Idris Elba spotted leaving gay club In London | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday, 17 May 2012

Idris Elba spotted leaving gay club In London

TMZ reports that the actor was seen leaving a gay club in London the other night. That he goes to a gay club doesn't mean he plays for the other team, does it? No, it doesn't! :-)


  1. lol could be he went to discuss biz with someone....was he seen with anyone?

  2. Food for thought.

    Ask Superhead! She claims Usher, Xzibit and P Diddy took her to gay clubs so they have an asshole personality!!

    It's Hollywood, anything goes.

  3. show me ur friends and i will tell u who u are.
    a friend of a thief is a thief.
    he is gay.

    1. Rubbish statement. So all bad chicks have bad friends and vice versa?! Plzzzzzzz!!

    2. bloglord... This is unlike u...

      So everybody is bad or something bad??? Coz one way or d oda u must have a bad friend...

      No one is a saint...

      Gone are d days wen u judge people coz of the friends de keep

  4. Idris is also a dj o, from long time ago and he probably still spins at the clubs, well so maybe that's it.

  5. perhaps he has gay friends who were probably celebrating Obama's announcement of support for Gay Idris isnt gay pls.. :(

  6. Hehehehei! No comment sha!

  7. What? this fine brother? Whatever rocks his boat...

  8. ...Maybe he is a Utility player.LoLz.

  9. of what relevance is his sexuality to you as a human being wheter or not he is gay? drinking panadol on another man's headache.

  10. So its when u gay club that you become a gay? Eyin aye!!! I went to a strip club with a female frnd in ikj and she isn't a lez. His presence their could be for so many reasons. What you peeps are taking serious, whites don't

  11. juliet igboekwe17 May 2012 at 12:17

    no it doesnt. cos going to one sure means to drama.

  12. Oh! My! Jus† lººk a† him! Chocolatey ho† deliciousness! Yum yum!

    Ok..........i haff marry oh!


  13. He Ȋ̝̊̅§ no Gay,,dat one lyk pussy well well....sure he wll b laughin ova d topic,,,hahahaha dat guy na 'badest guy'
    Oko Ashewo" lmao...

    1. Ignorant,who told you gays don't like pussy,have u heard of the word bisexual?

    2. How do u know???

    3. @Chuchu Gays are gays. Bisexuals are Bisexuals. These are two VERY different things. Gays do NOT like pussy.

  14. Aren't we all gay? Truth be told, who amongst us has NEVER imagined what it would be like to;
    a) Have your dck sucked by a fellow dude
    b) Have ur boobs sucked or your V licked by a fellow lady

    The fact that we dont act it out means we have control. But I still know some guys who watch gay porn on the internet.

    1. NO.....sorry to burst ya bubble but not everyone has ever imagined that, you pervert. And keep them disgusting thots to yourself.

    2. Speak for thineself! I hv never imagined my boobs sucked or V licked by any lady and hv never watched lesbian porn. I do hv gay friends but i am definately not gay

    3. Dat anon is dirty en u are definately Gay sharrap en go en meet ur fellow men to stick dat D*** in ur ears. Rubbish u fink everyone is like u beta go en get life. KMT

  15. Just becos someone goes to a gay club dose not mean he is gay

  16. The fact that he is black makes me doubt he just went to do a DJ gig or a meeting in a gay club. We blacks are quick to distancing ourselves from anything gay inclined (even when obvious).In my own candid opinion I think he is and I am expecting him to refute the aleegation either through his publicist or himself very soon.

  17. @ Anon May 17, 2012 12:43 PM

    Just because you fantasize on Homosexuality doesn't mean everyone does. Jeez. You've just exposed yourself. Lucky you're "Anonymous" xD

  18. Some men go to gay clubs to hook up with women who have let their guards down because they don't expect anyone to woo them.

    Idris Elba used to be married and has a child sef.

    And Linda, are you sure you aren't gay? The rate at which you put up gay-related posts amazes me! #NoOffense

    1. Ignorant,many gay men and women are married with kids. Where u come out from self?

  19. Mariah Carey was in a lesbian/gay club last week! Is she gay? People sef!!!

  20. I dont like the way u guys have abandoned our own name for woman private (TOTO)for Pussy. Toto is more feminine, trust me

  21. Abegi!!! Cos i go to lunch or Movies with a guy doesnt make me gay. I love me some pweety gurls mehn..."i'll go to the grave before i'll be a bitch-nigga" ***In Rozay's Voice***

  22. =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=))


  24. God forbid I love u so much u knt be gay I love u

  25. God abeg oh.....see sexy man! godamit! Gay ke? he's so straight! nothing wrong in going to a gay club. he can have gay friends.Some ppl just cannot be gay e.g Idris Elba. its not visually possible to visually visualize this man w a man.

  26. my fiancé in my mind..nooooooooo

  27. Haba....Before he became popular he used to DJ in clubs so he probably had to DJ at that club......Business = Money....Gay club or straight club oh...Money na money jare!

  28. And what if he was prepping for a new role?

  29. cynosure faces17 May 2012 at 15:03

    omo its ur biz wax!...buh it wld b sad to see anoda broda walk dat way!

  30. See *HOTNESS* pls don't be gay.

  31. I don't want to believe that dude is gay, could be he was there for another reason.He's too much of a ladies man to be that.

  32. @ Anonymousl May 17 1:00 PM, Elton John used to be married & had kids. The guy culd b gay, on d oda hand, he culd b str8.

    To d Anonymousl who said he dreams of a guy giving him a blow job, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN THERE! At least, you are bi-curious.

  33. @anony 12:43pm,You sir,are one hell of a gay pervert! How can a straight guy possibly fantasize about a dude sucking his dick? Am quite sure any female who feels sexually attracted to another female is a lesbian or has lesbian feelings (thats if she resists the urge to practice what she feels)

  34. Maybe he has a gay friend or something. this fine brother can't be gay. Although nothing surprises me any more

  35. Idris aint gay oooo......we are dating nd he fucks well. I know him 2 well. #nojoke!!!

  36. abeg, the man is GAY, or at least definitely bi-sexual. if witches were gathered in a cavern will you go in there for a meeting?

    its just like saying you go to shrine and you've never smoked weed. story

  37. @ Chikaka, get your facts right. She only wrote about Diddy inviting her and Xzibit to the club. She said it was even X who pointed it out first. But all three of them didn't take her to gay clubs.

    Idris is a DJ. If a gay club wants to pay him to come DJ for them, what's wrong with that? If he isn't homophobic, he's allowed to take a gig wherever.

    This is how people spread false gossip without legitimate proof. That's why we still keep hearing about Will and Jada being swingers, but with no proof or person actually outing them. Abeg leave matter.

  38. LMAO @ 12:43. Not everybody o. Stop trying to nationalise your secret cravings. It's okay to have them. I don't judge, but don't assume everyone has them.

  39. Habaaaaa why are all my prospects getting shut down naaaaaaaa! Chrissie

  40. Linda, you do know that he is a well sought after DeeJay especially in London, right? You really need to exercise wisdom with your headlines and the stories you choose to put out there about people. You don't even know what he was there to do, he could have been there to play a set OR even to support a friend who is gay. There are many people who are straight that hang out in gay clubs, it doesn't mean they are gay!

    I have friends who are gay, I go to their functions, it doesn't mean I'm gay. And if I'm hit on by a woman, I simply tell her like I tell a dude hitting on me that I am not interested, period. It doesn't make me question my sexuality.

  41. Omigod! Noooooooo!!! Please not Idris! I'm still waiting for his proposal!

  42. Going in and coming out of a gay club doesn't meen he is gay. What if he went to meet his younger brother who is? It could also be that he went to meet his best friend who works in there ". Show me your feind and I will tell you who you are ain't applicable in this case. "

  43. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (INFINITY)..... I am his wife and i already have his baby in my head so NO LINDA no no no im sure its a FLUKE (sticks out tongue to bad belle pple)

  44. Na wa for Obama o!!..all this Gay marriage recruiting..using our top black whilst promoting MIB..some stupid journo..asked Will Smith if he supports Gay marriages..I trust Will..he just played it smart..not unlike Beyonce's wifey!!

  45. ''Aren't we all gay? Truth be told, who amongst us has NEVER imagined what it would be like to;
    a) Have your dck sucked by a fellow dude
    b) Have ur boobs sucked or your V licked by a fellow lady

    The fact that we dont act it out means we have control. But I still know some guys who watch gay porn on the internet''

    it's funny how perverts always want to believe they're not please speak for yourself. I'm a woman and no i dont fantsize about women. silly fool

    1. Please speak for yourself. Maybe u r bisexual. Nothing wrong with that but don't assume everyone has d same thoughts as u.

  46. I used to work in gay club, and i can tell you that loads of straight dudes, girls and straight couples were always there.

    Reason? Music, is one of the reason why majority of the straight people visit gay club, and find it safe and peaceful (according to str8 couples i have spoken to).

    I have noticed we straight people write nasty things about gay men and women, without having a clue about these people.

    B4 i started working at that gay club as a supervisor, i used to follow all the negative things pple say about GAYS... But i later discovered there is more to them than what i used to hear or think.

    They can be mischevious sometimes, but if you get to know them or work with them, you won't regret it (they are not all about sex).

    I now work in the city with a big American bank (you don't wanna know how much i earn)... Guess how i got this job?????? A gay guy, that comes to the club linked me up and even followed up until i got the job (he is one of my best friend and confide in him, even though he calls me gay hag).

    For me, i came to the realisation that i shouldn't judge anybody. Let them leave their lives and leave the rest to GOD to be the judge.

  47. So what does it mean ? How many of us straight guys go to gay clubs? Please which other straight celeb have we seen in gay clubs oooo? So now if we women like guys we just give ourselves excuses that they are perfect?? Abeg look for someone else to have a crush on..

  48. May be he just went to see wat happens there.

  49. Linda please i beg you inthe name of God stopping spreading these rumours!!!! Idris gay????? Abeg o!!! That hot bros does not bat for the other side - maybe was a look alike #i'm burying my head in the sand.

  50. This site should be called Too bad that domain name is already taken. Choi Liiindaaa, Liindaaa... Hmm!

    1. Noooo.Linda amebo no reach Tmz o.Tmz na ogbologbo for unsubstantiated ameboish rumourlike gbeborun.
      Linda aint tràsh.
      Tmz is.
      Linda only writes what she knows or read.She doesn't just dream up st. ories.Rather she has dis eye for diverse stories which apply to all spheres of our lives.From sex to Fashola to armedrobbery attack to music and marriage.Anything remotedly interesting,Linda will tell us.

  51. Idris is sooooooooooo not gay! Infact he's 1000001% straight but crazy though if u know what I mean *wink*, in '09 my friends & I hooked up with him in Gaborone, Botswana during d shooting of a TV series he featured briefly in. And oh my world! Was he yummy! That dude sure don't swing.

    1. Okay this Anonymous (whoever she is) has definitely had sex with Idris and confirms he aint Gay! Can we move on now...cheers

  52. Hmmmhh see Drama Queens speaking,Only God knows wat ur ppl are doing @ ur closet right now

  53. Though married I truly lust and fantasize about my V polished clean by a gal. And have the pleasure of 2 dudes work on me good. But l have not been opportuned - l like a good gf and if l get to holiday with her l will test to see if she feels the same way - problem is she does not know l feel like this. I will do her and her hubby too if invited. My hubby is very straight and will not entertain these l know - l am so confused :( Idris is just Idris

  54. Lola Idije, you don't work for an Estate Agency anymore in Westminster Council? You tell different lies everyday.

  55. Like u said, it doesn't mean he's gay. I've been to gay clubs with gay friends, or to meet up with friends and I'm straight.

  56. I dont care if he's gay... i just want one night with him!!!

  57. @ anon May 18, 2012 9:18 AM

    lol... u are not serious oh! Do u know how many positions I have held in this country?

    You can come and see me in the city if you don't believe.

    I like you for remembering me though.

  58. Who Gives A Rats Ass


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