Happy married life! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 6 April 2012

Happy married life!

I officially give up! lol. Happy married life!


  1. This is true love at its finest. May God bless your union. Amen.

    1. No bo only true luv. Abeg jare nija bois d do am 4 travel papers. Msheeeeeeew

    2. Unto papers level...I long for d day young whities will be struggling for Naija grannies for Nigerian Visa....


    3. LOL dt will be d day!!! Hmmmmmm

  2. Hmm! no be small thing oo Linda. Love lov love in the air

    Na waooo

    1. Which kian Love???? This is contraband....


  3. this trend will not abate for now....like my wife said, it is still better than armed robbery and kidnapping! these are the features of a failing economy, unemployment and corruption... i give up too..happy married life..

  4. She might not be as old as she looks (something I don't like about white skin) . And the guy may not be as young either.

    1. I am, the no Sender.

      Chioma, you fall my hand. You don't for a minute think this two are in it for anything but business?

      Haba, it's a tidy arrangement for all parties. The lady pockets enough to keep her away from old people's home and the young man get's the right of stay and possibly a provincial citizenship in the obodo oyibo he's headed.

      Unfortunately na suffer suffer e dey go do as kpe Europe no kuku get much to offer these days. By the time the guy struggle nothing dey come in e go remember that song,'oh my home, oh my home,,, when shall I see my home'....

      Alternatively e go carry drugs etc.

  5. What's really going on in Nigeria? Young men and grandma whities??? This is not love!

    1. What do you know about love?

    2. Help me ask am o!!

    3. A beg help me ask am o!!!

  6. Marriage Registry signboard could do with a lick of paint!! Such an eyesore, looks as worn out and tired as the bride.

  7. Chai! *short of ABC* a fi hpy married life noni

  8. Awwww..love so pure, unconditional love, for better or worse, richer or poorer, older or younger, till kpali enter pocket!!!

  9. Wow, this is really getting out of hand.
    Our govt should do something about this desperation by our youths. What is all this?
    let the govt pass a law prohibiting our youths from bringing home old grannies back home for "kpali marriage" or prevent the civil servants from carry out such "marriage".

    follow me on twitter: @RealsusanPeters

    1. Dis aint d real Susan Peters , get a life and stop using d actress's name , kudos for getting her more followers on twitter by d way. Alai ni nkan shey

    2. I guess the govt should do something about your desperation too! How dare u come on LIB and be dropping comments here. After all d rubbish u said about this blog,the owner and the readers? Desperate wanna-be F-list actress!!!

    3. Or better yet tell ur govt to provide jobs,better education,health care,social security,security,gud roads and electricity den maybe they wont be dat desperate to travel out of naija by any means.

    4. A you sure u even pass tru the gate of school if so Na money u waste o mumu what about human right! If this is real Susan and not hand work of Linda then u no get sense o u be proper ode!!! Govt should ban u actress from sleeping with old men and people husband idiot!!!

  10. She has a great spirit. God bless the guy for looking beyond the physical

  11. Is this not the 3rd one we've seen in only a few short weeks. na wa for these people

  12. Hey Linda,

    Do not criticise people for the way they look. you are not exactly that pretty are you?

    1. U r a first class fool! Which part of w@Linda has said insinu8s criticism against looks? Ode! U r saying sme1isn't pretty behind ur comp/4ne.. Post a pic na.. Let's c ow 'gorgeous' u r.. Dosgbe.. Ppl like u disgust me..

    2. Lol you are Linda,that's why ur body pepe u fir that comment

    3. I know d bride,she is an actress.She did mother india

    4. Lmao ooooo @anon1:27am u re rili a dosgbe. @anon 3:02am mother indian ko father egypt ni.Yinka

    5. Anon 01:43 shut ur mouth up! Moron there is something they call freedom of speech moreover Linda is a blogger she should expect this so don't try to be her friend u are only looking for the free ticket she is offering fool!!!

    6. I am, the no Sender.

      @ Anonymous Apr 6, 2012 01:43 AM you and I know you are definitely Linda. lollllll. Kai the comment pain u. True if na say you no reply I don arm myself to give am to Anonymous Apr 6, 2012 01:27 AM.
      No mind the fellow. You know say collectively we don already tell you say you fine and you are indeed. So next time do not allow such comments get under your skin. Mehhn, you bared your fangs .

    7. Chaunncy, you think Linda has time to reply to a nonentity like you? Yeye dey smell for your ugly body. Mstecheww.

    8. Linda ko! Landa ni.. I'm not Linda I'm jus upset bout ow ppl comment stupidly&say crius opicious tins.. So Madam know it ol Chaunncy stop jumping in2conclusion.. Tomi

    9. @d vagabond d@called me a moron&fool.. U r exact epitome of does words else u won't open ur dirty mouth2tell me bout freedom of speech&den insult me4expressing myself.. U&d fool u r supporting r both dosgbes.. Did I complain bout ny1insulting Linda? If u v eyes d@work well I complained bout ppl goin of d point.. So think b4u open ur stupid mouth2ch@hot shit! Otondo..

    10. &den again do I sound like a desperado2U! If I wanted tickets I'm sure I wud v bin commenting wit my name.. U c again y u r noin but a dosgbe.. Smh!!! I don't need Linda's friendship4nytin get d@in2ur frustr8d life..

  13. not again, is dis d new face of yahoo yahoo? i tire oh.............

  14. not again, is dis d new face of yahoo yahoo? i tire oh.............

  15. D guy is cute..he is a "i-must-b-a-european-citizen"kinda-guy. God bless ur hustle mate. But things aint all dat Rosy abroad!!

  16. @RealsusanPeters- just as they did banned Big Brother Africa (uncensored) the 1st law they enacted- Nonsense! What has the government done to avert the reasons our youths do things like this, armed robbery, search for greener pastures abroad etc? Nothing! Nothing!! Nothing!!! People like you Susan will surely bring useless laws to the country if you were in government.

  17. Its like dis is d reigning thing oooo.... Wia d white men dem de na make I karsh my own.

  18. nigerians re so stupid,how does this concern you?is he ur brother,do u know if it is true love,if he does yahoo yahoo den na wahala,if he marrys an older person na wahala,it is his fundamental human rights to marry whoever he wants,and for the fool that is calling it a kpali marriage,why dont you tell the government to revert the fuel prize dan to tell dem about kpali marriage wey no concern you and ur freaking family,WTF,some people come here to chat shit,some women here will never get married sef even in their 30s,i guess they re the ones crying here,u can buy ur own husband if time aint on your side anymore

  19. Chioma Okeke,ur comments rili get on my nerves.Wat do u mean by she may not be as old as she looks?Dat woman na small pikin 4 ur eye?Must u always comment sef?Y don't u just look @ de pics,laff n keep it moving. But u ve 2 drop one boring comment.

    1. I even thank God that she didn't use that her usual line of "â„“☺â„“, I can't laugh" hope she aint anoda bamidele in the making!

  20. Linda it shows how narrow minded you are. Some people don't mind the age gap. Yes some may not be genuine marriage but that does not mean all of them are not. I would really love to see who you would end up with. We can all have a shot at laughing at him too. Plus if you have nothing to write about you can take a break rather than laughing at people

  21. But i dont understand why all of a sudden these kind of marriages have become news when Nigerians knew about it previously and have been seein it happening for years. Yes, i'm sure at one point or the other in the past, a lot of us have seen these kind of inter-racial marriages where it seems obvious that both parties only want one thing from the other. Make we no too crucify them. Mnwhl, @ so-called Susan Peters, i think govt should rather put poverty alleviaton prog in place first of all before banning younger guys from bringing home grannies. If poverty level is very low, i'm sure these guys will not venture into this.

  22. So dis tin has bcom a trend in nigeria...wah happend to working hard??smh @ dem!!!

  23. Omg I knw ds guy,like seriously?he is such a quite dudu dt I can almost bet my life dt he can do sometin like ds 4 woteva reason,I evn knw hs galfrnd dt both of dem are forming serious relatnshp 4 yrs now.nawa oo,odikwa egwu n'enu egwu oo

  24. Come on guy, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion her, stop attacking each other.

    Well I have nothing much to say cos no matter what happens, this act will still be going on, its a free world. After all, the one better pass the other 2

  25. Don't mind linda. She's a partial girl . She will only want to put those she don't know down. And those that are either her birds of the same ways... She don't blast them out here. The other day she had one silly models wedding here:And linda refused to put this message out there. Lol na u sabi linda .

  26. I agree with Chioma Okeke...my thoughts exactly...

  27. wat is susan peters doing here self.
    u called LIB readers nonentities, i guess u are now no 1 nonentity,ode u are here soliciting for followers, anuofia

    1. She came to do what they call image repair. Sorry Suzzy, it is too late.

    2. She came to do what they call image repair. Sorry Suzzy, it is too late.

  28. @impeccable Susan Peters, listen to ur gramma; '...prevent our civil servants from carry out such marriage'....were u not the one correcting Linda the other day...?


  29. ONOME says.....................
    Lindooo you still dey the matter?Abeg na old gist na!It has become increasingly difficult for such immigration fraudulent marriages to be enacted in England so off to Naija they come where everything happens with a bit of money :)))
    As for the groom;oh boy u no dey try o!Anyhow na you get your life;carry go!lollllll

  30. To Linda, I think you have no justification for putting this up, and for your comment about 'officially giving up'.....what business of yours is it if young Nigerian men choose to marry older white women? I don't think this would be any story if it were older white men marrying younger Nigerian girls, so why the double standard? Just because you Nigerian women don't want to marry younger men shouldn't mean that other women should be barred from doing so! You need to open your mind....maybe the man for you is 10 years your junior, but because of your age hangups, you will miss him, and when he marries an older white woman, you will complain! Just saying

    1. I guess you're the old hag who married the young dude. FYI: He only married you to get papers. There's no iota of feelings for you on his part. As soon as he gets what he wants from you....he's gonna say...Asta La Vista baby and you'll be heart broken. So don't deceive yourself into believing he gives a shit about your wrinkled pussy or your old self.

  31. LOL! And its the exact same place the first couple got married. Hehehe. I'm in indifferent sha.

  32. http://amakaikenga.blogspot.com/6 April 2012 at 11:44

    Lind you can't give up o! What happened? Did cat cut your tongue ni? *Wink* That's unsual. Emmm...even me, I'm almost speechless.

    But really, I couldn't agree more with one of the comments here "Features of a failing economy, unemployment and corruption." But beyond that, I'd say its as a result of lazy people who seek easy way out, ain't we all feeling the anti-people policies in this country?

    On a second thought, why get judgemental, for all we know, they love each other genuinely.

  33. Shut up yall. Leave the guy its his life. Partial linda. Mtchewwwww

  34. he made his choice,so guys let him be!!!!

  35. Nah wah ooo, wentin dey happen nah, abi people no fit work again. JAMB HAS RELEASED NEW RESULT E-X-C-L-U-S-I-V-E JAMB RELEASED MORE RESULT CHECK HERE

  36. What's love got to do with it? Abeg abeg make them give the man him papers. We need more people to come over marry oyinbo and get their papers. We need to get back at oyinbos for what their ancestors did to Africa :)

  37. Have u guys noticed thatz it mainly @ ikoyi registry that marriages like dis have bin occuring...? Beatz my imagination as to what really goes on behind closed doors dere!

  38. I Dnt Know Y People Won't Mind Dia Bizness...Wot Is Rong In Wantin 2 Be a Citizen Of an european Country?? Tel Me Wot is so good Abt Naija Sef?? Oda dan Corruptio,Poverty,Ethnic Hatred and Tribalism,No Employment,No Power,No Water,No Good Road...So y shudnt he wana b an european citizen? Dose Of u Lafin @ him Would Jump @ d offer if given a chance,so stop pretendin...Oboy Mari Ya Granny Jor..Naija Na Smellin Place..No Fresh air,only carbon monoxide Pesin Dey inhale...mtcheeeew

  39. All you ladies here where are your husband? make una go marry and leave those dat are already married. Do you know who will marry tomorrow dats if any man go marry una sef.

  40. When these youths carry out 419, you folks holler they're making a mockery of us Nigerians. Now they've gone into less dangerous endeavors and they still can't win! LOLOL. This chap found love in a hopeless place.... lol

  41. lol.nigerian men will not kill me oooooooooo.happy married life sha

  42. Whats there?Is it by force to marry naija girls?as I dey I dey look for oyibo wife but not as old as these ladies because thats a sign of desperation.

  43. It's quite sad, but this is actually the most normal looking couple I've seen since this whole yahoo yahoo marriage trend sparked up

  44. No home training. Wealth by any means.
    Leaders prostituting themselves with the Ohaneze Ndigbo name for their own pocket too.

  45. This na for paper? Take am easy o

  46. LMAOOOO- This is ridunkulus

  47. QF
    errrr...i tink il let ds pass

  48. these two arent as bad as the others ive seen...but nigerian youth, hands down you win

  49. lwkmd........na d dude get im life na, abeggy make una free am........praaaaah!

  50. Dis is as a result of laziness fm our young nig guys. The phrase HARDWORK has been erased fm their mind set. That was hw a young gay wantd us to be dating simply bcos am a Banker. I watch him carefully fm a distance wit an open eye, the next line fm his sentence was for me to gIve him 200k,and all demands. Most young guys go for gal with cash and nt love. In my late 20, a guy cnt do dat. As for the dudes, they are just lazy goin after white mama for fast dollars.

  51. hapy married life my G!

  52. That susan peters should not go and look for someone to marry her with her man body! Instead you dey here dey talk rubbish about person wey dey do him own! Is it not all runs? He marry white woman for money,actresses sleep wit men for bb porsche!all na hustle! Government should enact a law where these actresses must declare their income so they can now explain how they can afford houses in parkview and bb razor!(Seeing as ur eyes r set on getting one).imagine coming here to drop ur twitter handle! If we follow u is tht the mindless drivel you will be selling to us?mtscheeeeew!!!!!!

  53. Is it just me or there seems to be an increase in d way peps insult each other on this blo? Its nt nice really, why don't u'all post ur comment and leave attacking people on theirs? Are we havn a lot of under aged peps or uncultured grown up's? Mehn d heat of words makes me wonder if we r so full of anger in this country! Abeg take a chill pill guys, enjoy the blog and drop d insults eish!

  54. dhayourolorunwa.blogspot.com9 April 2012 at 10:37

    Linda its high time you stop posting these thing on your blog,You might be wrecking 'homes' you know....cerzly

  55. AGAIN?????!!!


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