishes you same....... instead of you to pray for a better nigeria you are busy wishing someone death, if GEJ dies today it still wldnt solve our problem, till we have a leader that truely loves Nigeria we wld still have these same problems just with different pple at the helm of power, so stop wishing others dead and start praying for a better Nigeria, stop wasting ur prayer.

  15. Its amazing to see how dumb most Nigerians are. Someone thought about the whole situation and spoke the truth, and all u can mention is his dead music career. Is it because Boko Haram has not come down south? Can't y'all see the signs? A president that thinks he's a totalitarian and doesn't listen to the voice of his people. All of you need to get on ur knees (or praying mats) and pray against it and stop writing rubbish.

    1. Gbam!!!!. Ur head dey there

  16. Someone's brain is turned up-side-down. Eg FEY!! If youu can't see the truth, better shut up and watch instead of referring to Djinee's career. Djinee is far better than those other artistes who's music makes no senses.

  17. Hehehehe 9geria ansa is SNC shikena

  18. @Fay,rebuke all u want but if we don't do the right thing,then we better prepare for u. djinee said it as it is. do u have to bring his musical career into the matter? by the way,his career is far from being failed. i won't be surprised if u attend Deeper life cos u sounded just like them. hypocrites of the highest order. mscheeeeeew!!

    1. Thank u o!! Nonsense pple like fay hv their own useless way of judging success or progress! @ the anon who commented and called me his manager...I am not!! Mmeh!! Sm pple are slow I swear!!

    2. Anon 1:10, u shd av known dt was FAY nah. Who else wld b dt pathetic in deir thot pattern. FAY, deceive urself all u want o, and ur hypocrytical ass shd totaly leave Ginee's music career outta dis. Ode go learn respect if u dnt have.

  19. Why wont there be war...with the way GEJ is looting away the treasury with impunity????

    Linda, 4get the small change ure making now thats letting u b afraid of war. Beta start looking for option B which is having a residency outside d shores. A country dat wont change the name of your dear school over night. Simple!!!

  20. Please, tell Djinee Charles Taylor is from Liberia not Sierra Leone.

  21. LOOL @ Nigerians wanting peace but no war, how often have nations spoken their way to freedom?

    nothing comes easy.

  22. Can i ask a question? pls how is GEJ destroying the country? wat state was d country in when he took over? the northerners who abandoned there God given natural resources and talent (agriculture) to siphon niger delta oil money never wanted a southerner who won't dance to der tune to take over, u want me to tell you the reason? cos all d atrocities being committed by dem would be uncovered!! u see nigerians, its sad we all seem to be learned (at least the ones dat comment here) and some of u r saying dat GEJ is destroying the country? when r we going to stop being cowards and face the northerners and tell dem to der faces that enough is enough?? dem babangidas, abubakars and buharis r allowing dis so called boko haram to harrass d entire nation cos dey know d game is up (dey said dey r against education, dey r not bombing universities, dey r bombing churches comprised of Ibo christian!). apart from Dangote who has used his influence to monopolize every industry he's into, name atleast 3 mallams dat made money thru proper business and not government money let me see? any names....? my point exactly!! dey'll make it very tough for poor GEJ and frankly i doubt if he can do much apart from wat he's been doing - dat is sponsoring his brothers (militants) so they can take over the production of oil in der states. shikena!
    now if naija should break-up who do u think would loose? definitely not the Ibos cos those ppl are the jews of nigeria! after d biafra war, dey wer given 120 naira each to start up der lives again by the north who worn the war, (with the help of the British)the north underestimated dem and see where dey r today, dey have d largest number of business moguls in nigeria, the south west r well education and business inclined aswell and have carved der own niche already, the south south have wisened up and a lot of der young men r very rich now and educated, now the north dat worn the war wer una dey? which one una dey produce? when ND oil is taken over by the country BRACED (bayelsa, rivers, akwaibom, cross river, edo and delta)wetin una go steal again, u worn the biafran war but ur states are so desolate and under-developed yet you guys r still riding on past glory? mallams una better shine ur eyes and pray nigeria does not break up cos ya'll will loose d most!! A word is enuf for the wise. i'm out.

    1. I love u,,,uve said d right thing so far

    2. Best comment by a mile... Its the Northeners who believe its their God given right to rule paralysing the govt. If they use excessive force, they'd start shouting genocide. The likes of el rufai are already doing that! Southeners wake up and smell the coffee. Haven't u wondered why the bh didn't strike even when Yaradua was hospitalised and Naija was in limbo? What did Buhari say after the post election massacre? GEJ has d power to crush the insurgency but guess what, innocent women and children will also be affected. Let's learn to analyse situations properly. Djinee, if ur really sincere you'd speak the real truth instead of joining the GEJ bashing bandwagon...but I guess that's the easier option.

    3. God bless @ anon1:04pm. You've said the pure truth.

      #Nnewi Son#

    4. Omg!! Who new someone could come out to say smin dis sensible? Tuale!!!!

  23. Sister linda i think the guy is having some covered secrets about the matter.

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  24. I'm sure Djinee is not praying for war. He's only saying that little drops of water make a mighty ocean if the leak is not contained! Fay and everyone else is entitled to their opinion but let's all try to be objective rather than emotional about people's tweets or comments!

  25. Nigeria is already @ just takes time to spread.Much worse is yet to come from Jonathan,he's only testing the waters 4 now.Take a look @ the proposed petroleum industry reform bill and you may start 2 have an idea where Jonathan is leading Nigeria to.We are already @ war,we just don't know it yet.

  26. hmmm God's mercy will never leave us...we wont go to war in Jesus name...His Grace will not allow it...amen..war ke?? otio! Olorun maje..y did i read ds post sef?

  27. U know so,straight on point. They called Dim a rebel,after his demise nigeria is still heading for the rock,which he foresaw and tried to peacefuly resolve it,but they refused.I'm not a profet of doom but looking @ 2015,the center might not hold again.take it or leave it.

  28. God in His mercies will keep holding this country together. We may be headed in that direction ignorantly, but God loves us and sure answers prayers

  29. U say GEJ met d country in ruins,but wot is he dng 2 make it beta.n pls wot does changin d name of a skol hv 2 do wid nytin,a skul dat dey hv basicali nt contributd nytin 2,widout evn showin alil respect 2 d senate,deputy vc or council,wakin up n jst takin a decisn.carryin armour tanks n machine guns 2 peaceful protests,approvin ova a million 4 d acquisitn of 2 speed boats 2 probe deeper in2 d high seas,pls is it 2 speed boats dat wuld probe d whole of d high speeds.if he ws a listenin president,n hears d wot d pple r sayin,am sure he'd do alil beta dan his dng nw.

  30. How many of you actually take time out to pray against atrocities being committed in nigeria, u think its attack upon a person twits or opinion or you saying God forbid,tufikpa or whateverthat would change a damning situation. You go and leave in the north, where bodies are on the floor every other day like road kill then u would have a picture of reality of things. Do right by yourself, be someone who truly takes time to pray for the nation otherwise find a way or truly helping your country beyond running words from your Gutters!

  31. Pls what's bad about what he said? Must ppl be negative?? jeezz!! says a lot about u. He is saying what we are all saying...unless u r in denial. nonsense!! But's a scary world right now, naija and abroad. so much shite going many lives being lost....when will all this end? Seems to b getting worse by the day


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