CBN Governor Lamido Sanusi & wife in public display of affection | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 12 March 2012

CBN Governor Lamido Sanusi & wife in public display of affection

This is the most relaxed and playful of I've seen of our dear CBN Governor. Love nwantinti...:-)


  1. E don hug woman so tey eye glass don comot for proper position. lol it looks a warm friendly atmospere down there

  2. You are very correct Linda

    1. As long as the northern Muslims don't declare a fatwa For his life for his public Display of affection and his wife not covering her head

  3. May be a long time friend *winks*.

  4. Hmmm! Mallam in a cosy hug with baby Wey no cover head***just wondering aloud sha.

  5. Na in wife wo! Good lesson for northen men who are soooo hopeless at PDA. Sanusi is an all rounder

  6. Lamido love simply means all is well with our economy..hehehehe

  7. That's his wife maryam. If u don't like d pic u too hug transformer. Always verify stuff before u post.

  8. Hmmmmm, I have always thought its all about policy and reform for dear Governor. He looks so cute in this relaxed scene.

  9. oga governor so dis kind think dey sweet u! Lol. D look gud sha.

  10. Forget Sharia and all that other bang, i've always known that Sanusi is a Pimp. No one dresses like he does without being a certify Pimp.

  11. Haba who I̶̲̥̅̊§ nt entitled †• Enjoyment.abeg leave am oooo make him enjoy life bko

  12. Wonders shall never end in Nija. I tot this guy na SHARIA COMPLIANCE but this picture proved me wrong. Na tru ooh body no be wood. The kind current wey dey flow into his body no be small ooh. Anyhow, he deserves some hot lashes according to Sharia Law for hugging and squeezing a fine lady not his wife. I assure u Linda, no Islamic mallam go talk ooh bc the guy get money(CBN). This is a pure religious cabalism.

  13. Ehn... Sanusi? What is this?

    This automatically entitles you to no less than 50 strokes.

    Is this not haram?

  14. I already know northerners are hypocrites I know their men like to yansh christian girls and their girls are mainly yanshed by ibo guys just come to Abuja and see how their big girls are acting sharia ashawo big time

  15. BAD BELLE BLOGGERS, News flash. That's his wife o. Make una leave Sanusi. He is not a cannibal as some of u place him. He is just a man who has principles and believes in doing things d right way not the corrupt nigerian way. He is dmodern moslem Bad Guy.

  16. D person wey oga Sanusi hug resemble "Bottom Belle" any way sharia no reach there.

  17. All i know is that my guy likes babes a lot.SLS no dey play with babes ooh. He get 3 wives. Forget all that sharia nonsence, they all love women. And their babes are the biggest hypocrites. Their own ashewo no get level. When they start to drink for you and dance makossa, you o run. When then see people, they go cover head.

  18. ONOME says.........................
    Linda if this is really his wife as commented by some people then you need to rephrase this post and correct or add this bit of information.Know that you are also responsible for the types of stuff you post and what you insinuate by it#justsaying#

  19. That's his wife and her hair covered!

  20. Mallam wey knw wetin dey. Abeg who no deserved good time? Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋o N̶̲̥̅̊α jez una financial policies una want make dis mallam die put? ǦØD̶̲̥̅̊ forbid. Oga Sanusi, enjoy ur life O°˚˚˚ make dem go use bare hand diffuse bomb if dem vex.

  21. agree with shd adjust the print..
    but naija ppl sha...
    one said her head is not covered when infact it is.
    one started saying mallam likes xtian girls when infact, shez not xtian and not just a girl but his wife..

    this is the problem with the world.
    one person think they know it all and attack the other...

    hmn....relax people

  22. linda you say one of his wifes how many has he got ehhh ole

  23. This is indeed Islamic Banking. Carry go SLS

  24. You xtians are so jealous of what muslims has, as you are doing now in the country, that is why no good talk comes from your mouth .if you are muslims no body say you are 100% pure posibly you may commit a sin, but we are more than those who are assumed 100% pure but inpregneting under age in their whorshing places.

    1. Shut up my frnd."What muslims has".What sort of rotten english is dat?Idiot.
      I am a muslim and I can authouritatively tell u dat PDA is nt allowed bt then who no wan enjoy life?

    2. Na so. Una no dey give underage girls belle too abi? We even condemn those that do such but your senators proudly show it off. My dear make una focus on helping yourselves and stop procreating suicide bombers. also check out a dictionary too. Hiss

  25. Pls come n hug me too....


  26. The guy is a thorn in Nigerian' bankers side. Average Nigerian banker catch a heartburn when they see Mallam. He turned bankers from high flying socialites to a high debt-carrying jobless folks.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Miss juwon. Stop generalising, afterall u are Nigerian as well

  28. @ anon 1:30pm 'jealous of what muslims HAS?' I no jealous dat ya english o, see as u just dey break ogo (bottles) left right and centre, hehehehehehe!

  29. That's his 2nd wife Maryam...please leave them be jor, abi una think say he come fron space. This should teach all men to still show luv and care to their wives...treat her like your babe. Thumbs up SLS...well done sir


  31. To the ones saying it his wife and her head is covered they seem unaware that she has also to cover her chest as stated in the hijab 's verse
    muslims women 're required to draw their head scarves over their bosoms area so no cleavage should be shown hope she is not his wife

  32. lindastic ikejegbish d sharpilo!
    gud thing u corrected ur headline quickly before govt connections throw u behind bars for defamation of xter.

  33. Ok! Are ppl just blind or do they simple love to find fault where there is none? She wrote and i quote "CBN Governor Lamido Sanusi & WIFE in public display of affection. How exactly is that statement misleading? It clearly says WIFE! Gosh i tire for una sef

    1. Relax jare,she changed d title afta pple started commentin.

  34. If you pay attention, you would see this picture wasn't taken in 9ja, and from the look of things (camera in her hand) they were prolly on vacay, and so let their guards down...

  35. PDA is not acceptable by sharia law, but then again if u r an elite Hausa Muslim u can do whatever you want.

  36. He can hug my anyday as long as wads and wads of $100 bills follow

  37. All those bringing religious talk into this and I mean BOTH Christians and Muslims, will you all STOP BEING DAFT???

  38. Do you people see that thing in her hand?its the stuff they usually use to cover pls if you want to criticize,look at details b4 you decide to start typing rubbish!

  39. Old people wey no dey shame;)

  40. @ Kim, u r so ryt! I was confused as 2 ow or y religion was brought in! Lyk serzly ppl! Ppl nid 2 change deir reasoning mehn!

  41. Tufiakwa! *spits on some of your comments* SLS has committed no crime. I see no cleavage on the wife's picture unlike some of u suggested. As for that okpa Ishi eringo dat said Christians are jealous of Muslims..... Well, am sure ur grammar isn't one of them.

    Imagine u marry a man and he never gives u PDA , how would u feel?

    Some of u are so irrational and ignorant in a proud way. If you are dumb, pls hold ur hands from typing, every one is seen to be bright as long as they don't utter a word or in dis case, write.

    Get over ur stupidities already.

    The day my husband ceases to do PDA , hmmn we will re evaluate our marriage... And yes, I am an igbo girl married to a Muslim boy.

    SLS carry go o jare...

  42. Ok.... Didnt anybody see what i saw? Pesin dey have good time but still dey press phone, dey hansa business call! Ah!!! Oga, unwind for once. No bi work work everyday!

  43. What a way to unwind after a hard time of policy making.gud gud gud.Waiting to see pics of him & the other wife(s) in this kind of mood.


  45. This guy fit dey wear suit sleep for night ooo. LOL. See how casual the wife looks and my guy 'suit up' finish. They look good sha

  46. this cannot be Sanusi's wife Linda. If she were, where is her hijab and overall as ardent Islamist?

  47. Bloglord, i bow o!u dey always be d first 5 to comment...Linda don give some pple work o!

  48. onome and her likes dat didnt read d headline well berra b careful....u pips have taken it out of context quouting wat linda didnt put up.......berra read wella before you comment or shut ya trap.....MUST YOU COMMENT?

  49. Thats his wife ooh. She has six kids for him and shes crazy(lol) thats why he loves her.She tells him as it is. No time for megida nonsence. Yes, its ok to play with your husband publicly. After all no be im babe, nah her husband. Show some love people.

  50. He obviously is abroad. He should focus on creating that kind of atmosphere in his own country so that he can be this relaxed to as well at home.

  51. Anonymous 7:21, Are u daft! She clearly put it in the post that that is his wife!

  52. I love when busy men still take their wife out hummm this is not bad sir let it continue

  53. @ anon 2.33pm, pls help tell anon1.30pm to go n r+egister in a public primary schl just in case, which one be jealous of what moslems has. na wah oh

  54. Give it a rest people. The man is obviously in love. It's a beautiful thing to behold.

  55. Bet GeJ and DAME cant, dont even want to imagine it.

  56. his 2nd wife what for!!!

  57. aha. i respect this man all d more.true successful men are first successful family men.he must have a good home.the laughter and atmosphere is joyful nd peaceful.respect u sir.u are intelliient all round.

  58. @ SisiC, try to use your number 6... Quite clearly, you can tell from the various posts that that was not the initial heading...

  59. I'm beginning to think this forum is full of RETARDS!!! Did y'all miss the part where Linda said the lady is HIS WIFE??? Eish!!!

    1. She didn't state it at 1st!u came late so who is the retard now?you dumba$$!

  60. ehh sanusi with a woman so he can do it after all that his strong pari nawa ooo we women really command power ooo if sanusi can be flirting with his wife as you say linda then women are powerful kudos to that lady... infact let the lady soften him small so that bank workers would not keep loosing thier jobs as the rate of job looses in the bank is very alarming

  61. @General said...
    He obviously is abroad. He should focus on creating that kind of atmosphere in his own country so that he can be this relaxed to as well at home

    Of all the daft comments made, yours takes the cake! Haba!! Are you tryna say its wrong for a hard working man to take time out and go on vacay with his family? And FYI there ARE spots IN NIGERIA that are as beautiful as this, however if he choses to go on vacay outside our shores, that's his perogative! You want him to work himself to death abi??
    The irony of it is that if he does u will be one of those that will insult him.

    Abeg if you dont have anything better to say just shut up!

    And for all of you using such an innocent photo to an object of religious banter, y'all are ignorant retards! I doubt if either the Bible or the Qu'ran frown on a man being affectionate toward his wife! In fact I'm fairly certain that both of these books of religions instruction contain clear cut instructions that husband should love wife and vise versa.

    You imbeciles are yacking like you're out of the fracking stone age!

    Y'all are obviously still single. Once you get married, try not to show ur spouse love and affection for a while then you can come back and tell us if ur marriage lasted longer than Kim Kardashian's!


  62. Dis so so on point.. I hope to see more Nigerian big dudes loving up Deir wives but d lady cute Jor afta 6 lil sanusis... No b all ur babe deserve love ur wife need am pass ur babe wey get young boifriend.. Dis woman I suppose would Neva have cause to look outside.. Oga Sanusi I just love u more for dis.. U must b a charming man.. Kip it up.. Nigerian men bof young n old pls treat ur wives properly, love her, show her off.. Make her miss u.. Money is o everyfin.. Women need romance and attention pass everyfiin.. Give it to dem.. Make her feel special and important.. Lyn no b only gossip u suppose dey post here.. Treat cases like dis.. Love in marriage and hw to sustain it.. Wen Dere is love.. Domestic violence no dey 2 dey... See as d woman young reach na love.. Sanusi should b used to campaign against Domestic marriage and loveless marriage.. He is just too much.. An all round achiever.. Achievement On home front makes it possible for a man to do other fins and excel.. N in most cases women reciprocate d kind treatment u give them..

  63. Forty Seven and others yet to comment. LINDA changed the title!!!!!!!! This is not the original post. Shikena

  64. LOL... wonderful.. the IQ of some people.. low low low...

  65. @ FORTYSEVEN, i think ur the RETARD here. who told u this was the orignal title of the post before the comments started coming in? linda changed it along d line..
    be guided!

  66. ONOME says............................
    @jen 9:45am,YOU be FOOL o.No other way to describe you.That was not the original title of this post.As soon as people started correcting linda that the lady in the picture was his wife;Linda corrected it quickly before they throw her arse in jail for defarmation of character.And trust Linda after correcting it she go keep mute about her error leaving the likes of you and some others to open your shithole and begin to yarn nonsense!Who the hell made you her lawyer?Idiot oshi;no go learn how to spell:quouting ko quouting ni!ODE
    @femillionaire;thanks jare.Some people are just so silly it makes me so mad

  67. look at his designers suit. you go know say the guy soji too

  68. this aint his wife. get facts right. however, she's a relative.

    1. Somtin dey worry you or abi u no sabi read

  69. Abbeggi, leave oga CBN to enjoy himself

  70. My phone is stupid!

  71. Approval? This isn't free and fair o

  72. Still in his suit sha. LOL. She's dressed down. Uncle, please try on some jeans and tshirt sometimes na.

  73. They are still human beings

  74. Lovely but its sad that he wears the same french suit even at times like this when he's meant to be chilling out.

  75. And na him dey push Sharia law and support Boko haram.Rubbish.

  76. am jelouse cos i lk sanusi alot his so sexy, guys lk him are always hot downstairs i love his stature but his wife is nt that beautiful for sanusi.

  77. Family is more crucial than any position in life. i like

  78. SANUSIPHOBIC PEOPLE!!! Haha I dey laugh. The truth is a lot cannot stand his guts. The more they look the less they understand his line of thought. MAKE UNA NO DIE HATING THE MAN IS MY ONLY ADVICE.

  79. Its really sad to see people disrespect themselves so much. Insults follow every sentence. No kind words. But if u ask, everyone will tell you where he/she worships. U guys r not reflecting the image of God.

  80. This must be his fourth wife. The first three are probably wearing black burquas showing only their eyes, and going around daily under temperatures not lower than 30degree celsius on must days!!!

  81. That's a nice picture. Naija couples need to be more affectionate anyway. Some of the rumors about Northerner men is true, don't let the strict rule fool you.


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