Tinsel star Funlola Aofiyebi Raimi and son cover May issue of TW | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 19 May 2012

Tinsel star Funlola Aofiyebi Raimi and son cover May issue of TW

Oh my, that little man is so cute! The actress and her son, Xavier, on the cover of the May issue of TW (Totally Whole) Magazine, where the new mum talks about the joy of being a mum.


  1. Awwwww she so tickled him..... Sweet.

  2. I love this woman on tinsel.started loving her from celebrity takes two.
    Brenda God! she portrays sarcasm in the best possible way.
    love u maam. ur son looks cute.

  3. I never knew wen she put to bed ooo.. Linda was it on ur blog?

  4. Cutie! But did she tickle the baby to laugh??

    1. Most likely. Its d best way to get a child to laff for a photo shot. I do it to my baby too wn I want her to laff. Wn d child is older, u won't need to do dt anymore

    2. Yes she did. Wot abt dt worries u?

    3. Most likely. Its d best way to get a child to laff for a photo shot. I do it to my baby too wn I want her to laff. Wn d child is older, u won't need to do dt anymore

  5. Its true!!!!she tickled him †̥☺ make him smile...S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ dt Τ̲̅ђε̲̣̣̣̥ pix wil look buBbling!!!Nk j wills

  6. congrats woman!
    one of d nollywoods without stains!
    i love ur diction and stress n Tinsel.
    yes anon, she has to tickle d baby, ts hard for babies to smile when they see strangers jumping and opening their eyeballs all n d name of wanting to get good pictures, that's what our photographers do

    1. Lmao @ "jumping and opening their eyeballs in d name of pictures"

  7. Beautiful picture.......... didnt knw she was married or hada kid

  8. Am glad to see that, she has finally given up her head cover. They luk gr8, wish to c d papa.

    1. No she hasn't given up her head cover sir/ma.

  9. d mum tickled d boy to laf....

  10. na wah........nigerians are so strange people, their eyes went to tickled
    what does it matter if he was tickled

    1. i tire o!

    2. Ademola bukola19 May 2012 at 09:41

      Abi o!!! Nigerians n deir wahala

  11. D rate at which pple study pix is alarmin oo didn't even notice d tickle aspect until d comment nyways lovely lovely pix

  12. No mind dem dy are always looking 4 fault in everything,have always love dis woman 4rm d days of D PALACE,God Bless ur home lovly kid u've got

  13. She hasn't given up her hair cover, she just doesn't need it in tinsel and in this picture. Moreove, its looks amazing on her. She is one person that makes me consider hair covering...love you funlola

  14. Linda, pls how do i switch back to mobile version, the web version is kinda heavy for my phone. Pls....

  15. Cute mum and son
    You guys notice everything lmao

  16. Really strange people indeed. we r now looking for d underlying reason y d baby smiled? if d baby frowns, they will say y is d baby frowning like dat?
    na wa!

  17. God bless anon 8:36 u took d words right of my mouth! I am amazed that tickling is d thing they r most intrested in..smh.

  18. She's one of Nigeria's best actress in my books and she's really come a long way from the AIT TV series PALACE back then. I can still remember back in Unilag when she use to cover her head with Hijab in school. Good to know she's a mum now!

  19. Seriously oooh..What does it matter if he was tickled

  20. Now this is what a tastefully airbrushed picture should look like! Dayum!!!! The son is such a cutie and she looks even more beautiful than ever!

  21. i like her ...she is a beauty ..congrats oooo make una see what it means to be scandal free...lovly

  22. Great actress. Beautiful woman. I just love the picture!

  23. Lovely pic but a good photographer would've taken some other shots after so its not obvious he was tickled. Photo shoots with kids are long and tedious, but our naija style is to rush through it like home videos.

    She used to be quite stuck up, hope she has calmed down.

    1. LMAO @ stuck up. So 'cos someone doesn't stay doing the most like Gene and Omotola that means they are stuck up? I'm seriously getting you. How will 9ja be great when y'all celebrate all sorts of mediocre shit? Here's an A-class actress who's doing great in the industry and keeping her private life private and the only crap u hv to say is 'she used to be stuck up'... Yo! Sit down for a hot frigging minute. KMFT

  24. Most babies u see laffing hard in pix,were able to cos they got tickled. D secret to making it appear effortless is for d adult to keep d tickling fingers out of site. Babies don't just begin to laff cos u tell them to. I'm so happy for this woman cos she waited so many yrs to have this child. Congrats to her

  25. Oh my darling ddnt no she was pregnant no wonder she hasn't been commenting on my fb posts,lol.or updating hers.its all good dear.love you.Akp

  26. Who cares if d baby was tickled or not?? D baby is really cute and she looks good too. Seems like she got married a bit late


  27. What does it matter whether d baby ws tickled or nt.Dat smile is precious.

  28. Awwww...me likey!! The boy is soooo cute ;) I've always loved her since d days of 'Kofoworola Baker' in Palace :)

  29. Abeg peeps ds shot Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̇ jus fyn,hun. Kool,thumbs up.

  30. Awwwwwww this is sooo cute.... beautiful mom and son

  31. i agree with Anon May 19, 2012 10:42 AM. she used to be stuck up, but her baby is cute, tickled or not. Check out the dimples, looks healthy too!

    1. LOL... How won't u agree? Your breath prolly stank so bad she had to turn nose up when u spoke to her. DODOYO oshi.

  32. i rily loved her right 4rm her role in palace(vry few ppl knws d soap opera),to celebrity takes2,down to tinsel.me lovey,mwah

    1. LOL @ few pple know the SO. Sit down jor.

  33. Waoh. D both look nice. I guess all dis LIB readers who are talking about tickling or not have no kid or husband, if u do u would understand how kids work.I like dis lady on tinsel

  34. Congrats Funlola! May your Son continue to be a Blessing to you Family, Amen! Good to see you!

  35. Am so happy for her.may this child bring extreme blessing to your family & promote the gospel of jesus christ to all the world

    1. Amen... Calm down sha. She's a muslim, the child's a muslim. Still... Amen

  36. Na wa for naijas oh!!haba!cnt u jst wish someone well wc finding faults?if d pickin no smile n keep face like ediamin,dm go say which kind pickin she born wey worwor pass crayfish?na d fine baby is smiling,e don turn to analysis of tickle or not tickld...i tire for whona naiaj!I beg congrats to F jo..u n baby luk divine!.

  37. This woman's actin is too forced!#myopinion..... Beautiful picture tho'!!!

    1. Too forced???? Hahahahahaha pele oh Meryl Streep.

  38. Beautifullllllllllll!!!!!

  39. Xavier? Thot she is Muslim...

    I love love love her on Tinsel...more like love to hate her though..

    If u are an ardent fan of †ђξ show (like I am..lol), you 've noticed when she left to have the baby, we all did!! Her boy is soooo cute and adorable!!

  40. She can act very well. She was in "Violated" back in 96, with RMD, Ego Boyo, Joke Silva

  41. No wonder . She has been absent on tinsel for a while. Congrats Brenda

  42. Linda - TW Magazinestands for TODAY'S WOMAN. Not "Totally Whole" as you wrote. Get your facts right. You should know better.

  43. Nice pix,cute baby......but there's nothing great about her acting I find her rather too stiff when she's acting!

  44. Did she use a surrogate to have the child?

  45. Anon May 19, 2012 7:02 PM; yes, i remember her from Violated. Fab character. I don't think she's stuck up. She just doesn't put herself out there and that may seem standoffish. She's also from a very good home with loads of money so all this over-exposure isn't her thing.

  46. I wonder what u guys mean by saying someone is stuck up...a talent like this who has stayed above board will be criticised by you jokers cos she chooses to be different and aspire for the league of the Joke Silvas...Class is innate..u cant force it like our shameless nollywood sistas..ur friends...d Toto Dikes...meanwhile she's been around for a whyle and Acting is all about role interpretation ...Go n buy Figurine and watch her fit in perfectly...Congrats jor Funlola, keep it up...miss those turbans btw..lovey

  47. i reli wonder y alot of pple ooze hatred or some kind of beef? Funlola is a wonderful actress weda we like ot or not. Maybe if u knew her while she was studying in Unilag u probably wld appreciate her kind of person. For those of you who find it very difficult to appreciate pple, who find it so easy 2 run pple down i have a song 4u..."if nobody talk abt u den u r nobody weda na truth den talk abi na lie..." go ask 2face n MI...Stop wasting ur time hating it doesnt help u in any way...u can critise constructively witout showing that u r a loser...If she (Funlola) has decided to be whoeva she is 2day pls let her be.

  48. Meah; what if her hubby is a Christian and he chose the name?

  49. i luv brenda mensah on tensil and congratulations ur son is soo cute i love his smile

  50. Well done ma'am. Forward ever, backward never


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