Ladies, there's a Tyson Beckford sex tape on the way! Yippee! Lol | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Ladies, there's a Tyson Beckford sex tape on the way! Yippee! Lol

Ladies, and some guys, if you've ever wanted to know what this guy is working with, you just may get your chance..*wink wink*. So apparently the biggest male model in the world, Tyson Beckford, 41, and some random model chick had skype sex and now the chick is trying to sell the footage. According to reports the tape includes 45 minutes of self-pleasure and conversation. Sweet! :-)

And from Tyson's tweet, the tape exists. They should please do and release it, biko. Lol


  1. Perv...linda d Perv

  2. Tyson makes me wet aawwww

  3. Linda linda well done I see u as for me its sleeping and linda this one dat u are still awake hope all is well

  4. But hw disone use be news for person wey we no even know self abeg mak him go hug transformer who cares old ugly bitches wetin concern (omo-iwo) self

  5. Nice EYES but juiced up BODY!No hating!Not interested in any sex tape as am sure dude has a small dick as a result of years of juicing.
    He's better off GAY.Wouldn't give him my vanyanya to suck....

    1. U wouldn't give him? Ha ha ha ha. Like he's gonna ask u. Miss sasha fierce! Oh sorry, are u d real beyonce. If u were her alter ego,you probably would stand a chance with a celeb (I mean denrele and not tyson) . P.s: he's better off gay you say, then u are better off sasha fierce

  6. hahahaha heheheh..bbm big smilee with showing off my 32...hahaha for mr beckford il watch dis one love for him na jackie chan..hiannn itching already cant wait hheheh...i laugh in igbo language

  7. Women kai!
    am sure she is so excited to have kpanshed such a well endowed guy and just av to show it off.
    i dont watch porn movies so over to u linda and the rest who find it interesting.

  8. Whohaaa! ds guy's prick will be massive.
    when are they releasing the tape again?

  9. it official,.,.,LINDA HUNNY U NEED 2 GET LAID!ur horny is on another level mehnnnnnnnnnn!

  10. Linda, Linda, Linda!!!! How many times did I call you? *holds a ear* have too much fire down there....please let me know when the tape is out! Lol....I agree with you....this guy is fkin hot, if I was alone with him he would report me to the police for sexual assault...don't even try me man!!!

  11. Skype sex is way to go for busy people like me.

  12. Wat can i say.... 41yrs? that body is sick
    i will jerk to it all nite on skype n if am luckly to feel d real deal...... hmmm dammmm am sure is gona be very big down bellow sure me n Linda re on d same page.... heheee
    I dt reli care wit celebrity sex tape but on dis one i use my credit card to pay n watch n don't start to run ur mouth, am still young n single so make i enjoy my fantasy.
    Am expecting naija celebrity sex tape oooo. imagine 2face or pscaure wit eku edowor or tonto dike. me think geneieve will be boring on bed.... LoL
    make i go sleep abeg

  13. Biko.ll really like 2 c it but wats with dis ppl nd sex tape...

  14. *coughs* 1stly dayum I'll luv 2 c dat...2ndly. D Gel is a dumb retard! Shikena# *okbye

  15. I'm a dude and I would want to see it. My girlfriend and I are about to do the do so I would love some tips...Rotflmao

  16. Oh lord!! Linda I'm so with u babe!!! Una release it oooo!!

  17. Linda darling. You are just a clown. It's like you really fancy ripped guys Abi? Thanks for starting my day with a laugh. *heading for the gym*

  18. hmmmmmmm......cant wait to see it! ;D

  19. i no know say chicks dey watch sex tape ohh. dis world don spoil

  20. Y r most people in a relationship kiss and tell...mtsweee,na dem sabi,bt let me nt lie,me wan watch o o*wink*

  21. He doesn't sound bothered either. Nice.

  22. Oooh Dear, I cnt wait!

  23. Maybe he was being sarcastic.

  24. we must watch!!!!

  25. he is sooo HOT!!!!!

  26. Hmm Linda it appears u have been fixated on sexual things lately. Are u horny or something? Whatever happened to them gigolos nau?

  27. Ok. It's horny season here on Linda ikeji blog right?

  28. *puts self inside deep freezer* tooooooooo hot!!

  29. linda one of us repping big time as always sigh

  30. Na wa for you Linda. So if you watch randy boy Tyson jerk off, then what does it do to you?

    Abeg lets forget and ignore stuff like this. They don't add any value to our overall mental and spiritual wellbeing.

    I may sound different but when sex tapes like this goes viral, under 18s browsing the Internet come across this.

    Seeing this calibre of persons who could actually be their role models act indecently begins to give them the impression that this is how adults act.

    Linda, kindly and seriously explore ways on this blog on how under 18s can be kept away from posts like this.

    1. Shut up jor! Under 18 should not even be on the Internet without adult supervision! Don't leave your child alone with a computer, because there is easy access to pornographic images and video! Tyson's video is not the first and will not be the last to go online, so keep your kids off the computer ok! You saw the title hoping to see what's about and now you want to put bad comments here, this topic is for adults!

  31. I saw it yesterday. It was a videochat jerk off and not a sextape...a female model was his chat partner so u can't blame him. He should have read the privacy settings of the site though.

    1. Ehn! How was the you know what?

  32. Buhhaahhhahha! As if u knw o... Abeg make dem do offer her better Dosh!! waiting!!

  33. Old fool! Mschewwwww!!!!

  34. ONOME says.......
    Lindoooooo,sofry sofry o.chai

  35. And what should i get excited over about this? Sex tape for what biko...Abeg next one pls

  36. i want him sooooooo bad

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  38. Skype sex, phone sex, pschiew!! What a waste, why not go for the real thing...

  39. this is totally unacceptable. tyson is actually unperturbed by the fact that his private rendezvous will be made public, if it was a woman, the whole world with crucify her. i'm ashamed of you tyson beckford, i actually though you were a "role model".

    meanwhile, linda biko provide the link for the video up sharp sharp, don't dull o. i'm already imagining his rock hard bod...choiii

    blak kofee

  40. Are there stil people like these?u get wet jus bkos of a man's sorry 4u*u nid jesus*deres a spirit behind sex beware!

  41. Linda is HORNY! Where are the guys? Chop her peckles nau! Make she let us hear word

  42. Isn't this the guy on Ralph Lauren?

  43. waitinggggggggggggggggggggggg!

  44. Linda dearie. Wink wink. Please can I subscribe for this tape through you????? Pretty plsssssssssssssssssss.

  45. Linda Ikeji is horney.i can feel that.Bad chica,Na u sabi,Abegiii,wey my beans and plantain joor...

  46. Abeg Linda calm down lately already, being down to earth is one thing but these your latest bloggings ANOTHER! Now it's this sleezy shit? Listen, I love sex (under God's rules please) but this public sex tape thingy is porn. You sound like it's the way to go, as opposed to you just reporting it, abi are you now advocating such on your blog?

    Babe, you sound like you need to get laid asap...I can relate, trust me! ha, ha. But we single ladies just have to be patient and take our minds off of IT till we meet 'the one' by God's grace. Not an easy proposition but doable by HIS grace ;)

  47. Na who no "go no abi

  48. He is hot but I don't need to see him completely naked.

  49. EVEN GOD DEY LAFF15 May 2012 at 16:18

    LINDA,na dis raining season and d cold weather make u dey tink of dick worry u get am soon

  50. Linda pls stop posting comments like this remember young children read your blog becos it is open for everybody & what does this sex tape have to add to my life just a piece of rubbish linda stop this o

    1. Yet you used about 20mins of your life to read the post!

  51. Not a sex tape but a wank session on skype cam...that makes dude a literal wanker @ 41,i just went one up on u homre.

  52. Linda na wa o!!..this is officially your "horney me so horney"..week!!

  53. lin wao for this gist o...i thot they said it's a solo job, not an actual sex tape!....

    hehehe...pele oooo

  54. skype sex? what was he thinking?

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